MDL ZorkFortran DungeonComment
There appears before you a threatening figure clad all over in heavy
black armor. His legs seem like the massive trunk of the oak tree.
His broad shoulders and helmeted head loom high over your own puny
frame and you realize that his powerful arms could easily crush the
very life from your body. There hangs from his belt a veritable
arsenal of deadly weapons: sword, mace, ball and chain, dagger,
lance, and trident. He speaks with a commanding voice:


As he grabs you by the neck all grows dim about you.
There appears before you a threatening figure clad all
over in heavy black armor. His legs seem like the massive
trunk of the oak tree. His broad shoulders and helmeted
head loom high over your own puny frame, and you realize
that his powerful arms could easily crush the very life
from your body. There hangs from his belt a veritable
arsenal of deadly weapons: sword, mace, ball and chain
dagger, lance, and trident. He speaks with a commanding

"You shall not pass."

As he grabs you by the neck all grows dim about you.
Suddenly a sinister, wraithlike figure appears before you
seeming to float in the air. In a low, sorrowful voice he
says, "Alas, the very nature of the world has changed, and
the dungeon cannot be found. All must now pass away."
Raising his oaken staff in farewell, he fades into the
spreading darkness. In his place appears a tastefully
lettered sign reading:


The darkness becomes all encompassing, and your vision fails.
Loading the game's data files failed.
You have been playing ZORK for ...You have been playing DUNGEON for ...
which will be cured after ...You will be cured after ...
This Zork created April 14, 2023.Welcome to Dungeon. This version created 1-Oct-94.
Revision history:

01-Oct-94 Bug fixes (V3.2A).
01-Feb-94 Portable VMS/UNIX version (V3.1A).
01-Jan-90 Portable version (V3.0A).
18-Oct-80 Revised DECUS version (V2.6A).
18-Jul-80 Transportable data base file (V2.5A).
28-Feb-80 Compressed text file (V2.4A).
15-Nov-79 Bug fixes (V2.3A).
18-Jan-79 Revised DECUS version (V2.2A).
10-Oct-78 Puzzle Room (V2.1A).
10-Sep-78 Endgame (V2.0A).
10-Aug-78 DECUS version (V1.1B).
14-Jun-78 Public version with parser (V1.1A).
04-Mar-78 Debugging version (V1.0A).
Response to the "HISTORY" command.
The instructions are too lengthy to reproduce here. Suffice it to say that they're not identical.
Welcome to Zork

You are near a large underground labyrinth, which is reputed to
contain vast quantities of treasure. Naturally, you wish to acquire
some of it. In order to do so, you must of course remove it from the
caverns; to receive full credit for it, you must deposit it safely in
the trophy case in the living room.

In addition to valuables, the cave contains various objects which
may or may not be useful in your attempt to get rich; you may need
sources of light, since caves are often dark, and weapons, since
dungeons often have unfriendly things wandering about. Reading material
is scattered around as well; some of it is rumoured to be useful.

To determine how successful you have been, there is a score kept.
When you find a valuable object (i.e., pick it up), you receive a
certain number of points, which depends on the difficulty of finding
it. You receive extra points for transporting the treasure safely to
the living room, and placing it in the trophy case. In addition,
some particularly interesting rooms have a value associated with
your entering them. The only penalty is for getting yourself killed,
which you may do only twice.

Of special note is a thief (always carrying a large bag) who likes
to wander around underground (he has never been seen by the light of
day). He likes to take things; since he steals for pleasure rather than
profit, and is sadistic, he only takes things which you have seen.
Although he prefers valuables, sometimes in his haste he may take
something which is worthless; from time to time, he examines his take
and discards objects which he doesn't like. He may occasionally stop in
a room you are visiting, but more often he just wanders through and rips
you off (he is a skilled pickpocket).

Have Fun
Welcome to Dungeon!

You are near a large dungeon, which is reputed to contain vast
quantities of treasure. Naturally, you wish to acquire some of it.
In order to do so, you must of course remove it from the dungeon. To
receive full credit for it, you must deposit it safely in the trophy
case in the living room of the house.

