GlitchGlitch OverviewHow ToEffects/ExtensionsExample(s)Tutorials/ResourcesCreditDateLink to SourceNotesSee AlsoWorking Versions
L SprintingThis is an infinite stamina sprinting method. It is not the fastest one and the timing is very hard.This works best on fuse and ultrahand. Hold B and tap L twice (one time to activate it and one time to cancel it) 12, 2023
Infinite DamageDamage repeats infinitely during spin attack.Mid-charge of a spin with a two-handed weapon, obtain a new item at the exact moment it hits an enemy.Could work in other menus? With other weapons, i.e. arrows?
None at the momentGamSla341May 13, 2023 Replicate in TotK, test in BotW.1.0.0
Anti-Gravity GlitchAfter a specific cutscene, Link is stuck airborne when attempting to descendGo to -3650 0760 0177 (Tabantha Frontier; south of Nero Hill). Talk with the man there and get him out of the hole. Shortly before he gets out (a cutscene plays) you start cimbing and jump once. at the momentKaldemarMay 13, 2023 Find other places where this glitch could be replicated (maybe on the Great Sky Island?)1.0.0
New Item Desync (equipment duping)Desyncs equipment after sorting a new item pickup, allowing for single use duplication, durability transfer, and transfering fused items.Pick up NEW item (displays ???) then in the text popup press + , sort inventory, equip something else, close inventory. Now Link should be holding the new item in the overworld but has something else selected in your inventory menu.

Requirement: The new item must change positions when you sort your inventory. So for shields & bows, the new item must have higher strength than the lowest strength shield/bow currently in your inventory. Weapons are slightly more complicated because they can only be sorted by type.
In addition to desyncing your inventory, it will also transfer any fused objects from the new item to the item you equip in the menu. Yoda39 (For the Fused Item Transfer) May 12, 2023 only be done with new items once. Must meet sorting requirements listed under “How To”. Video for the Fused Item Transfer1.0.0
Laser-OOBThe game puts a floor inside LinkGo into a laser, slowly glide down, when the floor flips back up you are out of bounds 13, 2023 need a laser nearby.1.0.0
Extended Throw Sprinting (ETS)hold B, tap R, repeat 12, 2023*not speedrun viable*1.0.0
Crouch Sprintingpress b, tap crouch right after, wait a little bit for the stamina to regen, repeat (84 bpm is the perfect tempo, so on every beat tap crouch and tap b right after)currently infinite 14, 2023
No Bow Sprinting (NBS)unequip bow, hold ZL, and mash R, ZR, and B 12, 2023
BThrow Sprintingpress B - ZR - R - B (or B - R - ZR - B) and repeat 12, 2023
Throw Tap Sprinting (TTS)tap B - R - B, repeatcurrently infinite, TauktesMay 14, 2023
Bow Sprintingtap B - ZR, repeat. Additional info: alternate tapping B then ZR. With a tempo of about 130-160 bpm (B being on the beat, ZR being the up beat) 14, 2023
Tulin PumpingPreserves the initial boost of tulinjump off a ledge and activate Tulin's ability, then close glider and reopen it for a boost, the closing and reopening can be repeated multiple timesIkkitrixMay 14, 2023 (Credit: atz)1.0.0
Spring Fall Damage Cancelcurrently allows you to fall from certian heights without taking fall damage-Jump or shield surf off a ledge. (Note: if you shield surfed you'll need to pause and unequip the shield before entering bullet time).
-Tap ZR to enter bullet time, and wait until Links head is about 1/2 down the spring.
-Tap B and hold forward
MozzMay 15, 2023 being tested to see if it can be made gsi viable (using something beside a spring)1.0.0
Springdollingallows you to launch a large horizontal distance using springs-Set a spring facing in the dirrection you want to launch. From there, stand next to the spring.
-Shield surf, and upon landing, press Y.
-Once you hit the spring with the shield spin, pause, unequip sheild to ragdoll, and get launched
Can be used to clip back inbounds from the depths ceiling. (See Also)MozzMay 15, 2023 chain more springs to make the horizontal launch more powerful
Spring Strangenessreally strange things start happening both with collision and the camera when springs are used in different waysCurrently 2 methods:
-Method 1: The "box spring trap" where you fuse 4 open springs together, then stand inside and activate them.
-Method 2: This involves putting 2 springs facing each other, slightly offset. Stand against the springs and trigger them.
might allow for some unloaded areas and/or clippingOrionsayshi (Method 1), Owen (Method 2)May 15, 2023 1 is reliablely strange, while Method 2 has only been performed once thus far1.0.0
Double Unfuse Duplicashen (DUD)allows you to duplicate any material that can be fused to an arrowRequired: 2 bows, 1 arrow, material to dupe, melee weapon
1. Make sure you have a melee weapon equiped.
2. Tap ZR to draw bow
3. Fuse an item to the bow
4. Press '+', drop equipped bow, equip new bow
5. Double-press '+' (the pauses needs to be 3 frames or less apart) to pause stutter , then drop equipped bow.
6. Exit menu
7. Tada! you now have another item of whatever was fused to the bow Shen (鯉神)May 15, 2023 working if cooked meals page is full1.0.0
Weapon Stacking Duplication (WSD)allows for a quick dupe of any weapon, bow or shieldINEFFICIENT METHOD, SEE NEXT COLUMN
Crouch, pause, and then drop 5 (preferrably 2 handed and fused) weapons on the ground with a wall about 1 link length behind you. Swap to the (equipped) inventory item you wish to dupe. Drop that item, select another, and rapidly pause-unpause. Repeat this as many times as you wish.
Additionally, weapon smuggling can be performed and stored through saves by mashing A through the pause-unpause process during WSD.
This is just zuggling, but you drop your equipped weapon at the end, that being said, any zuggle method should work (map zuggle is reccomended)Erling附身May 16,
Food Ability Buff Swap (FABS)allows to get rosted food (stackable) with an food effect1. Cook a meal with the desired effect
2. Go to a NPC who sells/gives roasted food DO NOT SORT (see notes for all locations)
3. Eat the food
4. Buy the cooked food
5. Now you have the cooked food with an effect (stackable effect food)
-You can roast more food and it will automaticially have the effect as long as you still have at least one of the roasted food. 16, 2023 are all the places you can obtain cooked food to perform with FABS:
- 2 at Kara Kara Bazaar (Gerudo)
- 3 at Bedrock Bistro (Eldin)
- 1 at Roasted Banana vendor on Great Plateau, at the gate between the warm and cold area.
- 1 from completing the beginner's course of the Lurelin Water Rally race (South of East Necluda, at Lurelin Village)

