possibledied 99km from Regensburg (where awards were obtained)

Died 2007, 3 years before awards were found in 2010
No official wound badge citations but account lists 2 woundsAECHTNER, Fritz (March 4, 1916 - May 1, 2007) of Nuremberg, Bavaria, first began his military career as a soldier in the Bavarian artillery regiment in 1934.
In 1940 he filed a transfer to the Luftwaffe as Beobachter (observer) in helping artillery fire using aircraft Heinkel He 126. once transferred to Nahaufklärung and changed planes to the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-8,
Aechtner was awarded the Knight's Cross on 20 December 1944 as Flugzeugführer and Beobachter in 1.Staffel / Nahaufklärungsgruppe 5 (NAG 5) after being wounded twice while plane was shot down by the enemy, however he insisted to return to his unit a few days later.
Aechtner task, among others, is directing artillery fire from three batteries at once.
After the award ceremony the Knight's Cross, he tried to return to his unit besieged in Kurland, but instead ended up helping to break through the enemy encirclement in Poznan as the train that took him stuck there.
With only five survivors, Aechtner made it back to the German-controlled territory after traveling by foot in line behind the Soviet lines for 28 days, and found the news that he had been reported missing by his unit!

Medals and other honors received:
Flugzeugführerabzeichen (1942);
Dienstauszeichnung III.Klasse (1942);
Eisernes II.Klasse Kreuz (1942) and I.Klasse (1942);
Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42 (1942);
Luftwaffe Ehrenpokale für Besondere Leistungen im Luftkrieg (September 13 1942);
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (January 12, 1943, after 250 Einsätze);
Frontflugspange für Aufklärer in Gold; and Frontflugspange für Aufklärer in Gold mit Anhänger.
final address:windsheimer str 35, 90449 Nurnberg

possibleGold wound badge candidate with loss of eye

Career Recon officer
no mention of # missions

died 818km from Regensburg (where awards were obtained)
BAUER, Joachim Albrecht. (DOB: 25.03.03 in Heinitz/Bautzen). (i.G.). (R, DKG).
01.04.24 entered service with the Heer (Infanterie).
01.10.33 trf to the Luftwaffe and trained as a Beobachter (observer) and pilot at various schools, including Flugzeugführerschule (C 2) Neuruppin.
01.11.35 Generalstabs training at the LKS 2 Berlin-Gatow (to 31.03.37).
22.02.37 awarded full pilot license (Erw.Lw.F.Sch.).
20.04.38 trf into the Generalstab d.Lw.
01.03.39 appt Gruppenleiter in 3. Abt./Genst.d.Lw.
01.08.39 Maj., in 3.Abt./Gen.St.d.Lw.
01.11.39 Maj., trf to Stab/II. Fliegerkorps.
20.11.39 assigned to L.P.Chef Abt (IV).
22.12.39 appt Staka in Aufkl.Gr. 14.
20.04.40 returned to Stab/II. Fliegerkorps.
05.09.40 appt Staka in Aufkl.Gr. Ob.d.L.
24.10.40 trf to Ob.d.L./RLM pool and ordered on temporary duty with the Luftkriegsakademie as an instructor (to 14.03.41).
15.03.41 to temporary duty with Stab/Lfl.Kdo. 4, appt Verb.Offz. zur HGr.Süd17.
17.05.41 appt Ic/Luftflotte 4 (to 21.06.43?).
10.04.43 Leiter Abt. I in Stab/Luftwaffenstab Krim.
22.06.43 Obstlt. in Generalstab/Luftflotte 4, appt Seefliegerführer Schwarzes Meer (to 14.10.43?).
06.07.43 Obstlt. in Stab/ Fliegerführer Schwarzes Meer, ordered to Stab/I. Fliegerkorps for temporary duty.
01.09.43 promo to Oberst. 12.43 appt Kdr. Einsatzstab Krim des Gen.Kdo. Fliegerkorps I (to 04.44 WIA – lost right eye in combat in Crimea).
14.05.44 Oberst, awarded Ritterkreuz, Luftflotte 4.
08.06.44 trf to OKL/RLM pool (to 15.08.44).
16.08.44 Oberst, trf to 8. Abt./Genst.d.Lw. (still 1945).
01.10.44 Oberst., awarded DKG for service as Seefliegerführer Schwarzes Meer.
20.11.44 assigned to Führerreserve OKL.
†25.04.99 in Rendsberg
outwound badge candidate with head wound (but not gold)

