YearDateTextConfidenceInfo and sourceIC/OOCRhavas Notes
3487712000000-23121-09-11 (BYC 115)Updated Gallente status provides a model for social cohesion. Suggest further observations are shared with Modifier enclaves.HighBirth of the Gallente Federation (incl Caldari)ICWhat is the tie to Modifier enclaves?
3487722000000-23146-05-20 (BYC 90)Azbel-Wuthrich experiment has been a success. Planetary communications reveal the message as ":-)"HighBirth of FTL Communications IC
3487732000000-23154-12-12 (BYC 82)Randomized sweeps of recently seceded Caldari communications indicate that alternative source for model of social cohesion will be increasingly defined by opposition to Gallente model. Schism becoming pronounced. Threshhold for constructive comparison of existing conditions approaching.HighCaldari secede from the Gallente Federation. ICNothing about the Amarr? Why so focused?
3487742000000-23194-02-01 (BYC 42)Gallente have created an agency known as The Scope for the dissemination of information across Empires. Suggest that this network be monitored. Potential to extrapolate prototype for impartial communication between disparate enclaves.HighLaunch of The Scope. ICMost interesting part here - "prototype for impartial communication". Maybe this is about them constantly fighting because no emotions = no empathy. Was Ouria all about internecine warfare?
3487752000000-23216-06-06 (BYC 20)In position at Diemnon Planetesimal. Collating system scans. Source of burst unidentified. Team dispatched. Alert still in effect.HighHolding pen of some of the Minmatar Elders in Hahyil system in Theodicy (Alpha - section 23216 AD)OOCVery clear in the story: "The tiny device, encased in the death grip of this nameless slave, flashed once before converting every atom of its mass into an immensely powerful energy pulse that traversed light years of space-time in an instant.
The celestial event registered on the instruments of exactly four ships. In that single moment, the course of history was altered forever."
Which four ships?
3487912000009-11-03"Now if you look to section eight of the report, you will see that the new system provides an unprecedented level of harmony. The new electrochemical system eliminates undesirable reactions and emotions in 34% of testers. With further development, I am certain we can truly make everyone happy."MedHyperconsciousness chronicleAlmost certainly Sansha testing implants, but no proof exists of this specific date that I've found so far. It does match the timeline of him starting Nation in YC1 and getting caught in YC37. Seems even more probably given the HyCon statements around SOCT specifically working toward "happiness implants" of sorts
3487762000011-11-03Life sign detected aboard the ship. Contrary to intelligences gathered by Villore observatory, vessel not destroyed. Remaining in Ouperia to monitor.HighCeul Darieux sets out for Old Man StarICWeirdly, this is the START date of the trip. He doesn't arrive until YC55, and returns in 57. Why were they watching this early? Also they were already IN Ouperia
3487922000037-08-23Gamma Enclave recently available peronnel: 44 cybernetics experts, 32 geneticists, 9 materials scientists, 6 sociologists. Awaiting kitz assignmentMedSOCT? "Kitz" is a pretty dead giveaway but where's the detail to back this up?
3488012000037-09-01CONCORD Resolution D/912/37 passes with unilateral support from all five empires.HighThis is the condemnation accord against Sansha's Nation.IC
3488022000044-06-03Preliminary forecast: Cohort 'EOM' casualty causation: est 78,944,293.205. Action advisory: Continued observation, Non-interference.MedEquilibrium of Mankind - Need article/citation.Equilibrium of Mankind resurfaced publicly in YC100.
3488032002104-12-09Preliminary forecast: Cohort 'SN' resurgence likelihood: 96.44%. Action advisory: Continued observation, Non-interference.MedMaybe Sansha's Nation? Pretty early for that.
34883192003105-??-??Location: Rethan. Class: Yacht. Maker: Viziam.HighFait Accompli ChronicleOOCInterestingly the first Opux Luxury Yacht was also stolen during this year during a Quafe event by one Iece Quaan. However I have not found confirmation on the specific date and location of this theft. Still looking for canon version vs. forum posts.
