1. Admissions/ Management Information
MA in Psycholinguistics
Masters MA in Psycholinguistics
Postgraduate Diploma PGDip in PsycholinguisticsPlease indicate if the Postgraduate Diploma is available as an entry point, ie. is a programme on which a student can register, is an exit award, ie. is only available to students exiting the masters programme early, or both.Exit
Postgraduate Certificate PGCert in PsycholinguisticsPlease indicate if the Postgraduate Certificate is available as an entry points, ie. is a programme on which a student can register, is an exit award, ie. is only available to students exiting the masters programme early, or both.Exit
Level of qualificationLevel 7
This document applies to students who commenced the programme(s) in:2019
Awarding institutionTeaching institution
Unviersity of York University of York
Where more than one department is involved, indicate the lead department
Board of Studies
Lead Department Language and Linguistic Science
Other contributing Departments:
Route code
(existing programmes only)
Admissions criteria
A Bachelors degree or equivalent qualification, normally at the level of a good upper second class honours award.
For non-native speakers an IELTS score of 7.0, with a minimum of 7.0 in both Writing and Speaking and no less than 5.5 in all other components; or approved equivalent qualification.
Eligibility for the Prior Experience strand requires at least 20 ECT credits in one or more of the ‘core’ areas, normally to include 20 credits in either syntax/phonetics & phonology/acquisition and psycholinguistics
Length and status of the programme(s) and mode(s) of study
ProgrammeLength (years/ months) Status (full-time/ part-time)
Please select
Start dates/months
(if applicable – for programmes that have multiple intakes or start dates that differ from the usual academic year)
Face-to-face, campus-basedDistance learningOther
MA1Full-timeSeptemberPlease select Y/NYesPlease select Y/NNo
MA2Part-timeSeptemberPlease select Y/NYesPlease select Y/NNo
Language(s) of study
Language(s) of assessment
2. Programme accreditation by Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Bodies (PSRB)
2.a. Is the programme recognised or accredited by a PSRB
Please Select Y/N: Noif No move to section 3
if Yes complete the following questions
3. Additional Professional or Vocational Standards
Are there any additional requirements of accrediting bodies or PSRB or pre-requisite professional experience needed to study this programme?
Please Select Y/N: Noif Yes, provide details
4. Programme leadership and programme team
4.a. Please name the programme leader for the year to which the programme design applies and any key members of staff responsible for designing, maintaining and overseeing the programme.
The programme leader is Heather Marsden. The overall responsibility for the designing, maintaining and overseeing of the programm rests with deht Department's Teaching Committee.
5. Purpose and learning outcomes of the programme
5.a. Statement of purpose for applicants to the Masters programme
Please express succinctly the overall aims of the programme as an applicant facing statement for a prospectus or website. This should clarify to a prospective masters student why they should choose this programme, what it will provide to them and what benefits they will gain from completing it.
The MA in Psycholinguistics programme at York equips you with the knowledge and tools to empirically investigate questions that are central to the study of the psychological processes that underpin linguistic behaviour. Such questions include:

• How do we comprehend and produce speech in real time?
• How do children acquire the sounds and structures of their first language or languages?
• Why does performance in a second language typically differ from first language performance?
• How do different languages interact in the bilingual or multilingual mind?

