TimestampYour Name (First & Last)What's your IG Handle?EmailCell Phone #What's your birthday (MM/DD) ?Your managers nameWhat is your proudest accomplishment?Hobbies/interests?What's your favorite book?What's your favorite movie or TV series?What's your favorite feel good song? What motivates you the most?High school attended/attendingCollege attending (if applicable)Major/Minor (if applicable)What's your expected college grad year (if applicable)?What’s your Summer break schedule ?What are you most excited to gain from this opportunity?Which Social Media Shifts could you attend? Please select all that you could do! Rest assured that selecting these options does not commit you to anything. Your manager will follow-up with you 1:1 to create a schedule that works best. [Monday 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM]Which Social Media Shifts could you attend? Please select all that you could do! Rest assured that selecting these options does not commit you to anything. Your manager will follow-up with you 1:1 to create a schedule that works best. [Monday 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM]Which Social Media Shifts could you attend? Please select all that you could do! Rest assured that selecting these options does not commit you to anything. Your manager will follow-up with you 1:1 to create a schedule that works best. [Tuesday 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM ]Which Social Media Shifts could you attend? Please select all that you could do! Rest assured that selecting these options does not commit you to anything. Your manager will follow-up with you 1:1 to create a schedule that works best. [Tuesday 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM]Which Social Media Shifts could you attend? Please select all that you could do! Rest assured that selecting these options does not commit you to anything. Your manager will follow-up with you 1:1 to create a schedule that works best. [Wednesday 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM]Which Social Media Shifts could you attend? Please select all that you could do! Rest assured that selecting these options does not commit you to anything. Your manager will follow-up with you 1:1 to create a schedule that works best. [Wednesday 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM]Which Social Media Shifts could you attend? Please select all that you could do! Rest assured that selecting these options does not commit you to anything. Your manager will follow-up with you 1:1 to create a schedule that works best. [Thursday 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM]Which Social Media Shifts could you attend? Please select all that you could do! Rest assured that selecting these options does not commit you to anything. Your manager will follow-up with you 1:1 to create a schedule that works best. [Thursday 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM]Which Social Media Shifts could you attend? Please select all that you could do! Rest assured that selecting these options does not commit you to anything. Your manager will follow-up with you 1:1 to create a schedule that works best. [Friday 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM]Which Social Media Shifts could you attend? Please select all that you could do! Rest assured that selecting these options does not commit you to anything. Your manager will follow-up with you 1:1 to create a schedule that works best. [Saturday 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM]Which Social Media Shifts could you attend? Please select all that you could do! Rest assured that selecting these options does not commit you to anything. Your manager will follow-up with you 1:1 to create a schedule that works best. [Sunday 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM]
5/19/2022 18:35:51Lucy Bennllucybenn lucybenn@icloud.com815277686203/11
Being apart of the UNH cheer team
Working out, cheer, reading, shopping, skiing
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover
Vampire diariesAny Luke CombsRecognitionBedford High School
University of New Hampshire
Social work2025
Every Wednesday night practice 5-9pm, unavailable June 21, July 11, 19, & 28
A new job experience with flexibility
5/12/2022 15:02:22Ali Byron Alibyron55Alibyron55@gmail.com508313646512/07/2002 Olin Getting into college Baking,art,working out The giver The vampire diaries Anything dua lips ExperienceOliver Ames high schoolPenn state Marketing 2025
Jobs on Thursday and Friday all day
12/16/2021 15:06:45Alex Ponte@alexponte75
781800074305/07/2003 Ryan Davoren
Starting my own business to coach young kids to run.
running, collaging, hiking, cooking
Malibu Rising Gossip Girl
Hit Me with Your Best Shot
Westwood High School in Westwood Massachusetts
Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo
Nutrition 2025N/A
I am most excited to gain experience, for more connections, and learn more about social media and marketing in general.
3/7/2022 13:59:16Brooke Skafasbrookeskafas
My proudest accomplishment was getting into SNHU which is the college I have been wanting to attend since I was younger.
I love hockey, traveling, hiking, going to the gym, and cars. I used to play hockey and I also go to car shows and meets with friends all the time and participate in drag races.
a stolen life
My favorite movie would be the notebook or the fast and furious movies. My favorite tv show would be the office or shameless.
play this when i’m gone by machine gun kelly
Pinkerton Academy in Derry NH
Southern New Hampshire University
criminal psychology/behavioral sciences
Monday-Friday I have school from 7-2, I work at my other job Monday and Thursdays and sometimes Wednesdays from 4-8 but not commonly Wednesdays, 2-3 times a week I have a 90 minute study period at school but there is no certain day because it changes every week but it’s from 8:51-10:21, I go to the gym 4-6 days a week for 2 hours but i’m more then willing to work my hours around the gym because there is no certain time of the day i go to the gym
I’m most excited to experience a job from home that is flexible to my life. I am also exciting to learn about a more business side of things rather then straightforward work. I’m excited to be creative and be able to use my own platform to reach out and advertise.
11/11/2021 15:02:01Erik Harringtonerik33herikharr7@gmail.com978935621810/28Aarya (Manchester)Graduating College
Hockey, Football, Baseball, Music
Harry PotterThe OfficeNot sureExperienceTewksbury Memorial HSStonehill College
Work for the Kraft Group and hours vary
Experience with social media marketing
5/15/2022 21:21:42Liv Libowiczlivlibowiczlivlibowicz@gmail.com443699693312/09/2003Adam Mattson
Getting into all of the schools I applied to for college
Painting, baking, working out, reading
I love a great fantasy, so Throne of Glass by Sarah J Mass will always be in my heart. However, I do enjoy classics, and one of my favorites was Catcher in the Rye or the Great Gatsby.
Criminal Minds
Anything Reggae or Taylor Swift!
AdvancementSouth River High SchoolUniversity of Vermont Nursing 2025
I have an upcoming job that I do not know my schedule yet but will in a week or two.
I’m most excited to gain experience in communications and technology. I am excited to meet new people and gaining a new sense of community!
5/16/2022 15:59:11Stephanie Mendoza@steph_mend0za
443515169409/14Adam Mattson
Skipping two grades in elementary school and building a house and farm during covid
Blogging, piano, dancing and soccer
Harry Potter Suits Any Latino songRecognitionSouth River 2026Very flexibleExperience
5/22/2022 18:40:29Justin Peleska@justin.alexx
Adam Mattson (Annapolis)
Being elected to a state-wide organization
Traveling, Cooking for fun, politics, social topics, 2000s pop culture
Any novel written by Judy Smith
TV Show - Scandal Movie - First Wives Club
Waterfalls - TLC IncomeMeade High School
University of Massachusetts Boston (Fall 2022)
Major - International Relations / Minor - Political Science
Nothing Reoccurring, Vacation - Charleston SC. from June 12 - 22, College Orientation - Boston MA from June 22-24
A vast understanding of social promotion and hopefully a steady income with great hours.
5/2/2021 11:38:13Keirra Moorekeirra.c.moore
302-272-14866/22/2002Adrian Ayala/Dover, DE
Graudating from high school (last june) & currently being able to attend college during a global pandemic
I love working. I love heading with freinds & being around family. Being a student leader. Christian Believer.
Becoming by M. ObamaThe Circle Don't knowAll of above
Polytech HS (Woodside,DE) - Healthcare/Rehab (2020)
Delaware State University
Sports Managment 2024
School is over this Friday (May 7)
I have a another job- Mcdonalds. I will get back with that one about work schedule there.