bomber pilot 416 missions max - need 600+ as RK awarded while POW for 416BOOS, Johann. (DOB: 01.08.15 in Ney/Kreis St. Goar). (R, DKG).
20.10.36 entered the military,serving with 6./Inf.-Rgt. 55. Spring
1937 trf to the Luftwaffe.
04.38 began flight training with Fl.Ausb.Rgt. 72, then more training with: FFS A/B 2, FFS C 7, then Grosse KFS 1 Tutow.
02.39 trf to 1. (H)/Aufkl.Gr. 14 (to 05.39).
09.39 in 8./KG 55.
25.09.40 Uffz., 8./KG 55 WIA with a head wound during a raid on Bristol and out of action for some time.
01.41 finished training with BFS 4. 02.41 trf to 9./KG 55.
19.09.41 Fw., awarded the Ehrenpokal.
20.07.42 Fw., awarded the DKG. 01.08.43 promo to Ofw.
02.43 reported to have flown the last aircraft out of the Stalingrad pocket.
16.05.43 Ofw. in 9./KG 55, POW - in He 111 H-16 (G1+AY) that failed to return from a raid on the railway station in Krapotkin/N Caucasia (another account says the railway station at Armavir) - evaded capture for three days.
09.10.43 awarded the Ritterkreuz in recognition of 416 combat missions completed.
02.06.48 returned from Soviet captivity due to severe illness.
01.10.69 employed at the Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung in Koblenz.
31.07.80 retired.
†20.12.03 in Kratzenburg near Koblenz.
outwound badge candidate (but not gold)
died south africaDÜNKEL, Friedrich. (DOB: 07.03.20 in Lüderitzbucht/Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika). (R).
1941 Techn.Offz. in 9./LG 2.
23.06.41 Stab I./JG 51 WIA - force-landed his Bf 109 at Lukow when he ran out of fuel.
06.41 trf to 3./JG 51 (to 08.41).
01.04.43 in Nahaufklärungsgeschwader 102, promo to Oblt.
01.04.44 Oblt., 2./NAGr. 4.
31.05.44 Oblt. in 2./NAGr. 12. 11.44 appt Staka 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 121 (to 08.05.45).
20.12.44 Oblt., 2./NAGr. 12.
01.01.45 promo to Hptm. 04.45 Staka 1./NAGr. 1.
28.04.45 Hptm., awarded Ritterkreuz, 2./NAGr. “Tannenburg”.
†08.02.84 in Laaiplek/South Africa. Credited with 9 victories.
possiblewound badge candidate

full career in recon, 1940-1945 looks like an operational career rather than a desk career
enough for 600 missions

died 145 km from Regensburg (where awards were obtained)
Died 1973, many years before awards were found in 2010

ECKEBRECHT, Fritz. (DOB: 08.05.12 in Berlin). (R, DKG).
1940-41 in 4.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 31.
22.06.41 WIA.
31.08.42 Lt., awarded the Ehrenpokal.
17.04.43 Oblt., awarded DKG, 4.(H)/Aufkl.Gr.
31. 09.11.44 Oblt., awarded Ritterkreuz, 4.(H)/Aufkl.Gr.
31. 1945 Oblt. in 2./NAGr. 4.
outwound badge candidate (but not gold)
only 289 missionsEVERS, Franz. (DOB: 17.01.11 in Köln). (R).
06.01.41 awarded the Ehrenpokal.
17.10.41 Lt., awarded Ritterkreuz, 3.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 121.
10.41 in 3.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 121.
01.04.42 promo to Hptm.
01.05.43 Hptm., appt Staka 11./NJG 101 (to 10.11.43).
11.43 in Stab I./NJG 6.
02.44 Maj., appt Kommodore NJG 102 (to 31.05.44).
07.02.44 Maj., appt Kommodore NJG 101 (to 15.03.45).
07/08.07.44 WIA during combat vic Creveceur.
22.05.56 joined the Bundeswehr. 30.09.69 retired as a Hptm.
†19.04.91 in Köln. Credited with 2 victories in 289 missions.
outKIAKIAFRIEBEL, Herbert. (DOB: 28.07.15 in Berlin). (R, DKG). 1939-40 Aufklärungsflieger.
06.41 with 12./JG 51.
09.09.41 10./JG 51 WIA - Bf 109 F-2 hit by AA vic Novgorod.
20.10.41 Fw., awarded the Ehrenpokal.
08.09.42 Ofw., awarded DKG, 10./JG 51.
24.01.43 Ofw., awarded Ritterkreuz, 12./JG 51.
02.44 with Stabsstaffel/JG 51.
15.05.44 Lt., KIA – Bf 109 G-6 crashed and burned near Tarnopol after flying too close to the ground while locked in combat with Russian fighters. Credited with 58 air victories.
outSevere WIA in hospital for 2 yearsonly 150 missionsGESCHWILL, Heinz. (DOB: 25.04.20 in Beühl/Baden or Brühl near Mannheim). (R).
11.38 entered the Luftwaffe and began training at Fl.Ausb.Rgt. 72. (n.d.) underwent further training at LKS 4, FFS
Fürstenfeldbruck, FFS C Fürstenwald, Grosse KFS 2, and BFS 4.
01.04.40 promo to Lt.
Early 08.40 trf to 9./KG 3.
Late 02.41 temporarily taken out of operations.
23.03.41 Lt., awarded Ritterkreuz, 3./KG 3. 06.41 with III./KG 3.
23.09.41 Lt. in 9./KG 3, seriously WIA after being shot up by Soviet fighters during
weather recon over Leningrad, his Do 17 Z-2 (5K+AT) crashing vic Mustolovo. Hospitalized nearly 2 years, he never returned to service, but resumed his studies.
01.04.42 promo to Oblt.
04.45 captured by the French at Donauschingen.
†06.05.2009 in Karlsruhe.
Credited with 150 missions.
possiblewound badge candidate

Died 01.01.2006 close to the date that awards were found in 2010
Crash was belly landing not serious

