D= Diary (# = volume) L= Letters (# = volume, then letter #)
Principles of selection (link)

This spreadsheet was created by Matthew Cheney as part of a Summer Teaching Assistant Fellowship Award from the University of New Hampshire Graduate School, summer 2015.
Adventures Social and LiteraryAinslie, Douglas9/2/1932D4 (before 2 Sept 1932)"Reading this August" list
Alfieri, Vittorio4/14/1935D4 (14 April 1935)in note only (n.11 p.300)
Letters from IcelandAuden, W.H. & Louis MacNeice8/11/1937D5 (11 August 1937)
"I'm reading George Sand quietly.... Have Auden McNeice in Iceland from The Times; also some French George Sand memoirs" see note 5 -- whether she did read this, uncertain
Jane Austen's Letters
Austen, Jane; ed. R.W. Chapman
12/22/1932L5.2683 (22 December 1932)
"I'm reading Jane Austen [Letters] in this heavenly solitude over the long fire" (see L5 p.125 n.2 for bibliographic info)
Balzac4/15/1937D5 (15 April 1937)"Reading Balzac: reading A. Birrell's memoirs"
Puppet Show of MemoryBaring, Maurice3/21/1932L5.2560 (21 March 1932)
"MB has sent me his book, and I've snatched up his praise of your singing..."
Lonely Lady of Dulwich, TheBaring, Maurice8/26/1934D4 (26 August 1934)
"We sat & bawled, about God & Dulwich" [E. Smyth declared Baring "one of the finest novelists England has ever produced"]
PoemsBarker, George4/17/1935D4 (17 April 1935)
"I'm reading, or going to read, Alfieri, Chateaubriand, Paxton, Leo Myers; Barker & Moore poetry..."
An Account of French PaintingBell, Clive11/16/1931D4 (16 November 1931)"I am reading Clive's book"
Letters to His NephewBennett, Arnold3/2/1936L6.3109 (2 March 1936)
references anecdote in one of the Bennett letters. See p.16 n.2
Christmas FormulaBenson, Stella12/28/1932L5.2686 (28 December 1932)"And I'm reading Stella Benson: with pleasure"
MundosBenson, Stella9/6/1935D4 (6 September 1935)
"Reading. Miss Mole: fair, but soft; & Stella Benson but I'm hard on novels, & an old dr. called Salter, & Dryden, & Alfieri."
First ChildhoodBerners, Lord2/14/1934D4 (14 February 1934)
"then a book a day from the Times, Berners, Selincourt & a stout life by Neale of Q Elizabeth which pretending to impartiality emphasises the double chin..."
Things Past RedressBirrell, Augustine4/15/1937D5 (15 April 1937)"Reading Balzac: reading A. Birrell's memoirs"
Victoria the Widow and Her SonBolitho, Hector8/24/1934L5.2921 (24 August 1934)
"And I'll forgive you for having me made or Victoria the Widow, because of one or 2 stories, though there again—dear me, how can you roll out your big guns over that entirely false and feeble and twittering performance?"
Wild Wales: Its People, Language and Scenery Borrow, George1/11/1936D5 (11 January 1936)
"then I read Borrow's Wild Wales, into which I can plunge head foremost"
To the NorthBowen, Elizabeth7/22/1932L5.2611 (22 July 1932)
"It is very good of you to send me your novel, which I am keeping, as a treat, for next week..." [did she go on to read it then?]
Last September, TheBowen, Elizabeth6/8/1934L5.2901 (8 June 1934)
"I didn't read Last September...but I shall when I get back." (Did she?)
House in Paris, TheBowen, Elizabeth6/7/1935L5 (7? June 1935)
"...I'm so muddled by reading a mass of manuscripts. But I shall, all the same, read yours." L5.3066 (4 Oct 1935): "I skimmed Elizabeth's book in a rush: I must read it again. I thought it a little tight and hard, but very good—much the best of hers I've read." n.1 references Glendinning bio p.94 for VW reaction.
