A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | |
1 | This is an interactive contacts table of HCP partners. If you are not able to access or need assistance, please access this link for assistance: Accessibility Statement and Support | |||||||||||
2 | Download the HCP Referral Form Here | Not all local public health agencies provide the full model of HCP care coordination. Agencies not providing the full model of HCP care coordination must provide information and resources as part of their core public health services. See column B (labeled CYSHCN COUNTY ASSIGNMENT) for service areas and information & resources only designation. | ||||||||||
3 | Suggest changes by emailing the CYSHCN Section. | For more information about HCP, please see our website at www.hcpcolorado.org. | ||||||||||
4 | Click here for a full listing of Colorado Public Helath Departments. | |||||||||||
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6 | Organization | Care Coordination (CC) and/or Information/Referral (IR) Agency Elections | Main Phone | Fax Number | First Name | Last Name | Title | Phone Number | Extension | City | RAE Region | |
7 | Adams County Health Department | CC / IR: Adams | 720-523-7204 | Anne | Brack | Nursing Care Coordinator for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs | abrack@adcogov.org | 303-517-0427 | Brighton | 3 | ||
8 | Adams County Health Department | Vicki | Swarr | Maternal Child Health Nurse Manager | vswarr@adcogov.org | 303-478-4258 | Brighton | 3 | ||||
9 | Alamosa County Public Health | IR only: Alamosa | 719-589-6639 | 719-589-1103 | Sherri | Sage | HCP Care Coordinator, RN | ssage@alamosacounty.org | 719-589-6639 | Alamosa | 4 | |
10 | Arapahoe County Public Health | IR only: Arapahoe (core public health services) | 303-478-1352 | Wendy | Nading | Nurse Manager | wnading@arapahoegov.com | 202-669-7844 | Littleton | 3 | ||
11 | Baca County Public Health | IR only: Baca (core public health services) | Keshian | Holcomb | Public Health Director | kholcomb@bacacountyco.gov | 719-523-6621 | 1104 | ||||
12 | Bent County Public Health | IR only: Bent (core public health services) | Caroline | Wagner | Public Health Nurse | phn2@bentcph.org | 719-456-0517 | |||||
13 | Boulder County Public Health | CC / IR: Boulder | (720) 564-2784 | Fabiola | Hernandez | Children with Special Needs Program Assistant | fhernandez@bouldercounty.gov | (720) 564-2784 | Longmont | |||
14 | Boulder County Public Health | 303-678-6064 | 720-864-6494 | Kate | Wicar | Public Health Nurse | kwicar@bouldercounty.gov | 303-678-6173 | Longmont | 6 | ||
15 | Boulder County Public Health | Natasha | Stewart | Public Health Nurse | nstewart@bouldercounty.gov | 303-678-6170 | Longmont | 6 | ||||
16 | Broomfield Public Health | IR only: Broomfield (core public health services) | 720-887-2200 | 720-887-2229 | Helene | Lanzer | Nursing Administrator, HCP | hlanzer@broomfield.org | 720-887-2264 | Broomfield | 2 | |
17 | Broomfield Public Health | IR only: Broomfield (core public health services) | 720-887-2200 | 720-887-2229 | Tomi | Rendell | Public Health Nurse | trendell@broomfield.org | 720-887-2239 | Broomfield | 2 | |
18 | Chaffee County Public Health | IR only: Chaffee (core public health services) | 719-539-4510 | Emily | Anderson | RN, Public Health Nurse | Deputy Director | eanderson@chaffeecounty.org | 719-530-2566 | Salida | 4 | ||
19 | Cheyenne County Public Health | IR only: Cheyenne (core public health services) | 719-767-5616 | 719-767-8747 | Kelli | Adamson | RN-BSN, Agency Director | phstaff@co.cheyenne.co.us | 719-767-5616 | Cheyenne Wells | 2 | |
20 | Clear Creek County Public Health and Environment | IR only: Clear Creek (core public health services) | Donna | Prentner | Public Health Nurse | dprentner@clearcreekcounty.us | 970-409-6907 | |||||
21 | Conejos County Public Health and Nursing Services | IR only: Conejos (core public health services) | Annarae | Smith | asmith@co.conejos.co.us | |||||||
22 | Costilla County Public Health | Paul | Wertz | pwertz@costillacounty-co.gov | 719-672-3332 | |||||||
