SubjectYearLow GradeHigh GradeStandard IDStandardContent StrandsTopicsEvidence of Student AttainmentTeacher VocabularyKnowledgeSkillsUnderstanding
DLIT2018008Present information from a variety of digital resources.Global CollaboratorCollaborative ResearchStudents:
will show and/or tell what I have learned from digital resources.
digital ebook website audio onineStudents know:
information can be found in ebooks, websites, videos, audio files, and online articles.
how to share information they learned from digital resources.
Students are able to:
talk about a specific topic in which they gathered information from many different resources such as a digital book, website, video, and/or ebook.
Students understand that:
there are many different places to learn about ideas and topics such as the internet, books, videos, etc.
DLIT2018009Create a research-based product collaboratively using online digital tools, given specific guidance.
Examples: Find simple facts about a specific topic, create a slide that contains facts located in trade books or other sources as a group or with a partner.
Global CollaboratorCollaborative ResearchStudents:
will work with others to create an artifact on a device.
will collect information about a topic using a digital resource.
will show what I learned using a digital resource.
digital collaborativeStudents know:
how to display information they learned on a digital platform.
how to work collaboratively on a digital platform.
Students are able to:
work with their peers to display information learned about a topic using a digital tool such as video or a slideshow when given support and guidance from an adult.
Students understand that:
working with others can make a presentation or project better.
working with others is a skill I can work on.
digital tools make presenting what I learned easier.
DLIT2018007Locate letters and numbers on the keyboard.Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents:
will show where named letters and numbers are on a keyboard.
keyboard letters numbersStudents know:
where letters and numbers are located on a keyboard.
Students are able to:
point to letters and numbers on a keyboard when prompted.
can type simple words using a keyboard.
Students understand that:
the letters and numbers on a keyboard are the same on every standard English keyboard.
DLIT20181112Identify keywords in a search and discuss how they may be used to gather information.Global CollaboratorCollaborative ResearchStudents:
will identify key words of a topic.
will use key words in a search engine to gather only information about a topic.
keywords search engine +Students know:
key words direct the search engine to the topic you want to search.
key words and a + sign tell a search engine to look for both words in one place.
Students are able to:
identify the key words needed in a search to produce the information they are seeking.
use the + symbol between words to tell the search engine that they want both words to be in the search results.
Students understand that:
a search engine searches only for the words which you typed.
a search engine may only produce information for one of your words unless you put a + sign between them.
DLIT20181113Create a research-based product collaboratively using online digital tools.
Examples: Find simple facts about a specific topic, create a slide that contains facts located in trade books or other sources.
Global CollaboratorCollaborative ResearchStudents:
will show what they learned using a digital tool.
displayStudents know:
how to display information they learned about a topic using a digital tool.
Students are able to:
work with others to display information learned about a topic on a digital platform such as a slide, a blog entry, or a video.
Students understand that:
they can learn about a topic from more than one resource, for example a trade book, podcast, website, and/or video.
they can show what they learned through many different digital platforms such as video, audio, and/or text.
DLIT2018119Use a variety of digital tools collaboratively to connect with other learners.
Examples: Video calling, blogs, collaborative documents.
Global CollaboratorCommunicationStudents:
will, collaboratively, connect with others using images, text, audio, and/or video digital creation tools.
video audio text imageStudents know:
how to connect with others through image, video, text, and audio digital creation tools.
Students are able to:
contribute to an online video and/or audio discussion with other students in a protected platform.
contribute to an online text discussion with other students in a protected platform.
contribute to collaborative documents with other students in a protected platform.
Students understand that:
they can communicate and connect with other learners through video, audio, images, and text in a protected learning environment.
DLIT20181110Identify an appropriate tool to complete a task when given guidance and support.
Examples: Choosing a word processing tool to write a story, choosing a spreadsheet for a budget.
Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents:
will determine which digital tool that would work best to complete a specific task.
video audio word processingStudents know:
how to determine which tools and applications would be best to complete certain tasks such as word processing, video, audio, presentation, drawing, and/or calculating.
Students are able to:
choose an appropriate digital tool to complete a given task.