I am most exicted the sales & professionally part of this opportunity.
6/19/2022 22:47:19Kristina Darquea Kristinadarquea
201892322110/01/2002Aidan Martin
Making my colleges Deans List for good grades
Going to beach
Hanging out with friends
It ends with us Selling sunset Anything by drake RecognitionParamus high school Quinnipiac University Marketing 2024Open Experience
4/25/2022 16:52:12Polina Chetnikova@mangamangoritap.chetnikova@gmail.com562343676905/13Aleks Docmanovic
Soon to be graduating college!
Sewing, fashion, photography, coding!
Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Me and your mama - childish gambino
Los Alamitos high school / colchester high school
University of Vermont Linguistics / CS 2022MWF - 9-4pm
W - 6-7pm
Sat - 8-12
I want to learn how to utilize Social media for business and also learn skills to build my own brand!
4/28/2022 15:45:11Ali Fangeralifangeraafanger@gmail.com978844813403/28/2001
Aleks Docmonovic (vermont)
Transferring colleges
film and photography and cooking
girl, takeneuphoria
anything but country music
Nashoba Regional High School
University of Vermont
Film and Television, minor: art
MWF Geology 9:40-10:30 lab W 10:50-1:50, MW, Contemporary cinema 3:30-4:45, TTH Video and sound 10:50-12:40 and german cinema 1:15-2:30
I'm excited to learn new things and make new friends!
9/30/2021 15:12:29Alex
Aleks Dokmanovic (Burlington)
I was awarded for my Capstone Project at my college prep high school during my senior year. This project was a year long assignment that explored my personal interest of the mental health of dogs. I also use to competitively ski race and went to U.S. Nationals and Junior Nationals and placed top 20 in the Super G event.
I love anything outdoors including hiking and skiing. I take great pride in my academics and love hanging out with my friends and family. I also love to travel and experience new opportunities.
To Kill a Mockingbird
Virgin River or The Bee Movie
Any song by RebelutionExperience
Steamboat Mountain School
University of Vermont Health Sciences major 2024
MWF: Statistics 1:10-2 PM. Human cell biology Lab 3-6 PM on Mondays
TTH: Biology 10:05-11:20 AM & Healthcare Ethics 2:50-4:05 PM
Online Classes (asynchronous): Psychology & Medical Terminology
**Havent got a strict schedule yet, but I start club alpine team mid October
**Also part of Greek Life which includes some events throughout the year but we do not have specific dates yet except for Chapter on Sundays from 7-8 PM
I am very excited to learn new skills regarding organization and promotions.
12/2/2021 17:23:52gianna gemmag.e.m.m.a.m.a
Aleks Dokmanovic (vermont)
leaving my comfort zone to travel the country
hiking swimming snowboarding
harry potterarrivalodeszaExperiencecranston west
work 7 to 6 fri sat some 7 to 2/3 weekdays
network, promoting, meeting people
5/9/2022 16:04:45Alexandra Kantrowitza.kantrowitz_
Alexandra Kantrowitz (Westchester)
Finishing high school with a great gpa!!
Love to play soccer and lacrosse
WonderPretty Little LiarsLove Galore by SZAExperienceOssining High School
University of South Carolina
Exercise Science 2026
AP BIO: 8:00-9:30
SUNY Race:9:30-10:15
Human Anatomy: 10:15-11
AP Gov:1:15-2
Future Healthcare:2-2:45
The experience itself and learning new techniques and people throughout the way
6/8/2022 22:32:39Celeste petrowsky Celestepetrowsky
860981697607/01/2003Alexis Rodriguez
Graduating high school and finishing my first year at eastern
I love painting and being creative and nature I vollenteer a lot and theatre
The fable heaven series
The vampire diaries and Richard and Hammersteins Cinderella
My shot from Hamilton RecognitionPlainfield high school
Eastern Connecticut state university
Theater with a double concertration in acting and dance
M-f 8:45 -3:45 pm summer rec
To spread my wings with cutco
5/5/2022 12:07:13Alyssa Heron@alyssa.heron
267980506807/01Andy Valentin
Placing finalist in my local Bucks County Poet Contest
Traveling, video games, illustration
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Bob’s Burgers
Walcott by Vampire Weekend
ExperienceBristol High School
School Monday through Friday from 7:50 AM - 2:30 PM
5/5/2022 14:54:14Krishna Barot@cashmoneykrishna
610714161705/25Andy Valentin
Getting into college and receiving many scholarships from my top choice university
Hiking and knitting
Simulacra and simulation by jean baudrillard
The parent trap
Love me harder by ariana grande
AdvancementParkland high schoolTemple university Biology2023
Not sure yet have no summer classes
Experience and knowledge
4/21/2022 15:42:11Karen Ruizkareninfullcolor
856524018408/06Andy Valentin
Getting my first apartment
art, movies, going outThe Thin ExecutionerGrand Budapest Hotel Good as Hell - Lizzo ExperienceCherry Hill Westrelatively open schedule
knowledge & tools to be a great recruiting assistant
12/16/2021 15:04:02Alicia DePrimoAliciadeprimo_
475414713103/22Arron Winter New Haven
Graduating highschool a year early
shopping, nature, crystals, nails
poetry books. Maid anything by doja cat all of the above!
North Haven highschool. Year of Homeschool
Early childhood education.
classes start again in January. For now i work three days a week. Monday and wed 9-1 and Saturday 9-2
A social media experience in growing and advertising.
11/11/2021 15:11:19Aliyah Leightonaliyah.leighton
I have a lot but I would say I am proud of who I am today as an athlete and student and overall person juggling all the different things I do daily.
Cheerleading and softball
I honestly don't know!All AmericanChristmas music haha!IncomeDover High School
Great Bay Community College and transferring to UNH
right now prenursing but switching to dietetics
substitute varying days each week 7am-2:30, Wednesdays 5-9 sports practices, Saturday practice 8am-12, Sunday practice 12-3, don't have times for college classes for when I transfer yet
To learn more and become more experienced!
12/18/2021 9:32:35Madelyn Laverymady.laverymadylavery@gmail.com60333925833/13/2004Arya (Manchester)
My proudest accomplishment was winning a Women’s Engineering award when I graduated the eighth grade.
I have been riding horses the past eight and a half years of my life, and horse riding is my favorite hobby. My friends are also a huge part of my life and seeing them is important to me. During my quiet time I enjoy reading books of any genre!
My favorite book is “12 Rules for Life”
My favorite TV series is Friends, although I don’t watch TV all that often.
Pocket Full of Sunshine is my favorite feel good song.
RecognitionPinkerton Academy N/AN/A
Monday: Math 7:15-8:45. Interpersonal Communication 8:51-10:21. Psychology 10:27- 12:22. Botany 12:28-1:58. Gym 3-4. Tuesday Study 7:15-8:45. English 11 8:51- 10:21. English 12 10:27- 12:22. History 12:28- 1:58
I am most excited to gain more experience in this field of work.
