Made by:
Burrito Bunny
↟The Sound
Of Drums↟
previous staff
chart by Nox_
Artist list: Atwood, Bentley, Bernouli,
Coalchaser, Dia., EmberWolf, Ethulai,
Fiery Gatoh, Jayfrost, Lacuna, Lilian
Nightshade, Metallic Dragon, Nadine,
Pluma, Raey, Raire, Saikiyo, Schuyler,
Seasonal, Simon, sketchi, Swiftalu,
solitudinarian, Solloby, Vampiric,
Verdana and Yağmur. <3
Artists:Pup's Name:Hints:Hyperlinks:Outcomes:
Atwood (claimed)Taavi1. "Does your pup have blue eyes? "No." "does yours have extra things in the negative
space?" "No." "If you mean does it have a trait in common with any of my previous staff
dogs, yes."
2. "*isn't* based on a preexisting character"
3. "Hey, Taavi and the Master share a couple of colours!"
4. "Looking back over the past posts, I see there were a couple of observations made based on my past pets - I can say that one of those observations holds true this year while the other could both help and hinder you."
5. "If it helps for finding my hints, I'm usually not that sneaky about hiding them - there won't be anything buried deep in a 1000+ pet group or in an ancient post in the middle of nowhere. :3 Any hint of mine will probably be either in this thread or able to be found within about four clicks. [And there is still one big hint that hasn't been found yet.]"
6. "I think Taavi's very sweet, but some people would certainly find him scary if they met him."
7. "Gentle" (Referring to their pup)
8. "Does it have tail edits? c:", "As an adult, yes. :3"
9. "The name has no significance beyond its significance to me personally. I did consider naming him Peikko just to mess with you all though. :b Taavi's eyes as an adult are not from the palette."
10. "What would be the average person's reaction to coming across your pup in a dark alley?" "the average person's reaction might depend on which of two movies they've seen more recently."
11. "ear lineart changes :0" "Bingo! X3"
12. "Taavi does have some connections to previous staff dogs of mine, two of them in particular"
13. (hint refers to an off-account adopted staff pup with the name: The biggest hint to give is blue) "so I'll say that you can relate this 'hint' to one of those two hints I mentioned haven't been picked up on yet. Specifically, the object of that hint is something that commonly appears to be blue but is actually not blue at all."
14. "Seeing as people are discussing my 'movie' hint, I'll mention that the two movies in question are both ones people are very likely to have seen or at least be reasonably aware of through general pop culture, and the thing that might remind them of Taavi is a very prominent part of both."
Hint 1; pg. 18Hint 2: pg. 58Go to outcomes sheet!
Hint 3: pg. 74Hint 4: pg. 182
Hint 5: pg. 207Hint 6: pg. 231
Hint 7: pg. 227Hint 8: pg. 242
Hint 9: pg. 248Hint 10: pg. 283
Hint 11: pg. 295Hint 12: pg. 278
Hint 13+14: pg. 435
Desmond (claimed)Aidan1. Paragraph with first letters spelling "STEALTH"
2. "Look up Caer, Lir, and Soláthraí in my posts. Somewhere in there will tell you their stories."
3. "Look harder" GIF
4. "To find it, you must look beyond what you see" GIF
5. "what's your pup's favorite time of day?" "The gloaming." ; "what emotion would you say your pup is feeling?" "Peace." ; "What flavour would you say best describes your pup?" "Some kind of dusky blackberry, with a hint of smoky amber."; "Do they have a favourite fruit? If so what is it?" "Not really, no."; "Who is their best friend(s) in this litter?" "They would like to be friends with several, but no actual best friends (yet?), considering their situation. Dia's comes to mind the quickest." ; "If your pet was a CS user what pet(s) would they hoard?" (pic of brown malk owl) ; "What kind of magazines would they read?" " Ones that deal with worldwide issues, instead of personal "self improvement" or celeb gossip. That kind of content is pretty useless for them." ; "What is your pup's favorite food?" "Berries."
6. "STEALTH is in reference to me. It is a breadcrumb, not one of the hints."
7. "[...] the fact that it's Rafiki doesn't really matter."
