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1 | Timestamp | Resource Title | Date/Time (in Eastern Time) If no specific date enter ongoing. | Link | Intended Audience (Public, Academic, School, Special, N/A) | Topic Details | What type of resource is this? | Notes | Featured by LearnRT | ||||||
17 | 4/14/2020 15:01:20 | Planning a Palooza: Creating Collaborative Training Opportunities for Library Staff | on demand | AASL | General | collaborative training; learning | Webinar | led by our own Angela Glowcheski! | week of 5/18 | ||||||
18 | 4/10/2020 17:53:37 | Reference Interview | ongoing | http://lili.org/forlibs/ce/able/able9/presentation_html5.html | General | Course for library staff who do not have formal library training. Learn the art of the reference interview. | Course | Idaho Commission for Libraries | |||||||
19 | 4/10/2020 17:55:42 | Evaluating Reference Sources | ongoing | http://lili.org/forlibs/ce/able/able10/presentation_html5.html | General | Designed for library folks with no formal library education. Covers how to evaluate reference sources. | Course | ABLE/Idaho Commission For Libraries | |||||||
20 | 4/10/2020 17:58:08 | Ethics and Public Service | ongoing | http://lili.org/forlibs/ce/able/able12/presentation_html5.html | Public | Designed for folks with no formal library education: topics include intellectual freedom, privacy & confidentiality, intellectual property rights, equal access | Course | ABLE/Idaho Commission For Libraries | |||||||
21 | 4/10/2020 18:03:02 | DEMCO Webinars | ongoing | https://ideas.demco.com/category/webinars/ | General | Recommended webinars include: 4 Simple Ways to Beef Up Your Library Marketing, 5 Ways to Transform How Your Library Works With Your Community, Libraries = Education: Your Key to Success | Webinar | There are lots of options | |||||||
22 | 4/10/2020 18:05:40 | NoveList Crash Course | ongoing | https://www.ebscohost.com/novelist-the-latest/by_tag/tag/Crash+Course | General | Webinars for quick tips and learning about different genres for reader's advisory | Webinar | Webinars, trainings, slides and articles | |||||||
23 | 4/21/2020 15:19:54 | Digital Health Literacy | Ongoing | https://nnlm.gov/all-of-us/resources/digitalhealthliteracy | Public | Are you interested in offering digital literacy training to support the health information needs of your community? NNLM has partnered with Wisconsin Health Literacy to create free, downloadable digital health literacy curriculum including a slide deck, accompanying script, and handouts for you to use! Materials can be used for both virtual and in-person training. | Resources | NNLM and PLA | Week of 4/27 | ||||||
24 | Consumer Health Information Specialization | Ongoing | https://www.mlanet.org/p/cm/ld/fid=329 | Public, but maybe even general? | Certification related to providing health information services to consumers | Resources | Sponsored by Medical Library Association | ||||||||
25 | Webjunction | Ongoing | https://www.webjunction.org/home.html | General | Numerous courses relevant to library work organized by category | Resources | Place holder until we get some specific suggestions to highlight from Betha. | ||||||||
26 | Augusta Baker Diversity Lecture Series | Ongoing | https://sites.google.com/view/bakerlectures/guest-lectures | General | Recorded presentations on a variety of topics | Resources | Presented by USC’s School of Library and Information Science | ||||||||
27 | Emporia State School of Library and Information Management Archived Webinars | Ongoing | https://video.emporia.edu/channel/School%2Bof%2BLibrary%2Band%2BInformation%2BManagement/137509381 | General | Recorded presentations on a variety of topics | Resources | Presented by Emporia State School of Library and Information Management | ||||||||
28 | InfoPeople Webinars | Ongoing | https://infopeople.org/training/view/webinar/archived | General | Recorded presentations on a variety of topics | Resources | |||||||||
29 | Trans and Gender non-conforming inclusion in libraries | Recorded | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azK3IUNkFoc&feature=youtu.be | General | EDI | Webinar | Provided by ACRL | ||||||||
