2018 -19 : Achievements - Kudumbashree
Sl.NoGoals for 2018 – 19Achievements till 31 March 2019
1Ag 01 : Organic Farming201 clusters formed and 402 Cluster level Co-ordinators placed. 8,401 JLGs started organic cultivation under 6615 Local groups.6904 acres of land is under cultivation. Regional Council (RC) selected but LoA yet to be signed. Harithajeevanam - A street play campaign by Rangasree team conducted for the publicity of organic farming. Ten percentage additional incentive approved by GB.
The program is to produce commodities organically with PGS certification. Aim is 10000 ha of land through 201 clusters engaging 20000 JLGs. Cluster level coordinators (2 nos / cluster) to be selected for monitoring and documentation the clusters. Strengthening one biopharmacy in each block to support the input needs of Organic farming.
2Ag 02: Passion Fruit Cultivation82,985 vines were Planted by 23,300 farmers in all districts. 2 value addition units already established. Harvesting will start after March 2019.
Aims to popularize passion fruit cultivation throughout Kerala in view of spreading acceptance and high returns. Collective harvesting is planned and establishment of value addition units is also the goal.
3Ag 03: Intensive Banana CultivationDue to flood targets for Onam 2018 failed. Heavy crop loss occurred and the value addition units planned could not be established. Revised target is 10,000 acres for next onam. 14,266 acres of land is under cultivation.
Aims to expand the banana cultivation to 2000 acres in addition to the 5000 acres targeting onam market. Establishment of temporary value addition units are also in the goal. 1200 JLGs will be found out and trained and 600 units (4 unit / block) will be established.
4Ag 04 : Fallow less VillageIn convergence with other departments. till now 5679.75cres under cultivation.
Convertion of fallowland to enhance the agriculture production in convergence with Gramapanchayths and MNREGS Program and agriculture department. The targeted area is 1400 acres.
5Ag 05 : Plant NurseriesSo far 285 plant nurseries are established throughout Kerala. 240 units availed revolving fund.
Goal is to setup plant nurseries, in order to ensure the supply of high quality seedlings to JLG groups and to the public, under a common brand name “Jaivika”. Initial target for establishing nurseries was 140 and later revised to 200.
6Ag 06 : Agri TherapyTill date 184 Schools started cultivation and 164 schools harvested their produce. Since the produce harvested in most of the schools is utilized for their own consumption or the students take it to their homes the actual data of the yield could not be recorded.
To start the vegetable cultivation in the 155 BUDS/ BRCs under Kudumbashree. Minimum 2 cents of land is to be cultivated under each BUDS/ BRC
7Ag 07 : Producer CompanyCommodities identified for the formation of producer companies. Mobilisation process going on. Thrissur and Palakkad districts undergoing company incorporation procedures.
Aims the formation of producer companies. Targeting 14 Producer Companies as one PC in each district.
8Ag 08 : Value Addition UnitsSo far 271 Value addition units are started in which most of them are in its initial/ starting stage. It is decided to restrain from the idea of setting up of CFCs unless there is a demand from the farmers.
As part of value chain activity, project aims to establish 100 value addition units and 10 common facility centres.
9Ag 09: Tribal JLG and Tribal JEVAAs per the latest data 1,599 tribal JLGs are formed and 57 tribal JEVA are selected.
To scale up and strengthen the agricultural activities among the poorest of the community. Targeted to establish 275 tribal JLG units and to train 31 Tribal JEVA members.
10Ag 10: Medicinal Plant Cultivation212.4 Ha land is under cultivation by 599 JLG members in six districts. In each district market has been identified with convergence with local institutions.
To promote livelihood through medicinal plant cultivation. The project targeted only in five districts and to cultivate 250 Ha of land by 2000 JLG members.
11Ag 11 : Paddy CollectivesSo far 69 collective groups are identified and among these 2 of them have availed financial assistance from Kudumbashree.
To establish paddy collectives in district/ CDS level and to form an apex body at State level. The project targeted to form 10 paddy collectives.
12Ag 12: Interest Subsidy, Area Incentive and technology fund.Till date an amount of Rs. 22.05 crores is disbursed as interest subsidy and area incentive. 7 Proposals for technology fund are receiving from districts are approved.
To disburse interest subsidy and area incentive corresponding to the bank linkage and area of land cultivated. To disburse technological for adopting latest/ innovative technologies in agriculture sector for the JLG groups.
13Naattuchantha12,917 markets in 152 blocks conducted in this financial year. Generate sales of Rs.11.25Cr
For ensure better marketing opportunities and avoid middle man exploitation Kudumbashree started 450 weekly markets across the state.
