Subject: Arm Positions
Learning Targets: Cover the variety of possible arm positons that are not a standard hands-behind / box tie.
Prerequisites: Bottoming students should be comfortable communicating wrap placement and tension preferences.
Tops should know some patterns for these various positons.
Homework Check: Hands Behind Ties + Lower Body Labbing Share
Time (minutes):Materials/Prep:What is the teacher doing?What are the students doing?
20None.Ask students to be tied in their preferred hands-behind box tie position.
Listening to students sharing their experiences about lower body practice.
Being tied in hands-behind box ties. Sharing why that works for them.
Sharing their experiences from their journals about their lower body practice sessions.
Arms in Front Positions: Prayer or Wrists Crossed (hug harnesses), Infinity Tie, Maete Nawa, Self-Choking & Double Self-Choking
Time (minutes):Materials/Prep:What is the teacher doing?What are the students doing?
352-3 ropes, 7-8 meters in length.Ball & socket vs. hinge joints and relative stability/risks - hyperflexion.
Maete Nawa, ways to protect wrists: balled fists vs flat hands.
Maete Nawa, ways to assist tension: elbows locked vs elbows together.
Wrists Crossed & Prayer: requesting horizontal vs vertical single column allows for shifting hands.

Leading a round of feedback from students.
Watching, asking questions. Trying one or two of the positions in pattern they choose with their partner.
Arms to Side Positions: Tengu, Broken Maete Nawa, Tenshi/Fucky Arms
Time (minutes):Materials/Prep:What is the teacher doing?What are the students doing?
352-3 ropes, 7-8 meters in length.Demonstrating arms-to-side positions.
Broken Maete Nawa: pretty and simple variation of maete nawa.Useful for torsion.
Tengu: depending on rotation of forearms and placement of cuffs, can put undue pressure on tendons in wrists + radial nerves.

Leading a round of feedback from students.
Watching, asking questions. Trying one or two of the positions in pattern they choose with their partner.
Arms Above Positions: Wakishirashi (Pillow Hands/Bunny Ears), Teppou (Rifle Tie), Straight Overhead
Time (minutes):Materials/Prep:What is the teacher doing?What are the students doing?
352-3 ropes, 7-8 meters in length.Demonstrating arms-above positions.
All: hands are above heart so circulation fails faster, exposed radial nerve.
Teppou: hard to secure because ball joint of shoulder allows top arm to drop unless wrist is locked, arm is pinned behind head, or tied to head or upline.

Leading a round of feedback from students.
Watching, asking questions. Labbing one or both of the positions in pattern they choose with their partner.
Arms Behind Positions: Gasshou (Strappado), Reverse Prayer
Time (minutes):Materials/Prep:What is the teacher doing?What are the students doing?
352-3 ropes, 7-8 meters in length.Demonstrating arms-behind positions.
Gasshou: potential positional neuralgia due to muscles across the chest impinging brachial plexus - can present anywhere along the arm as if the wraps are placed wrong. Try it without rope first. Try options of palms together or facing outward.
Reverse Prayer or crossed high hands: not a position everyone can achieve. Can work on flexibility but simply may be too uncomfortable. Also may require wrist-strengthening exercises.

Leading a round of feedback from students.
Watching, asking questions. Labbing one or both of the positions in pattern they choose with their partner or any of previous positions.
Time (minutes):Materials/Prep:What is the teacher doing?What are the students doing?
5None.Answering questions.
Assigning homework:
• Practice - lab x4: choose at least four of the various arm positions to lab
Journal Entry x4: document lab time
Topics for Discussion:
* COVID shot
* Performance &/or photos - any interest?
Asking questions.
175Total TimeJournal PromptsCollateral (readings / tutorials)