Club Name Student or Advisor Led Room/Day/FrequencyContact Info. Google Classroom Code Brief Description of Club Recorded Description
Academic DecathlonAdvisor Led110 / Wednesday / Weekly veronica.villacres@wwprsd.orgThe Academic Decathlon Club is a competitive and educational club which annually attends the United States Academic Decathlon high school competition. Every week, we teach our students each of the 10 subjects that will appear on this competition, with a tryout test date set sometime in the winter. After teams are selected, we continue to teach non-team members while preparing the team for competition dates. After regionals, depending on the results we either prepare for the next year or state competitions. We plan to have an in school club competition soon to build interest for the club and overall increase the amount of members that we have.Academic Decathalon Vid
AI Machine Learning ClubStudent Run700F / Tuesday/ WeeklyAtin Mathur 25am0524@wwprsd.orgThe club will provide an introduction to artificial intelligence learning and provide opportunities to all interested members to explore the rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence. The Artificial Intelligence Club introduces students to key programming ideas- especially in Python, which is fairly simple- that enable the application of AI in computer science and society at large. Students will learn how to incorporate fundamental AI algorithms into their own work, as well as analyze the social and ethical consequences of how AI is currently utilized in our day to day lives and future plans for it to be used. create a series of projects that demonstrate how Artificial Intelligence may be used to optimize and anticipate data and processes in a variety of ways. Our underlying focus will be addressing societal problems using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.AI Machine Learning Club Vid
American Sign Language ClubStudent Run900A / Thursday / Bi-Monthly (1st & 3rd) Shruthi Loganathan 25sl1304@wwprsd.orgAmerican Sign Language club is dedicated to encouraging and strengthening students understand and appreciation about ASL and Deaf culture. We aim to build an environment in which any student can come together to learn about, enjoy, and practice ASL regardless of skill level. Activities and lessons are designed based on building communication skills, advancing cultural awareness, and promoting inclusivity as well as making sure they are interesting and enjoyable. Our goal is to educate, improve, and provide opportunities to learn ASL!ASL Club Vid
Application and Game DevelopmentStudent Run700D / Thursday / Weekly Akash Lal 25al0062@wwprsd.orgOur club's goal is to teach students how to create applications and games with softwares like unity a program for game development. We will teach them how to use this software from beginner all the way to an advanced level. Then will use figma an application for IOS software development. Then using these new skills they will be able to create IOS applications to a advanced level which iwll help them create personalized apps.Application and Game Development Club Vid
Architecture Club Student RunPIT / Thursday / Weekly Tina Meng 26tm0673@wwprsd.orgIn Architecture Club, we will learn about various aspects of architecture, including history, theory, and design. We plan on providing hands-on experience in researching and building structures while promoting sustainable architecture. Activities will include lectures, model building and design and research projects. Overall, the club aims to raise awareness about architecture in South.Architecture Club Vid
Armenian ClubStudent Run701A / Wednesday / Bi-Monthly (1st & 3rd) Sarah Berliner 27sb0402@wwprsd.orgThe Armenian club is an educational club for anyone/everyone interested in learning about the wonderful country of Armenia and its culture. Our goal is to create an immersive experience where club members will explore and connect to the unique, vibrant Armenian culture. Each meeting will consist of two parts: presentation of a new cultural topic and application of that knowledge, whether that be playing an Armenian game, researching about Armenian History, or writing in the Armenian Alphabet. We hope to educate our club members on eight main topics through this coming school year: Armenian Alphabet, food, dance and music, famous Armenians, history, Armenia-specific holidays, sports, architecture and art. Can't wait to see you there!Armenian Club Vid
Artists for a CauseStudent Run700C / Thursday / Weekly Akanksha Radadia 25ar0340@wwprsd.orgOur club is focused on the creation of different art mediums in order to benefit our community. In the past we have worked with different organizations such as our local preschool, senior center, hospitals, and libraries to donate crafts that may help them in any way. We plan to continue our holiday themed crafts such as our st. patrick's day bookmarks, new year resolution stars, origami swans, holiday cards, and candy grams. In between these holidays we also plan on helping facilitate our aspiring artists by giving them the opportunity to enter in art competitions such as the scholastic writing and art competition, wyland art challenge, arbor art contest, ect. We hope that this gives them more of a passion for both art as well as giving back to the community. Artists for a Cause Club Vid
Black Student UnionAdvisor Led81 / Tuesday / Weekly (also lunch meetings - contact advisor) OR tyler.barnes@wwprsd.orgUnify and connect Black students in school while developing leadership and communication skills by working with other students and officers to make events at school that inform and educate our peers. Learn to facilitate and participate in difficult discussions that increase confidence and advocate for students' needs to ensure that school leadership takes necessary action to make school a better place for everyone.
