First NameLast NamePolitical Office SoughtLegislative DistrictPolitical PartyCountyQUESTION: Do you support depoliticizing the process by ensuring that the Parole Commission, not the Governor, is the final decision-maker?QUESTION: If adult recreational consumption of marijuana is legalized during your term in office, will you support diversion of tax revenues to communities of color, which have been most harmed by marijuana criminal laws?QUESTION: Should private schools that receive taxpayer dollars be subject to the same non-discrimination laws as public schools?QUESTION: Should the MPIA be amended to allow disclosure of records regarding investigations of law enforcement misconduct using the same standards that apply to records regarding investigations of criminal conduct by members of the public?QUESTION: Should all Marylanders participate in our democracy by retaining the right to vote, regardless of entanglement with the criminal justice system?QUESTION:  Should the state take steps to protect Marylanders' free speech and intellectual freedom by requiring ISPs to adhere to net neutrality principles and provide their customers with equal access to all lawful content on the Internet?QUESTION: Should Maryland limit state and local law enforcement’s collaboration with federal immigration enforcement efforts?QUESTION: Should Maryland be required to provide women and girls in the criminal justice system with programs and services substantially equivalent to those offered to men?QUESTION: Should state law be amended to allow the creation of professional, independent bodies outside of police departments to conduct the investigations of complaints of misconduct by police officers that may lead to departmental discipline?QUESTION: Do you commit to funding the approximate $2 billion needed to establish an updated, equitable funding formula that will meet the needs of students across the state?QUESTION: Should state law be amended to provide for a civil remedy for discrimination in places of public accommodations?Please provide two examples of your advocacy to protect and promote civil rights and civil liberties in Maryland. (500 Character limit; you should not type more than can fit in this box without a scroll-bar.)Please provide two examples of what you will do if elected to protect and promote civil rights and civil liberties in Maryland. (500 Character limit; you should not type more than can fit in this box without a scroll-bar.)Email Address
Brian E.FroshAttorney GeneralDemocraticMontgomery CountyYesNo ResponseYesNoYesYesYesYesNo ResponseNo
CraigWolfAttorney GeneralRepublicanHoward CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Rushern L. IIIBakerGovernor / Lt. GovernorDemocraticPrince George's CountyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
I am proud to have served on the Board of Directors for the ACLU from 2002-2004. I remain committed to promoting and protecting civil liberties and civil rights in Maryland. As Prince George's County Executive, I determined that it would be a violation of the Fourth Amendment for state and local law enforcement officers to detain or arrest an individual solely on the basis of a civil immigration detainer issued by ICE unless they are acting under federal authority. If an ICE Detainer was received for an individual in custody, I instructed that no action was to be taken. Additionally, information would not be entered into OMS/CIMS and IE would not be notified.
ValerieErvinGovernor / Lt. GovernorDemocraticMontgomery CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
LarryHoganGovernor / Lt. GovernorRepublicanAnne Arundel CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
RalphJaffeGovernor / Lt. GovernorDemocraticBaltimore CountyYesNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseYesNo ResponseNoNo Response
Since 1991 I’ve been trying to protect the rights of the elderly who are confined and subjected to mistreatment and/or negligence in nursing homes. Specifically, I’ve tried to get legislation introduced in the Maryland state legislature that would require all nursing homes to have a ratio of no more than 6 patients to 1 nurse’s assistant. Such a ratio would help to address the issues of understaffing and safety in nursing homes. I have also been involved in trying to protect the rights of prisoners in the Maryland state penitentiary system. Specifically, I developed a program called My Brother’s Keeper, Inc. It’s designed to help prisoners connect with role models serving as mentors working with the prisoners to pursue jobs upon their release from prison.
