Your username on Discord
What is your role within Bankless Consulting?
Have you taken this survey before?
What will we be in 5 years?
What will we be in 10 years?
What will we be in 15 years?
What will we be in 20 years?
What does Bankless Consulting do?
How do we do it?
Why do we do what we do?
List all of the core values of Bankless Consulting that you can think of.
Who are the audiences for our brand?
Elite / Mass Appeal
Serious / Playful
Conventional / Rebel
Mature & Classic / Young & Innovative
Friend / Authority
Buttoned-down / Degen
Subtle / Bright
Strategic / Tactical
Experimental / Proven
Bespoke / Standardized
Expensive / Accessible
Casual / Formal
Unconventional / Mainstream
Trendy / Timeless
Board Room / Metaverse
What companies are in the same space as us or could we consider competitors?
Entry IdEntry Date
We will be one of the leaders in the web3 consulting space, working with web3 startups, DAOs and traditional companies on education and strategy.
In 10 years, we will be working with large companies to help build and deploy tools for world-changing web3 implementations.
In 15 years, we'll be one of the largest consulting firms in the world and known as the digital McKinsey.
We will have acquired a large consulting firm and are publishing books, running large educational courses and helping large countries deploy their web3 strategies.
We help businesses grow through web3.
We have more web3-native management consultants than any other firm in the world.
To help bring web3 mainstream and create a future where small companies can compete against entrenched monopolies and users own their data.
Quality, Insight, Trusted, Reliable, Global, Entrepreneurial, Change, Value-driven
Twali, CPG Consulting, Independent Consultants, Marketing agencies that "pivoted" to web3, Big4 Consultancies, DAOs (Internal Resources), Vayner Media, Balaji
5192022-08-24 14:10:09
Onboarding 100's of Web 2 companies into Web 3 as well as helping to grow the current web 3 ecosytem
We will be the biggest consulting firm in the tech space, Mckinsey and Deloitte call US for help with current clients
As industry leaders we continue to innovate, grow, and nurture the space with education and facilitation.
Trying to wrap our heads around Web 4 and becoming innovators and leaders in that space as well
Help grow Web 3
Web 3 natives crafting unique web 3 solutions
Cultivate the new internet where users own their own data, have access to financial services, and escape the hegemony of Big Tech and The Fed. "Freedom to own, transact, and interact"
innovative, inclusive, hands on, collaborative, dynamic, premium, digitally native, creative, honest, adaptive
Messari, Delphi Digital,Wonderverse, Acquire-Fi, Prime DAO, Block Proof, IBM, Bitbooms
5202022-08-24 16:01:06
Keone 🕹 🏴#6697AssociateNo
Continuing to innovate at the intersection of commerce and web3 technology.
Pioneering growth and tested strategy for the leading web3 brands.
Lead the web3 industry as the defacto firm of strategic expertise in all primary facets of growth and innovation.
The global leader in all strategic commerce development.
We provide strategic expertise towards the growth of enterprise through web3 technology.
We leverage experience, experimentation, and expertise.
We are by nature curious and enthralled with the alchemy of commerce and technology. We are driven by our passion for new modalities of sovereignty, enterprise, and community.
Sovereignty, Transparency, Independence, Interdependence, Upskilling, Authenticity, Empathy, Recognition, Pragmatism, Curiosity, Experimentation, Collectivism, Value-Driven
757564702664642664643067682969, Crypto Packaged Goods Consulting
5232022-08-24 17:33:29
BC will be a respected consultancy with around 50 FTE and 5.5M USD in revenue. Doing business via an office in the metaverse
BC will be THE top tier web3 advisor in the industry. It will compete with major consulting firms like BCG, PWC, Deloitte. BC offices in the metaverse are coming with local perks to the staff and clients
BC will be on the M&A list of the major consulting companies. From strategy to implementation, big projects a done with the staff of 200 FTE.