Students understand that:
certain digital tools lend themselves to communicate certain ideas better.
the way in which they like to communicate ideas and information may be different than another person.
DLIT20181111Type five words per minute minimum with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents:
will type five words per minute with 95% accuracy.
Students know:
how to type 5 words per minute with 95% accuracy.
Students are able to:
place their fingers on the correct keys begin typing.
use correct keyboarding posture and technique while typing up to five words in one minute with 95 % accuracy.
Students understand that:
correct posture and finger placement will make them faster.
being able to convey your ideas and information quickly and correctly will depend upon how fast you type.
DLIT20182212Conduct basic keyword searches to gather information.Global CollaboratorCollaborative ResearchStudents:
will determine the right key words to use in a search about a topic.
will use the plus (+) sign in searches so that all my words are searched or the minus (-) sign to exclude words from my search.
will use quotation marks around words or a phrase so that that exact set of words is searched.
search engine quotation marksStudents know:
a search engine searches exactly what you type.
a search engine may only produce search results for one or some of your keywords.
using a plus (+) sign between words tells the search engine to search for all of the words and using a minus (-) sign before a word will exclude that word from your search.
putting quotation marks around a set of words or a phrase tells the search engine to keep those words together in a search.
Students are able to:
state important key words that pertain to a topic
use the plus (+) sign to tell the search engine to search for both words in a resource and use a minus (-) sign before a word to remove it from your search.
use quotation marks around a phrase to communicate to the search engine that they want that phrase to be found with the words in that order.
Students understand that:
search engines have to be told exactly what to search.
a search engine will search each word separately unless it is told it to search for a phrase or multiple words or to exclude words.
DLIT20182213Create a research-based product using online digital tools.Global CollaboratorCollaborative ResearchStudents:
will collect, organize, and show what was learned about a topic using a digital tool.
onlineStudents know:
information can be gathered about a topic using a digital tool.
information can be organzied about a topic using a digital tool.
how to use an appropriate online digital tool to present information about a topic.
Students are able to:
research about a topic.
collect information about a topic.
organize and display what they learned using an online digital tool.
Students understand that:
An online digital tool can be used to organize and display information and ideas.
DLIT2018229Use a variety of digital tools to connect with other learners.
Examples: Online conferences, blogs, collaborative documents.
Global CollaboratorCommunicationStudents:
will connect with other students using digital tools.
video audio image textStudents know:
they can connect with others using different digital tools.
digital tools that connect people can be video, audio, text, or image based.
Students are able to:
connect with others using multiple digital tools such as collaborative documents, protected blogs, and video/audio conferences with other learners.
use the most appropriate tool for the task.
Students understand that:
there are many ways to connect with other learners digitally.
some ways to connect may work better in certain environments or for certain tasks.
DLIT20182210Identify multiple tools which could be used to complete a task.Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents:
will name various digital tools that can be used to complete a task.
Students know:
which tools to use to complete a task.
Students are able to:
identify various appropriate digital tools that could complete a given task.
Students understand that:
certain digital tools lend themselves to communicate certain ideas better.
there can be more than one way to communicate an idea or complete a task.
the way in which they like to communicate ideas and information may be different than another person.
DLIT20182211Type 10 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents:
will type 10 words per minute.
will type with 95% accuracy.
Students know:
how to type 10 words per minute.
how to type accurately 95% of the time.
Students are able to:
place their fingers on the correct keys begin typing.
use correct keyboarding posture and technique while typing up to ten words in one minute with 95% accuracy.
Students understand that:
correct posture and finger placement will help them communicate ideas faster.
being able to convey your ideas and information quickly and correctly will depend upon how quickly you type.
DLIT20183316Conduct basic keyword searches to produce valid, appropriate results, and evaluate results for accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness.
Examples: Use search techniques, check for credibility and validity.
Global CollaboratorCollaborative ResearchStudents will:
conduct basic keyword searches to produce valid, appropraite results, and evaluate results for accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness.
Students know:
strategies to conduct keyword searches.
strategies evaluate the accuracy of information.
not all information online is valid or true.
Students are able to:
conduct basic keyword searches using basic words and phrases.
explain how they know information located online is valid or true.
