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1 | Timestamp | Email address | Name | Phone number | Preferred contact method for work requests | Organisation name | Your postcode | Your regional Net Zero Hub | What skills/services can you offer? (to consultancy level.) | Can you travel? | Are you happy to teach your skills as you deliver? | What is your availability? | Would you be willing to provide paid mentoring to other community energy organisations as part of an organised programme? | |||||||||
2 | 06/12/2023 18:14:36 | michael@oce.org.uk | Michael Beaven | 07538 821949 | Email, Phone | Our Community Enterprise CIC | RG4 8RH | Midlands, Greater South East, South West | Licenced Community Shares Practitioner, assisted in community share raises totalling over £3m; expertise in business cases, financial modelling and negotiating with sites - Fellow Member of Association and Accounting Technicians (FMAAT); project development and funding , including securing planning permissions and environmental permits for hydro for roof-mounted PV; expertise in fundraising - CIOF(Cert)- including Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) and lottery, worked with Tollesbury Climate Partnership on project shortlisted for Community Energy Innovation award. | Yes - own independent transport, Yes - by public transport | Yes, Mentor for Power to Change, and CES Pathways programme | Generally 4-5 days per month, but flexible around other work. Developing community energy is a priority for us. | ||||||||||
3 | 07/12/2023 16:15:21 | peter.boait@btinternet.com | Dr Peter Boait | 07740 644211 | Gloucestershire Community Energy Co-op | GL53 8QE | South West | I am a Chartered Engineer (MIET), have a PhD in Energy Systems and first degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. I taught and performed research in the renewable energy field at the Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development at De Montfort University. In my career I have gained skills relevant to all of the above. For the last few year I have been a director and chair of the community energy co-op named above. | Yes - own independent transport | Yes | Typically 4-5 days per month | |||||||||||
4 | 07/12/2023 16:51:39 | martin.heath@bes.coop | Martin Heath | 07771805000 | Basingstoke Enrgy Services Co-operative | RG21 4HG | Greater South East | Site searches and surveys, feasibility studies, business case modelling, system design, grid applications to local DNO, tender production and evaluation, design and installation services, post install due diligence, pre-investment due diligence, I have over 12 years experience in working with an community energy co-operative in the design, financing, installation and maintenance of renewable energy systems. Most of that has been in solar PV, but I have also have experience with battery systems, and wind turbine development. MSc and MBA, Member of IET | Yes - own independent transport | Yes | 2 days/month. c£450-650/day | |||||||||||
5 | 21/12/2023 09:31:19 | damian@brightonenergy.org.uk | Damian Tow | 07941 433595 | Email, Phone | Brighton Energy Co-op | BN1 3BA | Greater South East | I jointly set up Brighton Energy Co-op 13 years ago and we have taken it from a start up to close to £5M of solar PV assets across 45 sites and 750 investors. I have 30 years commercial and project management experience, a business studies degree and masters in sustainable development. I have worked as a mentor to other community organisations through Power to Change's peer mentoring programme since 2019. Skills I can offer include: Developing business strategies, project identification & feasibility, business case modelling, financial modelling, commercial proposal writing, stakeholder engagement, lease review for rooftop solar, project management through to implementation, Operation & Maintenance planning, fund raising through grants/shares/bonds/loans, setting up of new BenComs with the FCA | Yes - own independent transport | Yes, I can share many of the tools and approaches we have developed over the last 13 years | Availability depends on other work but typically 1 day per week. Day rate is £450 per day. | ||||||||||
6 | 21/12/2023 09:32:41 | paul@energy4all.co.uk | Paul Phare | 07775705374 | Energy4All | BS153DX | North West, North East and Yorkshire, Midlands, Greater South East, South West | 20+ years experience of working in the community energy sector in project development. Have helped 10s of community energy projects get off the ground including Edinburgh Community Solar, Drumlin Wind Co-op and Rumbling Bridge Hydro | Yes - own independent transport, Yes - by public transport | Yes, Project Management, writing share offers, negotiatimg contracts, tendering, managing legal teams, financial modelling, chairing boards of community energy projects | 5 working days per week, £750 per day | |||||||||||
7 | 21/12/2023 15:46:34 | a.ross@cee-uk.com | Andrew Ross | 07878690133 | Email, Phone | Centre for Energy Equality | CW8 2QH | North West, North East and Yorkshire, Midlands, Greater South East, South West | Centre for Energy Equality is a Social Enterprise with a mission to identify, test, develop, and deploy the solutions that will ensure equal access to safe, affordable and sustainable energy across all communities. We have developed the Fairer Warmth Energy Advice System (www.fairerwarmth.com) that can be used to help engage communities in energy advice, efficiency, Smart Local Energy Systems (SLES) and aggregate/encourage uptake of community energy and low carbon technologies. We also have tools that can help identify areas in most need of support, or suited to community energy and energy efficiency measures. We would be pleased to hear from communities looking for support with their projects! | Yes - own independent transport | Yes | We are a small but agile organisation and can assist projects of most sizes | ||||||||||
