A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
1 | Species | Date Updated | Amendment | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Vespadelus finlaysoni | 8-Janurary-2025 | Changed NE Arnhem Land from 'possible' to 'current' distribution based on new records | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Miniopterus orianae orianae | 8-Janurary-2025 | Extended distribution along east coast of the NT Top End based on new records. Made remainder of Top End 'possible' distribution. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Pipistrellus westralis | 8-Janurary-2025 | On east cost of Top End NT, changed 'possible' range to 'current' range and extended basd on recent records | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Austronomus australis | 1-January-2025 | Added extralimital records around Darwin and Point Stuart NT based on new records. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Nyctophilus daedalus | 1-January-2025 | Added ‘current distribution’ along the Gulf coastline based on new records. Joins distrinutions between Top End and Gulf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Nyctophilus geoffroyi | 1-January-2025 | Added 'current distribution' to Gove Peninsula based on recent records. Added 'possible distribution' to most of Arnhem land | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Pipistrelus adamsi | 1-January-2025 | Extended current distribution south along Gulf coastine based on new records. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Saccolaimus saccolaimus | 1-January-2025 | Extended current distribution south along Gulf coastine based on new records. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Scotorepens sanborni | 1-January-2025 | Just south of Groote Eyland, change the ‘possible’ distribution to ‘current’ distribution. Added areas of ‘current’ distribution around Gove and Point Stuart based on new records. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Taphozous georgianus | 1-January-2025 | Added extralmital record at Seven Emus station based on new record. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Taphozous kapalgensis | 1-January-2025 | change the entire ‘possible’ distribution to ‘current’ distribution based on new records | |||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Rhinonicteris aurantia Pilbara | 24-November-2024 | Reclassified erronious H.cervinus extralimital record in WA to R. aurantia Pilbara | |||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Hipposideros cervinus | 24-November-2024 | Reclassified erronious extralimital record in WA to R. aurantia Pilbara | |||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Hipposideros ater | 24-November-2024 | Extended range slightly based on new records around Vergemont, Qld. Change adjacent area from 'current' to 'possible' range. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Ozimops planiceps | 3-November-2024 | Added polygon around Gelliondale, Vic based on Rob Gration records, and 'possible' range extending west to known range around Melbourne | |||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Vespadelus pumilus | 11-August-2024 | In Queensland, extended 'possible' range to coast | |||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Chalinolobus picatus | 24-July-2024 | Extended range in NW section based on recent confirmed call IDs | |||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Nyctophilus corbeni | 24-July-2024 | Added possible area around Barmah, and current range around Gunblower - NSW/Vic border | |||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Miniopterus orianae oceanensis | 24-July-2024 | (Extended sections on the western edge of the range | |||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Vespadelus vulturnus | 20-June-2024 | Changed central Australia polygon from 'current range' to 'possible range' | |||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Pteropus poliocephalus | 20-June-2024 | Added vagrant to Ceduna SA | |||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Pteropus poliocephalus | 20-June-2024 | Added vagrant to Flinders Is. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Rhinolophus robertsi | 19-May-2024 | Changed 'possible' range to 'current' range and extended basd on recent records | |||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Falsistrellus mackenziei | 27-February-2024 | Added outliers near Perth | |||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Vespadelus finlaysoni | 25-January-2024 | Amendments to NW section in the NT | |||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Taphozous kapalgensis | 25-January-2024 | Extended current range further inland | |||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Chalinolobus gouldi | 20-November-2023 | Added K'gari | |||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Nyctophilus gouldi | 20-November-2023 | Added K'gari | |||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Pteropus alecto | 20-November-2023 | Added K'gari | |||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Pteropus poliocephalus | 20-November-2023 | Added K'gari | |||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Pteropus alecto | 27-July-2023 | Extended range to include Sydney. Outlier added at Yarra Bend camp | |||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Miniopterus orianae bassanii | 20-May-2023 | Extended range over Tallageria Nature Conservation Reserve | |||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Chaerephon jobensis | 12-November-2022 | Extended range slightly further south in the Top End based on new recent records | |||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Miniopterus orianae orianae | 12-November-2022 | Extended range in the Top End slight futher SE based on new recent records. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Nyctophilus walkeri | 12-November-2022 | Extended range slightly further south in the Top End and added outlier based on new recent records | |||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Rhinonicteris aurantia | 12-November-2022 | Extended range slightly in the NT based one new recent records on Vermelha station | |||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Vespadelus caurinus | 12-November-2022 | Joined western and eastern distibutions in the NT based on several new records at Elsey National Park | |||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Vespadelus finlaysoni | 12-November-2022 | Added outlier based on recent record at Ucharonidge Station, 2022. ID based on echolocation call. N. Hanrahan, L. Ruykys, D. Milne | |||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Macroderma gigas | 19-October-2022 | Extended Top End range south for new records around Tindal limestone | |||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | Chaerephon jobensis | 23-September-2022 | Extended Qld range south to encompas confirmed acoustic records at approx. -25.27, 151.73 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Vespadelus baverstocki | 17-September-2022 | Corrected error for outlier layer | |||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Pipistrellus adamsi | 28-August-2022 | Added 'possible range' along Queensland coast | |||||||||||||||||||||||
