ACADEMIC BOWL/Scholar BowlMr. Kyle Perkins and Mr. Josh WIlsonTBDGoogle Class Code: puxjk7pThis team competes against other schools in answering a variety of questions over all academic areas in a fast paced, competive atmosphere.
ART CLUBMs. Ford-NelsonTBD$10.00Classroom code is a6sjbmf to joinFor all students who enjoy creating art! We paint windows for the holidays, murals, help out where we can
BASS FISHING CLUBMr.RaderFirst meeting in December - in Room 2014 Dates/Times will vary$60.00Goggle Classroom Code: kfk4ysk We compete through an organization called the National Youth Fishing Association. They host between 4-5 tournaments a year all around the state of Missouri. You will be responsible for finding a partner where either you or your partner have access to a boat. Tournaments usually run from March till September.
CAPPIESMrs. Glidewell(see Miss Glidwewell, Rm. 45)Audition / Application process based on writing a play critique. See Mrs. Glidewell (Audition process for belonging to the team) Cappies is an theatrical / student writing organization that will go to see high school area productions. After you watch the production, you will confer with other students from other high schools about how the show was while evaluating the show. Then you will write a critique over the show. The top three critiques will be published in area publications and up for awards (KC Star, Newspapers, Etc).
DECAMrs. Jerri SporesDuring Class (Co-Curricular)$30.00*Co-Curricular with Spores Marketing Education Classes. Marketing I, Marketing II, Marketing III, Marketing IV, Retailing Only applies to students in Spores' Marketing Education classes. Officer Meeting Thursday AM, DECA Workshop Thursday PM.DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.
Diversity CouncilBrantley, Dickson, Spores, MajorsFirst meeting Tuesday, September 19th in the Willson Auditorium @ 7:15amOpen to all studentsThe mission of the PC Diversity Council is to provide a safe and inclusive space for all members of the school community regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or ability. PC Diversity Council is geared towards students who are looking to foster a school-wide culture of appreciation for diversity. Members of PC Diversity Council are open-minded and ready to spread the message of inclusion and acceptance throughout the school and community.
FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America)Mrs. Heather BallTo Be Announced$40 - includes t-shirt Open to All Students Grade 9-12INSTAGRAM @pchs__fccla TWITTER @PCR3FCCLA
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a national Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for students in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education in public and private school through grade 12. FCCLA offers intra-curricular resources and opportunities for students to pursue careers that support families. Since 1945, FCCLA members have been making a difference in their families, careers, and communities by addressing important personal, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education.
FBLAMrs. Hannah Kasner, Ms. Arian HuhmanTo Be Deteremined$40.00Open to all students grades 9 - 12.TWITTER & INSTAGRAM: @fblapc GOOGLE CLASSROOM: 5p5l5ooFuture Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. (FBLA-PBL) is the largest business Career and Technical Student Organization in the world. Each year, FBLA-PBL helps over 230,000 members prepare for careers in business. MISSION: FBLA-PBL inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences.
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Dr. Sarah Majors1st meeting is Thursday, Sept 13 during PLT #2. Please be sure to email Dr. Majors with your PLT teacher so she can schedule you$0Just email Dr. Majors with your PLT teacher so you can be scheduled to attend. You may join at any time during the yearCanvasWe will be completely reorganizing this club, come so you can be a part of it! Our race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, native language, citizenship status, class, disability, and other factors all play a large role in shaping how we navigate the world. Friends Club is a place where everyone feels safe, welcome, included, affirmed, and empowered.
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)Mr. Zach KeithThurs. mornings at 7 am in Room 7 - with occasional events in the evening; 1st meeting date is TBDYou don't need to be a Christian or an athlete to come hang out at FCA. It's a really laid back atmosphere in which we typically begin with a game, and then have a guest speaker share an encouraging ten minute message. You don't have to "join". Just come whenever!
Math Club: Platte County 𝛑ratesMrs. WhitmerPLT Club timeNoneAll students! Google Classroom. Fill out this form if interested in math club: https://forms.gle/hqgQ2hNHrwznWFiG9This is the FIRST year PCHS will have a math club. Our mission is to promote mathematics in Platte County and expand our knowledge of mathematics by collaborating with others. We will compete at math competitions. We will visit elementary and middle schools to promote learning and mathematics to show kids how math can be fun.
NHS (National Honor Society)Mr. and Mrs. WilsonANNOUNCED via EMAIL: Wilson Auditorium/ Thursdays - 2nd PLT$20.00Juniors and Seniors with a 3.0 unweighted GPA (or above) will be sent a Student Information Sheet in January. The five anonymous members of the Faculty Council will review those sheets for evidence of Leadership, Service, and Character. Selected students will be invited to attend the NHS induction ceremony in early Spring.To be eligible to join, a student must:
- Have been active in two (2) school sponsored clubs, teams, or organizations during Grades 9-12; at least one must be between grades 10-12;
- Provide proof of twenty (20) qualifying community service hours that take place between June 1st before the freshman year up through the time of application submission (community service completed before high school is not eligible);
- Have taken on leadership positions (elected or appointed) within school organizations, outside organizations, or within the workforce;
- Have maintained strong attendance.