As of 1.1.2, it's no longer possible to create new cooked meals with this glitch, but old ones made will still persist, and it's possible to keep increasing the stack for as long as you have it.
Save Load Dupe (SLD)Allows easy duplication of your weapons, bows, and shields0. Have a save prepared nearby (makes it convenient for later).
1. Equip the weapon/bow/shield you want to duplicate and make sure it appears on Link's back.
2. Open the menu and drop your current equipment and equip another.
3. Pause buffer the menu and drop your current equipment again.
4. Load your save and pick up the item that's on the ground.
This effectively transfers the equipment to the dropped location, in the save that's loaded

It's also possible to duplicate your item without needing a 2nd one by pausing on the first frame the item drops from Link (either by map buffering the drop and watching a memory, or the first frame Link gets shocked and drops it) and loading the save (tested for 1.0.0 - 1.1.1).
ZombieBoy225, ness, ElDuendeMay 16, 2023 the weapon, pausing on the first frame it leaves Link and loading achieves the same effect. (referred to as Throw SLD, works on 1.1.2)

Update to include the easier, old, drop swap drop method
Crouch Throw Tap Sprinting (CTTS)infinite and fastest way of sprintingPress Crouch - B - R - B and repeat (B should be pressed direcly after crouch)
It works without stamina if you use 100 bpm, with the crouch on the beat. 101 bpm is a little bit faster but it costs stamina 15, 2023 current testing, this is the fastest sprinting method
Recall ClipAllows you to clip through things using a large object and recall-Set a block next to the door you want to clip through using ultrahand.
-Move the block away from the door, and then use recall on it.
-Run in the blocks path, and it should clip you through the doorこんそめMay 16, 2023 can be done with a spring, making the entire trick much more portable1.0.0
Zuggle (equipment collision method)Read the zuggle document for more info!
Zuggling allows you to stack weapons to get more attack power by cloning equiment onto Link, adding hitboxes on top of each other. The technical explanation is that an item desync occurs when an item is prevented from being dropped by another item, but not the world. Your menu thinks it cannot be dropped and keeps it in your inventory, but the world does think it can be dropped so it does. As a result, your equipped weapon (the one that should have been dropped) stays in Link's hand.
1) Stand infront of a wall. (about 1 link away from it) (facing away from it)
2) Equip a weapon, ideally two-handed. Seems to be more consistent and press y to hold your weapon.
3) Drop 6 weapond or shields (including the equiped one)
4) Equip a new weapon
5) Unpause pause again (In a similar way how you can duplicate items in botw with two bows)
6) Drop your current weapon and equip a new one
7) Repeat until you hear a sound (the one that indicates you that you can't drop more items). So far, the visual cue is when the icons of the weapons take longer to load)
8) Unpause and switch weapons
Zuggle has many ways of being executed, this is the oldest one. Map Zuggling is the most reccomended method for pre-1.1.2
For 1.1.2, see FEZ and smuggle stacking zuggling (and FEWZ) (BigDUCCO's method)ZvleonMay 16, 2023zuggle discussion in the zuggle- thread on the discord please
Message Not Found (MNF)Allows you to obtain the prologue master sword (named MsgNotFound or MNF), whose durability cannot decreaseThere are 2 methods to obtain the MNF: (Watch videos for more info)

SLD Method (recommended):
1. Go to the In-Isa shrine (Fuse shrine)
2. Bring one of the boulders over to the entrance with the fire fruit trees and jump on it (see video for precise location)
3. Do all the steps for SLD without the final load
4. Load a save of the prologe
5. Pick up the weapon you dropped into this save (see video for precise location)
6. Do all the steps for SLD without the final load, dropping the MNF before your other weapon
7. Load a save in the In-Isa shrine
8. Go back to the place in step 2 and pick up the MNF

Zuggle Overload Method:
1. Zuggle overload
2. Start new game
3. Load autosave during prolouge
4. Pick up and drop the MNF
5. Pick up all weapons (until inventory is full)
6. Zuggle MNF
7. Load the save in which you want to have the MNF
This MNF can be powered up further! See WST or Unload WST for the method (Zuggle Method) (Zuggle Method) (SLD Method)
LegendofLinkk (Zuggle Method) Abahbob (SLD Method)May 17th 2023 (both) (Zuggle Method) (SLD Method)
Double Tulin Boostallows you to get more speed with tulin than just normal tulin (isnt' as effective as tulin pumping)activate bullet time 2 times during the tulin windMay 17, 2023 glitch may be removed from the spreasheet in the future, it is just tulin pumping but the glider closing is done with bullet time1.0.0
Zuggle OverloadAllows you to overload your game, causing many other glitchesZuggle or Invizuggle 9-10 (1.0.0) / 13-14 (1.1.0-1.2.1) weapons/shields/bows, and optionally load a saveThis drops equipment on the ground when switched to, causing many glitches, including the movement allowed by arrow smugglingZvleon
Proxy Glitcheswhen link gets into areas he is not supposed to (e.g. clipped into a wall or out of bounds), the game forces link back into bounds with large amounts of forcemethods are incosistent currently is still being done. As more is discovered, this section will be updated, as well as new glitches added1.0.0
Back to Back BloodmoonA strange phenominon where blood moons occured back to back. Nothing has come of this glitch so far, though not much testing has been done. It is unknown what exactly caused it. 17, 20231.0.0
Transmuted MNFAllows to fuse to the MNFINEFFICIENT METHOD, SEE "MNF Fusing"
1. You need to have MNF and a not fused weapon.
2. Zuggle MNF and equip the weapon.
3. Drop the material you want to have on your MNF
4. Fuse the material to you not fused weapon.
5. Drop the now fused weapon.
6. Pick up you now fused MNF.
7. Do NOT pick up your other weapon!
Can also be done with other weapons and already fused weapons. This just replaces the fused material. 18, 2023
Recall Launchallows you to launch yourself very far1. Get a plank or wing or something like that
2. Throw a weapon
3. Recall that weapon and quickly ultrahand it to your plank or wing
4. Stand on your plank or wing and recall the weapon
This works very good with boomerangs. It also works with anything Link can pick up. In this case you can use the momentum from rotating or picking up the object to perform the launch. 17, 2023
Zuggle Overload OOBAllows you to clip OOB using zuggle overload1. Zuggle Overload
2. Mount anything (Zonai control stick, Lynel, horse)
3. You now clip into the floor! 18, 2023
Autobuild Cancel Slide (ABCS)Allows you to slide on top of the blueprint build over the map at insane speeds, or gain immense amounts of height.1. Get some physical materials to create your blueprint autobuild (doesn't require all of them, just the needed ones for flooring).
2. Select your blueprint you wish to build in the list.
3. Press B and then Y, the timing is a bit tight (suspected to be frame perfect).
4. Select the same blueprint you chose before.

