Data Element NameData Element DescriptionPurpose(s) for CollectionStatutory Authority for CollectionIntended Uses and Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information (where applicable)
Accommodation Modification CodeCode that indicates the test accommodation(s) used by the student on the reported State assessment.Federal ReportingIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)Used for federal reporting in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Active/Inactive IndicatorIndication that a staff member is active (currently employed) or inactive (not currently employed). Teacher/Prinicpal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-dUsed for APPR (Annual Professional Performance Review) teacher evaluation reports provided to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs).
Alternate Staff IDState unique staff ID (TEACH ID) from the NYSED TEACH system. Teacher/Principal Evaluation
34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d
Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
Alternate Standard Achieved CodeStandard achieved by the student on a specific assessment for use in accountability calculations. This element is required for all assessments that are reported to SIRS and scored by the school district.Federal Reporting Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for federal reporting in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Annual Contract Work MonthsNumber of months per year the staff member is currently employed by the Local Education Agency (LEA).Public School Enrollment Reports34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2) NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 8 CRR-NY 80-1.9Used to calculate FTE (Full Time Equivalent) data for federal reporting and calculate average salary data. Appears in LEA-facing verification reports.
Annual SalaryTotal amount paid for the staff member's primary assignment(s). Public School Enrollment Reports8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2) NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-dUsed to determine staff linkage relationship to students and in aggregate data posted on the Office of Information and Reporting (IRS) website. Appears in LEA-facing verification reports.
Assessment Date of AdministrationFirst day of the test administration or first day of the window in which the test was offered.Federal Reporting School Report Card
Institutional Accountability
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): NYS ESSA PlanFor administrative record-keeping and reporting of data; does not contain personally identifiable information.
Assessment Item Response DescriptionNumber or code that uniquely identifies each item (question) in an assessment. The numbers/codes are provided in separate Item Maps for each assessment, which are provided separately by NYSED.Institutional Accountability
School Report Card
Individual Student Reports
NYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
For administrative record-keeping and reporting of data; does not contain personally identifiable information.
Assessment Item Response Multiple ChoiceFor Grades 3–8 ELA and Math and Grades K-12 NYSESLAT multiple-choice questions, the number of the choice made by the student (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4). Dash (“–“) indicates no response; asterisk (“*”) indicates multiple responses; “U” indicates unable to respond for Grade K Listening and Reading multiple-choice; “Z” indicates absent for Grade K modality or Grades 1-12 Session of the NYSESLAT. For Regents multiple-choice questions, the number of the choice made by the student: 1, 2, 3, or 4 if the question was answered incorrectly and A. B. C. D if the question is answered correctly. For NYSAA Science, indicators of accuracy and independence scores that are not numbers and Y/N answers to connections questions.Federal Reporting School Report Card
Institutional Accountability
NYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used in scoring State assessments. Appears in aggregate for federal reporting and School Report Card.
Assessment Item Response Value Points EarnedFor Grades 3–8 ELA and Math and Grades K-12 NYSESLAT constructed-response or essay questions, the point value given by the rater (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4). “A” indicates no response; “S” indicates Speaking modality Skipping Rule for NYSESLAT; “Z” indicates absent for NYSESLAT Grade K modality or Grades 1-12 Session. For NYSAA Science, the number for accuracy and independence scores that are not ‘NS’. For Regents multiple-choice questions, the point value earned for question (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4); for constructed-response or essay questions or performance test, the point value given by the rater (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4). Some exams are reported by .5 scores (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0). Federal Reporting
School Report Card
Individual Student Reports
NYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d
Used in scoring State assessments. Appears in aggregate for federal reporting and School Report Card.
Assessment Language CodeThree-character code that identifies the language in which the student took the assessment. Federal Reporting School Report Card
Institutional Accountability
NYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2) NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-dUsed for reporting purposes in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Assessment Measure Standard DescriptionDescription of the assessment being reported.Federal Reporting School Report Card
Institutional Accountability
NYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for reporting purposes in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Assessment School Year DateJune 30 of the reporting year.Federal Reporting School Report Card
Institutional Accountability
NYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for reporting purposes in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Assessment ScorePass (P) or Fail (F) score the student achieved on the assessment when the score is not numeric. Federal Reporting School Report Card
Institutional Accountability
NYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Appears in aggregate for federal reporting and School Report Card. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Assessment Standard Achieved CodeStandard achieved by the student on a specific assessment for use in annual data reporting aggregations. This element is required for all assessments that are reported to SIRS. Federal Reporting School Report Card
Institutional Accountability
NYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Appears in aggregate for federal reporting and School Report Card. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Assignment CodeCode that indicates staff assignment.Public School Enrollment Reports Teacher Certification Match
8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d Commissioner's Regulations § 100.2(bb)Used for State and federal reporting.