BCs has truly changed to world of consulting. The brand and the culture is a people magnet in the industry. BC has major stakes in serviceDAOs and web3 companies to strengthen its reach and momentum
Provide web3 consulting services
best in class,quality no matter what, best culture you definitely want to make a career here
Shape the future of digital transformation to an internet of value for anyone on the planet
Honesty, integrity, quality, trusted, diversity, value driven
To some extent the garage / blockchain offices of Deloitte, PWC, Accenture, BCG and these:
5242022-08-24 18:51:36
An industry-leading consulting firm in the digital assets space
The largest consulting firm in "new tech" e.g. artificial intelligence
Too far out to envision
Too far out to envision
Find solutions for clients who want to build and scale new services
Organize the smartest people in the world in a flexible and humane manner
We hate our day jobs
Flexible, agile, adaptive, complex, rebellious, fast, first mover, expert, relaxed, decentralized, not boomer
mckinsey, pwc, ey, deloitte, kpmg, blackrock, jp morgan, US federal reserve, facebook/meta, law firms
5252022-08-24 19:51:03
The most prominent niche consulting firm for web3, used by Traditional Corporates to "enter the metaverse"
We are a significant force in the Consulting space. Many traditional consultancies have tried to acquire Bankless Consulting. We invested in a few projects that made it big.
Bankless Consulting keeps growing and working at the edge of technology, innovating on business model. "web3" is not a thing anymore, everything is web3 or it isn't. BC just keeps working at the intersection of business and tech, and investing in promising projects
The trajectory is set, we keep growing in size and keep adjusting to market needs and new technologies that lead to better business models.
Provide consulting services to enable organisations thrive in web3.
We are experienced professionals that live and breathe web3. We are a web3-native organisation.
To make all industries more efficient and their business models less predatory on people.
fair, global, at the edge of tech, world changing, industry leading, trustworthy, independent, challenger, innovative, experimental, long-term partner, 
VaynerX, RaidGuild, Yap DAO, CPG, soon, large consulting companies with a web3 dept will start addressing TradCos as a line of business
5262022-08-24 23:54:14
0xKB 🏴#3425AssociateNoMarket leader web3 consulting brand
Market leader web3 consulting brand, respected GENERAL strategy brand (web3 leaking into real life)
Significant governance and positions in multiple protocols that we took positions in early; internet/metaverse M&A go-to
Consulting/advice marketplace protocol with accompanying memecoin
Advise people that are less knowledgeable or experienced than us in how to navigate their context
We are a borderless organisation, and are able to pull in experts from any field or company
We solve problems for other people, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. Our reward is in seeing them succeed.
Honesty. Kindness. Deliver results.703776791741713652663358603561
consulting companies, Guilds, Solopreneurs in the consulting space, The perception of consultants as leaches/no real experience, 
5272022-08-25 2:47:49
Leading consultancy & talent magnet for Web3 in US & Europe // Known for unprecedented progressive organizational leadership. > unfucking consultancy!
Leading solutions provider for securely launching & scaling innovative projects & organisations (e.g. automated knowledge database, holding relevant regulatory bits & pieces as umbrella solution, compliance tech for corporates, HR network...Smartest people want to work with BC on innovation in different sectors.
"BC Solutions" abstracts the creation of (ethical) innovation to the point that it is used in all areas of society. It has it's place in development work as well as in complex medical fields with billion of dollars at stake
To win the Nobel Prize by being the engine for hyper productive yet fair, equitable and sustainable business building. Unfucking the economy!
Advises startups, VC and corporates on innovative projects in Web3 with focus on tech & business
We have access to top talents in this field. We have insights trad. agencies don't have (until now)
Shaping the new decentralized economy -Making Web3 work!
Transparent, Ethical, Relatable, Human, Self-critical, Bold, Fun, Diverse, Committed
Basically all new & established consultancies which enter the field (incl. BCG & Co), 
5292022-08-25 8:42:23
Defi BeatsAssociateNo
A one stop shop to hire the smartest minds in Web3 strategy
An end-to-end web3 strategy firm
The creators of some of web3s most useful products
The final authority on anything web3
We shepherd people into and through the web3 wilderness
Our experts guide, research, and coach our clients towards good decisions and away from bad ones
We are obsessed with the web3 ethos and want to onboard as many like minded people as possible
smart, trustworthy, edgy, honest, different, refreshing, friendly, exclusive
Professional DAOs, The Big 4, Gary V,
5302022-08-25 13:32:20
We will be one of the go-to brands for traditional business to approach as they onboard into web3.