3488312003105-05-29So fragile, these minds. So fleeting, their crimes.HighThese aren't the enemies you're looking for.Grey
3488112003105-09-09Kindness never goes unpunished.HighFreed Minmatar slave ship shot down. IC
3488212003105-12-22Give them tools and they may evolve.HighCrielere Project results announced and Minmatar want to use it to fight.
3488222004106-03-11Give them symbols and they may stagnate.HighContinued use of the Khumaak approved. IC
3488042004106-03-22Advanced materials technology saturation at threshhold. Implement stage two technology surveillance.MedFirst T2 ship? Matches well to the T3 listing below but not able to find killboard or manufacturing proof.ICDate is between release of Castor (Dec 18 2003) and Exodus (Nov 17 2004). EVE Kill unfortunately has no data that far back.
3487942004106-11-17Capsuleer cohort tracking system implemented. Receiving data."HighRelease marking Alliances and POS. Only statement that appears on two docs.ICRelease of Exodus
3488052004106-11-17Capsuleer cohort tracking system implemented. Receiving data.HighRelease marking Alliances and POS. Only statement that appears on two docs.ICRelease of Exodus
3488322004106-12-20Step One: Build a Better Ant.MedBest idea so far: Devblog on hitpoint increase for ships. eFame article, Blaque Scope profile … probably neither of these.
34883172005107-??-??Destination: Vak'Atioth.LowTotally wrong year for this. Interestingly this is the RL year that the Battle of Vak'atioth chron was published, on Feb 12
3487542005107-05-30… of Caldari loyalist capsuleer cohorts, Caldari Independent Navy Reserve [CAIN], verified termination of Dr Ullia Hnolku in the Magiko system, Minmatar Republic. Insorum prototype retr…HighInsorum Imbroglio IC
3487522005107-06-09… planet-wide emergency declared by Amarr Empire. Blood Raider fleet breaking orbital blockade. Chemical compound residue still circulating in high atmosphere, predicated near-total consumption rate among local slave population. Additional trace chem …HighBlood Raiders drop Insorum on Mabnen I IC
3488232005107-07-05…recommend discarding current primary node for that model.HighDoriam II assassinated. Karsoth steps forward. ICThey seem to refer to each empire and NPC group as "models" for society. This almost suggests that the Jove had a hand in the assassination?!?
3488332005107-09-15Step Two: Kick over The Ant Hill.LowPotentially devblog on the ORIGINAL T1 frigate "tiericide" or Placid Trader Expands Dealings: hubs decentralize article - stargates change & Yulai is no longer central? Both published this day but don't seem to fit. Best fit might be the linked article. Is this (Jevako Niedboux) a player? The Broker?
34883152006108-??-??Titan' class vessel detected. Receiving data.HighFirst Titan built Sept 26.IC
3487652006108-04-10Captain 1st Class Karishal Muritor of the Republic Fleet was today awarded Drupar's Sun, one of the most prestigious medals given by the Republic, at a Fleet awar…HighPretty much what it says. IC
3488242006108-05-16They only notice small tragedies.MedMentas Blaque commemorates the dead of Hueromont Doesn't seem that small...? Relative to other tragedies, 500,000 died at Nouvelle Rouvenour, 2 million at Hueromont. Unknown thousands likely died in the bombing of Caldari Prime. By contrast, 500 million died at Seyllin I. Maybe the Jove are being metaphorical here, saying the real tragedy is the split between Gallente and Caldari?
3487532006108-06-07Multiple jump drive spikes detected in Pator, Heimatar, Minmatar Republic
Origin: Republic Fleet anchorate 12
Command key override: Muritor, Karishal 1st Class Captain
CONCORD authorisation key: Not accounted, unauthorised deployment. CONCORD control warning flag issued to Republic Fleet Ship designations: Alfhild, Magni, Modi, Verkana, Gordd, Hjalin, Svertan, Torshvern...
HighKarishal Muritor founds The Defiants in a mutiny against the Minmatar, flying the Hel supercarrier Alfhild. Magni & Modi are Nid carriers. Happened at Kulheim, Pator, jumping out.IC
3488342006108-09-26Step Three: Assess.LowThree devblogs this day, most possible linkage is re: Kali split release kicking off warfare changes. The other two are re: T2 Invention and Scanning. First Titan built - again, no obvious connection. Gallente election in October.
