Question NumberCategoryQuestionProject's ResponseWeighting %Minimum Knock Out Score ThresholdMedian Rating %Clarification RequiredClarification ResponseOpen / Closed
1.2InfoApplication TierTOP (1,000,000 SP)
2.1RequirementTransaction of Application Fee
OK if adequate amount of steem has been burned
2.2RequirementImage Proof of Application Fee
OK if adequate amount of steem has been burned
3.1Project infoCompany NameN/A, Incorporation in ProgressRate section as a whole
There's no company so when people pay for a pro-service where does the money go?
We will be incorporated before receiving money for the pro-service. So the money will go to the company's new bank account. Hence why it was mentioned that incorporation is in progress, as we plan to have it for the pro service, which is also the first time where we will truly benefit from having a company.

Specify what Legal entity is this project being run under. If none, then please provide names and addresses of individuals who are responsible for the project. Details can be provided privately if you do not want your addresses on the blockchain.

Company expected to be a LLC. Details on addresses sent privately.
3.2Project infoPlace of IncorporationN/A
3.3Project infoToken name (if applicable)N/A
3.4Project infoToken Type (ERC20, Steem-Engine, SMT etc)Potential Plan for SMT in Draft
3.5Project infoProject TypeFor Profit Business
3Section Subtotal:11.01
Specify what Legal entity is this project being run under. If none, then please provide names and addresses of individuals who are responsible for the project
Delegation received (purpose)
When did you get the delegation?June 2018N/A
Delegation received (purpose)
Under what terms (if any) did you receive the delegation?No specific terms other than to use it responsibly with regards to community interest (not curating spam, plagiarism, low quality content for the purpose of earning benefactor/curation rewards) and to not abuse it through frequent self-votes.11.0
These seem like your own requirements rather than something that Ned said. Was there direct communication on this?
There were no terms of delegation provided by Steemit Inc or Ned other than to use common sense regarding what would be a bad use of the delegation and trusted us not to misuse it. However, we did provide Steemit Inc with a 13 slide power point pitch deck and presentation explaining our idea for SteemPress and how we would use a delegaiton. Since the delegation was granted on the basis of this presentation, we consider it to be the terms, or promise that we made to Ned/Steemit Inc, until other conditions are made.
Delegation received (purpose)
What was the intended purpose for the delegation?Bootstrap an initial userbase of SteemPress.
Improve our product on the basis of feedback from our initial users.
Provide a beneficial service to existing Steemians that they would find valuable and thus improve their retention rate on Steem.
Incentivise user growth and retention from outside the traditional Steem community from WordPress.
Delegation received (purpose)
How have you applied your delegation for that purpose?We have built our own set of curation guidelines that our userbase is familiar with, and worked closely with a wide variety of community-run curation projects.

The initial guidelines (which are still evolving) included rating steempress users based on:

quality and originality of content.
engagement with content on blog and on Steem.
quality of the blog and traffic to it.
We have also worked with 23 different community-run curation projects to support the SteemPress content they curate through trails on steempress-posts only.
Delegation received (purpose)
How long are you requesting the continuation with the delegation?12 Months.11.0
4Section Subtotal:55.0
5.1MarketWhat problem is the product/project solving?Blog owners want ways to monetize content, reach new audiences, improve engagement and ensure content is stored securely. Steem can be a solution to all 4, but requiring moving away from one’s blog to is not an option.514.0We really like the problem/market that you're trying to address, but it's hard to match that up with how you're trying to address it. Your problem statement actually seems more like there aren't enough curation trails for word press users rather than there needs to be more Word press users migrating to Steem.
Your market fit focuses on the items in the below KPI's, The committee proposes to focus your project deliverables on the following KPIs:

How many word press blog spots have incorporated SteemPress (primarily by people who are new to Steem).
How much engagement & commenting from steem community to steempress owners is achieved?

Please provide practicable and realistic targets and dates for achieving these.

We assume you meant to say that "our KPIs actually seems more like there aren't enough curation trails...". We agree that going forward, a new KPI on user growth would be more ideal. The main reason this was not originally included is because we have had a healthy userbase with which to harvest learning on how our product had to improve in order to attract quality WordPress blogs, sustain new users, and scale sustainably. Growing our userbase has therefore not been a priority until the objectives mentioned in our more recent roadmap post have been met.

We are open to community feedback on our growth strategy, which is now public, but still believe that growth comes after key bottlenecks and obstacles have been understood and dealt with.

We propose changing 1 KPI to the following: "Number of successful referrals". With the goal of reaching 100 by the end of November.
5Section Subtotal:54.0
6.1Core Team DetailsWrite short summaries about each core team member including their achievements to show they have a strong track record. Add links to their LinkedIn profiles to this section.Fredrik Aarrestad is a business developer and economist with a Masters in Economic Analysis from the University of Stavanger and an alumni of the International Space University. Before SteemPress, Fredrik worked at the European Space Agency with innovation knowledge management on the applied use of satellite applications. Before that, he was employed by the University of Stavanger to start a new incubation centre and open innovation program for students.