8. The word "Omniscience" in signature.
9. "I want to see what's made of this." (see post)
Hint 1: pg. 28Hint 2: pg. 44
Hint 3: pg. 94Hint 4. pg. 173
Hint 5: pg. 382Hint 6: pg. 433
Hint 7: pg. 506Hint 8: Sig
Hint 9: pg. 610
Bernouli (claimed)Dim Sumi1. "ひ み つ" (translates to "secret")
2. Posted photos as a hint. (see link for hint 2)
3. "Does your pup have a dark nose?" "An unintentional hint,but yea it does I think lol." (Confirmed on pg. 216)
4. Oriental themed pup
Hint 1: pg. 58Hint 2: pg. 215
Hint 3: pg. 216Hint 4: pg. 218
Coalchaser (claimed)1. "What tone of is most prominent on yours? Light; medium or dark?" Not dark! :3"
2. "Will your lovely have purple eyes again? c;" "nope :3"
3. "scruffy" (Referring to their pup)
4. "If you are familiar with my recent art, my pup will be obvious. or at least, it will be when it grows c;"
Hint 1: pg. 50Hint 2: pg. 55
Hint 3: pg. 227Hint 4: pg. 272
Dia. (claimed)Pumpernickel1. "Is yours based off an animal?" "Yes, there is animal <3" (Photo of a hedgehog
afterwards; could be hedgehog based again?)
2. "Pumpernickel's eyes are not a primary color." (Referring to red, blue and yellow)
3. "Why talk when I can just hide things in plain sight? *stealth*"
4. "Better hide your beehives!"
5. "I edited the lineart. What stage though? You'll never knowww."
6. "Teddybear [her rl dog] wouldn't get into your garbage to steal yo bread. Pumpernickel might."
Hint 1: pg. 49Hint 2: pg. 50
Hint 3: pg. 99Hint 4: pg. 106
Hint 5: pg. 136Hint 6: pg.209
Emberwolf (claimed)Jarikai1. "but maybe I have left some somewhere already?"
2. "Reminiscing about my early days on CS...
3. Numbers 2,0,1,0 found on the Staff page.
4. "Does you pup have ear edits? c:" "Yes", "Does your pup have any line edits on any
stage?" "Yes", "does it wear clothes?", "Nope"
5. Group with fennec foxes and bat plushies (could refer to bat eared foxes)
Hint 1: pg. 60Hint 2: signature
Hint 3:staff pageHint 4: pg. 172
Hint 5: group
Ethulai (claimed)Kalina1. "Those looking for a cryptid won't find one this year"
2. "Reaction of someone coming across my pup "What are you doing here? Aren't you meant to be somewhere else?""
3. "My dog is a representation of an important life event that is happening for me next February"
4. "What job would your dog be absolutely terrible at (disregarding the fact it is a dog lol)?" "Any sort of trade job. She would make a terrible handyperson." ; "Although this tv show doesn't really exist, you pup thinks that _____ should really be a thing." "Art Wars Live." ; "What is the hardest lesson you pup has had to learn in life?" "Patience. Patience. Patience." ; "What does your pup do when no one is watching?" "Sings...quite loudly and badly."
5. "my important event isn't Valentine's Day - it does have to do with love though"
Hint 1: pg. 89Hint 2: pg. 288
Hint 3: pg. 321Hint 4: pg. 381
Hint 5: pg. 410
Fiery Gatoh (claimed)1. "I can say is that it shares some traits with my pets from previous years." (followed by
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to make tea!", possibly a hint)
Hint 1: pg. 91
Jayfrost (claimed)Ari 1. "let's just say you might find a clue somewhere C;"
2. "copy and paste C;" > hyperlinked to their trade rules > selecting all & copy and
pasting the trade rules reveals the word "soaring"
3. "my outcome has lineart edits."
4. "he almost shares a trait with samwise, but not quite C:"
5. "warm" in signature
6. "Raire's sig has "cold rough" and Jayfrost's has "warm soft," which most likely means their dogs are cuddle buddies."
7. "let me soar with the birds and fly amongst the stars" in signature
Hint 1: pg. 49Hint 2: Signature
Hint 3: pg. 104Hint 4: pg. 242
Hint 5/6: SignatureHint 6: pg. 400
Lacuna (claimed)Alanna1. 14211958204989 on staff page. (Converted to alphabet and reversed ihidthesun - refers to a sun item)
2. "I will say that there are three relevant sunson pets. Honestly, I didn't realize how many I already had when I hid them lol."
3. "Dgxarxdb" (Adjective to describe pup)
4. "Find them all (the sun items) and you may see something in common between some of them."