12/9/2021 15:13:31Luz Antara Sanchezluzantaraluzantara1@gmail.com603943383305/03Arya Saliany
Finishing my first semester of college
Traveling, reading, photography
We were liarsBest Of Me
Just the way you are- Bruno Mars
AdvancementAlvirne High SchoolMCPHS2025
MWT 6 AM- 8:30 AM & 2 PM- 6 PM
Learn how social media works
5/15/2022 20:50:49Elyzabethbarshelyzabethbarshh
603-440-467905/22/2000Arya Saliany graduating college! fashion/social media the giver
(currently) vampire diaries
Outta My Head- Khalid all of the above! Merrimack High School
(Alumni) University of New Hampshire
Professional & Technical Communications
Monday-Friday 7am-3:30pm (Full Time Position)
I’m excited to develop my social media marketing skills and explore my interests in content creation!
5/23/2022 16:08:12Domenico A Piccianodomenico_picciano
603818018110/02Arya Saliany ( Bedford)
Winning the 2020 D1 State Championship
Soccer, working out, anything beach related, volleyball, tennis
Percy Jackson seriesStranger Things3 Nights by Dominic FikeAdvancementWindham High School2026
move into college August 15th,
Experience in the marketing field which is something I hope to do in the future
9/30/2021 15:12:10Katya Markovichkatya.markovich
Arya Saliany (Manchester NH)
The many years of working at a ski mountain for teaching younger kids and adults how to ski.
Lacrosse, hiking, reading, hanging with friends, sewing
That Hate U GiveCruella
Brandy (You're A Fine Girl) - Looking Glass
Hopkinton High School (Massachusetts)
Southern New Hampshire University
Undecided 2025
Monday: Class from 9:30 to 1:45, Practice from 5:00 to 7:00; Tuesday: Class from 9:30 to 10:45, Practice/Lift from 2:00 to 5:00; Wednesday: Class from 9:30 to 12:15; Thursday: Class from 11:00 to 1:45, Lift from 9:30 to 10:30 and Practice 5:00 to 7:00; Friday: Class from 9:30 to 12:15, Lift from 3:00 to 4:00 and Practice from 5:00 to 7:00; Saturday: Practice from 11:00 to 1:00. Lacrosse varies and can change.
Experience for sure because I am undecided right now and I want to develop my knowledge of the marketing world.
3/11/2022 7:37:59Sofia Sarzosasofiasarzosasofiasarzosa@gmail.com603-767-625112/27Arya Saliany (Manchester)
Founding a Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter at my school last year.
Tennis, skiing, photography, sports videography, art, fashion, baking.
The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
InterstellarRunaway by Kanye WestRecognitionOyster River High SchoolMarist College
Fashion Merchandising with business concentration
M Tennis Pre-season 3:30 PM - 5 PM, W FBLA Club Meetings 2:50 PM - 3:50 PM, F Tennis 4:30 PM - 6 PM. Rotating schedule starting 3/31: MTWTHF Tennis Practice 3:30 - 5 PM or 5 - 6:30 PM.
Gain work experience in a flexible professional environment and develop skills like confidence, communication, and leadership.
9/23/2021 15:07:39Gabriela Santos 333brielbrielle223@icloud.com978806131408/31/2000
Arya Saliany (Manchester)
I helped my aunt who has Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (the rarest type) become confident and comfortable despite her being wheelchair-bound. She struggled a lot in the beginning.
I love nature and dogs! I paint for a hobby.
The Hate U give American Horror Story Gold by Kiarra Experience
North Andover High School (graduated 2018)
UMAss Lowell (currently taking a break)
Elementary Education/Special Education of Moderate Disabilities
I have another job that is starting on Monday as well. I will be 9am-4pm M-F.
I am really excited to be able to better my communication skills with people in the community. Sometimes I can be shy and I am trying to fix that!
10/28/2021 15:08:07Logan Magras@loganmagras
603718046803/14Arya Saliany Manchester
Graduating college during a Pandemic
reading, painting, and outdoor activities (hiking, kayaking,etc)
The Partner by John Grisham
Head and Heart Joel Corry
Nashua High School South
Attended University of Massachusetts Lowell
Marketing and Management
Working full-time 9am-4pm Monday-Friday, remote work but open availability
Experience with networking
5/26/2022 15:34:54Vanessa Plamondonvrplamondonvrplamondon@gmail.com413557807712/19Ashley Barry
Getting deanlist at college
hanging with friends and family
The fault in our starsvampire diariesanything by Nicki Income
South Hadley High School
Westfield State University
Poly Science2025
I can't work Monday and Tuesday 5:30-7:00
Experience and Income
5/23/2022 15:29:21Erin lacross Erin_lacrossErinlacross@gmail.com413374370706/2003Ashley Barry
Being accepting into my dream major
Horse back riding, working out, and social media
A dogs journey Outer banks The spins by mac miller RecognitionAttended
University of New Hampshire
Equine studies 2025N/AExperience
12/2/2021 17:42:51Baylee Edwardsbay.edwards
413-557-829412/31/2001Ashley Barry (Westfield)
After going through a very hard time in my life, I was having a difficult time breaking the cycle and I feared I would never get out of it. More than a year later, I am now happier than ever and I am thriving in my life through grades and socially.
I love watching Netflix, I am big into social media, and I love hanging out with my friends
The Selection Series by Kiera Cass
Wandavision!! and my favorite movie is the Hunger Games Series
Good Days by Sza AdvancementLudlow High School
Western New England University
Health Studies 2024
MWF Biology 11AM-11:50AM, Biology Lab 2PM-4:50PM ( only on Mondays) TTH Ethics 11AM-12:20PM, Mathematics 2PM-3:20PM, Culture class 3:30PM-6:10PM (only on Tuesday)
Better social skills and an increase in confidence !!
12/9/2021 15:12:38Emma TowsleyEmma_towsley
413-310-474205/13Ashley Barry (Westfield)
My proudest accomplishment is creating and coaching a youth cheerleading program within my community!
Cheerleading, dogs, arts+crafts
Percy Jackson
Any marvel movie, the office
Carolina (Harry Styles)IncomeWest Springfield High
Westfield State University
Elementary Education2025
MWF 9:20-10:10 Music, MWF 11:30-12:20 American Culture, MW 1:40-2:55 Math, TTH Science 8:15-11:35, TTH Child Development 12:45-2:00
I'm excited to gain experience and connections!
4/4/2022 16:21:03Kelsey Dias@kelseydiasskndias@umass.edu774244966208/23Ashley Barry (Westfield)
My proudest accomplishment was getting a 98 on my Macbeth analytical essay freshmen year of high school.
My hobbies include painting, reading, drawing, writing, and going for walks when the weathers nice. My interests include keeping up to date with global news, science, and health. Most of this information I get from following the New York times on instagram.
The Last Thing He Said to Me
Peaky Blinders
Pink + White by Frank Ocean
IncomeSeekonk High SchoolUmass AmherstEnvironmental Science2025MW: 12:20-4
Tu: 2:30-5
Thurs: 2:30-3:45
Fri: open
New job experience.
5/5/2022 12:31:39
Juliana Huxtable (I go by J as a nickname)
jhuxtable_julianahux@aol.com413-822-189311/07Ashley Barry (Westfield)
I was one of the first users on a new app "Dote" in the Summer 2019, and I was selected to be an ambassador for their app, and collaborated with their team, getting paid for something I enjoyed doing! It was a dream.
I am on my college's D1 cheerleading team, I enjoy the behind the scenes of Social Media and Networking, and seeing my dog when I come home!
