Original Google Form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7B2jmhtN-ABotVvsNH26OrmaGCu3W5igks1XM86ne75-b2g/viewform?usp=sf_link
This is a TTRPG Reviewers database set up by Brian from @StoutStoatPress. All information was submitted here voluntarily, for the purpose of helping smaller TTRPG creators connect with reviewers. When contacting the reviewers on this list, please be considerate of their time. Just because they submitted their information doesn't entitle anyone to their labour. ♥

MODERATION. This database is self-submitted, and not actively verified or moderated. If you see a submission that is harmful, dangerous or otherwise disingenuos, please reach out to Brian privately on Twitter (@StoutStoatPress).

CRTL+C copy is disabled, to prevent data scraping and mass emailing (I've had reports of both. If I get many more I might just shut the sheet down, I don't have the capacity to moderate it any more than the little I do right now :| )

You can copy email addresses by clicking on a text cell, highlighting it with your mouse, and then draging your selection into a new text field (e.g. an email body, a notes doc, whatever)

You can always type it out or write it down on a piece of paper for later.
Will you give me permissions for the Doc?
Nope! GDPR.

But copying addresses 1 by 1 takes time :(
I know, but this way folk have to purposefully pick who they want to reach out to.

I'm on mobile, copying doesn't work :(
Google used to have helpful widgits pop up that let you email folk from there, but it doesn't exist anymore.
RASCAL.NEWS - You can submit press releases to Rascal, a TTRPG news website run by the inimitable Lin Codega, Rowan Zeoli, and Chase Carter!
Check it out at the link below. You will need to get in contact so that you can join their system and write your posts. Posts are moderated by the Rascals.

PROPER CONDUCT. Do NOT blanket email the entrants on this database. That's spam, and ruins the resource for everyone.

Please consider each entrant and read their information carefully to see if they are suitable for your press release.
Public NameContact InformationWhat sort of media do you create?How do you publish your content?Where do you publish your content?How large is your typical audience?What types of product do you want to be approached with?How many months do you want MINIMUM before content needs to be released?Do you want to be paid for the content you create?OPTIONAL: How would you describe the genres of content you make content about?
Pearse Andersonpearse@pearseanderson.comArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), InterviewsSelf-published, Published (freelance)Publisher Social Media, Self-published Website5,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, Board games, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I accept all content requests
Ed Fortuneed.fortune@starburstmagazine.comArticles / Blogs, Interviews, Reviews, and also I have an in print columnPublished (staff)Publisher Social Media, Self-published Website, on our website and in our magazine250,000Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, CYOP Books2I accept all content requestssci-fi, fantasy and horror
fox / f0xrocketf0xrocketonline@gmail.comVideos (Short)Self-publishedTikTok5,000+Adventures, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games2I may request a commission for some contentWhimsical, lighthearted TTRPG memes
Dan Arndt/ The Fandomentalsdan@thefandomentals.comArticles / Blogs, Videos (Short), Videos (Long), Interviews, PodcastsPublished (staff)Publisher Social Media, Self-published Website, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook5,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, D&D 5th Edition, Board games2I accept all content requestsLove creative work, love work by queer creators and from marginalized communities, love experimental work
Amber Logsdon/@thespacejamberthespacejamber@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Videos (Long), PodcastsSelf-publishedTwitter, Twitch streams5,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, CYOP Books, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)3I may request a commission for some contentI'm open to any and all genres, as long as the basis of the content is not racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.
Philippa Morthttps://docs.google.com/document/d/11RZy6CaFilu14v9414ccVPh6k1YQ5v9xECG0tkYQvC8/edit?usp=drivesdkNewsletters, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Videos (Short)Self-publishedYoutube, TikTok, Twitter, Tumblr, Newsletter501-1,000Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, Trad TTRPG Content2I accept all content requestsIndie, especially solo and story games. Please read my info page for what I do and do not cover.