3487512006108-12-17… lockdown in effect. Sosala local defenses reacting. Amarr Fleet mobilisation hindered by multiple attacks. Indicating complete destruction of Battlestation facility by Minmatar loyalist capsuleer cohorts. Flagged for close monitoring …HighDefiants & U'K raids in Bleak Lands. and
3488252007109-01-12They let names define their perceptions.MedPossible continuation of Defiants/U'K vs. Amarr and loyalists, but name item doesn't seem to fit.
3487612007109-02-02Critical Termination Notice - Capsuleer: Karishal Muritor. Defiants faction. Capsule breach indicated in Auga, orbital track of tenth planet. Unable to locate clone activation --- working --- Unable to locate clone activation --- extending network search --- Unable to loc...HighThe Minmatar Republic says he's dead. This seems to confirm it. IC
3487642007109-02-09Ushra'Khan, a group with long-standing yet historically shaky ties to the Republic, declared Prime Minister Midular their "number one enemy," calling for a 1 ISK bounty on her head, the "value representing her worth to the Minmat…HighAlso part of the Karishal Muritor Story. IC
3487622007109-02-12… mass rally in Pator. Republic fleet task force warping in --- identified, command ships, fleet capsuleer --- monitoring --- designation change Admiral Kanth Filmir resignation conf …HighMore Karishal Muritor. IC
3488352007109-06-23Models indicate that virions have spread beyond those five systems.HighRiots in Caldari State, specifically in Kisogo, Sireshin, Hogimo, Nourvukaiken and Aikoro. ICNow this is interesting. Definition of virion: "Virus particles (known as virions) consist of two or three parts: i) the genetic material made from either DNA or RNA, long molecules that carry genetic information; ii) a protein coat that protects these genes; and in some cases iii) an envelope of lipids that surrounds the protein coat when they are outside a cell. The shapes of viruses range from simple helical and icosahedral forms to more complex structures." Are they suggesting this rioting was due to a virus?
3487812007109-10-20New fleet elements moving into the Great Wildlands. Comm scan confirms that all Elders are once again currently located on the Ragnarok now under construction.MedNo article. Likely Elder Fleet and Thukker / TEAOOCEmpyrean Age
34883182008110-??-??"Thanks sweetie, but that's all right. I'll only be a few minutes."HighThe last words of Alexander Noir before he was killed by the Broker on May 5, who then crashed Noir's Nyx into Malkalen station on May 15. OOCEmpyrean Age
3487822008110-05-11"How have we survived, we of New Eden, when the definition of humanity remains so elusive, so transparent, to so many?"HighKeitan Yun's inagural speech to CONCORD. These specific words are listed in TEA Chapter 13 (p.99 Paperback)GreyEmpyrean Age
3487442008110-05-15… summit between the federation and Caldari State, where a general evacuation order was issued mom …HighThe Malkalen Incident. ICEmpyrean Age
3487832008110-05-28"…we, the Archangels, are more capable of providing for the welfare of this Republic than your government."HighAnnexation of Skarkon by Angel Cartel. ICEmpyrean Age
3487842008110-05-30"I'm issuing a warning directly to you, and every uniformed serviceman and women of the DED and CONCORD. Either you heed it, or some of you will end up paying with your lives."HighKeitan Yun's threat to CONCORD before the Elder Fleet attack. These words are listed in TEA Chapter 43 (p.371 paperback)GreyEmpyrean Age - Some very interesting stuff in the chronicle Silent Furies (published June 25). What is "Old Mother"? Do the Minmatar actually know about Earth? Or are they talking about Pator? Or somewhere else? Genesis Vaults? What are "the Sanctuaries"? The organization or a place?
3487632008110-06-10Massive internal fires detected. Alfhild supercarrier drifting out of [system] system. Unknown souls remaining on board. Tracking until out of monitoring range…MedProbably the superweapon shot over Mekhios. Empyrean Age - Alfhild was the ship Muritor stole.