5. 9 sun images in trade rules
6. "These ones are not relevant" (referring to some sun item dressups)
7. "Also, the chart is missing a subtle but important hint. Maybe you need to revisit somewhere you've already been?"
8. "My dog doesn't have anything in the negative space."
9. "I'd love to claim my pup. Maybe if you shift focus to my clues? ^^"
10. "I heard something went missing last night. Maybe you can find it." (perhaps there is a clue out there? Sept 22nd)
Hint 1: Team PageHint 2: pg.229
Hint 3/4: pg. 227Hint 5: trade rules
Hint 5/6: pg. 352Hint 8: pg. 506
Hint 9: pg 516Hint 10: pg. 602
Lilian Nightshade (claimed)Thalia1. "I tried to make my style much more subtle at the pup stage this year. Hopefully it works."
2. "At its adult stage, it will remind you a LOT of a previous staff dog of mine."
3. "My dog's design has very natural looking markings/patterns, don't expect to see swirls, stars or anything of the sort on it."
4. "My pup has a facade to keep, too bad it comes with such a cost..."
5. "So tired" (reference to their design)
6. "Since everyone is talking about tails, I might as well tell you my dog doesn't have a curled tail."
7. "Do not fret, little one, for my wings shall protect you from the arrows of anguish."
8. "Look at yourself, my child. Those beautiful eyes which once shone with youth and bliss now seem dulled out by the torment they have witnessed. This facade has long become your burden, your curse... and it's time to let it go. Please allow me to be the bearer of your tears, as my wings shield you from this cruel little world."
9. "Do you really want to know what your biggest mistake is?? You guys are assuming my pup will actually age."
10. "Well, depending on how you look at it my pup may end up with a different pose... just sayin'."
Hint 1: pg. 15Hint 2: pg. 16
Hint 3: Pg. 81Hint 4: pg. 130
Hint 5: Pg. 230Hint 6: pg. 247
Hint 7: pg. 320Hint 8: pg. 349
Hint 9: pg. 378Hint 10: pg. 493
Metallic Dragon (claimed)Koda1. "Mine has edited ears and just wants a hug."
2. "Mmmm indeed, bear with me while I think of one that won't give me away. I'll return
soon" (Potential trolling with puns?)
3. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but no hint for you here. " (Was in their signature
but no longer is; may also be trolling)
4. "Don't check my pets for hints. You won't find any, buzz off."
5. Gif from selective attention study
6. "Is your staff pet based on an anything? If so, what?" "mine is a memoriam for my heart rat."
7. Link on Staff page leads to a video called "Do the Honey Bee!"
8. "Her heart rat, which is a rat that you feel very close to, and that you can have
deep conversations with, either looks like a badger or was named Badger" (♥Laughing
Jack♥) "Bingo" (Metallic Dragon)
9. "Mine has an edited tail."
10. "You've misunderstood a hint. Good luck figuring it out." in signature
11. "comes full circle"
12. "My dog should not be eaten"
13. "my rat's name isn't badger related xD"
14. "Consider his name."
Hint 1: pg. 44Hint 2: pg. 44
Hint 3/4: sigHint 5: pg. 76
Hint 6: pg 104Hint 7: Video
Hint 8: pg. 129Hint 9: pg. 246
Hint 10/14: SignatureHint 11: pg. 296
Hint 12: pg. 523Hint 13: pg. 553
Nadine (claimed)1. "my first hint for my pup, it may or may not have a 50% chance of being pps c:" (???
nads what is this)
2. "Time to drop another hint, my pup's eye color may be a color I've used in the past."
Hint 1: pg. 23Hint 2: pg. 142
Pluma (claimed)Gelata1. "Might as well get you all started. Mine has something in common with the majority of
my previous staff dogs." (ALL previous have: tail edits, spots, same half-smile, are
based on animals; 4/5 have: wings, blue eye(s); 3/5 have: horns)
2. (Referring to their pup's name) "It's Gelata. May or may not be a ref~"
3. "my dog is not deer related this year :p"
4. "This is so genius, that it deserves a hint! Though it might be heart to figure out,
even though it's right there."
5. "Does your pup grow into it's second stage(aka newborn to pup) within the first 1-2 weeks of september?" "Indeed it does"
6. "I can say it's not another animal this year. I took a hot and cold approach to my dog this time"
7. "I wonder if the rest of the group got something to say about your accusations!"