Unknown place of death
HESSINGER, Franz. (DOB: 13.07.19 in Fürstenfeld/Steiermark). (R, DKG).
22.03.42 Lt., 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123 WIA - Ju 88 D-2 (4U+EK) belly-landed vic Tatoi. - not serioius as was flying 5 days later.
13.07.42 Lt., awarded the Ehrenpokal.
18.07.42 Hessinger's 99th mission
28.01.43 Lt., awarded DKG, 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123.
10.02.43 Oblt., 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123 unhurt - damaged by a Hurricane vic Haifa - rescued.
14.02.43 Olt., 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123 unhurt? - Ju 86 R force landed at Tymbakion due to motor damage.
01.09.43 in 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123, promo to Oblt.
23.09.43 flew the 4,000th mission of 2(F)./Aufkl.Gr. 123.
08.08.44 Oblt., awarded Ritterkreuz, 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123.
out700 missionsnot recon

no mention of wounds

Died well before the collection turned up in Regensburg in 2010
HOFFER- Edler von SULMTHAL, Herbert. (DOB: 18.01.20 in Karlsbad). (R, DKG).
1941 attended FS Zerbst.
08.41 trf to "Erg.St. at Lippstadt".
09.41 trf to II./LG 2 (to 03.43).
12.04.42 attended officer Training at LKS 4 (to 19.06.42).
21.09.42 awarded the Ehrenpokal.
13.02.43 Uffz., awarded DKG,./Sch.G.
1.06.43 trf to Schl.G. 2 (or SG 2?) (to 05.44).
1944 appt Staka 5./SG 77.
06.08.44 Lt.,awarded Ritterkreuz, Staffelführer in II./SG 77 (to 05.44).
06.44 trf to SG 101 as an instructor (to 12.44).n.d.) some association with SG 102.
01.45 briefly with the Schiessschule at Vaerlose.
02.45 trf to SG 10 (to 03.45).
04.45 with JG 400.
1967 retired from the Österreichisches Bundesheer with a rank of Major.
Credited with over 700 missions and 9 victories and the destruction of numerous ground targets. Postwar joined the Austrian Air Force attaining a rank of Maj.
†01.09.67 in a military crash in the vicinity ofeltweg. [ Its not clear if he had changed his name post war].
outnoISKEN, Eduard. (DOB: 15.04.18 in Hagendingen/Lothr.). (R, DKG).
1940 in III./JG 77. 10.41 lost a Bf 109 F-4.
01.42 lost a Bf 109 F-4 .
13.06.42 7./JG 77 lost Bf 109 F-4/R1 force landed vic Slawjansk due to ground fire.
07.42 with 8./JG 77. 28.04.43 Ofw., awarded DKG, 8./JG 77.
05.43 Bf 109 G-6 (Black 2) damaged by Italian AA.
26.07.43 Ofw., awarded the Ehrenpokal.
27.09.43 WIA - Bf 109 G-6 (White 6) shot up in combat with bombers, bailed out vic Modena.
1943-44 in 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123 and JGr. 200. 06.44 with 3./JGr. 200.
10.44 trf to 13./JG 53. 14.01.45 Ofw., awarded Ritterkreuz, 13./JG 53.
Credited with 56 air victories in 946 missions.
†07.01.97 in Wolfsburg.
outAufkl before warBecame bomber pilotKOSCH, Benno. (DOB: 12.03.00 in Rovereto/Tirol). (R). c.02.38 Hptm., Kdt., Fl.Tel.Kp. of the Austrian Air Force. 03.38 Hptm., Kdr., Aufklärungsgeschwader Nr.1 of the Austrian Air Force. 15.03.38 trf to the Luftwaffe then assigned to LG. 01.05.39 Maj., appt Kdr. I./KG 152 (II./KG 1) (to 07.09.40 WIA). 19.07.40 promo to Obstlt. 07.09.40 severely WIA in combat with fighters during the raid on London. 01.10.40 Obstlt., awarded Ritterkreuz, Obstlt., Kdr. II./ KG 1. 25.11.40 appt Kommodore KG 26. 01.02.41 Obstlt., appt Kommodore KG 55 (to 26.08.42). 01.04.42 promo to Oberst. 27.08.42 Oberst, appt Kdr. Kampfbeobachterschule Bug (to 14.10.42). 15.10.42 Oberst, appt Kdr. Kampfbeobachtervorschule 2 (to 02.01.43). 03.01.43 appt Fliegerführer 2 (to 01.02.43). 05.05.43 in Luftflotte 2 area, trf to Luftflotte 1 for further assignment (to 30.06.43). 01.07.43 trf to Lw.-Kdo. Südost for further assignment. c.30.09.43 appt Fliegerführer Kreta (to c.01.01.44). 01.01.44 assigned to Führerreserve Ob.d.L. – had temporary duty assignments in various higher staff positions through most of 1944. 12.44 Kdt. Koflug 4/XII (to 28.01.45). 12.02.45 Oberst, appt Kdt. Koflug 2/III (to 08.05.45). †16.06.75 in Vienna.
