categorylocNameraritydroppablecaplocDescription1_Base Damage Per Shot
2_Base Damage Per Shot
3_Base Damage Per Shot
4_Base Damage Per Shot
5_Base Damage Per Shot
6_Base Damage Per Shot
7_Base Damage Per Shot
8_Base Damage Per Shot
9_Base Damage Per Shot
10_Base Damage Per Shot
1_Magazine Size
2_Magazine Size
3_Magazine Size
4_Magazine Size
5_Magazine Size
6_Magazine Size
7_Magazine Size
8_Magazine Size
9_Magazine Size
10_Magazine Size
1_Rate of Fire
2_Rate of Fire
3_Rate of Fire
4_Rate of Fire
5_Rate of Fire
6_Rate of Fire
7_Rate of Fire
8_Rate of Fire
9_Rate of Fire
10_Rate of Fire
1_Total Ammo
2_Total Ammo
3_Total Ammo
4_Total Ammo
5_Total Ammo
6_Total Ammo
7_Total Ammo
8_Total Ammo
9_Total Ammo
10_Total Ammo
1_UI Accuracy
2_UI Accuracy
3_UI Accuracy
4_UI Accuracy
5_UI Accuracy
6_UI Accuracy
7_UI Accuracy
8_UI Accuracy
9_UI Accuracy
10_UI Accuracy
1:AssaultRifleM-8 AVENGER0true10A common and versatile assault rifle. The M-8 Avenger's modular design and inexpensive components made it a favorite of military groups and mercenaries in the Milky Way. Many Avengers were acquired for Andromeda Initiative security forces. The sturdy rifle has a reputation for being reliable and easy to use.353638394041434445470.
1:AssaultRifleCYCLONE1true10The Cyclone's rapid rate of fire requires a short warm up before use. The rifle's mediocre accuracy is balanced by a massive capacity. As its manufacturer states, "With so many rounds to spare, what does it matter if a few don't land?" The Cyclone was removed from production years prior to the Andromeda Initiative's departure due to intense maintenance requirements, but some soldiers still swear by it.373839404142434445470.350.330.310.
1:AssaultRifleM-37 FALCON2true10Lighter and more accurate than most grenade launchers, the Andromeda Initiative's M-37 Falcon generates its ammunition through a field fabrication kit. The launcher and explosives contain sensors that allow the miniature grenades to bounce off walls and cover, then detonate immediately on contact with a target.3853944024114194284364454534620.
1:AssaultRifleL-89 HALBERD2false10The sleek L-89 Halberd favors power and precision. The semi-automatic rifle was the Andromeda Initiative's attempt to make a weapon on par with the reliable M-96 Mattock that also used Initiative breakthroughs in materials science. Only a few were made, but their effectiveness in the field is unquestioned.737577798183868890920.
1:AssaultRifleM-96 MATTOCK1true10The M-96 Mattock's increased power is favored by marksmen looking to bring down hardened targets. Its lack of an automatic setting was originally advertised as a feature rather than a shortcoming, as it curbs a user's tendency to spray inaccurate fire under stress.717375777981838587890.
1:AssaultRifleP.A.W.3true10The Particle Accelerator Weapon (P.A.W.) fires a continuous high-energy particle beam with incredible accuracy. For short-term operations, its power supply is effectively inexhaustible and overheating is the only concern. The P.A.W. combines Remnant particle beam technology with Andromeda Initiative targeting and stabilizers. Theoretically, it may be scalable to a ship-sized version.353636373738393940400.350.330.310.
1:AssaultRifleREVENANT2true10Rare and expensive in the Milky Way galaxy—the preference of warlords over soldiers—the high-capacity Revenant was studied and illegally duplicated by Andromeda Initiative engineers. Though inaccurate, the fully automatic rifle can obliterate foes with a sustained barrage.626365666869707273740.40.380.360.330.310.
1:AssaultRifleSANDSTORM2true10A highly accurate rifle, the Sandstorm was developed by exiles from the Nexus after their arrival in Heleus. The design of the semi-automatic weapon has been streamlined and appears to adapt certain non-Initiative technologies.1121141171191221241271291321340.350.330.310.