If it works, your blueprint should be hovering up in front of you without the menu overlay. Find a barricade to push it closer towards you, and then ascend into it to get on top.
Depending on how you create your build for ABCS, you can achieve many different results (either going very fast, ascending very high, or being able to clip through walls).

See Ghost Stick clipping
Takosensai1May 18, 2023If you're having trouble getting the timing down, you should be pressing Y around the time where Link can successfully pull out his weapon. The timing is a bit strict, but is much more consistent to perform if practiced properly.

If the blueprint suddenly zips away when you were trying to ascend into it, that means that it was still moving when the game stopped time. You should try to keep it as still as possible or firmly secured up against a wall to prevent this from happening.

If you have "Aim with motion controls" enabled, the object will often float away from Link making it very difficult or impossible to get on top of. Turning it off fixes the issue.

Tip: If you use ABCS inside a box, it can be easier to control this way.

On 1.0.0, the speed that can be achieved is much slower than what is seen on 1.1.0 - 1.1.1.
Minecart Rail Collision Launching (MRCL)Allows the usage of minecarts to be launched from awkward collision grabbing on rails.そら-さんMay 18, 2023 needs to be experimented with more.1.0.0
Long JumpJump fartherWhile facing sideways (any angle that is more than or equal to 90 degrees from the direction Link is moving in), either by starting so or pivoting mid air, jump momentum can be carried into a jumpslash, significantly extending the length of the jump. 18, 2023
Zuggle Overload DesyncAllows you to transfer with menu desync from zuggle overload.Can also be performed using the steps in "Unload WST", a better method
1. Get a weapon with the desired durability
2. Zuggle overload
3. Switch Weapon to drop the weapon on the ground
4. Drop weapon with desired durability
5. Pick up the weapon
6. Go into your menu and drop the equiped weapon
7. All weapons on the ground should have transferred over.
causes WST transfers durability and fused material on 1.0.0, same as WST.1.0.0
Weapon State Transfer (WST)allows you to transfer the durability, fused material, and modifier of a weaponRequired:
- 2 long sticks (can be found on an enemy southeast of Fuse shrine)
- A target item (weapon/bow/shield)
- For weapons, you'll need an extra long stick.
- For bows, you'll need an old wooden bow (can be found inside the In-isa [Fuse] Shrine, on an enemy east of Ascend shrine) or a bow of similar size.
- For shields, you'll need a a fan or any other large zonai item, as well as an extra unfused shield.
- A donor item of the same category as the target item with the fuse, durability and modifier you want.
- Any shield (if not using shields)

0. SAVE FIRST, this glitch might delete the target item if done improperly.
1. Drop the donor item nearby
2. Equip the target item and line Link up with a large enough flat wall (ex.: Interior Shrine walls)
- If the target is a shield, fuse a fan to it.
3. Scope, aim with bow, use camera, or face Link away from the wall.
4. Parry once for weapons, twice for bows/shields .
5. Open inventory, equip:
- The long stick, if target is a weapon
- The old wooden bow, if target is a bow
- The other shield, if target is a shield
6. Drop the 2 non-equipped long sticks, then drop the item equipped in step 5.
7. Equip the target item.
8. Pause buffer, drop the target item and close the menu.
9. Pick up the donor item without picking up anything else.

If done correctly, the target item should have everything the donor item has.
The weapons, shields and bows aren't the only ones that work, it all depends on their hitboxes
You might find equal success using other thin bows, thin spears with other targets
Similarily, the shield fuse is not always necessary, as some shields are naturally bigger than others

1.0.0 has a different and easier method, see video for method
this outlines the old method. new method works better, but has the same results. (1.0.0)
BigDUCCO, kurocat471, ElDuende, Mentor_KurtMay 19, 2023 1.0.0, performing WST this way can allow you to delete the modifier completely.

Depending on the bow you use (ex. Phrenic Bow), you'll still be able to perform WST, but the Old Wooden Bow has very good consistency.
Midair Item Transmutation (MIT)Allows you to transmutate any material very fast. Technical explanation: let's say you have
Slot A: [1x Apple]
Slot B: [8x Banana]
Slot C: [8x Fish]
then you do the glitch to get more bananas, what's happening is the game is taking 1 item from slot A, and 4 items from slot B, but once you close your inventory, slot A is empty so then slot B becomes slot A, and slot C becomes slot B, so now it removes the items from the new slot B, which is now the fish, but it still drops bananas on the ground, so when you pick those up you then have more bananas
This glitch has been made redundant by MSD, see that for a better method
With this glitch you "lose" items!
First you need to organize your inventory. You need 1 item in a slot BEFORE (not directly before) the slot of the item you want to transmutate. The items you are transmutating from will be directly after the items you are transmuting to.
1. Be mid-air (shield jump or paraglide or sit in mineru)
2. Open the menu mid-air.
3. Hold one item you only have once (so after you hold it you have zero).
4. Hold 1-4 other items that are AFTER the slot you just emptied (in the inventory).
5. Close the menu
6. Pick up your items
You can chain this many times during 1 shield jump by repeating steps 2-5. It does not take any items if the items are in the last slot. 20, 2023 not work on
Mozdor jumping/slashingAllows you to jump very far (can be chained infinitly)1. Jump in any direction that is not forward (can be done mid air but it is slower)
2. Hold a joystick angle of about 90 degrees or more relative to links facing angle
3. Press R - B - Y and repeat, AgdoRMay 20, 20231.0.0
Infinite Bubbul Frog GemsAllows you to get infinite bubbul gemsOnly works in some caves!
1. Shoot the bubbul frog
2. Ascend during it's death
3. Cancel the ascend
4. Shoot the bubbul frog
5. Repeat
The glitch may be not exclusive to bubbulfrogs (just a theory) 21, 2023(?)Needs to be tested more, and see if it can be consistently replicated.1.0.0
Triple JumpAllows you to gain height twice after jumping1. Jump off edge
2. Jumpslash
3. Switch rune in menu
4. Switch shield in quick menu
5. Shield jump
This is just infinite height, see that for details 21, 2023 Example in the Ukouh Shrine1.0.0
Midair Sort Duplication (MSD)Allows duplication of materials while midair.
1. Be airborne (shield jumping, paragliding or on Mineru)
2. Open pause menu and hold items
3. Press Y to sort menu and close the menu simultaneously
4. Pick up items
Can also be used with Zonai devices to take them out without diminishing the actual total in inventory. (see ZSD for duping zonai devices)
Y and exit must be pressed on the same frame., kurocat471May 21, 20231.0.0
Infinite HeightAllows you chain jump attacks to jump infinitly.1. Jump attack
2. Open the ability menu and close it
3. Switch shields using d-pad
4. Tap ZR to draw your bow
5. Repeat
Mozz, PhysioninjaMay 22, 2023
Zonai Sort Duplication (ZSD)Allows you to dupe zonai parts back into your inventory.1. Position Link close enough to a wall or a cliff but not too close, facing towards it.
2. Take out as many Zonai devices as you want.
3. Sort the menu inventory and close out of it at the same time, like you would with MSD.