outFallshirmjagercommander of fallshirmjaegerKÜHNE, Martin. (DOB: 01.11.18 in Langebrück, Krs. Dresden). (R, DKG). 01.10.37 Fahnenjunker,rf to I./Flak-Rgt. 10 in Dresden. 01.01.39 Oberfähnrich, trf to I./Flak-Rgt. 23 in Fürstenfeldbrück (to1.08.39). 01.09.39 Lt., trf to Fallschirmschule in Wittstock. 29.11.39 trf to Fsch.Jg.Rgt. 1. 01.04.40ppt Zugführer in 2./Fsch.Jg.Erg.Bataillon 1 in Stendal. 01.05.40 appt Zugführer in 15./Fsch.Jg.Rgt. WIA. c.05.41 appt Zugführer 1./Fsch.Jg.Rgt. 2 for the invasion of Crete. 05.41 Oblt., Adj../Fsch.Jg.Rgt. 2. 01.10.41 promo to Oblt. 07.10.41 Lt., awarded the Ehrenpokal. 06.41 Adj,./Fsch.Jg.Rgt. 2. 28.02.43 appt Führer of Aufkl.-Kp./Fsch.Jg.Rgt. 2. 26.06.43 appt Führer./Fsch.Jg.Rgt. 2. 23.07.43 awarded the DKG. 10.09.43 Oblt., appt Kdr. I./Fsch.Jg.Rgt. 2. 01.01.44romo to Hptm. 15.02.44 appt Kdr. I./Fsch.Jg.Rgt. 10. 29.02.44 Hptm., awarded Ritterkreuz, Kdr../Fsch.Jg.Rgt.2. 01.03.45 promo to Maj. 05.45 became POW. †25.03.03.
outKIAKIALEIE, Erich. (DOB: 10.09.16 in Kiel). (R, DKG). 08.39 Lt., appt acting Staka Res.St./JG 71 (or 5./JG1?) (to 29.08.39). 10.39 in 5./JG 51. 21.03.40 trf to III./JG 2. 10.40 Oblt., appt Geschw. Adjutant in JG (to 24.06.42). 01.08.41 awarded Ritterkreuz. 04.05.42 (or 24.06.42) Hptm., appt Kdr. I./JG 2 (to2.42). 19.08.42 Oblt. (Hptm.?),WIA in combat near Abbeville - Fw 190 A-3. 20.10.42 awarded DKG,./JG 2. 18.01.43 Hptm., appt provisional then on 04.06.43 permanent Kdr. I./JG 51 (to 28.12.44).1.10.43 promo to Maj. 06.07.44 shot down over Russian positions but parachute blew back over friendlyines. 29.12.44 Obstlt., appt Kommodore JG 77 (to 07.03.45). 07.03.45 KIA – in Bf 109 G-14 (Black <1 -) that collided with a Yak-9 that he had just shot down over the Schwarzwasser/Hultschin area – bailedut too low - crashed at Drogomysl/Poland. Memorialized at Valasske Mezirici/Czech Republic. (n.d.)ecommended for the Eichenlaub. (n.d.) posthumously promo to Obstlt. Credited with over 500 combatissions and 118 air victories.EIENDECKER (LEINDECKER?), Lothar. (DOB: 20.07.06 in Ingolstadt). 01.08.43 Flieger-auptnautiker in the Erg.Fernaufkl.Gr., reclassified as Hptm. (A 1/Fl.) (RDA 01.03.38). (n.d.) in KG Maj., appt Staka 1./KG 27 (to 12.11.44), then Staka 1./KG 27 (J) (to 14.02.45). 02.45 Maj. anda in Stab/KG (J) 27.
outKIAKIAMÜLLER, Gottlob. (DOB: 17.03.95 in Kitzingen/Unterfranken). (R, DKS). WWI initially served inhe infantry, then with the Fliegertruppe, rising to Lt. 1915 badly WIA spending months in hospital.0.16 severely WIA not recovering until 04.17. Post war joined the Freikorps von Epp flying unit. 08.19ontinued with the Reichswehr. 01.10.23 promo to Oblt. 03.28 sent to Lipezk for secret training.1.09.29 promo to Hptm. (RDA 01.05.28). 01.02.32 appt Kdr. of the secret training facility inipezk/Soviet Union (to 30.09.33). 01.10.33 trf to the Luftwaffe in the rank of Hptm. and appt Kdr. JFSchleissheim (to 31.08.34). 01.09.34 promo to Maj. and ordered to Luftkreiskdo. V. 01.10.34 appt Abt.-hef in Luftkreiskdo. V. 01.10.36 promo to Obstlt. 01.03.37 appt Kdr. III./KG 255 and Kdt. Fl.H.emmingen (to 01.04.37). 01.04.38 trf to RLM pool pending assignment. 01.09.38 trf to RLM (L In 5 asruppenleiter). 01.01.39 promo to Oberst and appt Kdr. der Kampf-, Schlachtu.ufklärungsfliegerschulen. 01.09.39 appt Höh.Kdr.d.Kampf-u.Sturzkampffliegerschulen (to 14.01.41).1.06.41 appt Kdt. Koflug 10/III with Luftgau-Kdo. Belgien-Nordfrankreich. 