A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | AG | AH | AI | AJ | AK | AL | AM | AN | AO | AP | AQ | AR | AS | AT | AU | AV | AW | AX | AY | AZ | BA | BB | BC | BD | BE | BF | BG | BH | BI | BJ | BK | BL | BM | BN | BO | BP | BQ | BR | BS | BT | BU | BV | BW | BX | BY | BZ | CA | CB | CC | CD | CE | CF | CG | CH | CI | CJ | CK | CL | CM | CN | CO | CP | CQ | CR | CS | CT | CU | CV | |
1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Respondent ID | Country Code | Country Name | State | Which one of the following applies to you? | How big is the development team for your primary Rails applications? | Do you and/or your team typically work remotely? | Has your development team grown or shrunk in the last two years? | How many Rails applications is your team currently responsible for? | How many years have you been developing with Rails? | How did you learn to code? | If you attended a bootcamp and/or school for learning to code...which one? | How many Rails applications have you contributed to? | What versions of Ruby are you using in your applications? (select all that apply) | Which Ruby version manager are you using? (select all that apply) | What versions of Rails are you using in your applications? (select all that apply) | Is your team using a dual-boot strategy for upgrades? | How long ago has your Ruby on Rails application been in development? | Of the Rails applications you work on, how many are updated to the most recent (Rails/Ruby) releases? | If not all, why not? (select all that apply) | How many of your apps are legacy apps, or code inherited from other developers? | Where are your responsibilities in the stack? (select all that apply) | Have you been to a conference (regional or bigger) for Ruby and/or Rails in the last year? | Do you participate in local in-person user groups related to Ruby/Rails development? | Do you participate in online user groups related to Ruby/Rails development? | What are some technical podcasts that you enjoy listening to? | What are some of your favorite Ruby/Rails blogs? (include links) | Who are some of your favorite live coding streamers? | Have you authored at least one gem? | How often do you contribute back to open source projects? | What Javascript package manager do you use? | What JavaScript libraries are you using alongside Rails? (select all that apply) | If you have deployed applications using other languages/frameworks, would you say that it has been easier or harder to deploy Rails applications? | How often do you deploy releases of your Rails applications to production? | What Rails testing frameworks are you using to write tests? (select all that apply) | What JavaScript testing frameworks are you using to write tests? (select all that apply) | What code to test/spec ratio does your team aim for? | ...and what is your ACTUAL code-to-test ratio? 😜 | What is your go-to Ruby debugger tool? | How many greenfield Rails apps have you deployed since 2018? | For greenfield Rails projects what are you using to manage JavaScript libraries? | You are primarily building | What third-party email services do your Rails integrate with? (select all that apply) | Where is your source code hosted? (select all that apply) | Which automated deployment tools do you use? (select all that apply) | Which databases do you typically use in production? (select all that apply) | Which database would you prefer to use in production? | Which nosql databases do you use? (select all that apply) | Which operating system do you primarily develop your applications on? | What is your preferred editor? | What are you using for containerization? (select all that apply) | Which Error tracking tools do you use in production? (select all that apply) | Which performance monitoring tools do you use in production? (select all that apply) | What other 3rd-party tools do you use to keep an eye on your production systems? | Which web servers do you use in production? (select all that apply) | Which Rails Servers are you using in production? (select all that apply) | Which Continuous Integration (CI) servers do you use? (select all that apply) | What CDN(s) do you use? (select all that apply) | What code quality tools do you use? (select all that apply) | Who uses your application/s? | Which Active Job adapters do you use to use to process background jobs? | I feel the Rails core team is shepherding the project in the right direction. | Rails is still relevant in 2022. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Response | Response | Response | Response | Response | Response | Response | Other Text | Response | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Response | Comments | Response | Response | Response | Other Text | Response | Response | Comments | Response | Response | Response | Comments | Response | Response | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Comments | Response | Other Text | Comments | Response | Other Text | Comments | Response | Response | Other Text | Response | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Other Text | Response | Response | Other Text | Response | Comments | Response | |||||||||
4 | 261307350 | CA | Canada | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Sometimes | About the same size | 2-5 | 10-13 years | CS degree | 6-14 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | 7-10 years | Most | Not enough time | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | Yes | A few times a month | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus, jQuery | Easier | A few times a week | Capybara, Minitest | 81-100% | 81-100% | 1 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Mailgun, Postmark | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Google Cloud Datastore | Mac OS X | RubyMine | None | Honeybadger | Scout APM | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Circle CI | Rubocop, Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq, Sucker Punch | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | 261307465 | GB | United Kingdom | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 1 | 7-9 years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv | Rails 6.1.x | Yes | 13+ years | None | Not considered a priority, Third-party dependencies | Everything I work on is a legacy app | Back End | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | A few times a month | Yarn | Ember | Harder | A few times a month | Rspec | Jest | 81-100% | 81-100% | 1 | Monoliths | Mandrill (now Mailchimp) | Github | Capistrano | MySQL | MySQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Vim-based | Docker | Sentry | Scout APM, Sentry APM | Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails) | Travis CI | CloudFront | Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Resque | Neutral | Mostly Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | 261307533 | US | United States of America | Oregon | Work for a product company | A team of one! | Yes | Grown | 1 | 13+ years | Self taught | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 4.2.x | No | Haven't had to solve this particular problem yet! | 1-3 years | None | Not considered a priority | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | As an eng team of 1, I'm responsible for ALL THE THINGS. That includes the entire technical stack, vendor contract management, and end-user support. | No | Yes | Yes | Thoughtbot | No | Rarely | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus, jQuery | About the same | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Minitest | No particular target -- the ratio is irrelevant. What matters is the test suite's ability to find bugs. | 81-100% | 1 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Mailgun, Mandrill (now Mailchimp), Sendgrid | Github | Capistrano, Git | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Sublime Text | None | New Relic | New Relic | Apache, Nginx, Puma | Passenger (mod_rails), Puma | None | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Neutral | It would be great if DHH would get off his high horse about JavaScript and realize that the rest of us have real work to do -- changing the way apps get packaged & served without any real thought to migration pathways is irresponsible. | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | 261307565 | US | United States of America | South Carolina | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 2-5 | 7-9 years | Bootcamp | The Iron Yard | 6-14 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x | asdf | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x | No | just haven't made it a priority. Not sure if Heroku CI supports it either | 3-6 years | None | We stay 1 major version behind as a rule of thumb | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | Everything - I'm the founder CTO | No | No | Yes | Fullstack Radio | No | Rarely | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | A few times a week | Capybara, Rspec | n/a | n/a | We don't aim for a ratio. | n/a | again we don't aim for a number | 2-5 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Postmark | Github | Git | Heroku CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | MongoDB | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | AppSignal | AppSignal | PG analyze | Puma | Puma | Heroku CI | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | 261307639 | ZA | Republic of South Africa | Unknown | Work for a product company | 16-25 | Yes | Grown | 2-5 | 4-6 years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x | No | Haven’t tried this yet | 3-6 years | Most | Not considered a priority | About half and half | Back End | No | No | Yes | No | Rarely | Yarn | Stimulus | Harder | A few times a week | Capybara, Rspec | 81-100% | 61-80% | 2-5 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Mailgun | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | RubyMine | None | AppSignal | AppSignal | Puma | Puma | RubyCI | CloudFront | RubyCI handles this | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | 261307663 | US | United States of America | Texas | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 4-6 years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 3.0.x | rbenv | Rails 6.1.x | No | 3-6 years | None | Not considered a priority | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | CEO | No | Yes | Yes | No | A few times a year | Yarn | Next.js, React | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | 81-100% | 81-100% | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None, Docker | Honeybadger | Scout APM | Puma | Puma | Github Actions and Heroku CI | Code Climate, Rubocop, Simplecov | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | 261307855 | BR | Brazil | Unknown | Work for a product company | 8-15 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 4-6 years | CS degree | 1 | Ruby 3.1.x | rbenv | Rails - git master branch | No | No need, we run master | 3-6 years | All | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Minitest | 81-100% | 81-100% | 1 | Yarn/Esbuild/Propshaft | Monoliths | Postmark | Send in Blue | Github | Ansible playbooks | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | RubyMine | None | We deploy straight to EC2 | Sentry | Datadog | Nginx | Puma | Semaphore | CloudFlare | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Active Storage needs more effort put into being used for image galleries. | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | 261307895 | US | United States of America | District Of Columbia | Work for a product company | 8-15 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 10-13 years | Self taught | 50+ | Ruby 3.0.x | asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | Team size and experience level. | 3-6 years | None | Third-party dependencies | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | Yes | Yes | Bikeshed, This Week in AWS, O11ycast | Shopify blog, This Week in Ruby, Giant Robots | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | React | Harder | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | Jest | 81-100% | 81-100% | 2-5 | Esbuild | Monoliths | Mandrill (now Mailchimp) | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Vim-based | Docker | Sentry | Librato, New Relic | Puma | Puma | Buildkite | CloudFront, CloudFlare, Fastly | Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | 261307926 | US | United States of America | Michigan | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 6-14 | 10-13 years | Self taught | Dev Bootcamp Chicago | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x | asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 4.2.x | Yes | 7-10 years | Most | Not considered a priority | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | Yes | Yes | Bikeshed Remote Ruby Ruby on Rails Podcast Rework Code with Jason | No | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Harder | A few times a week | Capybara, Rspec | 81-100% | 1-20% | 6-14 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Github | Hatchbox | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Honeybadger, New Relic | New Relic, Skylight | Nginx, Puma | Unicorn, Puma | Circle CI, Codeship | Rubocop, Standard (gem) | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | 261307929 | US | United States of America | Oregon | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 13+ years | CS degree | 2-5 | Ruby 2.7.x | asdf | Rails 6.0.x | No | 7-10 years | None | Not considered a priority | We prefer to stay one version behind on both rails/ruby | Everything I work on is a legacy app | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, React, Stimulus, jQuery | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | Jest | 61-80% | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Postmark | Github | Heroku | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Bugsnag | Scout APM | Puma | Puma | Semaphore | CloudFront | Rubocop, Simplecov | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | 261307982 | US | United States of America | Missouri | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 15+ | 13+ years | Self taught | SIU Edwardsville | 50+ | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x | asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | 7-10 years | Most | Not enough time, Not considered a priority | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | Yes | Yes | Remote Ruby | Yes | A few times a month | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | About the same | A few times a week | Capybara, Minitest | 41-60% | 21-40% | 2-5 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Sendgrid | MailPace | Github | Capistrano, Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | Vim-based | None | Errbit, Honeybadger | Nginx | Caddy | Passenger (mod_rails), Puma | GitHub Actions | CloudFront, CloudFlare | Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq, Sucker Punch | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | 261308033 | US | United States of America | Indiana | Work for a product company | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 13+ years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 3.1.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x | Yes | 10-13 years | All | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | Yes | Yes | RemoteRuby Ruby on Rails Podcast Art of Product Code with Jason | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Stimulus, jQuery | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Minitest | 61-80% | 61-80% | 1 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Postmark | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Honeybadger | Puma | Puma | Github Actions | CloudFront | Simplecov, Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | 261308060 | NO | Norway | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 1 | 10-13 years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 3.0.x | asdf | Rails 7.0.x | No | 3-6 years | All | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | No | No | No | Rarely | Yarn | Hotwire, React, Stimulus, jQuery | About the same | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | 100-150% | 81-100% | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Postmark | Github | None | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | AppSignal | AWS Cloudwatch, AppSignal | Nginx, Puma | Puma | CloudFront | Code Climate, Rubocop, Rubycritic, Simplecov | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | 261308150 | CL | Chile | Unknown | Currently looking for work | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | Less than 1 year | Self taught | None | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.7.x | RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | Under 1 year | Some | Planning a rewrite | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End | No | No | Yes | Telegram Discord groups | No | Never | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Easier | A few times a month | Rspec | Cypress, Puppeteer | 21-40% | 21-40% | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Hybrids | Mailgun, Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL, MongoDB | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, MongoDB, Redis | Linux/Unix-variant | Visual Studio Code | None | Sentry | Sentry APM | Puma | Puma | Circle CI | CloudFlare | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Active Job Async Job, Delayed Job, Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | 261308163 | US | United States of America | Massachusetts | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 10-13 years | CS degree | 15-49 | Ruby 2.7.x | RVM | Rails 6.1.x | No | Under 1 year | None | Not considered a priority | Latest version just released | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | React, jQuery | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Rspec | Jest, Mocha | 81-100% | 81-100% | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Sublime Text | Docker, Kubernetes | Airbrake, Sentry | Datadog, New Relic | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Circle CI | CloudFront | Code Climate, Rubocop, Simplecov | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | 261308165 | EG | Egypt | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 1-3 years | CS degree | 2-5 | Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv | Rails 5.1.x | No | 3-6 years | Some | Some legacy apps but more new | Back End | No | No | No | No | Rarely | NPM | Vue | A few times a week | Rspec | Jasmine, Jest | 81-100% | 41-60% | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Microservices | Mandrill (now Mailchimp) | Github | Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Linux/Unix-variant | Visual Studio Code | AWS Cloudwatch, Sentry APM | Puma | Puma | CodePipeline (AWS) | CloudFlare | Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Neutral | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | 261308190 | US | United States of America | Missouri | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Sometimes | About the same size | 2-5 | 7-9 years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.7.x | chruby | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 5.2.x | Yes | 3-6 years | Most | Not enough time | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus, jQuery | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Cucumber, Minitest, Rspec | 61-80% | 41-60% | 2-5 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Postmark | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Bugsnag | Skylight | Puma | Puma | Heroku | CloudFlare | Code Climate, Coveralls, Rubocop | Mostly internal users only | Active Job Async Job, Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | 261308204 | US | United States of America | Alabama | Work for a product company | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 1-3 years | CS degree | The University of Texas at Arlington | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x | Yes | 1-3 years | Some | Don't have the budget, Not enough time, Not considered a priority, Lack reliable automated tests | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | Everything! One man shop. See https://pagertree.com | No | No | FounderQuest | Chris Oliver - GoRails | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus, Vue | Alpine.js | About the same | A few times a week | Capybara, Minitest | None | 61-80% | 41-60% | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Mailgun, Postmark | Github, Gitlab | Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | MongoDB, Redis | WSL2 | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Honeybadger | AWS Cloudwatch, Prometheus / Grafana, Scout APM | HealthChecks.io PagerTree.com Pushover.net | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Gitlab | CloudFront, CloudFlare | Rubocop, Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | 261308210 | US | United States of America | California | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 13+ years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 3.0.x | RVM | Rails 6.1.x | No | Never heard of this strategy before. | 1-3 years | All | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | _The Complete Guide to Rails Performance_ book's Slack workspace. | Yes | Rarely | NPM | React | Easier | A few times a week | Rspec | Jest | 100-150% | 100-150% | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Intercom | Github | Capistrano, Continuous Deployment via CI | MSSQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | RubyMine | None | AppSignal, Sentry | AWS Cloudwatch, AppSignal | Nginx | Puma | Semaphore | CloudFront, CloudFlare | Rubocop, Simplecov | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | 261308216 | US | United States of America | Texas | Work for a product company | A team of one! | Yes | Grown | 1 | 1-3 years | Bootcamp | Flatiron School | 2-5 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv, RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | 1-3 years | Most | Not considered a priority, Planning a rewrite | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | Yes | Never | Yarn | Stimulus | Harder | A few times a month | Minitest | 61-80% | 41-60% | 2-5 | Asset pipeline | Mailgun, Postmark | Github | Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | RubyMine | None | Scout APM | Puma | Puma | Circle CI | Rubocop, Simplecov | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Active Job Async Job, Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | 261308228 | US | United States of America | Michigan | Work for a product company | 50-100 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 13+ years | Self taught | 50+ | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | Yes | 3-6 years | Most | Not enough time | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | No | No | Yes | Remote Ruby, bike shed, coding blocks, the change log, the Ruby on Rails podcast | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Minitest, Rspec | Cypress, Jest, Mocha | 81-100% | 81-100% | 6-14 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB | PostgreSQL | MongoDB | Mac OS X | Sublime Text | Docker | Datadog, Honeybadger, Sentry | AWS Cloudwatch, Datadog | Puma | Puma | Circle CI | CloudFront, CloudFlare | Rubocop, Simplecov, Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | 261308306 | CZ | Czech Republic | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 1-3 years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x | asdf | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x | No | 1-3 years | None | Not enough time, Not considered a priority, Lack a strategy for this | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | Remote Ruby The Ruby on Rails Podcast | No | Never | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Alpine.js | Easier | A few times a week | Capybara, Minitest | Cypress | 41-60% | 