Assignment DateFirst day of school year or first date of the school year that the staff member was assigned to the "location" as the principal, whichever comes last.Public School Enrollment Reports Teacher Certification Match Teacher/Principal Evaluation
8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for State and federal reporting.
Assignment Grade LevelIf the assignment is for all grades served in the entire building, use "ALL"; otherwise, send one record for each grade level. If the staff person works with or is responsible for only some grade levels within the building, report one record for each grade level.Teacher/Principal Evaluation8 CRR-NY 80-1.9
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Used for State and federal reporting.
Assignment Location CodeThe local building code uniquely identifying the location for which the staff person is responsible, typically assigned by the local student management system.Teacher/Principal Evaluation8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for State and federal reporting.
Attendance Code LongCode that indicates the type of student absence. E indicates excused absence, U indicates unexcused absence, T indicates tardy, ISS indicates in-school suspension, and OSS indicates out-of-school suspension.Federal Reporting Title I MonitoringNYS ESSA Plan
Title I 1003(g) Funding - School Improvement Grants 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
For administrative record-keeping and reporting of data; does not contain personally identifiable information.
Attendance Code TypeIndication that attendance is being kept for students.Federal Reporting NYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Title I 1003(g) Funding - School Improvement Grants
Used for Title I monitoring.
Attendance DateDate of the reported Attendance Code (E, U, T, ISS, OSS). See Attendance Code Long.Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan
Title I 1003(g) Funding - School Improvement Grants 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Used for Title I monitoring.
Attendance DescriptionUse local attendance code description. If left blank, defaults to Attendance Long value.Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan
Title I 1003(g) Funding - School Improvement Grants 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Used for Title I monitoring.
Attendance Period End DateJune 30 of the reporting year or the date the staff member is no longer employed by the reporting entity.NY'S Federal Student Equity Plan
34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for State and federal reporting.
Attendance Period Start DateFirst date of the school year or staff hire date if the hire date is after the first date of the school year.NY'S Federal Student Equity Plan34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Used for State and federal reporting.
Birth DateDate of birth on the staff member’s birth certificate or, if a certificate does not exist, an official source as directed by district policy. State Matching Purposes8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2) NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-dUsed to identify/link to teachers in the NYSED TEACH database for certification matching. No public release of this information.
Building of Enrollment CodeCode that uniquely identifies the building in which a student is enrolled, typically assigned by the local student management system. For preschool children with disabilities who are not enrolled in PreK or UPK programs, this code identifies the primary special-education service provider, which is typically maintained in the special-education student management system.Federal Reporting School Report Card
Institutional Accountability
NYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2) For administrative record-keeping and reporting of data; does not contain personally identifiable information.
Career Path CodeCode used to identify pathway student used to graduate.Federal Reporting Institutional AccountabilityNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2) Used for reporting purposes in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Certification Exemption Code"Y" for a teacher who is exempt or "N" for a teacher who is not exempt based on the Certification law. Section 2854(3)(a-1) of New York State Education Law allows charter schools an exemption from certification requirements, provided that such teachers shall not comprise more than the sum of 30 percent of the teaching staff, or five teachers, whichever is less, plus five teachers of mathematics, science, computer science, technology, or career and technical education plus five additional teachers. Teacher/Principal Evaluation Institutional Accountability 8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2) Used for charter schools to identify teachers subject to certification exemption. Appears in LEA-facing verification reports.
Class Detail Outcome CodeCode used to indicate the status at the end of a course for a student who was enrolled in the course. Statuses are “P” (pass), “F” (fail), and “N” (student is in the course when it starts but does not complete the course for any reason).Institutional Accountability Teacher/Principal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d Appears in LEA-facing verification reports. Used for NYSED analysis related to student outcomes and for NYSED teacher certification match.
Completion DateLast date in this assignment or building or grade level, whichever comes first.Teacher/Principal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Appears in LEA-facing verification reports. Used to determine staff linkage relationship to students. NYSED teacher certification match.
Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Supported with IDEA FundsIndicates that the student is receiving Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS). School districts whose data indicate significant disproportionality based on race/ethnicity in special education, identification by a specific disability, placement in a particular setting, or in suspension rates are required to use exactly 15 percent of IDEA funds to provide these services. Services purchased with these funds can be direct or indirect services for students. When a district uses these funds to purchase indirect services, report only those students who were the intended beneficiaries of the purchased indirect services. These funds are to be used to serve students who are not currently identified as needing special education or related services but who need additional academic and behavioral support to succeed in a general education environment. These funds may also be used to serve students currently identified as needing special education or related services, as long as the funds are not used exclusively for students with disabilities. Institutional Accountability Federal ReportingSection 613(f) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 34 CFR §300.646Used to identify students to fulfill the State and federal reporting requirements under IDEA.
Contract Work DaysThe number of work days the staff person is expected to work in the Local Education Agency (LEA) based on the staff contract or appointment. Teacher/Principal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS)Code for students who are not identified as needing special-education or related services (i.e., not students with disabilities) but who need additional academic and/or behavioral support to succeed in a general education environment. Institutional Accountability Federal ReportingSection 613(f) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 34 CFR §300.226Used to identify students to fulfill the State and federal reporting requirements under IDEA.
Course Location CodeCode that uniquely identifies the location where the course is taught. Teacher/Principal Evaluation
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Identifies the location of each course. Appears in LEA-facing verification reports.
Credit GPA CodeCode that indicates subject for which Grade Point Average (GPA) being reported. Teacher/Principal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
Credential Type CodeCode identifying the credential earned by the student.Institutional Accountability Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for federal reporting in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Credits AttemptedThe number of credits that may be earned upon completion of a course. This is generally associated with courses that are required for graduation. However, if schools award credits for other courses, those credits should also be reported.Institutional Accountability Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for federal reporting in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Credits EarnedIndicates the actual number of credits earned upon completion of a course.Institutional Accountability Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for federal reporting in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
CTE Program IntensityProgram intensity is a measure of the student’s progression through his or her CTE program. While CTE programming in BOCES and Technical or CTE high schools (found in the larger districts in the State) is usually predefined or linear in nature, CTE programming in local high schools often crosses content areas and may not be predefined or linear. CTE students at local high schools build meaningful cohesive concentrations based on individual interests (e.g., a program might consist of business courses and technology education courses).Institutional Accountability Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for federal reporting in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
CTE Program TypeIndicates that the student is in a career and technical education program.Institutional Accountability Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for federal reporting in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Date of BirthDate of the student’s birth derived from a certificate of birth issued by an appropriate government authority or, if a birth certificate does not exist, an official source as directed by district policy. The source document must be the same as that used to document when the child is of school age.Institutional Accountability Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used in LEA-facing verification reports that are password-protected and accessible to select district and SED staff. No public disclosure.
Diploma Type Code (Credential Type Code)Credential earned by the student (required for graduated students and high school completers only).
Federal Reporting School Report CardNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for federal reporting in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
District Code of ResidenceDistrict where the student resides on BEDS day of the reporting school year or, for students who enroll after BEDS day, the district where the student resides at the time of enrollment. Institutional AccountabilityCommissioner's Regulations 8 NYCRR §100.2(bb) forreporting purposes. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Dual/Concurrent EnrollmentCode that indicates that the student is enrolled in a course in an attempt to earn both postsecondary and high school credit, regardless of whether they actually earn the credit or not.Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used in aggregate for federal reporting and School Report Cards. No disclosure of individual student information.
Dual Credit CodeCode used to identify the setting in which the student is earning dual credits (e.g. BOCES, Other District). Federal Reporting School Report Cards NYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used in aggregate for federal reporting and School Report Cards. No disclosure of individual student information.
Dual Credit IndicatorCode identifying that the student is enrolled in a course in an attempt to earn both postsecondary and high school credit, regardless of whether they acutally earn the credit or not.Federal Reporting School Report Cards NYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used in aggregate for federal reporting and School Report Cards. No disclosure of individual student information.
ELL Services Durationindicates the number of cumulative days and corresponding years that a student identified as ELL Eligible (Program Service Code 0231) has received ELL services in New York State public schools, as evidenced by having been reported with Program Service codes 5709 (English as a New Language), 5676 (Transitional Bilingual Education Program) or 5687 (One Way or Two Way Dual Language Program). Institutional Accountability Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used in LEA-facing verification reports. Used in School Report Card and for federal reporting in aggregate.