I will continue to work on the nursing home program and My Brother’s Keeper. Also I will work to implement the TUTOR-MENTOR TEAM PROGRAM for students in the Baltimore public school system whereby role models connect the students and stay with them until they get a job after high school or college. _______________________________________________________ Please note that my “no response” answers really mean that the questions are too complicated to answer with a simple yes or no. I need to have a conversation with the readership. I would like for the readers and members to call me and/or check my website, I find it interesting that the ACLU survey, from the champions of free speech, has an element of hypocrisy in it by requiring complicated questions to be answered with a simple yes, no, unsure response. Where is my freedom of speech? For your information, I am a teacher, not a politician, who has, for the last 15 years, been leading a movement to put a stop to all of the corruption in Maryland politics. Again, please check my website, for details.
BenJealousGovernor / Lt. GovernorDemocraticAnne Arundel CountyYesYesYesYesUnsureYesYesYesYesYesYes
In 2013, I was named Marylander of the Year by the Baltimore Sun because as the National President of the NAACP, I lead the effort to abolish the death penalty, co-chaired the effort to pass the DREAM Act, ensured marriage equality, and expanded voting rights. I've been a community organizer and civil rights leader my entire life and I've released a comprehensive plan for criminal justice reform that ensures we move further faster on ending mass incarceration, lowering recidivism rates, legalizing marijuana for adult use, and more.
I've released a comprehensive plan for criminal justice reform which can be found on my website. In it, there are several proposals I've put forward to keep Marylanders safe, ensure our justice system is actually fair, and save taxpayer money. I specifically outline my plan to lower incarceration by 30%, which I've successfully accomplished in several other states as the National President & CEO of the NAACP, and my plan to legalize marijuana for adult use and use the tax revenue to fund full-day universal pre-K.
James Hugh IIJonesGovernor / Lt. GovernorDemocraticBaltimore CityNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
RichMadalenoGovernor / Lt. GovernorDemocraticMontgomery CountyYesYesYesYesUnsureYesYesYesYesYesYes
I led the fight for the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples. My legislative leadership moved forward our historic law which guarantees that two persons who choose to marry may do so and my advocacy was critical to voter approval of this law. I advocated for Maryland’s DREAM Act which provides that eligible students who reside in Maryland but do not have evidence of immigration status, may qualify for in-state tuition at community colleges. This law was affirmed by Maryland voters.
I have been and will be an active champion of the TRUST Act to assure ongoing trust between immigrant communities and local police and to bar local police from stopping persons to inquire about federal immigration violations or holding immigrants based on an ICE request. I have advocated for and will push for voter approval of the constitutional amendment to allow persons to register and vote at their polling place on Election Day. If elected and if passed I will proudly implement this reform.
ShawnQuinnGovernor / Lt. GovernorLibertarianCalvert CountyYesYesNoYesYesYesYesYesYesNoUnsure
We will end the War on Drugs, which disproportionately harms minority communities. We advocate complete legalization of all drugs. Our administration will support making it illegal to provide service to agencies which are violating our Constitutional Right to Privacy, such as the NSA.
AlecRossGovernor / Lt. GovernorDemocraticBaltimore CityNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
IanSchlakmanGovernor / Lt. GovernorGreenBaltimore CityYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
It would be a disservice to not answer this question on behalf of my running mate, Reverend Annie Chambers. Rev. Chambers has been active in the fight for civil rights since long before I was born. She participated in the March on Washington in 1963 and has been fighting on behalf of people of color ever since. She is an elected member of Baltimore's Resident Advisory Board, advocating for people living in public housing. Her lifetime of experience guides my actions as a candidate every day.
First, I will fight for the rights of people over corporations. We must protect the entire 99%, but particularly we must defend people of color who are harmed or killed by overzealous enforcement of crimes against property. We can revoke the charters of corporations that are not working for the public good! Second, I will prioritize fighting environmental racism, which is turning pollution against poor communities and communities of color. We have a right to clean air, water, and neighborhoods!