Students understand that:
using specific keywords while searching will deliver best results.
not all information online is valid or true.
DLIT20183313Communicate key ideas and details collaboratively in a way that informs, persuades, and/or entertains, using digital tools.
Example: Create a digital presentation to persuade school administrators to allow additional time for lunch.
Global CollaboratorCommunicationStudents will:
communicate key ideas and details collaboratively in a way that informs, persuades, and/or entertains using digitial tools.
key ideas
digital tools
online environment
tutorial artifact
Students know:
that digital tools are available that enable them to inform others.
that digital tools are available that enable them to persuade others.
that digital tools are available that enable them to entertain others.
how to locate directions or tutorials for working in digitial tools.
that communication has a specific purpose and audience.
that collaboration in digital tools can occur 24/7 in various locations.
Students are able to:
design communications using various digital tools that informs, persuades, and/or entertains.
locate and follow directions or tutorials for working with digital tools.
explain the purpose of an artifact they create.
collaborate with peers in an online environment.
Students understand that:
various digital tools are available to communicate key ideas and details.
directions or tutorials can be located online to assist with creation.
all communication has a purpose.
DLIT20183314Type 15 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents will:
type 15 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.
words per minute
keyboarding techniques
QWERTY keyboard
home row
Students know:
keyboarding techniques.
that by knowing the keyboard, less time is spent on entering information so the focus is the content with which they are working.
Students are able to:
type 15 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.
Students understand that:
by knowing the keyboard, less time is spent on entering information so the focus is the content with which they are working.
DLIT20183315Describe local, networked, and online or cloud environments.Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents will:
describe local, networked, and online or cloud environments.
local environment
networked environment
online environment
cloud environment
access points
Students know:
that the Internet is constructed of a network of connections.
information can be saved or stored on a local device or online in a cloud environment.
Students are able to:
describe local, networked, and online or cloud environments and how a user can utilize each environment to meet their need.
Students understand that:
the Internet is constructed of a network of connections.
online or cloud environments are available 24/7 from any Internetconnected device and location.
DLIT20184415Conduct complex keyword searches to produce valid, appropriate results and evaluate results for accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness.
Examples: Search techniques, check for credibility and validity.
Global CollaboratorCollaborative ResearchStudents will:
conduct complex keyword searches to produce valid, appropraite results, and evaluate results for accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness.
Students know:
strategies to conduct complex keyword searches.
strategies that evaluate the accuracy of information.
not all information online is valid or true.
Students are able to:
conduct complex keyword searches using quotation marks, OR, NOT, AND, and date boundaries.
explain how they know information located online is valid or true.
Students understand that:
using complex keywords while searching will deliver best results.
not all information online is valid or true.
DLIT20184412Use basic features of digital tools to communicate key ideas and details in a way that informs and/or persuades.Global CollaboratorCommunicationStudents will:
use basic features of digital tools to communciate key ideas and details in a way that informs and/or persuades.
digital tools
key ideas
Students know:
digital tools are available that enable them to inform others.
digital tools are available that enable them to persuade others.
Students are able to:
use basic features such as headings, text, and images to communicate key ideas that inform and/or persuade.
Students understand that:
digital tools can be used to communicate by informing and/or persuade others.
DLIT20184413Synthesize complex information from multiple sources in different ways to make it more useful and/or relevant.Global CollaboratorCommunicationStudents will:
synthesize complex information from multiple sources in different ways to make it more useful and/or relevant.
Students know:
information from multiple sources can be combined or synthesized.
there are multiple was to combine information to communicate with others.
Students are able to:
synthesize information from multilple sources in a variety of ways to make it more useful such as a flowchart, timeline, infographic, multimedia etc.
Students understand that:
information is obtained from multiple sources to better make sense of information.
information can be presented in different ways to make it more useful.
DLIT20184414Type 20 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents will:
type 20 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.
words per minute
keyboarding techniques
QWERTY keyboard
home row
Students know:
keyboarding techniques.
by knowing the keyboard, less time is spent on entering information so the focus is the content with which they are working.
Students are able to:
type 20 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.