Martin Lees is a software engineer specialized in machine learning and blockchain. Before SteemPress, Martin worked three years at Orange, a large telecom company, on embedded systems. Martin has been involved with several projects related to blockchain allowing him to understand the technology, its strengths, weaknesses, and use cases. He has experimented with various dapps on Steem including a wallet creator and a decentralized storage system.
15312.0Can the project confirm that it will bring more members on in the form of either paid employees or volunteers? The success of the project will be highly challenging with such a small team
The current plan is to expand the team to include two more members (One person for design and front-end dev, and one person for marketing and communication). While we would love for this to happen as soon as possible, it is also crucial that they are the right individuals that fits well in with the team. Again we are open for community suggestions and would love to hear from anyone interested in joining the team.

SteemPress has also had volunteering moderators since the beginning, currently numbered at 3.
6Section Subtotal:1512.0
7.1MVPProvide links to your minimum viable products and describe it. If it is not available, please describe it and include how you plan to build it and when it will be built.Our core product is the SteemPress plugin found in the wordpress plugin store at
We also provide users with additional features when logged in with their account at


Automatic crossposting from WordPress to Steem with the conversion of text to fit Steem front-ends.
A Steem powered comment section where users can log in with a Steem account to curate and engage directly on the website. Also connects the comments on both Steem and wordpress.
A supporting web interface through where users can access different settings, monitor their post schedules and moderate their chat.
7Section Subtotal:159.0
8.1Business StrategyFiat Revenue Strategy: [E.g. We plan to sell NFTs which represent in-game items for US Dollars]Selling a pro-version with subscription fee.
Optional ads in our comment section coming with a revenue-sharing model for the author and us.
Affiliate programs to hosting services, exchanges and other 3rd parties our users looking to start a new blog and/or get into crypto will need.
Revenue sharing with third-party complementing businesses
Potential for our own token. Yet to be decided.
8.2Business StrategyFiat Revenue Projections in $/user every month: [E.g. $10/user]Freemium users: Unknown.
Pro blog: 10$ per month per user.
Pro website 20$pr month per website.

8.3Business StrategyHow will your business strategy increase the amount of STEEM being powered up and/or burnt?The pro-version of SteemPress is built for websites hosting multiple authors on their site while providing them with the ability to set their own custom benefactor rewards on content made through their site. To incentivise users to post through their website, these in turn buy and power up Steem to curate content made on their site, as SteemPress does not curate the content of their users. They thus have to provide the SP themselves (one such user currently exist who is testing our pro-version for websites)
Our curation guidelines for regular users focus on minnow growth through factoring in if the user is powering up. We thus provide added incentives for our users to power up their earnings rather than selling.
All new onboardings from WordPress whether it be the blogs themselves or their visitors using our new guest account system will result in more SP required to be staked to store content and engagement.
20.51.001. Does Steem press have a target date to bring in a client / community / user who will purchase 150K+ of steem in order to reward their user base via steem press?
2. How many pro users does Steem Press have and is there a target number of pro users with a target date for achieving this?
No. But this could be made a KPI once the pro version is launched.

Currently SteemPress pro is in closed beta, we purposefully only allowed 2 teams to use it to make sure that it's as close to perfect as possible before launching it. The target is 100 pro customers during Q1 2020

8.4Business StrategyWhat financial incentives are you willing to provide to Steemit, Inc. and/or the Steem Community in return for the delegation? i.e. What’s your skin in the game? [E.g. project tokens, revenue-share, etc.](Without a return there’s not a partnership, it’s simply a contribution, and one that’s easily left behind. In order to encourage businesses and communities to commit to the Steem blockchain and ecosystem long term there needs to be both a contract and a mutually benefical partnership.)None for Steemit Inc short turn.
For community will do revenue sharing through our new referral program where Steemians can earn a part of both benefactor and subscription fees of blogs they onboard.
Non-financial contributions are however made continuously to Steem and to Steemit Inc through our open source contributions. This includes testing of forks, participation in improving condenser and Steem code and the parts of steempress which we have made open source.
20.51.50Your short answer appears to be "nothing." I agree that the opensourcing of Steem Press is great and a valuable contribution, but I'm still looking for the ongoing benefit of a 1M steem power delegation.
We will install numerous incentives for the blogs we onboard to buy STEEM and/or hold the Steem Power they earn. One way is through our new gamified curation system where curation will depend on numerous factors including minnows who choose to buy and power up Steem power. We also market to our users that owning stake is crucial to drive engagement on their Steem powered comment section and allowing them to incentivise positive engagement and reader retention, which will make them buy more STEEM. This is opposite to marketing STEEM as a currency you earn in order to sell as all front ends currently do, we want to present it as a resource you want in order to power your blog. Finally, our discover dashboard and notification system will give increased exposure to curators with a decent amount of Steem Power (we will only show notifications when users receive an upvote worth more than a set amount i.e 0.20$). The goal is to showcase that Steem Power can help bring more visibility to your blog not only through higher self-votes resulting in higher ranking on one's own posts, but also through being able to do more frequent and more valuable curation of other users with similar interests.