JimSheaGovernor / Lt. GovernorDemocraticBaltimore CountyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
While leading Venable, one of my top priorities was always for lawyers in the firm to maintain robust pro-bono practices. We represented immigrants who were fleeing violence and seeking asylum, people who were unjustly denied the right to counsel in bail hearings, and abused and neglected foster children who demanded reforms to the system. I also served as Board Member of the Equal Justice Council, which works to expand access to legal aid in Maryland.
As Governor, I will work with outside groups, including the ACLU, to protect civil rights. Along with my running mate, Brandon Scott, I will oversee the implementation of the consent decree to reform the police department in Baltimore, as well as other police departments across the state. I will also spearhead efforts to strengthen our democracy by, for example, pushing for same day voter registration, expanding early vote, and restoring voting rights to those who have been denied this crucial right.
KrishantiVignarajahGovernor / Lt. GovernorDemocraticMontgomery CountyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
I was recently the only gubernatorial candidate to rally outside the Attorney General's office in support of equitable funding for Maryland's HBCUs. I also testified before the Kirwan Commission in support of fully funding our public schools. I am not the product of politics or privilege. I am the daughter of I wo Baltimore City public school teachers and a mother committed to ensuring equitable education for Marylanders. As Governor, I will guarantee universal pre-K, rectify decades of inequitable funding for our state's HBCUs , and expand LGBTQ+ specific resources for students.
I am committed to fighting for for reproductive rights , three months of family leave , maternal health , and eliminating workplace discrimination. To expand access to reproductive care , I will increase the number of reproductive healthcare clinics and design ale all health care facilities sanctuary spaces. I will also establish a [und to invest additional resources into the reproductive health of historically marginalized and underserved populations in Maryland through my proposed Office of Sexual Harassment and Violence .
Wendell R.BeitzelHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 01ARepublicanGarrett CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
MichaelDreisbachHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 01ADemocraticGarrett CountyYesYesYesUnsureUnsureYesYesYesYesYesYes
I operate 5 tourism business in Garrett County and we hire people based on their skills not their preferences.I also work and volunteer with non profits that will make the lives of all people better.
James M. Jr.VirtsHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 01ARepublicanGarrett CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Jason C.BuckelHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 01BRepublicanAllegany CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Penny LynWalkerHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 01BDemocraticAllegany CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
NicoleAlt-MyersHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 01CRepublicanWashington CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
JordanLysczekHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 01CRepublicanWashington CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
MikeMcKayHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 01CRepublicanAllegany CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Neil C.ParrottHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 02ARepublicanWashington CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
William JosephWivellHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 02ARepublicanWashington CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Paul D.CordermanHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 02BRepublicanWashington CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Peter E. Sr.PeriniHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 02BDemocraticWashington CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
MikeBowersoxHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 03ARepublicanFrederick CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
JamesDvorakHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 03ARepublicanFrederick CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Carol L.KrimmHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 03ADemocraticFrederick CountyYesUnsureYesUnsureNo ResponseYesNo
RyanTroutHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 03ADemocraticFrederick CountyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
In 2011-2012 I worked to gain signatures to place marriage equality on the ballot. I have been working on advocating for legislation which would require a tenant of public housing to be found guilty of a crime (not simply arrested or charged) before a housing authority can move to evict.
I will sponsor or support legislation to direct at least 20% of revenues gained from the legalization of marijuana to invest in communities disproportionately impacted by the War on Drugs. I will sponsor or support legislation which requires equal pay for equal work across genders.
Karen LewisYoungHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 03ADemocraticFrederick CountyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
1. I have sponsored Equal Pay legislation for three consecutive years. 2. I was a sponsor of the bill to ban conversion therapy and I spoke out against this harmful practice in subcommittee, committee, and on the House floor.
I intend to bring back my bill that prohibits requiring past salary history as a condition of employment. This practice disproportionately discriminates against women and minorities because it perpetuates past discrimination. It has passed in the House but not the Senate. I believe that 2019 will be the year. I will also be a strong supporter and co-sponsor of legislation to stop price gouging on the part of pharma. High drug prices hurt the poor and the elderly who frequently can not afford their prescriptions.