If the game lags, then the glitch will work. If it doesn't, you were too close to the wall. If the number decreases, stayed the same, or didn't add up to how many you took out, it means it failed to work, or some of the Zonai Devices managed to spawn into the world., FlashMay 22, 2023 a more consistent method, 3 shield parries away should work on most walls if they're wide enough. If the game isn't lagging, try moving a bit further away, but still keep Link facing towards the wall. Cornered walls or enclosed spaces (like the Hateno Tech Lab) work best with ZSD.1.0.0
Fall Damage Cancel (FDC)Allows you to cancel fall damage from any height1. Fall as close to the ground as you can while still being able to dive.
2. Perform an animation cancel by opening the rune ability menu while also lunging around the same time
(Hold L + Press Y), equipping/unequipping/swapping shields using the quickswap menu.
3. Exit the quickswap menu and dive while Link is still moving upwards.
It's possible to Fall Damage Cancel by performing multiple frame perfect inputs without using the runes menu or a shield (D-PAD Right + ZR on same frame, unequip bow, press Y one frame later, then dive). 23, 2023
Map Zuggling (MZ)Allows you to zuggle much faster than older versions1). Stand next to a wall facing away from it
2). Unsheathe equipment to stack the weapon in link's hand (optional for duping)
3). Open the rune menu by holding L, select the map rune and open the quickmenu for the desired equipment type (weapon/bow/shield) by spamming the d-pad
4). Drop item by pressing X, then spam right on the d-pad to re-open the quickmenu before the map opens
5). Equip another weapon and let go of the d-pad
6). Wait for map to open and press + to open menu
7). Drop equipped equipment
8). Close menu
Credit to ChargeVolt for writing the setup!

It's possible to perform Map Zuggling without a wall by standing away from a high ledge (2 springs count as long as you position Link properly) and performing it that way. (BigDUCCO) (Flash, ledge setup)BigDUCCOMay 23, 2023
Save Load Zuggling (SLZ)Allows you to zuggle anywhere as no wall is required. It is extremely similar to MZ, with only one aditional step of reloading at the end1). Open the rune menu by holding L, select the map rune and open the quickmenu for the desired equipment type (weapon/bow/shield) by spamming the d-pad
2). Drop item by pressing X, then spam right on the d-pad to re-open the quickmenu before the map opens
3). Equip another weapon and let go of the d-pad
4). Wait for map to open and press + to open menu
5). Drop equipped equipment
6). Load from any save you currently have. (洋气书生 ben7th), (BigDUCCO), (Flash), (BigDUCCO *NOTE* this is map-less and wall-less) NicNac, Flash, BigDUCCO, Wip long sticks enjoyerMay 23, 2023's also possible to perform Wall-less Zuggling without the map, by performing the same steps and pausing the game 1 frame (frame perfect pause) after exiting the quickswap menu.1.0.0
Fuse EntanglementAllows your shield to have an effect on an object as though it is fused to the shield, despite the object existing in the world and not being tethered to your shield.1. Activate the fuse rune.
2. Whilst looking at your target, hold L until the rune selection menu almost appears, then press ZL, and let go of both buttons.
3. Instantly after this, open the shield swap menu (d-pad left), and equip a different shield, this will override its fuse. (You can also achieve FE by zuggling a shield, fusing to it and then dropping the zuggled shield and pick up the shield with no fused item)
Can lead into Weapon Fuse Entanglement by fusing the entangled object to your weapon as well.

Antighost / Deghosting
It is possible to fuse entangle objects that are not zonai devices by recalling them before doing FE

You can bypass the item limit by entangeling an object and selecting no shield.

Objects fuse entangled to a shield will be fuse entangled to zuggled shields aswell. Even if Null-FE is performed.

Throw method
Recall a thrown object (needs to by thrown by an enemy), then fuse it, Nan Gogh) (Null Fe, Nan Gogh) (Throw method)
PhysioninjaMay 24, 2023
Limited to what a like like can spit out/a mobin can throw

Limited to what a moblin can throw

Feing a time bomb creates tiny time bombs and those also save to autobuild
SpringboardingSpring jump across terrain for as long as shield durability lasts.1. Fuse entangle a spring to a shield.
2. Move outside the springs activation radius (defined by the point where a battery powered Zonai device turns off).
3. Start a shield surf.
Can be used to build speed down slopes and maintain momentum over land 24, 2023
Entanglement Height GlitchSuspends Link a certain distance off the ground while shield surfing.Fuse entangle a spring to a shield and start a shield surf within its activation radius. Or alternatively, move far enough away from the spring that it unloads.Only lasts while shield surfing, but is infintely active. 24, 2023 deactivates upon shield unequip.1.0.0
Pelison DupingDuplicate weapons using Pelison to remove them from an entangled shield.0. For duping bows and swords, have nothing equipped there.
1. FE the target item onto a shield.
2. If the target is a shield drop the fused shield.
3. First pick up target item and then the fused shield if you dropped it.
4. Have Pelison unfuse the shield.
5. Pick up duplicated item. (AngryEgg), (Deystroyer)AngryEgg, BigDUCCO (setup for current method)May 25, 2023 20 rupees. Also completely removes the modifier on the duped item.

The target item remains in desync in the inventory until the duplicate is picked up, or the target is unequipped from inventory.
Pelison sets the equipments modifiers to the default for that weapon.1.0.0
Buoy BouncingGet an abnormaly large shield jump boost when coming into contact with water. Time a shield surf to be at the moment before Link starts swimming in water.Initial velocity seems to play an effect when buoy bouncing, such as when falling from a significant height. Also cancels fall damage. 25, 2023
Animation SwapCombine animation sets when zuggle overloaded.1. Zuggle overload
2. Swap weapon types
3. Swap weapon again to restore normal animations
Allows quick spin attacks with the spear charge animation, and many other combinations. 17, 2023
Fuse Entanglement Desync (FED)Allows you to transfer the fuse and durability from one weapon to another. You can also decide to dupe the weapon or the fused material.Needed: Target item, donor item and extra shield (2 extras if weapon/bow).
1. Drop donor and target items on ground
2. Equip unfused shield
3. Fuse entangle target item to shield
4. Empty hands without deleting fuse entangled shield from the world.
- Weapons / bows: Unequip current weapon / bow.
- Shields: Drop fuse entangled shield
5. Pick up target item from ground
6. Create desync by deleting fuse entangled shield from world (deletes target item too)
- Weapons / bows: Unequip fuse entangled shield.
- Shields: Pickup fuse entangled shield.
7. Pickup donor item (WST)
8. Drop equipped item to transmute / dupe the donor item OR Resync to keep the WST item
(9. Unfuse your shield at Tarrey Town to get a modifier-less copy of the target) 26, 2023 does not wst on
OctodupeAllows for the duplication of items sucked up by a rock octorok.1. Drop an item on the ground for it to be sucked up by an octorok.
2. When it is almost swallowed up by the octorok, use recall on the item.
3. Pick up the item before the octorok shoots it out.

