Club NameAdvisor Best Choice of ContactPresident Name President Email
Vice President's Name
Vice President EmailSecretary's NameSecretary EmailTreasurer's NameTreasurer EmailClub DescriptionMeeting Frequency
3D Printing and DesignSilverman, Jeffreykrishsai194@gmail.comSaikrishna Reddy
Avanish Duvuluri
Anjali Nairillajnarian05@gmail.comPrabhav
The intent of our club is to expose 3D printing to a wider range of students at DVHS, make 3-D printing more accessible, and remove the intellectual barrier of understanding 3-D printing for the general population of this school. We are aware that it is a relatively new and modern phenomenon that is not widely understood, and our goal is to change that and increase its potential to become an interesting hobby or passion for students. We will be using these projects to not only give students knowledge but to also show students how to serve our community and school in a fun creative way.
Every Friday during lunchtime
Ableism AwarenessManley, Meganableismawareness@gmail.comSarah Sweesjswee31@gmail.comPloy Jirasirinuphan
Saachi Tambolisacchi.tamboli1015@gmail.comCameron
Our goal at Ableism Awareness is to educate individuals about the disability community while also providing volunteering opportunities to help those in need. Through social events and hosting fundraisers, we hope to bond our communities together. We will also host panelists of guest speakers to inspire students to pursue careers with the goal of helping people with disabilities in fields ranging from optometry, behavioral sciences, advocacy + law, tech accessibility, and more. We will be partnering with disability focused organizations to support them through donations and building community. Join us in making out community more accessible and inclusive!
third Monday of the month
Acapella ClubSamantha Montgomerydvacapella1@gmail.comAdelene Pereyra
Nida Tadiparthi
Jada Caitlin Pineda192808@students.srvusd.netSoumya
DVHS Acapella club is a place where students, regardless of musical experience, who have an interest in singing can thrive! Our goal is to create a community of amazing singers who help each other hone their craft. Each week, we work together in groups to learn different vocal techniques and songs. We have concerts in the winter and spring to showcase our club members’ hard work. Those who are interested must audition to join, but this is a no cut club. The auditions are only necessary to determine a student’s vocal placement based on note range. Join DVHS Acapella club for the opportunity to improve on your musicianship skills and be part of an amazing community!
Weekly meetings on Wednesday after school
Acts of Random Kindness Duggan, Mary-Katedvhsark@gmail.comDhwani Adhishesh
Jessica Panganiban
Julia Husainzadaijuliah123@gmail.comAllison
DVHS Acts of Random Kindness is a joyous, stress-relieving, diverse, and inclusive club that motivates students at Dougherty to aid their community and spread happiness and positivity throughout our school. Our mission is to engage our members through games, help those in need, and meet new people, all while brightening faces and building a strong, amicable community. Our officers are known to be approachable, lighthearted, and responsible individuals who are always willing to expand our club life. Most importantly, our club is meant to be fun and exciting. Come hangout with ARK!
Every other Monday during lunch.
AI Ethics Sponsored by Inspirit AI
Mitra, Rajasreewoffly123@gmail.comAshray Pamulawoffly123@gmail.comSatwik Panigrahi
The goal of this club is to teach students about the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI). We hope to educate students on how to use AI and inspire them to be responsible and efficient in their work. We want to help club members understand how AI can be applied to different fields and the ethical pitfalls of doing so incorrectly. By the end of the year, we hope that our members will have had the opportunity to learn more about ethics in AI as a whole and be able to apply it in their AI-filled futures.
3rd Thursday of every month
AlphaNeuroHuang, Katherine alphaneuroclub01@gmail.comAshneet Dhami
Ellie Wang
Sathvik Bethisathvik.bethi@gmail.comVarun
This student-led club’s mission is to create a neuroscience learning community and help young people better understand real-world issues and conditions within the neuroscience field. We have a goal of bringing a positive impact on our community and help people connect with something as beautiful as neuroscience.This club will focus on going in depth with the basics and deeper research in these conditions using The Brain Facts Book and other neuroscience resources and have some interactive learning. There will be guest speakers who would share more about their experiences in this field of study as well as current research they are working on. Then, collectively we will perform different fundraisers for the Alzheimer’s Association and help push funds for further research in Alzheimer’s disease.
Every week at lunch on fridays
American Cancer Society
Hymel, Lena & Clemente, Roberto
Sameeha Ahmed, Leanne Park
Tanay Joshi
Darshita Prathapdarshita7860@gmail.comAnushka
The American Cancer Society is a nationwide voluntary nonprofit organization that works to eradicate cancer. DVHS ACS works to promote and fund cancer research in a community-based manner. With a slew of events and Relay for Life in the spring, we spread the message, advocate, and raise awareness throughout the year. At Relay, hundreds of students, staff, and community members come together on the football field. Relay For Life is the world’s largest community-driven fundraiser dedicated to raising money for cancer research, patient care, and honoring those touched by cancer. Dougherty's RFL is an incredibly memorable event and we hope you'll join our mission this year!
Once a month on Wednesdays during lunch
American Computer Science League
Barth, Kevindvacsl1@gmail.comAkash Danda
Neel Kondapalli
Nikhil Tripathinikhiltrip1@gmail.comYogya
The American Computer Science League hosts computer science contests that introduce fundamental programming skills, computer science theory and requires problem solving. We hold weekly meetings and introduce new concepts that the League has provided in each of its contests. There will be 4 contests held yearly. There will be many practice problems that members can do, and with more practice, their critical thinking/problem solving skills will improve. This club doesn't just teach how to write code and the rules of a certain programming language. It teaches you how to create an algorithm for a problem and implement the algorithm in a programming language.
We will meet every Friday after school.
American Heart AssociationBrown, Timothyaniketh.eswara@gmail.comAniketh Eswara
Aadhav Prabu
Sree Krishna Chandra, Gelle
The purpose of our club is to spread awareness about heart related diseases and have our community live healthier lives free of heart risks and stroke. One of our major goals includes improving cardiovascular health for our community, working to remove barriers to health care access and quality, and spread informative statistics to help those around us improve their daily lifestyle. Some of the things we hope to accomplish are to start fundraisers to donate to heart foundations and hospitals in order to help those who suffer from severe heart conditions. We hope to raise awareness around our campus and in the Contra Costa community that heart related disease is a major cause of death throughout our state and the United States as a whole. We hope to also have many events in which we can train students on how to prepare for a medical heart-related emergency. Overall, our goals and purposes include fundraisers and seminars which will benefit the health of our community while providing to heart-related foundations who can use our money to help as many patients as they can.
Every Tuesday Lunch
American Red CrossCincotta, Jendoughertyredcross@gmail.comAyushi Mody
Kimberly Cui
Aman Gandhariamanreddyg@gmail.comSanjana
Guided by the fundamental principles of the American Red Cross and its mission to prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors, the DVHS Red Cross Club will learn, practice, and exemplify humanitarian values through mission-related service projects. The DVHS Red Cross Club will plan and coordinate a few Red Cross mission-related service projects per year. The service projects will focus on preparedness, blood donation, and fundraising. Club members will serve and represent the American Red Cross through participation in school or community-based service projects.
Third Wednesday of the month
American Sign LanguageMoriya, Imindvhsasl@gmail.comMedhavi Jambhekarm3dhavi@gmail.comVenya Masula
For our club we hope to teach students at this school the basics of American Sign Language so that they can use this knowledge later on in their lives. The teaching goals is to teach them the alphabet, the numbers, and basic words and phrases that are very helpful. Once we have ensured that the students can follow along in these areas without any struggle, we can move on to bigger topics such as direction and places. We also want to help connect the deaf and the hearing community together. By teaching Sign Language, we can help connect hearing and deaf students together which would be a wonderful experience given how we can learn so much from each other.
3rd Monday of every month
Amnesty InternationalKaren Dennisamnestyint@gmail.comMeghana Reddy
Ashita Patel
Srilamisa Zamanlamisaaa.zaman@gmail.comAdah
This club is focused on aiding humanitarian causes worldwide. We are connected with the Amnesty International organization, and with our connection, we focus on specific assignments and goals for the school year. We plan to stand up against these injustices by fundraising and spreading the word. One of our main missions as a club is to gain the support of DVHS students and give them a chance to speak up about injustices that are happening in the world. We hope to help aide our peers while they get a chance to lead their own initiatives.
Two Wednesdays each month during lunch
AnimeBellows, Adamanimeclubemail00@gmail.comLucas Hara
Jacob Denima
Ashley Rongashley.rong@gmail.comHrithik
We are the Anime Research Club and we analyze the artistic style of the creators of anime and manga with other people who are in the club! We analyze the creative artistic style of the writers to try and find a deeper meaning for why they chose certain palets of color or certain artistic styles for their creations. We watch anime in room 1117 and generally have a good time talking about and admiring the anime with others that enjoy doing it as well. The members of the club also get to participate in what we watch as well! This is because we have a poll after we're close to being finished with the meeting to choose the next episode for us to watch the next time we meet! We are here to have fun and let other Japanese art enjoyers, whether anime watchers only, manga readers only, or both. All are welcome to join us and appreciate Japanese animation and writing as a club, as well as have fun while trying to find the meaning we think the anime or manga is intended to have on the audience or readers. Come join us whenever you are free and we will welcome you with open arms.