01.11.41 promo to Gen.Maj.2.12.41 appt Kdr. Luftgaustab z.b.V. 10? 13.02.42 or 05.08.42 appt Befehlshaber Lg.Stab z.b.V. Afrikato 15.03.43). 15.03.43 appt Befehlshaber Lg.Stab z.b.V. Tunis/Luftgaukdo. Tunis (to 19.07.43 barelyscaping capture). c.15.04.43 (concurrently?) appt Komm.Gen.u.Befh. Luftgaukommando Süd (to1.06.43). 08.06.43 Gen.Maj., awarded Ritterkreuz, Kdr. Luftgau Tunis. 19.07.43 apptöh.Kdr.d.Kampf-u.Aufkl.Flieger (to 31.10.43). 26.07.43 awarded the DKS. 01.10.43 appth.d.Genst./Luftflotte 2? 15.10.43 appt Kdr. 3. Fliegerschuldivision (order rescinded?). 01.11.43 promoo Gen.Lt. and appt Fliegerführer Berlin (to 28.04.45?). 1944 appt provisional Kdt. Feldkommandantur24 (in Netherlands) (to 01.45)? 01.45 trf to Fhr.Res. 03.02.45 appt Lw.-Verbindungsoffizier beimehrkreis III (to 28.04.45). †28.04.45 (KIA fighting in Berlin-Gatow).
outBadly injured removed from flight statuszerstorer pilotNACKE, Heinz. (DOB: 22.12.09 in Ullendorf/Sachsen). (R, DKG).
1938 Aufklärungsflieger with the Legion Condor in Spain.
01.07.39 Oblt., trf from Aufkl.St.(F) A/88 to II./ZG 76 and appt Staka 6. Staffel.
09.09.39 appt Staka 3./JGr. 176 (to 03.02.40).
01.06.40 Oblt., Staka 6./ZG 76. 30.08.40 Hptm. and Staka 6./ZG 76, WIA - Bf 110 C (M8+KM) crash landed at St. Ingelvert.
02.11 40 Hptm., awarded Ritterkreuz, Staka 6./ZG 76.
12.04.41 trf to I./SKG 210 (to 14.08.41).
14.08.41 appt Kdr. II./ZG 76 (later became III./NJG 3).
17.10.41 Hptm., appt Kdr. III./NJG 3 (to 21.04.43).
01.10.42 promo to Maj.
22.04.43 trf to Erprobungskdo. 25 and appt Führer.
26.05.43 appt Staffelführer Jagdstaffel/Erprobungskdo. 25.
19.06.43 appt Kdr. II./ZG 1 (to 02.08.43?).
02.08.43 badly injured in Bf 110 G-2 (S9+KM) forced-landing at Thalfangen near Trier during a delivery flight; he is said to have flown no more combat missions after
recovering from his injuries.
15.01.44 Maj., appt Kommodore ZG 101 (to 15.03.45). Credited with 12 air victories. (n.d.) postwar he joined the Bundeswehr and rose to Oberst.
†16.09.84 in Stuttgart.
outAufkl pre warBecame bomber pilotOBERLÄNDER, Werner (Hans-Werner?). (DOB: 16.12.12 in Bankauermühle). (R, DKG). 1932rained at a private flying school. 1936 entered the Luftwaffe. (attended FFS A/B Magdeburg, then FFS Celle. (n.d.) trf to LKS 1 as a flight instructor. (n.d.) appt Ausbildungsleiter at an Grosse KFS. (n.d.)rf to Aufkl.Gr. Ob.d.L. as a pilot. (n.d.) Lt., briefly with KG 54 before joining 7./KG 55. End of 1940 trfo to 2./KG 55. 20.04.42 awarded Ehrenpokal. 10.07.42 awarded DKG, 2./KG 55. 15.09.42 Hptm., appttaka 2./KG 55 (to 27.11.42). 25.11.42 severely WIA in He 111 H-6 (G1+RK) crash landing vicorosovkaya after losing an engine to enemy fire during a ground support mission in foul weather west of
outnoover 300 missions - short of 600OSWALD, Franz. (DOB: 09.08.15 in Jena). (R, DKG).
1940 Beobachter in 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123.
09.05.40 in 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123, shot down and became POW of the French - Ju 88.
06.41 began flying operations.
27.12.42 4.(Pz)/Schl.G. 1 MIA - Hs 129 B-2 hit by AA in Pl.Qu. 2953 but evaded capture and later returned - no further details.
20.01.43 Oblt., appt Staka 8.(Pz.)/Schl.G. 2 (to 18.10.43).
18.01.43 WIA by ground fire near Bou Arada (Hs 129 B-2).
04.06.43 Oblt., awarded DKG, 8.(Pz.)/Sch.G. 2.
Late 06.43 Oblt. in 8./Schl.G. 2, WIA - badly burned hands, face and thighs by an accidental flare discharge in
the Hs 129 cockpit - hospitalized for 6 weeks at Oberföhring.
18.10.43 appt Staka 13.(Pz.)/SG 9 (to 12.44).
24.10.44 Hptm., awarded Ritterkreuz, Staka 13.(Pz.)/SG 9.
01.04.44 promo to Hptm.