Looking For Alaska by John Green
Stranger Things and Criminal Minds, and Lady Bird
Kiss me by Sixpence None The Richer
feelings of fulfillment
Taconic High School Pittsfield MA 01201
Fordham Unviersity
Communications and English Double Major, Marketing minor
I don't have a set in stone schedule for this summer, because I am out of school. I am usually flexible!
I am excited for the experience and knowledge I can gain, and the ability to work on the digital media/ social media side of things from home. It's very convenient!
4/29/2021 15:14:38Christina Rifflechristinamaeriffle
44392767015/27/2021Bella Ferreira/AnnapolisBeing a hard worker.
Spending time with my dog and working.
I have never enjoyed reading on my free time.
The ChallengeAny older country musicIncomeyesAACC
I work two jobs that fluctuate. I have school Monday-Friday. 7:30-8:40.
Learning how to better sell items.
6/9/2022 20:21:32Olivia Kycia@oliviakyciaolkycia@gmail.com609744128308/19
Belle Chevalier (Burlington County)
Being accepted to and attending Rutgers University and excelling in academics
Singing, watching movies, going to the gym, listening to music, drawing, shopping
Not sure! I really want to start reading more often though.
The OfficeGood Days by SZARecognitionShawnee High School
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Psychology major, Criminology minor
MTWTF (weekdays): work 8:30am-5pm
Sundays: work 1-9pm
Experience in the field of business and marketing and better communication skills!
5/12/2022 15:37:59Charlie Gordoncharlie.gordon
I was able to contact Bill Clinton to speak at an event that I ran
I enjoy playing tennis and basketball with my friends as well as watching sports . I also enjoy walking outside.
Night by Ellie WieselBreaking bad
sour patch kids by brice vine
Horace greeley high school
Vanderbilt University
Human and Organizational development
No planned events. Summer course from May 23-June 23 but there are no exact times.
I am excited to interact with new people.
4/28/2022 11:50:30Ashley Cammarotaashleycammarota
Bernie Maslin (Upper Westchester)
I would say my proudest accomplishment was winning multiple white jackets as a cheerleader. I was captain of the first ever team to bring home a worlds championship for our school.
Cheerleading, yearbook club, reading, spending time with friends/family
Ugly Love- Colleen Hoover
Greys Anatomy 865- Morgan WallenAdvancementThe Ursuline SchoolUniversity of Tennessee
Advertising/ graphic design
I currently am in school and would be home around 3:30 Monday- Friday. I end school May 13 and will be free after then.
I am most excited to create new relationships. I feel this will be able to help me throughout my work, because I feel working in a community that is welcoming is most important for strong work. Also, I would like to go into advertising after college so I feel this job is a strong start for me, and I am excited to begin.
5/9/2022 12:36:59Daniella Cookdanii.cook822daniella@gmail.com732-504-471208/22
Brooke van de Sande (Mercer)
Maintaining a 3.6 gpa and a good work ethic while also working throughout the week
Working out, being outside/going to the beach, listening to music, watching hockey
My Life With the Walter Boys
Jurassic ParkTongue TiedExperience
Toms River High School North
Monmouth University
Communications Media Studies and Production
Hosting job WSatSun 4pm-10pm
I’m excited to learn new skills and gain experience in an area I’m not previously familiar with. And also to improve my social skills by communicating with potential recruits and my team. I’m also thrilled to have an opportunity to work remotely!
10/28/2021 15:09:29Brianna Guillen@brie_guillen15briannatg@icloud.com718-902-799604/19
Caitlin Wagner(New York City)
My proudest accomplishment is my film that premiered in april 2020.
I love to sing, paint, and do makeup.
The ProgramTeen WolfWant you around- Snoh Advancement
Talent Unlimited High School
Montclair State UniversityTheatre2025
M Stage management 9:00- 2:00
M Lighting 2:30-5:00
MTWTHF Rehearsal 6:00pm-11:00pm
T seminar 12-2
THF Stage craft
I am most excited to gain better communication skills and confidence in reaching out to people.
5/18/2022 22:36:53Alexis Steele@alexiststeele
207465644803/21/2004Chantal Whittemore
Probably winning state championship five years in a row for softball
I love to shop/thrifting, hangout with my kitties kris and kevin, go for hikes, be around well rounded friends, making jewelry
HolesBates Motel
Everybody wants to rule the world
Messalonskee High School
Still trying to figure that out haha
Currently nothing other than free time to go shopping
Getting the opportunity to meet new friendly people as well as gaining extra knowledge that I may have not known prior
2/2/2022 10:45:51Isabelle LeMieuxisabelle.lemieux
603682586003/04Chelsea Getting into URI
Gymnastics, the gym, lacrosse, and real estate
Harry Potter The Unforgivable
International Love by Pitbull
IncomePinkerton Academy 2026M-F School: 7-3
More communication skills
1/26/2022 15:13:56Spencer Desmarais spencer_des
603801961407/23/2002Chelsea McNamara (NH)
My proudest accomplishment was probably the day I helped choreograph a dance with a much deeper meaning to raise awareness for a topic I’m passionate about and i was able to spread that message along so many people.
I’m a dancer and I’m in a sorority! I also love writing and reading
Before I Fall One tree hill
Thinkin bout you by Dustin lynch
AdvancementSouhegan high school High point university Journalism (print focus)2024
Mondays, Wednesday, Friday- class 9:15-10:25
Tuesdays-class 9:45-11:25 and 3:30-5:10
Thursday’s- class 9:45-11:25 and 1-5:10
Sundays: weekly meeting 2:30-4:30
The experience of working with social media’s and working in such a great group environment!
5/23/2022 15:43:48Kaylon Lindsay @its_kaylon
862452283402/07Chloe Anne Perez
Graduating high school and traveling to Europe
Makeup artist, lash technician, singing, painting
The Sun Also RisesThe Vampire Diaries Sundress by A$AP RockyExperience
Passaic County Technical Institute
Ramapo College of New Jersey
I’m not sure yet, I’ll have a schedule in a week or so
6/5/2022 22:11:18Aalayah Montgomery a.fame.a
862264001812/13Chloe Anne PerezGoing to college
Dancing, Netflix, shopping, and dining
Don’t have one
favorite Tv series: The originals
sean kingston ft chris brown Beat it
Passaic County Technical Institute
Montclair State UniversityBA Dance2024
july 3-16th (summer intensive)
Mostly free, searching for a job.
Marketing experience and building connections.
6/6/2022 16:07:53Sakora Jackson@Sakoraaxx
862247936912/26/2000Chloe Anne Perez
Graduating with a Bachelors Degree in Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University
Listening to podcasts, getting into reading more, learning new skills, Self Improvement, Going to the gym to name a few.
The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks
I love anything Marvel or Disney.
Any throwback hip hop and r&b before 2015/
Passaic County Technical Institute
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Forensic Psychology2022
Student Assistant (For the rest of the month of June) Tuesday-Thursday 10-5 p.m. (Very flexible)
Better communication skills, more confidence, personal advancement
5/9/2022 16:14:11Correa, Jayden@jayden.correa
862242910705/28Chloe Perez (Passaic)
I was the first male cheerleader at my high school, starting a trend.
Cheerleading, exercising, reading, baking
DivergentThe OfficeGood Days by SZAAll of the Above!
DePaul Catholic High School
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Work: TU: 11am-4pm, TH: 2pm-8pm, SU: 9am-5pm
To learn about this industry!!
6/5/2022 22:11:48Jasmine Guzman@jasmneguz
Chole Perez (Passaic County)
Starting my own business as a freshman in high school.