We will be set up with 1000s of contributors / members from across the world and a steady stream of returning clients who we initially helped onboard into web3.
We will be one of the leading strategy firms in the world. We will have our own in-house data analytics that clients to us for as well as years of experience and top talent. We will be publishing content and metrics that other businesses follow.
In 20 years we will be standing with the other largest consulting firms in the world, however our competitive edge in technology consulting will bring us a savvier, less institutionalized brand of client.
Bankless Consulting helps organizations enter and evolve in web3.
We use the power of BanklessDAO. Our competitive edge is our people. Getting 25,000+ web3 thinkers to come together and work in one place together is no easy feat.
Because we believe a decentralized future is a better future.
Trusted, Capable, Innovative, Forward-thinking, Integrity, Professional, Connected, Tuned-in, Ambitious
VaynerMedia, Blockworks, Massari, Big 4 Consulting (BCG etc.), Specialized web3 consulting groups, Web3 media companies, Snake oil salesmen, Web3 thinkboiii-s, CT micro celebs (anyone working at a16z), Trad-world tech consultants
5312022-08-25 15:49:48
Large scale ($1MM+) projects with major traditional brands & web3 protocols
Heavy investment in start up projects, acquisition of complementary service organizations
The go-to source for knowledge and talent for all of web3
Autonomous Yacht-based organization
Enable web3 use cases with impactful, project-based teams
The right team, the right partnerships, the right values
We believe in a future that reduces friction, minimizes waste, optimizes processes and contracting, and believe we can me a major force in this revolution.
Innovative, Reliable, Integrity, Transparent, Partnership, Pragmatic, Trusted, Scrappy, 
Raid Guild, Develop DAO, Twali, EY, Accenture, Deloitte, IBM, McKinsey, CPG Club
5322022-08-25 18:53:21
feems #4876AssociateNo
A consulting agency that bridges the gap for tradco's wanting to move into web3
A ConsenSys for consultinghelp business build and implementfor the web3 ecosystem
offering consulting and implementation services
ConsenSys, Vayner Media, 
5332022-08-25 22:23:45
chuck25#4313RepresentativeYesHelp businesses leverage web3 technology
Consulting services
To build what has never been done before
Innovative, Fun, Integrity, Impact, Reliable, Fearless
Twali, a16z, Balaji, Accenture
5342022-08-26 12:28:23
A consultancy that is THE premier group to work with around getting into web3 known world wide.
A talent collective that has the sharpest and best minds innovating on the hardest projects and challenges in the world.
Helping companies and people onboard into the metaverse.
Helping companies and people with challenges in the metaverse.
We help companies and people onboard into web3.
Through high quality talent that is deeply familiar with the web3 challenges and opportunities.
We are working to make the world a better place through onboarding companies into web3 and the web3 ethos which includes self sovereignty, authenticity, decentralization and transparency.
Self Sovereignty, Transparency, Authenticity, Equitability, Honesty, Integrity, Quality
7750643933555927363615338037585352022-08-28 20:09:30
Helping early projects start in web3 or established web2 companies to design their web3 strategy
Global organization helping mid-size corporations executing on their web3 strategy and connecting them with establish web3 organizations
Everything is metaverse, we are changing the course for the next big thing. We are still assisting our partners to be succesful in web3, but they are expecting more
The "new thing" started, we are rebranding from Banklessas its not anymore the topic, we are part of new movement and helping onboard 1B people to Mars or web4
Onboarding companies into web3
Web3 native consultants
enabling full time work in web3
Experienced, web3, industry leading, inclusive
web3 freelancers, big4 and accenture, local tech consultancies
5362022-08-28 21:05:24
DSide 🏴#0019RepresentativeYes
These time frames are too long for about 6-months - we will be servicing multiple traditional companies, onboarding them to web3 and shepherding them through the dark canyons of this space.