Board (and Card) Game CubStudent RunCommons / Tuesday / Weekly Yuzheng Wang 27yw0913@wwprsd.orgWe are Board(and card) games club and our goal is to provide a space for high school students to have a place to build communities, relax, and have fun. We know that high school can be very stressful and this club wishes to use board games and card games to allow the students to forget about the stressful environment and live a little with good friends. We play board games and card games such as Uno, clue, Catan, and even an optional dungeons and dragons campaign that members can join. Board and Card Game Club Vid
Campaign Dialogue Advisor Led502 / Every D Day @ Lunch / Weekly chelsea.allen@wwprsd.orgCD is HSS's School Climate and Culture team. We are comprised of students, teachers and staff, and administration, and are student focused and student led. Our team uses data to inform our work on the student experience at South, and we create programs, initiatives and projects to address the issues. Our overall goal is to make South a place that every student feels connected and that they belong. Any student can join Campaign Dialogue, and we meet at Lunch so that there is not a conflict with after school activities. Campaign Dialogue Vid
Chess ClubStudent RunCommons / Wednesday / Weekly Erick Yan 26ey0105@wwprsd.orgA club for all those with a liking for chess, from experienced players to those with little or no knowledge. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the game and learn together. We plan to have casual games along with occasionally doing tactics or fun little in club tournaments. Our overall goal is to provide a club for those who enjoy the game where they can play against like minded individuals. Chess Club Vid
Chinese Culture ClubAdvisor Led202 / Wednesday & Thursday / Weekly OR We create cultural connection for those who are interested in Chinese Culture. Every year, we recreate the Chinese New Year’s Gala.Chinese Culture Club Vid
Christian Student UnionStudent Run700C / Wednesday / Bi-Monthly (1st & 3rd) Daniel Lu Christian Student Union welcomes everyone to learn more about the Christian faith. During club time, we plan to introduce newcomers what it means to follow Jesus Christ and live out a purpose-driven life. Additionally, we'll have in-depth discussions about the Bible and hold small groups for discussion of our faith and the Word. We will also encourage club members to pray for each other and provide designated times to be in the presence of God. Christian Student Union Club Vid
Civic Leaders of America (Formerly JSA) Advisor Led600C / Thursday / Bi-Monthly OR alexa.swartz@wwprsd.orgCivic Leaders of America is a student-led organization dedicated to promoting civic engagement, leadership, and informed debate among young people. Our club provides a platform for students to discuss current events, policy issues, and political topics in a respectful and open environment. Through debates, simulations, and conferences, we aim to develop critical thinking, public speaking, and leadership skills. Our goal is to empower the next generation of leaders by fostering civic responsibility and encouraging active participation in democracy.Civic Leaders of America Vid
Computer Science ClubAdvisor Led700 / Monday / Weekly sunila.sharma@wwprsd.orgAbsolute Coding Club is High School South's most popular, advisor-run programming club, where members meet to learn about competitive programming and attend prestigious coding competitions. Every Monday, we teach new concepts and Data Structures/Algorithms to both absolute beginners and more experienced members. In addition to teaching programming techniques, we host fun events and mini contests regularly and offer snacks or prizes to attendees frequently. Club members regularly attend many competitions hosted by renowned universities such as Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, UPenn, and MIT, and encourage participation in online competitions such as the USA Computing Olympiad and Codeforces. We welcome anyone interested in learning more about programming, regardless of skill level, and anyone interested in competing in renowned competitions.Computer Science Club Vid
Computer Science InnovatorsStudent Run700E / Wednesday / WeeklySayam Goyal CSI (Comuter Science Innovators) is a club where beginners and intermediate programmers come together to use their skills for the betterment of society. Through AI and machine learning, web development, app development, and even game development, we teach our club members (beginner or advanced) how to take their skills to the next level. We then create projects together as a club to try to help society and submit them to online competitions to get judged. Some example projects from previous years include an AI-powered ASL translator and a facial recognition attendance taker. This year we hope to continue to make more projects together as a club to help the world around us: one line of code at a time.Computer Science Innovators Vid