30 | California State Library Mental Health Initiative Web Series | Recorded | https://www.webjunction.org/news/webjunction/where-compassion-meets-action-webinar-series.html | General | Mental Health/EDI | Webinar | Housed on Webjunction | Week of 5/11 | |||||||
31 | Applying Trauma-Informed Concepts to Reduce Harm | Recorded | http://www.ala.org/pla/education/onlinelearning/webinars/archive/reduceharm | General | Mental Health/EDI | Webinar | PLA webinar: Password to access: KH533952 | ||||||||
32 | 4/10/2020 17:59:52 | Angry and Alarmed: Embracing the Concerned Parent | recorded webinar | http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/webinar/concernedparents | Public, School | Acclaimed writers, educators, and librarians, Pat Scales and James LaRue will talk about those difficult conversations with parents who are concerned, upset, and trying to protect their children. They will share insights to guide the response from defensive to embracing, empathetic, and educational. | Webinar | ALA recorded webinar | |||||||
33 | 4/10/2020 18:15:10 | Acquisitions Work: From Competencies to Competence | recorded webinar | http://www.ala.org/alcts/confevents/upcoming/webinar/092519 | aquisitions | In the Core Competencies for Acquisitions Professionals approved by the ALCTS Board of Directors in 2018, it is noted that “Lack of training opportunities is a significant challenge in the field, with many acquisitions professionals learning locally developed practices on the job and through continuing education offerings by professional associations.” This webinar is meant to address that challenge with a straightforward introduction that connects competencies, practice, and practitioners. | Webinar | ALCTS | |||||||
45 | 5/19/2020 12:15:16 | Is strategic planning dead? Preparing for the future when tomorrow is uncertain | June 22 at 1:00 p.m. | https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_U8xybilQTMW8DlYd3-kMGQ | Public, Academic, School, Special | This free webinar is for libraries stuck in "what if" ping-pong and struggling to move forward in a strategic way during this time of crisis. Learn how to utilize strategic planning fundamentals and tools to bring order to the chaos. | Webinar | Presented by Amanda E. Standerfer from Fast Forward Libraries | |||||||
51 | 5/26/2020 14:37:08 | Identity and Impostor Syndrome in Library Makerspaces | June 10, 2020 - 11:00 am | http://www.nlc.state.ne.us/scripts/calendar/eventshow.asp?ProgID=19360 | General | Do makerspaces belong in libraries? Are librarians makers? As makerspaces become more prevalent in libraries, many librarians are questioning their role in the community of tinkerers and creators known as the "Maker Movement." | Webinar | Nebraska Library Coalition | |||||||
52 | 5/26/2020 14:38:25 | Library Leadership Your Way | June 11, 2020 3:00 pm | https://sites.google.com/g.emporia.edu/slim/continuing-education/webinars | General | Successful leaders have purpose, focus, love their work, relate to others, and model the way. This presentation will explore these areas of leadership, and instead of explaining how to lead will allow participants to develop their own leadership practice through reflection and examination of each piece of successful leadership. This presentation is intended to be a practical guide for anyone interested in library leadership. | Webinar | Emporia State MLIS Program | |||||||
54 | 5/26/2020 14:51:03 | YALSA Academy | Ongoing | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC046A24B35F7950D | Public | Video Resources Provided by YALSA | Resources | YALSA | |||||||
55 | 5/26/2020 14:53:03 | The Inclusive Library – Best Practices for Serving Your LGBTQ Communities | Ongoing | https://onlinetraining.tsl.texas.gov/course/view.php?id=333 | General | The Inclusive Library series of five webinars was developed to meet the agency’s goal of ensuring that all Texans receive responsive library services, including Texans from traditionally marginalized populations. | Course | ||||||||
