AMS-Network basedThe Film and Video Arts Society of Alberta Cam McResams@fava.caOnline Digital Management Software designd by arts organizations for arts organizationsContacts Module - Includes Membership, Volunteer and Donor Data ManagmentTransitioning from development mode to service ModeCanada Council with matched funding from 13 partners from across Canada In development since 2010
Built using Amazon Web ServicesDave Cunninghamdave.cunningham@fava.castructure has broad applicability for other projects (easily customized)Equipment & Facilities Managment Module - includes online booking, renting, & payment featuresBeta Testing French Language VersionApproximately 70 current users Canada wide, across multiple art disiplines
Currently free to use and explore for first yearModular structure allows Arts Organizations to employ a wide range of data managment toolsPrograms & Events Managment Module - includes online registrations for classes, workshops & eventsDeveloping CADAC Statistical Reporting Module
Proposed Service Contract depending on size of organization and module useGrants & Submissions Module - includes Grant campaign, intake & jury managment, as well film art submissionsEnhanced Discoverability for web 3.0 applications
Hatch Open sourceArtsPondJessa Agilojessa@artspond.comArts management software Canada Council for the Arts DSFPhase 1 in dev since 2020?
Margaret Lammargaret@artspond.comcurrently features two modules in development: financial management (phase 1) and knowledge mapping (phase 2)Phase 2 funding proposal submitted in 2022
Artist directory/interfaceTBDCreative ManitobaAmelia Marshallinfo@creativemanitoba.cawireframing complete
InterConnect project directory/interface initiativeIndependent Media Arts AllianceBenjamin Allardproj@imaa.caCollaborative inquiry into digital transformationinterConnect aims to consolidate and maximize the impacts of digital literacy across the Canadian arts sector.mid pointCanada Council for the Arts DSF / Community partners
Artsdataartsdata.caA shared infrastructure to facilitate data exchange between platforms and databases. B2B, open, decentralized strategy.Starting January 2023 the stewardship of the Artsdata project is transitioning to the Artsdata community group, led by CAPACOA.Frederic Julienfrederic.julien@capacoa.caKnowledge graph (graph database and ontology) that enables sharing of information between databases/platforms.It can be used to expose or consume linked open data about people, places, events and performance works. There are several APIs to support data production and consumption: search API, reconciliation API, ID minting API, etc.Ongoing Canada Council for the Arts DSF, Canadian HeritageArtsdata stored 4.9 million datapoints as of March 2023.
Footlight Console(not yet available)Software as a service. ProprietaryCulture CreatesTammy Leetammy@culturecreates.comSoftware to extract, structure and link event data from a websiteProduction since 2019.Culture Creates, with initial R&D funding coming from Artsdata project
Footlight CMS as a service.
Free (although not published as open source just yet)
Culture CreatesTammy Leetammy@culturecreates.comGraph data CMS to create, assemble and publish event metadata into a calendar.Footlight integrates semantic technology with proven calendar management tools. It is designed to nurture an Artsdata ecosystem by sharing and re-using metadata to and from This bi-directional link is notable. Not confining metadata to the database of a single app means that information about arts events in Footlight is readily available for anyone to reuse in MVP in 2022.
Production status in spring 2023
Art Finds Meartfinds.meCross platform geolocation appJenny Farkas/Mike HallattJenny Farkasartfindsme@gmail.comMarketing app for arts sector - focus is on audience developmentBack end functions as asset management for artists (website, asset storage)user testing early 2023Canada Council for the Arts DSFIn development since 2020
Built using Flutter streams and FirebaseFacilitates realtime discovery of art experiencesMember management for arts orgs ('websites')
FreeStructure has broad applicability for other projects (easily customized)Data sovereignty, copyright protection
The Pitchthepitch.caB2B application. Software as a service, custom builtMagnum Opus Management, Strategic Moves, OctagramInga Petriinga@thepitch.caDigital showcase application to enhance the discoverabilty of artists in all live arts disciplines who are touring readyvideo showcases, venues listings, artists, agents, presenters and poresenting networks. Capable of hosting showcase events targetting specific buyers.Live, onboarding usersCanada Council for the Arts DSF, Yukon Gov't Economic Development and seeking new fundings both public and investorsWe have a comprehensive technology roadmap to help us develop this into an awesome tool to facilitate bueyrs nad sellers meeting in canada and the world