1:AssaultRifleSONED3true10The massive kett Soned, translated as "resistance," rapidly unleashes plasma-surrounded projectiles after a brief charging period. Much of the Soned's size is devoted to insulating the user from its own power. A damaged Soned could incinerate its wielder's hands while continuing to fire.515253545555565758590.60.570.530.50.470.430.40.370.330.312012012012012012012012012012085085085085085085085085085085036037038039040041042043044045030323435353636373738
1:AssaultRifleSWEEPER2true10The Sweeper—a particle weapon that fires three-shot bursts—is largely a mystery to its own developers. The weapon is derived from Remnant technology, then repurposed for Andromeda Initiative needs. It does not require reloading, but is prone to overheating. Sweepers should be turned over for study between missions.606163646567686971720.
1:AssaultRifleTHOKIN2true10The kett Thokin, translated to "sudden death," fires tracking-enabled, plasma-surrounded rounds. The tracking effect—enabled by magnetic field adjustors in the projectiles—is slight but useful, particularly given the Thokin's low ammunition capacity. With such a weapon, accuracy is everything.636466676970717374760.
1:AssaultRifleN7 VALKYRIE3true10A variant of the Avenger that fires two-round bursts, the Valkyrie was once standard issue for new recruits to the Milky Way's Alliance military. The exceptionally well-crafted rifle is also a hot black market item. How the Andromeda Initiative procured a crate intended for N7-trained Alliance fighters remains a mystery.808183848687889091930.
1:AssaultRifleZALKIN1true10The kett Zalkin rifle is a mainstay among kett forces. The semi-automatic weapon can be overcharged to release its standard plasma-surrounded projectiles in a three-round burst at increased power—a feature which earned the weapon its name, roughly translated as "three stars." 606263656769707274760.
1:PistolCARNIFEX1true10A heavy semi-automatic pistol, the powerful Carnifex was the preferred choice of Milky Way mercenaries. An expensive weapon, its marketing materials featured a charging krogan alongside the tagline "Don't you wish Carnifex was at your side?"1551591641681731771821861911950.
1:PistolCHARGER0true10This sturdy submachine gun is standard-issue inside the Andromeda Initiative's security forces. The Initiative commissioned the automatic Charger from Elanus Risk Control Services. The company heavily customized one of their existing weapons to meet Initiative needs.363739404143444547480.
1:PistolN7 EAGLE3true10An update of the M-5 Phalanx, the compact Eagle was named after the Desert Eagle pistol that gained a romantic reputation among collectors due to its popularity in classic Earth action movies. A sympathetic agent inside the Systems Alliance provided the Initiative with the N7 military variant.697071737475767779800.
1:PistolEQUALIZER2true10A simple but powerful merger of Remnant and Initiative technology, the Equalizer fires high-energy particle blasts that lose coherence and become ineffectual over distances. The short-range Equalizer does not require reloading, but will overheat from continuous use. Initiative researchers are eager to see more field-test data.575860616263656667680.
1:PistolM-25 HORNET2true10The M-25 Hornet is a heavy submachine gun that fires three-round bursts. Originally created in the Milky Way by the paramilitary group Cerberus. The Andromeda Initiative's Hornet stockpile was seized from a Cerberus base by the Systems Alliance, then bought by the Initiative at a semi-legal auction.373839394041424344440.
1:PistolN7 HURRICANE3true10A disciplined marksman can hit targets with alarming speed using this submachine gun. In the Milky Way, the Hurricane was standard-issue in many Systems Alliance squads. Its proponents demanded that a small stock be acquired for the Andromeda Initiative's security forces.495051525253545556570.
1:PistolM-5 PHALANX1true10In the Milky Way, the M-5 Phalanx was the product of the Alliance's Offensive Handgun Project. It is an accurate, close-quarters weapon with minimal recoil and solid stopping power. The versions purchased by the Andromeda Initiative were intended for civilian use, but are modified for more robust applications.1061091121151181211241271301330.
1:PistolM-3 PREDATOR0true10A reliable semi-automatic pistol. Originally manufactured by Elanus Risk Control, the rapid-fire Predator is a deadly and inexpensive weapon. Although Milky Way militaries generally avoided using the Predator, the Andromeda Initiative obtained and adjusted several hundred of them.454748505253555758600.
1:PistolROZERAD3true10A deadly kett submachine gun with plasma-surrounded projectiles. The Rozerad's firing rate increases with every shot. Although clearly designed for kett, the Rozerad, translated to "infinite fire," appears to incorporate technology from another species—perhaps an ally or kett vassal.484950515152535455560.
