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1 | Link to Main Course Website: | https://courses.engr.illinois.edu/cs525/sp2025 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Link to Reading List: | https://go.siebelschool.illinois.edu/CS525SP25ReadingList | Compiled by Prof. Indranil Gupta. For Class CS525 Spring 2025, UIUC. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | This Document | https://go.siebelschool.illinois.edu/CS525SP25Schedule | http://indy.cs.illinois.edu/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | DATE | INDY's SLIDES (available weekend before) | PRESENTERS' SLIDES | PRESENTER | - | TOPIC | NOTES | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Jan 22 | [ppt] [pdf] | - | Indranil Gupta (indy@) | Introduction | All Papers for these sessions are | |||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Jan 24 | [ppt] [pdf] | - | Indranil Gupta (indy@) | Before, There were clouds | predetermined and can be found here: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Jan 29 | [ppt] [pdf] | - | Indranil Gupta (indy@) | P2P Systems | https://go.cs.illinois.edu/CS525SP25ReadingList | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Jan 31 | [ppt] [pdf] | - | Indranil Gupta (indy@) | Key-value Stores | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Jan 31 | Last day to sign up for a presentation or scriber slot | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Feb 5 | [ppt] [pdf] | - | Distributed Algorithms, Sensors, IoT, ML | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | STUDENT PRESENTATIONS START (Per session: 2 Presenters + 1 Scribe) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | DATE | INDY's SLIDES | PRESENTERS' SLIDES (available after session) | PRESENTER | PRESENTER | SCRIBER | TOPIC | NOTES | |||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Feb 7 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Shreesha Bhat (sgbhat3) | Pete Stenger (peteras4) | Aydan Pirani (apirani2) | Rethink Classical | All Papers for these sessions are | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Feb 12 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Kevin Zhang (kevinz13) | Jacob Stolker (stolker2) | Gia-Minh Nguyen (giaminh2) | Parallelism | predetermined and can be found here: | |||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Feb 14 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Anton Dmitriev (antond2) | Adam McNeil (adamwm4) | Lasya Neti (lneti2) | Fast Scheduling | https://go.cs.illinois.edu/CS525SP25ReadingList | |||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Feb 19 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Haochen Shen (hshen14) | Yifei Mao (yifeim3) | Wenjie Sun (wenjies3) | LLMs | ||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Feb 21 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Sameer Sinha (sameers5) | Jackson Clark (jclark58) | Nikita Mashchecnko (mmashc2) | Agentic LLMs | ||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Feb 26 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Ayush Bansal (ayushb6) | Adarsh Hegde (ahegd2) | Xiaoke Liu (xiaokel4) | Edge and Hybrid Computing | ||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Feb 28 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Ishani Janveja (janveja2) | Yuanhao Chen (yhchen6) | Yushi Li (yushili2) | Visions | ||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Mar 2 | SURVEY REPORT DUE 11.59 PM (via email for ALL student groups) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Mar 5 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Nitya Sunkad (nsunkad2) | Aryan Bhardwaj (aryanb3) | Yu-Tao Sun (yutaots2) | Caching | ||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Mar 7 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Rishabh Ranga (rranga8) | Sergiu Pod (spod2) | Liza George (lizag2) | Geo-Distributed Clouds | All Papers for these sessions are | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Mar 12 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Cathy Cai (cathyc5) | Deeya Bodas (deeyaab2) | Shiyang Zhao (sz89) | Disaggregated Datacenters | predetermined and can be found here: | |||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Mar 14 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Boyu Liu (boyul3) | Divya Machineni (divyam4) | Georges Durand (gdurand2) | Microservices and Serverless | https://go.cs.illinois.edu/CS525SP25ReadingList | |||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Mar 19 | NO CLASS (SPRING BREAK) | [ppt] [pdf] | NO CLASS (SPRING BREAK) | NO CLASS (SPRING BREAK) | (NA) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Mar 21 | NO CLASS (SPRING BREAK) | [ppt] [pdf] | NO CLASS (SPRING BREAK) | NO CLASS (SPRING BREAK) | (NA) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Mar 26 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Oliver Rogalski (oliverr3) | Thomas Liang (ttliang2) | Anay Bhakat (abhakat2) | Elasticity | ||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Mar 28 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Ziqi Yuan (ziqiy6) | Sunskar Dhanker (dhanker2) | Ryan Ziegler (ryanjz2) | Correct Software | ||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Apr 2 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Guo Jun Loh (gloh2) | Nanguan Lin (nanguan2) | Yifei Zhang (yifei35) | Consensus | ||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Apr 4 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Balaji Balachandran (balajib2) | Minh Duong (minhd2) | Divya Koya (divyack2) | Stream Processing and Streaming | For this day only - Only 1 paper review per session (out of 2 papers). Presenters and scribers will present 2 papers as usual. | |||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Apr 6 | MIDTERM REPORT DUE 11.59 PM (via HoTCRP for ALL student groups) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Apr 9 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Sahith Bodla (sbodla2) | Vibhav Rajkumar (vibhavr2) | Siddharth Jain (sj99) | Industry | For this day only - Only 1 paper review per session (out of 2 papers). Presenters and scribers will present 2 papers as usual. | |||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Apr 11 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Chen-Wei Chou (cwchou4) | Ritvik Banakar (banakar2) | Saloni Vaishnav (saloniv2) | Preemptibles | For this day only - Only 1 paper review per session (out of 2 papers). Presenters and scribers will present 2 papers as usual. | |||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Apr 13 | MIDTERM REVIEWS DUE 11.59 PM (via HoTCRP for ALL students) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Apr 16 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Yiming Su (yiming34) | Yanjun Qin (yanjunq2) | Zexin Lin (zexinl2) and Yongyu Liu (yl201@illinois.edu) | Databases and Transactions | ||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Apr 18 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Ashutosh Sharma (sharma96) | Emma Hartman (emmaih2) | Kevin Lu (kslu2) | Distributed Storage | ||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Apr 23 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Siddhartha Alluri (lalluri2) | Angela Lam (puiyuyl2) | Hongyi Yang (hongyiy6) and Jingting Feng (feng45) | Grounding it | ||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Apr 25 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | Nicholas Wang (chenkai3) | Lanea Rohan (lanear2) | Tan Tandiary (jttan3) and Labdhi Jain (ljain2) | Byzantine | ||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Apr 30 | [ppt] [pdf] | [ppt] [pdf] | ijjay Shah (vijays2) | Deepika Rana (rana8) | Aryan Gupta (aryang10) | Potpourri | ||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | May 2 | - | - | (all project groups - signup sheet will be posted in April) | All Students | Final Project Lightning Presentations (1) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | May 7 | - | - | (all project groups - signup sheet will be posted in April) | All Students | Final Project Lightning Presentations (2) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | May 11 | FINAL REPORT DUE 11.59 PM (via email for ALL student groups) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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