Meditating, painting, doing makeup & eyelashes
“It Ends With Us” By Colleen Hoover
TV Series: One Tree Hill, Movie: Another Cinderella Story
Currently… “Me Porto Bonito” By: Bad Bunny
AdvancementPCTIKean University
Business Managment: Entrepreneurship
M-F Gym 8 AM - 10 AM, Clients 11 AM - 5 PM, “Me Time” 6 PM - … ; This is was a basic non-important day would be like.
Experience and Connections to continue to grow.
12/12/2022 15:59:03Moonasia Williams Stargoddess13
410847439608/11/2003Chris S
I won a certified for working at the World Trade Center as a Youth Diplomat.
I like to sing,draw and I am extremely into film.
A Blade So Black from L.L McKinney
I don't have a favorite movie but my favorite genre is Fantasy.
Sacrifice:from Bebe Rexha
Baltimore School for the Arts
McDaniel College
Double major in Cinema and minor in Asian Studies
December 10-January 2nd
Creativity, leadership and just fun.
5/23/2022 17:11:34Anna DiCasagrandeannadicasagrande
443655759705/01/2002Chris Sterrett
Getting into nursing school
working out, helping my family, playing lacrosse, working, traveling and studying
We Were Liars
Outer Banks or One Tree Hill
Paper Rings by Taylor Swift
Attended Fallston High School
East Carolina University Nursing 2024
Nannying MTWT 7:30AM-1PM, Serving FSS (times unknown), vacation July 25-August 1
Income, experience and organic social media growth
5/26/2022 15:36:52Rachel GellnerRooksrule.rose
443-425-899207/02Chris Sterrett
Beating the fast start record
Singing, dancing,acting,writing stories and songs
Harry potter
Riverdale, vampire diaries, one piece, pretty little liars, stranger things, alot more
Light switch by Charlie puth
ExperiencePerry Hall High School
Frostburg State University
Theatre2025I don’t know yetExperience
12/11/2020 14:06:20Camron Morgancam.morgan6cam1379@icloud.com44360158615/13/2004
Chris Sterrett/Central Baltimore
Getting into archbishop curley.
I play lacrosse and football.
The outsiders. Criminal minds. My boo-usher IncomeArchbishop Curley High2022
Weight training 8:15-9:00, math 9:05-10:05, forensics 10:05-11:00, Spanish 11:05-12:00, theology 12:10-1:00, history 1:05- 1:55, American lit 2:00-2:40 mttf
5/27/2021 15:04:51reyna carrereynaacarrereynaa0905@icloud.com44367839409/5/2003
Chris Sterrett/Central Baltimore
my academic success of straights As, national honor society, honor roll
modeling, YouTube, traveling,
Jane the Virginthe fostersevery chance I getExperiencePerry Hall HighCCBCnursing2025
work 12- whenever, no set schedule and the earliest I will work is 12 but I get scheduled after that time as well
experience, meeting new people, and being an influencer/ promoter
4/22/2021 15:02:41Aliana Riosalianarios_
Chris Sterrett/Central Baltimore
making it through 12 years of school
volleyball, softball, makeup, shopping, food
failing uplonely bones location by kalid RecognitionPerry Hall Highschool ccbc business 2025
school: 7:45am-10:30am everyday. Tues,Thur,Sat work at 3:45pm-8:45pm, MWF work: 4-9 Sundays work 8am-3pm
i will learn many new things, i get to help out this business, extra income
5/6/2021 15:09:50
Zhydekyah Zyviary Esguerra
@minigurl.zz and @danceklutz.zz
Chris Sterrett/Central Baltimore
My proudest accomplishments is being able to do a beauty pageant representing my city/state; Baltimore, MD and I was crowned as Ms. Naba. I am also proud of myself for performing a dance tribute to Kobe and Gigi in the Baltimore Dance Symposium
Dance, singing, arts & crafts, gaming, outdoor activities, sports such as basketball and volleyball.
Salvage the Bones
The Demon Slayer (anime)
Just The Way You Are ( I have more but that is one of my favorite songs lol)
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
I have a job opportunity and I will soon have a job interview.. but don't know when they'll schedule the meeting yet. I have modeling and acting classes and it varies between Thursday and Friday.
I am excited about the experience I'll gain from this opportunity as well as learning to get better with communication. I also am excited with the rewards I'll get for all my hard work.
4/15/2021 15:05:17Paris Morton@parismmorton
Chris Sterrett/Central Baltimore
Getting into the University of Maryland College Park and making the cheer team!
Cheerleading, activism, and exercise!
Dante's Inferno
A Walk to Remember/Supernatural
I Like Me Better by LauvExperienceEastern TechUMD College ParkGovernment and Politics2024
MWF Classes 9 AM-12 PM, Mon Practice 5:30 PM-8 PM, Tues Classes 11 AM-130 PM, Thurs Practice 730 AM-10 AM, Thurs Classes 11 AM- 3 PM. I have a second job but it does not start until mid-May. I will inform my manager when I have a schedule for that.
4/22/2021 15:02:00Raven BurroughsRbvddie
Chris Sterrett/Central Baltimore
My proudest accomplishment is getting through 2020 and figuring out who I really am because it was a very difficult time for me and figuring myself out was a very big challenge that I still continue to figure out now. But I’m much more sure of myself.
Music , interior design, MacbethWorking moms Good days - SZAExperiencePatapsco high schoolGoucher college Undeclared2024
Monday, Wednesday , Friday - 925-1040 acccouting 1215-130 economic then 330 work ( Except Friday. )
Tuesday , Thursday - 1115-110 organizational behavior 200-315 Spanish 330 work
I want to gain experience but also better communicating skills . I also would like to gain advertising experience because I will possibly make my own company in the future
4/26/2021 21:59:40Raven BurroughsRbvddie
Chris Sterrett/Central Baltimore
My proudest accomplishment is getting through 2020 and figuring out who I really am because it was a very difficult time for me and figuring myself out was a very big challenge that I still continue to figure out now. But I’m much more sure of myself.
Music , interior design, MacbethWorking moms Good days - SZAExperiencePatapsco high schoolGoucher college Undeclared2024
Monday, Wednesday , Friday - 925-1040 acccouting 1215-130 economic then 330 work ( Except Friday. )
Tuesday , Thursday - 1115-110 organizational behavior 200-315 Spanish 330 work
I want to gain experience but also better communicating skills . I also would like to gain advertising experience because I will possibly make my own company in the future
5/6/2021 15:10:08Adam KhanAdam.khannn
Chris Sterrett/Central Baltimore
Winning the state championship in high school for soccer
Playing sports like basketball and soccer. I also really enjoy hiking and getting outdoors.