1:PistolSCORPION2true10A mini-grenade launcher with adhesive explosives that stick to walls and detonate after a short countdown. In the Milky Way, the Scorpion was issued to the salarian Special Tasks Group so small units could contain larger enemy forces. The Initiative procured and modified a small number of the weapons.4184274374464554644744834925020.
1:PistolSIDEWINDER2true10The Sidewinder rapid-fire pistol is a newly developed weapon, crafted by Nexus exiles with materials and technologies unique to the Andromeda Initiative and the Heleus Cluster. Versatile and reliable, the Sidewinder is perfect for a user with few resources to fall back on.1501531571601631671701731771800.
1:PistolTALON2true10The slow-firing, semi-automatic Talon scatters projectiles like a shotgun. Its waste heat is excessive enough that it requires six separate ammunition blocks that rotate like a twentieth-century revolver to prevent premature melting of the shot.767879818384868890910.
1:PistolUSHIOR3true10An angaran pistol with an incredible punch. The Ushior, translated as "resonance," fires slowly and needs constant reloading, but has massive stopping power. Its plasma energy discharge is likely derivative of kett technology.4634714794874955035115195275350.
1:ShotgunN7 CRUSADER3true10This semi-automatic weapon has greater accuracy that most shotguns because it fires an ultra-dense projectile instead of a typical pellet cluster. The Initiative's stock of N7 Crusaders are heavily modified compared to those used in the Milky Way's Systems Alliance.3823893954024094154224284354420.350.330.310.
1:ShotgunDHAN3true10The Dhan is a kett semi-automatic weapon which unleashes a single plasma-surrounded projectile that causes devastating damage. The Dhan's large and dense projectiles can knock down opponents and generate magnetic fields sufficient to sustain plasma spheres. Dhan appears to translate to "peacebringer."5956056166266366476576676786880.
1:ShotgunDISCIPLE1true10A relatively lightweight shotgun originally built in the Milky Way for asari justicars and commandos. The semi-automatic Disciple uses shells packed with microscale submunitions to inflict serious damage. The Initiative have only a small number of Disciples due to the asari's unwillingness to freely share their design.606263656769707274760.350.330.310.
1:ShotgunHESH2true10The semi-automatic Hesh, translated to "order," is a kett weapon that fires clusters of plasma-surrounded projectiles. Fired rounds are powerful enough to stagger most foes and demand submission from the rest.555657596061626465660.40.380.360.330.310.
1:ShotgunM-23 KATANA0true10The M-23 Katana was a popular shotgun among Milky Way soldiers, criminals, and civilians. It was manufactured by Ariake Technologies, an Earth-based company eager to do business with the Andromeda Initiative.464849515354565859610.40.380.360.330.310.
1:ShotgunN7 PIRANHA3true10An assault shotgun capable of automatic fire, the Piranha is devastating at short-range but loses accuracy with distance. In the Milky Way, the Piranha was a "proof of concept" prototype by the Bradford Engineering Group. The Initiative procured their Piranhas when the company's military clients deferred on a full production run.545556575859606162620.50.470.440.420.390.360.330.310.280.2588888888881651651651651651651651651651654849515253555657596022242525262627272728
1:ShotgunSCATTERSHOT2true10The Scattershot fires particle blasts which can focus upon a target at range. This focusing effect is a result of advanced Initiative targeting systems and invisible "tracing" of paths for the Remnant-derived energy beams. The Scattershot does not require reloading, but will overheat from continuous use.464748495051525354550.350.330.310.
1:ShotgunVENOM2true10This powerful, semi-automatic shotgun fires explosive rounds and—after a short charging period—unleashes clusters of micro-grenades that rebound off obstacles. The salarian Special Tasks Group designed the Venom for missions into hostile territory and extraction operations.2902963033093163223293353423480.450.430.40.380.350.330.