Every Tuesday during lunch
Art Of GamingKim, Albertchaudhryaniket@gmail.comAniket Chaudhry
Rajvir Singh
Prithvi Mehtaprithvimehta2005@gmail.comAkilesh
The Art of Gaming club was created to get the student body excited about (video) gaming, even people who haven't played a video game before. Whether or not students want to pursue a career related to gaming/esports, or are just enthusiasts of the latest Animal Crossing, they are welcome to join our club. We will host gaming tournaments for pros so they can feel the rush of competitive esports and also host tournaments for complete beginners so they can get a taste for competitions for the first time. Additionally, we will be running frequent game jams where students can practice how to develop games in a short amount of time. We will occasionally have some guest speakers from the gaming industry talk to us during our meetings so our members can think about gaming from a different perspective. Join the club discord at: .
We will have an in-person meeting the second Wednesday of each month during lunch in Mr. Kim's room. This is subject to change however, so stay updated on our discord!
Asian American Cultural Association
Kim, Yuleekwokchunhui@gmail.comAnthony Hui
Chloe Lee
Valerie Chenggnehceirelav@gmail.comCheryl
Asian American Club Association is a club committed to spreading different Asian cultures to students of Dougherty Valley. We hold meetings every other Tuesday with each meeting dedicated to a specific culture. During each meeting, we present slideshows made by our wonderful officers along with fun-filled interactive activities. If you've ever wanted to take part in recreational club activities while learning about various Asian cultures, then Asian American Club Association is the club for you! We occasionally have food as well!
Every other Tuesday
AutomotiveWalker, Patrick192977@students.srvusd.netFelipe Schreiner
Akarsh Sharma
Owen Kim193527@students.srvusd.netNolan
The Automotive club is a place where all gear heads, automotive enthusiasts, and car geeks alike can come and enjoy cars and coffee style meetings with those who share the same interests as themselves. The club will be focusing on discussing upcoming, and past automotive topics and share ideas and opinions on automotive news. The club will also be following the current formula 1 series and be discussing different aspects of the top of the line racing competition. The clubs most exciting aspect will be centered on having hands on practice with common, and useful, automotive skills such as changing oil/oil filters, buffing a car, and changing tires.
The club will be meeting one to two times a month on varying block days.
Biology ClubBasu, Minuprayrak.awesome@gmail.comPrayrak Bajaj
Ananya Vittaladevuni
Harrison Xuhsx925@gmail.comGrace
This school year, the Biology Club hopes to complete several of its goals including, but not limited to, enriching high school students with information on various Biology topics, curriculum development and revision of AP Biology topics (including AP test parameters), and competition preparation (for USABO and related competitions). The club maintains weekly meetings where discussions on in-depth revisions of the AP Biology curriculum take place. Rehearsal and revision of Biology topics greatly prepare club members for upcoming quizzes/tests/projects in their Biology classes at school. Outside of the general curriculum, club members present Biology topics they are passionate about. Finally, the Biology Club teaches topics covered in competitive Biology exams, condensing them into the weekly presentations. These topics correlate with competitions such as the USA Biology Olympiad, UOT Competition, and the BBO competition. The Biology Club Officer team hopes to share their knowledge with club members and share their interests with fellow biology enthusiasts.
Thursday During Lunch
Biomedical engineering Ms. Helotdvbiomedeng@gmail.comGatik Trivedi
Fiona Sahoo
Anthony Mikhail243857@students.srvusd.netAditya Bhaskara
Many students are torn between the medical field and engineering fields. The Biomedical Engineering club offers a unique blend of both that many students at Dougherty may find captivating! The goal is to create a community of students interested in bioengineering or help others discover a passion for this evolving and upcoming field. This club is perfect for anyone who wants to pursue: Medical School/Pre-med, Biomedical Engineering, Bioengineering, Biology, and genetics. The Biomedical Engineering club is the ONLY club that caters to all aspects of biomedical/bioengineering interests. Members can conduct research projects on any biomedical/bioengineering topic of interest after a preliminary introduction to the field. They will have access to experts in biomedical engineering, and if desired, they can seek advice to aid with their research projects. But more importantly, the biomedical engineering club fosters a community where any member can geek out on this emerging field with other equally interested members! We are a welcoming community that is always excited for new members!
Last Sunday of the month at 6 pm
Black Student
M'Kai Sayyid, Amai Dozier
juliamkai@icloud.comAmai Dozier
Black Student Union is a club that has been around since 1965, this club is set to give a community and an open space for black students to vent and feel comfortable enough to just have a safe space for anything. (While we do accept allies our target market it Black Students) we intend to uplift and share our experiences, while we learn about our history.Image result for black student union. Black student unions played an important role in combating racial discrimination in the 1960s and 1970s and addressing political disenfranchisement on and off campus. These organizations were an important resource for student activism at predominately white institutions.
Lunch every Tuesday or Friday
Blog for CauseFaria, Susannah213407@students.srvusd.netDhiya Arvind
Mihi Nagariya
The goal of our club is to give students the opportunity to express themselves and their opinions and share it with the general public. We want students to have the opportunity to express their opinions without judgment, and gain more independence by committing themselves to writing at least once a month. By doing this, we hope students will get the chance to gain more connections in school and learn more about things they are interested in outside of school. Not only will this help students, but it will also help our community by giving them access to blog posts regarding different topics that will highlight a deeper level of knowledge on the specific topic. Our club will have its own blog website. Every month members from the club will have the chance to publish their blog on our club's website. We will give students the opportunity to write about anything that they think is important for our community to know about every month. They will write a blog post about that topic and submit it to us to edit. These ideas contribute to the purpose of our club because it allows students to express their interest in certain topics, and it gives them a platform to put their work out there. The members of our club can write blog posts to express their opinions on STEM, world issues, etc. This provides our members with the opportunity to educate themselves and their peers. Our club will connect with the community through our online platforms and our club website. Our club will have our own personal website to highlight our members exceptional work. We also provide our members with the help they need to build their papers and blogs. Our officers will help and guide members of our club to help them make their mark in the world through their blog posts. Many clubs at DVHS are more team oriented and make students work together and combine their opinions with each other. Our club will still promote teamwork and use it for activities but we want to give students a chance to express their own opinion instead of being held back by others. Additionally, to maintain collaboration amongst members, our club will enforce weekly meetings in a time that works for every club member. As officers, we will also encourage club members to bond with others outside of just working the blogs. In order to attract readers, we will make use of views and opinions. If members want to be considered for officer positions in the following years, they are to follow the membership guidelines for that. Each year to determine officers, members will also be evaluated on their motivation, proficiency, and dedication to their blogs as well as our club as a total. Throughout the year they will be evaluated on how they communicate and connect with their peers as well as the officers. Future officers should always act with respect towards current members and officers, and should always be a good sport.
Clubs will meet 1-2 times a month. Tuesday during lunch.
California Scholarship Federation
Wilson, Michelledvhighcsf@gmail.comErin Pan, Riya Chhabra
Kimberly Cui
DVHS California Scholarship Federation seeks to recognize service to community, citizenship, and academic scholarship in high school students. Dougherty Valley CSF has expanded supersonically over the years. Represented by 1/3 of the student body with approximately 1000 members this year, we proudly offer our volunteer opportunities to local schools, organizations, and community events. We also run hugely popular tutoring and access recycling services. Members strive to provide exceptional service while maintaining stellar academic records and fully appreciating their volunteering experiences. Thus, we operate under CSF's motto of "Scholars for Service."
First Wednesday of the month during lunch
Charity waterHussenet, Alisonliyananislam@gmail.comLiyana Islam
Julianne Park
Emily Ahn188419@students.srvusd.netValerie
Charity: Water is a club at Dougherty Valley that is a part of a non profit global organization that raises money to give underdeveloped countries access to clean water. We hold merch and sticker fundraisers throughout the year and partner with other clubs at DV to spread awareness and get others engaged about Charity: Water. Some of our partnerships include fundraisers with CSF and other service clubs. We are always open to new ideas about spreading awareness and different ways to hold donation and fundraisers!
During lunch, once a month on wednesdays
ChemistryEstes, Patrickdvchemclub@gmail.comShikha Kathrani
Jashan Mahajan
Gavin, Ligavinjzli@gmail.comEmily,
Chemistry Club is a community where members can review topics covered in their chemistry classes, get additional homework/test prep help, and prepare for chemistry competitions such as USNCO. We create and present lectures to review any topics in the curriculum along with supplementary practice problems and worksheets which also includes practice problems from previous USNCO tests to help simultaneously prepare for the competition as well. This year, we also hope to have guest speakers and even perform chemistry experiments to further chemistry knowledge outside of the classroom.
every Wednesday during lunch
ChessSnavely, Jamesbdaggupati@gmail.comBalaji Daggupati
Eric Ji
Adrian, Goreadriangore1@gmail.comYanzhe,
Chess Club is a social club for chess enthusiasts or anyone who is interested in the game. We will function in many ways depending entirely on the members and what they want to do. Whether the members want to simply just hang around and talk about anything chess-related, play casual fun chess games or to learn more about the game this club is the right place. This club is meant for anyone from players who don't know how the pieces move all the way to masters. This club doesn't discriminate against anyone and is open to all. We hope to see you there!
Every Tuesday during lunch
Child Rights and YouHymel, Lenashriya.bhamidipati@gmail.comShriya Bhamidipati
Rujula Adwant
Aria Kumarariakumar776@gmail.comPragati
CRY America is a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of underprivileged children in India. Millions of children in India live in poverty, suffering from malnutrition, abuse, and worse. Many are victims of child labor, human trafficking, sexual abuse, and other unnamable horrors. In past semesters, we raised almost $1500 dollars with the donations we earned and from the fundraisers we held. We organize exciting fundraisers that are engaging for everyone involved and talk about issues faced by children in India. Volunteer hours will be received for attended meetings!
