Nb.DeckNamePtsDescriptionNorwegians NoteTypeHow Likely?How Strong?Final ScoreRubric
109BMaster Count2Immediately after each time you use the "Overseas Trading" action space requiring 2 Vikings, you receive 1 silver for each knarr you have. (By the way, you can use an "Overseas Trading" action space and pay 1 silver, even if you do not turn a single green craft product to the other side.)If the relevant action space is not in the game (1-2 players), discard this card and draw a new one.EACH TIME CARD000How Likely?
110CBirka Settler1Immediately after each time you use the "Overseas Trading" action space requiring two Vikings, you can take an "Emigration" action as you would on an action space. (By the way, you can use an "Overseas Trading" action space and pay 1 silver, even if you do not turn a single green craft product to the other side.)If the relevant action space is not in the game (1-2 players), discard this card and draw a new one.EACH TIME CARD0001: Played almost never (0-10% of the time).
150(c)Meat Buyer0Each time you receive 2 stockfish/salt meat at once (on an action space or via an occupation), you can choose to take 1 game meat in place of 1 one of the stockfish/salt meat.Discard this card and draw a new one.EACH TIME CARD0002: Played infrequently (10-50% of the time).
163(a)Farmhand1Each time you place 2 Vikings on the "Hunting Game" action space in the second column, if you succeed, you receive an additional 1 hide and 1 silver.If the relevant action space is not in the game (1-3 players), discard this card and draw a new one.EACH TIME CARD0003: Played often (50-85% of the time).
1APeddler0Each time you use a "Livestock Market" action space, you receive a discount of 1 silver on the total cost of the goods. (For instance, cattle plus milk cost you 2 instead of 3 silver.) You do not receive the discount on goods that are already free of cost.EACH TIME CARD1124: Almost always played (85-100% of the time).
2CPatron1On each action space whose actions cost at least 2 silver, you receive a discount of 1 silver, including Emigration from round 2, buying salt meat or cattle plus milk/sheep, as well as the "Buy 2 Special Tiles" action, if applicable. (When you buy a pair of goods, only its total cost is reduced by 1 silver. For instance, Helmet plus Belt only cost you 2 silver instead of 3. This card does not reduce the cost of ships.)EACH TIME CARD112
4(c)Hunter0You receive a permanent -1 on each of your dice rolls, including dice rolls for raiding and pillaging (for which you would like to roll high). For instance, a rolled "1" becomes "0". (This card can be combined with other cards modifying dice rolls.)This also affects die rolls for Theft.EACH TIME CARD112How Strong?
5AChief7The Chief is worth 7 points. For that, when you play this card, you must immediately (and only once via this card) complete a Feast phase on your own. (You will also participate in the regular Feast phase this round.)IMMEDIATE CARD1121: 0-3 Points.
13BArcher1When you play this card, you immediately (and only once via this card) receive 1 "bow and arrow" weapon card. Look through the discard pile (or the draw pile, if need be) and take the weapon card from there. Each time you take a "Hunting Game" action, you receive -1 on each of your dicerolls. For instance, a rolled "1" becomes "0". (This card can be combined with other cards modifying dice rolls.)IMMEDIATE CARD1122: 4-5 Points
16CCaptain2When you play this card, if your whaling boats and longships have at least 4/5/6/7 ore combined, you immediately (and only once via this card) receive 2/3/4/5 silver. The preprinted ore on your whaling boats does not count.IMMEDIATE CARD1123: 6-7 Points
28BLocksmith1With each new chest or treasure chest that you receive in your supply, you can also buy 1 oil for 1 silver.EACH TIME CARD1124: 8-14 Points
42(b)Steward2Immediately before the Income phase (phase 7) of each round, you can place exactly 1 wood or 1 stone in one of your sheds to receive 1 silver. (You only receive the silver if you do place a building resource.)Artisan sheds count as "sheds".EACH TIME CARD1125: 16+ Points (and should probably be banned)
45CPirate-1At any time and any number of times, you can pay 1 wood and 6 silver to receive 1 treasure chest.ANYTIME CARD112
50ARune Engraver2At any time and any number of times, you can pay 1 rune stone from your supply to receive 1 hide.ANYTIME CARD112
56AArms Dealer1At any time and any number of times, you can discard any 2 weapon cards to receive 1 ore from the general supply.ANYTIME CARD112
81CQuarter-master2When you play this card, you can immediately (and only once via this card) buy a longship. If you do, you receive a discount of 1 silver for each long sword you have, counting each "bow and arrow" and "spear" weapon card as half of a long sword. Round the final cost down, if need be.IMMEDIATE CARD112