56 | 5/28/2020 14:50:24 | Libraries Prepare to Answer Civil Legal Questions in Times of Crisis | June 11, 2020 – 3:00 pm | https://www.webjunction.org/events/webjunction/libraries-prepare-to-answer-civil-legal-questions.html | Public | With the economy staggering, unemployment soaring to unprecedented heights, and families reeling from weeks of confinement and uncertainty, people are turning to their libraries for help. Many of the issues people are struggling with involve civil legal information; questions related to unemployment, debt/money issues, foreclosures and evictions, or family stressors are all on the rise due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this webinar, two law librarians highlight the most common civil legal issues they are seeing, provide guidance on key ways for public libraries to respond to civil legal needs, and discuss best practices for online reference services. Let’s work together to re-empower our struggling communities and demonstrate just how essential libraries are in times of crisis. | Webinar | Webjunction | |||||||
57 | 6/10/2020 15:41:18 | Reopening Lives Academy | Ongoing | https://my.nicheacademy.com/reopening?utm_campaign=About%20Niche%20Academy&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=88732201&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--3jRgAlkvntMoQLbAJsUfYFBuu6ehHfsK59LIkvYRqzaTXAybgXGAC8yt6BH0Ak-KzuFN0XhcM-kZUqgipJdL4ToqnfQ&utm_content=88732201&utm_source=hs_email | General | Series of courses provided through Niche Academy related to adapting services as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic | Course | ||||||||
58 | 6/10/2020 15:43:42 | Media Literacy: Librarian Train-the-Trainer Workshop | Ongoing | https://www.everylibraryinstitute.org/penmedialiteracy?utm_campaign=pen_webinar2&utm_medium=email&utm_source=votelibraries | General | These consecutive 60-minute workshops will provide resources for librarians to lead trainings for the public and their constituents regarding best practices in media literacy education to empower online users to combat disinformation. | Archived Webinar | Every Library Institute | |||||||
59 | 6/10/2020 15:45:11 | From Compassion to Action: Serving Those with Mental Health Challenges in the Library | Ongoing | https://my.nicheacademy.com/infopeople/course/7755 | General, Public | Would you like to better understand mental health and mental health challenges in order to provide compassionate and meaningful library resources and services? Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experience mental health challenges in a given year, so it is highly likely that individuals with mental health challenges are visiting and working at every public library each day. | Course | Niche Academy | |||||||
60 | 6/10/2020 16:28:59 | Sorry...You Just Don't Fit into Our Culture: Unconscious Bias in Hiring Decisions | ongoing | https://cslinsession.cvlsites.org/upcoming/sorry-you-just-dont-fit-into-our-culture-unconscious-bias-in-hiring-decisions/ | General, managers | hiring; bias | Webinar | ||||||||
61 | 6/10/2020 16:31:03 | Best Practices for Helping You Adapt to the New Normal | June 18, 2020 2:00 pm | https://www.govloop.com/training/june-18-best-practices-for-helping-you-adapt-to-the-new-normal/ | General | adapting; change; best practices | Webinar | ||||||||
62 | 6/10/2020 16:32:24 | Wholehearted Training: Fostering Connection, Compassion and Joy in Digital Literacy | ongoing | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flUqFZo5jao | General, Public | digital literacy; training | Webinar | ||||||||
63 | 6/10/2020 16:34:53 | Virtual Platform Possibilities – Providing Digital Skilling Resources for Patrons (archived version) | ongoing | http://www.ala.org/pla/education/onlinelearning/webinars/ondemand/possibilities | General | digital literacy; skills | Webinar | ||||||||
64 | 6/10/2020 16:35:44 | A Primer for New Teleworkers | ongoing | https://continuinged.isl.in.gov/a-primer-for-new-teleworkers-1-leu/ | General | remote work | Webinar | ||||||||
65 | 6/10/2020 20:00:48 | Free Instructional Design Webinar Series | Ongoing | http://ed.fullerton.edu/msidt/ | General | Free webinar series: Introduction to Instructional Design; Basics of Graphic Design; Accessibility and 508 Compliance; Copyright, Public Domain, and Creative Commons | Webinar | Sponsored by Cal State Fullerton's M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology | |||||||
