NameDescriptionLearned?Required ToolRegent/MaterialSpell TypePrerequisitsEffect of additional manaOrigin
Valeric's Memories
Spells that have been learned by Valeric in his long years of unlife.
Splintered LifeAnimate dead plants using magic.LearnedNormal
Amount of plant growth and control of plant growthValeric's Memories
Raise DeadRaise an Undead minion,.LearnedCorpse/SkeletonNormalMay be requiredValeric's Memories
Advanced Raise Dead IIRaise Three Types of undead minion, Mummies, Which are Preserved and Embalmed Magical Zombies, Vampires, Which are Blood fed Zombies with Souls to sustain them in between blood feedings, And Abominations Masses of Flesh Fed Flesh that absorb enemies they kill automatically into their body, incorperating them.Vampire: Gold, Liquid Mana, Living Thing

Mummy: Corpse, Preserving fluid, Tool for removing organs. Ancient soul (Optional)

Abomination: Corpses, Several Corpses.
RitualRaise DeadMay be RequiredValeric's Memories
Sustain DeadAdd days to a zombies sustenance.LearnedNormalAdditional sustinance
Valeric's Memories
MutateAttempt to warp a creatures flesh in any way you desire.LearnedNormalNoneValeric's Memories
Blood BoilSpend Health to gain mana.LearnedNormalNoneValeric's Memories
RejuvinateRestores damaged and dead cells using necromancy. Harms living things based on how much of their health is missing.LearnedNormalAmount of HP restored
Or damage dealt
Valeric's Memories
Raw LifeSpend mana to send out a pulse of raw unrefined life energy.LearnedNormalStrength in pulseValeric's Memories
Sustain LivingAllows for a living thing to Be given Sustinance for every turn this is used, Replenishing small amounts of blood, ATP, and mana.LearnedNormalStrength of regeneration (Consumes mana per turn while active.)Valeric's Memories
Energy KnittingA refined version of Raw Life, It allows Small wounds on living things to be Fused back together.
50% Chance to learnNormalSpeed of KnittingValeric's Memories
Lively LanceA refined lance of life magic, If hitting the stomach, or any other area with bacteria, it bursts them, causing Damage over a long period, If it hits anywhere else, it provides a sudden and strong burst of healing which penetrates the area. Harms Undead.
23% Chance to learnNormalAmount of HP restored
Or damage dealt
Valeric's Memories
Defense against the dark arts.
Re-DispelDispels a negative effect on the user, and recasts itself once for every point of mana used in the initial casting if the user is affected by another negative effect.LearnedNormalAdditional DispellsDefense against the dark arts.
False TargetCreates an illusion of the user that draws negative effects onto it by sacrificing a small amount of your own health.LearnedNormalAdditional False targets, or Additional health per target, Specify.Defense against the dark arts.
PrevivePlaces a revive token on the user, when the user's health dips to 0, they are automatically revived with 1 point of health for every point of mana spent casting it.5% Chance to learnNormalNoneDefense against the dark arts.
Anti-AuraPrevents Auras of any kind from affecting the user,25% Chance to learnNormalNoneDefense against the dark arts.
Divination, Finding what can be found
Detect Object; SpokenAttempts to divine the location of an object by speaking it's name.LearnedNormalNoneDivination, Finding what can be found
Detect Object; Sigil
Creates a sigil which will point in the direction of an object placed on it.LearnedNormalNoneDivination, Finding what can be found
Detect Object; DestroySacrifice an object to a map, and the locations of every object like it will be marked on that map.25% Chance to learnMap, ObjectCraftingNoneDivination, Finding what can be found
Eye SpySee through the eyes of one undead minion. you can control them at an unlimited distance so long as they are under the effects of this spell.LearnedNormalNoneNecromantic Study
Bowser Koopa's flame, a Dimensional guide to the elements part I
Flame InhaleStores 10 charges of fire within your stomach, which can be imbued with any other spell you know and breathed out as either a fireball or a gout of flame.LearnedNormalAdditional Flame chargesBowser Koopa's flame, a Dimensional guide to the elements part I
Magma GulpStore a globule of molten lava in your stomach to hawk up later, Can be imbued with any other spell you know,50% Chance to learnMeltable Object
NormalAdditional Magma chargesStudy of Bowser Koopa's flame, a Dimensional guide to the elements part I
Immunity FlameLearn sheer control over your fire, it will only hurt what you will it to, even if spell infused.25% chance to learn.Metamagical FeatStudy of Bowser Koopa's flame, a Dimensional guide to the elements part INoneStudy of Bowser Koopa's flame, a Dimensional guide to the elements part I
Heiflam Daged's Necromantic Notes
Detect BonesCauses Bones to emit a Powerful light, sound and odor when near the user of the spell, making finding them a breeze. 100% chance to learnLearnedNormalArea of effectHeiflam Daged's Necromantic Notes
Near DeathForces a refined Lance of black Magic through the Target, This spell is incapable of killing. Only weakening.LearnedNormalDamage dealt (Still cannot kill)Heiflam Daged's Necromantic Notes
Advanced Raise DeadAllows one to Carefully and meticulously only raise the necessary parts of a minion, Reducing Mana cost, but increasing failure chance, passively Increases Resurrection precision, allowing for specific Blueprints in a minion, and resurrection of organs.LearnedMetamagical FeatNoneHeiflam Daged's Necromantic Notes
Death InfusionEnchants an object with death magic. Which will confer appropriate bonuses. Shields and armor will absorb death magic, Swords and spears will expend it. Ranged weapons will fire it in place of Ammunition, or Infuse Ammunition present. Tools will kill what they harvest.50% Chance to learnCraftingQuality and power of infusionHeiflam Daged's Necromantic Notes
True Ressurection (Heiflam Dagged)Brings life to a corpse, Restoring their body, mind and spirit to the land of the living50% Chance to learn1 Corpse, 1 Willing Soul, and 12 Pounds of fresh soil.RitualNoneHeiflam Daged's Necromantic Notes
Call SpiritAttempts to request the presence of a soul from the afterlife. They may have demands of their own, or Pursuers to prevent their escape from a plane of torment.25% Chance to learnNormalNone?Heiflam Daged's Necromantic Notes
Black WagerSummons a minion of death to the plane of the living, who will attack whoever is closest to death Stronger minions increase the risk, and the damage, Specify mana spent when casting.10% Chance to learnNormalPower of minionHeiflam Daged's Necromantic Notes
True Ressurection (Valerik Nerkun)Develop a Spell of your own, to bring life to dead things. Reagents of your choosing, Your Preferred Ritual, It's all up to you. Every Necromancer needs his own style of this spell.25% Chance to learnRitual???Necromantic Study
Blood Rituals, and the creation of living weapons.