41-60% | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Postmark | BitBucket, Github | Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Honeybadger | Scout APM | Puma | Puma | None | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | 261308315 | BR | Brazil | Unknown | Work for a product company | 16-25 | Rarely/never | Grown | 6-14 | 7-9 years | CS degree | 6-14 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | RVM, asdf | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | 3-6 years | None | Not considered a priority, Lack a strategy for this | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Back End, DevOps | Yes | No | Yes | No | Rarely | Yarn | React, jQuery | About the same | A few times a week | Capybara, Rspec | Jest | 81-100% | 61-80% | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Hybrids | Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Vim-based | Docker, Kubernetes | New Relic, Sentry | AWS Cloudwatch, New Relic, Scout APM, Sentry APM | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Circle CI | CloudFlare | Rubocop, Simplecov | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq, Sneakers | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | 261308333 | MX | Mexico | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 4-6 years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | 1-3 years | Most | Lack reliable automated tests, Lack a strategy for this | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | No | No | No | jose.omg.lol | No | Never | Yarn | Angular, Hotwire, Stimulus | About the same | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Minitest, Rspec | Jest | 81-100% | 81-100% | 2-5 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Postmark | Mailjet | Github | Capistrano, Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Sentry | Datadog, Scout APM | Nginx | Puma | Circle CI | Rubocop, Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | 261308362 | DE | Germany | Unknown | Work for a product company | 25-50 | Sometimes | Grown | 6-14 | 7-9 years | Self taught | 15-49 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.5.x | rbenv, asdf | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | 10-13 years | Some | Not enough time, Lack reliable automated tests, Third-party dependencies | Majority legacy code but some new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | Yes | No | Yes | StimulusReflex Discord server | Remote Ruby | Yes | A few times a month | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Minitest, Rspec | 21-40% | 21-40% | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Postmark | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, MongoDB, Redis | Mac OS X | Nova | Docker, Kubernetes | Airbrake, Honeybadger | Airbrake, Honeybadger | Pingdom | Nginx, Puma | Unicorn, Puma | Circle CI | CloudFlare | Code Climate, Rubocop, Simplecov | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | I would love more work of continued focus on enterprise scale needs, like engines | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | 261308408 | GB | United Kingdom | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 13+ years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 1.8.7 (REE or MRI) | RVM | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 4.2.x, Rails 2.3.x | No | 10-13 years | None | Don't have the budget, Not enough time | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | No | Rarely | NPM | jQuery | Easier | A few times a week | Capybara, Rspec | 61-80% | 41-60% | Monoliths | Amazon SES | Github | Capistrano, Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | MySQL, MariaDB | MySQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Airbrake, Rollbar | New Relic | Monit, Pingdom | Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails) | Circle CI | CloudFront | Rubocop, Simplecov | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Delayed Job | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | 261308436 | GB | United Kingdom | Unknown | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 2-4 | Sometimes | Grown | 2-5 | 4-6 years | CS degree | Swansea University | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.2.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | Under 1 year | Most | Don't have the budget, Not enough time, Not considered a priority, Lack reliable automated tests, Lack a strategy for this | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | Pretty much everything | No | No | Yes | No | Rarely | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus, Vue | Easier | A few times a week | Rspec | 6-14 | Yarn/webpack | import maps | Monoliths | Mailgun, Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, MongoDB, Redis | Linux/Unix-variant | RubyMine | None, Docker | Puma | Unicorn, Puma | Circle CI, Github Actions, None | CloudFlare | Rubocop, Simplecov, Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | 261308439 | CA | Canada | Unknown | Work for a product company | 8-15 | Yes | About the same size | 1 | 13+ years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x | Yes | 10-13 years | Some | Not enough time, Third-party dependencies | Majority legacy code but some new | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | Yes | Annually | Yarn | React, Vue, jQuery | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | Jest | 81-100% | 61-80% | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Sublime Text | Docker | Sentry | AWS Cloudwatch, Datadog, New Relic | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Circle CI | CloudFront, CloudFlare | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Resque | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | 261308448 | MK | North Macedonia | Unknown | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 5-8 | Yes | Shrunk | 2-5 | 7-9 years | Self taught | GoRails | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.4.x | chruby, asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | 7-10 years | Some | Not enough time, Third-party dependencies, Lack a strategy for this | Majority legacy code but some new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | No | No | Yes | / | gorails.com | / | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, React, Stimulus | Easier | A few times a week | Minitest, Rspec | Jest | 81-100% | 81-100% | 6-14 | Asset pipeline | Hybrids | Mailgun | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL, MongoDB | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, MongoDB, Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | AppSignal, Honeybadger | AWS Cloudwatch, AppSignal, Prometheus / Grafana | / | Nginx, Puma | Passenger (mod_rails), Unicorn, Puma | Circle CI, CodePipeline (AWS), Codeship | CloudFront, CloudFlare | Rubocop, Simplecov, Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | 261308473 | BE | Belgium | Unknown | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 2-4 | Sometimes | Grown | 15+ | 7-9 years | On the job | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.3.x | RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 4.2.x | No | Under 1 year | Most | Not considered a priority | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Harder | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Minitest | 1-20% | 1-20% | 6-14 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Postmark | Github | Capistrano | MySQL | MySQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | RubyMine | None | New Relic | New Relic | Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails) | Github Actions | CloudFlare | Standard (gem) | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | 261308482 | BE | Belgium | Unknown | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 2-4 | Sometimes | Grown | 15+ | 7-9 years | On the job | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.3.x | RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 4.2.x | No | Under 1 year | Most | Not considered a priority | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Harder | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Minitest | 1-20% | 1-20% | 6-14 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Postmark | Github | Capistrano | MySQL | MySQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | RubyMine | None | New Relic | New Relic | Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails) | Github Actions | CloudFlare | Standard (gem) | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | 261308494 | CA | Canada | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Shrunk | 2-5 | 7-9 years | Self taught | 15-49 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.3.x | rbenv, RVM, None... manual installs | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 5.1.x | Yes | 7-10 years | Some | Don't have the budget, Not enough time, Third-party dependencies, Lack a strategy for this | About half and half | JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | Architecture design | No | No | Yes | https://www.justinweiss.com/ | No | Rarely | NPM | Hotwire, React, Stimulus, jQuery | Easier | A few times a week | Cucumber, Rspec | 61-80% | 41-60% | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | JSBuild | Hybrids | Amazon SES | BitBucket, Github | Capistrano, Continuous Deployment via CI | MySQL, PostgreSQL | MySQL | ElasticSearch, Neo4j, Redis | Mac OS X | Sublime Text | Docker | Airbrake, Sentry | AWS Cloudwatch, New Relic | Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails), Puma | Circle CI, Jenkins, Travis CI | CloudFront | Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Resque, Sidekiq | Neutral | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | 261308525 | NL | Netherlands | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 1-3 years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | RVM | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x | No | Under 1 year | None | Third-party dependencies | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | No | Never | Yarn | Stimulus, jQuery | Harder | A few times a month | Capybara, Rspec | Ava | 100-150% | 41-60% | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Mailgun | Github | None | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Sublime Text | None | AppSignal | AppSignal | Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails) | Github Actions | CloudFlare | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | 261308626 | US | United States of America | Maine | Freelancer/Contractor | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 13+ years | CS degree | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | 1-3 years | Most | Not considered a priority, Third-party dependencies | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | Yes | No | Yes | No | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | About the same | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Minitest | 61-80% | 61-80% | 2-5 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Postmark | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Sentry | Honeycomb | Puma | Puma | Circle CI, Github Actions | CloudFlare | Standard (gem) | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | good_job | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | 261308671 | US | United States of America | California | Work for a product company | 5-8 | Sometimes | Grown | 15+ | 1-3 years | Bootcamp | Lambda School (Now known as Bloom Institute of Technology.) | 6-14 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.3.x | rbenv, RVM | Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.1.x, Rails 4.2.x | No | 3-6 years | None | Not enough time, Not considered a priority | Everything I work on is a legacy app | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | No | Never | Yarn | React, jQuery | Harder | A few times a month | Capybara | Magic Test by Andrew Culver and Adam Pallozzi | Jest | 41-60% | 1-20% | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Hybrids | Sendgrid | BitBucket, Github, Gitlab | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | MySQL, PostgreSQL | MySQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | New Relic, Sentry | New Relic, Scout APM | Apache | Puma | Circle CI, Gitlab | Code Climate | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Delayed Job, Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | 261308673 | CA | Canada | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 7-9 years | CS degree | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.2.x | asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 4.2.x, Rails 4.1.x | No | 1-3 years | Most | Don't have the budget, Not considered a priority, Lack reliable automated tests | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | Yes | Yes | Yes | hexdevs, remote ruby, the ruby on rails podcast, code with jason | www.hexdevs.com | hexdevs_team, tenderlove | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus, jQuery | Easier | A few times a month | Capybara, Minitest, Rspec, Test::Unit | Cypress | 81-100% | 61-80% | 2-5 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github, Gitlab | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | github actions | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Linux/Unix-variant | Emacs | Docker, Kubernetes | AppSignal, New Relic | AWS Cloudwatch, AppSignal, New Relic | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Github Actions | CloudFront | Rubocop, Rubycritic, Simplecov, Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Active Job Async Job, Delayed Job, Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | 261308677 | ES | Spain | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 7-9 years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.5.x | rbenv, asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.0.x | No | 1-3 years | Some | Not enough time, Not considered a priority, Lack reliable automated tests | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Back End | No | No | No | No | Never | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus, Vue, jQuery | Alpinejs | Easier | A few times a week | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Mailgun | Github | Capistrano | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Bugsnag | New Relic | Nginx | Puma | CloudFlare | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Mostly Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | 261308755 | MX | Mexico | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 1 | 4-6 years | Bootcamp | Turing School | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x | asdf | Rails 7.0.x | No | Under 1 year | All | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | Ruby Rouges; Giant Robots | Ruby Weekly | Haven't tried. | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Easier | A few times a week | Capybara, Rspec | 81-100% | 21-40% | : ) | 6-14 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Honeybadger | Skylight | Puma | Puma | Github Actions | Rubocop, Simplecov | Mostly internal users only | Active Job Async Job, Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | 261308799 | AT | Austria | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 1 | 4-6 years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.4.x | RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | Under 1 year | Some | Not enough time, Not considered a priority | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End | Yes | No | No | Yes | Rarely | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus, jQuery | Easier | A few times a week | Capybara, Minitest, Rspec | Jasmine | 1-20% | 1-20% | Byebug | 2-5 | Asset pipeline | Mandrill (now Mailchimp), Sendgrid | BitBucket, Github, Gitlab | Capistrano, Continuous Deployment via CI | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | MongoDB | Linux/Unix-variant | RubyMine | Docker | Sentry | Prometheus / Grafana | Nginx | Puma | Gitlab | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Delayed Job, Sidekiq | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | 261308804 | US | United States of America | California | Work for a product company | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 4-6 years | On the job | 6-14 | Ruby 3.0.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x | No | Under 1 year | Most | Not enough time, Not considered a priority | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | No | remote ruby, RUBY ROGUES, code with json | Yes | Rarely | NPM | Hotwire, Stimulus | alpine | Easier | A few times a week | Rspec | puppeteer + mocha ( system tests ) | Cypress, Mocha, Puppeteer | 81-100% | 21-40% | Pry | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Postmark | Github | Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None, Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Honeybadger, New Relic | New Relic | Puma | Puma | Github Actions | Rubocop | Mostly internal users only | Sidekiq | good_job | Mostly Agree | I want devise to be part of rails | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
44 | 261308820 | XK | Unknown | Unknown | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 4-6 years | On the job | 2-5 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.0.x | rbenv | Rails 6.0.x, Rails 4.2.x | No | 3-6 years | None | Not considered a priority | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End | No | Yes | Yes | Both | jQuery | About the same | A few times a week | Capybara, Rspec | 81-100% | 41-60% | Byebug | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Gitlab | Continuous Deployment via CI | MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB | Redis too | PostgreSQL | MongoDB, Redis | Linux/Unix-variant | Vim-based | Docker | Bugsnag | Nginx | Gitlab | Simplecov | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Resque | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | 261308833 | DE | Germany | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | 5-8 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 10-13 years | CS degree | 6-14 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.6.x | chruby | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x | No | Dependency hell | 1-3 years | Some | Don't have the budget, Not enough time, Not considered a priority, Lack reliable automated tests, Third-party dependencies | Majority legacy code but some new | Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | I hate podcasts | People actually watch other people coding after a day of coding themselves? Weirdos. | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Stimulus, Vue | About the same | A few times a month | Capybara, Rspec | dunno, I stick to the API | We don't aim for a meaningless number | dunno, don't care for the number | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Hybrids | Mailgun, Sendgrid | Self-hosted repository, Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Sentry | Prometheus / Grafana | Nginx, Puma | Puma | GitHub Actions | CloudFlare | Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Active Job Async Job, Sidekiq, Sucker Punch | Neutral | DHH driving some of the most achieved contributors away hurt Rails. Also many changes come (naturally) from extremely large software shops and offer little value for small or new installations. | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | 261308895 | AU | Australia | Unknown | Work for a product company | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 13+ years | CS degree | None | Ruby 3.0.x | rbenv, asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | 13+ years | Most | Not enough time | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | GoRails | Yes | A few times a year | ImportMaps | Hotwire, Stimulus | Handlebars JS | Easier | A few times a week | Minitest | I don't have a target | Haha | Byebug | I need to start using Ruby Debug, but haven't yet. | 2-5 | Asset pipeline | Hybrids | Mailgun | Self-hosted repository, Github, Gitlab | None | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | MeiliSearch? | Mac OS X | TextMate | Docker, Kubernetes | ExceptionNotifier plugin | I need something better though. | Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails), Puma | None | Run my own tiny cdn | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Beanstalkd | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | 261308899 | US | United States of America | Illinois | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 1 | 4-6 years | Bootcamp | Actualize | 6-14 | Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv, asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | We’re not upgrading at the moment | 1-3 years | Some | Not enough time, Not considered a priority | About half and half | JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | Building the dev team | No | No | Yes | Gorails | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, React, Stimulus | Easier | A few times a week | Minitest, Rspec | Cypress | 81-100% | 61-80% | 85% | Pry | 2-5 | Asset pipeline | Jsbundling with yarn | Microservices | Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | Vim-based | None | AppSignal | AppSignal | Puma | Github Actions | Rubocop, Simplecov, Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | 261308934 | DE | Germany | Unknown | Work for a product company | 16-25 | Yes | Shrunk | 2-5 | 4-6 years | Bootcamp | Le Wagon | 2-5 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | 10-13 years | All | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | No | No | Yes | No | Rarely | NPM | Hotwire, Next.js, React, Stimulus | About the same | Almost daily (a lot) | Rspec | 81-100% | 81-100% | Pry | 1 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Mailgun, Mandrill (now Mailchimp) | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Bugsnag, New Relic, Sentry | New Relic, Prometheus / Grafana | Nginx, Puma | Unicorn, Puma | Circle CI | CloudFlare | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | 261308950 | IE | Ireland | Unknown | Work for a product company | 8-15 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 10-13 years | CS degree | 2-5 | Ruby 2.7.x | asdf | Rails 6.1.x | Yes | 3-6 years | None | Not enough time, Not considered a priority | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | Everything, I’m the fucking CTO ???? | No | No | Yes | Yes | Annually | Yarn | Hotwire, React, Stimulus | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | Jest | We don’t have a goal | I think this is a daft metric | 100-150% | Pry | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Postmark | Sparkpost | Github | Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Rollbar | Scout APM | Scalyr, Cronitor | Puma | Puma | Github Actions | Heroku | CloudFront | Rubocop, Standard (gem) | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Neutral | Rails Core are probably doing a great job. I’m less and less happy with the extractions half-baked out of Basecamp in recent years (especially ActiveStorage). I don’t think these extractions see anything like the critical eye that other contributions do and they never have to “prove themselves” in the wider world as a stand-alone gem first | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | 261308957 | US | United States of America | Washington | Work for a product company | 8-15 | Yes | Grown | 6-14 | 7-9 years | CS degree | 15-49 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 1.9.3 | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x | Yes | 10-13 years | Some | Not enough time, Not considered a priority | Majority legacy code but some new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | Yes | No | Yes | WNB.rb | Ruby on Rails podcast, Remote Ruby, The Bikeshed, Ladybug Podcast | Yes | Rarely | NPM AND Yarn | React, Stimulus, jQuery | A few times a month | Rspec | 81-100% | 41-60% | Pry | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Hybrids | Mailgun | Github, Gitlab | Git | MySQL | MySQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Sublime