8 | 22/12/2023 08:40:06 | tjcrisp@icloud.com | Tim Crisp | 07787563024 | Southill Community Energy | OX7 3PT | Greater South East | Feasibility, community engagement, pre-planning, grid connection, fundraising, development. I was involved in the whole Southill project, from conception/inception though to operational delivery, and continue to be involved as a director. | Yes - own independent transport, Yes - by public transport | Yes, Southill story Power to the People booklet | Variable, but 1-2 days per month sounds feasible | |||||||||||
9 | 22/12/2023 09:18:29 | jakeburnyeat@cfrcic.co.uk | Jake Burnyeat | 01209705423 | Email, Phone | Communities for Renewables CIC | TR16 5EZ | North West, North East and Yorkshire, Midlands, Greater South East, South West | CfR is not for profit CIC with over 10 years of experience working with communities to develop local energy schemes, including using Community Energy Fund (CEF) grants to cover project feasibility and initial development costs. Our experience covers: technical, planning and financial feasibility assessments; planning consent managment; grid connection management; landowner engagement and lease negotiations; supporting community and stakeholder engagement; finance raising (for projects ranging from £300,000 to £17million); construction contractor procurement and contract management; and, ongoing community energy company administration and asset management. CfR’s approach is to use CEF funding to get projects as far as possible through the development process, rather than just producing a feasibility report. For viable projects CfR may be able to provide follow-on at-risk funding to complete the development of projects and help with construction capital raising, contractor procurement and ongoing operations management. CfR has helped develop and finance over £70million of community energy projects and looks after 50MW of community owned solar across England. To see some examples of community energy schemes that have been developed with Community Energy Funding, and how CfR can help see: https://cfrcic.co.uk/10million-community-energy-fund/ | Yes - own independent transport | CfR has developed project feasibility and development materials which we use as the basis for each project. E.g. financial models, line item project cost schedules and benchmarks, feasibility report templates, landowner heads of terms, power purchase agreement heads of terms, planning pre-applications, construction contractor tender documentation | CfR team available full time. CfR day rate is £600 but we typically work on a fixed cost basis to deliver an agreed scope of services. | ||||||||||
10 | 22/12/2023 17:02:02 | david@brightonenergy.org.uk | David Owers | 07909 687515 | Brighton Energy Co-op | BN1 6RD | Greater South East | I'm a recently-retired ex-engineer having spent most of my career in senior marketing and general management in industry and the NHS. Since 2021 I have been the Operations Manager at Brighton Energy Co-op, maintaining its portfolio of 5MW of rooftop solar systems and assisting in the project development of new sites. I have developed particular expertise in improving the performance of existing assets and feeding this knowledge back into the specification of new assets to maximise long-term productivity and ROI. | Yes - own independent transport, Yes - by public transport, Yes - but want to return home each evening. | Yes, I don't have formal teaching experience but I am willing to give it a go | 2-3 days a month depending on my BEC work. My rate is £499.95 per day | |||||||||||
11 | 01/01/2024 14:52:54 | macmitchells@gmail.com | Claire Mitchell | 07862254719 | Test Source Community Energy | RG25 3JB | Greater South East, South West | I am a qualified solicitor, with over 20 years PQE. I am on a career break from my legal role for the Government where most recently I led the renewable energy and climate change legal team, responsible for wind, solar, biomass and other energy renewable sources such as tidal. I have experience in negotiating leases for community solar sites. While I don't want to displace expert legal advice for large projects, I can act as your internal legal resource and take on work such as * appointing external lawyers *reviewing legal documents *assessing planning permission requirements *reviewing ownership and property title ownership *governance issues for community energy groups. | Yes - own independent transport, Yes - by public transport, Yes - but want to return home each evening. | Yes | ask - depends on other work. Daily rate from approx £350. | |||||||||||
12 | 16/01/2024 09:52:50 | ashfordsustainability@gmail.com | Fred Ashford | 07882680694 | Hydrock Consultants Ltd | PL15 9GZ | South West | I have 6 years of experience in the energy sector, both with a supplier and currently as a senior consultant at Hydrock. My experience covers a wide range of sectors (public, private, community energy, residential, education, industrial/commercial, leisure, logistics, manufacturing, etc.), technologies (microgrids, renewable generation, storage, distribution, emobility, hydrogen, thermal storage, power, peak load management, V2G, V2B, Front of the Meter storage, Behind the Meter storage, etc.) and contexts (individual buildings, campuses, portfolios, green-field, urban regeneration, rural communities, stand-alone generation, co-location of technologies, retro-fit, new build, etc.). I can provide the following services: - Early stage feasibility study - Techno-economic feasibility - Energy demand modelling and forecasting for power, heating, EV charging, process loads - Energy generation modelling and forecasting for solar PV and wind - Energy systems modelling including generation, storage, load flexibility, EV charging, microgrid distribution, grid interface, private wire - Grid services modelling - Financial modelling (incl. life cycle cost assessment) - Technology mix optimisation - Detailed design and specification of electrical systems - Grid applications - Microgrid advisor - Smart energy, flexibility and controls advisor - Power procurement advisor, including commercial and delivery models | Yes - own independent transport | I do not have formal experience in teaching these skills but do train others within my team "on the job". I would be happy to try and increase knowledge and understanding as I go where it is possible. | My availability will be flexible depending on my work commitments. My day rate is £300 | |||||||||||