These are some examples of how we plan to incentivise buying STEEM and holding Steem Power and includes smaller users as well as larger blogs. More advanced plans will follow the release of the pro version, as well as our plans for future SMT consulting and integration once SMTs are here.
8.5Business StrategyAre you or how will you become financially sustainable once the delegation is removed?To this date, SteemPress has sold no more than about 25% of it's Steem-based revenue to pay for its operations. The rest have been powered up primarily on the two accounts @fredrikaa and @howo. This is one step to ensure sustainability as we have wanted to have our own Steem stake to provide similar SP-based support to SteemPress also after the delegation ends.

We further plan to increase our sustainability by providing a subscription based pro-version to a greater number of users. An optional ad-model is also in progress where users who want to earn additional revenue from ads in their comment section can turn that on in our settings. This will also allow us to earn a share of the ads revenue.
30.51.0How will this project bring in more steem purchases than it distributes in new steem inflation?
This project will bring in more value by bringing much needed exposure to Steem. We believe SteemPress is one of the only projects that can easily scale and reach any community or niche. This makes Steem visible to investors and users, and by incentivising our users to buy Steem and curate people we drive a virtuous circle where people are easily omboarded and buy Steem to do the same.
8Section Subtotal:106.0
KPI Progress Measurement
KPI 1 description Percent of gross-user payouts coming from non-steempress curation.
Note: This number reflects the extent to which the content of our users is also upvoted by other Steem users and stakeholders. We find it to be a crucial KPI for SteemPress (and all other top tier delegation receivers) as it reflects the extent to which other Steemians also see values in the content posted and curated by us, as opposed to it being content that is only upvoted in the pursuit of benefactor/curation rewards with no added benefit to Steemians. We thus view this as a key KPI to ensure that there is a "community validation" of content brought to Steem via SteemPress is valuable to its userbase.
Rate Section as a whole. Median score of less than 1 for whole section is subject to being knocked out
KPI Progress Measurement
KPI 1 target:75%by when?
Over the past year we've had over 300k comments on steempress posts

In terms of target we aim to double engagement by the end of 2019. Then we aim to go 5x in Q1 2020.
KPI Progress Measurement
KPI 2 description:SBD sent to businesses enabled by steempress
SteemPress has given life to complementing businesses providing hosting services accepting STEEM/SBD as payment for starting a website. While not a direct part of SteemPress, we see this as a meaningful contribution through added transactions and an increased number of available services to Steemians that accept the currency.
KPI Progress Measurement
KPI 2 target:500by when?
KPI Progress Measurement
KPI 3 description:Community trails
Note: SteemPress does parts of its curation through community trails. We strongly believe that this serves the purpose of adding positive external benefits to the Steem community for multiple reasons. 1. It helps improve the curation rewards of curation projects and in turn improve their much valuable SP. 2. It adds more weight to their vote meaning they can give better support to retain good users. 3. It decentralizes the curation by allowing multiple communities with focus on different topics to help decide how we curate.
it would be good to add two more KPIs:
1) how many word press blog spots have incorporated SteemPress.
2) how much engagement & commenting from steem community to blogspot owners is achieved?
Please provide practicable and realistictargets and dates for achieving these
KPI Progress Measurement
KPI 3 target:20by when?
9Section Subtotal:53.03
10.1Token DetailsAre you / Will you be offering a token?NoRate Section as a whole. Median score of less than 1 for whole section is subject to being knocked out
10.2Token DetailsToken Launch date
10.3Token DetailsTotal Token Supply at launch (in number of tokens)
10.4Token DetailsFundraising target (in order to fund expansion into the operational / project growth phase / mass market adoption), in USD
10.5Token DetailsPercentage Yearly Inflation
10.6Token DetailsPercentage of total token supply that will be airdropped to ALL Steem stakeholders (a.k.a. SP holders) in proportion to their SP
10.7Token DetailsHow many tokens will you offer Steemit Inc. / the Steem Community in exchange for the delegation?
10.8Token DetailsDo you plan to launch an IEO, ICO, STO or other public token offering?
10.9Token DetailsDo you plan to raise money from other investors?
10.10Token DetailsWhat is the vesting period, in months, for the team members?
10.11Token DetailsWhat is the vesting period, in months, for the early / seed round investors?
10.12Token DetailsWhat is the vesting period, in months, for ICO investors?
10.13Token DetailsWhat is the % token distribution to the team?
What's the business now? How are you incentivizing yourselves or others to bring in new Word Press communities?
We have recently released a complete referral system to do just that.
10.14Token DetailsWhat is the % token distribution to marketing?
Can you do a token distribution with an equity token instead of powering up your individual accounts with STEEM from Steem Power delegation provided by steemit inc?
While this could be done, we do not believe it would serve any purpose before SMTs are live. It would also require extensive work in order to ensure a token model that treats all parties involved fairly while also considering our future plans and would thus not be a wise use of time at the moment.
10.15Token DetailsIf you haven’t tokenized, but still provide a service, please describe the service and the amount of that service that you’re offering to perform for Steemit and/or the Steem community in exchange for the delegation.We will consider the benefits of an SMT could have for SteemPress once they are out.
1) Please specify if you will provide other services to the steem community until the project is in a position to make a token offering?
2) What stops Steem Press from leaving Steem?
For clarity: The idea of a SteemPress token offering is a secondary priority and not key to our current or future plans. We want to make it as easy and impactful as possible for new websites to integrate with Steem and use STEEM as a currency rather than our own token.