In addition to valuables, the dungeon contains various objects
which may or may not be useful in your attempt to get rich. You may
need sources of light, since dungeons are often dark, and weapons,
since dungeons often have unfriendly things wandering about. Reading
material is scattered around the dungeon as well; some of it
is rumored to be useful.

To determine how successful you have been, a score is kept.
When you find a valuable object and pick it up, you receive a
certain number of points, which depends on the difficulty of finding
the object. You receive extra points for transporting the treasure
safely to the living room and placing it in the trophy case. In
addition, some particularly interesting rooms have a value associated
with visiting them. The only penalty is for getting yourself killed,
which you may do only twice.

Of special note is a thief (always carrying a large bag) who likes
to wander around in the dungeon (he has never been seen by the light
of day). He likes to take things. Since he steals for pleasure
rather than profit and is somewhat sadistic, he only takes things which
you have seen. Although he prefers valuables, sometimes in his haste
he may take something which is worthless. From time to time, he examines
his take and discards objects which he doesn't like. He may occas-
ionally stop in a room you are visiting, but more often he just wanders
through and rips you off (he is a skilled pickpocket).
Please answer the question.
You clearly are a suicidal maniac. We don't allow psychotics in the
cave, since they may harm other adventurers. Your remains will be
installed in the Land of the Living Dead, where your fellow
adventurers may gloat over them.
You clearly are a suicidal maniac. We don't allow psychotics in the
dungeon, since they may harm other adventurers. Your remains will be
installed in the Land of the Living Dead, where your fellow adventurers
may gloat over them.
As you take your last breath, you feel relieved of your burdens. The
feeling passes as you find yourself before the gates of Hell, where
the spirits jeer at you and deny you entry. Your senses are
disturbed. The objects in the dungeon appear indistinct, bleached of
color, even unreal.
As you take your last breath, you feel relieved of your burdens. The
feeling passes as you find yourself before the gates of Hell, where
the spirits jeer at you and deny you entry. Your senses are disturbed.
The objects in the dungeon appear indistinct, bleached of color, even
From the distance the sound of a lone trumpet is heard. The room
becomes very bright and you feel disembodied. In a moment, the
brightness fades and you find yourself rising as if from a long
sleep, deep in the woods. In the distance you can faintly hear a
song bird and the sounds of the forest.
From the distance the sound of a lone trumpet is heard. The room
becomes very bright, and you feel disembodied. In a moment, the
brightness fades, and you find yourself rising, as if from a long
sleep, deep in the woods. In the distance you can faintly hear a
song bird and the sounds of the forest.
You are behind the white house. In one corner of the house there
is a small window which is [open|slightly ajar].
You are behind the white house. In one corner of the house
there is a small window which is [open|slightly ajar].
You are in the kitchen of the white house. A table seems to have
been used recently for the preparation of food. A passage leads to
the west and a dark staircase can be seen leading upward. To the
east is a small window which is [open|slightly ajar].
This is the kitchen of the white house. A table seems to have been
used recently for the preparation of food. A passage leads to the
west, and a dark staircase can be seen leading upward. To the east
is a small window which is [open|slightly ajar].
You are in the living room. There is a door to the east, a wooden
door with strange gothic lettering to the west, which appears to be
nailed shut,
This is the living room. There is a door to the east. To the west
is a wooden door with strange gothic lettering
, which appears to be
nailed shut.
You are in the living room. There is a door to the east. To the
west is a cyclops-shaped hole in an old wooden door, above which is
some strange gothic lettering
This is the living room. There is a door to the east. To the west
is a cyclops-shaped hole in an old wooden door, above which is some
strange gothic lettering.
and a large oriental rug in the center of the room.In the center of the room is a large oriental rug.
and a closed trap-door at your feet.In the center of the room is a closed trap door.
and an open trap-door at your feet.In the center of the room is an open trap door.
and a rug lying beside an open trap-door.There is a rug lying next to an open trap door.
You are in a dark and damp cellar with a narrow passageway leading
east, and a crawlway to the south. On the west is the bottom of a
steep metal ramp which is unclimbable.
This is a dark and damp cellar with a narrow passageway leading
east, and a crawlway to the south. To the west is the bottom of
a steep metal ramp which is unclimbable.
The trap door crashes shut, and you hear someone barring it.The door crashes shut, and you hear someone barring it.
You are in a small room near the maze. There are twisty passages
in the immediate vicinity.
This is a small room near the maze. There are twisty
passages in the immediate vicinity.
