BPS 2024-2025 School Demand Report Introduction
Thank you for viewing the BPS Demand Report for the 2024-2025 Registration Season! The information provided on this sheet will give you a better sense of which schools and programs were ranked the most frequently during the registration periods for the 2024-2025 school year. You can use this information to find out the approximate chances your student has to get into the school and program of your choice; your child will have a better chance of being assigned to a school with many open seats and fewer applicants than a school with few open seats and many applicants.

Boston Public Schools is working to implement Inclusion Education opportunities across all our schools as a way to meet increased demand for early childhood inclusion seats. This expansion in inclusion classrooms has resulted in changes to the capacity of some of our Kindergarten classrooms, compared to previous years.

Below are definitions for all the columns on the following charts:
Capacity (R2)Number of total seats in specific school and program as determined after the second registration period. Note that capacities often change between rounds so there may be situations where the number of assigned students is higher than the final capacity.# Student on waitlist After R2Total number of students on the waitlist for the school/program/grade after the second registration period.
Seats guaranteed to studentsNumber of students who have been guaranteed seats from the previous year in the school/program/grade. Situation in which students are guaranteed seats includes students moving up a grade in the same school and program, students moving to their pathway schools, or students already assigned to the school in a previous round.# Top 3 Ranks (R1)Number of families who ranked the school/program/grade either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd on their choice forms during the first registration period.
Open SeatsNumber of seats available to students who are not guaranteed seats. The number of open seats is equal to the capacity minus the number of seats guaranteed to students.# Total Ranks (R1)Number of families who ranked the school/program/grade any number on their choice forms during the first registration period.
# Assigned Students after R1Total number of students assigned to the school/program/grade after the first registration round (Jan 4 - Feb 9, 2024) - Grades K0, K1, K2, 6, & 9 only.# Top 3 Ranks (R2)Number of families who ranked the school/program/grade either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd on their choice forms during the second registration period.
# Assigned Students after R2Total number of students assigned to the school/program/grade after the second registration round (Feb 12 - April 5, 2024) - All grades.# Total Ranks (R2)Number of families who ranked the school/program/grade any number on their choice forms during the second registration period.
# Assigned Students after R3Total number of students assigned to the school/program/grade after the third registration round (April 8 - June 7, 2024) - All grades.
As an example, let's take a look at the row for 6th grade General Education program at the Boston Teachers Union K-8 Pilot School:
This indicates that the Boston Teachers Union K-8 Pilot School's 6th Grade General Education program has a capacity of 44 students. There were 25 students guaranteed seats in that program (current Boston Teachers Union K-8 Pilot School 5th grade students) which left 19 open seats.

In the first registration period 70 students ranked the Boston Teachers Union K-8 Pilot School 6th Grade General Education program 1st, 2nd, or 3rd on their choice forms and 84 students ranked it any number. After the first registration period 45 students were assigned to the Boston Teachers Union K-8 Pilot School 6th Grade General Education program. In the second registration period 5 students ranked the Boston Teachers Union K-8 Pilot School 6th Grade General Education program 1st, 2nd, or 3rd on their choice forms and 6 students ranked it any number. After the second registration period 47 students were assigned to the Boston Teachers Union K-8 Pilot School 6th Grade General Education program and 24 students were on the waitlist.

The number of students assigned may be larger than the total capacity as BPS anticipates that not all students will end up attending their assigned school. The number of students assigned may also be smaller than the total capacity due to students who were guaranteed seats selecting to apply to other programs or students who ranked the program getting assigned to a program they ranked higher on their choice form.