Adam Brown / BigComicPage@brother_roosterArticles / Blogs, InterviewsVia webpage owner/editorSelf-published Website, Twitter251-500Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content1I accept all content requestsThe GeekingOut column covers anything tabletop which we find interesting or engaging. We regularly look at action figures, toys, board games, card games and all manner of TTRPGs.
Sean Foer / scene_fourSeanfoer@gmail.comVideos (Short), Videos (Long)Self-publishedYoutube, TikTok5,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games1I will request a commission for all contentHighlights of game systems/GM advice
Wherewolftwitter: wherewolfbfInformal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Videos (Long), InterviewsSelf-publishedYoutube, Twitter, Twitch1-100Adventures, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games1I accept all content requestsGenerally my show Setting the Table is about discussing rpgs and the wider themes/trends they fit into
Tony From Plus One/Plus One ExpSocial Media or Tony@PlusOneExp.comVideos (Short), Videos (Long), Interviews, Actual Play & Panel DiscussionsSelf-published, Published (staff)Publisher Social Media, Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram501-1,000Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)2I may request a commission for some contentIndie and Small Press Storytelling and Roleplaying Games That Aren't 5e.
xaosseedxaosseed@gmail.comArticles / BlogsSelf-publishedPublisher Social Media101-250Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content4I accept all content requestsSettings, Planar, OSR, Spelljammer, worldbuilding & homebrew
pookie / Reviews from R'lyehhttp://rlyehreviews.blogspot.com/Articles / BlogsSelf-publishedPublisher Social Media, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Discord1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, CYOP Books6I accept all content requestsAll genres covered
Gigantic Spider Games@gigantic_spiderInformal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread)Self-publishedTwitter1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games1I accept all content requestsReviews with an eye towards usability, inspiration, and how well the product achieves the goals it sets out for itself.
PixelCircusinfo@pixelcircus.partyVideos (Short), Videos (Long), PodcastsSelf-publishedYoutube, TikTok, Twitter, Twitch1-2k Views on Twitch, 10k views per week on TikTokAdventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games1I may request a commission for some contentWe make celebratory content around all things games and pop culture, with a focus on lowering barriers for entry to new players.
Carlos / Rol SolosolitaiInformal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Videos (Short), Videos (Long), PodcastsSelf-publishedYoutube, Twitter501-1,000Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures1I accept all content requestsSolo games for a Spanish-speaking audience
Jonathan Sevigny / Wendigo Workshopwendigo.workshop.hr@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread)Self-publishedPublisher Social Media, Self-published Website2,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition2I may request a commission for some contentWe are open to any type of content, as long as it is not sexist, homophobic, transphobic or disrespectful to any community. We love horror, sci-fi and fantasy!
Dawn & Ryan / Roll 4 Initiativeroll4initiativevlog@gmail.comVideos (Short), InterviewsSelf-publishedYoutube501-1,000Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games1I may request a commission for some content
Angel's Citadelcountzeroasl@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Videos (Short), Videos (Long), InterviewsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Twitch1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content2I accept all content requestsAny
Michael Wheeler/Stream of Many Thingsstreamofmanythings@gmail.comVideos (Short), Videos (Long), Miniature Painting/StreamsSelf-publishedYoutube, Twitter, Twitch1-100Adventures, Small Books, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)3I may request a commission for some contentTTRPG centered, with a focus on 5e supplements. Mostly dealing with Miniatures.
Sam Leigh / GoblinMixtape / Blinking Birch Gamessamleigh.carrd.coVideos (Short)Self-publishedYoutube, TikTok5,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content1I accept all content requestsLesser-known indie tabletop RPGs of any genre
AusQuesthttps://www.twitter.com/AusQuestVideos (Long)Self-publishedYoutube, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Twitch1-100Adventures, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition1I accept all content requestsLive Play; Discussion; Focus on Australian creators and content
Sesión Cero Podcastsesionceropod@gmail.comInformal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), PodcastsSelf-publishedYoutube, Spotify and other podcast platforms101-250Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, Board games, CYOP Books, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)3I accept all content requestsWe cover TTRPGs and related contents of all genres.
