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Risk (Probability)
ProjectShort-termMid-termLong-termNoteHardcapMarketcap nowSector Average
The Notes section is the most comfortable to read in the Fx line.
A very solid project. The only question is to lock the tokens for 1-2 years or not. It would be great if you could lock 50% for 2 years, 25% for 1, and to sell 25% in the short-term.
$25 000 000-#NAME?
The team is not concerned with ICO at all. The majority of its efforts goes to the product development. NuCypher already has multiple partners, which plan to use its product, and their number continues to grow. The team is experienced, there are institutional backers of the project and the idea is vital for the crypto-space. Among other applications it will allow the creation of private smart contracts on public blockchains = enterprises won't need their permissioned blockchains or, at least, it will create new options for them.
Aprx. $25 000 000-$30 000 000
A blockchain with sharding, secured by PoW consensus algorithm.
$20 000 000#NAME?#NAME?
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No pools, permissioned blockchain
$24 000 000-#NAME?
Telegram —
Phantasma is a protocol for files and data sharing among users. In the first stage, the team will deliver a mailing service on blockchain, of which, they already have an MVP. Later, they will develop a file-sharing service, provide an opportunity to create decentralized e-shops, oracle nodes and do video streaming. The content management can be programmed and automated by using the Phantasma VM. Phantasma will allow different payments models, like free-to-access, pay-once access or subscription-based access.
$10 000 000#NAME?#NAME?
Chat —
Basically, they seem very similar to NuCypher in their purpose to allow the creation of private smart contracts on Ethereum. They are going to be competitors. The project seems to don't care about ICO and money. They closed their "whitelist" slack long time ago and focus on delivering the product. They also have some serious institutional backers, which indicates that they are a serious project and have a promising technology.
$30 000 000-$25 000 000
Hedera Hashgraph
They say Hashgraph can do everything that blockchain but better. They will use Gossip protocol o0 ---> 0_ o . Which is a new consensus algorithm that allows hundreds of thousands of TPS. The technology is patented, which protects it from forks but goes against cryptocurrencies ideology. The first version will be open-sourced in order to allow acommunity to check the credibility of the company's statements. Despite being patented, it is open to everyone and they invite users, developers and businesses to use it without any permission. The technology includes EVM and supports solidity scripts. Has an SDK for developers. Hedera Hashgraph is a new technology that maybe will overcome challenges that blockchain platforms face today. This novelty and potentially better technology should be very attractive for the market. There will be 50 billions of tokens. Hedera sells only 2 billions for $300m. $200-250 will go to the institutional investors with the minimal investment of 1m. The remaining $50-100m will go to the accredited investors. The first 20% of the tokens will be unlocked soon after the sale. The rest will be unlocked by 20% every 2 months (8 months in total). Thre is an option of getting a discount for locking up the tokens for 4 years with 20% unlock every year. In the first 5 years, the company will release no more than 33% from the maximum (50 billion) of the tokens. In the first year, they will release an additional 10% - 5 billion.
$300 000 000-#NAME?
The mission of Dfinity is to "Extend the Ethereum Ecosystem", which means that the project doesn't position itself as an "Ethereum Killer" and wants to be an alternative to Ethereum with different rules. The transactions can be reversed under certain conditions (Code is the Law doesn't applicable here), the platform will have a constitution, which will regulate the relationships between parties in the ecosystem. Interestingly, Dfinity is not only going to use EVM, but it will also invest in its development. To me, the project resembles EOS. I think they will be the main competitors.
Aprx. 800-850m. CHF
A DAG from Korea. With a decent team, partnerships for adoption and crypto VC investors (not my favorite tho). Long roadmap.
$40 000 000-#NAME?
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CertiKNot enough infoNot enough infoNot enough info
"CertiK is a formal verification framework to mathematically prove that smart contracts and blockchain ecosystems are bug-free and hacker-resistant." Binance has invested. Zhong Shao is a TOP academic. Beta is already running. The CertiK 1.0 will be released in June. The token - CTK will be used as a medium of exchange and as a security deposit by some of the ecosystem participants.
Twitter —
An Airbnb, Uber and other sharing services on the blockchain. Origin Protocol is a protocol layer, on which developers can build their Sharing Dapps. So, decentralized Airbnb and Uber can be built on the only one platform and, thus share all their verified customers, operational costs and so on and on. Why not, the idea is not bad at all. However, it needs a looot of time to gain traction, to get customers to use the Origin Token and to get many customers itself. Besides, the Origin Protocol has competitors both in the real and the crypto worlds. Airbnb and Uber can change their business model and do ICOs as well. So much uncertainty. They have many partnerships with other crypto projects, the majority of which are other sharing-economy related ICOs, which will use some parts of Origin ecosystem. I think it is a bit plus for the long-term development as well. It shows the ability of the team to build such partnerships and to create a product that is actually needed by others. Pantera invested $3m in them, which means that their team and product have passed the scrutiny of one of the top crypto VC funds. They aim to release a stable Beta version before their crowd sale, which gives them the sweat equity plus. I don't think that they will be interested in pumping the price of their token in the short and medium term. I think it is a veeery long-time oriented game.