Disability Rights Student Association Club Student Run900C / Thursday / Weekly Prarthana Harikrishnan 25ph0036@wwprsd.orgWe will continue advocating for the rights of disabled people through raising awareness and stimulating friendly interactions with them. However now that we have ran as a student run club for 2 academic years, we hope that this year we will be able achieve our goals in order to make the outreach of our club more significant. We have dedicated this year to working on small projects such as podcast episodes, planning volenteering events for old age homes for alzheimers, completing projects through other organizations, and planning for an event that we are participating in that involves working with special ed children at our local elementary school as our final end of the year project in achieve our cause to the fullest potential. This year, we want to mainly focus on partnering with other diversity clubs we have here at South, in order for more students at South, to take part in our student led movement of making the disabled community feel more included. Disability Rights Student Association Club Vid
EchoesAdvisor Led901 / Thursday / Weekly OR ellin.glassband@wwprsd.orgWe are South's Literary and Visual Arts magazine. We publish a magazine compiling a wide range of visual art created by HSS students. We run numerous art and writing events throughout the year, such as Open Mic Reading, Spooky Stories competition, animation contests, etc. We manage the annual Valentine Carnation sale as a fundraiser. As a club, we hope to inspire more students to share their art with the community and provide a fun community space for artists to collaborate and pursue their artistic aspirations.Echoes Vid
Engineering ClubStudent RunPIT / Wednesday / Weekly Aaryan Shankar Chowdhury Engineering Club is to allow students to experience various engineering fields to gain an idea of what they are interested in. It also serves as a club to help nurture students' love for engineering by offering mentoring sessions each week. We utilize hands-on activities like the annual paper plane competition to provide students with the opportunity to utilize their knowledge in a real-world context. Ultimately, we plan to encourage students to experience engineering for what it is, confirming their passion for engineering so they can pursue it in college. Engineering Club Vid
Future Problem Solvers (FPS) Advisor Led215 / Monday / Bi-Monthly (Contact advisor for days) Future Probem Solvers is a club that participates in the Future Problem Solving competition hosted by FPSPI (FPS international). We focus on 2 main branches of the competition, Global Issues Problem Solving and Scenario Writing. Through the GIPS portion of this competition, we learn to collaborate, research, and think about futuristic problems through a 6-step problem-solving process that allows us to analyze an assigned scenario by identifying challenges, solutions, an underlying problem, criteria to solve the problem, and create an action plan to take on the problem at hand. Within the Scenario Writers branch of our club, members learn to use their love for creative writing to create a future scene based on an assigned theme/topic. Throughout the year, we participate in different stages of the competition in order to understand the world around us and the problem-solving mindset at a deeper level. Future Problem Solvers Club Vid
Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)Advisor Led600F / Thursday / Weekly sunila.sharma@wwprsd.orgHOSA's goal is to create future leaders in the medical field by educating students both practically and collaboratively. Our club offers the opportunity for members to explore interests in healthcare by competing in various events in regional, state, and national conferences, while networking and gaining soft skills. In HOSA, we strive to become knowledgeable about health professions and passionately take on the responsibility of being role models for future generations. HOSA Vid
Hindu Student UnionStudent Run901 / Thursday / Bi-Monthly (1st & 3rd) Soorya Krishnan 26sk0528@wwprsd.orgHindu Student Union is a club at South dedicated to giving students a platform to celebrate and embrace Hindu culture and traditions. We meet biweekly where we discuss Hindu holidays and other relevant issues around the world concerning Hinduism. Outside of meetings, we participate in initiatives such as Student Teaching Teachers and this past year we were able to take a field trip read books to students at Town Center, we also hosted a donation drive for books towards the end of the year. This year, we hope to be apart of similar events as listed above and make a larger difference in our community as a whole. Hindu Student Union Vid
Interact ClubAdvisor Led600 / Friday / Bi-Monthly tina.thomas@wwprsd.orgInteract club is a community service club led by Ms. Thomas. We have numerous events throughout the year where we hold various drives like feminine hygiene drives, toy drives, food drives, and clothing drives where we donate all the goods to people in need. We have also held events at local soup kitchens where we volunteered our time. We also made cards for war veterans to feel better after going through such traumatic events. We also made care packages for the homeless. We plan on doing a lot of similar things this year as well. We're a volunteer based club so all members get volunteer hours as well. Interact Club Vid
