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1 | Due to trolling and spam we are temporarily disabling the ability to edit the spreadsheet. Please send your experiences with online gurus to laura@fakegurus.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Picture | Name & Surname | Date of birth | Nationality | Alleged profits | Alleged net worth | Red flags | Positives | Insider insights | Product Name | Assets taught | Price for full course | His alleged story | Website | Youtube Channel | ||||||||||||||||
3 | Thomas Kralow | 1991 | Latvian | $9 million total profit | $7,500,000 | 🚩Shows off using luxury cars, yachts, stacks of cash 🚩The cars and flats are rented or borrowed 🚩Not using his real name. 🚩Does not live-stream his trades regularly 🚩 Deletes critical reviews in his community. 🚩Doesn't provide verifyable proof of his results (like a MyFxBook account) | ✅ Received a CPD certificate for his course.(You can Simply buy this certificate, it's a members club) ✅ Admits himself in some videos that he bought the flashy stuff just for advertising purposes. | 🔥 The flat in Riga that he said he owns was actually rented. 🔥 His real name is Tomass Krilovs. 🔥The Bentley he used for his videos was borrowed from a friend. | University grade trading education | Stocks, Crypto, Options | $19,980 | He was taught the secrets of trading by a Swiss trader named Alf Hoffman. However, there is no info about this Alf on the internet. | https://www.thomaskralow.com/69-complete-program/#tuition | https://www.youtube.com/c/ThomasKralow | |||||||||||||||||
4 | Neerav Vadera | 1982 | British | $240,000 | 🚩Lies about being a trader at Barclays. 🚩 The tools (DOM ladder, Sierra volume chart, Footprint tool) he claims are his own custom made are actually stolen from real traders. 🚩 No proof that he worked for a top Prop firm after Barclays 🚩He photoshopped a picture of him standing in the New York Stock Exchange to be used in promo materials. | 🔥Neerav's course is a project done by UKB marketing, who are making snake oil projects like this in other niches as well 🔥 He was not a trader at Barclays, he was on the grad scheme as a salesperson there. 🔥He was bad at his job and got yelled on a lot and allegedly fired. | G7X - Institutional trading masterclass | Forex | £3000 | Neerav Vadera has more than 16 years' experience as an Institutional Forex and Futures trader. Having worked with Central Banks, Hedge Funds and Private Individuals and amassed valuable experience, he set up G7FX. | https://www.g7fxfreetraining.com/access-masterclass-1223 | https://www.youtube.com/c/nvforex | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | Ricky Guttierez | 1995 | American | 46,000% annual return | $3,000,000 | 🚩Ricky claims to have a 66.7% return in a month which compounds to a 46,000% annual return, which is ridiculous and impossible. Warren Bufett's average annual gain is 20% 🚩Shows off with Lamborghinis 🚩His trading "strategies" are extremely primitive. 🚩At times cuts his live stream if he has a bad trade, saying that "he gotta go now". | ✅ Live-streams his trading | Learn Plan Profit | Stocks, Commodities, Crypto, Real estate | $499 | Ricky first dabbled in trading when he was 17 years old, using money he earned mainly from buying and selling phones on Craigslist . | https://learn-plan-profit.teachable.com/p/learn-plan-profit-lesson-ricky-gutierrez-daytrader-techbuds-stockmarket-tradestocks-stock-course-pro | https://www.youtube.com/c/RickyGutierrezz | ||||||||||||||||||
6 | Tai Lopez | 1991 | American | $9 million total profit | $50,000,000 | 🚩Tai Lopez doesn't own Beverly Hills house which he shows in his videos. He leases it. 🚩He claims that he was voted the Number 1 Social Media Influencer by Entrepreneur Magazine, but that's false, because it is sponsored article. | ✅ He gave a talk at a local TEDx event. | 🔥“The Average American is $225,238 in debt” - this is a claim made on sales page for Tai's 67 program. The number seems unlikely and we’ve been unable to find a source for the data.NerdWallet publishes a debt study every year and the highest number they’re reported for the average debt of an American household (i.e. not individual) has been $137,000. | Fundamentals of Investing | $9/mo | https://www.tailopez.com/flow.php?lp=FS-6375 | https://www.youtube.com/c/tailopez | |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Rayner Teo | 1995 | Singaporean | 46,000% annual return | $450,000 | 🚩No verified track record of profitable trading.