23 | Crowley County Health Department | IR only: Crowley, Otero (core public health services) | 719-383-3040 | 719-383-3060 | Richard | Ritter | Executive Director | rritter@oterogov.org | Ordway | 4 | ||
24 | Custer County Public Health | CC / IR: Custer | Deb | Karl | Public health Nurse RN BSN, MCH Nurse | deb@custercounty-co.gov | 719-783-3369 | |||||
25 | Custer County Public Health | Sara | Bertelsen | Interim Public Health Director | sara@custercounty-co.gov | |||||||
26 | Delta County Health Department | CC / IR: Delta | 970-874-2190 | Deb | Hornbacher | HCP RN | dhornbacher@deltacountyco.gov | 970-874-2190 | Delta | 1 | ||
27 | Denver Health and Hospital Authority | 303-602-6765 | 303-436-4798 | Monica | Quintana | Assistant Case Coordinator | monica.quintana@dhha.org | 303-602-4272 | Denver | 5 | ||
28 | Denver Health and Hospital Authority | Sarah | Urich | Administrative Assistant | Sarah.urich@dhha.org | 303-602-3167 | Denver | 5 | ||||
29 | Denver Health and Hospital Authority | CC / IR: Denver | 303-602-6765 | 303-436-4798 | Chelsea | Platz | RN, Care Coordinator | Chelsea.Platz@dhha.org | 303-602-6807 | Denver | 5 | |
30 | Denver Health and Hospital Authority | Lara | Anderson | LCSW, HCP Manager | Lara.Anderson@dhha.org | 303-602-6765 | Denver | 5 | ||||
31 | Denver Health and Hospital Authority | Lindsay | Von Qualen | SW, Care Coordinator | Lindsay.VonQualen@dhha.org | 303-602-4270 | Denver | 5 | ||||
32 | Denver Health and Hospital Authority | Mona | Sanchez | Assistant Case Coordinator | Mona.Sanchez@dhha.org | 303-602-4272 | Denver | 5 | ||||
33 | Denver Health and Hospital Authority | Sarah | Urich | Administrative Assistant | sarah.urich@dhha.org | Denver | 5 | |||||
34 | Dolores County Public Health | IR only: Dolores (core public health services) | 970-677-2387 | Tracey | Beanland | Public Health Director | dctracey@fone.net | 970-677-2387 | Dove Creek | 1 | ||
35 | Douglas County Health Department | 720-643-2474 | Jean | Newell | MCH Coordinator | jnewell1@douglas.co.us | Castle Rock | 3 | ||||
36 | Eagle County Public Health | CC / IR: Eagle | 970-328-8840 | 855-848-8829 | Gabriela | Velazco | Family Coordinator | gabriela.velazco@eaglecounty.us | 970-328-9822 | Eagle | 1 | |
37 | Eagle County Public Health | Geralyn | Carroll | Public Health Nurse, HCP | geralyn.carroll@eaglecounty.us | 970-328-9819 | Eagle | 1 | ||||
38 | El Paso County Public Health | IR only: El Paso (core public health services) | 719-578-3199 | 719-578-3234 | Lara | Stern | Lead HCP Care Coordinator, RN | larastern@elpasoco.com | 719-578-3204 | Colorado Springs | 7 | |
39 | El Paso County Public Health | IR only: El Paso (core public health services) | 719-578-3199 | 719-578-3234 | Jennifer | Mussaw | LCSW MCH Program Manager | jennifermussaw2@elpasoco.com | 719-578-3201 719-640-5101 | Colorado Springs | 7 | |
40 | Elbert County Department of Public Health and Environment | IR only: Elbert (core public health services) | Sara | McIntosh | Interim Director | sara.mcintosh@elbertcounty-co.gov | 303-621-3170 | |||||
41 | Fremont County Public Health | IR only: Fremont (core public health services) | 719-276-7450 | 719-276-7451 | Cheyenne | McGinniss | RN | cheyenne.mcginniss@fremontco.com | 719-276-7465 | Canon City | 4 | |
42 | Garfield County Public Health | IR only: Garfield (core public health services) | 970-625-5200 | 970-625-4804 | Sara | Brainard | RN, MSN | sbrainard@garfield-county.com | 970-625-5200 | x8107 | Rifle | 1 |
43 | Gilpin County Public Health Agency | IR only: Gilpin (core public health services) | Marie | Larson | Community Health Specialist | mlarson@gilpincounty.org | 303-582-5803 | 7103 | ||||
44 | Gunnison County Department of Health and Human Services | IR only: Gunnison (core public health services) | Shonna | Gray | Clinical Services Manager | SGray@gunnisoncounty.org | 970-641-3244 | Gunnison | 1 | |||
45 | Hinsdale County Public Health (Silver Thread Public Health District) | IR only: Hinsdale, Mineral (core public health services) | 970-944-0321 | 970-944-1122 | Shawna | Shidler | Public Health Nurse, HCP | shawna@silverthreadphd.org | 970-944-0321 | Lake City | 1 | |