17.01.45 Hptm., trf from SG 9 to Erp.Kdo. 26 as Kommandoführer.
†13.01.03 in München. Credited with over
300 missions and 44 tanks destroyed.
outKIAKIAPFAFFENDORF, Armin. (DOB: 16.11.19 in Elbing/East Prussia). (R). (n.d.) Lt., began flight trainingith Heeresaufklärungschule Brieg.
06.41 trf to 3.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 23, then 1.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 13.
22.05.42blt., awarded Ritterkreuz, 1.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 13. c.
11.42 WIA and no longer able to fly.
12.42 not yet
outMIAMIAROESCH, Rudolf. (DOB: 22.02.20 in München). (R, DKG). 30.11.38 entered the Luftwaffe, initiallyerving with 13./Flak-Rgt. 5. 11.03.39 trf to 12./Flak-Rgt.5. 26.08.39 trf to 1./Res. Flak-Abt. 508.0.02.40 began flight training with Fl.Ausb.Rgt. 41. 05.11.40 trf to FFS C 16. 01.01.41 promo to Lt.n.d.) with a Grosse KFS then IV./KG 51. 02.11.41 trf to III./KG 51. 20.07.42 Lt., awarded thehrenpokal. Start of 1943 attained his 300th mission. 23.02.43 Lt., 4./KG 51 awarded the DKG.0.06.43 appt Staka 9./KG 51. (n.d.) trf to 2./KG 51. 26.03.44 Oblt., awarded Ritterkreuz, Staka 9./KG1. 01.05.44 promo to Hptm.(DAL/A1). 08.09.44 Hptm., 3./KG (J) 51 WIA. †28.11.44 MIA vicelmond near Nijmegen during a weather recon mission - Me 262 A-2 (9K+KL) hit by AA but apparentlyeturned to Rheine. Credited with about 450 missions.
outKIAKIASCHAEZLER, Dietrich, Freiherr von. 01.07.39 Oblt., trf from Aufkl.St.(F) A/88 to Aufkl.Gr. Oblt. in 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123, WIA.CHÄFER (also as SCHAEFER), Eberhard. (DOB: 23.08.24 in Magdeburg-Sudenburg). (R, DKG).1.12.41 entered the Luftwaffe as an Offiziersbewerber. 25.02.42 began basic training at 6./Fl.Ausb.Rgt.3. (n.d.) trf to LKS Dresden-Klotzsche. (n.d.) trf to FFS C 6. 25.05.42 trf to BFS Kopenhagen-astrup. 01.01.43 promo to Fähnrich. 01.06.43 promo to Lt. 06.43 trf to IV./KG 51. (n.d.) trf to 5./KG1 (later redesignated as 8./KG 3). 01.09.43 trf to II./KG 51. 01.09.43 trf to II./KG 51. (n.d.) appt Ia ofII./KG 3. 02.44 trf to 9./KG 3. 03.44 appt Staka 9./KG 3. 20.03.44 Lt., awarded the Ehrenpokal.n.d.1943?) Lt., 5./KG 51 fate unstated - Ju 88 A-4 (9K+AN) vic Leros. 30.03.44 minor WIA by an AA hito his Ju 88 A-4 (RH+PP) 17 km SW of Brody- force-landed but walked back on foot. 06.04.44 fatallyIA when ground fire caused his pistol magazine to explode, tearing terrible wounds in his abdomen- inpite of which he flew his Ju 88 A-4 (9K+JP) back to a safe landing at Zamosc. 09.04.44 died of hisounds the same day following surgery at Zamosc/SE Poland at Feldlazarett 608 (mot.). 07.04.44 Lt.,warded the Ritterkreuz by Gen.Lt. Seidemann, as he lay dying in hospital. (n.d.) posthumously promo toblt. (RDA 01.04.44). 22.04.44 awarded the DKG posthumously. 24.04.44 Lt., posthumously awardedhe Ehrenpokal. Contrary to orders, he was buried at Hiddesen Cemetary near Detmold after a funeral athe Tannenberg Memorial. Credited with 156 missions.
outKIAKIASCHMIDTBERG, Klaus. (DOB: 13.11.19). (R, DKG). 14.12.42 awarded Ehrenpokal. 19.05.43 Fw.,warded DKG, 1.(F)/Nacht-Aufkl.St. 06.10.44 Fhj.Ofw., awarded Ritterkreuz, 1.(F)/Nacht-Aufkl.St.ast rank: Lt.?CHMIDT-COSTE, Walter. 15.03.37 Oblt., appt Staka 4./JG 334 (to 30.06.38). 01.07.38 appt Kdr.II./JG 334. 01.11.38 appt Kdr. I./JG 144. 01.01.39 appt Kdr. I./ZG 144. 01.05.39 appt Kdr. II./ZG Maj., appt Kdr. JGr. 176. 01.03.42 promo to Obstlt. 09.03.43 Obstlt., trf fromtab/Luftflottenkdo. 2 to Stab/Luftgaukdo. Westfrankreich.CHMIDT-DIETRICH, Hartmut. (DOB: 24.05.22 in München). 1942 in JGr. Drontheim (laterenamed JFS 3). 1943 assistant fighter instructor at JG 103, then trf to 4./Erg.JGr. Ost. 24.12.43 trf to./JG 3. 