90CSword Fighter2Immediately before each time you take a "Raiding" action (on an action space or via an occupation), you can return exactly 1 ore from the raiding longship to the general supply to receive +2 on each of your dice rolls during that raid. (This does not apply to pillaging. This card can be combined with other cards modifying dice rolls.)When a description mentions "plundering" or "raiding," this does not include the new "theft" action.EACH TIME CARD112
101BJudge1Each time you place 1 rune stone in one of your (stone or long) houses, you receive 1 mead and 1 silver. (This does not apply to your home board and exploration boards.)EACH TIME CARD112
104(b)Disheartened Warrior0Each time you roll for raiding, if you declare your raid a failure after your (first or) second dice roll, you also receive either 1 stockfish or 1 oil (on top of your consolatory 1 stone and 1 long sword).When a description mentions "plundering" or "raiding," this does not include the new "theft" action.EACH TIME CARD112
105BKnarr Builder3Each time you use the "Whaling Boat Building" action space in the "Ship Building" category (in the first column of the game board), instead of a whaling boat, you can build a knarr for 3 wood. (This is considered a "Ship Building" action.)EACH TIME CARD112
106BWarmonger-1You can use the "Plundering" action space with 1/2 fewer Vikings if you have 3/4 longships in your bay. (As usual, the amount of ore on the longships does not matter.)When a description mentions "plundering" or "raiding," this does not include the new "theft" action.EACH TIME CARD112
124BLaborer1Each time you use an action space that gives you exactly 2 silver (no more, no less), you can pay these 2 silver immediately to receive 1 grain and 2 wood (from the general supply).EACH TIME CARD112
126ATrapper2Each time you take a "Laying a Snare" action (on an action space or via an occupation), if you succeed, you also receive 1 silver.EACH TIME CARD112
127(b)Angler1Each time you take a "Laying a Snare" action (on an action space or via an occupation), if you succeed, you also receive 1 stockfish.EACH TIME CARD112
128ADigger2Each time you take a "Laying a Snare" action (on an action space or via an occupation), if you succeed, you receive a "Take 1 Building Resource from a Mountain Strip" action. (As usual, the "2 silver" are considered a single item.)EACH TIME CARD112
130CSnare Specialist1Immediately after each time you use the "Laying a Snare" action space with 2 Vikings, if you succeed, you can discard 2 snares to return 1 of the placed Vikings to your Thing Square and use it again later this round. (Effectively, you only end up losing 1 snare, as you receive 1 snare as a reward.)EACH TIME CARD112
133BLance Bearer1Each time you take a "Raiding" action (on an action space or via an occupation), if you succeed, you also receive either 1 silver or 1 peas. (This does not apply to pillaging.)When a description mentions "plundering" or "raiding," this does not include the new "theft" action.EACH TIME CARD112
134ADrunkard0Each time you take a "Raiding" action (on an action space or via an occupation), if you fail (including on purpose), you also receive a consolatory 1 mead. (This does only apply to raiding, but not pillaging.)When a description mentions "plundering" or "raiding," this does not include the new "theft" action.EACH TIME CARD112
135ALone Wolf2Immediately after each time you take a "Raiding" or "Pillaging" action (on an action space or via an occupation), if you used exactly 1 long sword during that action and succeeded, you receive the long sword back. (If you used 2 or more long swords during the action or failed, you do not receive any back.)When a description mentions "plundering" or "raiding," this does not include the new "theft" action.EACH TIME CARD112
138(c)Robber1Each time you take a "Raiding" or "Pillaging" action (on an action space or via an occupation), you can take a green tile instead of a blue one. The sword value of the green tile is equal to the sword value of its blue back minus 1. (For instance, green clothing would have a sword value of 14, because the blue silver hoard on the other side of the tile has a sword value of 15.)When a description mentions "plundering" or "raiding," this does not include the new "theft" action.EACH TIME CARD112
139CLoot Hunter1Each time you take a "Raiding" or "Pillaging" action (on an action space or via an occupation), the sword value of the special tile with the highest value that is still on the oval supply board is reduced by 1. (This can affect multiple tiles.)When a description mentions "plundering" or "raiding," this does not include the new "theft" action.EACH TIME CARD112