More info can be found in the student handbook!
PHANTOM ROBOTICSMrs. Wendy Assel & Mr. Kyle PerkinsMon-Thur from 3-5pm in room 1015 in new building. Time commitment depends on student's role, with a minimum of 2 days/week.Tryout/Application process in MayInstagram: 9065_phantom_robotics

X: @PCHS_Phantom4
Our VEX Robotics program's purpose is to increase
student interest and involvement in science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by engaging
students in hands-on sustainable curriculum-based
robotics competitions. It enables students to practice
valuable soft skills like communication, collaboration,
problem-solving, time management, success and even
failure in an engaging and authentic way.
PIRATE MENTORSMrs. Lightfoot & Mrs. BrownTBDMust apply, meet criteria and be accepted. Applications available in March for the following school year. Established in 2012 for Juniors and Seniors. The organization's goal is to create a welcoming high school experience for new students. We meet outside of school time and during the summer for training, organizational team building and planning purposes. The activities we sponsor include Freshmen Orientation Day and other freshman monthly events.
PIRATES SERVE & INTERACT CLUB (PSIC)Mrs. Gail Martin & Mrs. Heather BrownVaries$0Open to all students grades 9-12 Google Classroom Code: tehx5cmOur mission is to provide service opportunities to students at Platte County High School, and the means to get to these events with like-minded people. We are directly connected to the Rotary Club and will participate in activities that they need help within our community.
SCIENCE CLUBMrs. Andrea Schmidt & Ms. Lisa GindyRegular Meet times to be anounced Our First Meeting will be Wednesday August 28th after school room 59. We will be working in the garden. $20 for T shirt and snacks during the year open to all students 9-12Canvas students can click the link to fill in the information and I will send an invite to our canvas The Science Club is for those with a general interest in science. We will develop activities to experience science related topics throughout the year with an emphasis in learning about the world around us and making a positive impact in our community. We will promote awareness of global environmental issues and emphasize the importance of everyday sustainability choices. We will be proactive, not reactive, to combat the sustainability issues in our community and encourage students to develop scientifically grounded opinions and stand up for these beliefs.
SPEECH & DEBATE - "Talking Pirates"Ms. Trisch VessarSTUDENT INFORMATIONAL MEETING - Tuesday, August 27, 3pm (Phase One Room 1011)

PARENT MEETING: Thursday, September 5, 7pm (Phase One Room 1011).

PRACTICES: Tuesday and Wednesday after school (3-4:55 pm) beginning September 10
$20 (One time fee for NSDA Membership)Must be MSHSAA eligible; Enrollment in Debate course not required (although recommended)Twitter @talkingpirates CanvasSpeech and Debate is a combination of public speaking, acting, and arguing all in one competitive sport. We attend tournaments beginning in October. Our season runs through the beginning of March. There are also opportunities to qualify for State in April and Nationals in May and June. There are three “tracks” that students can take: Public Address, Interpretation, and Debate. In Public Address, competitors craft a persuasive and/or informative speech and then present it to a series of judges. Depending on the specific event these speeches are either written on the spot or carefully curated over the year. In the Interpretation events, competitors take pieces of literature or poetry and present their interpretation of them either by themselves or with a partner. In Debate, students work as an individual or team of two to prove their side of an argument against opponents from a different school.
Student CouncilMrs. Robin Herron & Mr. Kyle Perkins7:00 am every Tuesday morning in Mrs. Herron's Room - Paxton 15Anyone can join STUCO. You just need to show up to the meetings and sign up to help at whatever events you are interested in. @pchs_stucoTo do various service projects for our student body, foster and encourage school spirit and continue to improve upon processes and events held at our school.
Thespians/Drama ClubMrs. GlidewellMeetings are the 3rd Tuesday of every month during PLT. Anyone can join drama club. Must meet the requirements of 100+ hours of theatrical work to be inducted as aThespian in the International Thespian Society with a $30 membership for life fee. @pchs_theatre (Twitter) Google classroom : fbpynrvStudents share their range of theatrical talents from acting to stagecraft, lights to sound design and more. We work backstage and onstage in theatre events at the high school and attend conferences and shows outside of the school at colleges and professional venues. We also serve the community twice a year in service projects.
TRI-M Music Honor SocietyMr. vonGlahnscheduled during PLT$10.003.25 unweighted GPA and a 3.5 in all music classes. Accepted upon application.Tri-M is a National Honor Society for student of music. Students earn the honor of being a member based on their musicianship, scholarship, leadership and service.
World Cultures Club (formerly World Languages Club)Dr. A SmithMeets monthly in PLT.Open to everyoneCanvas: Let Dr. Smith know and she can add you to the group pageThe purpose of World Cultures Club is to gain an understanding and appreciation of other cultures.
Writer's Inc.Mrs. Marchbank First meeting Thursday, September 5th during PLT.TBDOpen to everyoneCanvas and Google Drive. Let Mrs. Marchbank know so she can add you.To enhance students' writing abilities and foster real-world learning experiences by providing opportunities to explore various genres, engage in collaborative writing projects, participate in writing competitions, and interact with published authors and professionals in the field of writing and publishing. Each year students will collaborately publish a collection of their writing.