I Want To ShowcaseIwanttoshowcase.caB2B web application form. Centralized, shared approach. Fee for artists to apply to showcases.Canadian Regional Presenter NetworksSkip Taylor skip@osac.caShowcase application application software used by more than a dozen presenting networks.a collaboration between partner performing arts conferences whose goal is simple: to offer performing artists a showcase application site that’s easy to navigate, understand and use.LivePartner information: development since 2013? May form alliance with The Pitch in 2023
North Shore Culture Compass platform, built with ArcGis HubNorth Van Arts Nancy Cottingham Powell,nancy@northvanarts.caOngoing project to compile a hub of cultural assets within the North Shore Region of BCeach cultural asset appears as a listing; organized into 10 categories; particpatory mapping with listings from community; First Nations category developed in collaboration with local First Nations; dynamic festivals & events category lists current and annual eventslaunched March 2020, adding assets ongoingCanadian Heritage, Canada Council for the Arts, municipalities, and other partnersstarted development 2016
Powered by Arts Impacthttps://www.poweredbyartsimpact.caCivic impact data bank, reosurces, tip sheetsAssociation for Opera in Canada/Mass CultureChristina
The Public Place Network based video business streaming platform, Freemium. Content creator owns and controls digital spaceDouglas Berquist - The Public Place NetworkDouglas Berquistinfo@thepublicplacetv.caFully customizable video platform service Users can custom build, own and operate a video platform channel, earn money selling content, streaming content, subscriptions and advertizing. No third party intrusions or restrictive analytics interfere with yourt narative.Live and digital space availablePPN is a social enterprise who believes the owner control and enourmous economic benefits of video distribution online belongs in the hands of content creators. We strive to disrupt this technology and have created a patform service for video that does just that.
Scène Pro shared platform. Fee for service (for catalog display and for licenses to access the data).Association RideauMarie-Pier Pilotemppilote@associationrideau.caScène Pro allows artists, producers, presenters and venue managers to coordinate the various operations leading to the programming of shows.A centralized, shared, and open platform to facilitate business processes (conference registration, showcase applications, online directory, booking) in the performing arts.Production status since at least 2019.
Data Extract-Transform-Load process with Artsdata since March 2022.
Integrates Artsdata and Wikidata IDs since June 2023.
Arts Touring ConnectorShared platform. No fee.Ontario PresentsJudy Harquailjlharquail@gmail.comA centralized, shared platform to facilitate block-booking processes.The initial version was rolled over the fall-winter 22-23.
Canada Council for the Arts DSF
Scènes francophones shared platform. Fee for service (for catalog display).Developed by Blaze Studios for RADARTSVéronique Similar to Scène ProA centralized, shared, and open platform to facilitate business processes and promote the performing arts:
- membership management;
- conference registration;
- showcase applications;
- public artist/show directory;
- block-booking;
- events calendar.
Production status since July 2023.
Currently implementing Exract-Transform-Load process with Artsdata.
Canada Council for the Arts DSF
Imprimo for serviceCARFAC with Access Copyright, Prescient Innovations, and others. See notes.JD; Artwork management tool that helps you as an artist to present yourself professionally online; manage your portfolio; generate certificates of creation for your art; record your copyright claims on the blockchain; present your CV in a dynamic way; tell the story of your artistic journey; QR codes to increase engagement for your exhibitions; connect your work to sell in online marketplaces; and more.
Imprimo is a digital platform for visual art that tracks its provenance and helps artists share their work and their story. Our blockchain registration process timestamps creation claims permanently and publicly displays your copyright notice.
LiveCanada Council for the Arts DSF and CultivateImprimo is the collective effort of organizations with an established record in the visual artist and rightsholder communities: The Canadian Artists’ Representation / Le front des artistes Canadiens (CARFAC), Access Copyright, Prescient Innovations, Copyright Visual Arts / Droits d’auteur Arts visuels (COVA-DAAV) and Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Quebec (RAAV).
May move into e-commerce space in futurePltform establishes a reliable and authoritative connection between a creative work (or its digital version), data related to the work, and the rightsholder(s) of the workSupports established artists with complex cataloguing needs