46 | Jackson County Public Health | IR only: Jackson (core public health services) | Marcie | Clendenen | Public Health RN/Deputy Public Health Director | mclendenen@jacksoncountyco.gov | 970-723-4002 | |||||
47 | Jefferson County Public Health | Gilpin, Jefferson | 303-239-7006 | 303-239-7088 | Laureen | Mooney | Family Navigator, including CYSHCN | lmooney@jeffco.us | 303-239-7006 | Lakewood | 6 | |
48 | Jefferson County Public Health | IR only: Jefferson (core public health services) | 303-239-7006 | 303-239-7088 | Mary Margaret | Fouse-Bishop | MCH/HCP Supervisor | mfousebi@jeffco.us | 720-261-9417 | Lakewood | 6 | |
49 | Kiowa | IR only: Kiowa / Prowers (core public health services) | Meagan | Hillman | Public Health Director | mhillman@prowerscounty.net | 719-336-8721 | 4 | ||||
50 | La Plata County Public Health | IR only: La Plata (core public health services) | Maddie | Loftus | Clinic RN | mloftus@lpcgov.org | 970-828-8843 | |||||
51 | Lake County Public Health | IR only: Lake (core public health services) | Heidi | Mitchek | Public Health Nurse | hmitchek@lakecountyco.gov | 7194868181 | |||||
52 | Lake County Public Health | Julie | Gonzales | Finance and Grants Manager | jgonzales@lakecountyco.gov | 7194868181 | ||||||
53 | Larimer County Health Department | CC / IR: Larimer | 970-498-6732 | 970 498-6745 | Ashley | Hubel | Social Worker, HCP | hubelan@co.larimer.co.us | O: 970-498-6733 C: 970-692-6284 | Fort Collins | 1 | |
54 | Larimer County Health Department | Donna | Uhlrich | Registered Dietitian, HCP | 970 498-6732 | Fort Collins | 1 | |||||
55 | Larimer County Health Department | Ginger | Hillyard | Program Coordinator, HCP | hillyaga@co.larimer.co.us | 970 498-6732 | Fort Collins | 1 | ||||
56 | Larimer County Health Department | Leigh Ann | Frost | frostle@co.larimer.co.us | Fort Collins | 1 | ||||||
57 | Las Animas-Huerfano Counties District Health Department | IR only: Las Animas, Huerfano (core public health services) | 719-846-2213 | Misty | Zanolini | PHN Director | mzanolini@la-h-health.org | 719-846-2213 | Trinidad | 4 | ||
58 | Lincoln County Department of Public Health | IR only: Lincoln (core public health services) | 719-743-25.26 | Kelly | Meier | Public Health Director | lcph_1dir@lincolncountyco.us | 719-743-2526 | Hugo | |||
59 | Mesa County Public Health | 970-248-6919 | Kelly | Geyer | RN, HCP Care Coordinator | kelly.geyer@mesacounty.us | 970-683-6683 | Grand Junction | ||||
60 | Mesa County Public Health | Michelle | Trujillo | Grand Valley Connects Manager | Michelle.Trujillo@mesacounty.us | 970-248-3919 | Grand Junction | |||||
61 | Mineral County Public Health (Silver Thread Public Health District) | Hinsdale, Mineral - information & resources only (core public health services) | 719-658-2416 | 719-658-3001 | Tara | Hardy | Public Health Director | tara@silverthreadphd.org | 719-658-2416 | Creede | 4 | |
62 | Mineral County Public Health (Silver Thread Public Health District) | IR only: Hinsdale, Mineral (core public health services) | 719-658-2416 | 719-658-3001 | Joni | Adelman | Public Health Nurse | MCNurse@silverthreadphd.org | 719-658-2416 | Creede | 4 | |
63 | Moffat County Public Health | IR only: Moffat (core public health services) | Selene | Cooper | Public Health Nurse | MCH Coordinator | scooper@moffatcounty.net | 970-761-3087 | |||||
64 | Montezuma County Public Health | IR only: Montezuma (core public health services) | 970-565-3056 | 970-565-0647 | Bobbi | Locke | RN, Public Health Director | block@co.montezuma.co.us | 970-564-4761 | Cortez | 1 | |
65 | Montrose County Public Health | 970-252-5000 | 970-964-2499 | Laura | Lenihan | RN, BSN, HCP Care/Clinic Coordinator | llenihan@montrosecounty.net | 970-252-5014 | Montrose | 1 | ||
66 | Montrose County Public Health | IR only: Montrose (core public health services) | Jim | Austin | Interim Public Health Director | jaustin@montrosecounty.net | 970-252-5067 | Montrose | 1 | |||