Every other thursday during lunch
Circle of Buddies Crowe, Dylan dvhscircleofbuddies@gmail.comMorgan Chan myyc212@gmail.comDestiny Pinto
Julia Husainzada225819@students.srvusd.netMichelle
Our overall mission as Circle of Buddies is to raise awareness towards youth with mental and physical disabilities, and to build friendships between them and their peers. Oftentimes, special needs students are excluded from interacting with their peers, limiting their opportunities to feel welcomed in our school community. The program encourages general-ed and special needs students to interact with one another in a friendly and safe environment, while making new friends and core memories. Through lunchtime meetups (called Buddy Lunches), our monthly Friday Fun Festivities, and participation in the annual Friendship Walk, DVHS Circle of Buddies fosters understanding, inspires acceptance, builds friendships, and creates inclusion. Circle of Buddies breaks down barriers "as students learn that we all want to be accepted for who we are… we all want friends.”
Second Wednesday of the month during lunch
ClassicsAnnette Alvarezsamminioza@gmail.comSarah Stadermann
Samuel Minioza
Ayushi Modyayushimody04@gmail.comAdelene
Classics Club is a club for anyone who enjoys classical arts, music, literature, architecture, and poetry and analyzing these works. We dig into general and personal interpretation of the work of classical artists by exploring the historical context and the life experience of the artist, and allow the analytical and interpretive eye of all members to flourish by exposing them to other unique viewpoints. Essentially, Classics Club helps students put into words how and why they find certain things beautiful, and how and why artists make things beautiful.
every other Thursday during lunch
Clean & GreenAlvarez,
Pranav Varma Suraparaju
pranavsv27@gmail.conSathvik Lagadapati
Nate Eizennate.eizen@gmail.comSundar
Clean and Green is an environmental activism club where we help the environment around us by volunteering with the city to spread awareness about preserving the environment. We will frequently be volunteering with the city to clean up and beautify neglected parks, spread awareness regarding critical safety and environmental ideas, and help with city-wide events like the Run for Education and the Art and Wind festival. Our club's mission and vision is to make a big enough impact with our vocation in San Ramon to eventually branch out of the city to neighbouring communities to help the world on a larger scale.
Every other tuesday during lunch
CodeForFunSilverman, Jeffreypranayb325@gmail.comPranay Boreddy
Jesse Zhao
Sandeep Karjalakarjalasandeep@gmail.comAdvik
Welcome to the CodeForFun club! Our mission is to provide a space where our members can do all things Computer Science. Members may receive help in various concepts in computer science. If you are proficient at programming, you may also apply to become a tutor for the club. Everyone is encouraged to work on group projects, which will be presented to the club upon completion. Prior knowledge is not required to join this club, as there are officers and tutors to help you along the way. We look forward to seeing you here!
First Tuesday of the month during lunch
Coding for SDGYu, Lusuadesai17@gmail.comShlok Desai
Justin Zheng
Zeeshan, Babulzeeshanbabul05@gmail.conShlok Desai (we are not fundraising)
Coding for SDG was founded by Shlok Desai to introduce students and prospective computer scientists in Dougherty Valley High School (and around the world) to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to organize hackathons around these goals, and to give our members the opportunity to learn about programming and gain other skills, and create a community of people passionate about making change. The UN created these 17 SDGs as metrics to global issues, and they deserve immediate attention. Thus, Coding for SDG aims to help achieve and raise awareness for these goals by teaching, and curating hackathons with the requirements that submissions must be related to one of the SDGs. This will lead to innovation in the growing and powerful field of computer science for the betterment of society.
First Tuesday of every month after school at 5PM PT (exact time is subject to change)
CognitiveTechHarari, Jameskojirwong@gmail.comKoji Wongkojirwong@gmail.comNishank Raisinghanirai.r.nick@gmail.comMusa, Sayedmusassayed@gmail.comRohan,
The main goal of our club is to incorporate technology to solve problems in cognitive science. We participate in technological competitions (i.e. hackathons, etc.) where we collaborate on projects that have to do with the field of cognitive sciences and hold fun workshops for local middle schools. We also continue research as a club, learning more about the area and trying to create solutions to issues we uncover. Members will have the opportunity to publish their work and research on our club website.
Every other Tuesday during lunch
Computer ScienceSilverman, Jeffery192776@students.srvusd.netVarun Vaidya
Marcus Kwek
Omansh Bainsla223574@students.srvusd.netSatwik
The information age is upon us. With computers becoming an increasingly invaluable part of many functions of society, the field of computer science sees rapid expansion, laying down the groundwork for even more technological progress. If you are interested in getting in on this, or have already gotten started, join the Computer Science Club. We will focus on algorithms and data structures, along with competitions such as USACO that help build skills necessary for the field. Experienced officers will lead club members through the problem solving techniques and applications of computer science in competitive programming. In addition, we will do fun, programming-based events. Don't miss out!
The club will meet every monday at 4:15 pm online for beginner meetings and every thursday at 4:15 pm online for advanced meetings
ConnectEDIngram, Duaneaditya.chakka768@gmail.comAditya Chakka
Sanjay Natarajan
Nihal Nadipallynadipallynihal@gmail.comVedant
DVHS ConnectED strives to assist middle school students in various academic subjects. Members of ConnectEd will have the opportunity to select subjects of their choice to tutor and/ or directly teach to middle schoolers such as writing, math, science, history, reading, etc. This club provides a position to gain leadership skills as a tutor, as well as much-needed experience. DVHS ConnectED will meet once a month. In these meets, ConnectED members will be trained regarding many teaching methods, aimed to help our members better assist their students. Tutoring heavily requires knowledge of communication, which will be discussed in depth in ConnectED. Members will continue to enrich their knowledge by teaching the learning materials. They will also collaborate with other tutors and gain knowledge on how to better handle students in a spectrum of different subjects. Skills that are formed from tutoring in connectED will aid in future endeavors of our members and will help them to continue tutoring in the future.
3:15 pm , first Wednesday of every month
Conservation-explorationWarrier, Lakshmidvhs.conserve.explore@gmail.comTejas Thirumalai
Jilian Dang
This club plans to educate people about and raise awareness for various environmental issues such as wildfires, recycling, sustainability, and climate change. We will hold monthly events such as restoration garden volunteering at local parks and nature walks where we pick up litter from trails. We will also hold meetings during lunch every 2 weeks where we will brainstorm ideas on ways to improve environmental awareness as well as ways to impact our community. In addition, we will also look to improve school sustainability by recycling certain products.
We meet every other Wednesday during lunch
Cook S’moreShieh, Alexcooksmoreclub@gmail.comMayadah Abdelmagid
Shaurya Verma
Tanvi Raotanviurao@gmail.comYitong
Cook S’more is a club dedicated to the arts of cooking. Together, we’ll learn a variety of cooking techniques and dishes from many cuisines around the world. We not only want to teach students essential skills in the kitchen but we also want to provide them with a fun, stress free environment where they can relax while embracing cooking skills. The skills we provide will prove beneficial for students as they will learn responsibility with important items, enhancing teamwork, and life skills for the future. The dishes we cook will be quick and easy to learn and replicate at home, and together, we hope to make cooking fun for all!
2 times a month: Once during lunch to discuss what we will be making. Another time after school to make the food.
CPlusPlus and Application Development
Ingram, Duanearvindganesh5607@gmail.comArvind Ganesh
Pratyush, Verma
The CPlusPlus and Application Development club will help students at DVHS spread programming knowledge throughout the campus. We can only grow as people if we try to teach and help others so that is the main goal. We emphasize the collaborative aspect of programming to model real life, where one will have to collaborate with many others to develop a project. Our club focuses on providing students concise information that is easy to understand and use in their pursuits in the C++ language. Often, coding can be seen as quite tedious so we will make sure members understand why things work the way they do as opposed to just how you are supposed to program. The main way our members will participate is through a website that will have all the resources needed for them to succeed. The end goal for participants is to have a good fundamental idea of programming so that they are successful in their future technological endeavors.
Every Tuesday, Once a month
CubingJen, Crystal 193075@students.srvusd.netDonovan Tong
Sarah Tan
Aidan Tatlonghari192739@students.srvusd.netAnthony
The DVHS cubing club aims to be a place where students can form a community to relax while doing a fun hobby that keeps the brain active. We hope to show that overcoming seemingly difficult challenges like the Rubik’s Cube is not as daunting as you may think, and along the way create a fun and casual competitive community. In this club we will build upon all of our cubing skills even if you have never solved a cube before. Every meeting we will work towards teaching members new algorithms as well as reviewing old ones to be more familiar with how the Rubik’s cube works. We will work with example solves and look at different patterns to bring out our members’ creative thinking. Members will get to collaborate with others and share tips and tricks they have learned to improve on each other and build friendships. We will also have friendly competitions with prizes to hopefully inspire and motivate members to destress more often by cubing with their friends.
First Wednesday Lunch of every month
Data ScienceYu, LuOmansh.bainsla@gmail.comOmansh Bainsla
Lohit Potnuru
Arav Bhattacharyabhattacharya.arav05@gmail.comSatvik
Data science is a creative space for all computer science, statistics, and machine learning lovers. This club will have weekly lectures on data science and also have a cumulative, full-year project that students can work on. We will teach you languages like Python and R, as well as significant libraries you can implement in your work. We want to enable our members to handle any data set and create something meaningful out of it. We will also be taking part of hackathon/research style competitions so that members have an opportunity to collect accolades.