Jack Robinson
Brenan, Gerald (wr. under pseudonym George Beaton)
10/20/1933D4 (20 October 1933)"Gerald Brenan's book is unmitigated trash"
Lawrence and Brett: A FriendshipBrett, Dorothy7/8/1933L5.2760 (8 July 1933)
"I looked into your book and shut it; I can't get hold of Lawrence; I like and I dislike; and always feel its a puzzle that I must sit down to one of these days, honestly; to read him through."
Testament of YouthBrittain, Vera9/2/1933D4 (2 September 1933)
"I am reading with extreme greed a book by Vera Britain [sic], called The Testament of Youth"; see also L5.2788: "and Vera Brittain has written a book which kept me out of bed till I'd read it. Why?"
Life of Sidney
Brooke (Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke)
8/10/1931L4.2419 (10 August 1931)
"haven't settled, as I should, to read all Donne, all Sidney, all ... Lord Brooke"
Memorials of Edward Burne-JonesBurne-Jones, G.8/17/1938D5 (17 August 1938)"reading BJ by his wife..."
Alice James: Her Brothers -- Her JournalBurr, Anna Robeson (ed.)10/4/1934D4 (4 October 1934)
list of "Books read or in reading" on page facing diary entries for 4 & 5 Oct
Don Juan
Byron? (or Bennet, Don Juan de Marana: A Play in Four Acts)
7/7/1931D4 (7 July 1931)
"I am reading Don Juan" Bennet Don Juan in VW/LW library w/ LW bookplate
Savage Pilgrimage: A Narrative of D.H. Lawrence, The
Carswell, Catherine12/26/1932L5.2685 (Boxing Day, 1932)
"I'm reading the new edition of Carswells D.H.L. book" (2nd ed.)
D.H. Lawrence. A Personal RecordChambers, Jessie (as by E.T.)8/31/1935D4 (31 August 1935)"Read Hind & Panther. D.H.L. by E. (good) & slept."
BeckfordChapman, Guy5/25/1937D5 (25 May 1937)
"Reading Beckford by Chapman—but why write about this cold egotist? this nugatory man?"
Memoires d'outre tombe
Chateaubriand, Francois Rene de
3/11/1935D4 (11 March 1935)"I am reading Chateaubriand" (& see note 13 p.283)
Chateaubriand, Francois Rene de
11/30/1937D5 (30 November 1937)
"reading Chateaubriand now, bought in 6 fine vols for one guinea at Cambridge"
Chaucer11/15/1938D5 (15 November 1938)"Read Chaucer: began Lytton Q.E. & Essex"
poemsColeridge9/2/1932D4 (before 2 Sept 1932)"Reading this August" list
Letters (vol. 1, some of vol. 2)Coleridge9/2/1932D4 (before 2 Sept 1932)"Reading this August" list
Mes Apprentisages [My Apprenticeships]Colette2/24/1937D5 (24 February 1937)
"Started reading French again: Misanthrope & Colette's memoirs given me last summer by Janie"
Love for LoveCongreve, William9/13/1935D4 (13 September 1935)"Reading Love for Love, Life of Anthony Hope, &c."
Love for LoveCongreve, William6/22/1937D5 (22 June 1937)
"Isn't it shameful to writer here first thing, not to tackle Congreve? But my brain...gave out after dinner, so that I cdn't read Love for Love" See 23 June entry: "It's ill writing after reading Love for Love--a masterpiece."
Creevey Papers, TheCreevey, Thomas5/14/1933D4 (14 May 1933)
"But when it comes gushing out of Creevey's page..." see also 21 May
Dante1/10/1931D4 (10 January 1931)was reading earlier & continuing thru writing Waves
Lettres de la Marquise du Deffand a Horace Walpole
Deffand, Marquise du (Marie Anne de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise du Deffand)
1/7/1931D4 (7 Jan 1931)"can't settle to read x"
David CopperfieldDickens, Charles2/25/1936D5 (25 February 1936)
"reading D. Copperfield" see also L6.3104 (8 February 1936): "I'm reading David Copperfield for the 6th time with almost complete satisfaction."