1:SniperRifleWIDOW1true10A heavy and formidable single-shot sniper rifle originally designed for use against armored vehicles. The Widows acquired by the Andromeda Initiative have been modified for additional portability—the original model was nearly unusable by organic lifeforms.10401070110011301159118912191249127913090.650.610.580.540.510.470.430.40.360.331111111111606060606060606060601616171718181919202065707375767879808181
1:SniperRifleBLACK WIDOW3true10A smaller, higher-capacity variation of the Widow sniper rifle, the Black Widow fires three powerful shots per thermal clip. Andromeda Initiative engineers have adjusted the scope for improved optical enhancement in a variety of atmospheres.7717847988118258388518658788910.550.520.490.460.430.40.370.340.310.283333333333656565656565656565652425252627272829293068737678808182838485
1:SniperRifleINCISOR1true10Capable of three-shot bursts, the Incisor was part of a new wave of Milky Way sniper rifles designed to overload a foe's defenses. It was advertised as having negligible recoil, though the second and third rounds frequently "climb" in combat conditions, distributing damage along a vertical line.1441481521561611651691731771810.50.470.440.420.390.360.330.310.280.251515151515151515151558558558558558558558558558558512012312713013313714014314715075818486889091929394
1:SniperRifleM-90 INDRA2true10An automatic sniper rifle with a rapid fire-rate and a large capacity to compensate for its limited scope. The Indra was still in an early design phase when the Andromeda Initiative acquired its schematics. Initiative engineers completed the design and manufactured a number of functional prototypes.8486889091939597991010.450.430.40.380.350.330.
1:SniperRifleISHARAY2true10This heavy angaran sniper rifle uses an entire thermal clip with each shot. Slow to reload, but it strikes with massive force. The Isharay's name translates as "goodbye," and the weapon has few rivals when it comes to raw power. The angara take understandable pride in its effectiveness.12141241126812951322134913761403143014570.60.570.530.50.470.430.40.370.330.31111111111757575757575757575751414151516161717181874808385878890919293
1:SniperRifleLANAT2true10The kett Lanat, translated to "watcher," is a slow-firing sniper rifle that uses plasma-surrounded projectiles. The user can charge the semi-automatic Lanat's magnetic field to modify the plasma containment—the longer the charge builds, the more powerful the shot. At full power, the Lanat is among the most deadly weapons in any galaxy.7597767938108268438608778949110.50.470.440.420.390.360.330.310.280.252222222222606060606060606060602021212222232324242561666870727374757676
1:SniperRifleNALADEN3true10The Naladen, translated to "taker," is a scoped rifle capable of firing plasma-surrounded projectiles that explode on impact and burn anyone in the immediate vicinity. The Naladen mixes precision targeting with indiscriminate damage. What that says about kett military culture is a subject best left to expert xenosociologists.4965055135225305395485565655740.550.520.490.460.430.40.40.340.310.284444444444959595959595959595952829303031323233343560656769707272747475
1:SniperRifleRAPTOR1true10An automatic sniper rifle derived from a similar turian weapon. The Raptor isn't especially accurate, but combines some of the best traits of a sniper weapon and an assault rifle. The Raptor was controversial among Initiative security personnel who argued the weapon had no place in the Initiative's mission of exploration. A small number were still stocked.1001031061091111141171201231260.40.380.360.330.310.
1:SniperRifleSHADOW2true10Remnant particle technology is the cornerstone of the Shadow's design, though the Andromeda Initiative is responsible for the rest. This scoped rifle fires a continuous beam with pinpoint precision, only stopping if it overheats. As with all reverse-engineered Remnant tech, the Shadow should be considered experimental.272828292930313132320.550.520.490.460.430.40.370.340.310.2840424446485053555860600600600600600600600600600600000000000065707375767879808181
1:SniperRifleN7 VALIANT3true10This semi-automatic sniper rifle has a sophisticated fire-control system that improves accuracy at the cost of reduced capacity. In the Milky Way, N7 soldiers generally found the Valiant's increased precision and quick reloads a worthy trade-off.4634714794874955035115195275350.450.430.40.380.350.330.
1:SniperRifleVANQUISHER2true10The Vanquisher is a versatile sniper rifle that packs a solid punch. Built by Nexus exiles, it is highly modular and damage-resistant—its effectiveness is unimpeded by sandstorms, snow, and other weather conditions.6756907057207357507657807958100.450.430.40.380.350.330.
1:SniperRifleVIPER0true10The Viper is a rapid-fire rifle popular with military snipers who appreciated a long-range gun that could snap off multiple shots in a short period. Rosenkov Materials sold a considerable number of Vipers to the Initiative at a discount in return for undisclosed favors from Initiative founder Jien Garson.3213333453563683803924034154270.50.470.440.420.390.360.330.310.280.253333333333909090909090909090902425252627272829293070757881828485868788
1:ShotgunRUZAD1TRUE10A massive, slow-firing krogan shotgun, the Ruzad delivers a forceful blow that will stagger any enemy who survives. In krogan culture, Ruzad translates loosely as "judge." The krogan consider the name more obvious than humorous or ironic.981011041061091121151181211230.450.430.40.380.350.330.