44 | Dobsonia magna | 12-May-2022 | Change to D. magna | |||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Hipposideros semoni | 12-May-2022 | Change to Doryrhina semoni | |||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Hipposideros stenotis | 12-May-2022 | Change to Doryrhina stenotis | |||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Nyctophilus major | 12-May-2022 | Divide into N.m.tor and N.m.major | |||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Nyctophilus major tor | 12-May-2022 | Added Mt Bruce outlier | |||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Chalinolobus morio | 26-April-2022 | Changed section north of SA border to 'Possible range' | |||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Nyctophilus bifax | 26-April-2022 | Added section to include Nymboida, Gibraltar Range and Washpool based on trapping records from Bruce. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | Scotorepens greyii | 26-April-2022 | Removed small section east of Alice Springs | |||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Miniopterus orianae oceanensis | 16-April-2022 | Added Mount Canobolas to 'current' distribution. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | Taphozous georgianus | 16-April-2022 | Added Gove penusula to 'current' distribution. Extended 'possible' distribuition to China Wall. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | Vespadelus caurinus | 16-April-2022 | Added Gove penusula to 'current' distribution. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | Vespadelus finlaysoni | 16-April-2022 | Added Gove penusula to 'possible' distribution. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | Vespadelus regulus | 9-December-2021 | Small extension to the distribution to incorporate a recent ultrasonic record near Hillston along the Lachlan River | |||||||||||||||||||||||
57 | Nyctophilus daedalus | 14-October-2021 | Extended distribution in NT gulf, added outlier in NT | |||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | Rhinonicteris aurantia | 14-October-2021 | Changed part of 'possible' distribution to 'current' in NT based on recent record. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
59 | Vespadelus darlingtoni | 14-October-2021 | Extended SA distribuition. Fixed outlier format error | |||||||||||||||||||||||
60 | Nyctophilus daedalus | 21-July-2021 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
61 | Macroderma gigas | 8-July-2021 | Added 'possible' range to Mt Isa Inlier bioregion and Einasleigh Uplands | |||||||||||||||||||||||
62 | Macroderma gigas | 6-July-2021 | Changed NW Qld 'previous' to 'current' range. Added nearby outlier. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
63 | Ozimops halli | 2-July-2021 | corrected table error | |||||||||||||||||||||||
64 | Ozimops planiceps | 11-June-2021 | Added part of the Hunter River to distribution based on trap and detector records. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
65 | Setirostris eleryi | 27-May-2021 | Added SW Qld outlier | |||||||||||||||||||||||
66 | Chaerephon jobensis | 23-May-2021 | Added WA islands | |||||||||||||||||||||||
67 | Macroderma gigas | 23-May-2021 | Add WA outlier | |||||||||||||||||||||||
68 | Nyctophilus gouldi | 23-May-2021 | Removed SW WA distribution | |||||||||||||||||||||||
69 | Nyctophilus holtorum | 23-May-2021 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
70 | Chaerephon jobensis | 11-May-2021 | added Curtis Island | |||||||||||||||||||||||
71 | Taphozous hilli | 9-May-2021 | added outlier Irwin Hills | |||||||||||||||||||||||
72 | Macroderma gigas | 10-April-2021 | added WA island and outlier | |||||||||||||||||||||||
73 | Rhinonicteris aurantia Pilbara | 10-April-2021 | clipped eastern distribution, added outlier | |||||||||||||||||||||||
74 | Scotorepens greyii | 10-April-2021 | corrected geospatial error | |||||||||||||||||||||||
75 | Taphozous hilli | 10-April-2021 | added outliers WA | |||||||||||||||||||||||
76 | Macroderma gigas | 23-March-2021 | corrected table errors | |||||||||||||||||||||||
77 | Austronomus australis | 14-March-2021 | added vagrant record to Tasmainia | |||||||||||||||||||||||
78 | Nyctophilus major | 14-March-2021 | administrative update | |||||||||||||||||||||||
79 | Pipistrellus westralis | 14-March-2021 | Removed Cape York outlier | |||||||||||||||||||||||
80 | Pteropus poliocephalus | 14-March-2021 | added vagrant records to Tasmainia and Bass Straight | |||||||||||||||||||||||
81 | Vespadelus vulturnus | 14-March-2021 | added central Australia | |||||||||||||||||||||||
82 | Vespadelus vulturnus | 14-March-2021 | removed distribution from two Tasmanian Islands | |||||||||||||||||||||||
83 | Scotorepens sp | 10-January-2021 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
84 | Hipposiderous semoni | 9-January-2021 | removed 'possible' range south of Port Douglas | |||||||||||||||||||||||
85 | Rhinolophus robertsi | 9-January-2021 | changed western section of distribution from 'current' to 'possible' range. Added outlier. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
86 | Rhinolophus intermediate | 11-December-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
87 | Ozimops cobourgianus | 6-December-2020 | added Groote Island | |||||||||||||||||||||||
88 | Pteropus alecto | 6-December-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
89 | Vespadelus vulturnus | 6-December-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
90 | Ozimops petersi | 5-December-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
91 | Pteropus conspicillatus | 4-December-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
92 | Vespadelus regulus | 4-December-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
93 | Ozimops ridei | 26-November-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
94 | Pteropus poliocephalus | 26-November-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
95 | Vespadelus baverstocki | 21-November-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
96 | Setirostris eleryi | 12-November-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
97 | Taphozous hilli | 26-September-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
98 | Hipposideros inornatus | 6-September-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
99 | Phoniscus papuensis | 5-September-2020 | original map | |||||||||||||||||||||||
100 | Chalinolobus dwyeri | 4-September-2020 | original map |