Japanese Language and CultureStudent Run700F / Thursday / Weekly Rina Okada 25ro0546@wwprsd.orgAt Japanese Language and Culture club, we aim to incorporate Japanese culture within the learning, which is an aspect often overlooked. Each week we will teach something new to everyone of all levels, while simultaneously making the experience fun. Throughout the year, we also hold several events such as "natsumatsuri" (Summer festival) and calligraphy events. We hope to help deepen everyone's interest in everything Japan and its culture has to offer. Japanese Language and Culture Vid
Jewish Culture ClubStudent Run900A / Wednesday / Bi-Monthly (1st & 3rd) Eliana Black 25eb0435@wwprsd.orgJewish Culture Club is a club that we made to have a space for Jews and non Jews alike to learn about Judaism and Jewish culture, celebrate it, and educate more people about the religion. Our goals are to teach more people about the Jewish religion and about Israel and antisemitism, which is a big problem in our world today. We promote diversity in our school, and hope to better unite all the cultures at South. We will have interactive activities, videos, and trivia at our meetings, and we will be learning about Jewish culture in fun and engaging ways. Jewish Culture Club Vid
Knitting and Crochet ClubStudent Run701A / Thursday / Weekly Cate Lauren Hong 25ch0479@wwprsd.orgThis club is about learning techniques involving crocheting and knitting. It also values giving back to the community by donating these projects to local nursing homes. It offers a place for members to relieve stress and develop new skills. We plan to teach all of our members the foundational skills and continue throughout the year with fun, creative projects.Knitting and Crochet Club Vid
Korean Student UnionStudent Run701A / Tuesday / Bi-Monthly (2nd & 4th) Aiden Choi We are looking to talk about the Korean language, and culture. We're going to first start off with the Korean language, and talk about the speaking, listening, and writing part of it. Then we are going to go into culture, and talk about Korean holidays, foods, and such. Throughout the club, we're going to make sure the club is fun, but more importantly make sure the students learn more about Korea. Korean Student Union Vid
Manga Production ClubStudent Run700A / Tuesday / Weekly Elizabeth Huang The Manga Production Club is a space to meet fellow fans of anime and manga while also learning to illustrate our own stories. Whether you have an original plot, jokes, or ideas with pre-existing characters in mind, you can make them come to life here. In addition to drawing manga panels, we also make stickers, cardboard standees, listen to j-pop, draw on whiteboards, hold optional competitions with prizes, and more. We hope everyone who joins can have fun by finding friends who are fans of the same media and by making cool stuff like manga panels and themed trinkets. Manga Production Club Vid
MANTSIStudent Run700A / Thursday / Weekly Haleema Hameed-Aslam Our club's main goal is to create a welcoming space where students can explore and celebrate the richness of South Indian culture, fostering pride and identity within the school community. We plan to organize activities that promote cultural awareness, showcase unique traditions, and highlight the diversity of South Indian customs, languages, and arts. Through performances, events, and festival celebrations, we'll celebrate classical dance, music, and more. The club also aims to build a sense of community among students with South Indian heritage while offering a platform for socializing and networking.MANTSI Vid
South Math ClubAdvisor Led600 / Tuesday / Weekly tina.thomas@wwprsd.orgMath club is all about the development of crucial mathematical skills. We engage students across all four grades into achieving mathematical success. We also strongly support any students who are trying to get into math or competition math by teaching necessary theorems and formulas. Over this year, we plan to cultivate the incoming freshmen into strong and capable mathematicians to aid them in their years post-graduation.Math Club Vid
Mock TrialAdvisor LedChristopher Mehno Mock Trial Club is a public speaking club that gives students the opportunity to experience the legal process by participating in simulated court trials. Members will take on the roles of attorneys and witnesses, learning how to analyze cases, prepare arguments, and think critically under pressure. The Mock Trial team competes at the county and state level throughout the year. Through Mock Trial, you will find a close-knit group of teammates and while gaining a deeper understanding of the law. Mock Trial Vid
Model CongressAdvisor Led111 / Friday / weekly jennifer.kelley@wwprsd.orgModel Congress is a club that simulates the US Congress and sends its members to about 3 ivy-league conferences every year (usually Yale, Harvard, UPenn) to compete against delegates from around the country. To determine our rosters for each competition, we hold a fall mock and a winter mock every school year. We teach the members how to give speeches, how to increase their committee presence, and about current events in the US and around the world. We hope to increase our members' confidence in public speaking and knowledge about current events. Model Congress Vid