142BWhale Catcher3Immediately after each time you take a "Whaling" action (on an action space or via an occupation), if you used exactly 1 spear and succeeded, you receive the spear back. (If you used 2 or more spears or failed, you receive no spears back.)EACH TIME CARD112
143BAntlers Seller2Each time you take a "Hunting Game" action (on an action space or via an occupation), if you succeed, you also receive 1 silver.EACH TIME CARD112
146CSledger0Each time you take a "Hunting Game" or "Laying a Snare" action (on an action space or via an occupation), you receive -1 on each of your dice rolls. For instance, a rolled "1" becomes "0". (This card can be combined with other cards modifying dice rolls.)EACH TIME CARD112
149APriest1Immediately before each time you use either "Overseas Trading" action space, you receive 1 oil. (By the way, you can use an "Overseas Trading" action space and pay 1 silver, even if you do not turn a single green craft product to the other side.)EACH TIME CARD112
154(a)Woodcutter2In the Actions phase (phase 5) of each round, if you receive at least 2 wood from aViking action, you also receive 1 silver. You can only use this effect once per action. (This effect does also apply to the action space providing 1 wood per player and 1 ore from the general supply, but not to the Bonus phase.)EACH TIME CARD112
155(b)Cooper2In the Actions phase (phase 5) of each round, if you receive at least 2 wood from a Viking action, you can immediately afterward exchange exactly 1 wood for 1 stockfish. You canonly use this effect once per action. (This effect does not apply to the Bonus phase.)EACH TIME CARD112
157CSkinner0In the Feast phase (phase 9) of each round, for each (pregnant and non-pregnant) farm animal (sheep and cattle) you place on the "Banquet Table" track, you immediately receive 1 "skin and bones" tile. (If you place the farm animals on the Banquet Table before the feast, as permitted by the rules, you still receive the reward, but not before the Feast phase.)Does not apply to pigs and horses.EACH TIME CARD112
158ABarbarian1In the Feast phase (phase 9) of each round, if you place at least 1 game meat or whale meat on the "Banquet Table" track, you receive 3 weapon cards and 1 silver (which you can use for the feast right away). Take the weapon cards from the draw pile and place them face up in front of you. (If you place the meat on the Banquet Table before the feast, as permitted by the rules, you still receive the reward, but not before the Feast phase.)EACH TIME CARD112
159BFestive Hunter1In the Feast phase (phase 9) of each round, if you place at least 1 game meat on the "Banquet Table" track, you can immediately afterward take a "Hunting Game" action (without placing any Vikings). (If you place the meat on the Banquet Table before the feast, as permitted by the rules, you still receive the reward, but only after the Feast phase.)EACH TIME CARD112
161BWhaling Assistant0In the Bonus phase (phase 10) of each round, if you have at least 7 Vikings on action spaces in the third column, you also receive 1 cabbage. (The number of Vikings that are actually on the action spaces can be different from the number of Vikings you placed there initially.)EACH TIME CARD112
162CFlax Farmer1In the Bonus phase (phase 10) of each round, if you have at least 7 Vikings on action spaces in the second column, you also receive 1 flax. (The number of Vikings that are actually on the action spaces can be different from the number of Vikings you placed there initially.)EACH TIME CARD112
174(a)Bosporus Traveller1With each new (pregnant or non-pregnant) cattle you place in your cattle stable, you can buy 1 spices for 4 silver. Alternatively, you can buy 1 silk for 3 silver. (By the way, "bosporus" is Greek for "cattle ford".)EACH TIME CARD112
177BMaid0Each time a stone or long house produces exactly 1 bonus good (during the Bonus phase or via an occupation), you can exchange the bonus good for 1 silverware. (This effect applies to each of your houses individually and does not apply to houses yielding more or less than 1 bonus good.)EACH TIME CARD112
185BDorestad Traveller2Each time you would take a "Raiding" action (on an action space or via an occupation), you can take a "↑2 Goods" action instead.When a description mentions "plundering" or "raiding," this does not include the new "theft" action.EACH TIME CARD112
188CMineworker0When you play this card in a 1/2/3/4-player game, you also receive 0/1/2/3 silver. Each time you take the "2 silver" from the last space of a mountain strip, you receive 1 additional silver. (If you take multiple "2 silver" items at once, you receive the additional silver for each of them.)EACH TIME CARD112