The main product of Airbloc is DAuth - a crypto wallet and a data gathering plugin. Apps will be able to deploy DAuth plugin in just 10 minutes. After that their users will be able to choose what data they are willing to sell, and to get rewards for that. Airbloc has a very realistic chance to succeed in the end-user adoption. It has a good team, partners, investors, huge user base, existing clients and it is a Korean project for the korean market. Koreans are more likely to try out innovational things, the level of technological penetration in their country is very high and people are crazy for crypto. I like the ease of their SDK deployment, I like their token economy.  For the short and mid terms I don't think that the team is interested in pumping the price of the token. In the long-run, the adoption and the working product may bring the token price appreciation. I'm personally not a big fan of the data-marketplace sector tho. It doesn't have the best potential for the upward price movement. That is another reason for the increased risks.
Proxima X - a project that improves and expands the NEM ecosystem. It aims to provide P2P storage and bandwidth for Dapps, to reduce their dependence on the traditional centralized services. The project has scored special points because of its close ties to the NEM ecosystem. The CEO of Proxima X is the former NEM foundation President, who has led NEM for several years and saw its token price surge by hundreds of times. He proved his expertise in the blockchain and crypto industries, and we can expect that repetition of his successes with Proxima X. Proxima X already has several projects that have committed to using its products.
$28 000 000-#NAME?
With Sparkster platform everyone will be able to write code in English without knowing any of the programming languages (it is like building a constructor). In addition, the computations for the applications build with the help of Sparkster will be made on a decentralized computing cloud, which will consist of peoples mobiles, tablets and PCs (maybe specialized computing equipment as well?) They will have a functional platform prior to the token sale. They have been developing their platform for years. They have many engineers in the team and people with work experience in big companies. Their technology uses or interacts with various pieces of technology from different blockchain projects (ZkSnarks, Stellar Consensus Protocol, Ethereum Smart Contracts, IOTA Smart Transactions, plan to add Cardano, NEO and Stellar). The Hype is rising, Ian Ballina is likely to shill them. There will be a marketplace, where contributors will be able to publish smart contracts and modules. The SPARK tokens will be used to compensate these contributors for their efforts. When the decentralized cloud launches, the tokens will be used to reward miners (they can be as small as mobile phones) for computations. Miners will also have to lock a certain amount of tokens to guarantee their good intentions. Validators will check if miners are fair and will take away their tokens if they are not.
$30 000 000--
An off-chain blockchain agnostic scalability solution.  The project will try to ustilize the state channels technology to bring scalability to blockchains, this solution can be deployed on any blockchain. The token will be used for insentivising people to provide liquidity for the network. The holders will be able to stake it, to lend it and to serve as guardians (insurers) for the nodes, which can go offline. With Celer Ethereum, NEO and any other blockchain will be able to gain a massive boost in transaction throughput.
Enables private smart contracs on blockchain whithout showing both inputs and outputs to the network. Will have sharding. A decent team. Stellar investors. A much-needed solution to the blockchain-space problem. A token will be used as a security measure for the network. Entities, who deposit tokes, will get the rights to get transaction fees, to produce blocks, to get rewards. If the network participants commit malicious actions they will have their deposits slashed.
AnkrPositiveNot enough infoNot enough info
Almost no information about the project and, especially, about the token utility. The team and Useful Proof of Work are promising. Some lesser crypto VCs invested, influencers create hype. Will update when there is more information.
A Chinese blockchain that promises to solve almost all existing blockchain problems. Doesn't have almost anything up to date. The CEO of PChain is a prominent Chinese scientist that has connections with the enterprises in China. Ian Ballina calls such ICOs (A research project).
$30 000 000#NAME?#NAME?
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Cardstack will bind together various existing Apps and DApps in the form of Cards. Developers and users will be able to combine these Cards and get a one-stop access point for their services and products. This tries to solve the huge crypto problem of convenience for the end users. Cardstack has the actual utility for the token (this is rare). Tokens will give a right to get fees and to vote (both require stacking), the developers will have to lock some portion of tokens as well. The personal cabinet on their website is entirely copied from Bitcoin Suisse, thus I cannot say that I like it or that it shows the real work done by the project. Thinking objectively, if the project and the team were really that good as they try to seem, some of the crypto VCs would have invested in that project. Yet, there are no prominent partners and institutional investors.
$35 000 000--
Medium —
The project is in the seed stage. All-star advisors. An all-star team. People from startups, Google and Apple. They have designed a new programming language. Their aim is to "provide a consensus protocol over the open Internet at 10 million transactions per second with 100-millisecond latency and at most 0.1% fee.. to be 1,000+ times faster and cheaper than Bitcoin and Ethereum". The initial private token presale in Q3 2018. The final private token presale will be in Q4 2018. Listings on exchanges in 2019.
