A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | ||
1 | Candidate Name | Viable? | Why | Matching Funds? | Political valence | Would Kieffer Rank them? | Why/Why not? | Met in Person? | Takeaway? | What steps would you take to dramatically and quickly increase the availability of housing? | Would you vote yes on a proposal to fund hundreds more police officers than the City Council has already authorized? Why or why not? How would the city pay for it? | Do you support putting the Clean Energy Fund measure back on the ballot? What, if any changes, would you support? | Prioritize creating more protected bike lanes and priority bus lanes or fixing busted roads/potholes? | ||||||||||||
2 | Antonio PettyJohnBlue | No | Late entry, no website, scattered | No | Liberal | No | Seems like a dilletante | Yes | Seemed extremely out there, nice guy with a good heart but the longer I talked to him the weirder things got | Generic plus redeveloping blighted stuff | We need smarter cops, not more cops | Yes, for more accountability | Bikes & buses | ||||||||||||
3 | Bob Simril | Yes | Law & Order Business Guy, voters love that shit. Plus money, visibility (lawn signs) | Yes, Tier 1 Max | Centrist | No | Too business-focused, Law and order / PPA endorsement, | Heard, not met | Leans on experience as a businessman, balanced by underprivileged upbringing and long time residency in Portland. Worked for Tony Robbins, which sucks. I don't want D2 run like a business. | Overpromising and unclear on what's possible | The more female prison guards tweet | Keep it going, use it on parks and air filters | Underserved communities first | ||||||||||||
4 | Chris Olson | No | Pie in the sky progressive, no visibility (lawn signs, etc), little money, plenty of better more experienced options | Yes, Tier 1 Unlocked | Progressive | No | Dreamer, not doer. | No | Not Present | Generic progressive | No, PSR instead | Yes, charge corporations more | Both, tax corporations | ||||||||||||
5 | Dan Ryan | Yes | Experienced, name recognition, lots of $ | Yes, Tier 1 Max | Centrist | No | Wolf in sheep's clothing, has backed most of Rene Gonzalez's terrible ideas, seems to care more about power than any particular policy. Portland for All has a great recap of why one shouldn't rank him. | Heard, not met | Took credit for something city council accomplished that was led by Carmen Rubion permitting reform,despite being a key ally of Gonzalez. Just don't like him much IDK | Pivots to the homeless crisis | Yes - loves cops! | Accountability, not special interests. Reform | Roads first! | ||||||||||||
6 | Debbie Kitchin | Yes | Progressive who worked on charter reform | Yes, Tier 1 Max | Progressive | Yes | Well respected and informed about the system we're gonna be running on. That seems valuable! | No | Her husband showed up to speak for her and really did not represent her well | Nothing to say | Rebuild trust, don't hire more | No, it's important, marginalized communities, etc. | Safety first, not one or the other | ||||||||||||
7 | Elana Pirtle-Guiney | Yes | Progressive, experienced, labor-backed, Business backed | Yes, Tier 1 Max | Progressive | Yes | Experienced, good communicator, seems substantive, labor-approved | Heard, not met | Very polished progressive candidate, didn't get a chance to speak with her but feel like she both knows what needs to happen and has the chops to get it done. Some doubt amongst other progressive candidates that she's for real, and she's backed by the chamber of commerce! That's suspicious | Proposes navigators, one point person per project, to make sure things get done | Reform before recruitment | No, it's a huge opportunity to reshape the city | Bikes because it benefits everyone, even cars | ||||||||||||
8 | Jennifer Park | Yes | Just qualified for matching funds, hoping to make up ground. EDIT 10/21: Keeps racking up endorsements, seems like she's got the juice! | Yes, Tier 1 Unlocked | Progressive | Yes | Great ideas, strong values, experienced organizer, I think she can get stuff done with the right coalition and will stand up for progressive principles if the council skews moderate | Yes | Good speaker, strong orientation for getting shit done, good energy in person, wonderful principles, campaigning hard. Rooting for her but still not sure she can go the distance | Cool but impractical ideas. | Do more study first | No, it's great as is | Bikes if forced, then potholes, then innovation | ||||||||||||
9 | Jonathan Tasini | Yes | Progressive, experienced, labor-backed | Yes, Tier 1 Max | Progressive | Yes | Experienced, labor-approved, substantial, but kind of seems like he wants it too much | Heard, not met | Quick speech, bragged about his endorsements and being labor-backed, I feel weird that he has run in so many different races over the years but I believe in his principles | Density density density! | Practical, measured response, critical of the idea on policy merits | No, great as is | Dodged | ||||||||||||
10 | Laura Streib | Maybe | Not a ton of visibility, not a ton of money, not a ton of experience, but smart! | Yes, Tier 1 Unlocked | Progressive | No | There are a lot of great progressive candidates and she just doesn't move me IDK what to tell y'all | Heard, not met | Didn't make a major impression, didn't stay to chat | Prioritizing speed, no more studies, lets build, not concrete | Restructure and reform | No, use it as intended | Both/And, multi-modal | ||||||||||||
11 | Mariah Hudson | Yes | Lawn signs everywhere, safely centrist, good story, tons of $$$ | Yes, Tier 1 Max | Centrist | No | She would "consider pausing non-essential projects in other bureaus and focusing on attracting jobs (police jobs) and growing our tax base to pay for needed staff" | Heard, not met | Didn't speak to her, wasn't as charming in person as she is on that great lawn sign, others who spoke to her weren't impressed. Took justified credit for helping OHSU spin up covid vaccinations but said operationalized twice while she was talking about it | Jargony, pro-business | Yes, and take funds from elsewhere | No, the tweaks are already working | Maintain roads | ||||||||||||