66 | 6/11/2020 12:00:39 | Free Webinar: Preparing for Project Failure | Thursday, June 18, 2020 - 2-3 pm EDT | attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7378218208502114316 | General | Plans are worthless, but planning is everything. (Ascribed to Winston Churchill, Dwight Eisenhower, et al) How can we prepare for the unexpected? | Webinar | ||||||||
67 | 6/11/2020 12:01:35 | Free Webinar: Why Your Library Needs a New, Short-Term Strategic Plan | Wednesday, June 24, 2020 2-3 PM EDT | attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7450329679921058064 | General | How can libraries survive? They might create and implement a new strategic plan that engages the world with fresh assumptions. | Webinar | ||||||||
68 | 6/12/2020 17:18:03 | Reopening Lives with Libraries | Ongoing | https://my.nicheacademy.com/reopening | Staff and Patrons | Resources for library staff and patrons as communities and libraries reopen | Self-Paced Tutorials | Free to use for staff and patrons; libraries may include link(s) to these resources on their website, etc. Collaboration welcome: https://www.nicheacademy.com/blog/reopening-lives-with-the-library | |||||||
69 | 6/15/2020 15:31:23 | Whose Turn Is It, Anyway? Online Board Gaming and Libraries | July 28, 2020 - 3:00 PM | http://click.e.oclc.org/?qs=e720e581c6ced3d4c6390bda19e55facca57b93ad79090d23709f2619933317c6ecc44b6412a34b93b84763d9c9e75c0 | Public | Closed buildings and social distancing doesn’t need to mean the end of engaging and fun board game groups hosted by libraries. Many libraries have worked hard to organize board game groups, while others are still considering how to get started. Using popular and free online board gaming platforms (Board Game Arena, Yucata, Tabletopia, Tabletop Simulator, and Boitejeux), communities of gamers can continue meeting safely online. This webinar will explore how to make the transition to online board gaming, moderate meetups, and facilitate discussions among participants. The session will be applicable to those looking to move online and anyone interested in starting their first gaming group. | Webinar | WebJunction | |||||||
70 | 6/15/2020 16:03:53 | Library Journal Day of DIalog | Ongoing | https://mediasource.actonservice.com/acton/ct/10574/s-288f-2006/Bct/l-11ae/l-11ae:143f9/ct2_0/1?sid=TV2%3AjMfEc8EdO | General | Hear from more than 35 authors in genre fiction, literary fiction, and nonfiction and learn about more titles and trends from editors on our popular editors’ picks panel. | Webinar | Library Journal | |||||||
71 | 6/16/2020 15:58:59 | Navigating the new normal: How libraries can continue to serve their communities in a post-COVID world | Jun 18, 2020 12:00 PM | https://globalmeetwebinar.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1328662&tp_key=0ffbca1c8e | Public | As some libraries begin to make plans to open again or have already reopened their doors to the public following the Covid-19 outbreak, there remains much uncertainty around how and when is safe to do so. Baker & Taylor invites you to join a panel of speakers from the library and medical world to discuss what the ‘new normal’ for public libraries might be. | Webinar | Baker and Taylor | |||||||
72 | 6/16/2020 16:23:25 | Performance Management for Supervisors | Ongoing | https://www.webjunction.org/news/webjunction/performance-management-for-supervisors.html | General | The main purpose of performance management is to guide, support, and develop each employee, providing a consistent and comprehensive experience for their staff. It is an ongoing, collaborative process between supervisor and employee that aims to establish and clarify expectations as well as set performance and development goals. Meeting and discussing performance more than once-a-year is key to driving employee development, effectiveness, and overall contribution to the library. | Course | WebJunction | |||||||
73 | 6/17/2020 14:56:32 | How to Plan Classes and Presentations | ongoing | https://cslinsession.cvlsites.org/past/how-to-plan-classes-and-presentations/ | General | presentations; training | Webinar | ||||||||