Students understand that:
by knowing the keyboard, less time is spent on entering information so the focus is the content with which they are working.
DLIT20185519Conduct advanced keyword searches to produce valid, appropriate results and evaluate results for accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness.
Examples: Search techniques, check for credibility and validity.
Global CollaboratorCollaborative ResearchStudents will:
conduct advanced keyword searches.
produce valid, appropriate search results.
evaluate search results for accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness.
file type
Students know:
how to conduct advanced keyword searches.
how to evaluate the accuracy of information.
that not all information online is valid or true.
different sites or domains publish for different audiences.
Students are able to:
conduct advanced keyword searches using domain type such as '.edu', '.com', '.org', '.gov', file types, usage rights.
explain how they know information located online is valid or true.
Students understand that:
using advanced keywords while searching will deliver better results.
not all information online is valid or true.
DLIT20185516Use advanced features of digital tools and media-rich resources to communicate key ideas and details in a way that informs, persuades, and/or entertains.Global CollaboratorCommunicationStudents will:
use advanced features of digital tools and mediarich resources .
communicate key ideas and details in a way that informs, persuades, and/or entertains.
key ideas
digital tools
online environment
Students know:
how to use advanced features of digital tools to inform, persuade, and/or entertain.
Students are able to:
design communications using advanced features of various digital tools to informs, persuades, and/or entertains.
locate and follow directions or tutorials for working with digital tools.
use media-rich features such as audio and/or video.
Students understand that:
many digital tools are available to communicate key ideas and details.
directions or tutorials can be located online to assist with creation.
there are multiple ways to communicate the same information.
DLIT20185517Publish organized information in different ways to make it more useful or relevant.
Examples: Infographic, student created website.
Global CollaboratorCommunicationStudents will:
publish organized information in different ways to make it more useful or relevant.
student created website
organized information
Students know:
information can be created and published in different ways to make it more useful, easier to understand, or relevant.
multiple ways to create and publish information.
Students are able to:
organize and publish information in different ways such as infographics, studentcreated websites, digital books, audio, video, etc.
Students understand that:
information can be organized and published in different ways using images, text, inforgraphs, websites, digital books, etc.
DLIT20185518Type 25 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents will:
type 25 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.
words per minute
keyboarding techniques
QWERTY keyboard
home row
Students know:
appropriate keyboarding techniques.
that by knowing the keyboard, less time is spent on entering information so the focus is the content they are working with or on.
Students are able to:
type 25 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.
Students understand that:
by knowing the keyboard, less time is spent on entering information so the focus is the content they are working with or on.
DLIT20185520Collaborate locally and globally using online digital tools under teacher supervision.Global CollaboratorSocial InteractionsStudents will:
collaborate locally and globally using online digital tools with teacher supervision.
teacher supervision
Students know:
communication and collaboration can occur locally in your city or state and globally across the US and different countries.
various methods for communication and collaboration.
Students are able to:
collaborate with others locally and globally using digital tools with teacher supervision.
Students understand that:
you are not restricted by your location, language, time zone, etc. to collaboration with others using digital tools.
DLIT20186616Communicate and/or publish collaboratively to inform others from a variety of backgrounds and cultures about issues and problems.Global CollaboratorCreative CommunicationsStudents will:
publish or communicate information about issues or problems in their community with groups of various cultures and backgrounds while working in groups or with partners.
Students know:
how to use a platform to share and inform others of a variety of backgrounds about issues or problems important to them.
Students are able to:
publish and communicate as creators of content and information, instead of only consumers of the same.
Students understand that:
being able to communicate effectively and disseminate that information to reach a broader audience is an important part of being a global collaborator.
DLIT20186617Type 30 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents will:
type 30 wpm with 95% accuracy using techniques appropriate to the device.
Students know:
keyboard layout.
Students are able to:
type 30 wpm with 95% accuracy using techniques appropriate to the device.
Students understand that:
communicating your thoughts and ideas in a short time span, with accuracy, is important.
DLIT20186618Define censorship.Global CollaboratorSocial InteractionsStudents will:
define censorship.
identify occasions, both positive and negative, in which censorship was applied.
censorshipStudents know:
that censorship is the suppression or prohibition of data for any reason.