This club will be meeting online on Thursday evenings.
DhadkanMitra, Rajasreedvdhadkan@gmail.comAnniyshbalaji Sivakumar
Rheeya Chakraborty
Nitya Garg192200@students.srvusd.netNikita
Dhadkan’s goal is to expose students to different cultures while sharing our love and passion for dance. Our club infuses dances like hip hop, classical, contemporary, and of course, Bollywood itself, to choreograph pieces that are showcased throughout the Bay Area. Our club is also a retreat for students who want to de-stress from Dougherty’s academic environment. In the last ten years and counting, Dhadkan values the growth in a sense of community throughout our members, transforming our team into a family.
Monthly- Every first Wednesday during lunch
DramaPaul, Vegadvdrama7492@gmail.comSkye Ramos
Jada Caitlin Pineda
Nova Starlingstarbird240@gmail.comDhwani
DVHS Drama is a program for everyone, from being onstage, backstage, or in the audience, there is something for the whole student body. We encourage people to join and express themselves through the theater arts with our club meeting activities or our scripted productions. There are three productions we do in a school year, a fall play, a winter musical, and an Evening of Theater held at the end of the year. Any student, of any orientation or background, is more than welcome to audition for a role or sign up for tech. Our officers are always open to new ideas and are very friendly so if you see us in the hall or have a thought, don’t hesitate to tell us!
We will meet every Wednesday during lunch.
drones Colard, Sarah sirasalavarnika8@gmail.comVarnika Sirasala
Mettu, Pragati
Bakshi, Samaira
Still working on Website description...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Every wednesday during lunch every two weeks
DrumlineMusiel, Teripranav.hegde@eprisesoft.comPranav Hegde
Arav Bhattacharya
Advik Nigamadviknigam05@gmail.comRuhi
The goal of this club is to bring the art of percussion drumline, which is currently only open to percussionists in the DVHS band, to the general student body. The club is run by advanced DVHS band students who will help members develop percussion techniques even if they lack experience. In our drumline, club members play battery percussion (drums) as a group to play short drum music excerpts called cadences. One does not have to be part of a DVHS band or even have percussion experience to participate in this drumline, as we want to make drumline accessible to all students. By expanding to the entirety of the DVHS student body, we not only aim to familiarize pupils with percussion, but we also hope to grow the drumline’s capabilities as well. With a larger quantity of members, we hope to hold more drum/percussion performances. In short, we would like to get our members familiar with their instruments of choice, introduce them to drumline cadences, and give them various performance opportunities throughout the year.
Every Thursday, during Access
DV WritesAlvarez, Annetevdotkumat@icloud.comVainavi Kumar
Vinaya Senthil
Nandini Tiwarinandini.t543@gmail.comPrisha
DV Writes is a community that strives to support the arts, especially through all types of writing. Whether you like writing poetry, flash fiction, or even nonfiction, our club has a place for you! Our club is a safe community where anyone can share their writing and receive honest feedback. As a group, we will explore all types of writing and push ourselves to write the best we can. We will provide, encourage, and help members share and submit their pieces for contests if they are interested. We want to ensure that our club is chill, relaxing, and completely stress free!
Every Tuesday during lunch.
DVHackClubDuggan, Mary Kateneel.redkar@gmail.comNeel Redkar
Raj Kashikar
Xiaotong Elizabeth Xiong
So what separates Hack Club from all the rest of the programming clubs at DV? Is it the inclusiveness? Is it the ebic people in the club? Yes, but the most important thing is that we teach you how to create by making. Instead of focusing on the boring principles, we get you started just like how real creators and CEOs reccomend, by making. We'll help you create websites for your friend, crazy AI projects, and more! On the way, we'll teach the basics of CS, from variables to classes! For advanced people, we provide a way to get help, make friends (not just for advanced people), and present cool projects you've been working on!
TBD— Likely every first Tuesday of the month
DVLaunchXAssefa, Jilldvlaunchx@gmail.comAlexander Daveynis
Pranav Reddy Bussannagari
Nirvaa Shahnirvaashah@gmail.comSaanvi
DVLaunchX is a startup incubation entrepreneurship club. Unlike any other business club on campus, DVLaunchX aids members in creating and building real, profitable business in small teams of like-minded members and utilizes MITx LaunchX curriculum. The startup-experienced officer team provides hands-on guidance through every step of the entrepreneurship process. At the end of each school year, DVLaunchX hosts a state-wide business showcase and competition open to youth entrepreneurs of real businesses. DVLaunchX members will be conditioned to perform and succeed at this competition.
Every Tuesday during lunch
EconomicsIngram, Duaneandrewsapshin@gmail.comAndrew Shin
Arnav Sastry
Pranav Sengottuvelpranavksen07@gmail.comVallabh
The Economics Club provides students exposure to economics and helps students interested in economics connect with each other to form an economics community at DVHS. Our club will provide instruction based on the AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics curriculum at the meetings. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in various economics competitions outside of school by trying out competition teams. The students will be prepared through instruction and collaborative practice sessions at the meetings.
Every Monday during lunch
EECSGehlot, Bhavnaamaroo2006@gmail.comAnsh Maroo
Krishi Cherukupalli
The goal of the Electronics and Computer Science club is to bring together the fields of computer science and electrical engineering to create solutions to real-world problems. Members will learn the theory and science behind electronics, how to build electrical circuits, how to write programs for their computers, and how to build circuits using microcontrollers that involve electrical components and programming. Using this knowledge, they will collaborate with others in group projects to build electronic devices that can be implemented in the real world.
Every Monday during lunch
EngineeringHannachi, Rym192776@students.srvusd.netVarun Vaidya
Rishab Vempati
Krish Yadav235169@students.srvusd.netVishnu
Dougherty Valley High School Engineering Club is a student club that is affiliated with a non-profit volunteer organization Fix-it Clinic, which hosts events to help community residents fix their broken household items. Usually, we fix a variety of broken household appliances including TVs, computers, bikes, sewing machines, etc. We work with engineers who have countless years of experience in the field. We, as high school students, may not be very adept at fixing many objects because of our limited knowledge, but these mentors will assist us if we are struggling. Even if we cannot fix everything, we still strive to provide the best solution possible. It can be pointing out where the problem is; it can be telling them which part they need to buy or find elsewhere to replace; it can be honest advice on what to do with the object depending on the financial situation. The premise of the club is to advocate against the current consumer culture of throwing away. When people decide to replace instead of repair, someone needs to stand up. Such consumer culture not only increases the knowledge gap between consumers and producers, but also wastes much more resources than we could have saved instead. To address such issues, we fix people's broken items and at the same time, educate them on the importance of sustainability. There are many things that we as global citizens can do to suppress this trend that has taken over our world today. So, please join our club and support the cause of pursuing a more sustainable lifestyle, and fixing broken items is one of the most feasible ways to do this.
Second Thursday of the month during lunch
Entrepreneurial MentorshipSteele, Christopherdventrepreneurialmentorship@gmail.comRex Raffield
Jon Tanjtanmkl@gmail.comDaniel
Our club consists of both local business owner guest speaker sessions and business exercises. The business exercises include activities such as mock conflict resolution, crisis management practices, as well as a mini Shark Tank simulation. Guest speakers will be brought in over Zoom and broadcasted over the projector screen in our advisors' club room. Guest speakers will include real entrepreneurs from the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as people in the SBA field of banking. Members will be able to ask questions and find out more about how these people came into the fields they are in today.
Club meetings will be every second Wednesday of each month.
Ethnic DanceWarrier, Lakshmidvhsethnicdance@gmail.comSanjana Prashanthsanj6842@gmail.comMaya Mankude
Malavika Shankarmalavikas711@gmail.comto be
Our goal is to create an inclusive community where members will be able to share their passion and interest for dance. As a club and a community, we want to promote all kinds of dance from around the world. We hope to create a place for students to express themselves. Our club meeting activities include introduction activities, dance style introduction presentations, and mini-teaching sessions. This year introduction and club bonding activities will be emphasized in order to help create a community and make sure that everyone feels seen and heard. We hope to have mini after school workshops, small dance shows during meetings, and hopefully a full length performance towards the end of the year featuring all the dance forms in our club.
to be decided
FashionTuohy, KimKately.Ibe.david@gmail.comKately David
Aria Kumar
Ryan Wu192166@students.srvusd.netLana
Our club celebrates the love we have for fashion. We talk about important environmental issues regarding fashion waste. We enjoy showcasing our different styles in a comfortable, supportive, community. We love to review trends and popular fashion event (ex: Met Gala). Our goal is to inform people about the importance in expressing yourself. Fashion gives a glimpse of who we are as people. We will teach people about shopping sustainably such as thrifting, buying clothes made with natural fibers, buying local, etc. Fashion is a beautiful form of art and we want to share our love with everyone.
Every other Friday during lunch
Feed Unite Lend LoveGaur, Jugnufeedunitelendlove2021@gmail.comKirthi Shankar
Ananya Dasannacharya
Nirvaa Shahnirvaashah@gmail.comBoomika
Feed Unite Lend Love’s mission is to ensure the welfare of our unhoused neighbors in East Oakland through collective action. We are a service club dedicated to educating our community about homelessness and helping unhoused communities in East Oakland receive food, water, and other important supplies. Our activities include volunteering in Oakland, conducting a Fundraiser and Drive to raise donations for organizations that help East Oakland's unhoused communities, creating educational media, and learning more about the homelessness crisis.