3488362008110-06-10Step Four: Reiterate.MedTons of stuff here - launch of Empyrean Age and chaos of the Elder WarEmpyrean Age
3488122008110-09-08Meme sample: Conforming Rebellion.HighPretty funny actually. With Shakor, Sarum and Heth having overthrown their governments, they are now happily at work filling their shoes, including bureaucratic reports like this one from Heth. ICA meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem) is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture". A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate, and respond to selective pressures. - Wikipedia
3487932008110-10-03…rbinger of hope. I am the sword of the righteous, and to all who hear my words I say this: What you give to thi…HighSarum coronation IC
3487452008110-10-31… in the Gallente Federation, is known primarily for harboring a particular kind of life known as the Isirus poppy.HighInvasion of Evaulon VII by unknown forces. What's left is smashed by Serpentis a month later to get the rest.
3488262008110-12-25Give them what they want and it may destroy them.HighSarum's partial slave emancipation, which may make them less stable and more miserable despite freedom. IC
34883142009111-??-??Capsueer espionage detected.MedHigh probability this is also about the fall of BoB. Feb YC111.
3488062009111-02-06Catastrophic collapse of Cohort 632866070. Cascade effect tracking algorithm active. Capsuleer Cohort vulnerability documented for further analysis.HighHaargoth Agamar disbands Band of Brothers (BoB) alliance. IC
3488132009111-03-10Elusive' does not match 'contacted government' or 'alerted media'HighThe Thukker are called 'elusive' in this article, in which they inform both The Scope and the Minmatar government. This is about the loss of the (later found?) Lakat-Hro ICSeyllin Incident / Apocrypha release
3488272009111-03-10Self-interest continues to outweigh self-sacrifice.MedInterestingly, there is story after story of heroic efforts, so this seems oddly misplaced. There are pages of news articles to weed through for this one.Seyllin Incident / Apocrypha release
3488372009111-03-10Defect-mediated turbulence'?HighSOE Report on Scientific description of wormholes coming and going. ICSeyllin Incident / Apocrypha release
3488072009111-03-11RT HIGH ALERT HIGH ALERT HIGH ALERT HIGH ALERT HIGH ALERT HIGH ALERT HIGH ALEMedSeyllin Incident aftermath - not the day of. Why alert now? It seems to refer to this article, which suggests that it is the empires on alert, and the capsuleers are the "best hope for some answers" Seyllin Incident - Who else could be on high alert?
3488082009111-03-27Fullerene technology saturation at threshhold. Implement stage three technology surveillance.HighThe first T3 kill, a Proteus piloted by Siigari Katawa in Old Man Star.ICThere's also a forum thread on it.
3487862009111-06-10Meta-analysis of Huola confirms data obtained from Lulm. Correlation with trends from observatories in the Gallente-Caldari warzone. Indications capsuleer elements are operating systematically, and/or strategically, in regions governed by the CONCORD Emergency Militia War Powers Act.MedSomething with FW. Maybe this award to CalMil? Why do they mention Huola and Lulm here? All the events of this time period focus on Cal/Gal - the main Huola events were a year earlier. Are they saying this is a trend now since they have two data points?
3487852009111-10-03"We stand at a hopeful crossroad in human history. Stretchin out before us for the first time in millenia are the paths of our ancestors…"HighMinmatar religious leader Vuld Haupt sees wormholes as an opportunity to "return home", whatever he might mean by that with no knowledge of Earth.IC
34883162010112-??-??Sansha activity registered.MedCould be pretty much anything since 112 was the year of the Incursion live events.
3488142010112-01-05Meme sample: Conscripted Compassion.HighSlaves used to rescue Caldari miners in Annaro.ICThe slaves were from Ducia Foundry. Connection? If this is a meme, what are the other data points?
3488282010112-03-04Does this duplicate portions of the Skarkon model?MedAppears tied to Intaki rejection of Gallente and governance by pirates (Mordu) much like the Minmatar rejection when colonist accepted oversight by Angels at Skarkon? and
3488152010112-03-25Meme sample: Circumscribed Rage.MedWhile not specific, the Pashanai bombing took place on this day. There are many News articles. This one seems most "rage-y". If this is a meme, what are the other data points?