If performed successfully, the item should be in your inventory and shot out by the octorok as well, duplicating the item in the process.
If Link picks up the item at the exact same time the octorok shoots it out (frame perfect), it's possible to get both items with the same modifier (needs to be verified). (Flash) (Orionsayshi) (BLAINES) (Mon Facts)
May 26, 2023The modifier on the base weapon can still be changed after this glitch is performed.
This does not work on items that cannot be modified or octoroks that have already been used.
Display DupingAllows you to dupe equipment that can be put into displays.-Place a shock emitter next to weapon/bow/shield display, take out weapon/bow (need single hand sword for shield, don't hold ZL)
-Walk toward the display frame, get zapped and display the equipment at the same time, the held equipment will both be displayed and dropped, the equipment after the held one will be deleted
Since this deletes the last equipment, consider placing the desired equipment last 27, 2023
Springboard ClippingAllows link to clip through the floor while springboarding under a low ceiling. 27, 2023
Damage Amnesia Allows Link to negate sources of damage.Pause at the moment before taking damage and view a memory in the menu (for longer duration sources of damage, multiple memories may be required). Then unpause. 27, 2023 be combined with springbombing.Memory Buffering1.0.0
AntiGrav WeaponsPuts weapons in an "Anti Gravity" state.1.0.0-1.1.2 Setup:
1. Throw a weapon at the same time Link drops it.

1.2 - 1.2.1 Setup:
1. Equip the Lightning Helm
2. Stand next to an active shock emitter
3. Hold R to prepare a throwable weapon for throwing
4. Buffer memories until 3 Frames before the weapon leaves the inventory
5. Open the inventory and unequip the Lightning Helm
6. Resume the game Setup

1.2 Setup
May 28, 2023

August 16, 2023
It will obtain the property of anti-gravity unless you un-equip it or throw it. It also retains it's current momentum when dropped.1.0.0
Pickup Smuggling Allows Link to pick up an object as if he were holding it like an item.1. Hit A to pickup the object and immediately pause with -
2. View a memory twice and then go to the item menu and hold something.
3. Unpause. 28, 2023
Ghost Stick ClippingAllows Link to clip through walls by stepping onto a steering stick during ABCS.1. Create an autobuild of two steering sticks (one in front of the other diagonally, rotated 45 degrees).
2. Make sure the steering sticks don't pick up the real objects and perform ABCS.
3. Hop onto the steering sticks near a wall while walking towards them. 28, 2023 a very good chance of crashing the game in certain areas. Depths are usually stable, but can still crash there too.1.0.0
Map StorageAllows you to have control over Link while the map is open. 1. Open the camera.
2. Press - and go to the map tab.
3. Close the map.
4. Press B and + in the same frame or one frame later
effects can range from softlocks to crashes 29, 2023
Anti-Gravity ObjectsAllows objects to lose their gravity.1. Create an invisible item.
2. Attach an object to the invisible item with ultrahand.
3. Use autobuild on the invisible item and object.
Drop SmugglingTrick the game into thinking a weapon is both dropped and equiped at the same time, leading to strange behaviors.1. Find a shock source and hold a weapon (works with bows and shields too) in Links hand.
2. Direct Link to the shock source or vise versa and in the moments before getting shocked, pause the game.
3. Drop your equipped weapon and equip a new weapon.
4. Unpause the game.
The weapons hitbox remains constantly active, while being maintained at Links feet. This allows for the overlapping of the weapons hitbox with an objects, and propels the object in strange ways. 31, 2023
Unload DupingBy firing arrows between load triggers, items fused to the arrows get dropped. Allowing you to dupe items with multi-shot bows.1. Head to Tobio's Hollow Chasm and stand at around these exact coordinates: "1021, -2261, -0156"
2. Take out any multi-shot bow (Five-Shot Burst bows work best).
3. Fuse a material to your bow and shoot upwards into the cave from where you came from.

If done properly, the arrows should unload, but the materials you fired will stay in the air. Walking up to them will make them fall down and allow you to collect them.
This also works in any other chasm in which you have enough room to shoot your arrows and unload them too.魔法本就不科学 (magic is not science),
千年茶饼 (Thousand Year Tea)
May 31, 2023
Remote Arrow (Trap)Allows you to fire arrows remotely from the location the glitch was set up in.1. Perform WST (or any other method that can desync your bows) with a Duplex Bow and put Five-Shot Burst on it.
2. Shoot the Duplex Bow from any location.

If done properly, the arrow should hover in the air and from continuous use of the Duplex Bow, it will always fire from that location.
Shooting with a desynced arrow at 0 causes the arrow count to drop into the negatives, allowing for infinite arrows to be used on any other bow, but disables the ability to fuse materials to your arrows. (ElDuende) (Flash)Flash, ElDuende, kirigayaJune 2, 2023 from any other bow with this glitch active, will allow it to shoot from the same location once before it goes back to normal at Link's position (needs to be verified if this happens with all bows).1.0.0
Equipment SmugglingAllows you to have a piece of equipment equiped onto Link while not having it equiped in the inventory.Hold a piece of equipment (Weapon, bow, shield), and pause shortly before getting shocked (at least a couple frames). Then, drop your currently held piece of equipment, and exit the inventory.If you smuggle a bow you can shoot arrows by pressing Y. 2, 20231.0.0
Arrow SmugglingA type of equipment smuggle that makes Link hold an arrow without pulling out his bow.1. Keep your bow sheathed and go through the steps of equipment smuggling.
2. Press ZR (to begin pulling out your bow) and + just before getting shocked.
3. Drop your equipped bow from the pause menu, and unpause.
Allows for extremely easy jumpslash (animation) canceling, for performing Infinite Height and Fall Damage Cancel.
A quicker and easier setup exists where you hold a shock fruit, pause and unpause while holding L as you throw it down at Link's feet. Use Recall, and press ZR and + on the same frame and then drop your bow. (Easier Setup) (IH) (FDC)MozzJune 4, 2023 from Equipment Smuggling due to the fact that you must pull out the bow while getting shocked, instead of already having it in your hands