One Wednesday a month during Lunch, sometimes after school to work on events
FemEqualityScheppach, Jeanneshreyakjagan@gmail.comShreya Jagannathan
Rithika Senthilkumar
Anya Sainianyasaini2000@gmail.comNikita
Youthivism aims to provide nonpartisan education on current events with hopes of sparking cross-party discussion. We will provide this education specifically to elementary and middle school students across the country. We want to help expose younger children to nonpartisan politics to ensure that they can make informed decisions when they are younger and older as well as understand current events. The club will be responsible for creating curriculum for these weekly lessons, and we’re looking for more people to help with lesson creation!
every Thursday during lunch
Filipino-AmericanMr. Wengeldvfilam@gmail.comSamuel, Minioza
Jaxson Tancioco
Paige, Baepaige3bae@gmail.comVera, Del
DVHS Filipino American club is one of the schools longest continuously running cultural clubs, and is dedicated to the promotion and proliferation of our schools Filipino American community and Filipino cultural understanding. For both non-filipinos and Filipinos alike, our club provides an open community for learning and cultivation of friendship, exploring Islamic, Sinic, Indian, American, Spanish, and Austronesian influence on the Philippines, and welcomes all perspectives to increase our own understanding of the global world around and within the Philippines today. Our club opens dance, music, history, arts and culture, and discussion to all members, and welcomes participation in our official dance and music performances as well as related organizations born from Fil-Am that perform semi-professionally around the Bay Area. Fil-Am club is a fantastic opportunity not only to learn, but to build friendships and strengthen ones ties to the Filipino community and DVHS students at large.
We will meet on the second and fourth Thursday of every month during access and lunch.
Financial Literacy Shieh, Alexali0728abbas@gmail.comAli Abbas
Anisha Bhargava
Nidhi Gaonkar226067@students.srvusd.netAditya Mangla
DVHS Filipino American club is one of the schools longest continuously running cultural clubs, and is dedicated to the promotion and proliferation of our schools Filipino American community and Filipino cultural understanding. For both non-filipinos and Filipinos alike, our club provides an open community for learning and cultivation of friendship, exploring Islamic, Sinic, Indian, American, Spanish, and Austronesian influence on the Philippines, and welcomes all perspectives to increase our own understanding of the global world around and within the Philippines today. Our club opens dance, music, history, arts and culture, and discussion to all members, and welcomes participation in our official dance and music performances as well as related organizations born from Fil-Am that perform semi-professionally around the Bay Area. Fil-Am club is a fantastic opportunity not only to learn, but to build friendships and strengthen ones ties to the Filipino community and DVHS students at large.
We will meet on the second and fourth Thursday of every month during access and lunch.
First Tech ChallengeBarth, Kevindvftc@gmail.comPranav Vudumula
Nishanth Kankipati
Arnav Soniarnavsoni231@gmail.comSai
The DVHS Financial Literacy Club strives to help students build a foundation in finance, particularly investing and personal finance. We will help students learn essential skills that will forever benefit them through fun activities, guest speakers, and by informing them about various topics such as stocks/options, credit cards, etc. We aim to help students meet like-minded individuals to learn from. This is a great club for anyone interested in these topics, especially those interested in pursuing a career in finance, business, and economics.
The first and last Monday of the month
FISHWorley, Justindvhsfish2021@gmail.comCahlan Kim
Jodie Cai
First Tech Challenge is a competition under the non profit organization FIRST. Our club focuses on developing skills within the STEM fields and motivating young students to participate in STEM. We participate in competitions hosted by FTC going head to head in an alliance based format game completing various challenges that require creative and ingenuity. We construct robots made of Tetrix, goBilda, and REV Robotics parts using designs we come up with to complete the tasks as efficiently as possible. A few things our club teaches is Java to code robots through android studio, engineering, networking, etc.
Friday after school
FrenchColard, Sarahfrenchclub.dvhs@gmail.comCharlotte Law
Ellie Wang
Manav Bokinalamanav.bokinala@gmail.comNeel
FISH Club is a Christ-centered community at DVHS that is focused on learning and growing through fellowship and biblical discussion. In our meetings, we come together in worship and prayer, and we share our thoughts on different passages in the Bible. We play games and develop long-lasting friendships with one another. Throughout the year, we have guest speakers sharing their personal experiences with God and providing encouragement. We have events outside of school, like picnics and get-togethers, where we enjoy food and fellowship. As Jesus said in Matthew 4:19, we are called to be "fishers of men," so we have outreach events as well, to give hope and strength to our own community. At FISH Club, we strive to show other people Jesus' love for us, and everyone is welcome to join!
Every Tuesday during lunch
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Cardiasmenos, Andrewadi.jain2023@gmail.comAditya Jain, Divjot Kaur
Dhruv Harinath
Mihika Chavanmihikachavan2005@gmail.comSadhana
Bonjour! We are a group of AP French students who have been taking French in school for 5+ years and are passionate about sharing the French language and culture with the wider DV student population. Every other Tuesday during lunch, we will provide a space for everyone to learn more about the French language and culture. We will present short cultural lectures at the beginning of meetings, and provide French snacks for everyone. For the rest of the meeting time, we will watch French movies to better immerse ourselves into the culture. No prior French knowledge is required; anyone that is interested can join!
Every other Tuesday during Lunch
Future Medical Specialists
Clemon-Marion, Ka'Shiim
dvhsfpa@gmail.comNavya Kancharla
Sree Krishna Chandra Gelle
Arushi Chandaiceskater0714@gmail.comArpita
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is an organization that inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. DVHS FBLA offers members the unique opportunity to compete on a national level in a variety of business-related topics, as well as participate in opportunities such as internships and community projects. Workshops and club competitions will be held throughout the year, providing students with the resources necessary to engage with the business field in many different ways and accumulate knowledge and experience that will help them as they pursue their academic and career passions.
Third Wednesday of the month after school
Future Physicians of AmericaBasu, Minu
Sree Krishna Chandra Gelle
srigelle1@gmail.comNavya Kancharla
Sanvi Guptagupta.savu@gmail.comAkshat
Future Medical Specialists Club aims to provide students with insight into different healthcare pathways, reliable advice from medical professionals, and clinical opportunities in order to promote informed and prepared future physicians. Members can attend live Q&A seminars with medical professionals, such as cardiothoracic anesthesiologists, surgical oncologists, and registered nurses, where they will receive first-hand advice about the journey of becoming a physician. In addition, members will be able to interact with pre-med and med students to learn about the process of applying to each level of education. During monthly meetings, members will learn about specific medical professional pathways and related clinical volunteering/shadowing opportunities to explore or discover the fields of their interest.
Every third Thursday of the month during lunch (Room 2106)
Future SpeakersPerez, Catherineprisha.a24@gmail.comPrisha Agarwal
Ramya Velpuri
Future Physicians of America (FPA) provides students who are interested in the medical field with opportunities to help them reach their career goals. FPA works individually with students to ease the process of developing an extracurricular portfolio by providing students with opportunities tied to their respective careers. We strive to prevent students from going through hours of research to find medical activities to engage in by providing students with various opportunities to strategically build up their medical portfolio of extracurricular activities. With all these benefits that FPA provides for its members, we excel in being the club that students can look to for opportunities that will greatly enhance their college portfolio. We provide hospital volunteer connections, clinic-type volunteering, internship opportunities within hospitals as well as private clinics, and personally invite doctors in various medical fields (from surgery to neuroscience) to speak to fellow students about their experiences and lifestyle in the medical field. Lastly, we prepare students for summer programs by assisting them in interviews and essays.
Third Tuesday of the month during lunch
GAITEwayKim, Albertgaiteway17@gmail.comGrace Yang
Surbhi Kumar
The goal of this club is to teach middle school kids about public speaking. We aim to help them become the best speakers of tomorrow. By aiding their skills in public speaking, we hope to see them be more confident, form better connections, advocate for positive change, and be successful in future situations. Simultaneously, our goal is to give our high school members the volunteer hours they earn for teaching the middle schoolers. This way, the members can be rewarded for helping the kids in our community and be more incentivized to do so.
Every other Tuesday after school. AND once a month on Wednesday's during lunch.
GavelWarrier, Lakshmisadatadepalli06@gmail.comSadhana Tadepalli
Anish Jupudy
Vaishavi Sahuvaishavisahu@gmail.comAnu
GAITEway, which stands for Girls in Artificial Intelligence and Technology Education, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Through a series of workshops organized every few months, we reach out to 20-30 underrepresented middle school girls and hold crash-course style introductory workshops to computer science and artificial intelligence. Our primary goal is to help close the gender gap in STEM, especially in the fields of AI and CS, which is primarily male-dominated. In this club, members will not only be able to learn about concepts in AI and CS (through Python), but will also receive volunteer hours by volunteering and mentoring at GAITEway workshops, gain mentorship experience, and have fun learning about AI/CS in hands-on ways such as through our COZMO robots, Google AIY kits and more!
Every first Tuesday of the month after school
Gawad Kalinga (GK) Ramos, Dearbornedvgaka@gmail.comEvan Woo
Ivan Del Rio
Vera Faith Del Riojadacaitlin.pineda@gmail.comAliana
The DVHS Gavel Club is a club focused on helping all members improve their communication and leadership skills. Members overcome the fear of public speaking and learn skills that aid them in becoming more successful. The DVHS Gavel Club creates better listeners and stronger team members and leaders who can comfortably give and receive
constructive evaluations. This club stands by Toastmasters International’s mission, “We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders.” This is accomplished through the following, prepared speeches, table topics, and evaluations. Each meeting is carried out in a structured format in which all members will be given the opportunity to participate through the three different forums of speaking. Incorporated into the meetings will be the idea of leadership and taking responsibility. Members will be pushed to work harder and better to improve or hone in on their skills over time.