Model United NationsAdvisor LedPOND (usually) / Tuesday - Thursday / Weekly (usually) - check classroom for announcements or reach out to advisor OR pv5x33m Our club is focused on furthering students' abilities to be diplomatic, cooperative, and show leadership. This is done through the debate of international crisis. Our goal is to be able to compete at national conferences. As well as a large, successful fall mock that invites and engages students from all around the East-Coast.MUN Vid
Multicultural Club Student Run700D / Tuesday / Weekly Sana Daway High School South’s Multicultural Club is aimed at connecting the various cultures around the world by teaching the students and community about them. During club meetings, we present about a new country and learn the aspects of that country that make it unique as well as aspects that connect it with other countries. Additionally, members of the club participate in traditional activities from different countries that correspond with the presentation from that meeting. Towards the end of the year, we use our knowledge that we learned and start passion projects to showcase and share our understanding of the world and the different cultures. Multicultural Club Vid
Music Composition ClubStudent Run701B / Thursday / Weekly Maladhi Pande Our club is a music composition club that's a designated space where people can explore their interest in music while also creating with other people in the club. The type of music can span beats to acapellas to full arrangements with instruments galore. People can work on personal projects and group projects during the club time but also outside of club if they choose to. We also do 2 whole club projects - one just before the holiday break and one before the end of the year. Music Composition Club Vid
Music Technology ClubStudent Run701B / Wednesday / Weekly Kaeya Gudipati We are the Music Technology Club, or Music Tech Club for short. If you are interested in making your own digital music, or have experience using software such as Chrome Music Lab, BandLab, or GarageBand, this is the club for you! In this club, you will learn the foundations of digital music making, how to create music of all different styles with a diverse variety of instruments, and how music technology plays a role in today’s music industry. For the first half of the year, we first work on group projects and share it with our school announcements, then work in individual or small groups. We meet every Wednesday in Room 701B; to join, fill out this Google Form! []Music Technology Club Vid
Muslim Student AssociationStudent Run901/Wednesday/WeeklyHaniyya Arif The Muslim Student Association (MSA) is a club dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment for both Muslim and non-Muslim students, aiming to create a space where everyone feels welcome and comfortable. In addition to hosting bonding activities and collaborating with other schools, MSA places a strong emphasis on organizing charity events throughout the year. We at MSA emphasize collaboration and connection with one another. If interested please join our google classroom using this code: jqbpydpMuslim Student Association Vid
National History Day ClubAdvisor Led800Cmike.garzio@wwprsd.orgThe National History Day (NHD) club is affiliated with the NHD competition where students have opportunity to present a historical topic of their choice through an option of media eg. documentaries, websites, performances and etc. Through this club, we help students help crucial research and presentational skills and how to apply to the historical context. With an opportunity to compete nationally and take part in unique volunteering opportunities, students get to expand their knowledge and impact on history and their communities. We plan to help more students excel not only in the NHD competition but gain pivotal research skills. National History Day Club Vid
Neuroscience Club Student Run700C / Tuesday / Weekly Shayna Singh Neuroscience Club is dedicated to educating students about neurodegenerative diseases, the brain, and related topics. We provide a platform for those passionate about neuroscience and have several goals to enhance member engagement. This year, we aim to publish a collection of articles on our website and even create weekly neuroscience tidbits for the school community. By fostering collaboration and curiosity, we aspire to inspire future leaders in the field of neuroscience.Neuroscience Club Vid
One ActsStudent RunPIT / Tuesday / Weekly Ethan Chang One Acts is a theatrical club available to all HSS students. It focuses on short enjoyable shows for students to be apart of separate from Pirate Players, the fall drama, and the spring musical. It serves as an opportunity for students to lead and gain experience directing the shows. We hope to create a memorable and enjoyable environment for everyone.One Acts Vid
Pirate eSportsAdvisor Led112 / Mondays / 1X/month (contact advisor for specifics) patrick.hartmann@wwprsd.orgPirate eSports is all about competition and having fun. We give HSS students the opportunity to represent the school playing some of their favorite video games, such as Super Smash Bros, Valorant, and Rocket League. While we are a competitive team, our primary goal is about having fun with each other, fostering connections with our peers through the games we play. We currently are a small but passionate group, so if you want to play some games, we have a spot for you!Pirate eSports Vid