You are in a clearing, with a forest surrounding you on the west
and south.
This is a clearing, with a forest surrounding you on the west
and south.
There is an open grating, descending into darkness.There is an open grating descending into darkness.
You are in a long room on the south shore of a large reservoir.This is a long room on the south shore of a large reservoir.
You are in a long room, to the north of which was formerly a reservoir.
However, with the water level lowered, there is merely a wide stream
running through the center of the room.
This is a long room, to the north of which was formerly a reservoir.
However, with the water level lowered, there is merely a wide stream
running through the center of the room.
You are on the reservoir. Beaches can be seen north and south.
Upstream a small stream enters the reservoir through a narrow cleft
in the rocks. The dam can be seen downstream.
You are on the reservoir. Beaches can be seen north and south.
Upstream a small stream enters the reservoir through a narrow
cleft in the rocks. The dam can be seen downstream.
You are on what used to be a large reservoir, but which is now a large
mud pile. There are 'shores' to the north and south.
You are on what used to be a large reservoir, but which is now a
large mud pile. There are "shores" to the north and south.
You are in a large cavernous room, north of a large reservoir.This is a large cavernous room, north of a large reservoir.
You are in a large cavernous room, the south of which was formerly
a reservoir.
However, with the water level lowered, there is merely a wide stream
running through the center of the room.
This is a large cavernous room, to the south of which was formerly
a reservoir. However, with the water level lowered, there is merely
a wide stream running through the center of the room.
This is a large room, with giant icicles hanging from the walls
and ceiling. There are passages to the north and east.
This is a large room with giant icicles hanging from the walls
and ceiling. There are passages to the north and east.
You are in a large square room with tall ceilings. On the south wall
is an enormous mirror which fills the entire wall. There are exits
on the other three sides of the room.
This is a large square room with tall ceilings. On the south wall
is an enormous mirror which fills the entire wall. There are exits
on the other three sides of the room.
This is a large room which seems to be air-conditioned. In one
corner there is a machine (?) which is shaped somewhat like a clothes
dryer. On the 'panel' there is a switch which is labelled in a
dialect of Swahili. Fortunately, I know this dialect and the label
translates to START. The switch does not appear to be manipulable by
any human hand (unless the fingers are about 1/16 by 1/4 inch). On
the front of the machine is a large lid, which is [open|closed].
This is a large room which seems to be air conditioned. In one
corner there is a machine (?) which is shaped somewhat like a clothes
dryer. On the "panel" there is a switch which is labeled in an
obscure dialect of Swahili. Fortunately, I know this dialect, and
the label translates to START. The switch does not appear to be
manipulable by any human hand (unless the fingers are about 1/16 by
1/4 inch). On the front of the machine is a large lid, which is [open|closed].
The cave is very windy at the moment and your candles have blown out.The cave is very windy at the moment, and your candles have blown out.
You are in a small room which has only one door, to the east.This is a small room that has only one door, to the east.
A deranged giant vampire bat (a reject from WUMPUS) swoops down
from his belfry and lifts you away....
A deranged giant vampire bat (a reject from WUMPUS) swoops down
from his belfry and lifts you away...
You are at the periphery of a large dome, which forms the ceiling
of another room below. Protecting you from a precipitous drop is a
wooden railing which circles the dome.
This is the periphery of a large dome, which forms the ceiling of
another room below. Protecting you from a precipitous drop is a
wooden railing which circles the dome.
This is a large room with a prominent doorway leading to a down
staircase. To the west is a narrow twisting tunnel, covered with
a thin layer of dust. Above you is a large dome painted with scenes
depicting elfin hacking rites. Up around the edge of the dome
(20 feet up) is a wooden railing. In the center of the room there
is a white marble pedestal.
This is a large room with a prominent doorway leading to a down
staircase. To the west is a narrow twisting tunnel, covered with
a thin layer of dust. Above you is a large dome painted with scenes
depicting elfin hacking rites. Up around the edge of the dome (20
feet up) is a wooden railing. In the center of the room there is
a white marble pedestal.
You are in a circular room with passages off in eight directions.This is a circular room with passages off in eight directions.
Your compass needle spins wildly, and you can't get your bearings.Your compass needle spins wildly, and you cannot get your bearings.
You are outside a large gateway, on which is inscribed
"Abandon every hope, all ye who enter here."
The gate is open; through it you can see a desolation, with a pile of
mangled corpses in one corner. Thousands of voices, lamenting some
hideous fate, can be heard.
You are outside a large gateway, on which is inscribed:

"Abandon every hope, all ye who enter here."

The gate is open. Through it you can see a desolation, with a pile of
mangled corpses in one corner. Thousands of voices, lamenting some
hideous fate, can be heard.
There is a clap of thunder, and a voice echoes through the
cavern: "Begone, chomper!" Apparently, the voice thinks you
are an evil spirit, and dismisses you from the realm of the living.
There is a clap of thunder, and a voice echoes through the
cavern: "Begone, chomper!" Apparently, the voice thinks you
are an evil spirit and dismisses you from the land of the living.
Each word of the prayer reverberates through the hall in a deafening
confusion. As the last word fades, a voice, loud and commanding,
speaks: 'Begone, fiends!'. A heart-stopping scream fills the cavern,
and the spirits, sensing a greater power, flee through the walls.
Each word of the prayer reverberates through the hall in a deafening
confusion. As the last word fades, a voice, loud and commanding,
speaks: "Begone, fiends!" A heart-stopping scream fills the cavern,
and the spirits, sensing a greater power, flee through the walls.
You have entered the Land of the Living Dead, a large desolate room.
Although it is apparently uninhabited, you can hear the sounds of
thousands of lost souls weeping and moaning. In the east corner are
stacked the remains of dozens of previous adventurers who were less
fortunate than yourself. To the east is an ornate passage,
apparently recently constructed. A passage exits to the west.
You have entered the Land of the Living Dead, a large desolate room.
Although it is apparently uninhabited, you can hear the sounds of
thousands of lost souls weeping and moaning. In the east corner are
stacked the remains of dozens of previous adventurers who were less
fortunate than yourself. To the east is an ornate passage, apparently
recently constructed. A passage exits to the west.
Amid the desolation, you spot what appears to be your head,
at the end of a long pole.
Amid the desolation, you spot what appears to be your head,
tastefully impaled on the end of a long pole.
You are standing on the top of the Flood Control Dam #3, which was
quite a tourist attraction in times far distant. There are paths to
the north, south, east, and down.
You are standing on the top of Flood Control Dam #3, which was
quite a tourist attraction in times far distant. There are paths
to the north, south, east, and down.
The sluice gates on the dam are closed. Behind the dam, there can be
seen a wide lake. A small stream is formed by the runoff from the
The sluice gates on the dam are closed. Behind the dam, there can
be seen a wide lake. A small stream is formed by the runoff from
the lake.
It appears that the dam has been opened since the water level behind
it is low and the sluice gate has been opened. Water is rushing
downstream through the gates.
It appears that the dam has been opened, since the water level behind
the dam is low, and the sluice gate is open. Water is rushing down-
stream through the gates.
The water level here is now The water level is now
Unfortunately, a rubber raft doesn't provide much protection from
the unfriendly sorts of rocks and boulders one meets at the bottom of
many waterfalls. Including this one.
Unfortunately, a rubber raft doesn't provide much protection from
the unfriendly sorts of rocks and boulders one meets at the bottom
of many waterfalls. Including this one.
You can see a small statue here in the sand.You can see a small statue in the sand.
There is nothing to dig into here.
According to Prof. TAA of MIT Tech, the rapidly changing magnetic
fields in the room are so intense as to fry all the delicate innards
of the robot. I really don't know, but in any event, smoke is coming
out of its ears and it has stopped moving.
According to Prof. TAA of MIT Tech, the rapidly changing magnetic
fields in the room are so intense as to fry all the delicate innards
of the robot. I really don't know, but in any event, smoke is coming
out of its ears, and it has stopped moving.
You are on a wide ledge high into the volcano. The rim of the
volcano is about 200 feet above and there is a precipitous drop below
to the bottom.
You are on a wide ledge high into the volcano. The rim of the
volcano is about 200 feet above, and there is a precipitous drop
below to the bottom.