Every other Wednesday during lunch
Gender Sexuality AllianceGardiner, Allison; Lemay, Ashley; Fox, Carrie; Kopp, Noahdvhighgsa@gmail.comSarah Stadermann
Maya Valiyaveettil
Aria Kumarariakumar776@gmail.comSwadhistha
The DVHS Gawad Kalinga (GK) Club raises money for Gawad Kalinga. “Gawad Kalinga” means to give care. Gawad Kalinga is a not-for-profit organization that aims to build caring communities for the poor in the Philippines. Throughout this year, our GK Club aims to host events and activities to educate the members and the community about Gawad Kalinga and their mission. We will have fundraisers and donation drives to help Gawad Kalinga combat poverty. We will also enable young, passionate leaders to take initiative and make an impact across the globe. All our activities ultimately are a reflection of how we can give hope for the poor.
Every second Thursday of the month during lunch
Generation She Dennis, Karenramitha.nagarajan@gmail.comRamitha Nagarajan
Venya Masula
Anika Sharma anikapsharma@gmail.comMihika Chavan
The Gender Sexuality Alliance is a safe and welcome space for queer students and their allies. It is also a base for proponents of change for inclusivity in this school district, such as adapting inclusive language, resources, and educational material. Queer students come to GSA to express issues they are having, and discuss potential solutions that could be implemented. GSA also serves as a support group for these students and is a safe environment to talk about the unique experience of intersectionality between race and gender/sexual orientation, which is especially relevant due to the high population of people of color attending our school.
every other Tuesday during lunch
Geography Schumacher, Dianedvgeoclub@gmail.comSwastik Patel
Ayush Vaidya
Generation She is a non-profit organization that was created in 2019 to combat imposter syndrome amongst women and non-binary individuals in leadership positions and in professional settings. Imposter syndrome occurs when an individual feels as though they are not worthy of being in the leadership position they are in or when they feel that they are not as capable as their peers. According to Fortune, less than 5% of the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are women. This means that girls today are often left without mentors or inspiration to help them start and run their own businesses. Gen She serves to fill that void by providing girls and non-binary individuals the ability to network with one another, learn leadership skills, and establish entrepreneurial pursuits from the ground up.
Every other Tuesday during lunch
Girl UpWalker, Patrickgauri.j.nair@gmail.comGauri Nairgauri.j.nair@gmail.comKaavya Vipul
Mansha Sawantsawantmansha@gmail.comMansha
Geography is a crucial subject, as it is essential to understand current events, foster cultural awareness, and solve pressing issues. At the Dougherty Valley High School Geography Club, we are committed to teaching people of all ages, though most specifically high school students, about geography, its benefits, and why it is of the utmost importance to learn well. Many students think geography is a useless skill to learn, and, for example, simply memorize the place names for an AP World test without any knowledge of their surroundings or how they are significant. Overall, this contributes to a severe lack of geography skills in the general population. Our activities are dedicated to the promotion of this subject.
Thursday, lunch, bi-weekly
Girls For GainsCroker, Brandon girlsforgains@gmail.comAnnia McCormick
Jahnvi Khannan
Juliette Simon202965@students.srvusd.netRachel
This club is a part of the UN's Girl Up campaign. Girl Up focuses on gender equality, gender equity, leadership, and intersectionality. Specifically, we aim to create more opportunities for girls all around the world through organizing, advocacy, and communication. In this club, we will hold discussions about taking action against prominent issues in our community and participate in seminars and programs through the UN about advocacy and to communicate with others around the globe. Overall, as a group, we want to foster an inclusive and supportive community to help make everyone's voices heard.
first Friday of every month during lunch
Girls Who CodeKim, Albertmitaliactive@gmail.comMitali Mittal
Nidhi Goankar
Nandhini Tiwarinandini.t543@gmail.comJada
Girls for Gains is a club where girls can have a comfortable and expectation free environment to explore weight lifting. Historically girls have felt discouraged from lifting and we are looking to change that. Lifting is especially beneficial to injury prevention and has long term benefits for one’s future and in sports. We hope to instill a sense of self confidence in our lifters as well as provide knowledge to lift safely. We will encouraged everyone to make goals and try new things to become better lifters and step outside your comfort zone.
Access once a week
Habitat for HumanityVeytser,
Lauren Yee and Lilia Kowssari
Daron Yao
Kately David193033@students.srvusd.netAshlee
GLIDE DVHS is a service club affiliated with a nonprofit in San Francisco dedicated to fighting cycles of poverty within our local community. In order to stay true to our mission statement, we host monthly drives and events as well as send volunteers from our club to aid at their soup kitchen based in San Francisco. Our drives will be collecting a variety of items to support the multiple programs at their non-profit, and our events will be focused on fundraising and creating a community here at Dougherty. We hope you’ll consider GLIDE-ing with us :)
Every last Friday of every month during lunch
Hindu Student CouncilBasu, Minudvhs.hsc@gmail.comShreya Maheshwari
Amiya Sheshadri
Abhijit Godaagoda.wonders@gmail.comMohan
During our club meeting we hope to educate students on the housing crisis that is very prevalent in California. We will do this by creating events to raise money and spread awareness for Habitat for Humanity. Our goal for the first year is to encourage, motivate more students to get involved and help make a positive impact in the community. We hope to get more students involved with Habitat for Humanity by building new homes, volunteering at fundraising events, and volunteering at their ReStore locations.
The third Wednesday of every month during lunch
HOSAPon, Lindadoughertyvalleyhosa@gmail.comMehar Shahi
Dilpreet Vohra
Janice Yin202043@students.srvusd.netJuwariyah
We strive to provide opportunities to learn about the heritage and culture of Hindus while also raising awareness about the issues affecting Hindus, such as Hindu phobia or the persecution of Hindus. We derive our mission from the ancient Hindu scriptures; “sarve bhavantu sukhinah, sarve santu niramaya” — [May all be happy. May all be healthy]. “dharmo rakshati rakshitah” —[Dharma (righteousness), when protected and preserved, protects you]. Moreover, we want to create a safe space for people to find out what Hinduism means to them as an individual rather than something forced by their parents. In our experience, it is much easier with peers to be with you on that same journey and we would like to spread that. For the non-Hindus in our club, we want to share our faith because many people don't know how many facets there are and education is the best remedy. Additionally, the HSC family is always growing and will stay with our members past high school.
First Wednesday of every month.
Igniting DreamsIngram, Duaneignitingdreamsdv@gmail.comViraj Shivadevuni
Nimalan Guru
Pranav Reddy Bussannagari
HOSA, or Future Health Professionals, is a global student-led organization that encourages their members to become leaders in the global healthy community through learning, teamwork, and experience. At Dougherty, this is a club that supports students interested in pursuing careers in health-related professions, which is especially critical during the shortage of healthcare workers during COVID-19. We wish to expand our schools HOSA chapter and register our school in different events that our members will be able to prepare for and compete in. HOSA has several national competitions that are in place to recognize students and improve their knowledge and skill in the field of medicine. We will have several leadership positions open to students that are familiar with any given event and they will be able to take charge and instruct and guide their fellow peers to success.
Every other Sunday evening over zoom
Indian Students Association Ingram, Duanearvindganesh5607@gmail.comArvind, Ganesh
Arnav, Surpur
Jensen Jacob237720@students.srvusd.netBakthyar,
The goal of Igniting Dreams is to educate, not help. We don’t want to make a temporary change to society, rather a permanent one and education is something you cannot take away from mankind. By creating handmade STEAM kits and pairing them with sister schools in Oakland we are able to educate the community allowing them to explore various fields and better their chances of succeeding in the real world. Igniting Dreams’ goal is to give underprivileged kids a shot at the same opportunities as students in San Ramon and not let their environment hold them back from accomplishing their goals. In the coming year, we want to be able to take a unique approach to the nonprofit by implementing a much more diverse student-based direction and creating a student-led curriculum that we can implement in the sister schools. Not only would this allow DVHS students to expand and apply their knowledge but it will also give the kids in Oakland a chance to learn how diverse education can be, something that they are not provided with. We also want to be able to expand to more sister schools and make a set curriculum that we can share across all schools expanding our influence tenfold.
Once a month on Wednesdays during lunch in Mr. Ingrams room, which Wednesday will vary based on availability
Arav Bhattacharya, Jennifer Sheng
Emily Han
Rhea, Masterrhea.master1@gmail.comEugene,
Indian Student Association (ISA) promotes the recognition and admiration of participants’ own rich cultural identities via lectures; discussions; activities; and traditional, cultural events. We plan to focus on fostering a safe environment/community for people of all religions, states, and languages. The lectures we plan to give will educate members about issues, current events, and traditions in India that deserve more recognition than they currently receive. This will be done by organizing/planning social and community events where members can embrace their identity without the fear of being the victim of judgment. To also be more inclusive we are even allowing people of other ethnicities/cultures that aren’t Indian to experience a unique and beautiful world in the DVHS community. These community events will also confer a very important part of Indian culture: food!