Animal Husbandry
Sl.NoGoals for 2018 – 19Achievements till 31 March 2019
1To produce broiler chicken in the state itself, Kudumbashree is entrusted to implement the Kerala Chicken Project, launched by the Government of Kerala in 2018, which envisages commencing 5000 broiler farms in Kerala with in a period of 5 years and to take-over 10% of the Total Turn Over in Broiler Industry. Kerala Chicken Producer CompanyCompleted the Incorporation of Kudumbashree Broiler Farmers’ Producer Company Limited. Conducted the first annual general body of the Company and selected Managing Director, CEO, other board of directors.
Inrastructure facilities for KERALA CHICKEN Project(3 Poultry Breeder Farm each with 14000 birds capacity. Abattoir and Blast Freezer Unit, Rendering Plant)Producer Company invited expression of interest from various companies/ service providers to construct infrastructure facilities for Kerala Chicken and also Distributed CEF of Rs 20 Lakhs to 10 CDS each in Thiruvananthapuram, Palakkad and Kozhikode districts to start Poultry Breeder Farm and Abattoir.
In 2018-19 it is proposed to start1000 Broiler Farms each with 1000 birds Capacity.549 broiler farms started functioning across the state and also identified 698 new beneficiaries to start the Kerala Chicken broiler farms.
Poultry Feed storeConducted meeting with Kerala State Ware house Corporation and agreed to Provide space for poultry feeds store.
Poultry InsuranceIntroduced the broiler insurance scheme ‘Janani’ to Kerala Chicken Broiler Farm Beneficiaries which is first time in Kerala. Signed the MOU with AIMS, the insurance broking agency who designed the "JANANI" poultry insurance for Kudumbashree.
2Ksheerasaagaram is a project developed by Kudumbashree for providing employment to NHG members through Dairying, Milk Marketing and Milk Value addition. Kudumbashree provides capital subsidy of 2.18 Lakhs to the groups of 5 women to establish Dairy units.Started 410 units during this financial year.
In 2018-19 it was aimed to start 360 Ksheerasaagaram units across the state.
3The Aadugraamam project is a goat rearing support initiative conceptualized and implemented by Kudumbashree. It targets to provide regular source of income to Kudumbashree members through goat rearing enterprise. Kudumbashree will provide capital subsidy to the groups to establish goat rearing unit. In 2018-19 it was aimed to start 1000 units in the state.Started 206 units during this financial year.
4“Suraksha 2018” a campaign organised by Kudumbashree to create awareness among general public about the need of stay dog menace.Campaign organised and conducted in the month of July 2018.
5Every day people face the question of what to do with their pets when travel, illness, or family emergencies disrupt normal care. To overcome this issue Kudumbashree has planned to start some enterprises in this sector. The aim was to start 15 new ME Unit in Animal husbandry sector.Started 38 Pet M.E units across the state.
6Hatchery unitsIt was proposed to empanel the existing hatcheries for the hatching needs of the Kerala Chicken Project. Started one unit at Kollam and the CC approved to implement the Kasargode Hatchery unit through Kudumbashree. And also identified 16 hatcheries in the state
7To start 5 value added units in dairy sector in the brand name ‘MILKY LATTE’Started 27 Value added units in dairy sector across the state till now and the product is marketing in the brand name Milky Latte
8To start 1 Egg collection and marketing unit in the state.Started 2 Small scale Egg Collection and Packing unit at Thrissur and Ernakulam Districts and the Egg is marketing in the brand name Janova and a well established Egg Marketing kiosk with packing unit is ready to start functioning at Alappuzha District.
9Convergence with Dairy Department10 days training had been given to the beneficiaries in Convergence with dairy department on Milk Value addition.
10Get 10 Crore from Panchayath and other Department for ABC projectReceived 5.50 Crore in DMC’s account.
11ABC of 10000 dogsCaught 19,209 dogs till date
Attappady Special Project
Sl NoGoals for 2018-19Achievements till 31 March 2019
1Disbursing livelihood funds to 330 NHGsGiven corpus fund to 163 NHGs, VRF to 73 Oorusamithis and Start-up cost to 46 oorusamithis and CIF to 65 oorusamithis and livelihood fund to 22 Oorusamithis.
2Setting up training centres in 9 hamlets and converting them as demonstration site for starting trainingsSet up 6 Centres of Excellence and Conducted training to 547 participants from different districts of Kerala in Centre of Excellence.
3Organize trainings with KILA, Kudumbashree and organizing exposure visits to inter/intra state, gender based trainingsConducted 2 trainings for animators , one for Panchayat Samithi and in 63 Oorusamithis.Conducted exposure visit for 68 persons including Animators and Panchayat samithi members. Conducted trainings for animators and Panchayat samithi leaders on book keeping in NHGs on MGNREGS advance payment
4Auditing, procurement of laptops, tablets and trainings for TBMIS80%of Audit of NHGs completed and 45%Oorusamithi audit completed.