Text | None | Honeybadger | Scout APM | Puma | Github Actions, Jenkins | CloudFlare | Code Climate, Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Delayed Job, Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | 261309003 | DE | Germany | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Sometimes | Shrunk | 1 | 10-13 years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 3.0.x | rbenv | Rails 6.1.x | No | Missing tests | 10-13 years | Most | Don't have the budget, Not enough time, Lack reliable automated tests | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | No | Remote Ruby The Ruby on Rails podcast Ruby Rogues | No | Never | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus, jQuery | About the same | A few times a month | 1-20% | 1-20% | Ruby Debug | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Self-hosted repository, BitBucket | Capistrano | MariaDB | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | RubyMine | None | Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails) | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | 261309066 | AT | Austria | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Sometimes | About the same size | 2-5 | 13+ years | CS degree | 6-14 | Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x | rbenv | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | 3-6 years | Some | Not enough time | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End, UX Design | No | No | No | No | Rarely | NPM | Hotwire, Stimulus, jQuery | Easier | A few times a month | Minitest, Rspec, Test::Unit | 81-100% | 41-60% | Byebug | 1 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Mailgun, Mandrill (now Mailchimp) | Self-hosted repository, BitBucket, Gitlab | Capistrano, Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch | Mac OS X | Sublime Text | None | Nginx, Puma | Unicorn, Puma | Codeship | CloudFlare | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Delayed Job, Resque | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | 261309088 | US | United States of America | Florida | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 5-8 | Yes | Grown | 2-5 | 7-9 years | Self taught | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | chruby, RVM, asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 5.0.x | Yes | 7-10 years | Some | Don't have the budget, Not enough time, Not considered a priority, Lack a strategy for this | Majority legacy code but some new | Back End | No | Yes | No | Remote Ruby Bike Shed | Yes | Rarely | NPM | Hotwire, React, Stimulus | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Minitest, Rspec | Cypress, Jest | 61-80% | 21-40% | Ruby Debug | 2-5 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | RubyMine | Docker | Datadog, Rollbar, Sentry | Datadog, Scout APM | Nginx, Puma | Unicorn, Puma | Circle CI, Github Actions | Rubocop, Simplecov | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | 261309125 | US | United States of America | Wisconsin | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 1 | 10-13 years | CS degree | Purdue | 2-5 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.6.x | asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x | No | 3-6 years | All | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | Ruby on Rails Link Slack Rails Perfomance Slack (speedshop.co) | No | A few times a month | Yarn | React, Stimulus, jQuery | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Rspec | Jest | 81-100% | 61-80% | Byebug | 2-5 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Mandrill (now Mailchimp), Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Vim-based | None | Bugsnag, Honeybadger, Sentry | Scout APM, Skylight | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Github Actions, Semaphore | CloudFront, CloudFlare | Rubocop, Standard (gem) | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | 261309197 | BR | Brazil | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Shrunk | 1 | 1-3 years | Self taught | Le Wagon | 2-5 | Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x | RVM | Rails 5.0.x | No | Under 1 year | All | Everything I work on is a legacy app | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | No | No | Yes | No | Never | Yarn | React | Rspec | 81-100% | 21-40% | Byebug | Monoliths | Mandrill (now Mailchimp) | BitBucket, Github | PostgreSQL | MongoDB | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Puma | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Neutral | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | 261309211 | AU | Australia | Unknown | Currently looking for work | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 1 | 4-6 years | Go rails and drifting ruby | None | Ruby 3.1.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x | No | Under 1 year | All | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | Remote ruby | No | Never | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Easier | A few times a month | Minitest | 1-20% | This is something I need to learn and improve on | 1-20% | Try and see | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Mailgun | Github | None | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Honeybadger | Skylight | Nginx | Puma | None | None | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
57 | 261309234 | AT | Austria | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 4-6 years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 3.1.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | 1-3 years | Most | Lack reliable automated tests, Lack a strategy for this | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | No | No | Yes | No | Rarely | Yarn | Hotwire | About the same | A few times a week | Minitest | 1-20% | Byebug | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Mailgun | Self-hosted repository, Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Sentry | Skylight | Elastic APM | Nginx | Puma | Github Actions | CloudFlare | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Goodjob | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | 261309258 | US | United States of America | Kentucky | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 6-14 | 13+ years | Self taught | 50+ | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.4.x, Ruby 2.3.x | asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 2.3.x | No | 10-13 years | Most | Not considered a priority | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | Yes | No | Yes | Annually | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Minitest | 61-80% | 61-80% | Ruby Debug | 15+ | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Mailgun, Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Postgres JSONB | Mac OS X | Vim-based | None | ExceptionNotifier plugin, Rollbar | New Relic | Nginx, Puma | Passenger (mod_rails), Puma | Github Actions | CloudFront | Code Climate, Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Active Job Async Job, Resque, Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
59 | 261309293 | AM | Armenia | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | 2-4 | Sometimes | About the same size | 1 | 7-9 years | Programming courses | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.4.x | RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 5.1.x, Rails 5.0.x, Rails 4.2.x, Rails 4.1.x, Rails 4.0.x, Rails 3.2.x | No | Under 1 year | Some | Don't have the budget, Not enough time, Not considered a priority, Lack reliable automated tests | Majority legacy code but some new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | No | No | No | Rarely | Yarn | Vue, jQuery | Almost daily (a lot) | Minitest, Rspec | Pry | Monoliths | Mandrill (now Mailchimp), Postmark | BitBucket, Github | Capistrano, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Linux/Unix-variant | RubyMine | None | AppSignal | AppSignal | Nginx | Unicorn, Puma | Circle CI | Rubocop, Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
60 | 261309325 | FR | France | Unknown | Work for a product company | 5-8 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 1-3 years | Bootcamp | 6-14 | Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x | rbenv | Rails 6.1.x | No | Under 1 year | None | Not considered a priority | Some legacy apps but more new | Back End | No | No | Yes | Bikeshed | No | Never | Yarn | React | Almost daily (a lot) | Minitest | Byebug | 2-5 | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github | Git | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Rollbar | Datadog | Puma | Puma | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
61 | 261309518 | US | United States of America | Illinois | Work for a product company | 25-50 | Yes | Grown | 2-5 | 13+ years | On the job | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.4.x, Ruby 2.3.x, Ruby 2.2.x, Ruby 2.1.x, Ruby 2.0.x, Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 1.9.2, Ruby 1.8.7 (REE or MRI), Ruby 1.8.6, JRuby | chruby, RVM, asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | Not enough devs to maintain dual-boot branch | 3-6 years | Most | Not enough time | About half and half | Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | Remote Ruby, Bike Shed, Art of Product, Code with Jason | Thoughtbot | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Angular, Hotwire, Meteor, React, Vue, jQuery | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | Cypress, Jest | 61-80% | 61-80% | Pry | 2-5 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mandrill (now Mailchimp), Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL, MongoDB | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, MongoDB, Redis | Mac OS X | Vim-based | Docker, Kubernetes | Datadog, Honeybadger | AWS Cloudwatch, Datadog, Scout APM | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Codeship, Github Actions, Semaphore | CloudFront | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
62 | 261309520 | BY | Belarus | Unknown | Work for a product company | 16-25 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 7-9 years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.5.x | rbenv | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 5.1.x | No | 3-6 years | Most | Not enough time, Not considered a priority | Some legacy apps but more new | Back End, DevOps | No | Yes | No | No | Rarely | Yarn | Vue, jQuery | About the same | Almost daily (a lot) | Rspec | Cypress | 81-100% | 61-80% | Pry | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Sendgrid | BitBucket, Github, Gitlab | Capistrano, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Sublime Text | None | Honeybadger, Sentry | New Relic | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Github Actions | Fastly | Rubocop, Simplecov | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq, Sneakers | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
63 | 261309544 | CA | Canada | Unknown | Work for a product company | 16-25 | Sometimes | About the same size | 2-5 | 1-3 years | Bootcamp | 2-5 | Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.2.x | rbenv, RVM | Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 5.0.x | Yes | 3-6 years | Most | Lack reliable automated tests, Planning a rewrite | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | A few times a year | NPM | Angular, Hotwire, Stimulus, Vue, jQuery | About the same | A few times a month | Capybara, Cucumber, Rspec, Test::Unit | 81-100% | 41-60% | Pry | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Hybrids | Mandrill (now Mailchimp) | Self-hosted repository, Github, Gitlab | Capistrano, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Linux/Unix-variant | Visual Studio Code | Docker, Kubernetes | New Relic, Rollbar | New Relic, Prometheus / Grafana | Nginx, Puma | Passenger (mod_rails), Unicorn, Puma | Github Actions, Gitlab, Jenkins | Rubocop, Standard (gem) | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