The MA programme offers two routes: a foundational route for those bringing study skills from a related field (e.g., languages, psychology, education) but are new to linguistics; and an advanced route for those having completed an undergraduate degree in linguistics. On the foundational route, the programme begins with intensive training in core areas of linguistics and psycholinguistics, covering both key theoretical issues and practical data analysis techniques. On the advanced route, you will start with modules designed to expand your prior linguistic knowledge, selecting from options within language acquisition, syntax, phonetic and phonology. Both routes then progress to specialist modules within two areas of psycholinguistics according to your choice, through which you deepen your subject knowledge while also developing your abilities in dealing with controversial proposals, weighing up the evidence, evaluating the quality of the arguments, and articulating your own conclusions. In addition, both routes include practical training in experimental methods in psycholinguistics. Finally, you design and conduct your own independent psycholinguistic research for your dissertation, which closes the programme. On both routes you receive training in statistical analysis, and in research skills that you will apply in your dissertation. Throughout the programme, teaching is predominantly in small groups.
On successful completion of the MA in Psycholinguistics programme you will have gained a solid and detailed grounding in psycholinguistics, along with the practical and technical skills to carry out original research in this field, guided by some of the world’s foremost experts. You will develop your confidence, critical skills, problem-solving abilities, and other transferrable skills including time-management and communcation, equipping you to exercise independent learning in your future career. Our MA provides excellent training for doctoral research. Graduates are also well-equipped to undertake careers in a range of sectors including marketing, publishing, education, government administration, and journalism.
5.b.i. Programme Learning Outcomes - Masters
Please provide six to eight statements of what a graduate of the Masters programme will be able to do.
If the document only covers a Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma please specify four to six PLO statements in the sections 5.b.ii and 5.b.iii as appropriate.
Taken together, these outcomes should capture the distinctive features of the programme. They should also be outcomes for which progressive achievement through the course of the programme can be articulated, and which will therefore be reflected in the design of the whole programme.
PLOOn successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:
1Approach with confidence intricate, complex and unfamiliar psycholinguistic data, discern and analyse relevant patterns in real data sets, and convey their significance effectively and with appropriate technical conventions.
2Select and deploy appropriate qualitative and quantitative research methods, including statistical analysis methods, to gain a holistic and multifaceted understanding of psycholinguistic phenomena.
3Propose creative and principled solutions to psycholinguistic problems, appealing to linguistic and psycholinguistic theory where appropriate, and contribute them effectively to written reports and presentations.
4Communicate clearly and effectively at an appropriate level for different audiences the nature and relevance of psycholinguistic questions and controversies, the pivotal significance of language for human cognition, and the ways in which knowledge of language influences behaviour.
5Apply advanced reasoning and critical perspectives on empirical and theoretical research in psycholinguistics by synthesising and critically engaging with arguments from a variety of standpoints.
6Create detailed and persuasive, academically and ethically informed, project proposals at a professional level, and initiate, develop and complete a substantial independent research project.
7Manage their own development as researchers and professionals, demonstrating the ability to reflect on their own practice and on feedback received, and seeking assistance where appropriate.
5.c. Explanation of the choice of Programme Learning Outcomes
Please explain your rationale for choosing these PLOs in a statement that can be used for students (such as in a student handbook). Please include brief reference to:
i) ... in what way will these PLOs result in an ambitious, challenging programme which stretches the students?
The learning outcomes represent an ambitious mix of breadth and depth of knowledge of psycholinguistics in its cognitive and theoretical dimensions, combined with practical skills in research methods and statistical analysis, and critical engagement with theory, data, and the process of research. The development of skills such as collection, collation, management and analysis of data, use of statistical analysis tools, communication and collaboration, problem solving, and understanding of the role language for human cognition, are supported holistically through the pursuit of the PLOs as a whole. The acquisition of these skills is supported by the various modes and methods of delivery and assessment including small group seminars, data analysis practice, oral and poster presentations, and a range of academic written work from incisive abstract writing to essays, to a dissertation.
ii) ... in what way will these PLOs produce a programme which is distinctive and advantageous to the student?
The PLOs show the distinctive feature of psycholinguistics at York, which is its combination of theoretical and formal rigour with extensive empirical work using a wealth of techniques and sources. PLOs 1, 2 and 3 highlight the core content-related elements of the programme, namely data, qualitative and quantitative analysis and research techniques, and theory. PLOs 4, 5, 6 and 7 emphasise the M-level skills that students will gain through the programme. PLO 4 indicates development of communication skills. PLO 5 highlights critical reasoning. PLO 6 focuses on project management skills. PLO 7 indicates development of the student as an independent researcher. Taken together, the PLOs convey the manner in which the student’s subject knowledge and their ability to manage, shape, and mobilise their thinking will be substantially advanced.
iii) ... how the design of the programme enables students from diverse entry routes to transition successfully into the programme? For example, how does the organisation of the programme ensure solid foundations in disciplinary knowledge and understanding of conventions, language skills, mathematics and statistics skills, writing skills, lab skills, academic integrity
We expect that students on the MA in Psycholinguistics will have a range of backgrounds and the programme is designed to address this, offering two different routes in the autumn term: Route A is for those who are new to linguistics and psycholinguistics but have completed a BA in a relevant subject (e.g., languages, English, psychology); and Route B for those who have completed a BA in linguistics. Route A provides an intensive introduction to core areas of linguistics and psycholinguistics in the autumn term. Route B allows students to take one or more advanced module in place of up to three of the Route A core modules in the autumn term. The two routes ensure that all students attain the appropriate foundation in the core knowledge and conventions of the discipline, while allowing those who have already studied some of the relevant core areas to deepen their knowledge in those areas. Disciplinary knowledge is further developed through two option modules that all students (whether Route A or Route B) select in the spring term. Statistics skills are developed by means of a compulsory Methods module, which includes practical training in the statistics software, R. A year-long Research Training Seminar provides training in writing in linguistics, academic integrity, ethics, and specific tools for psycholinguistic research (such as self-paced reading software). Prior knowledge in these areas is not assumed, and hands-on workshops, formative and summative assessments in the Research Training Seminar provide opportunities to practice these skills, while the work in other modules (short and long essays, data analysis exercises, informal presentations) provide opportunities to apply skills. Writing skills are developed step by step over the programme, with explicit training in the Research Training Seminar during the autumn term, along with short written assessments in the autumn term modules, then mid-length essays in the spring-term modules. Written feedback is provided on formative and summative work, allowing students to identify where they need to further develop their skills. Students are introduced to the opportunities within Careers and the support offered by the Maths and Writing centres in the programme induction meeting at the start of the academic year, and these opportunities are also signposted in the handbook. Similarly, the postgraduate York Award Gold and the York Futures online skills evaluation are introduced in induction week and in the department’s taught postgraduate handbook.
iv) ... how the programme is designed to enable students to progress successfully - in a limited time frame - through to the end of the award? For example, the development of higher level research skills; enabling students to complete an independent study module; developing competence and confidence in practical skills/ professional skills. See QAA masters characteristics doument
The programme is designed to ensure that the students receive the grounding they need, intellectually and in terms of specific study and related skills, at a pace that is commensurate with and supports their progress through the developing challenges of the MA. In the autumn term, the core psycholinguistics modules provide the foundations of subject knowledge for the rest of the programme, while the Quantitative Methods module provides essential training in statistics. In their option modules in the spring terms (or, autumn and spring, for Route B students), the students progress to specialist areas that they select from a range of possibilities. Across these modules, students receive research-led teaching, and this key facet of the programme ensures that the methods and materials they encounter are sufficiently challenging, field defining, and recent for them to approach as an example of how to proceed in the undertaking of advanced academic work. Individualised feedback is provided on formative and summative assessments.

