Programme Information & PLOs
Title of the new programme – including any year abroad/ in industry variants
BSc (Hons) Physics F300 (3 year)
MPhys Physics F303 (4 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics F3F5 (3 year)
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics F3FN ( 4 year)

BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics F345 (3 year)
MPhys Theoretical Physics F346 (4 year)

The above programmes augmented with a Year Abroad.
BSc (Hons) Physics with Year Abroad F302 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Year Abroad F305 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics with Year Abroad F3F7 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics with Year Abroad F3F8 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics with Year Abroad F347 (4 year)
MPhys Theoretical Physics with Year Abroad F348 (5 year)

The programmes augmented with a Year in Industry.
BSc (Hons) Physics with Year in Industry F301 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Year in Industry F306 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics with Year in Industry F3F6 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics with Year in Industry F3F9 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics with Year in Industry F344 (4 year)
MPhys Theoretical Physics with Year in Industry F349 (5 year)

Programmes with different entry routes.
BSc (Hons) Physics with a Foundation Year F302 (4 year)
BSc (Hons) Physics via OpenPlus n/a (2 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics F300 (3 year)
MPhys Physics F303 (4 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics F3F5 (3 year)
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics F3FN ( 4 year)

BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics F345 (3 year)
MPhys Theoretical Physics F346 (4 year)

The above programmes augmented with a Year Abroad.
BSc (Hons) Physics with Year Abroad F302 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Year Abroad F305 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics with Year Abroad F3F7 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics with Year Abroad F3F8 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics with Year Abroad F347 (4 year)
MPhys Theoretical Physics with Year Abroad F348 (5 year)

The programmes augmented with a Year in Industry.
BSc (Hons) Physics with Year in Industry F301 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Year in Industry F306 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics with Year in Industry F3F6 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics with Year in Industry F3F9 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics with Year in Industry F344 (4 year)
MPhys Theoretical Physics with Year in Industry F349 (5 year)

Programmes with different entry routes.
BSc (Hons) Physics with a Foundation Year F302 (4 year)
BSc (Hons) Physics via OpenPlus n/a (2 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics F300 (3 year)
MPhys Physics F303 (4 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics F3F5 (3 year)
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics F3FN ( 4 year)

BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics F345 (3 year)
MPhys Theoretical Physics F346 (4 year)

The above programmes augmented with a Year Abroad.
BSc (Hons) Physics with Year Abroad F302 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Year Abroad F305 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics with Year Abroad F3F7 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics with Year Abroad F3F8 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics with Year Abroad F347 (4 year)
MPhys Theoretical Physics with Year Abroad F348 (5 year)

The programmes augmented with a Year in Industry.
BSc (Hons) Physics with Year in Industry F301 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Year in Industry F306 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics with Year in Industry F3F6 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics with Year in Industry F3F9 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics with Year in Industry F344 (4 year)
MPhys Theoretical Physics with Year in Industry F349 (5 year)

Programmes with different entry routes.
BSc (Hons) Physics with a Foundation Year F302 (4 year)
BSc (Hons) Physics via OpenPlus n/a (2 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics F300 (3 year)
MPhys Physics F303 (4 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics F3F5 (3 year)
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics F3FN ( 4 year)

BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics F345 (3 year)
MPhys Theoretical Physics F346 (4 year)

The above programmes augmented with a Year Abroad.
BSc (Hons) Physics with Year Abroad F302 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Year Abroad F305 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics with Year Abroad F3F7 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics with Year Abroad F3F8 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics with Year Abroad F347 (4 year)
MPhys Theoretical Physics with Year Abroad F348 (5 year)

The programmes augmented with a Year in Industry.
BSc (Hons) Physics with Year in Industry F301 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Year in Industry F306 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics with Year in Industry F3F6 (4 year)
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics with Year in Industry F3F9 (5 year)

BSc (Hons) Theoretical Physics with Year in Industry F344 (4 year)
MPhys Theoretical Physics with Year in Industry F349 (5 year)

Programmes with different entry routes.
BSc (Hons) Physics with a Foundation Year F302 (4 year)
BSc (Hons) Physics via OpenPlus n/a (2 year)

Year Abroad
Please select Y/N
Where more than one department is involved, indicate the lead department
Lead Department Physics
Other contributing Departments:
4. Programme Leader
Charles Barton
Purpose and learning outcomes of the programme
Statement of purpose for applicants to the programme
By studying Physics at York, you will join an ambitious and inclusive department that will challenge your understanding of physics and support your desire to explore the fundamental building blocks of the universe and technological society. You will have access to world-leading experts and cutting-edge equipment to support your quest for understanding. By completing your chosen programme, you will learn to appreciate the intellectual beauty, societal purpose, and wider applications of physics and become inspired for a lifetime of learning and exploration. You will become a true physicist.