All of the harry potter books
Probably the avengers movies
PYT by Michael JacksonIncome
Eastern Technical High School
CCBCBusiness Administration 2024
MWF 9-2 full day of classes, Thursdays 10-1 statistics into math 153
Learning social media skills
11/13/2020 13:58:59Samantha Marzullosssaaammm14
Chris Sterrett/Central Baltimore
Making varsity lacrosse and soccer freshmen year of high school
shopping, sports, tv series, photography, painting
13 Reasons Why
After and After we Collided, Keeping up with the Kardashians
Put Your Records on ExperienceC Milton Wright Towson University
Middle Education (Math or Science)
MWF- Chem 9-9:50 AM, TTH- ISTC 9:30-10:45 AM, TTH- Human Geog 12:30-1:45 PM, F- Chem lab 11:00-1:50 PM
Growing in communication skills and being able to talk to/meet new people
5/27/2021 22:42:35Nina Branwell@trx.ller
Chris Sterrett/Central Baltimore
Graduating with my Associates Degree
Reading, Journalism, Movies, Modelling
Looking Out For You- Joy Again
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Alumnus
University of Maryland College Park
Journalism2023No Classes as of Yet
Experience in the customer service field
6/3/2021 15:06:49Alexa Lusco 443-651-1863 11/27/2000
Chris Sterrett/Central Baltimore
Getting into Stevenson University
Hiking and painting Milk and Honey Doctor Strange Dance Monkey AdvancementPerryhall High Stevenson University
Business Communications/ minor: Psychology
Second Job Tuesdays at 5:30 and I am unavaliable after 4pm Saturdays
Career skills that are related to my major and interests outside of college.
7/1/2021 13:13:54Mehkai Price mehkaiprice
Chris Sterrett/Central Baltimore
Graduating high school this year.
Sports (Football, Basketball, Wrestling), Fitness
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Halloween How by Lil Baby IncomePerry Hall
Work Mon-Thu 3pm-7pm Every other Fri-Sun 3pm-7pm(Fri & Sat) 10am-2pm(Sun)
Im most excited to gain a bit of marketing experience on social media and learning about how to improve upon my own platform.
12/16/2021 14:23:31kailah sherrodkaysiann__
443-722-944706/14/2000christopher sterrettattending college
cheerleading and going out trying different foods
comedy movies in general and action movies
happier than ever(ASTN)IncomeWoodlawn high school morgan state university nutritional science 2022N/A
a learning exprience in this feild
5/3/2022 14:47:11nyla namatovunylers34@gmail.comnylers34@gmail.com7813541716july 31 2002colin (shrewsbury)
graduating highschool after going through alot during it
netflix, sleep or read a book
fault in our starsa walk to rememberbe alrightRecognitionmilford high school
quinsigamond community college
criminal justice2025
mwf 9;00-12:50 for school then work mwtf 8;30pm - 1;00 am
to be a better social media hundler
5/5/2022 13:45:34Lucas Rochalucxsrochaldrocha1209@gmail.com508440117712/09Colin Schofield
Getting accepted into my college for the degree of my chose, and receiving the presidential scholarship my school offers.
I enjoy reading, working out/playing basketball, playing the piano, and using my computer.
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Anything DC Comics related
Michael Jackson - Rock My World
ExperienceMilford High School
University of Rhode Island
Majoring in Computer Science BS, Minoring in Cyber Security
As of May 16 I’ll be working 8am-4:30pm for the duration of the summer
Social media experience, how to recruit the best candidates, and what to look for in them. Also the experience of working two jobs, and learning how to properly manage my time.
4/25/2022 15:43:26Andrew CochraneAndrew.cox35
617-699-788606/16/2003Colin Schofield (Franklin)
My Proudest accomplishment is when I won the league championship with all of my friends growing up our senior year of football.
Sports, working out, spending time with friends, going out to eat, fishing, hunting.
My favorite book is The Catcher in the Rye.
My favorite movie is Warrior
My favorite song is All Falls Down by Kanye West.
IncomeBellingham High SchoolSalve Regina University Business Administration 2025
I don't have my schedule yet for next semester.
I am excited to be able to learn more about business through social media and how much is can exceed the company.
4/27/2022 23:37:01Jack ColbyJackColby10Jackcc1803@gmail.com774-266-876401/08Colin Schofield (Franklin)
Earning hockomock league all star in basketball, being a division 1 state champion for basketball
Basketball, football, baseball, Lifting weights, fishing and hanging out with my friends
Dangerously in love by ynw melly (SoundCloud)
RecognitionMansfield High SchoolSacred Heart University
Sports Management, business management
Classes end this Friday actually so I’m done with that. As of right now I do not know my golf caddie job hours or days yet, I’ll know more when I go back home next week.
I like to gain job experience and meet new people
5/2/2022 16:05:52Courtney Schofield (Franklin)
Pushing myself outside my comfort zone at BC!
I love learning, working out, and spending time with my friends and family
Make Your Bed by William McRaven
Gossip GirlTry Everything by ShakiraExperience
King Philip Regional High School
Boston CollegeFinance2025
I have classes Monday - Friday 9 - 1:15 and have not received my academic summer schedule yet!
4/28/2022 15:49:52Ketny-Julie SousaKetnyjulieKetnyjulie@gmail.com857277200310/23/2002
Colin Scofield(Bellingham)
I worked to pay for my trip to Paris for 15 days which was one of my biggest dreams
I love outdoors, Biking, hiking, baking, tennis
the divergent series
movie: wonder women tv series: Friends
collide by Justine skyeExperienceMilford High SchoolUmass Amherst
Biology pre med / Portugese
In the summer I am free any time
next semester my schedule looks like
Bio Lab 1:25PM - 5:25PM
calculus 10:00AM - 11:15AM
genetics 11:30AM - 12:45PM
chemistry 1:00PM - 2:15PM
Portuguese 4:00PM - 5:15PM
Chem Lab 2:30PM - 5:30PM

experience I love to explore different types of jobs because I want to make sure I choose what I really like to do at the end of the day.
5/2/2022 12:30:16Sophia MillerSophiacMillerr
774810158201/16/2003Colin Shifield (Franklin)
working as a dental assistant
video editing swimming biking traveling new places exploring
to kill a MockingbirdshamelessMalibu by Miley CyrusRecognitionbellingham high school
Cape Cod community college
ending the spring semester at foresees right now Tuesdays and Thursdays between nine and 12 I do online classes Monday Wednesday half a day Thursday I work basically a full day at the dentist office in Plymouth
i’m excited to see what this opportunity has and to get my foot into the door somewhere for the social media marketing
4/28/2022 15:04:33Jamie CieslukJaammiiie
508250845101/22/2002Colin Shofield (Franklin)
I help people daily with their emotional struggles or trauma. I am trusting so people come to all the time with things they might be going through and I have helped multiple people see light through some of their darkness. This makes me feel really good about myself and accomplished because I know what it is to struggle mentally and to be able to help others through that means everything to me.
I am interested in reading, writing, and drawing. I love to get creative and have a good time. I am huge on spending time with others and making memories because we only live a short life. Reading, writting and drawing all help me stay focused snd ground me when I’m overwhelmed or just feel like I haven’t been doing enough for myself. I also love working out and going to the gym, it’s a new hobby of mine but I go for atleast 3 hours a day and it makes me feel energetic and ready to go!
Anatomy of the Human Spirit
Pulp-fictionPursuit of HapinessAll of the above Bellingham highschool
Worcester state university
Psychology 2025
MWF History, Pysch, Art 1030-345 /TU College Writting and Sociology 1130-330 /TH sociology 230-330
Expierence with Social Media
6/2/2022 15:29:05Catherine Bauermann@catherinebauermann
at the moment, my proudest accomplishment would be the growth i was able to cultivate within myself while attending my first year at college. i learned so much, i have grown so much, and it is all a product of my hard work. i am very proud, and am excited to see what i can do in my second year.
i love anything that is related to art. i love to paint, draw, crochet, embroider, and more. i love playing with my self expression through clothing, i have a special appreciation for vintage fashion.