Every Friday, once a month
JazzMusiel, Teridvjazzclub@gmail.comRyaken Nakamoto
Abhinav Chikkatur
Manav, Bokinalamanav.bokinala@gmail.comHarrison,
Interact is a club promoted to helping high school students at Dougherty Valley strengthen their passion in volunteering and helping out our community. We provide them many volunteer opportunities throughout the entire year, including veteran crab feed, beach clean ups, city center events, and donation drives for organizations in need. Our motto is service above self, and our club has proudly exemplified this. We look forward to continuing to help out our community this year as part of Interact District 5160. We hope our club members create unforgettable bonds and friendships with Interactors all over the district.
first Wednesday of the month during lunch
KeyDennis, Karendvhskey@gmail.comMarcus Hsieh
Evan Woo
Maggie Gumaggiegu050406@gmail.comDaivd
Jazz Club is an inclusive hub for all musicians who appreciate jazz, regardless of skill or level. From music appreciation to learning improvisation, there is something in it for everyone! Throughout the year, we plan on combining learning with application, and will explore different styles of jazz from around the world. In doing this, we hope to foster greater creativity and collaboration. Led by members of the school Jazz Band, our hope is that we can help further the passions of musicians in DVHS, and show them what jazz is all about!
Weekly Wednesday After-school from 3:10-4:10 (for performance group), Weekly Wednesday Access (for jazz education)
Kids Against HungerAlvarez, Annettedvkidsagainsthunger@gmail.comAllison Hwang
Alexander Lee
Devika Gopakumardevikagopakumar07@gmail.comMaggie
The Key club is the world's largest student-led international service organization. Key Club International has established clubs in over 40 countries, and is proud of being home to more than 250,000 members. Key Club International achieves a tremendous 12 million hours of service each year. Key Club aims to not only provide members with opportunities to be involved in community service, but to also provide members with opportunities to build character and develop leadership. Key Club may not make keys, but we definitely open doors to new pathways and opportunities for everyone.
Once a month during lunch on Tuesday
Korean American Student Association
Joo, Eunheekasadvhs@gmail.comAshley Lee27leylee@gmail.comJimin Cheong
June Kimkimjune2024@gmail.comNAWedon'
Kids Against Hunger is an organization that seeks to combat hunger by packing and distributing meals all over the world. Members will volunteer at packing events in the Kids Against Hunger warehouse where they will help provide a basic human necessity for the impoverished and malnourished. Through each packing event, at least one thousand meals will be shipped to hungry children in Haiti, Ukraine, and more. Our club would greatly appreciate anyone interested in contributing to this greater cause to not only aid these people in need but also strengthen our community. Join us to feed families around the world and around the corner.
first Friday of the month during lunch (tentative but will meet once a month)
Korean Music and DanceWalker, Patrickdvhs.kmdc@gmail.comEunice Mok
Caitlyn Yu
Ryan Suhrysuh27@gmail.comAlyssa
The DVHS Korean American Student Association club strives to spread Korean culture to many students at DVHS. While the name of the club refers to Korean American students, our club is open to anyone who is interested in Korean culture, media, and traditions. DVHS KASA plans to have many bonding activities throughout the year for anyone who is either Korean or is interested in Korean culture and to also spread the Korean language as well. We will have many fun activities throughout the year that connect to Korean culture, and we hope that the members of this club will also strive to further spread Korean culture, media, and food at DVHS.
First Wednesday of every month during lunch
Liberty in North KoreaNho, Philip27leylee@gmail.comAshley Lee27leylee@gmail.comPrasanna Premkumar
Adith Mohantyajkm.mohanty@gmail.comOlivia
The Korean Music and Dance Club is dedicated to bringing together students that share an interest in the Korean music and dance industry. Through a variety of games, jeopardies, and group activities, members can enjoy a fun, safe space to pursue their passions and meet others with mutual interests.
Student-led dance meetings are held every week where students of all skill levels are encouraged to learn the choreographies of their favorite artists through collaborative, noncompetitive, and stress-free dance lessons.
Twice a month, Friday lunches
LinguisticsJen, Crystal230330@students.srvusd.netTara Prahlad
Advika Shivakumar
Suruchi Gaigavale206961@students.srvusd.netMayadah
DVHS LiNK, is the DVHS chapter of the non-profit organization Liberty in North Korea. LiNK is a non-profit organization that has been holding fundraisers to help North Koreans escape and take refuge in outside countries. This year at DVHS LiNK, we plan to hold multiple fundraisers throughout the year to help raise money to help provide for the basic necessities of North Korean refugees. Possible fundraisers that we may have include fundraisers with Krispy Kreme, T4, and Teaspoons, and the total funds raised will be donated to LiNK to support the escaping and resettlement of North Korean refugees.
Second Fridays of each month
Literary AllianceKim, Yuleedvhsliteraryalliance@gmail.comMaggie Gu
Allison Hwang
Abigail, Kapurabigailkapur@gmail.comShirin,
As the linguistics club, we hope to foster a learning environment for language learners and lovers where they can get exposure to other languages, engage with like-minded peers, and apply their knowledge of languages to explain the world around them. Through the linguistics club, we ultimately want to encourage language learning for fun, not just for credits, and work with people so that our generation can be more globally aware, and therefore more responsible citizens. We also want to open peoples’ minds to the possibilities that languages offer for people and provide students opportunities to further their knowledge. In order to further our own and our members’ knowledge, we want to host lectures, encourage group discussions about things we notice about the world, and invite guest speakers to speak about various aspects of linguistics (including its applications). We plan to explore opportunities to study abroad, language scholarships, and help students prepare for the Linguistics Olympiad if it’s something they are interested in. Furthermore, we want to introduce students to the little-known applications of linguistics, such as Natural-Language Processing, and at the end of the semester, we will have a project fair where members can show the club a project that applies what they’ve learned about linguistics. We strongly believe that our club can positively impact the DVHS community, as in a school that is heavily STEM-oriented, languages are often forgotten and many students take a language for the credits, not because they like it nor to truly understand the people/culture (in most cases, people learn the language, and due to lack of usage, forget it). Because of this lack of encouragement, people who enjoy languages don’t have any place on campus to interact with like-minded people. We hope to serve as that place, as well as offer members many opportunities to further their language knowledge. Furthermore, we want to introduce and delve into the multiple applications of language in programming (such as Natural Language Processing) which allows kids to apply their STEM-based knowledge, as well as look at how language has affected many of our daily lives. By doing this, we can open up students to the idea that masterful command of language is an extremely useful skill to have, no matter what one does after high school, and helps one connect with others on a more personal level.
Every other wednesday after school at 3:15
Livin' it UpGaur,
Srishreya Arunsaravanakumar
Lohithasree Bode
Zahraa Chowdhuryzahraachowdhury18@gmail.comSneha
DVHS Literary Alliance is dedicated to fostering global literacy and helping children develop a lifelong love for reading. The club involves two main branches: Build-a-Book and the African Library Project. Build-a-Book is a creative writing mentorship program for elementary and middle school students. Members who participate in this program serve as mentors (2 high school mentors per mentee) and guide these students through the entire writing process, culminating into every mentee's own book. Mentors are able to gain leadership experience and volunteer hours throughout the school year-long program.The African Library Project is a non-profit organization that works to create, improve, and sustain libraries in African communities. ALP connects North American volunteers with partners in Africa throughout the year to organize book drives. In our 2020-2021 book drive, we sent over 1,200 books to Malawi!
We will meet the third Tuesday of every month during lunch, but will then be shifting to virtual meetings on weekends, early afternoon, weekly or every other week depending on school schedules.
Love & Second ChancesIngram, Duanedvlovesecondchances@gmail.comKimberly Cui
Natalie Chan
Allison Hwangallisonhwang7@gmail.comLiana
Our mission is to help our school community make healthy choices so you can become your happiest and healthiest. We focus on helping you figure out how to reduce stress and be careful about what goes inside your body. We will invite guest speakers to inspire healthy lifestyles, teach you how to read food labels, make healthy recipes, and learn how to manage stress through high school and beyond. Each meeting will address an aspect of healthy living. A part of living healthy includes our diet, so we'll be making easy snacks in our meetings. Come join us to see how being healthy can be delicious!!!
Every first Tuesday of each month during lunch in Ms. Gaur's room
love + feelingsMoriya, Iminloveplusfeelings@gmail.comAnahita Vaidhya
Lohit Potnuru
Pranav Vudumulapvudumula@gmail.comSai
In DV Love and Second Chances, our goal is to improve the lives of rescued homeless animals through willing high school volunteers. We aim to increase awareness for the non-profit 501c3 organization Love & Second Chances through guiding and instructing our volunteers at the Love & Second Chances Rescue so that they are able to walk, train, and/or simply keep the dogs company. At the beginning of the school year, we host orientations for our club members in order to introduce them to the process of volunteering at the East Bay SPCA shelter and teach them about the specific requirements when taking care of the dogs. After having completed this orientation, members of the club are free to volunteer with the dogs at their own leisure. This year, we also plan on raising money for LSC through multiple fundraisers and merchandise available to purchase.
First Wednesday of each month during lunch
Love BuddiesScheppach, Jeannelovebuddiesclub@gmail.comChelsia Kwon
Daphne Wang
Natalie Chanmunyeechan18@gmail.comPranav
Love + Feelings is a club which will be centered around the importance of customizable, hand-crafted, heart-warming gifts to express our love to others. In this club, we will hand-craft personalized cards, beautiful jewelry like necklaces, rings and bracelets, terrariums, paintings, and other heartfelt presents we can gift to our loved ones. We will also fundraise and participate in Maker’s Markets to give back to our cause. To achieve the club’s goal/mission, we will first begin the year by focusing on the foundations of cardmaking and jewelry making, and more. To do so, we will host workshops to spread our knowledge to the members of our club. After we get a good hold on that, we will turn to the club members to contribute new designs and ideas so that the club has an inclusive and creative atmosphere. They will begin to create new designs, which they then can teach the rest of the club. These new designs will help to grow the amount of objects we can sell to spread love in our society. Along the way, we will be learning how to grow and make it scalable. We will also be participating in Maker’s Markets, Farmer’s Markets, as well as hosting our own market for other small businesses to spread the word about our business as well as raise money for our cause. We will also be partnering up with CSF to help students earn volunteer hours. By doing so, we will be able to achieve our goal of giving back to our community, spreading love, growing our creativity and art skills, and providing an inclusive environment where creativity never ceases.