and emerging artists seeking a professional online presence and art-world connections.It has been built by Prescient, the innovation lab of Access Copyright, with funding from the Canada Council for the Arts.
Map-TN Arts Network of OntarioLilian Radovaclilian@mano-ramo.caA platform to promote the touring of media art exhibitionsMAP-TN is a digital platform that will help Canadian media arts presenters, organizations, venues, and artists imagine and coordinate new presentation and touring beta releaseCanada Council for the Arts
Network connector Users ProjectLindsayOnline network of artists and arts workers working in Deaf and disability arts and culture.
Digital accessibility consultant and user research to test accessibility on an ongoing basis
Wordpress site now with customized accessibility (display preferences) plugin, building a stand alone directory for artists to be able to create their own account
Culturepedia + The Reservoir Pour Tousinfo@culturepourtous.caOpen mode network connected to a web service platform that supports, generates and stimulates business intelligence in culture.
Aimed at players in the Quebec and French-speaking Canadian cultural milieu who are facing the challenge of developing a data culture at the heart of their organization. Ultimately, this project translates into an open mode network connected to a web service platform that supports, generates and stimulates business intelligence in culture.
The Reservoir is a knowledge base where the descriptive data published by the members are deposited and shared, in open mode, to allow cross-platform and optimal use.
Usage data will be the subject of work surrounding the Culture Data Trust, a project aimed at the enhancement, use and governance of this data;
Culturepédia d'utilité socialeCulture pour tous, Fédération culturelle canadienne-française (FCCF), Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire (TIESS), SynapseC et La Vitrine culturelle de MontréalAnaïs Kechidiakechidi@culturepourtous.caLe Réservoir: cœur de la plateforme, il s’agit d’une base de connaissances où sont déposées et partagées les données descriptives publiées par les membres, en mode ouvert, pour en permettre une utilisation multiplateforme et optimale. Les données d’usage feront l’objet des travaux entourant la Fiducie de données en culture, un projet visant la valorisation, l’utilisation et la gouvernance de ces données; Le Connecteur: club de rencontres professionnelles et accélérateur d’innovation, il met en relation des fournisseurs de services, des jeunes pousses, le Lab culturel de Culture pour tous et des conseillers et experts avec des acteurs culturels ayant besoin d’être accompagnés dans la réalisation de projets spéciaux et sur mesure; L’Informateur: agrégateur d’informations existantes ciblées pour le milieu culturel, il regroupe tout ce qui concerne la formation, les boîtes à outils, les services professionnels et le financement.Functional prototype of 1 yearConseil des arts du Canada et de Patrimoine canadienIn the foreseable future, only in French
Passerelles Collectifinfo@projetcollectif.caA collaborative platform (like Facebook) to bring people, ideas and territories togetherPasserelles is now a vast platform that brings together more than 200 communities and 6,000 people working for social transformationNew development in progress. Coming in 2023, new platform, En commun, with Passerelles and Praxis: encommun.ioLaunched 2018
Praxis open. multi-lingual, multi-sectoral knowledge base to structure and disseminate learning, knowledge, initiatives, reflections and resources
57 Bilingual online streaming platform and independent Canadain media arts catalogue. Built in Kentico and using Vimeo pro's API for video was developed by the not-for-profit Coalition of Canadian Independent Media Art Distributors (CCIMAD) and launched in 2017. Established in 2013, CCIMAD is a group of independent Canadian film and video distributors with the goal to improve international and national accessibility to their catalogues through a shared digital distribution strategy. Our founding partners are CFMDC, Winnipeg Film Group, Video Pool Media Arts Centre, Groupe Intervention Vidéo, Les Films du 3 Mars (F3M), Spira, Moving Images Distribution and VIVO. Jacquelyn Hébert, VUCAVU Managing is a bilingual streaming platform that is unique because it is a multifaceted platform. works with independent film and video distributors from across the country to improve access to Canadian artworks and provide greater national and international awareness of our filmmakers, video artists and culture. currently streams about 1,500+ films and videos with an additional 4000+ for research purposes that span 50+ years of Canadian moving image art to the public.It allows the public to rent and stream independent videos online.