Pirate PlayersAdvisor Ledusually meet in playhoue - reach out to advisor for all details marilyn.stoddard@wwprsd.orgPirate Players is an acting troupe that will travel to Maurice Hawk and Dutch Neck elementary schools to perform interactive didactic plays. We perform for 2nd graders to teach them good moral lessons. These lessons are about treating each other with kindness and respect regardless of our differences and the importance of not spreading false rumors. The kids enjoy our shows a lot, and so do the teachers! If you love working with and helping kids, acting, teaching, and reaching out to your community Pirate Players is 100% the club for you!Pirate Players Vid
Practical Philosophy ClubStudent Run900B / Tuesday / Weekly Kali Gupta Practical Philosophy Club focuses less on existential questions (e.g. What is the meaning of life?) and more on moral, social and ethical questions (e.g. Why do we treat ants and butterflies differently?) The club is conversational in nature and focuses on introducing new perspectives and ideas rather than determining which is superior or more "correct." All discussions are super theoretical so while you can bring outside texts to club meetings, we don't expect evidence or sources to back up a point. Overall, our goal is to open up members' worldview and hopefully develop an interest in philosophical thinking!Practical Philosophy Club Vid
Public Policy and Advocacy Club Student Run701B / Tuesday / Weekly Anisha Kalaria 27ak0837@wwprsd.orgThe Public Policy and Advocacy club aims to find issues in our school community and advocate for change. We work to find innovative policy solutions through research, debates, and engagement. We connect with change makers and organizations to grow our understanding as well as other club members' knowledge on these issues. From environmental sustainability to education reform, we work together to develop solutions and present them to decision-makers.Public Policy Vid
Quantum Computing ClubStudent Run90A / Tuesday / Weekly Om Mahesh Rane Our club is about spreading influence and teaching people on the wonders of the quantum computing world! We want to show people how this new technology would affect any field they decide to go into the future and what impact could be made with new advancements. Every week we hold mini interactives lessons about the super cool interesting science behind quantum mechanics and its applications to our everyday lives. Using our information, we make posters demonstrating what we learned and research farther into our own specific topics of the quantum physics field. This club is not exclusively for science/mathy people only because much of the information we provide is super middle/high school friendly and easy to understand so everyone can use this information in the future!Quantum Computing Club Vid
Radio ClubAdvisor Led500A&B / Tuesday & Thursday / Weekly glenn.allison@wwprsd.orgRadio club is all about giving students the opportunity to go on air on our district radio station as well as creating podcasts. Our plan is to give students an outlet to express personal passions through on-air conversations, as well as teaching them how to read, interpret, and write newsflashes on a time limit. Additionally we plan to cover certain sports games through the sportscasting section of our club where students can learn every aspect of radio athletics coverage. Overall the goal is to run a successful radio station through both North and South with regular broadcasting of shows and other possible events.Radio Club Vid
Red CrossAdvisor LedEvery 3rd Thursday in New Theater nadra.galazin@wwprsd.orgymbhtmbWe provide opportunities for HSS students to engage in community service and earn volunteer hours. We are affiliated with the Central New Jersey chapter of the American Red Cross. Examples of events we run throughout the school year include safety skill lessons for elementary school children, blood drives, card making for American veterans and soldiers, fundraisers, and meal kit packing for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen. Our club is open to everyone and we hope to see as many students as possible participating in our events this year!Red Cross Vid
Sikh Student AssociationStudent Run900B / Thursday / Bi-Monthly (1st & 3rd) Amrit Singh The purpose of our club is to foster a safe environment for Sikh students at South. We hope to be able to educate others about Sikhism in order to eliminate negative stereotypes and misunderstandings that others may hold and help contribute to the diverse environment present in South. Additionally, we also seek to showcase different aspects of Sikh culture such as our music, food, and more. Sikh Student Association Vid
South 7 C's Art Club Advisor Led302 / Thursday / Weekly
We are South’s art club, an active and recognized community of artists committed to cultivating a culture of service. By conserving student artwork, decorating school spaces, improving the art studio, and connecting students with alumni artists, we aim to preserve the artistic legacy of South. Whether you’re a painter, photographer, designer, illustrator, sculptor or creator of any kind, we welcome you to join us!