(in reference to precious darlings group)
8. Pets named: "Or me?", "You", "Want", "A", "Hint?", "And", "Me", "Then", "Look", "Try",
"At", "Like", "Someone", "Else", in group (rearranged reads "You want a hint? Then
try me, or someone else that looks like me")
9. "Have your precious hint then!" followed by a picture of Katy Perry from the song
Hot n Cold
10. "Does your pup have a creative eye color? (eg something else than blue, green or brown)" "That would be a no then. No two-eye colors."
11. "Does urs have a specific pattern?" "It does have one specific pattern on the body, that was inspired by its theme."
12. "So you can have another hint." followed by gif of Katy Perry in California Girls (refering to sweets)
13. "I would say definitely female. Or a very feminine male? I don't judge. And this one ain't going into the sea. Staying on land."
14. "Mine has colored lineart, just like the past few years."
15. "Mine has tail edits too."
16. "Alright, I'm being mean xD Have a hint:Ooohhhhhhh aaa VEry merry unbirthdaaaay to me!" (capital letters spell "DOVE")
17. "Wonder what ideas you can get from this~ Might be obvious. Might be subtle. Might be a ref. Think think think~"
18. "Kan du gætte hvem jeg er" (in signature translates to "can you guess who I am")
19. "Hint time!" (followed by an image of a tiered chocolate cake)
20. "Mine is just the standard. Newborn - Child - Adult. No surprises there."
Hint 1: pg. 9Hint 2: pg. 29
Hint 3: pg. 71Hint 4: pg. 73
Hints 5/6: pg.104Hint 7: pg. 111
Hint 8: GroupHint 9: pg. 180
Hint 10/11: pg. 203Hint 12: pg. 213
Hint 13: pg. 234Hint 14: pg. 235
Hint 15: pg. 246Hint 16: pg. 260
Hint 17: pg. 362
Hint 18: Signature
Hint 19: pg. 450Hint 20: pg.517
Raey (claimed)Royan (and Eli)1. "Does your staff pet have brown eyes?"
"No it doesn't, but another colour not less beautiful."
"Does your staff pet have natural markings?"
"Not really I suppose. Maybe you could consider it natural partially...but then again not?"
"Does your staff pet have major line edits?"
"It does have edits, just not sure if I made the cut to call them major."
"Does your staff pet have minor line edits?"
"Jup, those it does have sure."
"Is your staff pet based on an anything? If so, what? "
"Sadly not. Was a wild ride with it and ended up kinda random lol."
"Would you consider the middle/pups stage of your staff pet to suit/be obviously your style?"
"I am not fully sure if I have a "style" but...I personally think it probably is recognizable."
2. "oh wait...the adult has edits...the pup...maybe...", "My pup is smelling after dark chocolate flavoured with orange (and I mean proper chocolate not that weird thing I heard about that claims to be chocolate but is just weird)", "Nope the eye colour is not a primary colour."
Hint 1: pg. 259Hint 2: pg. 270
Raire (claimed)Phaeras L'lopi1. "*drinks iced coffee* What?" (Possible hint?)
2. "raires bunny will never grow... pps?" "Nope it is still growing and it will grow up this
month c: ♡"
3. "Does your outcome have hearts or bunny features?" "Yes and no. ♥ Now which one
is the 'yes' and which one is the 'no'? ;D"
4. "does any of you pets have a drastic change like it looks like a decorated pup, then, BAM! A major makeover appeared?" "If you compare the pup to the adult - then yes. That doesn't mean that the pup has no markings though. "
5. Repeated mentions of iced coffee throughout the thread
6. "My pup has a very close friend in the staff litter and likes to cuddle with them the most.
They also share a lot of details, but where they are soft, my dog will a bit more... tough."
7. No brown eyes, natural and unnatural markings, "Does your staff pet have major line edits?", " Technically and
literally yes, but you all probably wouldn't call it that.", middle stage is "obviously their style"
8. "COLD" in signature
9. "is it based off of an animal other than a dog/wolf/puppy?" "Yes to the second question.", "what is the eye colour of your pet?", "it is an eye colour that some other pups have"
10. "come on, find my pups' cuddle buddy already! It's not that hard!"
11. "Does your puppy have floppy ears" "no it doesn't, I don't like floppy ears."
12. Raire's pet likes astronomy
13. "Raire's sig has "cold rough" and Jayfrost's has "warm soft," which most likely means their dogs are cuddle buddies."