The project provides opportunities for you to develop strong practical, organisational and communication skills and provides you with all the abilities and approaches you will need for
future careers.
Our research continually evolves and spans topics of
astonishing diversity such as:
• the
magnetisation of the universe,
• the pursuit of
fusion as an energy source,
• the design of
smart materials and devices,
• being able to communicate
• understanding how
biological systems interact
• unveiling the intricacies of the
sub-nuclear world.

All of our undergraduate degrees are accredited by the
Institute of Physics.
The MPhys programmes meet all educational requirements for
Chartered Physicist status.

• Our
Physics programmes provide a balanced all-round physics education emphasising and instructing in the three methodologies of physics; experiment, theory and computation.

• The
Physics with Astrophysics programmes also draw on these three methodologies whilst highlighting the importance of observation techniques and the use of core physics to solve astrophysics puzzles.

• The
Theoretical Physics programmes develop advanced mathematical approaches to problem solving and highlight the use of computational modelling.
Programme Learning Outcomes
PLOOn successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:
1-MPhysApply independent learning strategies that incorporate core and advanced physics, mathematics and/or computational knowledge, techniques and understanding to synthesise and evaluate physical world problems.
1-BSCApply to assess and evaluate problems, providing solutions through the application of physics and mathematics knowledge and techniques.
2-MPhysPlan and execute extended or complex scientific investigation using the principles of physics in investigating a hypothesis, and interpret outcomes.
2-BScConstruct and execute a scientific investigation using the principles of physics in investigating a hypothesis, and interpret outcomes.
3-MPhysWork independently and within a research team and apply group-specific research methodologies, including objective analysis and constructive criticism of research level literature, to extended or complex open-ended problems.
Communicate the integration and inter-relation of core physics, present sophisticated concepts and defend outcomes of physical studies succinctly in both written and oral formats to audiences in a logical way.
4-MPhysCommunicate succinctly to the general public and professional physicists through accurate and precise scientific record keeping, scientific report writing and presentations.
Interact and collaborate effectively within groups applying core physics themes and concepts to open-ended problems.
Select and apply sophisticated digital tools for in-depth scientific investigation and in wider societal applications.
5-BScUse of appropriate digital technologies in data handling and understand the wider applications of these techniques in quantitative science.
6-MPhys (Ph)Use sophisticated experimental design measurement and/or analysis methods to evaluate a physics model or theory whilst appraising the accuracy, correctness and limitations of the approach
6-BSc (Ph)Discriminate between modern experimental and measurement methods and the limitations imposed by assessment of systematic and random errors in the experimental design and execution.
6-MPhys (AP)Evaluate the use of mathematical, observational and/or experimental and/or computational techniques as applied in astrophysics within an extended line of investigation, assessing the limitations of the methodology.

6-BSc (AP)
Discriminate between modern astrophysics methods and articulate limitations imposed on understanding by assessing systematic and random errors in the interpretation of results.
6-MPhys (TP)
Design and successfully code computer simulations based on advanced computational and theoretical models to evaluate complex physical systems, addressing the accuracy, correctness and limitations of the simulation model.
6-BSc (TP)Integrate a range of analytical, computational methods and the appropriate methodology to construct models of physical phenomena.
Programme Learning Outcome for year in industry (where applicable)
For programmes which lead to the title ‘with a Year in Industry’ – typically involving an additional year – please provide either a) amended versions of some (at least one, but not necessarily all) of the standard PLOs listed above, showing how these are changed and enhanced by the additional year in industry b) an additional PLO, if and only if it is not possible to capture a key ability developed by the year in industry by alteration of the standard PLOs.
All our single subject programmes have a Year in Industry equivalent:

Articulate how a physics-trained individual and physics approaches can contribute to successful industrial, commercial and/or non-academic environments.
Programme Learning Outcome for year abroad programmes (where applicable)
For programmes which lead to the title ‘with a Year Abroad’ – typically involving an additional year – please provide either a) amended versions of some (at least one, but not necessarily all) of the standard PLOs listed above, showing how these are changed and enhanced by the additional year abroad or b) an additional PLO, if and only if it is not possible to capture a key ability developed by the year abroad by alteration of the standard PLOs.
All our BSc programmes (single and joint subject) and MPhys single subject programmes have a Year in Abroad equivalent:

Be inspired by and articulate the advantages of successfully study in a non-UK academic environment and how this broadens your perspective and develop adaptability, flexibility, resilience and drive.
Explanation of the choice of Programme Learning Outcomes
Please explain your rationale for choosing these PLOs in a statement that can be used for students (such as in a student handbook). Please include brief reference to:
i) Why the PLOs are considered ambitious or stretching?
The PLOs are far reaching and encompass the key competencies expected of a physicist. The PLOs are forward looking, drawing on the education and learning opportunities provided within the Physics, Physics with Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics BSc and MPhys degree programmes whilst highlighting the competencies a York student should aspire to attain by the time they graduate. The MPhys PLOs naturally follow from the BSc PLOs and show how a fourth year of study enhances a student’s education and justifies the award of an Integrated Master's degree.
ii) The ways in which these outcomes are distinctive or particularly advantageous to the student:
Each PLO is distinct from each other and draws on the learning opportunities provided across many modules. Modules often use a common set of skills (e.g. algebraic, numerical, computational techniques for example) to address problems in specific topics. Seeing similar techniques in different contexts strengthens a student’s knowledge of the technique, showing the power of the approach and its adaptability to many situations. The PLOs are clearly characteristics a Physicist should have and are distinct from the characteristics of students from other disciplines.
iii) How the programme learning outcomes develop students’ digital literacy and will make appropriate use of technology-enhanced learning (such as lecture recordings, online resources, simulations, online assessment, ‘flipped classrooms’ etc)?
Physics (and its variants: Physics with Astrophysics, Theoretical Physics) is a highly 'digitally enabling' subject. The use of computing threads the degree at all levels encompassing programming (e.g. Python), instrument control (e.g. LabVIEW), digital measurement, data analysis (e.g. Origin, Excel) as well as report writing (e.g. Word, LaTeX) and presentations (e.g. PowerPoint, PDF). All our modules utilise the VLE (Yorkshare) with some modules using electronic question banks and videoed tutorials. All modules are 'opt-out' for audio-projector-capture using the Replay system. Where the equipment exists, the Department uses video capture to augment the audio-projector-capture systems to record blackboard and overhead projector work. The Department uses Mastering Physics in Stage 1 modules - this a commercial electronic resource and question bank associated with the recommended Stage 1 physics textbook.
iv) How the PLOs support and enhance the students’ employability (for example, opportunities for students to apply their learning in a real world setting)?
The programme's employablity objectives should be informed by the University's Employability Strategy:
The PLOs have graduate characteristics at their heart, and reflect what a graduate might state to an employer. The PLOs demand that a student question, assess and construct solutions to problems through both independent and collaborative working and communicate the outcomes effectively. The PLOs highlight the need to establish effect competencies, e.g. intellectual, practical and transferable tools sets, to enable this. These competencies are particularly important and applied in a real world setting during the projects.
vi) How will students who need additional support for academic and transferable skills be identified and supported by the Department?
Students generally self-identify themselves either at the UCAS application stage or on first arrival. Supervisors during the first meeting with their new supervisees ask whether they wish to declare a disability. These students are asked to contact Disability Services at the Student Hub. Reports from disability services are considered by our Disability Officer (currently the Student Administration Manager) with support from the sciences Disability Advisor and Chair of the Board of Studies. Information is shared with the supervisor, Year Tutors, Laboratory Coordinators and other staff as needed.
vii) How is teaching informed and led by research in the department/ centre/ University?
All taught materials in the single subject degrees (Physics, Physics with Astrophysics, Theoretical Physics), joint subject degrees (Maths and Physics, Physics with Philosophy), and Natural Sciences (pathways Biology-Chemistry-Physics, Biophysics Science, Chemistry-Maths-Physics, Maths-Philosophy-Physics, Nanoscience) align the early stages of each programme to the Institute of Physics core material, ensuring that this delivers to all students the necessary prerequisites to study in-depth modules at Stage 4. These in-depth Stage 4 modules are inspired by and/or centred on the research interests of our academic staff. This design ensures that by the end of Stage 3 all students are exposed to the key ideas of each of our research groups. Further, the Department continually refreshes its teaching laboratories to ensure a modern laboratory (experimental, astrophysics or computational) experience that enhances the taught parts of the programme. We ensure each student undertakes a significant final year project. These projects are designed to strech students, requiring them to draw on and apply the breadth of training provided throughout their programme. They also expose many (particularly in Stage 4) to the research methodologies of specific disciplines within the physics department and beyond.
Stage-level progression
Please complete the table below, to summarise students’ progressive development towards the achievement of PLOs, in terms of the characteristics that you expect students to demonstrate at the end of each year. This summary may be particularly helpful to students and the programme team where there is a high proportion of option modules.