74 | 6/17/2020 14:59:46 | Online Tools for Content Creation and Virtual Meetings | ongoing | http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=twjxfteab&oeidk=a07eh0da51k2a6ad2b3 | General | meetings; virtual | Webinar | ||||||||
75 | 6/17/2020 15:00:58 | Shifting Your Events Online During COVID-19 | ongoing | https://grantspace.org/training/2020-05-20-shifting-your-events-online-during-covid-19/ | Public | online events | Webinar | ||||||||
76 | 6/17/2020 15:03:05 | Building Resilient Communities Online and In Person | ongoing | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCP8vq85eK8&feature=youtu.be | General | community engagement; virtual | Webinar | ||||||||
77 | 6/17/2020 15:05:39 | Transitioning Services Online to Meet the Needs of Patrons in Crisis | ongoing | https://floridalibrarywebinars.org/auto-draft-27/ | General | community engagement; patron services; virtual | Webinar | ||||||||
78 | 6/19/2020 11:11:06 | Reading and Talking about Race: An Intro to ALA’s Great Stories Club (Part 1: Deeper Than Our Skins) | June 30, 2020 3:00 pm | https://programminglibrarian.org/learn/reading-and-talking-about-race-intro-ala%E2%80%99s-great-stories-club-part-1-deeper-our-skins | General | racism; book clubs; reader's advisory | Webinar | ||||||||
79 | 7/15/2020 14:15:51 | Free Google Products for Librarians | 7/28 (12:00) | https://www.eventbrite.com/o/usl-training-208844751 | General | Presentation on free Google products that librarians can use every day. | Webinar | ||||||||
80 | 7/27/2020 13:14:02 | Level Up: Prep Your Literacy Toolkit | August 4 (12:00 Noon) | https://www.eventbrite.com/o/usl-training-208844751 | Public, School | Learn how large print supports readers. | Webinar | ||||||||
81 | 8/24/2020 17:29:52 | Free Webinar: Everyday Library Leadership Series: The Organizational Map: What's Different About Leadership | September 21, 2020 - Noon - 1pm ET | attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5027165483310975760 | General, Public, Academic, School, Special | How is leadership different from management, supervision, and professional and technical work? Why do years of successful workplace experience not automatically translate into leadership expertise? | Webinar | Part of a one-day, three-part free series | |||||||
82 | 8/24/2020 17:31:30 | Free Webinar: Everyday Library Leadership Series:Positive Influence: Earning Trust and Respect | September 21, 2020 - 2 pm - 3 pm ET | attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3331860390282710795 | General, Public, Academic, School, Special | Why is positive influence the most valuable tool that any leader can wield? Positive influence is more important than power and authority. It’s about how you treat people every day, all the time, regardless of their behavior or your status and position in your library. | Webinar | Part of a free one-day, three-part series | |||||||
83 | 8/24/2020 17:34:58 | Free Webinar: Everyday Library Leadership Series: Library Leadership Ethics | September 21, 2020 - 4 pm - 5 pm ET | attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6088969359819136268 | General, Public, Academic, School, Special | Four principles that set standards for making decisions and taking action can earn trust and respect inside and outside your library. | Webinar | Part of a free, one-day, three-part series | |||||||
84 | 10/28/2020 10:59:58 | Level Up: Increased Community Engagement Through Moves Management | November 16, 2020 at 1pm eastern | https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ibhfq4ueRImOHL5JbxlCWA | Public | Ready for new strategies to reach underserved communities? Want to convert non-users into your biggest fans? Community engagement is more than outreach, communication, and social media - it's a framework to coordinate your library's efforts to reach more people and increase usage. Join this free webinar to learn how to move people up the engagement chain by using innovative tactics borrowed from philanthropy, political campaigns, and big data. You’ll learn how to cultivate new audiences and deepen relationships to maximize your library’s impact. Recommended audience: Public library leaders and library staff interested in community engagement | Webinar | ||||||||
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