Students are able to:
identify censorship in practice.
Students understand that:
censorship can be used for safety measures and as a control tactic.
DLIT20187716Construct content designed for specific audiences through an appropriate medium.
Examples: Design a multi-media children’s e-book with an appropriate readability level.
Global CollaboratorCreative CommunicationsStudents will:
construct content designed for specific audiences through an appropriate medium.
Students know:
how to select and design an appropriate medium to display designed content.
Students are able to:
select the best medium for the content design.
Students understand that:
while many mediums exist, it is best to select the one most appropriate to your intended audience.
DLIT20187717Publish content to be available for external feedback.Global CollaboratorCreative CommunicationsStudents will:
publish content to be available for external feedback.
Students know:
that feedback is important to refine a product.
Students are able to:
appropriately publish content.
seek feedback on a product.
Students understand that:
feedback can be used to refine a product.
DLIT20187718Type 35 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents will:
type 35 wpm with 95% accuracy using techniques appropriate to the device.
Students know:
keyboard layout.
Students are able to:
type 35 wpm with 95% accuracy using techniques appropriate to the device.
Students understand that:
communicating your thoughts and ideas in a short time span, with accuracy, is important.
DLIT20187719Discuss the benefits and limitations of censorship.Global CollaboratorSocial InteractionsStudents will:
identify benefits to and limitations caused by censorship of data and information.
censorshipStudents know:
institutions and businesses sometimes choose to limit data available to users.
Students are able to:
share benefits and limitations caused by censorship of information.
Students understand that:
information is altered when data is censored.
DLIT20187720Evaluate the validity and accuracy of a data set.Global CollaboratorSocial InteractionsStudents will:
assess the validity and accuracy of given data.
validityStudents know:
that some will use misleading data to persuade others.
Students are able to:
evaluate a data set to determine if information being presented is appropriate.
Students understand that:
it is important to be capable of researching a claim for validity and accuracy.
DLIT20188816Present content designed for specific audiences through an appropriate medium.
Example: Create and share a help video for a senior's center that provides tips for online safety.
Global CollaboratorCreative CommunicationsStudents will:
create and share a presentation designed for specific audiences through an appropriate medium.
Students know:
of the many mediums available to share content, some are more appropriate than others in given circumstances.
Students are able to:
design and present content designed for specific audiences through an appropriate medium.
Students understand that:
understanding your audience is as important as the content you are sharing or presenting.
DLIT20188817Communicate and publish individually or collaboratively to persuade peers, experts, or community about issues and problems.Global CollaboratorCreative CommunicationsStudents will:
select an issue or problem and publish content designed to persuade peers, experts, or the community.
Students know:
how to research and form an educated position about an issue.
how to communicate and publish opinion in an effort to persuade others.
Students are able to:
research and form an educated position about an issue.
communicate and publish an educated opinion in an effort to persuade others.
Students understand that:
a digital platform provides the ability to publish ideas and reach a greater audience than was once possible.
DLIT20188818Type 40 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents will:
type 40 wpm with 95% accuracy using techniques appropriate to the device.
Students know:
keyboard layout
Students are able to:
type 40 wpm with 95% accuracy using techniques appropriate to the device.
Students understand that:
communicating your thoughts and ideas in a short time span, with accuracy, is important.
DLIT20188819Critique the impacts of censorship as it impacts global society.
Example: Create a presentation outlining the social implications of limiting access to web content by favoring or blocking particular products or websites.
Global CollaboratorSocial InteractionsStudents will:
critique the impacts of censorship, highlighting global impacts of censorship.
censorshipStudents know:
censorship is the omission, prohibition, or suppression of information.
when information is censored, truth is skewed.
Students are able to:
cite the implications of censorship.
communicate their opinions of the implications of censorship.
Students understand that:
censorship is the omission, prohibition, or suppression of information.
when information is censored, truth is skewed.
