Welcome to Destiny 2: Quantum Damage-ics
Game version: 8.2.0
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The purpose of this spreadsheet is to showcase the absolute maximization of raw weapon DPS and allow for DPS comparison by providing raw data that can be manipulated with damage multipliers or in other ways by the user.

To make data comparison between weapons more fair:
> All weapons assume the effects of Rally barricade/Lunafactions reload speed boosting to minimize reload speeds to a consistent amount.
> All ammo capacities assume 3x reserves mods, with the exception of swords, or otherwise stated, to keep reserves at a consistent amount.
All weapons assume Extended Mag (or equivalent) and Backup Mag (whenever applicable), unless otherwise stated, to keep magazine sizes at a consistent amount.
> IMPORTANT: weapons of the same archetype yet different names can vary in reserves; your specific weapon may or may not exactly match the data depicted; see the Reserves Mods Data page for a list of reference weapons used
> Changing the magazine capacity can affect the total reserves of a weapon; keep this in mind should you attempt to calculate theoretical damage with exclusion of backup mag and other magazine perks
> Note: some weapons may be able to maximize the magazine stat through a combination of weapon perks, making backup mag redundant in such scenarios.
> Note: swords use Jagged Edge in place of maximizing the inventory size with Backup Mag.
> All legendary weapons exclude perks unless otherwise stated.
> All weapons assume depleting the entire magazine before reloading unless otherwise stated.
> All weapons assume reloading the instant the final round of the magazine is fired.
> All weapon DPS calculations assume precision hits whenever applicable or unless otherwise stated.
> All pellet shotguns assume body shots, unless otherwise stated, to make comparison more realistic.

Method of DPS calculation:
(damage sum of individual attacks) / (time sum of individual attacks)
note that this is not
(measured total damage) / (measured total time)
The total damage over total time is the Average DPS, and will likely be higher if not equal to the Sustained DPS because the time span measured is relatively small.
As you increase time (and assume infinite ammo) you will approach the actual Sustained DPS figure. To get a better visual, visit the Equations page and see the graph for DPS as a function of time.

As you navigate this spreadsheet, take note:
> Color-gradient columns are meant to compare values to other members within the same column. The more green, the more valuable the data point within the respective column (better damage or better DPS, for instance).
> Certain fields may contain a note on them for more information. Expand these notes by dragging the bottom-right corner for better readability.

Remember: this spreadsheet is meant to represent frame-perfect DPS scenarios. The data is intended to explore the best potential of weapons on their own and serve as a comparison tool when it comes to choosing your next DPS option. Do not expect to hit the DPS values provided.

Parts of this spreadsheet utilizes some API and community-gathered data to make some assumptions. On rare instances the API data and community data may be inconsistent with in-game data due to the nature of the data provided by the game being obfuscated.

These values are for ultra-tier (boss) enemies only. They may or may not apply to other-tiered enemies, such as minibosses, champions, majors, and minors. For more context, see this.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or would simply like to make contributions, let me know (Reddit: private message u/XboxUser123 or make a comment on this Reddit post, note that I will likely miss your statements if you decide to make a Reddit chat instead, old Reddit fails to notify of incoming Reddit chats).
You may also provide your concerns or contribute data through
this Google form if you prefer to stay anonymous or do not want to use Reddit.

Please let me know of any potential issues, keeping this spreadsheet as accurate as possible is the priority.

Any cells highlighted in red are considered to be outdated/bad/to-be-determined and subject to change.
1-Mag DPS or "True DPS"
> The amount of DPS without considering reloading, or of a single magazine. The DPS of a single magazine and the DPS of omitting reloads entirely and focusing solely on damage and fire rate are identical.
Note that some weapons have a unique 1-mag DPS compared to their theoretical "True DPS" counterpart due to how they work (such as: The Fourth Horseman and Merciless).

Sustained DPS
> The amount of DPS while also considering reloading. This is the DPS you would expect to have for DPS phases, assuming you had infinite reserves and infinite time.
Note that this also assumes you reload the frame you finish firing the weapon, with the combat loop of:
shoot > shoot > ... > shoot > shoot last round & reload > repeat.

If the data entry is for a single magazine, the Sustained DPS and True DPS will be equivalent.

A way to guage the difference between Sustained DPS and True DPS is to look it as minimums and maximums: Sustained DPS is the minimum DPS expected, while 1-mag or True DPS is the maximum DPS expected.

> Stands for "catalyst," meaning the data row assumes an exotic weapon catalyst is used.

> Stands for "Damage Over Time," refers to passive damage sources, such as Witherhoard blights, that passively deal damage without your interaction over time.

"w/" or "w/o"
> Stands for "with" or "without," respectively.

> Stands for "Destiny Data Compendium," implies that the data was sourced from the Destiny Data Compendium
All damage testing is done on Barry in "The Investigation" mission of the Witch Queen campaign on legendary difficulty.
External data used:
D2Foundry/D2Gunsmith for some reload timings
Destiny Data Compendium for certain multipliers and miscellaneous data
Destiny 2 Inventory and Mag Database for reserves and magazine stats

Inspired by:
Damage Chart Madness