64 | 261309643 | BR | Brazil | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | 16-25 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 1-3 years | On the job | 2-5 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | 3-6 years | All | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End | No | No | Yes | Stimulus Reflex Discord channel | Remote Ruby | Yes | A few times a month | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Minitest, Rspec | Cypress | Ruby Debug | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Mailgun, Postmark | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Linux/Unix-variant | Visual Studio Code | None | Sentry | Scout APM | Puma | Puma | Circle CI, Github Actions | CloudFlare | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
65 | 261309651 | US | United States of America | Oregon | Work for a product company | 5-8 | Yes | Grown | 6-14 | 13+ years | started self taught, went for CS degree 5 years later | 50+ | Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x | rbenv | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | extra work to set this up in CI | 13+ years | None | Not considered a priority | Majority legacy code but some new | Back End | No | No | No | Greater Than Code | Yes | Rarely | og are simple back end developer. og not understand such things. | Harder | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Cucumber, Rspec | og are simple back end developer. og not understand such things. | we don't find this a useful metric | Kernel#puts | 2-5 | og are simple back end developer. og not understand such things. | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Mailgun | Github | hubot | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Vim-based | Docker, Kubernetes | New Relic, Sentry | New Relic | Nginx | Unicorn, Puma | Circle CI | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Resque, Sidekiq | Neutral | The vast majority of the changes to Rails over my career have involved features that I, as a primarily back-end developer, simply do not give two shits about. Asset pipeline! Webpack! Turbolinks! Wait, not Turbolinks! Wait, yes Turbolinks after all! ActionCable! HyperFlorp! Whatever, man. I'm just pairing, mentoring, writing tests, and trying to keep my models and background jobs from falling over under their own weight, and all that other nonsense can omakase ass. :) | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
66 | 261309714 | CA | Canada | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 2-5 | 4-6 years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | 1-3 years | Most | Don't have the budget, Not enough time, Lack reliable automated tests, Third-party dependencies | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | No | Rarely | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus, Vue | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Minitest | none! | 61-80% | 1-20% | Pry | 1 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Postmark | Github | Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | MongoDB | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | AppSignal | AppSignal | Nginx | Puma | Github Actions | Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
67 | 261309726 | BR | Brazil | Unknown | Work for a product company | 25-50 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 4-6 years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 2.6.x | nix | Rails 6.0.x | No | double the ci time | 7-10 years | None | Not enough time, Not considered a priority, Planning a rewrite | Everything I work on is a legacy app | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | No | No | No | A few times a year | NPM | Elm | Harder | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | Cypress | elm-test | not a metric for us | 81-100% | Pry | 1 | esbuild, esbuild-elm, own wiring in rails | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | argocd | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | dynamodb | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker, Kubernetes | Bugsnag, Honeycomb, New Relic | AWS Cloudwatch, Datadog, New Relic | honeycomb | Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails) | Jenkins | CloudFront, CloudFlare | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Resque, Sucker Punch | Neutral | i don't really care, i want our rails code to die | Neutral | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
68 | 261309754 | US | United States of America | Washington | Work for a product company | 25-50 | Yes | Grown | 6-14 | 13+ years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x | Docker | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 4.2.x | No | 3-6 years | None | Not considered a priority, Lack reliable automated tests | Majority legacy code but some new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | Yes | No | Yes | GoRails, Drifting Ruby communities. | GoRails, Drifting Ruby | Yes | Rarely | Yarn | Hotwire, React, Stimulus | A few times a week | Minitest, Rspec | 81-100% | Pry | Hybrids | Mailgun | Github, Gitlab | Capistrano | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Honeybadger | Datadog, Scout APM | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Circle CI, Github Actions | CloudFront | Code Climate, Simplecov, Standard (gem) | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
69 | 261309758 | US | United States of America | Texas | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 5-8 | Yes | About the same size | 6-14 | 4-6 years | Bootcamp | Coding Dojo | 6-14 | Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.4.x, Ruby 2.3.x, Ruby 2.2.x | rbenv, RVM | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 5.1.x | No | 1-3 years | None | Don't have the budget, Not enough time, Not considered a priority | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | GoRails Discord and StimulusReflex Discord. Also Drifting Ruby slack and Rails Performance slack | Remote Ruby | Dev.to | No | Rarely | Yarn | Next.js, React, Stimulus, jQuery | About the same | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | 61-80% | 61-80% | Pry | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Sendgrid | MailPace | Self-hosted repository | Capistrano, Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | New Relic, Rollbar | AWS Cloudwatch | Nginx | Puma | Gitlab | CloudFlare | Rubocop, Simplecov | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
70 | 261309764 | IT | Italy | Unknown | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 5-8 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 1-3 years | High School | 2-5 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | 1-3 years | None | App based on a rails engine, work is ongoing to make it compatible | Some legacy apps but more new | Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Stimulus | Harder | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | Jest | 100-150% | 100-150% | Pry | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Sentry | Datadog | Puma | Puma | Circle CI, Github Actions | CloudFlare | Rubocop | Codecov | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
71 | 261309795 | FR | France | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | 5-8 | Yes | About the same size | 1 | 7-9 years | Self taught | odin project | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.4.x | RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | Under 1 year | Some | Not enough time, Not considered a priority | Majority legacy code but some new | Back End, DevOps | No | No | No | No | Never | Yarn | Hotwire, None | Easier | A few times a month | Capybara, Rspec | 81-100% | 21-40% | Byebug | 1 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Amazon SES | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch | Linux/Unix-variant | Atom | Docker | AWS Cloudwatch | Puma | Puma | CodePipeline (AWS), Github Actions | CloudFront | Coveralls, Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
72 | 261309856 | US | United States of America | New York | Work for a product company | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 13+ years | On the job | 6-14 | Ruby 3.0.x | RVM | Rails 6.1.x | Yes | 7-10 years | Most | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | Gorails | No | Rarely | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Easier | A few times a week | Rspec | 21-40% | 1-20% | Byebug | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github | Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | RubyMine | None | Honeybadger | Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails) | None | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
73 | 261309893 | MX | Mexico | Unknown | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | A team of one! | Yes | Shrunk | 2-5 | 7-9 years | CS degree | 15-49 | Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.4.x, Ruby 2.3.x | rbenv, RVM | Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 4.2.x | No | 3-6 years | Some | Don't have the budget, Not enough time, Not considered a priority, Lack a strategy for this | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | No | No | No | Rarely | Yarn | Hotwire, React, Stimulus, Vue, jQuery | About the same | A few times a week | Cucumber, Minitest, Rspec | 1-20% | Byebug | 2-5 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Mandrill (now Mailchimp), Sendgrid | Self-hosted repository, Gitlab | Continuous Deployment via CI | dpl gem | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch | Mac OS X | Atom | None | New Relic, Rollbar | New Relic | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Gitlab | Rubocop, Rubycritic, Simplecov | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
74 | 261309995 | CL | Chile | Unknown | Work for a product company | 100+ | Yes | Grown | 1 | 1-3 years | CS degree | 6-14 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | 3-6 years | Some | Not enough time | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | GoRails | Remote ruby | No | Rarely | NPM | None | About the same | Almost daily (a lot) | Minitest | Pry | 2-5 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github, Gitlab | Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Sentry | AWS Cloudwatch, Prometheus / Grafana | Nginx | Puma | Github Actions, Gitlab | Rubocop, Simplecov | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Delayed Job | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
75 | 261310101 | CA | Canada | Unknown | Work for a product company | 16-25 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 10-13 years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | Yes | 7-10 years | Most | Not considered a priority | Everything I work on is a legacy app | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, UX Design | No | No | Yes | No | Rarely | Yarn | React, Stimulus, jQuery | About the same | A few times a week | Capybara, Minitest | Jest | 81-100% | 81-100% | Byebug | 1 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Mandrill (now Mailchimp) | Github | Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Sublime Text | None | Datadog, Sentry | Datadog, Sentry APM | Puma | Puma | Travis CI | CloudFlare | Code Climate, Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Moving away from Webpacker is 100% the right move, but asset handling is still pretty clunky. There could be much better support for the JS ecosystem. | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