Two practical research skills skills modules underpin students’ progress through the programme: Experimental Methods in Psycholinguistic Research, and the Research Training Seminar (RTS). The RTS module is carefully designed to teach students particular skills at the moment when they first need to them. The early part of the module is devoted to core research, writing and critical reading skills. In the spring term the focus shifts to preparing for the dissertation, with training on ethics, writing a proposal, and research methods specific to psycholinguistics. Early in the summer term students are prepared for presenting a poster on their dissertation topic at a departmental presentation day, and for the writing of the dissertation itself. RTS therefore feeds directly into the students’ preparations for their dissertation, the transition to which offers the key progression point of the MA year. Experimental Methods in Psycholinguistic Research begins with two full-day workshops in the middle of the spring term, during which students gain hands-on experience of psycholinguistic experiment builder software and hardware, and they learn how to build experiments using methods (such as eyetracking and reaction-time experiments) that have already encountered in research papers studied in other modules. The assessment for this module involves building a psychyolinguistic experiment. This experience will help students to understand the practicalities of psycholinguistic research design that they will need to take into account when designing their dissertation research.

Progression through the dissertation module is supported first by a two-member dissertation advisory panel (DAP) which meets twice (in the late spring and early summer terms) with the student to advise on, and foster reflection on, the dissertation proposal and the framing of the project. Thereafter, one member of the DAP becomes the student’s specialist research supervisor, and the student has five one-hour meetings with this supervisor during the summer term and vacation. In addition to this one-on-one mentoring, the student also receives feedback from peers and staff at the dissertation presentation day. As such, the student is thoroughly supported in undertaking the most challenging element of their MA.
v) ... how this programme (as outlined in these PLOs) will develop students’ digital literacy skills and how technology-enhanced learning will be used to support active student learning through peer/tutor interaction, collaboration and formative (self) assessment opportunities (reference could be made to such as blogging, flipped classroooms, response 'clickers' in lectures, simulations, etc).
Advanced digital skills are essential for successful completion of the programme, and relevant skills training is provided throughout the programme. All MA Psycholinguistics students learn to use the statistical software, R, in the programme’s Quantitative Methods module. Their knowledge is assessed in the summative exam for this module, then students go on to use R for statistical analysis of their dissertation data. Students develop advanced word processing skills in order to present linguistic data according to the standard conventions of the field. Training in the relevant conventions is provided and assessed in the Research Training Seminar. If required, students are directed to the University’s central training in Word for additional support. Training in psycholinguistic experiment builder tools (e.g., PsychoPy, Experiment Builder) is offered within the Experimental Methods in Psycholinguistic Research module. Training in other digital tools for specific purposes is offered through optional workshops within the Research Training Module, for example: LaTeX for wordprocessing, Qualtrics for online questionnaires. Training in PRAAT for acoustic analysis begins within the autumn term Phonetics and Phonology module, with further development in phonetics option modules for those students who select them, and in PRAAT scripting workshops within the Research Training Seminar. Students typically use Powerpoint to create a poster presentation for the summer term presentation day, and training on poster design and Powerpoint templates is provided in an RTS session. Most students also use Excel for data management. Students who need basic training in Excel are directed to the University’s central training. Specific training is offered within an RTS optional workshop on statistics. Students are introduced to the digital literacy training opportunities offered by the Library (“Digital Wednesdays”) in induction week and via the department’s taught postgraduate handbook.