My Old WorldDimnet, Abbe (Ernest)8/29/1935D4 (29 August 1935)
"Reading Miss Mole, Abbe Dimnet (good), an occasional bite at Hind & Panther..."
ConingsbyDisraeli, Benjamin11/15/1931L4.2470 (15 November 1931)
"Middlemarch finished: now Dizzy: then Trollope -- but which?"
Modern Prose StyleDobree, Bonamy10/4/1934D4 (4 October 1934)
list of "Books read or in reading" on page facing diary entries for 4 & 5 Oct
Anatomie of the World, AnDonne, John2/13/1931D4 (13 February 1932)
"I break off from my plain duty which is to read the Anatomy of the World"; see also L5, 2522 (8 Feb)
Donne, John8/10/1931L4.2419 (10 August 1931)
"haven't settled, as I should, to read all Donne, all Sidney, all ... Lord Brooke"
Hind and the Panther, TheDryden, John8/29/1935D4 (29 August 1935)
"Reading Miss Mole, Abbe Dimnet (good), an occasional bite at Hind & Panther..."
Literary Mind, TheEastman, Max4/24/1932D4 (24 April, 8 May 1932)
"I've scarcely read either — only Roger's Eastman, & Wells, & Murry" D4 8 May, see note p.96
MiddlemarchEliot, George11/8/1931L4.2467 (8 November 1931)
"I'm reading Middlemarch with even greater pleasure than I remembered: and Ford M. Ford's memoirs"
Thoughts After LambethEliot, T.S.4/25/1931D4 (25 April 1931)"I must read his Lambeth tonight"
Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism, TheEliot, T.S.11/14/1933D4 (14 November 1933)"reading Tom's criticism, & Michael Field diaries"
Rock, TheEliot, T.S.7/10/1934L5.2910 (10 July 1934)
"The rock disappointed me. I couldn't go and see it, having caught the influenza in Ireland; and in reading, without seeing, perhaps one got the horror of that cheap farce and Cockney dialogue and dogmatism too full in the face."
Murder in the CathedralEliot, T.S.7/7/1935L5.3043 (7 July 1935)
"I have only had time, though, in this world of interruption to read it once..." See also L5.3081 (16 Nov 1935): "The truth is it acts far less well than reads: cant manage the human body: only a soliloquy." Similarly, L5.3085.
Oxford Apostles: A Character Study of the Oxford Movement
Faber, Geoffrey Cust8/12/1933D4 (12 August 1933)
"I've been reading Faber on Newman"; L5.2787: "I've been reading a stuck up humbug called Faber on Newman with fury." (3 Sept 1933)
Works and Days: Extracts from the Journal of Michael Field
Field, Michael pseud. [Katharine Harris Bradley (1846-1914) & Edith Emma Cooper (1862-1913)] edited by T & D.C. Sturge Moore
11/14/1933D4 (14 November 1933)"reading Tom's criticism, & Michael Field diaries"
Dictionary of Madame de SevignéFitzgerald, Edward 3/31/1938D5 (31 March 1938)
"And I've just bought E. FitzGerald on Sevigne, & may broach her."
LettersFlaubert, Gustave6/21/1936D5 (21 June 1936)
"Really reading Flaubert's letters I hear my own voice cry out Oh Art! Patience. Find him consoling, admonishing."