07.01.44 appt Techn.Offz. in 5./JG 3, then Staka 6./JG 3. 04.07.44 WIA. 04.08.44 WIA again?3.10.44 trf to IV./JG 53. 1944-45 Oblt. and Stafü 9./JG 53.CHMIDT-FIEBIGER, Walter. 01.10.39 Maj., in I./Flak-Rgt. 23. 01.04.42 promo to Obstlt. 05.43bstlt., Kdr. Flak-Abt. 192 (to 08.43).CHMIDT-FÖLKERSAMB, Hermann. 27.01.43 Hptm.(z.V.), trf from Luftwaffenbefehlshaber Mitte tolieger-Ers.Btl. III. 21.06.43 Hptm. (z.V.), trf from Flieger-Ers.Btl. III to Gen.d.Lw. beim OKM forurther assignment.CHMIDT-HALFEN, ? . c. 15.11.42 Oblt. and instructor at LKS 2 Berlin-Gatow, sentenced to 9onths imprisonment and loss of rank for taking women and children on joy rides in Luftwaffe aircraft.3.45 Oblt., appt Staka 3./NSGr. 4. 08.04.45 KIA – in Ju 87 during a supply flight to Breslau.CHMIDT-HERN, Günther. (DOB: 17.06.14). (i.G.). 01.03.42 promo to Hptm. 07.06.43 inührerreserve Ob.d.L., trf to Stab/5. Flak-Div. 19.04.45 Hptm. and Ia/11. Flak-Div.CHMIDT-KABIS, Karl-Gustav. 30.12.41 appt Staka 7.(F)/LG 2 (to 26.03.42).ersion: April 2013
outzerstorer pilotSCHOB, Herbert. (DOB: 12.05.15 in Leipzig). (R, DKG). (W.B.K. Strahlsund). 04.04.34 entered theeer. 25.06.35 trf to Fliegerschule Magdeburg (to 15.04.36). 16.04.36 trf to Fliegerschule Fassberg (to1.07.36). 01.08.36 trf to 4./JG 134 (to 15.06.37). 16.06.37 trf to 4.(Schw)/LG 1. 01.09.38 ordered topain for duty with 2. J/88 in the Legion Condor. 11.11.38 trf to 1.(Z)/LG 1 (to 18.03.40). 09.39 in I.Zerst.)/LG 1. 19.03.40 trf to 3./ZG 76 (to 31.08.40). 06.40 Ofw., in I./ZG 76. 01.09.40 trf to 6./NJG 11.10.40 trf to 8./NJG 1. 14.12.40 trf to Stab/NJ-Div. (to 02.01.41). 03.01.41 trf to Flugbereitschaft desLM. 01.04.41 trf to 2./ZG 26 (to 27.04.42). 01.12.41 trf to 2./NJG 4. 08.12.41 awarded Ehrenpokal.8.04.42 trf to 5./ZG 2 (to 02.05.42). 03.05.42 trf to 2./Zerstörer Erg.Gr. Deblin (to 14.02.43). 23.07.42rf to 1./ Zerstörer Erg.Gr. 01.08.42 appt reserve officer cadet. 19.10.42 to 13. Lehrgang forriegsoffizier cadets (to 19.12.42). 08.02.43 trf to Erg.NAGr. 28.08.43 trf to 1./ZG 76. 01.10.43 promoo Oblt. (Kr.O.) (RDA 01.03.41). 06.10.43 trf to I./ZG 76. 20.12.43 appt Staka 1./ZG 76. 1943 in II./ZG6. 06.03.44 WIA - Bf 110 G shot down by P-51s NE of Magdeburg. 14.04.44 awarded DKG, 2./NJG appt Ia Stab/ZG 76. 09.06.44 Oblt., awarded Ritterkreuz, II./ZG 76. 15.06.44 Oblt., appt Stakarg.St./ZG 76 (to 31.07.44). 11.44 appt Ia Stab/JG 300. 04.45 Hptm., in JG 300. Credited with over 300ombat missions and 28 air victories (6 in Spain). †05.04.81 in Frankfurt/M, buried there at theauptfriedhof.
outWIAonly 180 missionsSCHULTE, Helmuth. (DOB: 23.02.15 in Giessen or Solingen). (R, DKG).
1939-42 pilot in a Nahaufklärungsstaffel including 3.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 21.
03.08.42 Lt., awarded Ehrenpokal.
03.09.43 assigned as Techn.Offz. to II./NJG 5 following conversion training.
22/23.10.43 Oblt., Stab II./NJG 5.
1944 Oblt., appt Staka 11./NJG 5.
20/21.02.44 Oblt., Stab II./NJG 5.
27.03.44 Oblt., appt Staka 4./NJG
5.04.44 appt Staka 4./NJG 6.
01.05.44 Oblt., appt Staka 7./NJG 6 (to 18.07.44).
18.07.44 Oblt./Hptm.,appt Kdr. II./NJG 6 (to 08.05.45).
23.07.44 Oblt., awarded DKG, 7./NJG 5.
02/03.02.45 Hptm., II./NJG 6 WIA - Ju 88 G (2Z+AC) shot up by a heavy bomber vic Heilbronn. 16/17.03.45 Hptm., Stab II./NJG 6.
17.04.45 Hptm., awarded Ritterkreuz, Kdr. II./NJG 6. Credited with more than 180 combat missions and
25 night victories. †09.07.82.
possibleWounded on crash at takeoff could have been serious enought to be a Gold wound badge and no other entries other than awarding of knights cross - could have ended his careerdied in 1989 many years before awards were found in 2010