The VLE is a crucial element of the student’s interaction with this MA programme. All the taught modules, have VLE sites, through which students access week-by-week teaching content and further reading and resources, and submit their assessed work. VLE training is available to all students through the university’s central provision.
vi) ... how this programme (as outlined in these PLOs) will support and enhance the students’ employability (for example, opportunities for students to apply their learning in a real world setting)?
The programme's employablity objectives should be informed by the University's Employability Strategy:
The PLOs support and enhance student employability by focusing on the development of advanced analytical skills and the ability to mobilize subject knowledge through critical engagement, which is perhaps a sought-after skill in the employment market. The development of digital literacy skills (see answer above), collecting, collating and managing data, communication and collaboration, and problem solving, and reflection on practice, are supported holistically through the pursuit of the PLOs as a whole. The acquisition of these skills is supported by the various modes and methods of delivery and assessment including small group seminars, formative oral and poster presentations, and the writing of both short, incisive reports and longer, research essays. Crucially, through the dissertation, students gain experience of management of a complex project that requires application of their academic and practical knowledge and skills from across the programme, including subject knowledge, IT skills, critical thinking, ethical considerations, data collection and analysis, time management, and communication skills.
viii) ... how learning and teaching on the programme are informed and led by research in the department/ Centre/ University?
The department has always valued and promoted research-led teaching. The specialist option modules are designed with flexibility in mind so that they can provide a structured environment for teaching that is centered around the research interests of members of individual members of the department. With the opportunities for extended independent study in the dissertation, as well as formative and summative assessment in the taught modules, students are able both to be taught in the subjects and areas where staff are most research active, and to contribute to those areas under the supervision of staff members who are, at that particular time, some of the leading experts in the topic.
5.d. Progression
For masters programmes where students do not incrementally 'progress' on the completion of a discrete Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma, please summarise students’ progressive development towards the achievement of the PLOs, in terms of the characteristics that you expect students to demonstrate at the end of the set of modules or part thereof. This summary may be particularly helpful to students and the programme team where there is a high proportion of option modules and in circumstances where students registered on a higher award will exit early with a lower one.

Note: it is not expected that a position statement is written for each masters PLO, but this can be done if preferred.
On completion of modules sufficient to obtain a Postgraduate Certificate students will be able to:
If the PG Cert is an exit award only please provide information about how students will have progressed towards the diploma/masters PLOs. Please include detail of the module diet that students will have to have completed to gain this qualification as an exit award.
The programme is designed to ensure that the students receive the grounding they need, intellectually and in terms of specific study and related skills, at a pace that is commensurate with and supports their progress through the developing challenges of the MA. In the autumn term, the core psycholinguistics modules provide the foundations of subject knowledge for the rest of the programme, while the Quantitative Methods module provides essential training in statistics. In their option modules in the spring terms (or, autumn and spring, for Route B students), the students progress to specialist areas that they select from a range of possibilities. Across these modules, students receive research-led teaching, and this key facet of the programme ensures that the methods and materials they encounter are sufficiently challenging, field defining, and recent for them to approach as an example of how to proceed in the undertaking of advanced academic work. Individualised feedback is provided on formative and summative assessments.

Two practical research skills modules underpin students’ progress through the programme: Experimental Methods in Psycholinguistic Research, and the Research Training Seminar (RTS). The RTS module is carefully designed to teach students particular skills at the moment when they first need to them. The early part of the module is devoted to core research, writing and critical reading skills. In the spring term the focus shifts to preparing for the dissertation, with training on ethics, writing a proposal, and research methods specific to psycholinguistics. Early in the summer term students are prepared for presenting a poster on their dissertation topic at a departmental presentation day, and for the writing of the dissertation itself. RTS therefore feeds directly into the students’ preparations for their dissertation, the transition to which offers the key progression point of the MA year. Experimental Methods in Psycholinguistic Research begins with two full-day workshops in the middle of the spring term, during which students gain hands-on experience of psycholinguistic experiment builder software and hardware, and they learn how to build experiments using methods (such as eyetracking and reaction-time experiments) that have already encountered in research papers studied in other modules. The assessment for this module involves building a psychyolinguistic experiment. This experience will help students to understand the practicalities of psycholinguistic research design that they will need to take into account when designing their dissertation research.