Hessan’s County / hessan_yongdiemail to bryoncasebolt@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Videos (Short), Videos (Long)Self-publishedSelf-published Website, Youtube, Twitter1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I accept all content requestsIndie, solo, historical, non-Western fantasy, sci-fi
Sam or Scribbles@sammiiscribbles on twitterArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Videos (Short), Videos (Long), Interviews, Podcasts, Reviews/TikTok Self-published, Published (freelance)Publisher Social Media, Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram251-500Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content1I may request a commission for some contentAll kinds of ttrpg content. But I have a soft spot for horror
Irene Zielinski /spacejobhttps://twitter.com/spacejobrpgVideos (Short)Self-publishedTikTok, Twitter1,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, Board games2I may request a commission for some contentIndie & small press ttrpgs
Ageekofonesown @geek_own (twitter)Videos (Long), Interviews, Actual play streamsSelf-publishedYoutube, Twitter, Twitch1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, Trad TTRPG Content1I may request a commission for some contentGames by creators, played by other creators. Reviews and interviews
Black Dragon Dungeon CompanyBlackdragondungeoncompany@gmail.comVideos (Long), PodcastsSelf-publishedYoutube, All major podcatchers101-250Solo games1I may request a commission for some contentAll solo ttrpg genres
Ginny LovedayContact@ginnyloveday.comNewsletters, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Videos (Short), Interviews, PodcastsSelf-published, Published (freelance)Self-published Website, Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram1,000+Adventures, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games1I may request a commission for some contentA bit of everything
Noah Grandnoahgrandwrites@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), InterviewsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Twitter101-250Adventures, D&D 5th Edition1I may request a commission for some contentFocus on 5e adventures, mechanics, some worldbuilding. Former journalist may expand in to interviews.
Logan Rollins / The Story Told RPG podcast Thestorytoldpodcast@gmail.com Interviews, Podcasts, Limited AP’s Self-publishedSelf-published Website, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Apple iTunes, Spotify, podbean 251-500Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content6I accept all content requestsReviews with a heart, character forward.
Sven Michelsvensationalism@gmail.com Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread)Self-publishedTwitter1-100Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition2I may request a commission for some contentI typically do mechanical-based content reviews.
Chris Lowry / Beyond Cataclysm & Tabletop Gaming Magazinechris@beyondcataclysm.co.ukArticles / Blogs, Videos (Short), Interviews, PodcastsSelf-published, Published (staff), Published (freelance)Self-published Website, Youtube, Magazine101-250Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, CYOP Books, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)2I accept all content requestsSci-fi, Fiction, Poetry. Anything RPG or Fiction generally.
John Power (Wyrd Science)wyrdsciencezine@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Newsletters, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), InterviewsSelf-published, Published (staff), Published (freelance)Publisher Social Media, Self-published Website, Twitter, Instagram, our print magazine5,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, CYOP Books, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books), wargames / weird accessories / interesting stories2I accept all content requestswe have catholic tastes but SF/F & adjacent games mainly
Z Gosckhttps://twitter.com/zigmenthotepVideos (Short), Videos (Long)Self-publishedYoutube251-500Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content2I may request a commission for some contentPrimarily indie and vintage content
Strong preference for weird stuff
Andrew Stretchastretch@techraptor.netArticles / Blogs, Videos (Short), Interviews, PodcastsPublished (staff), Published (freelance)Publisher Social Media, Self-published Website, Twitter, Facebook10,000+Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games1I accept all content requestsStill fairly new to the TTRPG space so while I don't cover everything I'm normally at least interested in learning about the options
Anna Blackwell / Blackwell Gameshttps://twitter.com/BlackwellWriterArticles / Blogs, ReviewsPublished (freelance)Print Journalism10,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, Trad TTRPG Content, Board games, CYOP Books2I accept all content requestsI tend to prefer things that are quick to pick up and play. I don't do eurogames or games that could be described as "disturbing, body horror, or grimdark"