Will Grayson, Will Grayson, by John Greene
my favorite movie at the moment is The Perks of being a Wallflower
I THINK, by Tyler, the Creator
IncomeHereford High SchoolThe University of the Arts
Major in Dance Performance
my schedule has not been finalized yet by my employer, i will be working camps M-F select weeks of the summer. i will be on vacation july 9th- 16th. once my schedule is finalized, which should be by next week, i will share that information.
i am excited to earn income that will support my college tuition. i am also excited to gain more work experience, and to benefit this company.
5/9/2022 15:44:41Isabella Lawton@bella.lawtonlawtonis21@gmail.com443721311912/27Collin (Towson)
Recovering from a broken ankle to running in less than a year!
Running, fashion, my dog Charley
The Hunger GamesFriday Night Lights
All of the Lights - Kanye West
Notre Dame Preparatory School
University of Tennessee Knoxville
Business Analytics, minor in Spanish
2025Therapy Tuesdays 10am
Im excited to join this high energy team and gain some communication skills!
2/28/2022 16:16:50Emily Lizama @emily_l.03
240470202111/03Collin James Baltimore
Valedictorian, High School
Don't Give Up by Kyle Idleman
What happen to Monday?
Shakira waka wakaAdvancement
Fairmont Heights High School
Stevenson University
Business Admin/ Minor in graphic design
MWF Stats 8AM-9:15AM MW Mgt 11AM-12PM MWF Mkt 1PM-2PM MW Acc 2PM-3:15PM T Speech 6PM-9PM. F Church 3:30-5PM Sun Church
Gaining experience in social media marketing.
4/22/2021 15:04:36Zoe Garciazoeagarcia
Collin James/North Baltimore
Balancing both online school with work and dance
Ballet, reading, painting
Total meditation by Deepak Chopra
You make my dreams by Hall and Oates
ExperienceDulaney High SchoolMinor
MTTF class 7:45-1:45, SWF work 3:30-9pm, dance thursday 6:45-7:45, dance saturday 11am-12pm
5/27/2021 15:04:34Kavya Uppalapatikavyasai_usaikavya@gmail.com410-948-02798/24/2003
Collin James/North Baltimore
I broke 6 minutes in the mile!
Running, painting, walking/hiking, watching tv!
I really liked Great Gatsby when we read it in English class!
Parks & RecTongue TiedRecognitionBryn Mawr SchoolUniversity of MichiganBusiness2025
Tuesdays/Thursdays: Tutoring (10AM-12PM)
I'm excited to learn more about marketing!
5/6/2021 15:05:38Camila Tapia @_camila.tapia
Collin James/North Baltimore
going to a fracking rally and being a part of that change and ban for fracking
voicing my opinion on social media
the sun is also a star
switched at birth and knives out
love myself by haileeRecognitionmercy high school
next year is towson university
computer science for next year
8am - 3pm on school days (my schedule will maybe change at the end of may )
social opportunities and expanding a platform
12/11/2020 15:58:37Alexandra Max_alexandramax
Collin James/North Baltimore
Having my research published from an internship I did at Johns Hopkins Bayview Lab
Tennis, piano, robotics, volunteering
Enders GameGrey's AnatomyMoodAdvancementBryn Mawr SchoolChemistry2025
MWF AP Stats 8 AM-9:10 AM, MWF Post AP Computer Science 9:40 AM - 10:50 AM, MWF US History 11:20 AM-12:30 PM, TT English 8 AM-9:10 AM, TT AP AB Calculus 9:40 AM - 10:50 AM, TT AP Chemistry 11:20 AM-12:30 PM, Everyday 1:00 PM-1:30 PM Convocation, Everyday 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Fourth period
I'm excited to learn more about social media marketing and advance my skills within this field
4/29/2021 15:10:24Sam Whitlocksam.whitlockk
Collin James/North Baltimore
Finishing a half marathon
Photography/videography, SGA, Ethics team
How I met Your Mother/ Wanda Vision/ Disney movies
Anything Taylor Swift ExperienceMercy High School
University of Maryland College Park
Biochemistry 2025
Classes Mon-Fri 8am-3:30pm

Therapy 3pm (every other Thursday, my next session is May 6th)
I am excited to gain experience in marketing, meet new people, grow my skills and make some extra cash.
12/11/2020 14:09:30Rilyn Romerorilynromerorilyn.romero@gmail.com44385248558/26/2002
Collin James/North Baltimore
graduating high school
shopping, hiking, and hanging out wiht friends
i dont read like that
shamless or rick and morty
any j.cole songRecognitionGlenelg High schoolTowsonpsychology2024
MWF FAM 1PM-1:50, MW MATH 6-7:15PM, TTH PHIL 11-12:15PM, TTH GEO LEC 12:30-1:45PM, W GEO LAB 9-11:45AM, TTH TSEM 2-3:15
work experience
12/4/2020 16:09:54Mackenzie Pitruzzella@mpitruzzella
Collin James/North Baltimore
My proudest accomplishment is completing 145 hours of community service in highschool. I volunteered in the winter and spring for a school preparedness program called BRiDGES for students in grades 4-9 from East Baltimore.
My hobbies include dancing, cleaning, hanging out with my friends and babysitting and I am very interested in medicine/nursing.
Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper
My favorite TV series is Grey's Anatomy
My favorite feel good song is I'll Wait by Kygo
Roland Park Country School, c/o 2020
Salisbury UniversityNursing2024
My 1st semester schedule is: TTH Sociology 12:30-1:45, W English 8-8:50, MW Anatomy and Physiology 3-4:30
I am excited to gain experiences that I can put on a resume when applying for jobs later in life, as well as gaining real work experience and meeting new people!
12/11/2020 13:58:43Estefania Garcia-Torresestefaniaxgarciaeg0107@mcdaniel.edu443979567912/29/2001
Collin James/North Baltimore
Attending college (currently attending as a freshman)
Spending time with family, going out with friends, taking walks, enjoying the outdoors
With the Fire on High
Any Disney movies and the Office
Hallucinate by Dua LipaLearning new things
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
McDaniel CollegeUndecided2024
Currently available on weekdays before 5. Not available on weekends.
Having the opportunity to try a new job and learning about what it is about.
4/22/2021 14:59:51Nicolas G AvellanedaNico.a19
Collin James/North Baltimore
Black Belt In TaekwondoHanging with Friends the Great Gatsby the Office Freestyle Advancement
Eastern Technical High School
Towson University Criminal Justice 2024Summer Break Experience
11/20/2020 15:44:53Taylor
Collin James/North Baltimore
Starting work at a young age
Hiking, art, graphic design, video games
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
American Horror Story
I Write Sins not Tragedies by Panic at the Disco
AdvancementFranklin High SchoolTowson University
Psychology Major, Business Minor
TuTh Geology 12:30 pm -1:45 pm, TuTh Philosophy 3:30 pm -4:45pm, Friday Work 3pm-6pm, SatSun Work 6:30am-10:00am
I am most excited to gain experience with cutco as well as gain new skills.