Note: it is not expected that a position statement is written for each PLO, but this can be done if preferred (please add information in the 'individual statement' boxes). For a statement that applies across all PLOs in the stage fill in the 'Global statement' box.
Stage 1
On progression from the first year (Stage 1), students will be able to:
During Stage 1: Develop learning strategies: through acquiring core physics and mathematics knowledge and techniques. Have the ability to combine physics and mathematics and apply these to problem solving, experiments and computational tasks.
Will have prepared the necessary and basic physics skills sets needed to begin to establish independent learning skills during Stage 2.
Individual statements
Stage 2
On progression from the second year (Stage 2), students will be able to:During Stage 2: Establish independence skills: deepen core physics knowledge and mathematical approaches to solve more extended problems. Refine and add conceptual understanding to the core physics introduced at Stage 1. Extend experience in experimentation and computation and develop the ability to manage workloads.
Use a solid independent learning skill set needed to address the ideas presented at Stage 3 and to effectively run and complete projects or advanced laboratories at Stage 3.
Individual statements
Stage 3
(For Integrated Masters) On progression from the third year (Stage 3), students will be able to:During Stage 3: Effective self-sufficient learners: through the application of core knowledge and techniques to problem solving and interpreting new situations. Have experience in workload planning to enable effective attempts at open-ended or extended investigations (projects or advanced labs).
Meet the BSc PLOs for the appropriate programme.
Apply to assess and evaluate problems, providing solutions through the application of physics and mathematics knowledge and techniques.Construct and execute a scientific investigation using the principles of physics in investigating a hypothesis, and interpret outcomes.Communicate the integration and inter-relation of core physics, present sophisticated concepts and defend outcomes of physical studies succinctly in both written and oral formats to audiences in a logical way.Interact and collaborate effectively within groups applying core physics themes and concepts to open-ended problems.Use of appropriate digital technologies in data handling and understand the wider applications of these techniques in quantitative science.Discriminate between modern experimental and measurement methods and the limitations imposed by assessment of systematic and random errors in the experimental design and execution.Discriminate between modern astrophysics methods and articulate limitations imposed on understanding by assessing systematic and random errors in the interpretation of results.Integrate a range of analytical, computational methods and the appropriate methodology to construct models of physical phenomena.
Programme Structure
Module Structure and Summative Assessment Map
Please complete the summary table below which shows the module structure and the pattern of summative assessment through the programme.

‘Option module’ can be used in place of a specific named option. If the programme requires students to select option modules from specific lists these lists should be provided in the next section.

From the drop-down select 'S' to indicate the start of the module, 'A' to indicate the timing of each distinct summative assessment point (eg. essay submission/ exam), and 'E' to indicate the end of the module (if the end of the module coincides with the summative assessment select 'EA') . It is not expected that each summative task will be listed where an overall module might be assessed cumulatively (for example weekly problem sheets).

If summative assessment by exams will be scheduled in the summer Common Assessment period (weeks 5-7) a single ‘A’ can be used within the shaded cells as it is understood that you will not know in which week of the CAP the examination will take place.
Stage 1
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
20PHY00020CElectromagnetism, Waves and OpticsSAEA
20PHY00022CIntroduction to Thermal and Quantum PhysicsSAAAEAA
20PHY00023CMapping the Universe with Professional SkillsSAAAAAEA
20PHY00024CMathematical Modelling with Professional skillsSAAAAAEA
20PHY00005CMathematics ISAAAAE
20PHY00021CNewtonian and Relativistic MechanicsSAEAA
20PHY00012CExperimental Laboratory ISAEA
20PHY00013CExperimental Laboratory for Astrophysics ISAEA
20PHY00014CLaboratory for Theoretical PhysicsSAEA
Stage 2
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
20PHY00028IAstrophysical Technologies, Planetary Science with Professional SkillsSAAAAAAAEA
20PHY00008IComputational and Mathematical Techniques for Theoretical PhysicsSAEA
20PHY00011IComputational Laboratory SAEA
20PHY00002IElectromagnetism and OpticsSAEA
20PHY00009IExperimental Laboratory IISAAE
20PHY00010IExperimental Laboratory for Astrophysics IISAAE
20PHY00029IExperimental Techniques with Professional SkillsSAAAAAAAEA
20PHY00030IMathematics IISAAAEA
20PHY00032IQuantum Physics IISAAAEA
20PHY00031IThermodynamics and Solid State ISAAAEA
Stage 3
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
20PHY00029HAdvanced Computational LaboratorySAEA
20PHY00028HAdvanced Astrophysics LaboratorySAEA
20PHY00027HAdvanced Experimental LaboratorySAEA
10PHY00065HAtomic Physics and LasersSAEA
10PHY00054HModern OpticsSAEA
40PHY00052HBSc Astrophysics Project Incorporating Professional SkillsSAEA
40PHY00052HBSc Project Incorporating Professional SkillsSAEA