🚩Clickbait thumbnails making profits in the market look easier than they are | ✅ He gives a lot of helpful trading strategies. ✅He offers "The Ultimate Guide to Price Action Trading" e-book for free.✅ His book "Price Action Trading Secrets" is #1 Bestseller on Amazon. ✅ Live trading webinars | "Ultimate Systems Trader" | $2,449 | Rayner Teo was born in Singapore, where every guy has to serve in the army for two years. He says that he had enough time to think about his life and what he wants. It was then that the financial crisis of 2008-2009 happened, so the stock market was the talk of the town. He became interested in this topic, started studying financial markets, reading the relevant literature, and finally, graduated from the University of London with a degree in banking and finance. | https://www.tradingwithrayner.com | https://www.youtube.com/user/tradingwithrayner | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | Meet Kevin | 1992 | American | $30, 000, 000 | 🚩He is disabling comments on Youtube videos. 🚩 At the beginning of his carrier he said that he won't ever sell stock trading courses, because "real estate is easy, but stocks are difficult". 🚩 In 2020 said to people don't panic and sell when the stock market goes down. In 2021 sold 99% of his portfolio of stocks and cryptocurrencies, worth around $20 million. 🚩Even when he says that users are offered 50% off for a limited time, a new discount code appears every time. | ✅ Live-streams his trading. ✅ He was featured in CNBC’s s show Millennial Money. ✅ He is a hustler. Even during the vacation with family he still filming videos about the trading. | Master Stocks and the Psychology of Money | Stocks | $623 | https://go.joinmeetkevin.com/finance-video/ | https://www.youtube.com/c/MeetKevin | ||||||||||||||||||||
9 | ClayTrader | 1983 | American | 🚩Not only is there no performance history of the alerts ClayTrader sends out, but he also doesn’t show his subscribers his personal trading performance. 🚩ClayTrader has a very strict refund policy and in most cases, you won’t receive a refund if you’re unhappy with your purchase.🚩Clay’s full name is not visible on the website. | ✅ ClayTrader is a contributor to Investopedia and is ranked #1 by InvestorsHub | The Trading Freedom Pathway | Stocks, Options, Futures, Forex, Crypto | 2,497.00 | https://claytrader.com | https://www.youtube.com/c/Claytrader | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Jonny Godfrey | July 27th 1990 | British, In London | Traded with large amounts of capital, likely millions | $1,000,000+ | 🚩Courses on trading psychology are mostly fluff and filler content, to make up for the lack real actual trading knwoledge. | ✅ Great feedback from community and comments ✅ Delivers on course promises ✅ Does not oversell | 🔥Trades ICT concepts mainly, came from SMC. 🔥Invested in psychology and deep truth, such as reality transurfing by Vadim Zeland, and similar concepts (such as neuroplasticity) 🔥Intermittent fasts in keto, has an optimised routine for trading | Trader's Mental Edge | Forex, Futures, Commodities, Stocks | $850-1149 (Depending on early entry) | Traded for some years under different strategies (such as SMC), worked in a signal group for some time (before leaving). Figured out a lot of what made traders lose with proven strategies was their psychology over anything else. Inspired by this, he shifted content and ideas towards trading psychology which also means his content is applicable to many different styles of trading. | https://www.tradersmentaledge.com/ | https://youtube.com/channel/UCNbz4SvWEkgBJaRHVkXfDTA | |||||||||||||||||