67 | Northeast Colorado Health Department | CC / IR: Sedgwick, Phillips, Yuma, Logan, Washington, Morgan (Northeast Colorado Health Department) | 970-522-3741 | 970-522-1412 | Christine | Covelli | BSN, HCP Clinic & Care Coordinator | christinec@nchd.org | 970-867-4918 | x2236 | Fort Morgan | 2 |
68 | Northeast Colorado Health Department | Kandi | Jamison | RN, HCP Clinic & Care Coordinator | kandij@nchd.org | 970-848-3811 | X3023 | Yuma | 2 | |||
69 | Otero County Health Department | IR only: Crowley, Otero (core public health services) | 719-383-3040 | Marie | Mora-Menges | Director of Nursing Services | don@oterogov.org | 719-383-3041 | La Junta | 4 | ||
70 | Park County Public Health | IR only: Park (core public health services) | Carol | Togie | Public Health Programs Manager | ctogie@parkcountyco.gov | 719-836-4154 | |||||
71 | Pitkin County Community Health Services, Inc. | IR only: Pitkin County (core public health services) | Laryssa | Bonilla (Dandeneau) | Deputy Director | laryssa.bonilla@pitkincounty.com | 970.901.0187 | |||||
72 | Prowers/Kiowa County Public Health & Environment | IR only: Prowers/Kiowa (core public health services) | 719-336-8722 | 719-336-9765 | Megan | Hillman | Public Health Director | mhillman@prowerscounty.net | 719-336-5455 | Lamar | 4 | |
73 | Pueblo Department of Public Health & Environment | CC / IR: Pueblo | 719-583-4300 | Christina | Hopewell | MCH Program Manager, Community Heath Services manager | hopewellc@pueblocounty.us | Pueblo | ||||
74 | Pueblo Department of Public Health & Environment | 719-583-4439 | La Fon "Fudge" | Gonzales | Public Health Nurse, HCP Clinic and Care Coordinator | gonzalesl@pueblocounty.us | 719-583-4314 | Pueblo | 4 | |||
75 | Pueblo Department of Public Health & Environment | Pam | Flores | Program Educator | floresp@pueblocounty.us | 719-583-4354 | Pueblo | 4 | ||||
76 | Pueblo Department of Public Health & Environment | 719.583.4439 | Maria | Telfer | Community Health Division Director | telferm@pueblocounty.us | 719-583-4368 | Pueblo | 4 | |||
77 | Rio Grande County Public Health | IR only: Rio Grande (core public health services) | Dianne | Koshak | RN, Public Health Nurse | dianne.koshak@riograndecounty.org | 719-657-4228 | |||||
78 | Routt County Public Health | IR only: Routt (core public health services) | Ceceila | Vann | Community Health Specialist | cvann@co.routt.co.us | 970-870-5342 | |||||
79 | Saguache County Public Health | IR only: Saguache (core public health services) | Ilene | Dupont | Administrative Assistant | idupont@saguachecounty-co.gov | 719-655-2533 | |||||
80 | Saguache County Public Health | Mona Kay | Lovato | RN | Director | mlovato@saguachecounty-co.gov | 719-655-2533 | ||||||
81 | San Juan County Public Health | IR only: La Plata, Archuleta (core public health services) | 970-387-0242 | 970-387-5036 | Becky | Joyce | San Juan County Public Health Director, RN, BSN/Silverton Public School Nurse | director@sjcph.org | 970-387-0242 | Silverton | 1 | |
82 | San Miguel County Department of Health and Environment | IR only: San Miguel (core public health services) | Katherine | Semler | PH Program Coordinator | publichealth@sanmiguelcountyco.gov | 970-728-4286 | |||||
83 | Summit County Public Health | IR only: Summit (core public health services) | 970-668-9161 | Amy | Wineland | Director | Amy.Wineland@summitcountyco.gov | 970-668-9195 | Frisco | 1 | ||
84 | Teller County Public Health | IR only: Teller (core public health services) | Michelle | Wolff | Director | wolffa@co.teller.co.us | 719-687-6416 | |||||
85 | Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment | CC / IR: Weld | Cristina | Arellano | Public Health Social Worker, HCP | garellano@weld.gov | 970-400-2335 | |||||
86 | Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment | 970-304-6410 | Angela | Montes | HCP Care Coordinator, RN | amontes@weld.gov | 970-400-2302 | Greeley | 2 | |||
87 | Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment | Hailey | Byington | RN, BNS, Community Health Programs Manager, HCP Lead | hbyington@weld.gov | 970-400-2322 | Greeley | 2 | ||||
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