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4/7/1849 0:00:00Arriving in Independence, MissouriOur journey west begins with our arrival in Independence, Missouri in March, 1843. Unfortunately, it wasn't an uneventful arrival. Two local newspapers wrote about us, and it was a bit embarrassing!  Can you imagine if we had to explain time traveling from the future & coming from Mars! Upon arriving, a kind gentleman approaches our group and greets us.  He introduces himself as James McVee, a farmer from South Carolina. James tells us how excited he is about moving west and asks us why we are headed that way., Missouri
4/12/1849 0:00:004/19/1849 0:00:00Journey ho, and off we goAfter 12 days since our last entrie we have had a very eventful trip so far. All of our feet our full with blisters and we are all tired. Elias almost had a near death expirience because he had blisters so bad! We almost made it wores but luckly he made a smart choice and give himself some well earned rest. We almost made him walk with blisters on his feet! Now all of us are getting blisters and I don't know what to do because, we can't all rest! Also the animals are becoming really restless and I've had to chase them down 4 times! Dumb little sheep! I have no clue wether I like this trip or not! in the day And it just rained a whole bunch.
4/26/1849 0:00:005/3/1849 0:00:00Crossing the Kansas RiverAfter a riviting 7 days with no reflection we finally reached our first river. The Kansas River. It was a real challenge because we did not know what to do and had do think and decide as a group. So we decided have the impoirtant goods take the ferry for a fee of 1 dollar per wagon. And the animals and tyhe people and the empty wagon cross the river.So that worked and we got two wagons across. But then two wagons did not want to pay the money because we where short. Then they went down to the lower part of the river where the water was a bit higher. First one wagon went but something terrible happend. They hit a rock because they kept the wheels on. And that made the wagon tip. We lost all our goods from that wagon but we still have the perfectly good wagon. And the men crossing the river in the wagon both broke one arm. We where very lucky that we could fix there arms and not spend any more money and time because they gave them slings. And the other wagon's all paid the money and got across safely. Now the men who have broken arms can not work, but on the bright side we have an empty wagon and two oxens. So now we might be able to travle farther because now we have a lighter load. Or we could just put people who are hurt or sich in that wagon.,d.b2k&psig=AFQjCNF7YhdPMYQnAz5o66nkaUCKDi1bzg&ust=1400353974310104Crossing over the Kansas River
5/3/1849 0:00:005/4/1849 0:00:00Buffalo DelayToday we got a big hold up from buffalo. They held us up for the whole day. I tried to count them but I stoped when I got to 100. Other people said there were 1,000's of them I heard that if we shoot one the rest will stampide at us. The buffalo are such amazing creatures. I would never want to shoot them. A couple of men went out to hunt them they only came with a couple but they were good. They were just gamier than deer. I still can't get the taste out of my mouth from the buffalo, Antelope, and aplle cobbler from last night. The buffalo was good for the usual food on the trail but not as good as the Antelope or apple cobbler! is a hurd of buffalo that looked like the one that stopped us.
5/7/1849 0:00:005/10/1849 0:00:00Fort Kearny Today we stopped in Fort Kearny. When we got there we sold 14 of our pelts and we got $14 dollars for them. We sold those but no one in the fort wanted any of the things we were willing to trade. While we were there we bought a couple of things. We bought 1 barrel of bacon, 1 barrel of flour, 1 heavy rope, 1 shovel, 2 iron kettles to trade with the Natives, and 7 bars of soap to help fight germs. is Fort Kearny, the fort that we stopped at for a couple days to rest and to buy more supplies.
5/28/1849 0:00:005/29/1849 0:00:00California HillToday we had spme people get sick and we had to leave them behind because we didn't wat to get sick. there was a big arguement beetween two guys one said to leave them behind and the other said not to but we decided to leave them behind. We hope to see them later and meet with them later. we hope that now we don't have to leave anyone behind anymore because it was pretty sad that we had to let them go.
5/28/1849 0:00:005/29/1849 0:00:00
Courthouse Rock
Today Vasilios Costas our cheff got sick withe the disease cholera. He most likely got sick because of the durty water on the Oregon Trail ore the npoor sanitation that we have. We are now woried because he has cholera and sense he is the cheff he may have gotten cholera in the food that we are eating. W have to treat him with the medicines that we have but at least we have quinlae so me may be able to cure him.
5/28/1849 0:00:005/29/1849 0:00:00Courthouse Rock
Today a man came up to us on the tral and he told us about a medicine about snake oil we thought about it because it cost 50 dollars. He was trying to get us to buy two of them because the second one was 25 dollars. at first we were gonna buy one but then we realized it wouldn't help Vasilios Costas.
6/13/1849 0:00:006/13/1849 0:00:00Forts Laramie and CasparToday we arrived at Fort Laramie! We traded our old, tired out oxen for fresh legs, it did cost us $50, but it was worth the money. The oxen turns out were used by previous travlers and ours will soon be too. In other news our Security Gaurd Hubert Koswalski caught a disease. We don't know what it is yet, but it has been raining and mosquitos are biting. It could be Malaria but we don't know yet,it could be so many other things. The only symptoms he has is a really high fever. We gave him Quinine and beet roots, and his fever went up a degree. I hope he gets better by tommorow. We can't afford to lose a security gaurd.Our chef Vasilios Costas thankfully got better, so we can have good food made by a chef, not a housewife. We had to dump some stuff along the trail, including flour (with more maggots than flour), a super-duper heavy piano, and some coffee we tried to salvage after it got run over. I hope the Hatifields are okay, I did feel bad leaving them behind. The rain had been pouring hard and 2 oxen got freaked and bolted we had to pay for new ones, and it kind of took away our big savings, from the furs and other trades. I sure do hope we run into a friendly Native American Tribe, I would love to trade for some jewlery or hunting gear!
chimney rocktoday we arrived at chimney rock. It was cool because it is a 400 feet rock that looks somewhat like a chimney. it tall and everyone wanted to try to climb it but nooene succeeded at any try however hard we tried. After that we hurried on to the journey and continued the long trail.
6/16/1849 0:00:007/18/1849 0:00:00Independence Rock, South Pass, and TeleportationWhen we reached Independence Rock, we were very lucky because David's sickness went away, but we are low on quinnine, so we better not have any more sicknesses. Sadly, Sean's horse died! We better take better care of our animals! Also we made it to south pass and had a great feast to celebrate our time together because half of us are splitting off to go to California! South pass was the half way point to the oregon trail and we got there at July 4th We selebrated because half off are train went to California. Sean got a new horse becuase of some Native trades. One night, Ethan, Ellie, and Justin were out on guard, and out of the corner of his eye, Justin saw a single Indian walking towards him. Justin decided to go up to the Indian with nothing in his hands, and politely greet him. The Indian replied by saying, 'I care about your colony, so I give you this." Justin took the bag and looked in it, realizing there was nothing in it. All of a sudden, we all teleported back to 2014.