Progression through the dissertation module is supported first by a two-member dissertation advisory panel (DAP) which meets twice (in the late spring and early summer terms) with the student to advise on, and foster reflection on, the dissertation proposal and the framing of the project. Thereafter, one member of the DAP becomes the student’s specialist research supervisor, and the student has five one-hour meetings with this supervisor during the summer term and vacation. In addition to this one-on-one mentoring, the student also receives feedback from peers and staff at the dissertation presentation day. As such, the student is thoroughly supported in undertaking the most challenging element of their MA.
On completion of modules sufficient to obtain a Postgraduate Diploma students will be able to:
If the PG Diploma is an exit award only please provide information about how students will have progressed towards the masters PLOs. Please include detail of the module diet that students will have to have completed to gain this qualification as an exit award.
Partial progress in all of the PLOs. None - no set prescribed diet of modules.
6. Reference points and programme regulations
6.a. Relevant Quality Assurance Agency benchmark statement(s) and other relevant external reference points
Please state relevant reference points consulted (e.g. Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, National Occupational Standards, Subject Benchmark Statements or the requirements of PSRBs): See also Taught Postgraduate Modular Scheme: Framework for Programme Design:
6.b. University award regulations
The University’s award and assessment regulations apply to all programmes: any exceptions that relate to this programme are approved by University Teaching Committee and are recorded at the end of this document.
7. Programme Structure
7.a. Module Structure and Summative Assessment Map
Please complete the summary table below which shows the module structure and the pattern of summative assessment through the programme.

If the structure of your programme does not fit the usual academic year (for instance students start at the beginning of September or in January) please contact your Academic Quality Team contact in the Academic Support Office for guidance on how to represent the structure in an alternative format.

To clearly present the overall programme structure, include the name and details of each invidual CORE module in the rows below. For OPTION modules, ‘Option module’ or 'Option from list x' should be used in place of specifically including all named options. If the programme requires students to select option modules from specific lists by term of delivery or subject theme these lists should be provided in the next section (7.b).

From the drop-down select 'S' to indicate the start of the module, 'A' to indicate the timing of each distinct summative assessment point (eg. essay submission/ exam), and 'E' to indicate the end of teaching delivery for the module (if the end of the module coincides with the summative assessment select 'EA'). It is not expected that each summative task will be listed where an overall module might be assessed cumulatively (for example weekly problem sheets).

Summative assessment by exams should normally be scheduled in the spring week 1 and summer Common Assessment period (weeks 5-7). Where the summer CAP is used, a single ‘A’ can be used within the shaded cells as it is understood that you will not know in which week of the CAP the examination will take place. (NB: An additional resit assessment week is provided in week 10 of the summer term for postgraduate students. See Guide to Assessment, 5.4.a)
Full time structure
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term Summer Vacation
10Language acquisitionSEA
10Phonetics & PhonologySEA
20Research Training SeminarSAAE
10Quantitative methodsSASAAEAS
10Experimental Methods in Psycholinguistic ResearchSE
20Option List BSEA
20Option List BSEA
Please indicate when the Progression Board and Final Exam board will be held and when any reassessments will be submitted.
NB: You are required to provide at least three weeks notice to students of the need for them to resubmit any required assessments, in accordance with the Guide to Assessment section 4.9
Progression BoardSummer Term Week 8
ReassessmentSummer Term Week 2 to mid-July
Exam BoardAutumn Term Week 7
Part time structures
Please indicate the modules undertaken in each year of the part-time version of the programme. Please use the text box below should any further explanation be required regarding structure of part-time study routes.
Year 1 (if you offer the programme part-time over either 2 or 3 years, use the toggles to the left to show the hidden rows)
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term Summer Vacation
10Syntax OR Phonetics & PhonologySEA
20Research Training SeminarSAAE
10Quantitative methodsSAEA
20Option List BSEA
Please indicate when the Progression Board and Final Exam board will be held and when any reassessments will be submitted.
NB: You are required to provide at least three weeks notice to students of the need for them to resubmit any required assessments, in accordance with the Guide to Assessment section 4.9
Progression BoardSummer Term Week 7