5Honorarium and CBO staffGave honorarium up to February 2019
6Developing modules, Documentaries, Study materials, Newsletter, posters for the thematic areas of health, education, Gender, InstitutionPrepared modules on-1. Teacher’s training
2. NEC
3. Animator’s training
4. Nyayasamithi
5. Oorusamithi training
6. Panchayat samithi training.News letter upto March published. Printed study material on NEC.
7Developing 44 Nyayasamithys for resolving issues in convergence with other departments.32 Nyayasamithis formed and conducted 30 Adalaths. 45 cases reported and among them 22 cases resolved. Gender training to 40 animators given.
8SSH- Giving assistance to the victims of violence who are in needSSH is running. Now 4 inmates are in SSH. 20 Cases reported in SSH and 16 resolved.
9Provision of Panchayat samithi VRF- Grant to the persons for higher education, severe health issues and legal support in terms of land issues as recommended by Animator/Oorusamithy to Panchayat SamithiGave health assistance to 8 members Education assistance to 9 members Legal assistance to 18 members
10Counselling for the victims of domestic violence, and who are suffering other violence and issues , Carrier Guidance Classes, Setting up of carrier counselling cellAppointed Counsellor as part of Gender Resource Centre. Gave counselling to 27 cases, Carrier guidance counselling yet to start.
11Establishing Nutrition Education Centre in 120 OorusStarted in 50 Oorus. Cultivation of vegetables as part of NEC started.Completed Third level training in 60 oorusamithis. To resource group of NEC conducted
12Bridge School- Ensuring 80 students to continue their studies and make an environment for thatEnsured infrastructure and other facilities.22 Students wrote 10th equivalency. 5 students are preparing for 7th equivalency.Now students are preparing 12th exam, for 11th and for 10th exam.Now 41 students are here in bridge school
13Community learning groups in 130 hamlets113 centres are running. Others are converted to the community study centres of ST department. Centers are running. Conducted capacity Building training for Bridge course teachers.Conducted TOT for teachers. Conducted impact study on Bridge school and Bridge courses by DIET. Report yet toget.
14Adolescent federation-Quality Improvement Program for adolescent girls and strengthening of Adolescent federation, Conduct 40 Awareness classes, Marshal Arts Training (Karate, Kalari) for 175 adolescent girlsFormed Block level federation and 50 adolescent clubs formed and 50 awareness programmes conducted. Karate class started in two centres and 60 students are getting training. Kalari training yet to start.week end Camp for Children conducted.Karatte classes going on regularly
15Strengthening of AGEY Committee-Awareness Programmes for parents in 130 hamlets80 aggai committees are here. 30 committees conducting regular meetings and interventions. Conducted awareness programmes in 30 centres. Conducted capacity building training to the resource group of education and discussed module to them for conducting oorusamithi level training programme.Aggai committee training conducted in 72 oorus and 1450 mothers participated
16Bala Panchayath programmes-Organize Thematic & Leadership Training for Balapanchayat representatives and Onam & Christmas vacation camps. Distribution of Rs.1000 as Start-up cost to Balagothrasabhass. Exposure visit for Bala panchayatConducted Five leadership trainings and three thematic trainings (Science, Theatre, Drawing and painting). Published monthly Online Magazine. Conducted thematic workshop to RPs. Conducted training to balasabha in 110 oorues.Conducted sargathmaka camps in 57 centers and 2446 children participated.
17Kabadi, Football, Athletics, coaching support, trainingFootball and Kabadi Teams selected. Conducted training to the teams.Coaching classes for football and Kabadi started.
18Micro enterprise development-Formation of 20 micro enterprises including youth enterprises. GOT-750 EDP-500, Skill training-200, Enterprises-20 Cluster Development (NTFP/GOAT/MARKETING)Started 7 Micro enterprises for youth.GOT- 198, Two Job mela conducted and 309 participated. Conducted Youth parliament and 124 youth participated.Livelihood training for 118 members.Conducted GOT in 15 ooru. Conducted Catering training. 26 got training. 13 ME units also for youth started.Total 21 ME Units for youth started.
19Procurement of Office furniture, furnishings, accessories, renovation of officeSet furniture.
Sl.NoGoals for 2018 – 19Achievements till 31 March 2019
1DDUGKY training target 19000 (2018-19)In FY 2018-19, 16,277 students have commenced skill training; 13,688 students have completed training and 10,963 appointed in various organisations.