Deep QuaffAbsorb ambient blood magic as Mana.LearnedNormalNoneBlood Rituals, and the creation of living weapons.
Blood CircleUse blood to create a circle that transforms blood poured onto it into ambient magic.LearnedBloodRitualNoneBlood Rituals, and the creation of living weapons.
Ritual Of Bloodsteel
Transforms any metal object into a bloodsteel version of it, Bloodsteel objects generate life energy when used, healing the user.LearnedBlood CircleBlood, Metal Object, Ambient blood manaRitualMay be requiredBlood Rituals, and the creation of living weapons.
Ritual Of Living Metal
Transforms any metal object into a Living metal version of it, these objects are sapient and retain memories of before their awakening.LearnedBlood CircleMetal Object, Ambient blood manaRitualMay be requiredBlood Rituals, and the creation of living weapons.
Ritual Of Vlad's OfferingTemporarily makes a blood circle transform blood into Random objects of value equal to the blood sacrificed.5% Chance to learnBlood CircleAmbient blood magic, BloodRitualMay be requiredBlood Rituals, and the creation of living weapons.
Get ripped in 30 days with muscle Wizardry
Mighty FlexAllows the beings around you to share in your mad gains, Posing to enhance the strenth of allies.LearnedNormalArea of effectGet ripped in 30 days with muscle Wizardry
EnfeebleCauses variable strain on the user's body, increasing their gains. The presense of Adrenaline in the user's body while under the effects of this spell increase gains. Specify percentage of weakness.45% chance to learn.NormalGreater Gains for a given % weakness?Get ripped in 30 days with muscle Wizardry
Mystic MuscleCasting spells gives you a temporary increase in muscle mass based on the spell cast. This lasts for three turns and can stack up to three times.
30% chance to learn.Metamagical FeatEnfeebleNoneGet ripped in 30 days with muscle Wizardry
Dimentional magics, a Primer
Warp Space
Creates a bubble which is larger on the inside. The percentage of increase determines the mana cost. Mana cost is decreased if the Bubble is inside a physichal object.
LearnedNormalArea of effect and intensityDimentional magics, a Primer
TeleportTransports the user to an area in three dimentional space. Specify how many body lengths away the teleportaion is. The spell will not function if the area in question is occupied by dense solid matter.LearnedNormalWarp SpaceDistanceDimentional magics, a Primer
Sacrificial gatewayCreates a rend in space, which spits out an object on occasion. Throwing objects into this hole increases that chance. The rend dissapears 1D10 days after creation unless stabalized with the name of the reality it is connected to.19% chance to learn.Cutting implementNormalWarp Space, TeleportNone?Dimentional magics, a Primer
Book of real spells
Actual FireballCreates a 100% real fireball!100% Chance to learnNormalNoneBook of real spells
Real LightningCalls down lightning with inredible force!100% Chance to learnNormalNoneBook of real spells
Great ShieldCreates a shield that provides a solid wall to magical attacks.LearnedNormalSize of shieldBook of real spells
Super Duper SpellThe most powerful spell in the world!40% Chance to learnNormalNone?Book of real spells
Dwarven extruder scroll
Melt MetalActivates the dwarven extruder, Melting whatever you put into it.LearnedDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft SwordActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.LearnedDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
PurifyLearnedDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
SalvageLearnedDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft BarActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.LearnedDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft RodActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.LearnedDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft Basic ShapeActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.LearnedDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft PipeActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.LearnedDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft ValveActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.LearnedDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft WireActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.LearnedDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft Chainmail SheetActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.LearnedDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
LearnedDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft DaggerActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft TetrinominodeActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft GauntletActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft CrownActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft HiltActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Attach HiltActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Melt Delicate
100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Melt Non-metal100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Apply Leaf100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft NailActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft ScrewActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft BoltActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.Dwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft Container CapActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft MaceActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft HammerActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft Crossbow BoltActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft Metal BowActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft ChainActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Split Alloy
100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft ShieldActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft Platemail ChestActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft Platemail GreavesActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft Platemail leggingsActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft GearActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft SpringActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft AxelActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.100% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Craft piston partsActivates the dwarven extruder, Crafting an object from Material inside.75% Chance to learnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Magnetize Object26% Chance to LearnDwarven extruderNoneDwarven extruder scroll
Circle Of LifeDraw a circle where organic materials can be easily manipulatedLearnedNormalNoneHomunculi
Craft CellsCreate the most basic form of organic lifeLearnedSource of Carbon, Water, and SodiumCraftingNoneHomunculi
Craft TissueCombine and align cells to form tissue, 50% chance to learn,50% Chance to learnCellsCraftingNoneHomunculi