13 | 27/03/2024 15:11:42 | andy.skipton-carter@dulas.org.uk | Andy Skipton-Carter | 07824325012 | Dulas Ltd | LL41 1 BH | North West, North East and Yorkshire, Midlands, Greater South East, South West | Dulas (www.Dulas.org.uk) are an employee governed co-op who have worked exclusively in renewable energy since 1982. The team have direct involvement with local community energy projects and we have helped a wide range of other community energy projects across the UK. Our experience covers technical assessment, planning, business case, governance and build and operation. | Yes - own independent transport, Yes - by public transport | Yes | Flexible, with support from my team of 6 we can cover most requirements | Potentially yes | ||||||||||
14 | 25/09/2024 12:36:59 | sarah.blois-brooke@pureleapfrog.org | Sarah Blois-Brooke | 07417537701 | Pure Leapfrog Community Energy | SE1 4YR | North West, North East and Yorkshire, Midlands, Greater South East, South West | Pure Leapfrog is a sustainability charity. We support project development goals, whether sub 50kW rooftop schemes or MW scale ground mount. We can provide financial and energy modelling, legal templates and access to pro bono legal support, business model advice, innovation support, and advice on/access to project finance. We are Community Shares Practitioners and active members of the practitioner community. We have increasing experience in domestic retrofit (particularly the Private Rented Sector) and are developing new business models in that space. We also have expertise in community biochar, combined biochar heat and power, the bio-energy ecosystem, SLES, and biodiversity credits. We are particularly interested to work with communities seeking to develop innovative projects that also have social impact. Our core skills and competencies are leveraged through our extensive network that includes professional services, finance and investment, energy systems, local authorities, academia, communities and other third sector organisations. We have a long history of supporting the Community Energy sector and seek to build lasting partnerships with Community Energy organisations to help them leverage their impact in their local area. We can support large parts of the administrative burden so groups can focus on pipeline and local strategic priorities. We offer support with back-office functions such as Bookkeeping, Secretariat, Asset Management, and Member Services. We are also heavily involved in sector-wide energy innovation, and are particularly happy to work with communities who want to achieve a baseline for themselves, and receive additional support and incentives to try new things with other businesses, community groups, network distributers, supply companies etc. | We are able and willing to travel where benefits of doing so outweigh the costs of time/travel, but in the first instance we would prefer to meet and deliver support virtually. | Yes. Our experience of teaching these skills has been more as a result of collaboration rather than specifically developing teachable content and resources. | We have flexible availability, with the ability to add resource to our team if there is a business case for it. Depending on each project and its needs, our costs are £400 - £500 per day. For projects we believe in, and where we believe the community has the vision, determination, people, and support, we will work at risk for a limited initial period. This period can include identifying and helping the community apply for grants to support them working with us. We are flexible in our approach and will always happily discuss fees, equity or a mix of both, as ways of unlocking our support for each community. | Potentially yes | ||||||||||
15 | 19/12/2024 19:58:37 | iain.beveridge@communitypowersolutions.co.uk | Iain Beveridge | 07500336564 | Community Power Solutions Ltd. | BS2 8QH | Midlands, Greater South East, South West | Onshore Wind Turbines, from initial site identification and feasibility right through to fully permitted and financed projects. See http://brochure.communitypower.solutions | Yes - own independent transport | Yes | Several onshore wind / community energy consultants available full time as needed. | Potentially yes | ||||||||||
16 | 07/12/2023 15:25:25 | dave@sharenergy.coop | Dave Green | 07805757250 | dave@sharenergy.coop | Sharenergy & STCE | SY1 2PD | Midlands and NW | All the above - we've worked on 15 RCEF projects | Yes | Yes | 1-2 days p month | ||||||||||
17 | 08/12/2023 15:25:25 | richard@sharenergy.coop | Richard Lane | 07923915724 | Sharenergy | YO1 6ET | NE+Yorks | Techno-economic feasibility, site searches & surveys, business case, energy modelling, share offer development, some experience of planning and grid regs. | Yes, (folding) bike and public transport. | Yes | 1-2 days p month | |||||||||||
18 | 09/12/2023 15:25:25 | annechapman1964@gmail.com | Anne Chapman | 07712 46771 | MORE Renewables | LA1 3ES | NW | Business case, financial projections, share offer documents. | Yes | Yes | Depends on other work. | |||||||||||
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