1.2.0 and up require a different method

To do:
Update this entry
Smuggle Stacking ZuggleAllows to zuggle bows and shields in version 1.1.2. Weapon zuggle on 1.1.2 is a little bit more complicated. Check the next glitch (FEZ) for that.1. Perform an equipment smuggle with either a bow or shield.
2. Hold L to open the rune menu and upon letting go of L, hold either D-Pad Left (for shields) or D-Pad Right + ZR (for bows), to open the quick menu.
3. Equip another shield or bow from the quick menu.
4. Stand in front of a wall. Link has to be facing away from the wall.
5. Drop your currently equipped bow/shield. (This is done by using the rune menu to gain access to the quick menu and dropping the bow or shield from there.)
(WARNING: Failure to perform the glitch using shields may crash the game)
Loading a previous save will transfer a stacked bow/shield to that save. Effectivley allowing you to dupe it and retain it's modifier.
(Smuggle stacking)
(Map buffer and overload)
(Zuggle method)
BigDUCCO, LegendofLink, Mozz June 6, 2023
Force Equip ZugglingAllows Link to zuggle weapons using any interaction that forcefully equips a weapon. Best achieved by shrines or quests.This is best achieved at, althought isn't specific too, Mayachideg Shrine.

1. Before entering the shrine, make sure you have a WEAPON EQUIPPED, and a FULL WEAPON INVENTORY and then enter the shrine.
2. Once having had your equipment taken away, perform equipment smuggle on a weapon in the shrine and then complete the shrine with that weapon still smuggled.
3. After having completed the shrine, Links equipment will be returned. You should now have two weapons in Links hand.
4. Take a spike wall and position it in front of the chest at the exit of the shrine, rotate it so that the flat side is facing the chest, while leaving enough space between the wall and the chest for Link to stand in.
5. Position Link between the chest and the wall and face the chest.
6. Open the chest, you should get an options to drop a weapon. Then drop your currently equipped weapon.
7. The menu should close and the prompt "You can't drop that here." should appear.
8. Load any save.
Can be repeated multiple times to zuggle multiple weapons., Mozz, Rhkellz, Syb, NaN GoghJune 7, 2023
Forced Blood MoonAllows you to force a blood moon whenever you want1. Find a wall that is made of destroyable material. Something that you would be able to bomb to destroy
2. Get into bullet time. This can be done by jumping off from above the wall, fan, or bomb (Note: Any method to get into bullet time will work)
3. Use a multishot bow (3x or 5x will work) and shoot the wall with opals until the game become incredibly laggy
4. Simply fall to the ground. The game should then cause a panic blood moon
Another way of performing a Forced Blood Moon is from using GAS to store overworld projectiles with a hydrant for a longer period of time in recall (about a minute, unsure if Zuggle Overload is needed or just staying in bullet time until you hit the ground).

A Forced blood moon can also happen by causing enough electric particles to water. (Maxmasher) (Flash)1789(@W0ERYySQgZyGOY3), simonfirefighter, Maxmasher, Flash, acaepiusMay 28, 2023, June 16, 2023, & June 27, 2023 time is not always needed and other gems could work too. There are many way of achieving a forced blood moons. 1.0.0 often requires different setups.1.0.0
Unload WSTAllows you to transfer modifiers and materials to any weapon. This method is unique as it allows for the modifiers to be tranfered to the master sword as well.0. Make two empty slots in the weapon/bow/shield tab.
1. Overload the game by zuggling 16-20 times, until switching weapons causes it to drop on the ground (see notes in Smuggle Stacking for 1.1.2 Zuggling).
2. Switch to the target weapon such that it drops on the ground.
3. Pick up the target weapon (skip if using normal as it does this automatically).
4. Drop and pick up any donor weapon.
(5. Resync your inventory by re-equipping), 𝓥𝓮𝓮.𝓜𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽.𝓔𝔁𝓲𝓼𝓽, sybJune 7, 2023 (BigDUCCO)Invizuggle overload for 1.2+ methods1.0.0
Zuggle Load Object Transfering (ZLOT)Allows you to transfer objects through loads while maintaining their coordinates.Fuse entangle an object to a shield and then zuggle that shield.Can be used to load objects into other maps (like shrines) by placing them in the correct coordinates in Hyrule.
Alternatively, you can do SLD instead of Zuggle to transfer over the shield, resulting in the same thing. If you ZLOT an object while recalling it the object will never move., ChargeVolt (SLD transfer method)June 7, 20231.2+ zuggle / fe methods1.0.0
Warp BumpingUsing a Zlotted object to obstruct a warp position, you can offset Link, while warping. Doing this with a travel medallion can allow you to pass between a wall into a space that is inbounds. 1. Zlot an object, springs work best.
2. Position your travel medalion up against a corner directly against the wall you want to pass through.
3. Place the zlotted object over the travel medallion and then warp to the travel medallion., InAMuffinCup June 7, 2023
Display Master SwordAllows you to display the master sword, damaged master sword or MsgNotFound in a weapon display1. Zuggle Overload.
2. Recall in front of a weapon display.
3. Equip the master sword or MsgNotFound.
4. Exit recall and press A right after to display it. ZasJune 8, 2023 MsgNotFound you don't need to drop it out of recall1.0.0
Modifier ONLY TransferAllows you to transfer only the modifier, but only works on weapons.1. Unload WST and make a with the desired modifier, do NOT resync
2. Mount the held weapon, save and reload, you will see a new in your inventory
3. Make an empty space in your weapons tab and pick up the modified from the mount
4. Drop and pick up your target weapon and equip the modified
5. Save and reload, BigDUCCOJune 9, 20231.2.0-1.2.1 need an altenative method1.1.0/1.1.1
Fuse Entangle Weapon Zuggle (FEWZ)Allows you got zuggle each weapon you carry one time. This stacks the damage similar to the original version of zuggling1. Fuse entangle the target weapon to a shield and pick up the target
- Optionally, if you'd like a fuse on the weapon, fuse something to the weapon now
2. Drop smuggle any other weapon, pick up that weapon and pick up the shield if necessary
3. Zuggle the shield