88CClerk2Immediately before each time you take an "Overseas Trading" action (on an action space or via an occupation), for each knarr you have, you can take a "↖1 Good" action for 1 silver per action. So you can exchange a good for another one that is located to the top left of it in the goods boxes (e.g., 1 cattle for 1 robe). (By the way, you can use an "Overseas Trading" action space and pay 1 silver, even if you do not turn a single green craft product to the other side.)Does not apply to the new goods tiles in the additional goods box.EACH TIME CARD112
102BFur Merchant2Each time you would receive a "↑1 Good" action on an action space (not via an occupation), you can exchange 1 game meat or 1 silk for 1 fur instead. (This does not apply to "↑2/3/4 Goods" actions.)Also may replace gaining 2 weapons in the second column "3 resources + 2 weapon cards" space.EACH TIME CARD112
3AFurrier1Each time you use an action space providing exactly 1 silver (among other things), you also receive 1 snare weapon card. This applies to eight action spaces on the game board (4x Weekly Market, 2x Crafting, 2x Occupation), but does not apply to action spaces for which you receive a bonus silver via one of your occupations. Look through the discard pile (or the draw pile, if need be) and take the weapon card from there.EACH TIME CARD123
49CPlower3At any time and any number of times, you can pay 1 (pregnant or non-pregnant) cattle from your cattle stable to receive 1 of each of the following goods: peas, flax, beans, grain, cabbage. For the purposes of occupations, this counts as an additional Harvest phase (phase 2) for you.ANYTIME CARD123
121BCarpenter0Immediately before each time you use an "Ship Building" or "House Building" action space, you can take a "Take 1 Building Resource from a Mountain Strip" action. (As usual, the "2 silver" are considered a single item.)EACH TIME CARD123
145(a)Forester2Immediately before each time you take a "Hunting Game" action, you can take a "Take 1 Building Resource from a Mountain Strip" action. (As usual, the "2 silver" are considered a single item.)EACH TIME CARD123
6BStone Carver1With each stone you take from a mountain strip (into your supply), you also receive 1 silver.EACH TIME CARD123
40BMaster Joiner3At any time and any number of times, you can place wood on empty spaces of your stone and long houses as you would silver.ANYTIME CARD123
44BMaster Tailor1At any time and any number of times, you can pay 1 hide, 1 wool, and 1 linen from your supply to receive 1 clothing and 3 silver.ANYTIME CARD123
46BShip Architect1At any time and any number of times, you can exchange 3 wood and 1 wool in your supply for 1 longship. You can use linen in place of wool. (Of course, you must have room in your Landing stages to receive the longship. Vikings preferred to make canvases from wool. This exchange is not considered a "Ship Building" action and does not trigger cards that require the latter.)ANYTIME CARD123
51BMaster Mason1At any time and any number of times, you can pay 1 rune stone from your supply to receive 1 silver and either 1 milk or 1 cabbage.ANYTIME CARD123
55CTreasurer2At any time and any number of times, you can pay 3 silver to exchange 1 chest in your supply for 1 treasure chest.ANYTIME CARD123
61CWharf Owner3When you play this card, you can immediately (and only once via this card) sell 1 longship for 8 silver. You lose the ore on the longship, if any.IMMEDIATE CARD213
94ASpice Merchant2Once per Harvest phase (phase 2) of each round with no harvest, you can exchange exactly 2 oil in your supply for 1 spices.EACH TIME CARD123
97BPea Counter1In the Harvest phase (phase 2) of each round with no harvest, you can double the amount of peas in your supply -- to a maximum of 8 peas. (So you can double at most 4 peas. This does not apply to peas in your houses.)EACH TIME CARD123
114CSilk Stitcher3Immediately after each time you use a "Crafting" action space, you can also buy exactly 1 silk for 3 silver.EACH TIME CARD213
123COil Seller1Immediately after each time you use an action space with a "↑1 Good" action, you can exchange 1 oil for 1 silverware (even if you have just received the oil from the action).Also applies to the action space in the second column, 3 resources + 2 weapon cards.EACH TIME CARD123
141(c)Ivory Sculptor2Each time you take a "Whaling" action (on an action space or via an occupation), if you succeed without spending any wood, you receive 1 cabbage/beans/peas for using exactly 1/2/3 whaling boats. (You cannot take peas in place of beans, and you cannot take beans or peas in place of cabbage. You cannot discard or simply ignore a whaling boat to receive another reward.)EACH TIME CARD123
156BStone Crusher2In the Actions phase (phase 5) of each round, if you receive at least 1 stone from a Viking action, you also receive 1 silver. You can only use this effect once per action. (This effect does not apply to the Bonus phase.)EACH TIME CARD123