South 7 C's Art Club Vid
South Asian American Student Association Advisor Ledreach out to advisors and follow google classroom for meetings and locations OR Kendall.popowski@wwprsd.orgta4itegThe South Asian American Student Association (SAASA) is a dynamic community where students throughout South unite to celebrate culture through a year-end show. This event features a variety of performances, including dance routines, skits, and delicious food, allowing students to showcase their talents and hard work. Throughout the year, members can audition for specialty dances, choreograph for their class, and engage in enjoyable rehearsals, all leading up to a memorable performance for family and friends. SAASA also celebrates several South Asian festivals, providing opportunities for connection and cultural enrichment, all with a flexible commitment to fit individual schedules.SAASA Vid
South Business ClubStudent Run700F / Wednesday / Weekly Rishabh Shekdar South Business Club’s goal is to get students interested in the exciting world of business and help them discover what specifically their passion is. Throughout the year, we will host lessons on finance, economics, entrepreneurship, real estate, cryptocurrency, and more. Members will get the opportunity to participate in discussions under these topics to help them form opinions and gain a better understanding of real world events and how the corporate world affects us in everyday life. Finally, we have members practice their presentational skills throughout the year through activities like mock pitch competitions because we believe that succeeding in business takes strong interpersonal skills.South Business Club Vid
South Dance CrewStudent Run900C / Wednesday / Weekly Chloe Gaillard On the South Dance Crew, we aim to nurture every dancers dreams of dancing on the big stage. So, throughout the year, we will be performing for pep rallies and special events, where everyone can highlight their unique talent they can bring to the team. We aim to be an opportunity for people to be able to express themselves and learn new things every week. Hope to see you there! South Dance Crew Vid
South Science Club (Science Bowl & Ocean Bowl) Advisor Led205 / Friday / Weekly karel.villanueva@wwprsd.orgmxlkgtu We are the South Science Club, and we’re made up of Science Olympiad, Science Bowl, and Ocean Bowl. We participate in team-based competitions and attend in-person competitions hosted by Princeton, Cornell, UPenn and more universities. By joining our club, you can pursue your passion for biology, chemistry, physics, building and earth science beyond the classroom setting and win medals. You will also interact with like minded people, making lasting memories at competitions! We meet on Thursdays after school in Room 201, and join our google classroom code using this code: mxlkgtu.South Science Club Vid
Science Olympiad Advisor Led 201 / Thursday / Weekly meenakshi.bhattacharya@wwprsd.orgmmxlkgtu A subset of South Science Club. See above.
South Speech and Debate ClubAdvisor Led112 / Tuesday / Weekly patrick.hartmann@wwprsd.orgInterested in winning arguments, learning about world issues, and earning prestigious awards?
At South Debate Club, we participate in Public Forum Debate and Original Oratory on the national circuit. Public Forum is a partner-style, accessible debate, while Original Oratory is individual, prepared speeches. We have a Fall tryouts AND a Winter tryouts with 2-3 tournaments for each, giving you multiple opportunities to make our rosters. At debate tournaments, you will have the opportunity to develop your public speaking, research, and critical thinking skills (plus have lots of fun :D). Our club has earned multiple Gold Bids to the Tournament of Champions and we plan to get more this year with all of you!
South Speech and Debate Club Vid
South Sports MarketingStudent Run700A / Wednesday / Bi-Monthly (1st & 3rd) Amol Mathur The purpose of South Sports Marketing is to increase South athletics interest in our school by utilizing marketing techniques. Many South sports don't receive much of an audience at their games and we are aiming to increase the popularity and bring more south students to sports games, especially at overlooked sports that don't normally receive crowds. Our club will be composed of students who have a passion for both south sports and marketing. We will market these sports in our club by teaching marketing to club members, organizing the creation of social media posts on our club socials, and hosting in person club events at south sporting events.