76 | 261310124 | CA | Canada | Unknown | Work for a product company | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 4-6 years | Self taught | Have an IT + digital design degree which covered some coding but no languages I use today | 2-5 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | docker | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 3.2.x | No | No barriers, just no need. End users dgaf about our ruby or rails version. | 3-6 years | None | 7.x has apartment + active_storage compatibility issues | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | Everything :'( | No | No | Yes | GoRails! | RemoteRuby | Tenderlove Shopify Engineering Heroku has some good ones | No | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus, jQuery | A few times a week | Rspec | None! :grimmace: | 81-100% | 81-100% | Pry | Pry works well with docker-compose using `docker attach`. | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Hybrids | Sendgrid | Github | Dokku. Git push to a remote and it handles the rest, just like Heroku :clap: | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Linux/Unix-variant | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Rollbar | LogDNA | Puma | Puma | Circle CI | Rubocop, Simplecov | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | I've really not enjoyed the flip flopping on front-end tech over the years. Webpacker was painful all the way through. Turbolinks could have been *much* better *much* earlier. Core team could be better about supporting the ecosystem. Some heavily relied upon gems are very crusty at this point (Devise) | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
77 | 261310196 | CA | Canada | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 10-13 years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.7.x | asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | Yes | 1-3 years | Most | Not enough time | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | No | A few times a month | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Sendgrid | BitBucket | Hatchbox | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Linux/Unix-variant | Visual Studio Code | None | Honeybadger | Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails) | Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Neutral | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
78 | 261310203 | PR | Puerto Rico | Unknown | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 5-8 | Yes | About the same size | 15+ | 7-9 years | CS degree | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.3.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 4.1.x | No | I actually never thought about doing that. Interested to learn more. | 3-6 years | Some | Not considered a priority, Lack reliable automated tests, Lack a strategy for this | Majority legacy code but some new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | Coaching developers of our clients. | No | No | Yes | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Stimulus, jQuery | Harder | A few times a week | Minitest, Rspec | 61-80% | 61-80% | Puts | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Postmark | Github | Capistrano, Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Rollbar, Sentry | Sentry APM | Heroku dashboards | Nginx, Puma | Passenger (mod_rails), Puma | Github Actions | Heroku | CloudFront | Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | There is no real discussion. What DHH wants to do is what’s happening. However, often I agree with the choices. The lack of discussions is problematic IMHO. | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
79 | 261310263 | AR | Argentina | Unknown | Work for a product company | 25-50 | Yes | Grown | 2-5 | 13+ years | CS degree | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.3.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | 13+ years | Most | Not considered a priority, Third-party dependencies | About half and half | JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | No | No | Yes | Rarely | Yarn | React, Vue | Harder | Almost daily (a lot) | Rspec | Jest | 81-100% | 61-80% | 2-5 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Hybrids | Mandrill (now Mailchimp), Sendgrid | Github | Capistrano, Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL, MongoDB | PostgreSQL | MongoDB, Redis | Linux/Unix-variant | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Honeybadger, New Relic | Datadog, Prometheus / Grafana | Nginx | Puma | Codeship, Github Actions | CloudFront | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Neutral | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
80 | 261310266 | FR | France | Unknown | Work for a product company | 8-15 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 4-6 years | On the job | 2-5 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | 3-6 years | Some | Not enough time | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End | No | No | No | https://blog.corsego.com/ | No | Never | Yarn | Stimulus, jQuery | Easier | A few times a month | Capybara, Rspec | Jest | 61-80% | 21-40% | Pry | 1 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Mailgun, Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | RubyMine | Docker | Sentry | Datadog | Nginx, Puma | Circle CI | CloudFront | Rubocop, Simplecov | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
81 | 261310302 | TR | Turkey | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 13+ years | Self taught | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | Yes | 1-3 years | All | Some legacy apps but more new | Back End | No | No | No | Yes | Never | Yarn | Hotwire, Next.js, React, Stimulus | About the same | A few times a week | Rspec | 81-100% | 81-100% | Pry | 2-5 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Mailgun | Github | Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | AppSignal | Puma | Puma | Github Actions | Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
82 | 261310333 | US | United States of America | New York | Freelancer/Contractor | 2-4 | Yes | Shrunk | 6-14 | 10-13 years | Self taught | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | upgrade everything once a year unless there is a security emergency | Under 1 year | Most | Don't have the budget, Not considered a priority | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | management | No | No | Yes | No | Annually | NPM | None, React | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | 61-80% | 21-40% | Pry | 6-14 | Yarn/webpack | Hybrids | Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | Sublime Text | Docker | Honeybadger | New Relic, Scout APM | Puma | Puma | Circle CI, Github Actions, Jenkins, Travis CI | CloudFlare | Code Climate, Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
83 | 261310369 | US | United States of America | Oregon | Work for a product company | 16-25 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 7-9 years | Bootcamp | Epicodus | 6-14 | Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv, asdf | Rails 6.1.x | No | Found it too complicated/annoying. | 3-6 years | None | Not considered a priority | We usually wait for at least a minor version, and we just updated to the latest ruby 2.7, and we're working our way to 3. Will probably wait until Rails 7 is at least Rails 7.1 | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | No | No | Yes | No | Rarely | Yarn | React | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Rspec | Cypress | 81-100% | 21-40% | I may be optimistic. | Pry | 2-5 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Iterable (I think) | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Sublime Text | Docker | Bugsnag | Coralogix Heroku | Apache, Nginx | Unicorn | Github Actions | CloudFlare | Rubocop, Simplecov | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Active Job Async Job, Delayed Job | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
84 | 261310405 | FR | France | Unknown | Work for a product company | 5-8 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 1-3 years | Bootcamp | Le Wagon | 2-5 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.6.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | 3-6 years | Most | Not considered a priority | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End | No | No | No | https://www.hotrails.dev | No | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, React, Stimulus | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Minitest, Rspec | Jest | I don't measure even if I test a lot | I don't measure even if I test a lot | puts | 1 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Sentry | New Relic | Puma | Puma | Github Actions | CloudFront, CloudFlare | Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
85 | 261310434 | DE | Germany | Unknown | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 6-14 | 13+ years | CS degree | 15-49 | Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.1.x | asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 4.2.x, Rails 3.2.x, Rails 2.3.x | No | Will try it next time. Honestly pretty sick of the upgrade work. | Some | Not enough time | It’s the worst thing about building with rails | Majority legacy code but some new | Front End (HTML, CSS), Back End | No | No | No | George Hotz but he’s not doing Ruby | Yes | Rarely | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Clojurescript with reagent and reframe | Easier | A few times a month | Capybara, Rspec | 81-100% | 81-100% | Byebug | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Mailgun, Postmark | Elasticemail | Self-hosted repository, Github | Mina | PostgreSQL | Datomic | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Emacs | None | ExceptionNotifier plugin, Rollbar, Sentry | Nginx, Puma | Passenger (mod_rails), Puma | Github Actions | CloudFront | Rubocop, Simplecov | Mostly internal users only | Delayed Job, Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Mostly Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
86 | 261310454 | US | United States of America | Alabama | Freelancer/Contractor | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 6-14 | 4-6 years | Self taught | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.4.x, Ruby 2.3.x, Ruby 2.2.x, Ruby 2.1.x, Ruby 2.0.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 5.1.x, Rails 5.0.x, Rails 4.2.x, Rails 4.1.x, Rails 4.0.x, Rails 3.2.x | Yes | Most | Third-party dependencies | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | Sweeping the floor and taking out the trash (freelancer). | Yes | Yes | Yes | Remote Ruby, Ruby Rogues, Destination Linux, and This week in Linux. | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Hotwire, None, jQuery | Harder | Very rarely | Minitest | 61-80% | 61-80% | Pry | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Sendgrid | Gitlab | None | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Linux/Unix-variant | Visual Studio Code | Docker | New Relic | New Relic | Nginx, Puma | Passenger (mod_rails), Puma | None | CloudFlare | Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Well done as always! | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
87 | 261310493 | GB | United Kingdom | Unknown | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 5-8 | Yes | Grown | 6-14 | 13+ years | Self taught | 50+ | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.5.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 5.1.x | No | 3-6 years | Most | Don't have the budget, Not considered a priority | Some legacy apps but more new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | Yes | A few times a month | Yarn | Hotwire, Stimulus | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | 81-100% | 61-80% | Ruby Debug | 6-14 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Postmark | Self-hosted repository, Gitlab | Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Sentry | Sentry APM | Puma | Puma | Gitlab | CloudFlare | DigitalOcean Spaces | Code Climate, Rubocop, Simplecov | Mostly internal users only | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
