Program Criterion%Excellent (100%)Meets (80%)Near (60%)Below (0%)Comments
Correctness50Program does not have errorsProgram incorrect for some inputsProgram has several errorsProgram works in limited cases or not at all.
Specs25Meets specifications.Minor details of specification not metSignificant details of specification not metProgram does not meet most specifications.
Readability10Use of (1) whitespace, (2) indents, (3) appropriate variable names, and (4) organizationMinor issues with one or more of these.At least one major issue with one or more of these.Major problems with three or four of these.
Code is Planned5Your code has evidence of planning and efficient approach.Code has some evidence of planning.Code uses inefficient choices in more than one place.Many things in could have been done in more efficient way.
Class Comments5Comments on top of class explain changes – these include date and change.Missing details in comments on top of class. Missing date or modification.Missing details in comments to explain purpose and changes in classes.No file header or class explanation.
Method Comments5Comments on top of method explain inputs, outputs, and behavior.Missing some details in comments on top of methods.Missing several details in comments on top of methods.No method comments present.
DeliveryProject is on time and on dropbox at or before due date. This is attached to assignment.Project is one day late or one of these did not happen.Project is more than 3 days late or two of these did not happen.Project is more than 1 week late or three or more of these did not happen.