It offers online programming space for time-limited, curated and theme-based public screenings which are often for free while also paying artists for the viewing of their works.

Curators and educators can apply for special access to the shared catalogue to view an additional +4,000 titles for programming, research and educational purposes.

Community arts partners can utilize VUCAVU for their online curatorial programming needs and extend their reach to new audiences.

A unique research tool about Canadian artists of all kinds.

Each artist has their own profile page that links to not only their works on VUCAVU but also to their professional artist websites.

NEW! We even have private screening rooms to be used for presentation and education purposes.
Launched in 2017. Ongoing development and updating. Currently working towards finding funding to develop accessibility models for using the platform in educational settings.Canada Council (multiple grants), Canadian Heritage, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council, MITACS. We also have time-limited and ongoing partnerships with various arts organizations from accross the country which provides us with support.
CultureBrew.ArtCultureBrew.ArtBuilt on Drupal, CultureBrew.Art is structured as two portals: the Artist Portal, through which BIPOC artists register as members and create a profile for a nominal annual fee; and the Engager Portal, through which anyone wishing to find BIPOC artists may subscribe to directly access the database of BIPOC artists, and post opportunities.

Dedicated to the privacy and security of all users; all data securely hosted on servers located in Canada with CanTrust Hosting Co-operative.
Visceral Visions, a Vancouver-based BC-registered non-profit arts society founded by multidisciplinary artist Valerie Sing Turner in 2003, with a mandate to champion Indigenous and racialized artists in Canada. CultureBrew.Art is led by Co-Directors Valerie Sing Turner and Anju Singh. www.VisceralVisions.comLarisacommunications@culturebrew.artA community-driven initiative in development since 2015, CultureBrew.Art is a digital platform that features a national searchable database of Indigenous and racialized artists who work in the literary, performing, and media arts, to which engagers (employers) may access as subscribers. Created by racialized artists for BIPOC artists, CultureBrew.Art was conceived to disrupt systemic racism in the arts sector and beyond. Intentionally intersectional and intercultural, CultureBrew.Art seeks to build community through connection, collaboration, and creativity. | Artist Portal, through which BIPOC artists set up their profiles |
- a private and secure internal messaging system, through which BIPOC artists may contact and connect with each other
- Opportunity Feature, through which engagers/employers submit calls to artists, job positions, funding and award notices, and professional development opportunities |
- Engager Portal, which empowers subscribers with advanced artist database search, unlimited opportunity postings, and ability to contact BIPOC artists directly in the database |
- Commitment to accessibility: ongoing work to make platform as accessible as possible for those with visual impairments and those using assistive tools, as well as bursaries available upon request for BIPOC artists facing financial barriers to access

Artist Portal launched September 2019; Engager Portal officially launched November 2022.