Employment BasisFor most staff, employment basis is 100 percent. However, some staff have their services shared by more than one Local Education Agency (LEA) or are working only part-time, such as a teacher who teaches mornings only.Teacher/Principal Evaluation Institutional Accountability Federal Reporting8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2) NYS ESSA Plan Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs and federal reporting in aggregate.
Ending Date (Program Service End Date)The end date of the program serivce, which must be between July 1st and June 30th of reporting school year. Federal Reporting Institutional AccountabilityNYS ESSA Plan
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
For administrative record-keeping and reporting of data; does not contain personally identifiable information.
Enrollment Entry DateDate that a student enrolls in a building or a grade level. There must be at Local Education Agency (LEA)st one enrollment entry record for each student for each year, including students who re-enroll (or are continuously enrolled). Institutional Accountability
School Report Card
Individual Student Reports
Teacher/Principal Evaluation
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Used for reporting purposes in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Enrollment Exit DateLast date of enrollment for a student who changes grade level during the school year (i.e., July 1 – June 30) or Local Education Agency (LEA)ves a school building, or when the enrollment record for a student who was enrolled solely as a walk-in for assessment purposes is being ended. Institutional Accountability
School Report Card
Individual Student Reports
Teacher/Principal Evaluation
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Used for reporting purposes in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Evaluation Criteria CodeCode associated with the description of a particular evaluation criterion. Teacher/Principal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
Evaluation Group CodeIndication of which plan (3012-d) is being used when Evaluation Criteria Code reported.Teacher/Principal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
Event DateDate that a student was referred, parent consent to evaluate was received, CPSE or CSE meeting to discuss evaluation results to determine special-education eligibility was held, or IEP was implemented as indicated in the Event Type Code field. Federal ReportingIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Used for compliance calculations at the district level and federal reporting in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Event Outcome CodeCode used to indicate whether the student with an Event Type Code was determined to be eligible for special education. This code is reported on the first record in the series of Event Type Codes.Federal ReportingIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Used for compliance calculations at the district level and federal reporting in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Event Type CodeCode that refers to a single event in a series of events for referring, evaluating, and implementing IEPs for students who may require special-education services.Federal ReportingIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Used for compliance calculations at the district level and federal reporting in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Exclude From Evaluation IndicatorFlag used to indicate that the student should be excluded from the evaluation of this teacher for a particular course section.Teacher/Principal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
Exit DateDate staff member is no longer employed by reporting entity.Teacher/Principal Evaluation8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
First Date of Entry into Grade 9Month, day, and year on which the student first entered grade 9 anywhere. Do not enter this information until the student first enrolls in grade 9. Students with a disability who are coded as ungraded for enrollment purposes, must be assigned a grade 9 entry date no later than, whichever comes first, (1) the first school year during which the student enters a school where the earliest grade is grade 9; or (2) when the school of attendance has grades earlier than grade 9, the first school year during which the student participates in a grade 9 program, using criteria similar to those applied to non-disabled students when making such determinations; or (3) the school year in which the student turns 17, whichever comes first. Institutional Accountability
School Report Card
Individual Student Reports
Teacher/Principal Evaluation
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Used for reporting purposes to identify cohort in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
First Name LongStaff member’s first name.Teacher/Principal Evaluation NYSED Teacher Certification Match8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for NYSED teacher certification match. Appears in LEA-facing verification reports.
Free and Reduced-Price Lunch Eligibility TypeReport at least one and up to six eligibility types associated with the student's FRPL record.Federal ReportingNYS ESSA PlanReported in aggregate to the US Department of Agriculture.
Gender CodeGender code (M = Male; F = Female) of staff member.NY'S Federal Student Equity Plan8 CRR-NY 80-1.9Used for NYSED teacher certification match. Appears in LEA-facing verification reports.
Gender CodeGender code (M = Male; F = Female) of staff member.NYS Federal Student Equity Plan8 CRR-NY 80-1.9Used for NYSED teacher certification match. Appears in LEA-facing verification reports.
Gender DescriptionGender of the student being reported, as identified by the student. In the case of very young transgender students not yet able to advocate for themselves, gender may be identified by the parent or guardian. Federal Reporting
School Report Card

NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d Commissioner's Regulations § 100.2(bb)
Used in LEA-facing verification reports. Used in School Report Card and for federal reporting in aggregate.
Grade LevelInstructional level for the student, as determined by the school district. Institutional Accountability School Report Card
Teacher/Principal Evaluation
Federal Reporting
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Used in all data reporting in aggregate for the school year. No disclosure of individual student information.
Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity IndicatorIndication of whether the student or staff member is Hispanic/Latino (Y/N). NYS Federal Student Equity PlanNYS ESSA Plan 8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 Appears in LEA-facing verification reports. Used for various reporting purposes in aggregate.
Home Language DescriptionLanguage routinely spoken in the student's home. This language or dialect may or may not be the student's native language. School Report Card
Federal Reporting
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d
Used in LEA-facing verification reports. Used in School Report Card and for federal reporting in aggregate.
Homeless Primary Nighttime ResidenceCode that indicates where students identified as homeless in the Homeless Indicator field have their primary nighttime residence (PNR). The Local Education Agency (LEA)'s homeless liaison determines the PNR at the time the student is identified as homeless. The USED realizes that a homeless family or youth may be mobile during their homelessness. If the PNR is not known at the time of enrollment but a PNR is subsequently identified, the Local Education Agency (LEA) must indicate the PNR as soon as it becomes known.Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Appears in LEA-facing verification reports. Used for federal reporting in aggregate.
Incidental Teaching Assignment IndicatorDistricts and BOCES can select a course/section that each teacher can teach outside their certification area (Y). All courses must be identified with a Y or N. State ReportingCommissioner's Regulations § 80-5.3Used for teacher certification match.
Initial Event DateDate of the first event in the required sequence of events. See “Event Type Code” above. The Initial Event Date is the date that corresponds to the Initial Event Type Code (see below).Federal ReportingIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Used for compliance calculations at the district level and federal reporting in aggregate.
Initial Event Type CodeCode used to report the first event in the required sequence of events for the following: for completing the timely evaluation of preschool and school-age students for special-education eligibility determination; for implementing a child’s IEP by their third birthday for preschool children transitioning from Early Intervention to preschool special education; for completing the evaluation of parentally placed students in elementary, middle, or secondary nonpublic schools and the provision of special-education services to parentally placed students. Federal ReportingIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Used for compliance calculations at the district level and federal reporting in aggregate.
Itinerant Staff Staff person responsible for students in one Local Education Agency (LEA) (district, BOCES, charter school) but employed by another Local Education Agency (LEA).Teacher/Principal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2) Used for NYSED teacher certification match. Appears in LEA-facing verification reports.
Least Restrictive Environment CodeCode that indicates the least restrictive environment in which students with disabilities are enrolled.Federal ReportingIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Used for federal reporting in aggregate.
Migrant IndicatorIndication of whether the student met the definition of migrant at some point during the academic year or was never a migrant during the academic year.Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Appears in LEA-facing verification reports. Used for federal reporting in aggregate and distribution of grant funds.
Neglected or Delinquent IndicatorIndication of whether the student met the definition of neglected or delinquent at some point during the academic year or was never considered neglected or delinquent during the academic year.Federal ReportingNYS ESSA Plan 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Required for Title I monitoring and distribution of Title I funds. Used for federal reporting in aggregate.
Number of Days - Indicator 11 for school-age students (special education)The number of calendar days from the date of receipt (in writing) of parent consent to evaluate and the date that the CSE meeting occurs to discuss evaluation results. The date of receipt of parent consent to evaluate is counted as “day 1.”Federal ReportingIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Appears in LEA-facing verification reports. Used for federal reporting in aggregate.
Number of Days - Indicator 12 for preschool children referred from Early Intervention (special education)For a child found eligible for preschool special education, the Number of Days is the number of calendar days past the child’s third birthday when the IEP is implemented. The first day past the child’s third birthday is “day 1.”


Federal ReportingIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Appears in LEA-facing verification reports. Used for federal reporting in aggregate.
Numeric ScoreNumeric score for assessment administered to student.Federal Reporting
School Report Card
Teacher/Principal Evaluation
NYS ESSA Plan Commissioner's Regulations § 100.2(bb) NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d Appears in LEA-facing verification reports. Used for federal reporting in aggregate, and for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
Original Probationary Period End DateDate probation in tenure area is scheduled to end.Teacher/Principal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs. Appears in LEA-facing verification reports.
Postsecondary Credit UnitsCredits for each course awarded to the student during the school year by a higher education institution.Commisioner's RequestNYS ESSA PlanUsed for internal record keeping. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Primary ENL Instructor IndicatorIndicates English as a New Language instructor for the course/section. Teacher/Principal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for State and federal reporting.