165AVillage Leader3At the start of the Feast phase (phase 9) of each round, if you then have at least 1 clothing in your supply, you receive 2 silver. (Clothing on your boards does not count.)EACH TIME CARD123
167BTaster3At the start of the Feast phase (phase 9) of each round, if you have 1 spices in your supply, you receive 1 silver. If you have 2 or more spices in your supply, you receive 2 silver instead. (Spices on your boards do not count.)EACH TIME CARD123
175BCodliver Oil Presser2Each time you receive at least 1 stockfish from an action (on an action space or via an occupation), you can buy exactly 1 oil for 1 silver. (This effect does not apply to Bonus.)EACH TIME CARD123
184CSponsor0When you play this card, if you have at least 3 ore in your supply, you can immediately (and only once via this card) buy 1 longship for either 4 wood or 3 silver. (This is not considered a "Ship Building" action.) You must immediately place 3 ore from your supply on the longship. (If you have fewer than 3 ore, you cannot use this card.)IMMEDIATE CARD123
190BBosporus Merchant0With each new spices you receive in your supply (in any way), you also receive 1 oil.EACH TIME CARD123
108(c)Ironsmith2Each time you exchange ore on the action space that lets you exchange 1 wood/ore for 1 chest and 1 silver, you can pay 1 silver to receive one of the placed Vikings back, which you can place again later that round. (This does not apply if you exchange 1 wood.) This effect also applies to the action space that lets you exchange 1 ore for a blue good with a "forge tongs" symbol. (Tip: enclose the ore space on your home board as soon as possible.)Cannot be used with the fifth action column (final action).EACH TIME CARD123
116(c)Master Bricklayer2Each time you use a "House Building" action space to build a stone or long house, you receive a discount of 1 stone. (This effect does also apply to the action space in the fourth column that lets you build a house and buy a ship. If another card replaces the building cost of the shed with stone, this effect will also apply to the shed.)EACH TIME CARD224
131(c)Bait Layer1Each time you take a "Laying a Snare" action (on an action space or via an occupation), whether you succeed or not, you can exchange exactly 1 stockfish in your supply for 1 game meat.EACH TIME CARD224
11(c)Trident Hunter1When you play this card, you immediately (and only once via this card) receive 1 spear. Look through the discard pile (or draw pile, if need be) and take the spear from there. Each time you take a "Whaling" action (on an action space or via an occupation), for each spear you spend, you receive -2 instead of -1 on each of your dice rolls. (This card can be combined with other cards modifying a dice rolls.)IMMEDIATE CARD224
25BMeat Trader1When you play this card, you immediately (and only once via this card) receive 1 salt meat for each knarr you have.IMMEDIATE CARD224
29BMeat Preserver3When you play this card, you immediately (and only once via this card) receive 1 salt meat for each pair of game meat and whale meat in your supply. (Goods on your boards do not count.)IMMEDIATE CARD224
33ASheep Shearer2When you play this card, if you have at least 3/4/6 sheep, you immediately (and only once via this card) receive 1/2/3 wool, respectively. (It does not matter whether or not the sheep are pregnant.)IMMEDIATE CARD224
38APeacemaker2In the New Weapon phase (phase 4) of each round, instead of drawing a weapon card, you can take either 1 wood, 1 stone, or 1 ore from the general supply.EACH TIME CARD224
41(a)Slowpoke1Immediately after the Bonus phase (phase 10) of each round, you can exchange either (exactly) 1 silver or mead for 1 oil.EACH TIME CARD224
54ATradesman3At any time and any number of times, you can exchange silverware in your supply for either silk or chest at a 1:1 ratio.ANYTIME CARD224
89(a)Catapulter1Each time you take a "Raiding" or "Pillaging" action (on an action space or via an occupation), for each stone you spend, you receive +2 instead of +1 on each of your dice rolls. (This card can be combined with other cards modifying dice rolls.)EACH TIME CARD224
96AMeat Merchant1In the Harvest phase (phase 2) of each round with no harvest, you can exchange either 1 game meat in your supply for 1 whale meat, or 1 whale meat in your supply for 2 game meat.EACH TIME CARD224
98ANobleman2Immediately after each time you place 1 grain in a stone or long house, you can buy exactly 1 silk for 2 silver.EACH TIME CARD224
99ATutor2Each time you would receive an occupation card into your hand, you can play an occupation card from your hand instead. (If you would receive multiple occupations at once, decide for each occupation individually whether you want to receive it or play one instead.)You may use this card instead to discard a card to gain a VP token.EACH TIME CARD224