3487432010112-05-12Multiple artificial gravitational anomalies detected cluster wide.HighStart of Sansha Incursion live events. ICAlso looks like the Ducia Foundry incident was right around this time. System J235456 was reported to CONCORD by Julianus Soter & co.
3488162010112-10-05Dead end.HighThe Liberty Pill colony mass suicide approach announcement to deny Sansha converts. IC
3488382010112-12-13Disruption Event Identified. Type: Infiltration Disclosure. Subtype: Wedge Mirror. Actor: True Power. Targeted Interstice: CONCORD - Capsuleer Cohort. Motivation:…HighAntem incursion, Citizen Astur hacks CONCORD, posts communications from May 112 (2010)IC
3488092011113-03-18Alert: Intercept of encrypted traffic [source imperial-internal] reference keywords 'analysis, implant, recovered, subject, body'. Inferred keywords: autopsy, Anoikis, sleeper, breakthrough, diseaseLowMore Dusties … but why care about disease?This is amazingly early. The first Dust chronicle, Stranded Part 1, was published in June of 2011, Templar One Jan 2012. Statement from Jeronus Vie via Facebook on May 27 2011 "I saw an entire bloody golden fleet heading for that wormhole, but no one wants to listen."
3488392011113-07-07Disruption Event Identified. Type: Resource Shift. Subtype: Need Further Data. Actor: Need Further Data. Targeted Interstice: 4 Potentials. 1)…HighHilen Tukoss defects from Caldari/Zainou to Minmatar/Eifyr. ICFor someone as public and apparently straightforward as Tukoss, why so many needs for further info? What if Tukoss isn't what he seems to be?
3487872012114-03-03Priority alert. Amarr vessel detected emerging from Anoikis amongst armored expeditionary fleet. Cargo contains a large quantity of implants meeting revised conditions.MedDust launch? Mar 24 2012 was the Fanfest trailer showing the extraction of Dust implants. By people in an Echelon?!?Templar One published Jan 3 2012
34880102012114-03-20New research data collated. Source: Eram spider. Create new index.LowSuggests Arek'JaalanCrucible 1.5.3 deployed this day but contains nothing of note. Arek'Jaalan's last major organized activities were in Nov/Dec 2011. Project Compass 2.0 shutdown was March 13, 2012. Is this the day CCP had a meeting to officially declare AJ dead? What is a "new index"?
34883102012114-05-14They are not yet acknowledging the pattern.MedDust 514 launched this day. Only article is about kickoff of planetary/Eve cross of Dust. Not sure it fits the clue though.
34883112013115-03-22Disruption Event Identified. Type: Apoptosis…MedBattle of Caldari Prime, sacrifice of the Shiigeru
3488172013115-04-17Meme sample: Collective Individuality.MedSocial unrest in the wake of death of Midular and mass shooting of Minmatar in Gallente Federation. There was a lot of "collective individuality" in the Gallente and Minmatar here - what about the other two?
3487422013115-05-07"you are encroaching on sovereign Federation space, return to Republic space or you will be fired upon."HighMidular's death leads to a Minmatar "invasion" of Gallente space to retrieve the perpetrator. IC
34883122014116-01-01Disruption Event Identified. Type: Cathexis…HighMinmatar government overturn by Maleatu Shakor is complete. The former parliamentary system is now ruled primarily by the Tribal Council of chiefs. ICIt's worth linking to "cathexis" from wikipedia here...
3487412014116-01-27Multiple ultra high energy fluctuations developing. Recording numerous S.O.S transponders.HighBattle of B-R5RB.IC
34883132015117-01-12They could not predict this?MedProbably the day the Seekers start shooting back.
34880112015117-02-09Cloaking system failure. Proximity alert. Initiate system shutdown.MedJovian Towers decloak as part of the Tiamat releaseTiamat was released 3 days later on March 12, however - what happened on the 9th?