Walton Wood / Liber Ludorumliber.ludorum@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), InterviewsSelf-published, Published (freelance)Publisher Social Media, Self-published Website1,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, Board games2I accept all content requestsI usually cover games that innovate with print and other physical materials
The Rpg AcademyTheRpgAcademy@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Interviews, PodcastsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook501-1,000Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games2I accept all content requestsUniversal
BJ Keetonbjk@geektogeekmedia.comArticles / Blogs, Newsletters, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread)Self-published, Published (freelance)Self-published Website, Twitter10,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games2I may request a commission for some contentWe cover everything from video games to board games, ttrpgs, ccgs, etc. If it's geeky and fun, we want to share it with our audience
Dungeons + Drama Nerdsdungeonsanddramanerds@gmail.comPodcastsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, podcast101-250Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content3I may request a commission for some contentTTRPGs of any genre that focus on multi-player narratives or performance
Tabletop Bellhopmoe@tabletopbellhop.comArticles / Blogs, Newsletters, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Videos (Short), Videos (Long), Podcasts, Live StreamsSelf-publishedPublisher Social Media, Self-published Website, Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram1,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I accept all content requestsWe cover all things tabletop gaming with our main premise of answering gaming and game night questions
Kelly Knox / Nerdistknox.kelly@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread)Published (freelance)Self-published Website, Twitter10,000+Adventures, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I may request a commission for some contentPop culture adjacency or hooks greatly improve my chances of pitch approval from Nerdist editors
Bianca Bickfordbianca.bickford@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread)Published (freelance)Twitter, TribalityUnknownD&D 5th Edition1I accept all content requestsReviews and spotlights on small creator 5E adventures, settings, rules, subclasses, etc. on Tribality. Preferred focus on marginalized creators.
Dylan Ramsey / KKRPhttps://twitter.com/KKRP2Articles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Videos (Short), Interviews, PodcastsSelf-publishedYoutube, Twitter1-100Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition1I may request a commission for some contentAnything that catches my eye, honestly, from thought-provoking sci-fi, to goofy fantasy satire, to social intrigue in the land of the dead.
Split/Partydelethiel@gmail.com Articles / Blogs, TTRPG critics and how to get games actually to the tableSelf-publishedSelf-published Website501-1,000Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, Trad TTRPG Content3I may request a commission for some contentCreating frameworks of critical analysis and applying that lens to different games in order to understand how do what they do and if they do what they claim to do.
www.rpgamenews.comhttps://twitter.com/rpgamenewsInformal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread)Self-publishedSelf-published Website, Twitter2,000+Adventures, Trad TTRPG Content, Primarily interested in new TTRPG games and indie creators products.1I accept all content requestsany fantasy
James Leigh / Story Forgestoryforge.business@gmail.comVideos (Short), Videos (Long), Podcasts, Actual Play/Gameplay ReviewsSelf-publishedYoutube, TikTok, Twitter, Twitch501-1,000Adventures, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I may request a commission for some contentAnything that helps enable storytelling and finding a genuine connection with people
Cannibal Halfling Gamingcannibalhalflinggaming@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, PodcastsSelf-publishedPublisher Social Media, Self-published Website, Twitter, Facebook501-1,000Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, CYOP Books, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I accept all content requestsBringing games and gamers together, there's little at the genre level we won't take a look at.
Christian Hoffer/ComicBook.comHoffer175@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), InterviewsPublished (staff), Published (freelance)Self-published Website, Twitter, Facebook5,000+Adventures, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games1I accept all content requestsWe cover news about the industry, always looking to diversify content featured on site
ThatGamerPriest and Holy Happy Hour Batmanbenjaminearlwallis@gmail.comVideos (Short), Videos (Long), InterviewsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Youtube, Twitch1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, CYOP Books, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I accept all content requestsI host interviews on Holy Happy Hour Batman, a ttrpg talk show.
