QuestionChoice AChoice BChoice CChoice D
Correct Choice
Selected ASelected BSelected CSelected DCorrectWrongAnalysis
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1What is the primary tool used for creating 2D sketches in Fusion 360?Extrude SketchLoftRenderB00%770%110%220%770%330%With 70% correctly identifying the primary tool, this suggests a strong understanding of Fusion 360's basic functionality. However, the 20% who selected D indicates some confusion or misconceptions that could be addressed with further clarification or examples in class.DDBBBBCBBB
2In Fusion 360, how can you apply constraints to your 2D sketches?By using the Modify menuThrough the Sketch PaletteBy right-clicking on the sketch and selecting 'Constraints'Constraints are automatically appliedB110%990%00%00%990%110%This question was well answered, indicating excellent comprehension of how to apply constraints in Fusion 360. The high correct response rate suggests that students are comfortable with this aspect of 2D modeling.BABBBBBBBB
3Which feature allows you to create a flat pattern from a 3D part for 2D manufacturing in Fusion 360?Press PullSheet Metal ExtrudeMirrorB220%550%220%110%550%550% The even distribution of incorrect answers and only 50% correctness indicates this concept is not as well understood. This question's topic may require more in-depth teaching or practical examples to improve comprehension.DBCCAABBBB
4What is the purpose of the 'Dimension' tool in Fusion 360's 2D sketch environment?To change the color of the sketch To create 3D models from 2D sketchesTo specify the size and position of sketch entitiesTo duplicate sketch entitiesC440%00%660%00%660%440%The substantial incorrect response rate suggests either a misunderstanding of the Dimension tool's purpose or possibly the effectiveness of the distractor 'A'. This area could benefit from further explanation or demonstration to ensure students grasp the tool's significance in defining sketch parameters.CACACCACCA
5How can you mirror a 2D sketch over a line in Fusion 360? Use the 'Extrude' tool and select 'Mirror'Select the sketch, then use the 'Mirror' command from the Sketch menu Drag and drop the sketch across the desired lineThe 'Mirror' function is not available for 2D sketchesB00%990%00%110%990%110%: Like Question 2, this high correct response rate shows that students generally understand how to use the Mirror function effectively in Fusion 360. The minor incorrect selection could be addressed quickly in class but doesn't appear to indicate a significant gap in understanding.BBBDBBBBBB
InstructionsReflection Questions
1Insert the questions on your assessment in Column C. (If it gets cut off, that is okay, just click on the cell to see the full question.)1.Explain the benefits and/or drawbacks that exist with using this form as a way to conduct data analysis for an assessment.
2Insert the answer choices for your multiple choice questions horizontally adjacent to the question in Column C, with each separate choice in Columns D, E, F, or G respectively.Benefits: Provides clear insights into question difficulty and student performance, guiding targeted instruction.
Drawbacks: Manual entry is prone to errors and time-consuming; lacks depth in understanding why choices were made.
3In Column I, select the appropriate choice that is the correct answer using the dropdown provided. (NOTE: A is Choice A in Column D, B is Choice B in Column E, and so forth.)2.Identify two concerns that exist when generalizing data that could result in a negative effect.
4Starting in Column Y, insert student grades using the corresponding letter.Sampling Bias: May lead to inaccurate conclusions if the sample doesn't represent the entire population.
Overlooking Individual Variability: Generalizations can miss the diverse needs and learning styles of individuals, potentially neglecting specific support or intervention requirements.
5Statistics will auto-calculate and then you can conduct your analysis. (Your analysis should be third-part: 1. What does the data say? 2. Why might it say this? 3. What can you do as the teacher to improve next time?)3.How might you use this analysis spreadsheet in the future?
Curriculum Adjustment: Identify and address gaps in student understanding.
Targeted Interventions: Offer personalized support based on specific areas of difficulty.
Performance Tracking: Monitor changes in student understanding over time to assess instructional effectiveness.
NOTE: See example on the "Exemplar" sheet.4.Bonus: How would you improve or change this spreadsheet to customize to your needs? (You do NOT need to have the technical know-how to do this, just explain what it should do.)
Automate Data Entry: Link with digital tools for error-free, efficient data collection.
Incorporate Analytics: Add built-in statistical tools for deeper insights.
Visualizations: Enable graph/chart generation for better data interpretation.
Predictive Analysis: Integrate adaptive learning predictions to tailor instruction dynamically.
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