You are in a dusty old room which is virtually featureless, except
for an exit on the north side.
This is a dusty old room which is virtually featureless, except
for an exit on the north side.
Imbedded in the far wall, there is a rusty old box. It appears that
the box is somewhat damaged, since an oblong hole has been chipped
out of the front of it.
Embedded in the far wall is a rusty old box. It appears that
the box is somewhat damaged, since an oblong hole has been
chipped out of the front of it.
The force of the explosion has caused the ledge to collapse
The force of the explosion has caused the ledge to collapse belatedly.
You may recall that recent explosion. Well, probably as a result of
that, you hear an ominous rumbling, as if one of the rooms in the
dungeon had collapsed.
You may recall your recent explosion. Well, probably as a result of
that, you hear an ominous rumbling, as if one of the rooms in the
dungeon has collapsed.
The room trembles and 50,000 pounds of rock fall on you, turning you
into a pancake.
The room trembles and 50,000 pounds of rock fall on you,
turning you into a pancake.
A volcano gnome seems to walk straight out of the wall and says
'I have a very busy appointment schedule and little time to waste on
tresspassers, but for a small fee, I'll show you the way out.' You
notice the gnome nervously glancing at his watch.
A volcano gnome seems to walk straight out of the wall and says,
"I have a very busy appointment schedule and little time to waste on
trespassers, but for a small fee, I'll show you the way out." You
notice that the gnome is nervously glancing at his watch.
Suddenly a sinister wraithlike figure, cloaked and hooded, appears
seeming to float in the air before you. In a low, almost inaudible
voice he says, "I welcome you to the ranks of the chosen of Zork. You
have persisted through many trials and tests, and have overcome them
all, dispelling the darkness of ignorance and danger. One such as
yourself is fit to join even the Implementers!" He then raises his
oaken staff, and chuckling, drifts away like a wisp of smoke, his
laughter fading in the distance.
Suddenly a sinister, wraithlike figure, cloaked and hooded, appears
seeming to float in the air before you. In a low, almost inaudible
voice he says, "I welcome you to the ranks of the chosen of Zork. You
have persisted through many trials and tests and have overcome them
all, dispelling the darkness of ignorance and danger. One such as
yourself is fit to join even the Implementers!" He then raises his
oaken staff and, chuckling, drifts away like a wisp of smoke, his
laughter fading in the distance.
Please forward problem reports and suggestions by Internet mail to
The slag turns out to be rather insubstantial, and crumbles into dust
at your touch. It must not have been very valuable.
The slag turns out to be rather insubstantial and crumbles into dust
at your touch. It must not have been very valuable.
The water splashes on the walls, and evaporates immediately.The water splashes on the walls and evaporates immediately.
The water spills to the floor and evaporates immediately.The water spills to the ground and evaporates immediately.
I see no objects here.
The lamp smashes into the ground and is ruined.
The rug is too heavy to lift, but in trying to take it you have
an irregularity beneath it.
The rug is too heavy to lift, but in trying to raise it you
notice an irregularity beneath it.
With a great effort, the rug is moved to one side of the room.
With the rug moved, the dusty cover of a closed trap-door appears.
With a great effort, the rug is moved to one side of the room.
With the rug moved, the dusty cover of a closed trap door appears.
Having moved the carpet previously, you find it impossible to move
it again.
Having moved the carpet previously, you find it impossible
to move it again.
Time passes...and you die from some obscure poisoning.Time passes... and you die from some obscure poisoning.
The gnome glances at his watch. 'Oops. I'm late for an
appointment!' He disappears, leaving you alone on the ledge.
The gnome glances at his watch. "Oops! I'm late for an
appointment." He disappears, leaving you alone on the ledge.
The candles grow shorter.The candles grow short.
The leaves burn and the neighbors start to complain.The leaves burn, and the neighbors start to complain.