For multiple weapons, drop the shield at the end of step 2 and repeat steps 1-2 for each desired weapon. After that, pick up each shield one at a time and zuggle them one at a time (BigDUCCO) Ryan?June 10, 2023
Autobuild Duplication (ABD)Allows you to dupe materials that change into other materials in other temperature. (For example raw meat.)This only works with items that change into other items in another temperature.
1. Fuse the material to a weapon or shield. (twice or more)
2. Drop them and ultrahand the weapon or shield together.
3. Pick them back up. (optional step)
4. Go to an area with different temperature.
5. Use autobuild to got the "ghostbuild" in front of you.
6. Wait a few seconds and pick up your duped items. 11, 20231.0.0
MNF FusingAllows you to fuse to the MNF1. Equip your unfused MNF and drop the desired fuse in front of Link
2. Activate Fuse and open the inventory
3. Drop the MNF and equip any other unfused weapon
4. Unpause and immediately press Y (this can be done through spamming the Y button while in the inventory)
5. If the equipped weapon has an invisble fuse, and the MNF is now named "" instead of "MsgNotFound" on the ground, pick up the MNF, if not, retry 5, 20231.0.0
Overload Drop SmugglingAllows you to drop smuggle via overload1. Zuggle Overload to the point that every weapon swap drops it on the ground.
2. Swap to the target weapon such that it drops on the ground
3. Pause, drop the equipped weapon and equip any other weapon
4. Pick up the new weapon that dropped on the ground, then pick up the target
5. Target should now be drop smuggled
Credit to BigDUCCO for setup!, WindocksMay 12, 2023 & June 12, 20231.0.0
Dive Cancel Glide BoostAllows you to preserve the increased speed from diving with the Glide Suit into paragliding1. Skydive with the Glide Suit and get up to speed
2. Cancel the dive with B, then immediately pull out the paraglider
3. You should now be paragliding at increased speeds

Note: You will slowly slow back down to regular paragliding speed if you don't repeat the glitch kurocat471, Mety333May 14, 2023 & June 9, 2023Slower than Tulin Pumping only if Tulin Pumping is executed near frame perfectly, and doesn't require Tulin to be active. Doesn't stack well with Tulin's ability. Can be maintained with Infinite Height.1.0.0
Ultrabroken (previously Wacko Boingo)Allows you to pull the object with another glued material while Link stands on top of it, sending it flying forwards from the pull itself.1. Take out an object and set it beside Zorona and Kairo near Riverside Stable, and talk to them while standing on top of it.
2. Once the cutscene ends, the object should be in a state where it cannot be moved around with Ultrahand.
3. Use Ultrahand to glue anything to the Ultrabroken object.
4. Stand on the Ultrabroken object and control the glued object using Ultrahand.
Presists through ZLOT/SLOT, allowing you to bring this to any prior save, and can allow the user to repeat the Ultrabroken glitch indefinitely. (V1.1.1) 29, 2023 flying with Ultrabroken, it can be very easily for the game to cancel out of Ultrahand if you're turning while the game lags/loads during a laggy area. It's best to keep it as steady as possible when traversing through areas where the FPS drops heavily.1.0.0
Ultrabroken Smuggling (UBS)Makes an FE'd object follow the shield.1. FE an object to a shield
2. Drop your FE shield and Ultrahand it to the object
3. Perform Ultrabroken with that object
4. Make sure you can’t Ultrahand the object with the shield
5. Pick up the shield from the object
6. Drop the shield again
7. Make sure you can’t Ultrahand the shield
8. Ultrahand another object close to the shield
9. Ultrahand the shield to the second object object
10. Pick up the shield again
The_AndromedaJune 13, 2023
Guard-less Active Shield (GAS)Makes the fuse of a shield constantly active - Tap ZL as you get shocked, the shield should drop.
- Pick up the shield and it should be on Link's back while still being active.

You can Zuggle the shield after, either on Link's back or in his hand by Zuggling with a one-handed weapon out.

For 1.2.0: Can be achieved via Fuse Entanglement Drop Smuggling either a shield or a weapon and Double Fuse Entangling a Zonai Device to both drop smuggled and actually equipped equipment. See "Link to Source(s)" for more.
This keeps the shield in an "on" state, many things will turn it off:
- Dropping the shield.
- Holding out the shield.
- Uneqipping the shield.
Examples in "Link to Source"venaticusJune 12, 2023 (1.2.0 FEDS Setup)
1.2.0 and 1.2.1 require altenative setups1.0.0
Void HoldingAllows you to hold materials "whenever you want" as long as you are at a low enough Y coordinateClip below roughly Y -4000 and hold any stack of itemsCan cause a weird hold smuggeling state that usually softlocks the game after a few seconds, however you can still do actions (e.g. warping), as long as you do it before the softlock 10, 2023 more testing1.0.0
Rocketboarding (aka Pocket Rocket)Allows for repeated boost from a midair rocket shield surf, making it a very good movement option.1. Fuse entangle a rocket to your shield
2. Fuse that rocket to your equipped weapon
3. Do a forward shield jump and hold ZL and A
4. Spam B (or time it precisely).
This is an extension of Fuse Entanglement.

(also please dont call it "Wind Rocket")

It's also possible to prolong the height and distance gain by combining it with bullet time (shield surfing out of bullet time and going back to neutral). 1.0.0, a Rocket that's been FE'd also ignores the duration that it would normally have, allowing you to Rocketboard until your shield breaks. If combined with an Ultrabroken shield, you will theoretically have infinite time for Rocketboarding (shield will never break).1.0.0
Slugging Allows Link to hold an unloaded piece of equipment.There are 3 methods for this:
-Pick up a piece of equipment as a Like Like eats it
-FE the item to a shield, equip that item and let a Like Like eat the shield with the FE
-Drop smuggle an item and let a Like Like eat the item
MozzJune 15, 20231.0.0
Like-Like SmugglingAllows for Equipment Smuggling via slugging.-Sluggle and drop the equipped sluggled item.
-Retrieve the equipment from the like-like.
MozzJune 15, 20231.0.0
Like-Like Drop SmugglingAllows for Drop Smuggling via slugging-Sluggle and drop the equipped sluggled weapon, then equip another weapon
-Throw the weapon

1. Sluggle any equipment item on the last possible frame before getting eaten by the like like
2. Drop the sluggled equipment, equip a different item of the same type, and then unequip it while paused
3. Retrieve the equipment from the like like
MozzJune 15, 20231.0.0
Like-Like ZugglingAllows for zuggling via slugging-Sluggle and drop the equipped sluggled item, then equip another item of the same category

For bows/shields:
-Hold L to open the rune menu and upon letting go of L, hold either Dpad left (for shields) or Dpad right + ZR (for bows), to open the quick menu.
-Drop your currently equipped bow/shield.
-Kill the Like Like

For weapons:
-You'll need a full weapon inventory before the glitch, an extra weapon and a chest with a weapon
-Pick up the weapon on the ground
-Open the chest and drop your equipped weapon
-Kill the Like Like
NaN Gogh, "Ryan?"June 15, 20231.0.0
Drop Zuggling Allows for a drop smuggled item to have the same transfer properties as zuggle-Drop smuggle your target weapon
-Let the Like Like eat you
-Drop the equipped item, then equip another item of the same category