1-year: We'll have 10 project sponsors running 3-4 projects at a time. We could be the go-to source for knowledge in web3 -producing content, white papers, thought pieces on multiple media forums. We are the face of web3 business. (That's in 1-year.)
5-years: Multinational service DAO. Changing the game while others try to reproduce our model. Hopefully we will have raised some funds by then and 100s of contributors are getting paid full-time salaries.
I'll be dead, so best of luck y'all.
Advise web3 and traditional companies on how to operate in web3. We are the native experts in this space. We understand the power of web3 and how to harness that power for any organization seeking to decentralize ownership and governance or simply to tokenize a portion of their business. At the end of the day we do a lot of white papers and decks - we probably should have more writers and designers on our teams, eh?
1. We're native to web3 so our secret sauce is our knowledge base from being in the trenches of DAOs, defi protocols, tokenomics projects, NFT communities. 2. Our network runs deep. We're entrenched in bDAO and our contributors participate in hundreds of other DAOs and web3 projects. We got people!
We are here to onboard businesses to web3 and to improve the web3 experience. We prefer to work on projects with similar ideals. Let's make web3 better together!
Integrity, Native, Transparency, Futuristic, Progressive, Inclusive of all cultures in an exclusive club of like-minded forward thinking contributors, Thought provoking, Intellectualism, Fun (sorta)
6150626557627434647043637159605372022-08-29 14:42:14
A web3 and Tradfi main player for all things Web3 consulting including DAO's, transitioning into the space, NFT's, training & education, community management, VC etc.
Have a full time dedicated staff of employees on top of the people structure currently in place. Work with big partners and brands in the space to help build out or improve their Web3 business focus areas
Working with VC Firms to help usher in the new Web3 giants
Provide consulting in target areas of Web3 including DAO's, NFT, Strategy,
Constantly evolving but highly skilled list of contributors from in demand backgrounds, with in demand skill sets, connected by a core team of associates and back office.
Besides revenue, to show that a collab model where you can have a skill set and show value without the usual apply to a company and go through the HR process, can be valuable, effective and consistent to accomplish projects and the mission.
Unique, Skilled, Innovative, Savy,8254788535717628673619747475375382022-08-29 17:52:49
A company with an established reputation as a web3 consultancy firm
We will exist as a bridge between traditional industries and web 3/4/5 --- basically, we will be essentially focused on bridging the gap
Top of the web 3/metaverse consultancy blockchain
Robust workforce of contractors that would have together built some of the most wonderful web3 projects the blockchain verse has ever seen
Provide innovative solutions
Sophisticated pool of talent
Help businesses scale by leveraging on blockchain tech and web3 solutions
Premium. Trust. Quality assured504950502650417571506833885050Blank right now5392022-08-29 21:47:00
A Consulting Company that helps Web2 companies and Web3 companies design and scale their operations and product offering
In 10 years there will be no web3 distinction and we will be the McKinsey of New Age Consulting, by being early in this space we will be entering the Golden Era of Consulting
In 15 years we will be advising on Bond Issuances Executed on the Ethereum Blockchain, TradFi will realize that it’s faster and cheaper to bring institutional finance to the blockchain, and at that time we will be the company guiding them in the dark.
In Twenty Years I imagine that we will be bigger than McKinsey on any scale because we bet on the next evolution of the internet, I envision a medium scale team spanning continents that charge do impactful work and invest in various sector specific areas, mainly paying it forward
We advise companies on how to design, build and scale Web3 native products
We do this by leveraging the experience of talented consultants who leverage their diverse backgrounds and their background in Web3 to provide value to clients
We do this to create a net positive for the ecosystem by being the bring that web2 companies can use to get into web3, we also help web3 companies ensure that only the best version of their ideas see the light of day.