South Sports Marketing Vid
South YearbookAdvisor Led95 / M,Tu,W,Th / Weekly through April OR Yearbook is a club dedicated to compiling all of South's memories into one book (aka the yearbook)! It's all about having fun, taking pictures, writing articles, designing pages, etc. It is an outlet for anybody to express their creativity whether that be artistically or through writing. South Yearbook Vid
SpectrumAdvisor Led600C / Tuesday / Bi-Monthly (alternating between after school and during lunch) alexa.swartz@wwprsd.orgSpectrum is a club that provides a safe space for members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies; everyone is welcome! We do a mix of advocating initiatives and fun activities, some of which include student panels, teaching elementary schoolers about allyship, clothing drives, movie nights and decorating for Pride week. We meet every other Tuesday in room 600C, and we alternate meeting after school from 3-4 and meeting during lunch. Spectrum Vid
Students Demand Action Student Led 901 / Weednesday / reach out to officers for specific details Sana Manchanda Manika Niwas pwzl3ma Students Demand Action is a club focused on advocating for gun violence prevention and other current issues in order to create a safer community. Our goal is to raise awareness through campaigns, walkouts, letters, drives, and other events. Together, we aim to make an impact on our community and inspire change. Students Demand Action Vid
Ted-EDStudent Run700B / Thursday / Weekly Shefali Saxena Ted ED club is all about fostering curiosity and public speaking skills. It is a speaking club where the members have the freedom to talk about what interests them-- from their favorite genre of music to the latest neuroscience technology. It is a safe, non-competitive space where the members don't have to worry about losing or being embarrassed. It is a place to learn and improve public speaking with the freedom to talk about what you like and what you are passionate about. Ted-ED Vid
The Pirate's EyeAdvisor Led900A / Thursday / i-Weekly (1st & 3rd) sima.kumar@wwprsd.orgfeb43hvlThe Pirate's Eye is a journalism club that produces content for the newspaper (The Pirate's Eye), and teaches aspects of journalism each week. We teach members how to write newspaper articles, and help artists create art for the paper. We also focus on exploring individual writing/artistic styles while working together to contribute to our online and physical newspapers as well as connecting with our audience. This year, we plan to expand the reach of our club and the paper by holding more events and workshops so that even those without much journalism experience can get involved with the club.The Pirate's Eye Vid
Village MentorsStudent Run700B / Tuesday / Bi-Monthly (1st & 3rd) Tvesa Singh Village Mentors is part of a larger organization called Village Book. Our mission is to reimagine education across the globe for communities that may not be as privileged as we are and don’t have as much access to needs we see as just another part of our day to day life. Through making money to build them libraries and bring the basic health needs, advocating for them through social media and GoFundMe’s, and even offering mentoring services to these children that deserve quality education, we plan on making an impact on these kids’ lives. In just the last year, we raised over 3,000 dollars to put towards the mentees; just imagine what we can accomplish this upcoming year!Village Mentors Vid
Waksman ClubAdvisor Led201 / Tuesday / weekly meenakshi.bhattacharya@wwprsd.orgThe Waksman club is a microbiology club where students get hands-on lab experience working with Landoltia Punctata. We begin by teaching students basic information about microbiology and labs that we do. A few weeks later, students take a test to determine whether they get to participate in the club for the current school year. After the entrance exam, students prepare for clone sequencing through various labs including minipreps, PCR, and RD. Once individual clones are sequenced, students analyze the clones leading to a publication on NCBI.Waksman Club Vid
Women In Sports ClubStudent Run701A / Tuesday / Bi-Monthly (1st & 3rd) Kate Duguay We want to change the stigma surrounding female athletics in high school and increase attendance at women’s sporting events! Far too often female sports teams are undermined, invalidated, or sexualized. The idea that female athletes are different needs to change, and we want to start by addressing issues at South! Women In Sports Club Vid
Women in STEMStudent Run700E / Thursday / Weekly Yashvi Raj Join the Women in STEM club to explore exciting careers in science, technology, engineering, and math while building a supportive community for young women at High School South. We offer weekly presentations on a variety of STEM topics, with opportunities for students to host and share their own interests and knowledge. Our activities include career discussions with teachers, access to STEM resources, and opportunities to work on passion projects. Whether you're curious about STEM or already passionate, this club is the perfect place to grow, learn, and connect with like-minded students!Women in STEM Vid