103CForest Blacksmith3Immediately before each time you exchange 1 ore on the action space that lets you exchange 1 wood/ore for 1 chest and 1 silver, you can take a "Take 1 Building Resource from a Mountain Strip" action. (This does not apply if you exchange 1 wood.) This effect also applies to the action space that lets you exchange 1 ore for a blue good with a "forge tongs" symbol. (As usual, the "2 silver" on the mountain strips are considered a single item. Tip: enclose the ore space on your home board as soon as possible.)EACH TIME CARD224
129(b)Meat Curer1Immediately after each time you take a "Laying a Snare" action (on an action space or via an occupation), if you succeed, you can discard 1 snare to receive 1 saltmeat. (You receive 1 snare on success and you discard 1 snare for the effect of this occupation: at the end of the day, this is a wash.)EACH TIME CARD224
132(b)Berserker2Immediately before each time you take a "Pillaging" action (on an action space or via an occupation), you can return exactly 1 ore from the pillaging longship to the general supply to receive +3 on each of your dice rolls during that pillage. (This does not apply to raiding. This card can be combined with other cards modifying dice rolls. Tip: enclose the ore space on your home board as soon as possible.)When a description mentions "plundering" or "raiding," this does not include the new "theft" action.EACH TIME CARD224
137(a)Melee Fighter3Each time you take a "Raiding" or "Pillaging" action (on an action space or via an occupation), you can use spears instead of long swords.When a description mentions "plundering" or "raiding," this does not include the new "theft" action.EACH TIME CARD224
140ABlubber Cook2Each time you take a "Whaling" action (on an action space or via an occupation), if you succeed, you receive 1 additional oil (for a total of 2 oil).EACH TIME CARD224
147ASteersman1If you have a knarr, you can take actions requiring a longship (raiding, pillaging, plundering, or a far exploration) even if you do not have a longship. (Even with this occupation, you still cannot place any ore on your knarrs.)EACH TIME CARD134
148CSpice Merchant1Immediately after each time you build a knarr paying at least 1 wood, you can buy 1 spices for 3 silver. (This effect does also apply to the action space in the fourth column that lets you buy a ship and build a house.)Does not apply to the bonus "knarr" gained from the Waterford exploration board.EACH TIME CARD224
151(c)Thing Spokesman3Each time you move exactly 1 or 2 Vikings from the game board to your Thing Square (due to a failed dice roll or another occupation), you also receive 1 silver.EACH TIME CARD224
153(a)Proficient Hunter2Each time you take an action requiring a dice roll, you can roll up to 4 times instead of just 3.EACH TIME CARD224
168CEarl of Lade2Each time the number of Vikings in your Thing Square becomes exactly 3 during the course of a round, you receive 1 silver. This can happen multiple times per round due to other occupations or failed dice rolls. (Whether you move Vikings from or to your Thing Square to end up with 3 Vikings does not matter.)EACH TIME CARD224
169CSower1In the Harvest phase (phase 2) of each round with a harvest, if you have at least 1 flax in your supply at the start of the Harvest phase (phase 2), you receive 2 flax instead of 1 during the harvest. If you have at least 1 grain in your supply, you can choose to receive 1 additional grain instead of the additional flax. (Even when you only receive peas, beans, and flax during the harvest, you can still receive grain via this card, if you meet the requirement. In rounds with no harvest, you do not receive the additional goods.)EACH TIME CARD224
171AFlax Baker2After the Harvest phase (phase 2) of each round with a harvest, you can immediately exchange 1 flax for 1 grain plus 1 silver.EACH TIME CARD224
173BPunchcutter1Each time 1 ore and 2 silver are removed from a mountain strip during the Mountain Strips phase (phase 11), you receive 1 silver and 2 silver, respectively.EACH TIME CARD224
186APea Flour Baker3In the Feast phase (phase 9) of each round, you can place up to 2 peas horizontally on two (adjacent) spaces of the "Banquet Table" track. (Each peas you place after yoursecond must be placed "inefficiently", i.e., vertically. Tip: this occupation makes the acquisition of a long house worthwhile, because it can provide peas as a bonus good.)EACH TIME CARD224
166BWeapons Warden1Immediately before each time you place 2 Vikings in the second column, you can draw 1 weapon card from the face-down draw pile and place it face up in front of you. The first time you do so in a round, you do not receive the weapon card.EACH TIME CARD224