Primary Instructor IndicatorStaff person who has primary responsibility for the course. Teaching aides and assistants are not to be reported. A "Y" will subject the staff person to a certification match as required by State and federal reporting. At least one Staff ID record for each course/section must be reported with a "Y" in this field. If a special education teacher is the only teacher in the class (primary), he/she should be reported here. In co-teaching situations where both teachers have full responsibility for the course, both may be identified as “primary.” In such cases, the staff person would be subject to a certification match based on the content area of the course. Teacher/Principal Evaluation8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Appears in LEA-facing verification reports. Used for NYSED teacher certification match.
Primary Placement TypeCode used to indicate the primary placement type: residential placement or day placement by a district, the court, social services, or a State agency placement of students with disabilities.Federal ReportingIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Used for allocation of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funds. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Primary Service CodeCode that represents the primary service provided to preschool students with disabilities. This information will be reported by school districts and will include information on all preschool students with disabilities who received special-education programs and/or services on the October snapshot date and also at any time during the school year in the end of year special-education snapshot.Federal Reporting Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Used for allocation of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funds. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Primary Service ProviderBEDS code or Institution ID that represents the coordinating special-education service provider, as designated by the CPSE, for preschool students with disabilities who receive special-education services.Federal ReportingIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Used for allocation of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funds. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Primary Special Education IndicatorIdentifies special education instructors for the course/section. Teaching aides and assistants are not to be reported. A "Y" in this field will subject the staff to a special education certification match as required by State and federal reporting.Federal Reporting Teacher/Principal EvaluationIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-dUsed for federal reporting in aggregate.
Principal Hire DateThe effective date of the first board appointment the staff person received as a principal in an Local Education Agency (LEA).Teacher/Principal Evaluation Institutional Accountability8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for federal reporting in aggregate and for calculation of APPR ratings and growth scores.
Principal TitleIndication that the staff member is a principal or both a teacher and a principal. Teacher/Principal Evaluation Institutional Accountability8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
Probationary Period End Date (Actual)Date probation in tenure area ends.Teacher/Principal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
Probationary Period Extended IndicatorYes (Y) / No (N) indicator that probation was continued beyond the original end date. Teacher/Principal EvaluationNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
Professional Development IndicatorFor teaching staff only.  Did teacher receive “professional development” during the current school year? For each teacher, populate with “Y,” “N,” or “NA.”Teacher/Principal Evaluation8 CRR-NY 80-1.9 NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
Program DurationYear (value from 1-6) that indicates the current year a student is in a NYS P-Tech program or NYC P-Tech program. Federal Reporting School Report CardNYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)Used for various reporting purposes in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Program Service CodeCode that indicates the program service in which a student participates.Federal Reporting Institutional Accountability
School Report Card
Teacher/Principal Evaluation
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Used for various reporting purposes in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Program Service Entry DateDate a student begins a specific program service. Federal Reporting Institutional Accountability
School Report Card
Teacher/Principal Evaluation
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Used for various reporting purposes in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Program Service Exit DateDate a student left a specific program service. Federal Reporting Institutional Accountability
School Report Card
Teacher/Principal Evaluation
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Used for various reporting purposes in aggregate. No disclosure of personally identifiable information.
Race Code (1–5)The race code choice indicates the race or races with which the student primarily identifies as indicated by the student or the parent/guardian. For staff member, it is the race of the of the staff member. For reporting purposes, a student/staff member should be reported using the race or races designation for the group to which he or she appears to belong, identifies with, or is regarded in the community as belonging. If the student, staff member, or parent/guardian will not designate race or races, a school administrator should select the race or races. • American Indian or Alaska Native
• Asian
• Black or African American
• Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
• White
Federal Reporting Institutional Accountability
School Report Card
Teacher/Principal Evaluation
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d Commissioner's Regulations § 100.2(bb)
Used in LEA-facing verification reports. Used for federal reporting in aggregage and for APPR teacher evaluation reports provided to LEAs.
Reason CodeCode used to indicate the reason for delay in completing the evaluation, determining eligibility, or implementing the IEP by the child’s third birthday for Indicators 11 and 12.Federal Reporting Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Used in aggregate state counts in federal reports on the Office of Special Education Programs website.
Reason for Beginning Enrollment CodeCode that indicates the reason the student’s enrollment began or the type of enrollment begun. Federal Reporting Institutional Accountability
School Report Card
Teacher/Principal Evaluation
NYS Education Law §3012-c, §3012-d 34 CFR 76.720(c)(1)‑(2)
Used in aggregate for various reporting purposes. No disclosure of individual student information.