3/3/2021 17:16:37Alexandra Marinoalexmmarinoammarino@syr.edu44379735238/11/2000
Collin James/North Baltimore
Being a Division 1 Athlete
sports and traveling
right now I'm reading Little Fires Everywhere and I really like it
Blacklist or Criminal Minds
Levitating by Dua LipaExperienceThe Bryn Mawr SchoolSyracuse University
Finance and Entrepreneurship
Everyday Lacrosse Practice 2-5, MW Management Class 12:45-2:05, MW Writing Class 5:15-6:35, TTH Derivatives 12:30-1:50, TTH Consulting 5-6:20, team lift MWF 11:00-12:00
I am excited to gain experience in recruiting and specifically through social media.
5/6/2021 15:00:42Erin Tscherne Erin.Tscherne erintscherne@gmail.com908-239-54437/26/2000
Collin James/North Baltimore
Getting into the school that I love for college.
Singing, watching movies, exercising, hanging out with friends.
The Wedding- Nicholas Sparks
Cruel summer (as of now changes frequently)
T-Shirt- Thomas Rhett Advancement
Attended Notre Dame Preparatory School
Pennsylvania State University
Telecommunications 2022
Done with classes for the summer
5/11/2022 21:44:17Shirley Stewart shirlszz
202977803502/10Connor Graduating High School
Drawing Volunteer Work Watching Movies
The Great Gatsby
The Originals ,Vampire Diaries
Dancing in the Dark - Rihanna
Friendship Collegiate Academy pcs
charleston southern university
Marine Biology 2026
Just this job is on my schedule for the summer.
The Experience
12/11/2020 16:01:39Morgan Smileymorgan.smileyyy
Connor Lugo-Harris/Washington DC
Becoming a dance teacher at such a young age
Dance, Volleyball, Crocheting
milk and honey by rupi karr
the fault in our stars and glee
I'm not really sureAdvancementParkside High School
AP Spanish 5 10:15am-11:00 am, Nursing 11:05 am-11:45 pm Dance monday 5pm-7:45pm, tuesday 6:15-10 pm, wednesday 6:45-10pm, thursday 6:30-9:30, friday 4:15-9:45 pm, saturday 12pm-5pm. My work schedule varies, it is never the same.
Being able to enjoy myself at work.
12/4/2020 16:00:00Destiny Nockimanactualgoddessdestinynock@gmail.com443-863-263711/12/2002
Connor Lugo-Harris/Washington DC
Through high school I had honor roll, and I got into the cosmetology program at Parkside high school through the CTE program
I like to roller skate on my free time and I have an interest for learning new things
Stung by Bethany Wiggins
My favorite TV series Witcher
Gimme more- Slayter (remix)
Bennett High school/ Parkside High school
Cosmetology 10-12, English 12:20- 1:05, Math 1:10- 2:00
1/5/2021 13:47:22Amelia Steinbergamelia.steinberg
Connor Lugo-Harris/Washington DC
When I was a sophomore, I reached out to a small Manhattan-based startup and asked to internship for them for a couple weeks. I ended up shadowing them, and by the end of my two weeks, they offered me a marketing internship. I have worked for them for the last two years and love it. I am so proud that I am the youngest intern on staff; I have learned so much about business!
I love spending time with my friends and family, running, dancing around to music, binging shows on Netflix, meeting strangers and doing yoga
The Handmaids TaleGame of Thrones Anything by QueenExperience
National Cathedral School
MTTF School - 8am - 4:00
I am excited to learn more about marketing, social media, and being the best employee I can be!
5/20/2021 15:04:18Zoli Smithzoli.gsmithzolismith19@gmail.com202-815-75635/25/2002
Connor Lugo-Harris/Washington DC
getting accepted into Spelman College
baking and cookingcity of embertv: Family Guyget me bodied beyonceExperiencePiedmont High SchoolSpelman CollegePsychology2024open availability
experience for my resume
11/15/2020 14:31:43Tyler Francis1ts_just_nictnfrancis.13@gmail.com240-319-67313/13/2001
Connor Lugo-Harris/Washington DC
One of my proudest accomplishments was being able to write new conduct into my highschools handbook involving bullying, misconduct, and equity.
I'm a very well rounded indivisual in this sense. I'm very big into doing digital art, playing instruments, playing sports, theater, and spending time with friends, hiking, I like to stay busy
I have a lot, but at the moment The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is my favorite
At the moment my favorite TV show is The Umbrella Academy or Shameless
Almost (Sweet Music) - Hozier
Satisfaction of knowing that I'm helping others while maintaining my own moral integrity
I attended The Potomac School in Mclean Virginia
High Point University in High Point North Carolina
Strategic Communications Major
MWF SPN 7:45-9:00, MTThF ART 9:45-11:30, MW COM 12:00-1:45, M COM 3:15-4:45, TTh MTH 7:45-9:30, T PEC 1:00-3:00
More experience in a field I am considering pursuing
3/25/2021 15:11:06Aneisha Moore@loveaneishaa_
Connor Lugo-Harris/Washington DC
Making Dean's List in the middle of a pandemic when everything changed dramatically
working out, my crochet business, school lol
Shadow Children: Among the Hidden
Snowfall Latch Experience
St. John's College High School
University of Maryland, College Park
Physiology and Neurobiology (Pre-Med track)
M Cell Bio Lab 2PM-4:50PM, M Physics Lab 5PM-7:50PM, TTH Biochemistry 9:30AM-10:45AM, TTH Physics Lecture 12:30PM-1:45PM, W Cell Bio Lecture 10AM-10:50AM, W Genetics Discussion 2PM-3:50PM, TH Genetics Lecture 12:30PM-1:45PM, TH African American Studies 3:30PM-6PM
a way that I can contribute to the office even when my schedule is hectic/stressful and I am not making presentations/sales
12/11/2020 14:04:10Lydia Kappelmeierlydkappljk009@bucknell.edu443-513-61911/14/1999
Connor Lugo-Harris/Washington DC
Will be graduating with a double major in four years
Theatre and dance, feminism and activism, my dogs
Untamed by Glennon Doyle
New Girl and Tangled Levitating by Dua LipaRecognitionStephen Decatur Bucknell
Double major in Biomedical Engineering and Theatre
2021Nothing until Feb 1st
More professional experience and helping people out!
10/7/2021 17:36:22Brittany Smithbritt_smith2180
856-904-346612/21Connor Ness
I think my proudest accomplishment recently is prioritizing my mental health
Color guard, video games, bullet journaling, reading
That is such a hard answer I don't think I can pick just one
Some Like It Hot
Right now it is A-OK by Tai Verdes
Cherry Hill High School East
Rowan UniveristyLiberal Arts2023
Petsmarts Schedule- to be determined
I am the most excited to gain communication skills
11/18/2021 15:02:47Alexis SouzaSouza.alexis
609-707-579911/30/2002Connor Ness
Producing a short film from scratch
Write films, cooking, train dogs, watching horror movies
Salem’s LotHocus Pocus
Tiny Dancer by Elton John
Eastern Regional High Scool
Emerson CollegeFinance/producing 2024
Monday/Wednesday: ASL: 10am-11:45am Climate Change: 12pm-1:45pm Tuesday/Thursday Sci-Fi literature 8am-9:45am Intro to Narrative Drama 10am-11:45am
Building my resume and the extra income to help with college expenses
10/6/2022 13:46:00Jared ManganelliJaredmanganelli
609412478509/10/98Connor NessContent creation
Bmx, snowboarding, anything action sports, fishing, camping, hiking, family, Jesus Christ
The Bible Old school Hell n back bakar ExperienceAbsegami
West Chester university / Stockton university
Marketing Part time job
Knowledge and experience