Special Inclusion As part of special inclusion
Completed training of 162 Ashraya beneficiaries and placed 105. Completed training of 2344 Scheduled tribe (ST) and placed 1869· Completed training of 385 Person with disabilities (PWD) and placed 138, started 7 exclusive PWD batches with 190 beneficiaries, 136 completed and 41 placed
Completed training of 5242 MNREGA and placed 3721
Completed training of 10 Orphan and placed 6
2Allotment of 20000 additional targets to New PIA’s.Remaining Targets under Additional 20000 target have been allocated during the PAC held on 26th February 2019. Sanction order issued and MoU signed on 2nd March, 2019. Fund released 13th March, 2019.
3Placement & tracking-Inviting proposal & finalization Software-Tracking System, Geo tagging of TCs and Setting up of BPO/Call centre & placement cellSoftware was developed and appointed 2 staff members for tracking DDU GKY trained candidates. Call centre is attached with Migration support centre and started functioning. Geo tagging of training centre is completed and listed in the Kudumbashree website.
4Wide publicity & campaign for the DDU-GKY program-IEC action plan, Inviting proposal from media agencies and Finalization of Media agency.Media Agencies for IEC were empanelled. Hoardings of DDU-GKY were mounted in 47 prime locations in Kerala. Train branding was done in four trains. Radio jingles were broadcasted in all FM radios. Railway annoucements are going-on in railway stations located in the Northern part of Kerala.
5Yearly projects & residential projects-PAC approval –Feb 15th and Implementation-15/04/201870% of the target allocated during the PAC held on 26th February, 2019 is residential and long term courses.
6Alumni- State level Alumni meet, Prism meet and Video release.Conducted state level Alumina meet on May 2018.
3 State Level and 8 District Level Promo Videos released.
7SagarmalaSagarmala fund has got approval from Ministry of Shipping. The fund received on 30th March, 2019 ( 1.60cr). 3 PIA's empanelled, Sanction order issued on 7th March 2019 and 1 PIA MoU signed on 7th March 2019. Due to model code of conduct fund not yet released.
Sl.NoGoals : 2018-19Achievements till 31 March 2019
1Snehitha Gender Help Desk – Snehitha Gender Help Desk is located in every district. Which aims to provide all necessary services under one roof for women and children who need care and protectionSnehitha Gender help desk is working in all 14 districts of the state. Counselling service and short stay is also provided in the center. Snehitha started livelihood activity in all the centers
2Gender resource centre – To start Gender resource centers in convergence with LSGIs and develop the center as a supporting agency for women and children in the locality.Government order issued for GRC. 367 Gender Resource Centers are working across Kerala. Kudumbashree community counsellors and staffs are providing counselling facilities twice in a week. Other activities of training, research , leisure are also organized in these centers
3Gender Self learning Programme – It is an informal education program at NHG level. The theme of the module is Gender justice and equality.NHG discussions will be based on the module prepared on the theme. District and NHG level facilitators training will be conducted for the implementation of the program.GSLP module is prepared on the theme Gender justice and equality. Region wise district level facilitators training have been conducted. There are 300 District facilitators. First level NHF training and second level DLF training completed. Module based discussions started in NHG level
4Special Resource pool Development - Develop a team women as resource pool to give gender training to community leaders, elected representatives, other departments and other states. This team can also work as master trainers of different gender development programs.A resource team of 13 women was selected and conducted training workshops. The members facilitated GSLP training programs and gender sensitization trainings for different stakeholders at district level.
5Vigilant Group members training - To strengthen the groups formed at ward level and help them to act in the community to prevent atrocities against women and children. TOT will conduct at state level and in districts conduct a one day training to capacitate them to involve in the community.Formed 17,894 vigilant groups in ward level and training has been given to the members.
6Gender Sensitisation training for community Leaders - Gender sensitization training will give to all CDS chair persons, and other community leaders. It will help them to plan their activities through gender lens, do the gender analysis of Kudumbashree activity and also to help them in attitudinal changes.Two days Gender sensitization training is given to 991 CDS chairpersons. Gender sensitization training for other community leaders were conducted in districts.
7Theme based ProgrammesConducted Art workshop for selected 28 artists from kudumbashree members
8Women friendly Panchayath – To develop one women friendly panchayath in all districtsIdentified 17 LSGIs from 14 districts. Secondary data collection is conducted in the selected places
9Snehitha calling bell – It is an initiative to give support by NHG members to those women and old age people who are living alone and are in vulnerable situation.Identified 56,687 Support recipients for the projects. Conducted medical camps and arranged Pakalveedu facilities for the needy among them. Supports were given on the basis of need assessment.
10Writers Forum – Formation on grassroot level documentation team as part of GSLPFormed a team of 42 women for the documentation of various activities of GSLP. Conducted two level trainings for the members.