Midgardiahttps://twitter.com/MidgardiaRPGVideos (Short), Interviews, Actual Plays (VoD, Twitch)Self-publishedYoutube, Twitter1-100Adventures, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition1I accept all content requestsFantasy with a splash of sci-fi, with a team of queer and disabled players.
shanodin / Ali Reestwitter.com/shanodin DMs open (my email address is also listed on my profile if you prefer)Articles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Videos (Long), Podcasts, Live streamsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Youtube, Twitter, twitch.tv1-100Board games, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books), anything board-gaming including card games etc.2I accept all content requeststhe question says optional but the form won't submit without giving an answer ;)
Zach / The Known Unknowntheknounkno@gmail.comVideos (Short), Videos (Long)Self-publishedYoutube, TikTok2,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, D&D 5th Edition, Solo-TTRPGs and GMless games.1I accept all content requestsSpecializing in storytelling in TTRPG coming from a Fine Art/Filmmaking lens.
Alex White / Plane Sailing Gamesalex@planesailinggames.comArticles / Blogs, NewslettersSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Twitter1-100Small Books2I accept all content requestsEmotional historical story games, and backstabbing science fiction
Mollie Russell / Wargamermollie.russell@network-n.comArticles / Blogs, InterviewsPublished (staff)Self-published Website5,000+Adventures, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games3I accept all content requests
Declan Lowthian / HorsePondMinehttps://horsepondmine.com/contact/Articles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread)Self-publishedSelf-published Website, Twitter1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Board games1I accept all content requests
Craig Shipman / Third Floor WarsAdmin@thirdfloorwars.comPodcastsSelf-publishedAll the podcatchers 2,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, Board games2I accept all content requestsInterviews focused on how designers approach their work
Richard fraser / cockatrice Nuggets jerry247@gmail.comVideos (Short), Videos (Long), Interviews, PodcastsSelf-publishedYoutube, Anchor.fm 1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition1I accept all content requestsIndependent zine, nuosr
Brian Hazzard - Instadeath Survivors Support Groupinstadeathsurvivors@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Videos (Short), Videos (Long), Interviews, PodcastsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook101-250Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, CYOP Books3I accept all content requestsZero-prep, GM-less, Small games. More narrative than mechanical. I get most excited about BOB, Firebrands, Small PBTA games, etc
Lexi/The Gaming Tabletabletoproleplayinggamereviews@gmail.comVideos (Short)Self-publishedYoutube1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, Board games, CYOP Books, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I accept all content requests
Notepad AnonNotepadAnon@gmx.comVideos (Short), Videos (Long)Self-publishedPublisher Social Media, Youtube, Twitter, Twitch101-250Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, Trad TTRPG Content2I accept all content requestsTTRPGs through a mechanical lense.
Adam Powell / Snyder's Return Podcast https://snydersreturn.squarespace.com/Videos (Short), Interviews, PodcastsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)6I may request a commission for some content
Sidequest.zoneeditors@sidequest.zoneArticles / Blogs, Newsletters, Interviews, PodcastsPublished with a staff, but currently all volunteers.Self-published Website101-250Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, CYOP Books, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I accept all content requests
Yes Indie'd Podhttps://www.twitter.com/yesindiedpodPodcastsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Podcast platforms101-250Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content4I accept all content requestsWe aim to promote indie publishers for your own definition of indie
Garry Snow at Dieku GamesFill out the form at www.https://diekugames.com/gamepitchVideos (Long), Interviews, PodcastsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram5,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content3I accept all content requestsIndie game creators join me on a 15-minute YouTube livestream to share a pitch deck about their new game while I ask questions and help to promote it. (no 5e or big press games)
Roleplaying as Smart PeopleTwitter @RPSmartPeoplePodcastsSelf-publishedYoutube, Twitter, Most major and minor podcast platforms101-250Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, Board games, CYOP Books, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I accept all content requestsTalking tabletop through discussion and 1 on 1 interviews done in a friendly conversation manner
Brent Jans (The Rat Hole)Twitter.com/@DorklordCanadaArticles / Blogs, InterviewsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Youtube1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, Actual Play productions1I accept all content requestsI specialise in the indie TTRPG space, promoting works by new/marginalized creators.