14. An image of how Raire likes iced coffee
Hint 1: pg. 25Hint 2: pg. 96
Hint 3: pg. 100Hint 4:pg.143
Hint 6: pg. 200Hint 7: pg. 258
Hint 8: SigHint 9: pg. 289
Hint 10: SigHint 11: pg. 338
Hint 12: pg. 395Hint 13: pg. 400
Hint 14: pg. 144
Saikiyo (claimed)1. "My dog is based off one of my favorite hobbies. I'm sure I've done pets in a similar
theme before." (possibly referring to sewing and plushes)
2. "my dog has lose their eyes, probably on a fantastic adventure"
3. "I'm really into horror movies and goth stuff (though it's way too much effort to dress goth so I don't to it). I've
always had a fascination with the morbid so I'll often make stuff that reflects that. I also get bad insomnia so
I'm also pretty much nocturnal (I'm working on fixing that, or maybe get a night job and roll with it)"
4. "My pup has a sad story"
5. "my dog's tail is unlike all my other staff dogs."
6. "My dog has 3 similarities with my first staff dog, 2 with my second, 2 with my third, And 1 with my fourth, Though they all have one thing in common"
7. "they loved me when I was young"
8. "Here's a little hint for you, my outcome is rarely talked about"
9. "I hope people know I have other hobbies than sewing...I like water color or acrylic painting, sculpting, gardening, baking, writing, poetry... I will say it's based off one of these hobbies"
Hint 1: Pg. 129Hint 2: Sig
Hint 3: pg. 199Hint 4: pg. 235
Hint 5: pg. 259Hint 6: pg. 363
Hint 7: SigHint 8: pg. 555
Hint 9: pg. 566
Schuyler (claimed)Talhéphdwyn1. "Most prominent tone on yours? Medium; light or dark?" "Mmm, I'd say light. ^^
But is it always that way? Hmm ... Maybe, maybe not? ;)"
2. "Mine has something edited. ;)"
3. "What would be the average person's reaction to coming across your pup in a dark alley?" "Generally positive, I'd imagine -- at least it seems unlikely someone would have a negative reaction. ^^"
4. "But that probably won't help you much, I'm afraid. It does have a meaning that connects to the design, but not one you're likely to figure out on your own. :P I do still have another potentially useful hint out there nobody seems to have found yet, though!"
5. "afaotofgyetlatxoaipccucpnylabckxmirnaceaoyocacmihtaxparefpystrtitoerxpssreeosycide"
6. "either a primary or secondary color"
7. "As much as I love coffee, my pup is neither coffee-related, nor coffee-inspired."
Hint 1: pg. 99Hint 2: pg. 109
Hint 3: pg. 282Hint 4: pg. 355
Hint 5: pg. 372Hint 6: pg. 526
Hint 7: pg. 501
Seasonal (claimed)Lucille1. "Mine has a 50% chance of not being a PPS. >:c" (ok)
2. "My pup has cool-colored eyes."

Hint 1: pg. 196Hint 2: pg. 196
Simon (claimed)Autumn1. "Mini Muffins" > Image of a capital A (end of imgur in link mini hoards page 6)
2. "The next part of my hint has been hidden ^-^" (invisible writing in signature page 199)
3. Every letter M in staff bio capitalised
4. "Diamonds" in signature > Pound diamonds group has three named pets all starting with N.
5. Dressup of squid with items all begin with letter W
6. "There will be one more letter....eventually c; Once you have all of the letters you should have everything you need to guess my dog."
7. "The last letter is not O"
8. "the last letter is here 5 times" In signature. The letter T appears in the sentence 5 times.
Hint 1/2:SignatureHint 3: bio
Hint 1: ImageHint 4: pg. 284
Hint 5: ProfileHint 6: pg 424
Hint 7: pg 435Hint 8: Sig
sketchi (claimed)1. "Does your staff pet have brown eyes?" " um... sometimes"; "Is your staff pet based on an anything? If so, what?" "something(s) I got this year"
2. "I'm sure that this one isnt sketchi... she usually do much bigger edits", "hint: not this year!"
Hint1: pg 103Hint 2: pg. 491
Swiftalu (claimed)Latte1. "my pup uses the lightest color in the palette."
2. Wrote post in code (see hint 2 link)
3. Translates to "Wings No"
4. "A new hat friend is here, they like hats. They also like glasses."