For bows/shields:
-Hold L to open the rune menu and upon letting go of L, hold either Dpad left (for shields) or Dpad right + ZR (for bows), to open the quick menu.
-Drop your currently equipped bow/shield.
-Kill the Like Like

For weapons:
-You'll need a full weapon inventory before the glitch, an extra weapon and a chest with a weapon
-Pick up the weapon on the ground
-Open the chest and drop your equipped weapon
-Kill the Like Like
BigDUCCOJune 15, 20231.0.0
Like-Like Smuggle Desync (LSD)Allows for desync and consequently, WST via slugging.Sluggle and unload the Like Like by going away from it.MozzJune 15, 20231.0.0
Hydro ClippingUsing guardless active shield or throwless storage on a hydrant shield (FED to a weapon) can cause link and enemies to clip through the ground. It can also force panic blood moonsMethod 1:
1. FE a hydrant
2. Fuse hydrant to a weapon (or shield, it's slower)
3. Perform guardless active shield

Method 2:
1. Perform throwless storage
2. Equip a weapon with a hydrant fused to it

Method 3:
1. Throw a hydro weapon and activate recall before it hits something (must be equipped fresh from the inventory)
2. wait 15-20 seconds

There are a couple of ways to clip with hydro clipping, the most practial methods are:
1. Activate recall
2. Wait 15 seconds
3. Shieldjump against a wall

1. Activate recall
2. Wait 15 seconds
3. Mount a steering stick (this clips you through the floor instead through walls)

There are other ways of clipping with hydro:
- Flurry rushes
- Mounting a horse
- Crouching (only works inside shrines) (KnightPohtaytoh) (pyuk)
Simonfirefighter, Maxmasher (Flurry rush method), KnightPohtaytoh (Crouch method), pyuk (throw method)June 15, 2023 requires a different method1.0.0
Jumpslash Cancel Clipping (JCC)Allows for clipping through thin ceilings.- Perform any jumpslash cancel Infinite Height variant against a ceiling until Links head clips through while in bullet time.

Note: In the case of standard infinite height inputs (L cancel method), ensure that you cancel the jumpslash on the first frame of it's activation.

- Wait for Link to reach the peak of his height gain and then start a shield surf.

Note: Arrow Smuggle IH or its alternatives makes this glitch much easier to execute compared to standard IH.
Highly less likely to work with flat ceilings. 16, 20231.0.0
Throw CancellingAllows you to cancel the ending animation of throwing via Runes, allowing you to throw faster-Throw an item
-Press L on either the Fuse, Recall, Ascend or Amiibo rune (using Fuse won't work if there's fusable things in front of Link)
-Tap R, then hold d-pad up
Attached Rangeless Active Zonai (ARAZ)Is very similar to DRAZ but differs slightly.1. Drop a shield and equip another shield.
2. FE shield 1 onto shield 2.
3. Drop shield 2 (shield-shield) and equip shield 1.
4. Perform FE with a zonai device and your shield with the following adjustments:
-Instead of selecting a second shield, drop your equipped shield.
-Without letting the d-pad menu close (spam left), equip another shield.
-Close the d-pad.
Checkpoint: A shield with your zonai device fused should drop, and you should have the FE’d shield equipped. You can now remotely activate the zonai device if you’re within range.
To remove the range constraints, you must ZLOT both the zonai device and the shield it’s actually fused to.
5. Zuggle your equipped shield.
6. With no shield equipped, pick up and zuggle shield 1 (shield-shield).
7. Activate recall on the zonai device shield.
8. While recall is active, warp or (save and) load.
9. Now you can activate the zonai device from any distance.

ARAZ (Second Method)
1. Zuggle a shield onto your back and fuse a Zonai Device on it
2. Drop the shields and pickup the shield with no fused visible item on it
3. Activate GAS
4. Either be close towards the shield (So it doesn't despawn), or simply use Autobuild Slide Cancel to keep it near you
Can use certain Zonai devices that DRAZ cannot

Can be kept permanently active via GAS and can be zuggled for transferring/other zuggle-related things
"Ryan?", NX721June 16, 2023 and July 15, 20231.0.0
Detached Rangeless Active Zonai (DRAZ)Allows you to leave a Zonai device stuck a single place and activate it remotely from anywhere.1. FE a Zonai device to a shield
2. Fuse that Zonai device to Mineru, then fuse something else onto that same slot, overriding it
Can be kept permanently active via GAS and can be zuggled for transferring/other zuggle-related thingsVenaticusJune 15, 20231.0.0
Fuse Entangle Drop Zuggle (FEDZ)Similarily to FEWZ, this is not a real drop zuggle, but rather a shield zuggle1. FE a weapon to a shield and drop them both. (Optional: Fuse something to the weapon if needed)
2. Sluggle some other weapon.
3. Open weapon d-pad menu and do the following without closing it:
4. Drop equipped weapon.
5. Equip another weapon.
6. Unequip your weapon.
7. Close the d-pad menu.
8. Pick up the FE weapon and feed the shield to the like like.
9. Kill the like like.
10. Pick up the shield.
11. Zuggle the shield.

For multiple FEDZ, you must do it in this order:
-Step 1 for each weapon + shield
-Step 2
-Steps 3-8 for each weapon + shield
-Step 9
-Steps 10-11 for each shield
"Ryan?"June 17, 20231.0.0
Back-in-Time ArtTransfers the picture in Link's House to a previous save. Is also capable of transferring compendium pictures.Picture in Link's house:
1. Change the painting in Link's house to a different painting
2. Load a file with a different painting

Compendium pictures:
1. Take a picture of an existing compendium entry
2. Load your destination file
Picture in Link's house

Compendium pictures
Picture in Link's house
June 18, 2023

Compendium pictures
August 16, 2023
Fuse StorageDelays the affect of the fuse rune.This can lead into Weapon FE or Shield FE, depending on what you do.

1. Target weapon/shield.
2. Helper weapon/shield.
3. Target object.

1. Equip helper weapon/shield.
2. Fuse target object to helper weapon/shield on the same frame a like-like eats it.
3. Drop helper weapon/shield.
4. Equip target weapon/shield.
5. Kill the like-like.
6. Before the like-like’s death animation completes, pull out a bow, fuse an item to the arrow, but don’t fire it.
7. When the like-like’s death animation completes, the target object will be entangled with your target weapon/shield and also drop on the ground next to the helper weapon/shield.

No Like-Like (Memory-less)

No Like-Like
Mozz, "Ryan?"June 18, 2023The most important thing for weapon FE is having something fused to an arrow while the delayed fuse is triggered.
In all cases, you can get the like to drop it’s stored fuse (or other objects) by stunning it and hitting it’s weak spot.