Thus to RevisitFord, Ford Madox11/8/1931L4.2467 (8 November 1931)
"I'm reading Middlemarch with even greater pleasure than I remembered: and Ford M. Ford's memoirs"
Pages de Journal 1929-1932Gide, Andre8/30/1934D4 (30 August 1934)
"reading, Leeson, a detective, Saint Simon, Henry James' preface to P. of a Lady ... then Gide's journal"
Godley, Arthur (Lord Kilbracken)
9/2/1932D4 (before 2 Sept 1932)
"Reading this August" list; see also L5.2619 (9? Aug 1932): "then I read Lord Kilbracken—what a good book"
Goethe12/25/1931L4 2493 (25 December 1931)
"...dip into The Sciences of Life (Wells) and Goethe and various poems"
Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, TheGoldsmith, Oliver4/6/1933D4 (6 April 1933)
"I began the four great vols of Goldsmith this morning"
Good MerchantGraham, John12/21/1933D4 (21 December 1933)"read a good MS by a man called Graham"
Strange Life of Willy Clarkson, TheGreenwall, Harry J.1/11/1936D5 (11 January 1936)
"Home, & dine alone, & sleep over Mr Clarkson's memoirs" [Clarkson provided disguises for Dreadnought hoax"
Miss Weeton: Journal of a Governess 1807-1811Hall, Edward (ed.)11/11/1936D5 (11 November 1936)
"Can't review Miss Weeton either. ... But anyhow the book is bad mostly..." (also quoted from the book in 3G)
Life of Thomas HardyHardy, Florence7/26/1933D4 (26 July 1933)
"I try to tune myself on other books: couldnt settle on any save T. Hardy's life just now." See also 22 July 1932 and note 11 p.119
Hazlitt, William5/13/1930L4.2179 (13 May 1930)
"or go on reading Hazlitt" Was reading Hazilitt throughout 1930, probably starting in January, for her Sept 1930 review of the complete works
Temple, or Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, The
Herbert, George10/24/1935L5.3071 (24 October 1935)"I read The Temple last night: George Herbert"
Oxford Book of Greek Verse in Translation
Higham, T.F. & C.M. Bowra, eds.
6/16/1938D5 (16 June 1938)
"And I have been reading translations of Greek verse, and thinking idly."
ConfessionsHoussaye, Arsène8/24/1933D4 (24 August 1933)
"I have spent the morning reading the Confessions of Arsene Houssaye"
Beyond the Mexique BayHuxley, Aldous5/27/1934L5.2897 (27 May 1934)"and am now reduced to Aldous Huxley."
Point CounterpointHuxley, Aldous1/23/1935D4 (23 January 1935)
"I am reading Point Counterpoint. Not a good novel. all raw, uncooked, protesting."
Sacred Fount, TheJames, Henry5/14/1933D4 (14 May 1933)"Yes, I am reading — skipping — the Sacred Fount"
Preface to Portrait of a LadyJames, Henry8/30/1934D4 (30 August 1934)
"reading, Leeson, a detective, Saint Simon, Henry James' preface to P. of a Lady ... then Gide's journal"
Roman psychologique de Virginia Woolf, LeJanin, René3/20/1932L5.2559 (20 March 1932)
"His book has now arrived. I can't say I find it lively reading, but then its [sic] difficult to see one self as a mummy in a museum: even a highly respectable museum." See also L5.2560: "I've not got a huge book on V.W.: but cant read it, because I hate my own face in the looking glass."
Keats10/15/1935D4 (15 October 1935)
"Read all early R[oger Fry] letters. noted them. also library books: also Keats: also MSS"
Man Who Died, The [The Escaped Cock]Lawrence, D.H.5/28/1931D4 (28 May 1931)"disappointed, reading lightly though"
Sons & LoversLawrence, D.H.5/28/1931D4 (28 May 1931)"reading Sons & Lovers first"
Aaron's RodLawrence, D.H.5/9/1935D4 (9 May 1935)"I am nibbling at Aaron's Rod."