5. "Bzz 7/15 Bzz" (Could refer to day9 pup having the 7th and 15th letter of the CS tag a different colour)
6. "They have some sort of tail edit.",
7. "Are the eyes a primary color?" (RYB) "50% <3" (50% chance of being a primary color or not a primary color)
8. "Depends what you consider natural and unnatual in the end really"
"My pet has edits, that's really all I will say. It could just be the tail edit I mentioned or it could be more, guess you'll have to wait and see."
"I was inspired by something to make my staff pet, though I didn't base my pet on it."
"To me it's very obvious which is what worries me the most lol."
9. "My pup likes to curl up and sleep, probably."
10. "4 16 16 13 6 26 6 20" in team page description
11. Above translates to DPPMFZFT, which in a shifted alphabet calculator becomes COOLEYES
12. "Maybe you should look somewhere else for my hint..." in signature
13. "Yhux" (in numbers is 2582124, group idea leading to a group with four dogs with the names "Staff pet", "doesn't", "have", "this", "feature" > staff pet doesn't have the basic tail
14. "I revealed the name of my dog previously but I guess no one caught it, also maybe you should take another look at that 7/15 hint since there might be other ways to solve it..."
15. Pet named "What am I?" (answer: a hornet)
16. "It started with something eye catching in terms of colors... and something that smelled so sweet. Now look how far it's gone. Nope, sorry! You're on your own for this one, good luck!"
17. "Feathers are fun; for scarves, wings, pens, etc. What else could there be...?" in signature ("My hint has nothing to do with birds, while birds do have feathers I can assure you my hint is in no way related to birds or any real animal for that matter.(pg 529)"
18. "The day my custom grows will not be the day my pup grows."
19. "7/15 hint: That links to this drawing, it has nothing to do with actual hornets/bees. That image shares something with my dog (At least in my opinion)."
Hint 1: Pg. 90Hint 2: pg.114
Hint 3: pg. 118Hint 4: pg. 143
Hint 5: SigHint 6: pg. 185
Hint 7: pg. 186Hint 8: pg. 259
Hint 9: pg. 276Hint 10: team page
Hint 12/17: SignatureHint 13: pg. 361
Hint 14: pg. 409Hint 15: Pet
Hint 16: pg. 416Hint 18: Sig
Hint 19: pg. 489Hint 19: drawing
solitudinarian (claimed)1. "my outcome...... is a dog. and has a dark nose."
2. "my pup is probably brown"
3. "sweet" (Referring to pup)
4."what color eyes does your puppy have?" "not a warm one", "*sips hot cocoa* would you say your pup has anything to do with a tasty beverage like this? would you say your passion for comic books bled into your creation at all? C;" "1st i mean they're pretty sweet... and i like hot cocoa... naaaah i don't think so ; 2nd i wish!! if the palette was more forgiving then it might've o:"
5. "my pup doesn't have an edited tail"; "Is the CS tag colored differently than the usual black with white outline?" "nope"; "In a scale of 1 to 10, how weird/exotic/strange is your pup?" "i don't think they're weird at all"; " Is there something that would make your pup stick our in a crowd?" "probably the fact that most of you probably haven't followed my art haha"; "If you have to give your pup a place to live based on how it looks, where would they live?" "in a house where they'd be given lots o' love"
Hint 1: pg. 73Hint 2: pg. 209
Hint 3: pg. 227Hint 4: pg. 272
Hint 5: pg. 528
Solloby (claimed)Theodore1. My puppy is sweet, not scary.
2. Pictures of two of their previous staff pets
3. "Theodore is cute ok.", "Theodore is a hard worker, he's always busy. ", "Theodore doesn't have orange eyes
because no."
4. Has natural markings and line edits, is based on something, middle stage is similar to their usual style.
5. "my puppy isn't under his blanket" (second stage as of day 7)
6. "I would be Happy to give you a clue: Theodore is soft."
7. "I am Happy to report that my puppy is still a puppy and not a dog." (Day 11)
8. "Yes a minor fur edit, No clothes, No clothing accessories, No eye edits, Yes expression edit"
9. "Because I am nice, I will decode one of my clues ^.^"
Hint 1&2:Pg 147Hint 3: pg. 236
Hint 4: pg. 259Hint 5: pg. 290
Hint 6: pg. 401Hint 7: pg. 417