A ghost appears in the room and is appalled at your having
the remains of a fellow adventurer. He casts a curse
on all of your valuables and orders them banished to the Land of
the Living Dead. The ghost leaves, muttering obscenities.
A ghost appears in the room and is appalled by your desecration
the remains of a fellow adventurer. He casts a curse on
all of your valuables and orders them banished to the Land of
the Living Dead. The ghost leaves, muttering obscenities.
There is a rumble from deep within the earth and the room shakes.There is a rumble from deep within the earth, and the room shakes.
The torch hits the glacier and explodes into a great ball of flame,
devouring the glacier. The water from the melting glacier rushes
downstream, carrying the torch with it. In the place of the glacier,
there is a passageway leading west.
The torch hits the glacier and explodes into a great ball of flame,
devouring the glacier. The water from the melting glacier rushes
downstream, carrying the torch with it. In place of the glacier,
there is a passageway leading west.
How can you attack a spirit with material objects?How can you affect a spirit with material objects?
The book is already open to page 569.The book is open to page 569.
A booming voice says 'Wrong, cretin!' and you notice that you have
turned into a pile of dust.
A booming voice says, "Wrong, cretin!", and you notice that you
have turned into a pile of dust.
The cyclops yawns and stares at the thing that woke him up.The cyclops yawns and stares at the thing that woke him.
The cyclops, tired of all of your games and trickery, eats you.
The cyclops says 'Mmm. Just like mom used to make 'em.'
The cyclops, tired of all your games and trickery, eats you.
The cyclops says, "Mmm mmm! Just like mom used to make 'em."
The cyclops says 'Mmm Mmm. I love hot peppers! But oh, could I use
a drink. Perhaps I could drink the blood of that thing'. From the
gleam in his eye, it could be surmised that you are 'that thing'.
The cyclops says, "Mmm mmm! I love hot peppers! But oh, could I use
a drink. Perhaps I could drink the blood of that thing." From the
gleam in his eye, it could be surmised that you are "that thing".
The cyclops apparently is not thirsty and refuses your generosity.The cyclops is apparently not thirsty and refuses your generosity.
The cyclops is not so stupid as to eat THAT!The cyclops is not so stupid as to eat that!
You have two choices: 1. Leave 2. Become dinner.You have two choices: 1. Leave 2. Become dinner.
Your actions don't appear to be doing much harm to the cyclops, but
they do not exactly lower your insurance premiums, either.
The sluice gates open and water pours through the dam.The sluice gates open, and water pours through the dam.
The sluice gates close and water starts to collect behind the dam.The sluice gates close, and water starts to collect behind the dam.
The grate is unlocked.The grating is unlocked.
The machine comes to life (figuratively) with a dazzling display of
colored lights and bizarre noises. After a few moments, the
excitement abates.
The machine comes to life (figuratively) with a dazzling display
of colored lights and bizarre noises. After a few moments, the
excitement fades.
The voice of the guardian of the dungeon booms out from the darkness
'Your disrespect costs you your life!' and places your head on a pole.
The voice of the guardian of the dungeon booms out from the darkness,
"Your disrespect costs you your life!" and places your head on a pole.
There is a rumbling sound and a stream of water appears to burst
from the east wall of the room (apparently, a leak has occurred in a
There is a rumbling sound, and a stream of water appears to burst
from the east wall of the room (apparently, a leak has occurred
in a pipe).
There is a hissing sound and the boat deflates.There is a hissing sound, and the boat deflates.
The rainbow seems to have become somewhat run-of-the-mill.The rainbow seems to have become somewhat run of the mill.
The structural integrity of the rainbow seems to have left it,
leaving you about 450 feet in the air, supported by water vapor.
The structural integrity of the rainbow seems to have declined
, leaving you about 450 feet in the air, supported
by water vapor.
The box is imbedded in the wall.The box is embedded in the wall.