William "Bill"FoldenHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 03BRepublicanFrederick CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
KenKerrHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 03BDemocraticFrederick CountyYesYesNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
As a member of the Frederick County BoE, I helped develop and pass a policy providing protections for transgender rights, and when redistricting, we do so to in a way that avoids concentrating poverty.
I will work to limit the use of non-compete contracts as a condition of employment, and I will work to ensure all Maryland Working Families have affordable health care coverage.
YselaBravoHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 04DemocraticFrederick CountyYesUnsureYesNoUnsureYesYesYesYesYesUnsure
Asked and became the administrator for a Western Maryland group of mostly White women. As a minority, I often shared my experiences and perspective. I wrote an article that was picked up by the Huffington Post Latino Voices. I have spoken out at many immigrant rallies. I also hosted an event inviting people to talk about race openly.
As a new candidate, I am looking to help pass legislation that promotes civil rights. I want to use this year to better know the issues so that I can better suggest solutions.
Barrie S.CilibertiHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 04RepublicanFrederick CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
DanCoxHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 04RepublicanFrederick CountyUnsureUnsureNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNo ResponseNo
1. Defended African American who was fired after reporting statements of a CEO saying "slave ships and whips" and "like monkeys up a ladder for a banana" to a large AA audience at a Baltimore Fortune 500. (Mercer v. PCC). 2. Defending African American mother from public housing in the death of her daughter due to corrupt BCP practices. (Graves v. Lioi).
1. Increase Bill of Rights protections for whistleblowers against state agencies and seek immediate, mandatory PIA disclosure by the state agency whenever a civil rights lawsuit is filed against it with treble damages automatically provided to the plaintiff in the civil rights matter should full disclosure not be made immediately (15-30 days?) to the plaintiff. 2. Strengthen MD Declaration of Rights protections under law for those interacting with hospitals, quasi-state agents (private agents such as insurance agencies and medical facilities cloaked with some statutory state authority) and other state agents such as administrative inspectors. Mandating that no provision of the MD Declaration of Rights may be violated against a person. Specifically, to include at least treble civil damages against any such agent both personally and departmentally, with the insurance policy unable to disclaim liability, should the agent or person be proven in circuit court to have violated the Maryland Constitution, and specifically allowing for said claims to proceed solely in state court similar to anti-discrimination statute claims.
LoisJarmanHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 04DemocraticFrederick CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Jesse T.PippyHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 04RepublicanFrederick CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Darrin RyanSmithHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 04DemocraticFrederick CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
William M.ValentineHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 04RepublicanFrederick CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
DavidEllinHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 05RepublicanCarroll CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
SusanKrebsHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 05RepublicanCarroll CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
AprilRoseHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 05RepublicanCarroll CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
EmilyShankHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 05DemocraticCarroll CountyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
I am an ACLU Know Your Rights Trainer. I have volunteered on multiple occasions to teach various groups of individuals how to safely assert their rights when interacting with police. I have traveled to Annapolis to lobby my personal State Senator on several laws- one which would remove the Governor from the Parole process.
Education is a civil right, yet we are failing to provide so many students the world class education they deserve. I will support and help to implement the recommendations of the Kirwin Commission. I also believe that healthcare is a human right and should be made accessible to everyone, regardless of employment status. Finally,I believe we need to open our primaries and restore voting rights to those who have lost them.
HavenShoemakerHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 05RepublicanCarroll CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Jonathan H.CampbellHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 06DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Nicholas C. Jr.D'AdamoHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 06DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
DianeDeCarloHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 06DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Robin L.GrammerHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 06RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
JustinHollidayHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 06DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
BobLongHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 06RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
RicMetzgarHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 06RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Megan AnnMioduszewskiHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 06DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
JakeMohorovicHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 06RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
LaurenArikanHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanHarford CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
JoshuaBarlowHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanHarford CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
AllisonBerkowitzHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07DemocraticHarford CountyYesYesYesUnsureYesYesYesYesUnsureYesYes
#1) In 2017, I was ally to the immigrant communities, lobbying for HB 272 & HB 1362, which sought to limit the role Marylanders were required to play in helping carry out Trump's immigration agenda. #2) In 2018, in the wake of Parkland, I was a vocal advocate for the children in Harford County, supporting students' right to walk out of school in protest and not be held to unreasonable retaliation.
#1) I would try to help legalize recreational marijuana, mitigate legal proceedings due to possession, and use the taxes to help heal some of the damage to communities done by the "War on Drugs." #2) I'd work to keep the 2nd amendment in check. I was in Annapolis a lot during the 2018 legislative session, as an advocate for sound gun safety laws, and I'd continue in 2019 as a legislator.
Russ Jr.EnglishHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanHarford CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Michael A.GeppiHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanBaltimore CountyNoUnsureUnsureUnsureNoNoNoYesNoNoNo
I have been a strong advocate for open meetings laws.
Freedom of speech on academic campuses must be protected. I will champion this cause and make sure that students are not discriminated against because they happen to have conservative political beliefs. I am a university professor and I have seen far too many examples of this in Maryland.
NormGiffordHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
RickImpallariaHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanHarford CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
GordonKoernerHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07DemocraticHarford CountyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
I will totally protect Planned Parenthood. Would advocate that they be allowed to inform women in all aspects of their lifeand health. Promote birth control pills as well as a womens right to make choices for her life and body. Will protect the US Constitution, especially the first amendment.
Would fund all the programs that promote civil liberties Work on sensible sentences and remove the mandentory sentences, leaving the control more in the judges hands. Work closely with the Governor to appoint fait minded judges.
TammyLarkinHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
TrevorLeachHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanHarford CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
BillPaulshockHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
AaronPenmanHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanHarford CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
DavidSemanHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanHarford CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
AngelaSudano-MarcellinoHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Ryan (Seeking to be Nominated by Party but appearing in General Election Only)
SullivanHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07GreenBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
KathySzeligaHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 07RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
HarryBhandariHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 08DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
BenBoehlHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 08RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Joseph C. IIIBotelerHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 08RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
EricBromwellHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 08DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
JoeClusterHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 08RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo Response
CarlJacksonHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 08DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
KevinLearyHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 08RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
JoeNormanHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 08RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
NormaSecouraHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 08RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
JoeWernerHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 08DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
JaredWinebergHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 08RepublicanBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Steven M.BolenHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 09ADemocraticHoward CountyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
I have not been as active as I should, but will work to improve the socio-economic opportunities and advancement for all people. No one should ever have to live under injustice or discrimination in this country!
Ensure all lawful income can be used to demonstrate the ability to pay rent; eliminate money-based bail, end school-to-prison pipeline by supporting academic/vocational training beyond high school, work to reduce "food deserts," support living wages, support equal pay AND equal advancement for equal work, support sick leave for workers, support parental leave to attend their children's school activities ...
Michael DavidGrossHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 09ADemocraticHoward
TrentKittlemanHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 09ARepublicanHoward CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Warren E.MillerHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 09ARepublicanHoward CountyNoNoNoNo
NatalieZieglerHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 09ADemocraticHoward CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
BobFlanaganHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 09BRepublicanHoward CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo Response
DanielMedingerHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 09BDemocraticHoward CountyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
I am a founding member of the Housing Center in Columbia which has as its goal "intentional integration." Once we learned of how significantly housing segregation is happening in our community, we worked to develop a non-profit resource that would work with the housing community and those moving to Howard County to encourage a broader range of housing options. I also regularly attend the monthly "Black Lives Matter" vigil at the Mall. Over time, we have become a community of activists that promote racial understanding throughout our county.