Unknown place of death

SCHULZE, Wolfgang, Dr. (DOB: 27.08.22 in Kirn/Nahe). (R, DKG).
12.04.43 Lt., awarded the Ehrenpokal.
01.06.43 Lt. in Nahaufkl.St. 4./31, trf to Offiziere z.b.V. Ob.d.L. (Sch.Etat).
16.08.43 Lt.,awarded DKG, 4.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 31.
15.03.45 Oblt. in 1./NAGr. 5, WIA – in Bf 109 G-5 that crashed while taking off from Fp. Cirava in the Courland (Kurland) pocket.
17.03.45 Oblt., awarded Ritterkreuz, 1./NAGr. 5.
possibleWIA by aerial action, could have been serious

died in bavaria

full career in recon, 1939-1945

died 124km from Regensburg (where awards were obtained)

Bundeswehr career good reason to have 1957 medals
not sure whether enough for 600 missions as he was promoted to Hauptmann in 1943

Died 1998, 12 years before awards were found in 2010

SELL, Wilhelm. (DOB: 15.06.10 in Schweinfurt). (R, DKG).
01.11.39 Oblt., trf from Aufkl.Fl.Schule Grossenhain to Aufkl.Gr. 11.
13.08.40 Hptm., Staka, 4.(H)/Aufkl.Gr.32 (to 23.11.41?).
23.11.41 WIA by a Russian fighter near Barvenkovo/130 km SSE of Kharkov.
20.04.42 Hptm., awarded Ehrenpokal.
03.12.42 Hptm., awarded DKG, 1.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 10.
22.04.43 Hptm. and Kdr. NAGr. 6, trf to Ob.d.L. pool (Sch.Etat).
01.06.44 promo to Maj. 05.09.44 Maj., awarded Ritterkreuz, Kdr. NAGr. 5.
1956 joined the Bundeswehr.
30.09.68 retired as an Oberst.
†14.01.98 in München.
outKIAKIASTENTZLER, Edgar (Eduard). (DOB: 27.03.05 in Dortmund). (i.G.). (R). 01.04.23 entered serviceith the Heer (Kavallerie). 01.11.33 trf to the Luftwaffe and enrolled in Beobachter (observer) training atliegerschule Braunschweig (to 30.06.34). 01.07.34 trf to Aufklärungsstaffel Grossenhain and began pilotraining at Celle. 01.11.34 appt instructor at Infanterie-Schule Dresden and then at Kriegsschuleannover. 01.10.36 received the Lw. Beobachter license. 15.11.36 appt Staka 4.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 11 (laterufkl.Gr. 121) in Neuhausen. 16.02.38 Generalstab training at the Luftkriegsakademie Berlin-Gatow (to0.06.38). 01.07.38 appt Ia op 1 in Stab/Luftgaukdo. XI. 01.06.39 trf into the Generalstab d.Lw.0.06.40 Maj., appt Kdr. Fallsch.Erg.Btl. 1. 11.07.40 trf to II./Luftlande-Sturm-Rgt. 1. 01.08.40 promo toaj. and appt Kdr. II./Luftlande-Sturm-Rgt. 1. 20.11.40 appt Kdr. II./Sturm-Rgt. 1. 09.07.41 Maj., Kdr.I./Fsch.Jg.Rgt., awarded the Ritterkreuz. 03.10.41 WIA severely and lost an eye on the Volkhov front.9.10.41 died in hospital at Königsberg.
possibleNo entries after WIA in 1943 wound could have excluded him from rest of the warDied 1962, nearly 5 decades before awards were found in 2010 STRASSMAIR, Hannes (Hans). (AKA Strassmeier) (DOB: 02.01.15 in Garmisch). (W.B.K. München III). (R, DKG).
28.09.42 awarded the DKG (recommended while a Lt. in 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 122).
18.11.42 Lt., appt acting Chef Flugh.Betr.Kp./Aufkl.Gr. 122 Elmas.
03.04.43 Lt., awarded the Ritterkreuz (in 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 122).
27.07.43 RDA for rank of Lt. adjusted to 01.05.41.
01.09.43 promo to Oblt.(Kr.O./Fl.).
30.10.43 Oblt., 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 122 WIA during a raid on his base at Perigia/Italy.
†16.03.62 near Erlsried.
possiblefull career in recon 1940-1945

This career summary looks like two guys mixed up?

WOLFF, Hans. (DOB: 07.04.12 in Salzkotten, Krs. Büren). (R).
14.02.40 Oblt., appt Staka 1.F)/Aufkl.Gr. 124 (to c.25.10.41).
25.10.40 Hptm. and Ia op in Stab/Luftflotte 5, appt Verb.Offz. toen.d.Gebirgstruppen Dietl.
12.01.42 Hptm., awarded Ritterkreuz while serving as Staka 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr.24.
25.02.42 appt Ia Fliegerführer Nord (Ost) (to 19.07.43).
01.03.42 promo to Maj.
05.06.43 awardedhe Ehrenpokal.
19.07.43 Maj., trf to Führerreserve RLM/Ob.d.L. and ordered to Verbandsführerlehrgangt the Verbandsführerschule Tours for temporary duty.
21.08.43 trf to Aufkl.Gr. 123.
24.09.43 Maj., apptdr. Aufkl.Gr. 123 (to 18.05.44).
01.07.44 promo to Obstlt.
1944 Obstlt., with LKS 5 Breslau (to1.01.45)?
01.02.45 Obstlt., appt Kdr. LKS 11 Straubing (to 16.04.45).
03.45 Obstlt., appt Kdr.sch.Jg.Rgt. 30 (to 28.04.45 WIA vic St.Pölten).
05.05.03 in Hannover.