11 | Inner Circle Trader | Inner Circle Trader | American | 30 Million | $30,000,000 (real est is probably less) | 🚩Sketchy around attempts to do with public competitions (robbins cup etc)🚩Shares his concepts rather than keeping them for himself🚩Has impulsive comments and interactions sometimes🚩Makes large claims with little evidence🚩Troubles with a mentorship one year, underdelivered🚩Opinion: he has a profitable strategy but he is lacking in solid psychology | ✅ ICT concepts show up again and again in the market - this is why he has such a following unlike any other ✅ He has a lot of valuable free content ✅ Concepts used by professional and successful traders | 🔥Started to gain traction with indicator-based strategies on forums in 2005-2013 era. Then developed into "smart money" concepts. 🔥Major player in SMC concepts as a whole 🔥Has produced over 1200 videos in mentorships and publicly 🔥Has private mentorships in 2013, 2016-2017, 2018-2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (free) | PAID: 2016-2017 12 Month Mentorship, 2018-2019 12 Month Charter Mentorship, 2020 12 Month Market Review Mentorship, 2021 12 Month Commentaries Mentorship. FREE: 2020 OTE Recognition Series, 2021 Market Maker Revamp, 2022 Free Mentorship, Many others | Forex, Commodities, (also says can apply to crypto) | Varied ($300-$1500?) | Traded under many indicators but then he apparently met some knowledgable people that led him into discovering the Market Efficiency Paradigm and Smart Money. Since that point, he has been active in telling people about these concepts. | http://www.theinnercircletrader.com/ | https://youtube.com/channel/UCtjxa77NqamhVC8atV85Rog | |||||||||||||||||
12 | Vinny Emini | ? | American | Est $500,000-$2,000,000 | Est $500,000-$2,000,000 | 🚩Lack of reputation in professional trading (lack of professional traders using his concepts/algos) 🚩Impulsive and disrespectful nature 🚩Obsessive about trying to take down opposition (ICT for example) 🚩Suspected paid negative reviews of opponents 🚩Intrusive activities against others 🚩Lack of maturity in conversations (in discord for example)🚩Expensive services | ✅ Has positive reviews on trustpilot | 🔥Says that he is a christian, yet promotes no such values 🔥Likely has OCD or bipolar disorder (legitimately) | AlgoBox | Forex/Any? | $6000-$20,000 | ? | https://www.algoboxpro.com/ | https://youtube.com/channel/UCzFV4Gz2g3H6BozR9g4PnCA | |||||||||||||||||
13 | Andrew Tate | December 14 1986 | 30 to 250 Mil | $100,000,000-$250,000,000 | 🚩Derogitory nature to those who cancel his course 🚩Lack of personal involvement in course 🚩Sex exploitation allegations 🚩Says unpopular things and then says commonly understood things more build a fanbase | ✅ Has some intelligent argument skills | 🔥Has 100,000 Members at 50$/Month | Hustlers University | |||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Jason Bond | 1973 | American | 🚩Fake reviews on Trustpilot | 🔥He faked Harvard Business School speach.🔥In December 2020, the FTC filed a lawsuit against Raging Bull.com.It was accused of $137 million fraud. RagingBull.com promised quick profits trading stocks but many consumers lost substantial money and were trapped in expensive subscription plans. Jason Bond is a co-founder of RagingBull.com | options | 99/quarterly | Jason Bond (Real name Jason P. Kowalik). He first became interested in training when he was working as a high school gym teacher. With over $250,000 of student loans to pay off, Jason started learning about trading in an effort to add to his income. After co-founding Raging Bull with fellow trader Jeff Bishop, Jason Bond became a full-time trader in 2012, and has remained full-time within the field since. | https://www.jasonbondpicks.com/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Ross Cameron | 🚩The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) fined Warrior Trading $3 million for operating day trading programs considered "misleading" to consumers. According to the FTC, Warrior Trading and its CEO Ross Cameron allegedly convinced consumers to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for a trading system that ultimately failed to pay off for most customers. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Timothy Sykes | penny stocks | Pricing starts at $197 | https://www.timothysykes.com/millionaire-challenge/ | https://www.youtube.com/c/TimothySykesTrader | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Rakeel Zahoor (WicksDontLie) on instagram | 1-3 mil | Was part of the original "ForexFamily" on instagram that scammed thousands of people with fake guru methods.Daily youtube livestreams where he never showed actual trading terminal live. Screenshots he posts of results are whitelabeled faked broker results. | MarketFluidity | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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