Letters of D.H. Lawrence
Lawrence, D.H.; ed. Aldous Huxley
10/2/1932D4 (2 October 1932)
"I am also reading DHL. with the usual sense of frustration"; see L5.2656 (3 Nov 1932): "I've finished his letters; no, I'm not enthusiastic"
Walter Leaf, 1852-1927. Some Chapters of Autobiography. With a Memoir by Charlotte M. Leaf
Leaf, Walter & Charlotte M. Leaf
4/29/1937D5 (29 April 1937)"I rested my brain on Lotta Leaf last night"
Lost London: The Memoirs of an East End DetectiveLeeson, B.8/30/1934D4 (30 August 1934)
"reading, Leeson, a detective, Saint Simon, Henry James' preface to P. of a Lady ... then Gide's journal"
Livingstones: A Novel of Contemporary LifeLeon, Derrick9/2/1932D4 (before 2 Sept 1932)"Reading this August" list
Good Morning and Good Night
Leonora, Sylvia (nee Brett); writing as Her Highness the Ranee of Sarawak
10/4/1934D4 (4 October 1934)
list of "Books read or in reading" on page facing diary entries for 4 & 5 Oct
Blasting and BombardieringLewis, Wyndham11/1/1937D5 (1 November 1937)
"Wyndham Lewis Auby: hot mean reading. Exacerbates. Yet diminishes vitality. Thank God, it will be out of the house today."
Fifty Years a Country DoctorMacartney, W.M.11/16/1938D5 (16 November 1938)
"I shall read Sevigné & Chaucer & 50 YEars of a Drs life if it comes from the Library."
Criticism (vol. 2)MacCarthy, Desmond6/18/1932D4 (18 June 1932)
"Desmond's criticism rather sends my value up in my eyes..."
Anthony Hope and His BooksMallett, Sir Charles9/13/1935D4 (13 September 1935)"Reading Love for Love, Life of Anthony Hope, &c."
Fable of the Bees; or Private Vices, Publick Benefits, The
Mandeville, Bernard de3/26/1938D5 (26 March 1938)
"As usual, I have drawn too many words from my well, & want to fill it from some good book. Mandeville The Bees, I think." 26 April: "this really a fruitful book; the book I want". quoted from in 3Gs
Coming Victory of Democracy, TheMann, Thomas10/30/1938D5 (30 October 1938)
"It seemed to explain to us what we're doing. She gave me Thomas Mann. who does the same."
Letters of Katherine Mansfield, The
Mansfield, Katherine ed. John Middleton Murry
5/26/1935D4 (26 May 1935)
"I'm dipping into K.M.'s letters; Stendhal on Rome, & the Italian."
Paxton and the Bachelor DukeMarkham, Violet R.4/17/1935D4 (17 April 1935)
"I'm reading, or going to read, Alfieri, Chateaubriand, Paxton, Leo Myers; Barker & Moore poetry..."
Life and Letters of Captain Marryat, TheMarryat, Florence8/3/1935D4 (3 August 1935)
"...I took a flight into Marryat this..." and n.3 p.334. 22 Aug: "Finished Marryat." See also L5.3053 (27 July 1935): "and read Captain Marryat."
Out and About, Random ReminiscencesMarshall, Archibald6/26/1933D4 (26 June 1933)"& read Archibald Marshall's memoir"
Retrospect of Western TravelMartineau, Harriet6/25/1935L5.3036 (25 June 1935)"I am just in the middle of Miss Martineau."
Une VieMaupassant, Guy de8/21/1934D4 (21 August 1934)"I read Une Vie last night"
Wainwrights, TheMeredith, Edgar6/20/1933D4 (20 June 1933)
"I must now read Wainwrights, a possible East End novel" (read ms. apparently, as novel not published till 1935 by Grayson & Grayson
Lord Ormont and his AmintaMeredith, George3/27/1937D5 (27 March 1937)
"I began Lord Ormont & his Aminta, & found it so rich, so knotted, so alive & muscular after the pale little fiction I'm used to, that, alas, it made me wish to write fiction again. Meredith underrated."