Tomas Giménez Riojahttps://tomasgimenezrioja.notion.site/About-Me-Tomas-Gimenez-Rioja-8b89aaccd787400f95d306794cd2465fArticles / Blogs, InterviewsPublished (freelance)Publisher Social Media101-250Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games1I may request a commission for some content
Halfling's Hoardhalflingmaster@gmail.comArticles / BlogsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Instagram, Mastadon1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides2I accept all content requestsFantasy, Sci Fi, OSR, NSR, rules systems, adventures, other materials, miniatures rules
Luke Taylor (Goonhammer)@luke_taylor23 on twitterArticles / BlogsPublished (freelance)Publisher Social Media, Twitter501-1,000Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I accept all content requests
The Soloistpatrick.buechner@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Newsletters, InterviewsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Twitter, Instagram5,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, Board games1I accept all content requestsSpecializing in solo and co-op RPGs and other tabletop games
Jared Rascher/What Do I Know?WhatDoIKnowJR@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Interviews, PodcastsSelf-published, Contributer at Gnome Stew in addition to my own site.Publisher Social Media, Self-published Website, Gnome Stew251-500Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition3I accept all content requestsHigh fantasy, modern urban fantasy/monster hunting, and space opera are some of the biggest draws for me.
David Leonard Flanagandleonardflanagan@gmail.comArticles / BlogsPublished (freelance)251-500Adventures, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games4I may request a commission for some content
Keerthi Sridharan keerthi.writer@gmail.com Articles / Blogs, InterviewsSelf-published, Published (freelance)Publisher Social Media251-500Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, CYOP Books, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I accept all content requestsUnconventional collaborative storytelling, QTPOC stories, community-focused and accessible game design.
DMing the World / Than Gibson than@chronicle.cc Instagram:@dmingtheworldArticles / Blogs, Newsletters, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread)Self-publishedSelf-published Website, Facebook, Instagram101-250System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition3I may request a commission for some contentStorytelling and worldbuilding tips and guides through thoughtful examination of history, art, culture, and travel. Product reviews will be framed through this lens.
Pierre Vagneur-Jones / victory fishpierre.vagneurjones@gmail.comArticles / BlogsSelf-published, Published (freelance)Self-published Website101-250Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, Board games2I accept all content requests
Henrik Dithmer /Bandithmerhttps://bandithmergames.wordpress.com/contact/Articles / BlogsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides2I accept all content requestsI like narrative games and storygames the most. And I don't mind the weird stuff!
RPG Blenderrpgblender@gmail.comVideos (Short), Videos (Long)Self-publishedYoutube, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook101-250Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content1I may request a commission for some contentSpecializing in non-D&D games, with a math and theater background
EN World (Jessica Hancock - Not DnD)jessica@enpublishingrpg.co.ukArticles / Blogs, Interviews, Podcastsenworld.orgYoutube, Facebook, twitch.tv/enpublishingNot DnD podcast around 500 listeners, EN World 2 million users per month averageZines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides1I accept all content requests“Not DnD” is a podcast where we talk about ttrpgs that are not dungeons and dragons, where we try and spotlight different indie rpgs
Stephanie @craftymicesmschanda@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), word of mouthSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Reddit101-250Adventures, Solo RPGs2I accept all content requests
Rowan ZeoliRowanzeoli@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Interviews, PodcastsPublished (staff), Published (freelance)TikTok, 10,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Trad TTRPG Content, Actual Play1I accept all content requests
Armaan Babuhttps://linktr.ee/ArmaanBabuArticles / Blogs, NewslettersSelf-published, Published (staff), Published (freelance)Publisher Social Media1-100Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition1I may request a commission for some content
G. Michael RappE-mail (gmichaelrapp@gmail.com) | Pub: https://roleplaypolyhedrons.substack.com/Articles / Blogs, NewslettersSelf-publishedSubstack (https://roleplaypolyhedrons.substack.com/)1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, Trad TTRPG Content, Board games3I accept all content requestsDarker content is great. Also a fan of light-hearted stuff as well, considering the current political/geopolitical environment as of late. Pretty open to anything. Just want to find stuff to play.