I will work to eliminate the pay gap. We need to develop legislative remedies to make "equal pay for equal work" enforceable as the law of the land. I will work to develop strategies and procedures for helping inmates to re-enter society. Our recidivism rate tells us that what we are doing now is not working. I will work with others to create and fund programs that will successfully help those who have served their time to get a fair opportunity to get back on their feet.
CourtneyWatsonHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 09BDemocraticHoward CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
BenjaminBrooksHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 10DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Michael Tyrone Sr.BrownHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 10RepublicanBaltimore CountyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
I led the 1994 Investigation into state agencies. I have worked for thirty plus years as a union and chapter president fighting for the rights of Maryland workers. In doing so I was fired five times. I believe the rights of the workers must be protected.
If elected, I with chair the House side of the personnel review board t o hear case of discrimination in state agencies. I will sponsor and fight to pass legislation on work place bullying. I and Senator Muse have been fight for 16 years to pass this law. I am committed to the right of the worker.
Nathaniel M. Sr.CostleyHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 10DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
George H.HarmanHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 10RepublicanBaltimore
JayJalisiHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 10DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
Adrienne A.JonesHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 10DemocraticBaltimore CountyYesYesYesYesNoYesYesYesYesYesYes
I was the led sponsor of the Hate Crimes Law that added Sexual Orientation as a Protected Class. I previously dealt with Fair Practices, Employee Relations, Diversity Issues, Women's Issues and Community issues in my 38 years with Baltimore County Government.
I will look at the current state laws to see what needs to be amended, added or updated. As a member of the Kirwin Commission, I will work to see that our final work product includes protection and promotion of civil rights and civil liberties.
MatthewKaliszakHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 10RepublicanBaltimore CountyNoNoNoYesNoNoNoYesUnsureNo ResponseYes
I will follow our constitution both state and federal As well as abide by our laws, more people would be willing to follow the law if they see their elected officials following the law.
I'm a Gay Republican, simply being elected would show new diversity, there are no prominent LGBT people in the Republican Party in Maryland of importance I would be the first and being that I am Gay, Republican, and desendant of Italian immigrants I know first hand and historically what discrimination is like and I will do all I can to defend civil rights.
LaurenLipscombHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 10DemocraticBaltimore CountyNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo ResponseNo
BrianMarcosHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 10RepublicanBaltimore CountyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
In my community their is a large portion of the Latin community that is not represented and is not being given the opportunities that others have when in comes to small business. I've spoken with local Chambers of Commerce & Improvement Associations to meet these owners and teach them the benefits of being included. Today we still go out speaking with all owners of our district to make sure they are getting the most help & knowledge needed to be successful.
If elected, I will always protect our citizens civil rights by ensuring I vote for legislation that is fair & represent our constituents best interest. Aside from voting in the best interest or our constituents, going out to local businesses, schools, churches, groups and speaking one on one with their representatives ensuring that they are being heard and their concerns are my first agenda.
Jordan F.PorompyaeHouse of DelegatesLegislative District 10DemocraticBaltimore CountyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
I am a staunch supporter of the constitutions of the United States and the state of Maryland. As a parent, community, political,and human rights activist, I organized protests in New York and Washington D.C, calling on Congress and world leaders at the U.N general assembly to protect and defend the fundamental rights of everyone – the right to live freely with dignity and respect and without the threat of violence or repression – both at home and abroad.” I promise to continue fighting for the rights and freedoms of everyone, if elected.
DISCRIMINATION: Policies to address discrimination based on race, gender, religion, disability, or poverty. I would draft or support legislation to prevent racial, gender, and economic discrimination. immigrant, I understand the importance of maintaining a state-wide community free if discrimination and the guarantee of equal rights for all residents of the state. I support DACA and would work to preserve those laws that are currently in place to address discriminatory practices.