Expertise, Diligence, Hardwork, Commercial Awareness and Problem Solving
9550765858856982186917121438Twali5402022-08-30 17:03:31
A semi permissioned decentralized job marketplace
An army of branded hires with good internal infrastructure to support our contributors projects
Flexible metaverse and physical offices all over the map
Reputation based consultancy based on asynchronous bounties
Help build web3 projects
Web3 native consultants that also contribute to DAOs
Promote a permissioned, people owned and governed internet
Simple, Trusted, Reliable, Courageous
Web3 Tech Consultancies, Social DAOs, Service DAOs, Freelance Consultants
5412022-08-30 18:35:55
BC becomes the go to option for stablished companies to get help transitioning to web3.
BC develops a commercial ecosystem using its own sidechain or L3. BC chain
BC displaces the big legacy consulting firms
BC begins working with government agencies in major jurisdictions around the world to provide consulting in the design of legislation for web3.
Provides consultancy services on the web3 space
All of our consultants are web3 natives. We're a global, distributed company.
We want to flip the script of the consulting industry using the set of technologies and values emerging from the blockchain movement.
Quality, Integrity, Authenticity, Professionalism, Experimental
1005262624755473361693262621762Shillr, CPG group5422022-08-30 19:06:56
ContributorNoaround 5-10 mil ARR
30-40 mil ARR - brand recognition across all crypto
unicorn status
sold to mckinsey for 1.1 billion, we buy our own island.
consulting firm focused on web3 products
loosely organized group of people from different industries that can come together and work as a cohesive team on a per project basis
we like money. we like to build.we like web3.
trusted. proven. revolutionary27580687479406636349425717068
aragon. raid guild. twali. think3
5432022-08-30 19:48:16
Delivering work that solidifies our position as the McKinsey of web3
Acting as trusted advisors and supports to the projects that are shaping web3
Delivering full service strategy to implementation for leading corporations and innovators globally (because web3 will be everywhere an no longer worth calling out)
Launching our own venture arm to use our experience to develop, support, and invest in the innovators of the future
A one-stop consulting firm for game changing projects in web3
Through decentralisation backed by smart systems to tap into the right parts of the hive mind, unlock truly diverse thinking, and develop / implement robust solutions for any brief
To empower our community and use their collective power to empower great projects.
Respect/Respectful, Diverse, Expert, Driven
Proven web2 founders building in web3, web3 advocates in traditional corporations, leadership of web3 projects, VC firms investing in web3
Web2 consulting firms (McKinsey, Bain, BCG, Big4, and boutique), web3 strategy consulting firms (, NURV, and are the 3 that beat us on google search), web3 marketing agencies (Lunar Strategy, YAP Global, Zebu... there are lots), in house teams
5222022-08-24 16:25:16
The go-to consultancy for web2 companies entering web3, allowing us to set the industry standards for best practices and ethics.
As governments move fully into web3, we consult nations on policy and technology to align the success of their country with authentic web3 principles and ethos.
As network states begin to emerge, we are on the forefront of supporting the peaceful transition of power from nation states to digital communities
We will be a network state consultancy, helping build systems to align these states to fulfill their unified mission. Also facilitating relations and integrations between desperate network states.
Strongly align web3 systems with communities goals
Web3 native consultants with enough passion for the mission to take initiative to contribute to BC
To promote maximal individual autonomy and consent
Web2 companies,DAOs,Governments,Web3 startup founders
Big 5 consultancies,Other DAO consultancies,Thinktanks,Web3 trendsetters
5212022-08-24 16:11:30
A consultancy helping web2 companies in web3
A consultancy helping web3 companies grow.
A consultancy helping web3 companies transition to web4…
A full services consultancy helping in every aspect of web3/4/5 platform development.
Assist in identifying opportunities in web3 and helping firms to take advantage of those opportunities in the marketplace.
Bringing together intelligent, talented people in a collaborative, multi-disciplinary environment.
To help the world understand the true potential of permissionless, worldwide cooperative organizations
Honesty, Transparency, Competent, Deep Critical Thinking, Reputable
TEC, Accenture, Individual consultants
5452022-08-31 22:52:29