DLIT20188820Examine an artifact that demonstrates bias through distorting, exaggerating, or misrepresenting data and redesign it using factual, relevant, unbiased content to more accurately reflect the truth.Global CollaboratorSocial InteractionsStudents will:
select an artifact such as an article, pamphlet, website, video, etc., that demonstrates bias.
will redesign the selected artifact using verifiable facts to more accurately reflect the truth.
biasStudents know:
that publications can display bias.
that information should always be checked with multiple sources.
Students are able to:
research information to either support what is being shared or to refute what is being shared.
Students understand that:
bias exists in our society, therefore all information should be researched before assuming it is accurate.
DLIT201891226Use collaborative technologies to work with others including peers, experts, or community members to examine local, national, and global issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.Global CollaboratorCollaborative ResearchStudents will:
use collaborative technologies (i.e., videoconferencing, collaboration software, interactive displays, etc.) to work with others while examining local, national and global issues from multiple viewpoints.
collaborative technologies collaboration software collaboration appsStudents know:
how to use collaborative technologies.
how to work effectively as a team member in a collaborative setting.
Students are able to:
use collaborative technologies.
work with peers, experts, or community members in a team setting using collaborative technologies.
Students understand that:
collaborative technologies are helpful, and often necessary, to work effectively in teams of peers, experts, community members, etc., to examine local, national and global issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.
DLIT201891224Compare and contrast Internet publishing platforms, including suitability for media types, target audience, and feedback mechanism.
a. Apply version control capabilities within a digital tool to understand the importance of managing historical changes across suggestions made by a collaborative team.
Global CollaboratorCreative CommunicationStudents will:
identify Internet publishing platforms.
identify media types.
identify target audience.
identify feedback mechanism.
compare and contrast internet publishing platforms and the suitability for specific media types, target audiences, and feedback mechanisms.
track changes made by a collaborative team over time within a digital tool.
explain importance of tracking and managing historical changes within a digital tool.
Internet publishing platform digital publishing platform e-publishing media types target audience feedback mechanism
a. version control system revision control source control timestamp
Students know:
how to evaluate Internet publishing platforms for computer, tablet, and mobile experiences.
how to determine suitability of Internet publishing platforms for different media types.
how to determine suitability of Internet publishing platforms for different target audiences.
how to determine suitability of Internet publishing platforms for different feedback mechanisms.
tracking historical changes is essential for software development, particularly where a collaborative team is working with the same files.
Students are able to:
identify suitable Internet publishing platforms for different media types, target audiences, and feedback mechanisms.
explain the pros and cons of different Internet publishing platforms for various media types, target audiences, and feedback mechanisms.
use version control capabilities within a digital tool.
Students understand that:
for effective communications, different Internet publishing platforms are needed for different media types, target audience, and feedback mechanisms.
version control capabilities allows for tracking changes in software and provides the ability to revert to a previous version.
DLIT201891225Utilize a variety of digital tools to create digital artifacts across content areas.Global CollaboratorDigital ToolsStudents will:
use digital tools to create digital artifacts across content areas.
seek and use feedback to revise digital artifacts.
Students know:
how to use a variety of digital tools.
how to use a digital tool to create a digital artifact.
the appropriate use of digital tools and artifacts for specific content areas.
Students are able to:
use a variety of digital tools.
create digital artifacts using a variety of digital tools.
appropriately match digital artifacts and content areas for effective communication.
Students understand that:
digital tools are used to create digital artifacts that can be used for effective communication of competency across content areas.
DLIT201891227Apply tools and methods for collaboration on a project to increase connectivity among people in different cultures and career fields.
Examples: Collaborative documents, webinars, teleconferencing, and virtual fieldtrips
Global CollaboratorSocial InteractionsStudents will:
use collaborative tools and methods to complete a project with at least one aspect concerning career fields and/or different cultures.
collaborative tools collaborative methods connectivity asynchronous or synchronous conferencingStudents know:
how to use collaborative tools and methods for appropriate and effective connectivity when completing a collaborative project.
Students are able to:
select, utilize and manage collaborative tools and methods on a project involving team members from a different culture and/or career fields.
Students understand that:
collaborative tools and methods can be utilized on projects to increase connectivity among people from different cultures and career fields.
increasing connectivity provides for multiple viewpoints and thoroughness of the completed project.