Steemit —
The xcerts will be non-fungible tokens, which will represent some verified object/asset or certificate. In other words, users will be able to tokenize their diplomas, documents, paintings, houses, cars and other things, and verify the actual ownership of them. After that, the users will be able to buy/sell/transfer these tokenized assets to others. The Xcerts will make a platform for NTFs (non-fungible tokens) and will try to attract companies/developers to build applications on it and invent use cases for NFTs. So the target audience for Xcerts is enterprises and startup-developers. They have Lead author of the ERC 721 standard among their advisors. Upd 1: The team has created 0xCert scanner for all ERC721-compliant smart contracts. Their protocol already on testnet. Their technology is already used by some crypto projects (they revealed the only There will be a DEX on top of the 0xCert protocol, which will be used for exchanging both fungible and non - fungible tokens.
A decent team, no prominent partners, and advisors (only the ones that help to create hype in the short-term). I like the idea - it is focused on helping to develop dapps, which will use multiple blockchains. The roadmap is long. Still no MVP during the ICO. Good lockups coded in the smart contract for the team.
$15 000 000--
TenzorumNot enough infoNegativeNot enough info
Tenzorum - a Key Management Service platform that targets the UX. This problem is huge for cryptocurrencies. For an average Joe, it is still too difficult to generate his own keys and to store/manage them. I like the design of their website and papers. It is definitely a plus for the project targeting UX. The token will be used to make security deposits by the nodes of the network. For doing work for the network, nodes will be rewarded.
Think for yourself!
It is a project for IoT with smart-contracts build with Nano (Raiblocks) technology. Don't accept pools
BlockCloudNot enough infoNot enough infoNot enough info
The project creates an ecosystem, where people and companies, interested in robotics (designing, discussing, iterating and manufacturing) will be able to share their accomplishments (the parts of robots they create), get rewarded for this and create and manufacture their own robots, constructed out of these community-shared robotic parts. There are definitely some very positive sides in this project. First of all, Kambria has one of the most thought-through tokenomics out of many projects that I viewed. It is almost unbelievable, but people may actually use their "utility" token more than just for "media of exchange". Other projects may learn something from Kambrian's whitepaper. The second positive moment I liked is the vision of the project. The idea of a global shared robotics database is very appealing to me. I agree with the team's opinion that if Kambria succeeds then it will be a huge leap forward for robotics development in the world. I would like to see that happen. However, I think that such idea won't be commercially viable in the near future. I don't see how the project will be able to succeed in attracting the initial critical mass of contributors to their platform to snowball the network effects. If Google or Microsoft was doing this project, I would have seen the reasons for the success. Kambria's resources ($25m) and team experience are not enough to get this idea going. Even though the team has spent two years to develop their own robot, I'm not impressed with it. It looks like an Ipad on a rolling stick. I absolutely don't see reasons why people would pay for this $1500. The idea seems dead to me and I don't want to invest in guys, who spent two years on dead ideas. Moreover, the token distribution scheme (10% of the proceeds from sold tokens will go to the previous founders' company), effectively, I think it is an attempt to create an exit for the failed business. Other companies will likely to protect their innovations because they invested millions in them. The partnerships on the Kambria website are 100% copied partnerships from their previous ohmnilabs company. So, I suspect they are not really partnerships with this particular CRYPTO-company, just a trick. The advisors can help them to pump the price of their token but I doubt that they will impact the success of the platform.
$25 000 000,00
Fetch aiNegativeNegative/NeutralNegative
Three co-founders seem to have a decent amount of experience in AI and machine learning. One guy from the development team has work experience in Nokia the other one in Siemens, Bloomberg, SAP, the third one in ARM and BAE Sys. There are no partnerships, no roadmap and no advisors. We cannot judge it now. $100m hardcap is too high. The whitepaper is super complicated. Fetch - is a global system for IoT devices, drones, robots, computers and people. All they are AEA (autonomous economic agents). AEA interact with each other - transfer data, make transactions, physically move and deliver goods, do services), using machine learning and AI. The AI of the system constantly learns and comes up with new ways for AEA interactions. In addition, the AI tries not only to decide what needs various AEA have now, but it also tries to PREDICT what needs they will need in future. It is a grand vision. The founders themselves completely agree that they will have to put a HUGE amount of time and effort to make it come true. I think that it is a research project and it is happening too soon for the world. Public test network in summer. Main network release - middle of 2019.
$100 000 000
"A new data storage blockchain protocol based on a novel proof of access consensus mechanism that creates truly permanent data storage for the first time. Now data is finally permanent, low-cost, and truly censorship free. "The mainnet will be launched in June. The team gives big promises about functionality of their product. They claim that they came up with new technologies, which will solve many problems that haunt much bigger and older projects in the space. I don't mind against such claims, after all, it is normal in the tech-startup industry. However, I prefer when such innovations are supported by established VCs and come from very competent teams. Don't see these factors in Arweave. It is worth registering for the sale though. Keeping an eye on this project may pay off.
$8 700 000-
Unreviewed projectsVault 12
Oasis labs