12 | Marnie Glickman | Yes | Well-endorsed, experienced campaigner, decently funded | Yes, Tier 2 Max | Progressive | Yes | I don't love her energy or style but she has good ideas. | No | Didn't show, well spoken of by other progressive candidates | Housing group endorsements, seems plugged in | No, plus data | No, we're lucky to have it | Both | ||||||||||||
13 | Michael (Mike) Marshall | Yes | Well-endorsed, thoughtful, experienced, pragmatic | Yes, Tier 1 Max | Liberal | Yes | Wants to build housing on golf courses, great perspective on addicts and related issues | Yes | Honestly loved him! He wasn't on my list going in but he understands addiction and recovery, which I appreciate, is into raising liquor taxes, wants to make sure the government transition goes as well as possible | Wants to turn golf courses into housing | Yes, but they should live in Portland | Yes, give control to council | Climate change means bike lanes | ||||||||||||
14 | Michelle DePass | Yes | Well-endorsed, experienced, works in city government, sustainability expert | Yes, Tier 1 Max | Progressive | Yes | Smart, experienced, grounded in the community | Heard, not met | She's just rad, great speaker, great ideas, has worked in government, | Concrete proposals that feel attainable | Avoided answer | No, this is exactly what we need | Both, equity issue based on community needs | ||||||||||||
15 | Nabil Zaghloul | Maybe | Ground game, endorsements, experience. Lot of lawn signs but no one is talking about him | Yes, Tier 1 Max | Liberal | Yes | Public housing? PSR? Seems like a safe middle ground guy, very pro-arts | No | Bummed he didn't show, am curious about his whole thing | Public Housing!! Plus commercial conversions, permitting reform | Cops AND PSR. Public Safety! | Yes, on the ballot for renewal? | Fix roads | ||||||||||||
16 | Nat West | Yes | Public figure, huge small-dollar fundraising, wonky in the right way, well-endorsed | Yes, Tier 2 Max | Progressive | Yes | Wonky but not obnoxious about it, progressive but pragmatic, respected in a lot of communities. I am alarmed at how much I dig Nat West's whole vibe tbh. | No | Wasn't present but I had a great talk with his campaign manager. Wonky and charming and I still really like his whole deal | Public Housing AND community land trusts! Why is he smart and good? | Quick emergency response, not militarization. Where is increased PPB budget going? | No, it's too new | Maintainence, because it's what people want | ||||||||||||
17 | Sameer Kanal | Yes | Well-endorsed, experienced campaigner, great retail politician | Yes, Tier 1 Max | Progressive | Yes | Smart ideas on housing, loves democracy, hates climate change, off the beaten path in clever ways, proven ability to collaborate | Yes | Far and away my favorite canidate I got to talk to, eager, earnest, smart, and incredibly pragmatic at the same time. Progressive policies designed not to be excessively alienating to more centrist voters. | Long-term vacancy tax, long-term rentals, no cap but don't widen I-5... love him | Fill existing vacancies, make cops better | No, it's vital as is | Both, it's affordable | ||||||||||||
18 | Tiffani Penson | Yes | Well-endorsed, experienced, great retail politician, plenty of $$ | Yes, Tier 1 Max | Liberal | Yes | Policies are fine but not great, love her experience | Yes | Really strong speaker, really great to talk to, obviously compassionate and plugged in to what is and is not working about Portland. A little friendlier with the police than I would prefer but also understood that the current relationship between the PPD and the city is unhealthy and needs to change. Started stacking up chairs at the event to help clean up unprompted. | Permitting reform, public-private partnerships | Maybe, if that's what's needed | No, it's working well | Both | ||||||||||||
19 | James Armstrong | Yes | Seems smartish, has money, few endorsements, not seeing lawn signs anywhere but got the WW rank 4 slot somehow so I guess we're doin this! | Yes, Tier 1 Max | Liberal | Yes | Don't think he can win but I dig his ideas! Just not as much as some of the other candidates | No | Wasn't there, bummer. A total mystery to me | Informed, pro-building | Can't recruit now, why ask for more? | No changes if Rubio's workaround stays | Protected bike lanes, transit safety and dedicated bus lanes | ||||||||||||
20 | Reuben Berlin | No | Smartish, no money, no endorsements | No | Liberal | No | Dreamer, not doer, but in a weird techno-utopian business guy way | Heard, not met | Awkward, stumbling speech that went on too long, seems like his heart is in the right place but clearly doesn't have the juice | Pie in the sky | Nope | Wants to limit Rubio's interest trick, add accountability | Neither, driverless cars... | ||||||||||||
21 | Will Mespelt | No | Inexperienced, no momentum | No | Centrist | No | Pro-cop business guy | No | Not there | Deregulate & build. | Yes, pull money from elsewhere | Yes, create clear goals and accountability | Likes bikes, acknowledges need for both | ||||||||||||
22 | Sam Sachs | No | No response to OPB/Oregonian Survey | No | No Information Available | No | She's a mystery! | No | I don't think she's really running | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||
23 | Liz Taylor | No | No response to OPB/Oregonian Survey | No | No Information Available | No | She's a mystery! | No | I don't think she's really running | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||
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