Ongoing development of new digital tools, features, privacy and security upgrades; anticipate release of upgrades to Artist Portal to serve BIPOC visual artists by end of 2023
Major funders include Canada Council for the Arts, Vancouver Foundation, Canadian Heritage, City of Vancouver, BC Arts Council |
DNA - Data Narratives for the Arts - Arts Data PlatformComing soon
Tableau including 4000+ charitalbe arts organizations financial and organizational data
Mass CultureRobin Sokoloskirobin@massculture.caAn unparalleled national resource of financial and operational data from 4000+ charitable arts organizations - different filters to search an aggregate of 4000+ charitable arts organizations' financial data. Also includes a scatter plot, map, and compensation trends. First iteration completeHeritage, Canada Council for the Arts, Azrieli Foundation, Metcalf Foundation, Ontario Trillium Foundation, City of Toronto, Calgary Arts Development, Toronto Arts Council
Wikidata base part of the Wikimedia movement. Open, RDF-based, collaborative.Wikimedia Foundation (CAPACOA is leading a community of performing arts users and providing training)Frédéric Julienfrederic.julien@capacoa.caCAPACOA has enabled several batch uploads of performing arts data to Wikidata and we are now using this data to populate our own member directory. We see Wikidata as complementary to the Artsdata knowledge graph (descibed above).Database of everthing in the universe. Open: anyone can edit, anyone can use. Multi-lingual by design. SPARQL query language. Interconnected with Wikipedias. The Wikidata ID is a good bridge identifier (it enables reconciliation of data points from multiple sources).In production (data production and data consumption) since July 2022The knowledge base itself is funded by the Wikimedia Foundation. CAPACOA's work in Wikidata has been supported by the Government of Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Wikimedia Foundation.More than 13,200 Canadian performing arts entities (persons, organizations, venues) are described in Wikidata as of March 2022.
Wikimedia Commons repository part of the Wikimedia movement. Open (Creative Commons), collaborative, supported by RDF-based structured data. Wikimedia Foundation (CAPACOA is providing training)Frédéric Julienfrederic.julien@capacoa.caCAPACOA is encouraging the use of Wiki Commons to optimize performing arts photos for discoverability and reuse. We are providing occasional training sessions (upon demand) and are developing resources.Stores mostly image files. Open: anyone can edit, anyone can use. Multi-lingual by design. Interconnected with Wikidata and other Wikimedia projects. Very powerful to boost the digital discoverability of a photo thanks to text and rdf-based metadata.In progressCAPACOA is applying part of its funding for Wikidata to also support Wikimedia Commons.Very little adoption in the performing arts sector so far. Sample file page:
Home - BIPOC Voices (
Repertoire for solo voice and instruments by composers who are Black, Indigenous, or People of ColourRich
Access CopyrightPlatform to manage copyright of visual arts worksRoanie Levy
Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance directory database and directory.Jensen Group with guidance from CAPACOA's Linked Digital Future InitiativeCynthia Lickers-Sagecynthia@ipaa.caMembership directory with open data features.Member form seeking consent for release of information as open data.
Data is published on the front-facing website as JSON-LD.
Data model mapped to Wikidata.
Integrates the Artsdata ID and the Wikidata ID.
In production since February 2022.
First data extraction in August 2022.
Latest updates to the JSON-LD implemented in July 2023.
CAPACOA with funding from the Canada Cultural Investment Fund and the Digital Strategy Fund.
LIVE Performing Arts Directory database and member directory powered by open data.Ryan Hutchinson, Culture Creates and CAPACOA's Linked Digital Future teamFrédéric Julienfrederic.julien@capacoa.caMembership directory entirely powered by open data.Member form seeking consent for release of information as open data.
Member data is extracted and loaded to Artsdata.
Venue data is populated in Wikidata and loaded to Artsdata.
WP plugin uses shortcodes to display the data on CAPACOA's website.
In production since July 2022.
Latest updates to the JSON-LD implemented in July 2023.
CAPACOA with funding from the Canada Cultural Investment Fund and the Digital Strategy Fund.More information.