Christopher Huttonchristopher.hutton92@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Newsletters, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), InterviewsSelf-published, Published (freelance)Publisher Social Media, Self-published Website, Other clients1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, CYOP Books, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)1I accept all content requests
GamingTrendMdunn@gamingtrend.comArticles / Blogs, Videos (Short), Videos (Long), Interviews, Podcasts, ReviewsSelf-published, Published (staff), GT is an outletSelf-published Website, Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook10,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)2I accept all content requestsWe are aggressively working towards giving more coverage to indie TTRPGs
Jewelknightjess / Jessica Smart https://x.com/JewelKnightJessInformal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Painting content for TTRPG Miniatures. Self-publishedSelf-published Website, Twitter, Instagram10,000+Adventures, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Board games, Miniatures (eg Epic Encounters, Animal Adventures) 1I may request a commission for some contentA focus on sharing cool tabletop Miniatures and terrain for all sorts of gaming purposes.
Panda / Dice-SociationDice-Sociation.com/contactArticles / BlogsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website1-100Actual Play shows both Podcast and video4I accept all content requestsI write reviews on shows (both podcast and video) that use TTRPGs as a central part of their story telling with the focus on helping audiences find the shows they will love.
Nick Munro Turnernmunroturner@gmail.comArticles / Blogs, Videos (Short), Videos (Long)Self-published, Published (freelance)Publisher Social Media, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, Board games2I may request a commission for some contentHome made TTRPGs and Articles on TTRPGs/Actual Play
The Dungeon BrosEmail at: Dungeonbrochachos@gmail.com Search Dungeon Bros on most any social media for our link in bio to get access to all our podcasts and other contentVideos (Short), PodcastsSelf-publishedYoutube, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram101-250Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, D&D 5th Edition2I may request a commission for some contentAll things D&D, MtG, TCG, RPG, or any other nerdy acronym you can think of
Nada/AmirContact on twitter: @trans-father work can be found at https://open.substack.com/pub/nadaamir?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=b0ehuArticles / Blogs, Informal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), InterviewsSelf-publishedTwitter, Substack1-100Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content1I may request a commission for some contentI gravitate towards games with experimental
The Weeping Staghttps://theweepingstag.wordpress.com/Articles / BlogsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Reddit1-100Adventures, Trad TTRPG Content1I accept all content requestsAn interest in more positive sci-fi (such as Star Trek) and traditional dungeon crawling.
V.J. Harrisvjhcreations@gmail.comInformal Writing (E.G. Twitter Thread), Videos (Short), Videos (Long), Interviews, PodcastsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website, Youtube, TikTok, Twitter251-500Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Adventures, Small Books, System Neutral / Setting Guides, Trad TTRPG Content, D&D 5th Edition, Adjacent Media (E.G. Fiction Books)3I may request a commission for some contentI don't have a specialty. I'll talk about anything but I like focusing on things involving marginalized identities.
DodoBorne https://linktr.ee/dodobornepodVideos (Short), PodcastsSelf-publishedPublisher Social Media, Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, etc. 101-250Trad TTRPG Content1I may request a commission for some contentDaggerheart actual play with plenty of humor and heart.
Paul Beakley/ Indie Game Reading Club Https://indiegamereadingclub.comArticles / BlogsSelf-publishedSelf-published Website2,000+Zines / Pamphlets / Chap Books, Small Books, Indie game systems3I accept all content requestsReviews, deep dives, technique and text AP for experienced tabletop gamers.