Every other Friday (First and third week of every month), after school
Machine LearningHannachi, Rymdvhsmachinelearning@gmail.comJesse Zhao
Neel Kondapalli
The primary goal of Love Buddies has always been to offer and provide comfort to children through unique keychains and dolls. Ever since the club was founded in 2018, we have been working to deliver handmade charms to children’s hospitals, foster homes, medical services, and more to provide these children comfort as they go through difficult times. Also, although we are centered around alleviating struggles for children, if there are major world crises, we feel compelled to extend our help to not only children who are experiencing these world problems, but also to everyone else. For example, during the fires in the Bay Area last year, we donated to the California Fire Foundation.
every wednesday access
March for our LivesCushner, Kelly242189@students.srvusd.netRiya Minglani
Sriya Pidaparthi
Navya Rawal246104@students.srvusd.netAnanya
The capabilities of computers grow by the day. Artificial intelligence allows them to drive cars, generate personalized recommendations, and even create deepfakes from a single image. Our club aims to take you through this fascinating field with an in-depth look into AI, ML, and NLP. We will examine both the theory and the application of various models through a combination of weekly instruction and hands-on projects. We will strive to cover a wide variety of hot topic-areas such as object recognition, question answering, sentiment analysis, convolutional neural networks, and much more. By the end of this year, we hope to have provided an immersive experience in all of these worlds. With its project-oriented approach, the structure of our club aims to try and accommodate people who may have varying levels of experience in computer science, from beginners to more seasoned practitioners. Our club strives to create a community where members can teach, learn, and discuss machine learning.
Every Tuesday after school
Martha's KitchenSnavely, Jamessatviknayak@gmail.comSatvik Nayak
Vajraang Padisetti
Siddhanth Nayaksidh.nayak@gmail.comShruti
The purpose of March For Our Lives DVHS is to educate our students body about gun violence and promote teen advocacy. March For Our lives was originally created by a group of teens that were impacted by the Parkland Florida school shooting in 2018. They held one of the largest protests during that time.This sparked an array of other teens and young adults inspired by their leadership to join the cause and advocate for what's right. San Ramon is a very privileged school in many aspects from the funding we receive to the safe area we live in. Naturally privilege makes many of us at times ignorant to problems such as gun violence.It’s important to recognize these privileges so we can be more aware of the issues around us. We may not realize it but these issues affect us and should be taken seriously. By educating our student body we hope to see less ignorance around gun violence and more people treating it as an issue that could very much someday affect us. This correlates with teen advocacy since being more socially aware also ties into standing up for what you think is right. We hope our club can provide opportunities for our peers to advocate for issues they are passionate about without letting age be a barrier to do so. March For Our Lives was the perfect organization for this issue since teen advocacy is what birthed the March For Our Lives movement. Overall our goal is for March For Our Lives DVHS to be a facite for students to become activists and get directly involved in the gun violence movement. Our club gives opportunities to our community to get directly involved with our cause for example by volunteering to help set up protests. The opportunities our club gives also gives opportunities to get the san ramon and dougherty valley community involved. For example, we create activities that gets the community involved, not just club members! We do this by hosting community wide fundraisers. Some ways we promote teen advocacy is by giving opportunities to get our student body to be involved with real life protests. March For Our Lives is known for their impactful and large protests so our club is able to be a part of these protests! Fundraising is also an aspect in our club like clothing drives , fundraising money to donate , and food drives that help the victims of gun violence. Speaking of impact since our club encourages teen advocacy our community also gets opportunities to become activists and teach others too! As teen advocates we are constantly learning about the world around us and the issues that need to be solved. In our club we teach Dougherty valley advocates how to get involved in human rights movements. Wealso give our club members resources to teach others either by spreading knowledge through social media or real life.
Once a month on Thursday during lunch
MathGuntakatta, Nirdeshikaayan.bhatia@yahoo.comAyan Bhatia
Eugene, Kwek
Mitali, Mittalmitaliactive@gmail.comAditya,
Most students in our school often want to help out in the community, but often don’t know where to start or who to ask. The DVHS Martha’s Kitchen Club provides opportunities for students to help those that are currently facing challenges in their lives. We aim to give students a new perspective on the lives of the less fortunate, and possibly motivate them to continue acts of community service throughout their lives. We do this through our numerous volunteer sessions, food drives, and other activities. At the same time, our club aims to connect students, develop strong bonds, and create many memories of our service to the community.
First Thursday of month during access. (Occasionally online - Monday after school)
Math National Honor SocietyGuichard, Kevinjennifer.shengg@gmail.comJennifer Sheng
Pranav Hegde
Jack, Ke201666@students.srvusd.netPrerana,
Math Club aims to foster enthusiasm for math through introducing members to new mathematical ideas during meetings and promoting pre-collegiate math competitions. Students of all math backgrounds and experiences are welcome to join. Our weekly meetings cover a variety of topics and activities, including AMC preparation, relay rounds, Kahoot, For the Win! tournaments, team practices for upcoming competitions, and guest speaker events with Math Club officer alums. We provide information, training, and sign-ups for relevant competitions, which may include but are not limited to the American Math Competitions, Mathleague, Berkeley Math Tournament, and Stanford Math Tournament. Math Club values concentrated discussions, problem-solving, creative thinking, and eventual application toward real-world problems. From Math Club, students will gain intellectual and lifestyle mentalities that will help them eventually tackle worldwide problems and work productively with colleagues.
Every Wednesday after school
Math Olympiad Cincotta, Jenbhattacharya.arav05@gmail.comArav Bhattacharya
Omansh Bainsla
Ananya Pinnamaneniananyap2410@gmail.comPratham
DVHS Math National Honor Society promotes scholarship in and enjoyment and understanding of mathematics among high school students. We recognize and encourage students who enjoy and excel in mathematics. We provide opportunities hosted by the Math National Honor Society organization for club members to participate in, including the Log1 Contest, Rocket City Math League, and Mathematical Minutes Video Contest. We’re a club committed to enhancing student ability to work with others, to conduct independent research, and learn the qualities of industry, initiative, and reliability.
third Tuesday of the month during lunch
Medical Research Faria, Susannah Chaudhryanwita1@gmail.comAnwita, Chaudhry
Mounitaa Gopi
Nikitha Perumal perumalnikitha@gmail.comAdviti
Our goal at Math Olympiad club is to teach math to elementary- and middle-school students and inspire these younger generations to continue learning math. Throughout the year, we will provide opportunities for you to take part in math-related service opportunities. As a club member, you will be shown to help students learn how to enjoy math through these opportunities. During lunchtime club meetings, members can work through mathematical puzzles with friends. Join Math Olympiad club today (we have free snacks)!
lunch, third Monday of the month
MedshareAgustin, Athenadvhsmedshare@gmail.comAnniyshbalaji Sivakumar
Angeline Yeh
Srushti Talluri217433@students.srvusd.netViraj
The DVHS Medical Research Club, narrows down to a certain practice which will give members the opportunity to dig deeper into a concentrated area. There are so many steps to research including, finding a topic, doing a preliminary search for information, finding sources, making notes, writing papers, proofreading, and finally getting your research paper published into a well credited student journal. Our club will focus on getting students through these steps, by providing and recommending the best resources for students, arranging 1-1 guidance for students who are researching difficult topics, reaching out to the best professional mentors/college professors, and even putting students on track to attending research programs on their own time, which is only possible through a club solely dedicated to research year round. Our club will allow traditionally underrepresented people to have a safe and fostering environment where they can BUILD an interest in medicine and not be FORCED to have one. This will positively impact our community because it will make medicine a more diverse field that will be a gold mine of opportunity for everyone. All you would need is the willingness to try something new!!
Every third Monday of the month at lunch
Missing MapsSnavely, Jamesdvhsmissingmaps@gmail.comJimin Cheong
Ashley Lee27leylee@gmail.comAlexis Kwonryul.kwon@icloud.comCheng-Hsuan
DVHS Medshare's goal is to improve the livelihoods of people across the planet by providing medical supplies for under-resourced countries. Our primary message is to promote sustainability while improving quality of life by collecting sterile medical supplies that would otherwise go to waste in the US. Our club serves its goals by hosting many packing events throughout the school year, organizing drives and fundraising money. Our club has fulfilled its mission by providing opportunities for students to make a difference in developing countries and cultivate their understanding of medical waste while gaining a better understanding of the logistics of the medical field.
Monthly- Last Wednesday of the Month
Mission Coral Warrier, Lakshmithemissioncoral@gmail.comJulia Husainzada
Julianne Park
Justin Chanaadidhide21@gmail.comRuby
Founded by the American Red Cross, British Red Cross, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, and Doctors Without Borders, Missing Maps is a non-profit organization where remote volunteers create detailed map data for first-responders to use during events like disasters, disease epidemics, and conflicts. Using satellite imagery, members of the club will contribute to create a base map of features like roads and buildings. The goal of the Missing Maps club is to provide global support for societies at risk of environmental destruction, and will put the world's most vulnerable societies on the map.
second Monday of every month during lunch