88 | 261310540 | US | United States of America | Georgia | Work for a product company | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 1 | 10-13 years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.4.x, Ruby 2.3.x, Ruby 2.2.x, Ruby 2.1.x, Ruby 2.0.x, Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby 1.9.2 | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 4.2.x, Rails 2.3.x | No | 7-10 years | None | Not considered a priority | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | everything | No | No | No | none | none | none | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Vue, jQuery | About the same | A few times a week | none | none | 0% | 0% | Pry | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | none | Self-hosted repository | Continuous Deployment via CI | MongoDB | mongodb | MongoDB, Redis | Mac OS X | RubyMine | Docker | Rollbar, Sentry | none | Nginx | Puma | Gitlab | none | none | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Mostly Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
89 | 261310571 | MX | Mexico | Unknown | Work for a product company | 50-100 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 4-6 years | CS degree | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 5.1.x, Rails 4.2.x | Yes | 3-6 years | Some | Not enough time, Not considered a priority | Majority legacy code but some new | JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | No | No | Yes | Ruby remote and Ruby Rogue | Honeybadger, medium, devto | CJ Avilla, Go Rails, Pete Hawkins, Supe Raild, Phil Smy And Tech Maker Studio | No | Rarely | Yarn | Angular, Hotwire, React, Stimulus | Harder | A few times a week | Rspec | Jest | 81-100% | 81-100% | Byebug | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Microservices | Amazon SES | Github | Capistrano, Git | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker, Kubernetes | AppSignal, Bugsnag, Datadog | AppSignal, Datadog | Nginx | Puma | Github Actions | CloudFront | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
90 | 261310621 | US | United States of America | Idaho | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Sometimes | Grown | 1 | 4-6 years | Bootcamp | Bottega Tech | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.5.x | rbenv | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | 1-3 years | None | Not enough time, Not considered a priority, Lack a strategy for this | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | Yes | No | Yes | Go Rails | No | Never | Yarn | Stimulus | Easier | A few times a week | Minitest | 81-100% | Pry | 6-14 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Mailgun, Sendgrid | BitBucket, Github | Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | RubyMine | None | Honeybadger | Whatever Heroku uses | Puma | None | Standard (gem) | Mostly internal users only | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
91 | 261310628 | UA | Ukraine | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 1 | 7-9 years | Self taught | 2-5 | Ruby 2.7.x | None... manual installs | Rails 6.1.x | No | 1-3 years | Most | Not enough time, Third-party dependencies | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | No | No | Annually | NPM | Ember | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Minitest | none | never calculated | Pry | 1 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Github | Capistrano, Continuous Deployment via CI | MySQL | MySQL | Redis | Linux/Unix-variant | Sublime Text | Docker | AppSignal, Bugsnag, Errbit | AppSignal | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Github Actions | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
92 | 261310674 | US | United States of America | Massachusetts | Work for a product company | 100+ | Yes | Grown | 1 | 7-9 years | CS degree | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x | chruby | Rails 7.0.x | Yes | 10-13 years | All | Everything I work on is a legacy app | Back End | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | A few times a month | Yarn | React | Harder | Almost daily (a lot) | Minitest | Jest | binding.irb | 1 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Mandrill (now Mailchimp) | Github | MySQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Bugsnag, Datadog | Datadog | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Github Actions | CloudFront | Rubocop | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Resque, Sidekiq | Neutral | Neutral | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
93 | 261310697 | EG | Egypt | Unknown | Work for a product company | 5-8 | Yes | Grown | 2-5 | 1-3 years | Bootcamp | Microvers | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.1.x | rbenv, RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 4.2.x | No | Under 1 year | None | Don't have the budget, Not considered a priority, Lack reliable automated tests, Lack a strategy for this | Majority legacy code but some new | Back End | No | Yes | Yes | Gorails | Go rails | No | Rarely | NPM | Hotwire, Stimulus, jQuery | Easier | Very rarely | Capybara, Rspec | Jasmine | 81-100% | 61-80% | Pry | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Sendgrid | BitBucket, Github | Git | MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB | PostgreSQL | MongoDB, Redis | Linux/Unix-variant | Visual Studio Code | None | Apache, Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails), Unicorn | Bitbucket Pipelines, Jenkins | CloudFlare | Rubocop | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Resque, Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
94 | 261310739 | AU | Australia | Unknown | Work for a product company | A team of one! | Yes | About the same size | 2-5 | 13+ years | CS degree | 15-49 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | Yes | 13+ years | Most | Not enough time | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | Remote ruby | Yes | A few times a year | Yarn | Stimulus | A few times a week | Test::Unit | 61-80% | 61-80% | Ruby Debug | 2-5 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Mailgun, Sendgrid | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI | MySQL, PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | RubyMine | None | Bugsnag, Honeybadger | AWS Cloudwatch, New Relic | Puma | Puma | Github Actions | Standard (gem) | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
95 | 261310774 | DE | Germany | Unknown | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | Grown | 2-5 | 10-13 years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x | asdf, None... manual installs | Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | 10-13 years | Most | Not considered a priority | Majority legacy code but some new | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | No | No | Yes | A few times a year | NPM | Backbone, jQuery | Easier | A few times a month | Capybara, Rspec | 81-100% | 81-100% | Pry | Hybrids | Sendgrid | Self-hosted repository, Gitlab | Continuous Deployment via CI | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Windows | Sublime Text | Docker | Sentry | Sentry APM | Nginx | Puma | Gitlab | CloudFront | Rubocop, Simplecov | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
96 | 261310798 | GR | Greece | Unknown | Freelancer/Contractor | 100+ | Yes | Grown | 15+ | 10-13 years | CS degree | 2-5 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x | rbenv, RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x | No | 3-6 years | Most | Not considered a priority | Waiting for more time to pass for any more potential bugs | Majority legacy code but some new | JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | Discord channels for ruby and stimulusreflex | https://johndel.gr | Jose Valim | Yes | Rarely | importmaps | Hotwire, React, Stimulus, jQuery | About the same | Almost daily (a lot) | Capybara, Rspec | Cypress | 81-100% | 61-80% | Pry | 15+ | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Monoliths | Amazon SES, Mailgun, Postmark | BitBucket, Github, Gitlab | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL, MongoDB | PostgreSQL | CouchDB, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, Redis | Mac OS X | RubyMine | Docker | AppSignal, Datadog, Errbit, New Relic, Rollbar, Sentry | AppSignal, Datadog, New Relic | Nginx, Puma | Puma | Github Actions, Gitlab, Jenkins | CloudFront, CloudFlare | Rubocop, Simplecov | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Sidekiq | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
97 | 261310824 | US | United States of America | Virginia | Work for a product company | 5-8 | Yes | Shrunk | 6-14 | 7-9 years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.4.x | asdf | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x | No | Not enough upside (traffic) | 7-10 years | Some | Not enough time, Not considered a priority, Lack reliable automated tests, Third-party dependencies, Planning a rewrite | Majority legacy code but some new | Back End, DevOps | No | No | Yes | Yes | A few times a year | both | Angular, None, React, Stimulus, jQuery | Easier | Almost daily (a lot) | Rspec | 81-100% | 81-100% | Pry | 2-5 | application.html.erb + vendor | Monoliths | Sendgrid | Braze, Gladly | Github | Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch, Redis | Mac OS X | Vim-based | None | Sentry | New Relic, Sentry APM | Puma | Puma | Github Actions | CloudFront, Fastly | Coveralls, Rubocop, Simplecov | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
98 | 261310844 | US | United States of America | Florida | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 1 | 4-6 years | Self taught | 1 | Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x | None... manual installs | Rails 5.2.x | No | 7-10 years | None | Not enough time | About half and half | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | Yes | Bike Shed The Ruby on Rails Podcast Remote Ruby | No | Never | jQuery | Easier | Very rarely | Minitest, Rspec | Cypress, Mocha | 100-150% | 81-100% | Byebug | 1 | Asset pipeline | Monoliths | Gitlab | Package | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | None | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Datadog | AWS Cloudwatch | Nginx | Passenger (mod_rails) | Gitlab | Rubocop, Simplecov | Mostly internal users only | Delayed Job | Totally Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
99 | 261310886 | US | United States of America | Washington | Work for a product company | 2-4 | Yes | About the same size | 1 | 10-13 years | Self taught | 6-14 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x | rbenv | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x | No | Didn't know this was a thing. Love it though. | 1-3 years | Most | Not enough time | None. I build all my apps from scratch. | Front End (HTML, CSS), JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End, DevOps, UX Design | No | No | No | tenderlove | Yes | Rarely | NPM | None, React | Easier | A few times a week | Minitest | 81-100% | Byebug | 6-14 | Asset pipeline, Yarn/webpack | Hybrids | Postmark | Github | Git | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | Redis | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | None | Sentry | New Relic | Puma | Puma | Github Actions | Fastly | Simplecov | Mostly consumer-only (public) | Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
100 | 261310887 | NP | Nepal | Unknown | Work for an agency/consultancy (client work) | 16-25 | Yes | Grown | 6-14 | 10-13 years | CS degree | 15-49 | Ruby 3.1.x, Ruby 3.0.x, Ruby 2.7.x, Ruby 2.6.x, Ruby 2.5.x, Ruby 2.4.x, Ruby 2.3.x | rbenv, RVM | Rails 7.0.x, Rails 6.1.x, Rails 6.0.x, Rails 5.2.x, Rails 4.2.x | 3-6 years | Some | Don't have the budget, Not considered a priority | Majority legacy code but some new | JavaScript Front End (state management/interaction), Back End | No | No | Yes | Yes | Rarely | NPM | Angular | Easier | A few times a month | Capybara, Minitest, Rspec | Cypress, Jasmine | 81-100% | 61-80% | Pry | 2-5 | Yarn/webpack | Hybrids | BitBucket, Github, Gitlab | Capistrano, Continuous Deployment via CI, Git | MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB | PostgreSQL | ElasticSearch | Influxdb | Mac OS X | Visual Studio Code | Docker | Rollbar, Sentry | Sentry APM | Nginx | Unicorn, Puma | Circle CI, Github Actions, Jenkins | Rubocop, Simplecov, Standard (gem) | A balanced mix of consumers and internal users | Active Job Async Job, Sidekiq | Mostly Agree | Totally Agree |