SteemPress already relies heavily on key Steem features that are unique in the blockchain ecosystem. So there wouldn't be any way for us to leave Steem even if we wanted to. We are open to sign a non competing agreement that prevents us from leaving Steem for as long as we have a delegation + 6 months after the delegation runs out.
10Section Subtotal:50.00
11.1Delegation RequestSpecify the desired time frame for the delegation in 6 month increments: [E.g. 6 months, 12 months, etc.]24 months (2 years)212.02
This project has already had a delegation for 1 year, this will make a total of 3 years.Does the team agree that this is acceptable?
Above 12 months extension is stated, but here it is 24 months
We agree that this is a fair amount of time. It was, however, unclear if the stated 2 year limit mentioned earlier included prior delegation time or not. Hence why we wrote 1-2 years. We are requesting a 12 months extension which we then assume can be re-evaluated to potentially be extended at a later time.
11.2Delegation RequestWhich one of the following answers best describes how the delegation will be used to add direct value to Steem? Select all that apply.Explanation: C. Is most applicable to regular users being one person with one blog, and D. for larger websites hosting numerous authors.33.0
11Section Subtotal:55.0
12.1AgreementWe agree that our business will continue to leverage the Steem blockchain as long as we are receiving a delegation and 1 year following the removal of the delegation. During this time we also agree to promote the Steem blockchain as a valuable technological protocol that delivers unique value. We are willing to sign a legally binding contract with Steemit, Inc. to this effect.Yes212.0
12Section Subtotal:22.0
13.1Renewal MetricsFor Questions 1-10, please upload a CSV of the data.
13.2Renewal MetricsFor Question 7, Table 2, please upload a CSV of the data. (Remember to place the totals for all clients in table 1)N/A
13.3Renewal MetricsHow many new accounts have been created using your projects' account this quarter?31.0
This is a giant delegation and not getting much return on it from this key metric. What plans do you have to turn this around?
We have recently released a document which describes in length how we will achieve that :

We also quite recently launched our new comment section with Steem account signup. Having more influential blogs change their comment section and encourage their followers to create a Steem account to engage better with their content will be the second key part.

An extensive summary of our growth strategy can be found in our post Onboarding the masses - SteemPress updated roadmap and growth strategy

Our largest user in terms of following would be @tommyrobinson whose website gets 400,000 unique impressions each month. Discussions are currently ongoing to also add the SteemPress comment section to also allow Steem account login and signup directly on the blog

We are still working on the list, and we don't believe that it will be done by the 8th.
13.4Renewal Metricsa) How many Steem accounts are interacting with your project (this includes guest accounts as well as Steem user accounts)21.0
13.5Renewal Metricsb) How many Guest (non Steem) accounts are interacting with your project21.0
13.6Renewal MetricsHow many impressions is your project getting?21.0
13.7Renewal MetricsWhat is the total quarterly (USD) value of rewards disbursed directly tied to the delegation? (can be a negative number of your projects is a flagging project)32.0
13.8Renewal MetricsHow much external revenue have you generated in USD per quarter? Do not count Steem income from curation / voting.20.0
13.9Renewal MetricsHow much revenue have you brought to Steem as measured by total STEEM powered up through your project's Steem accounts42.0
13.10Renewal MetricsHow much Steem is delegated to your project to manage on behalf of your clients? (fill sum in table 1, and show break down by client on table 2)21.0
Please clarify what service you provide that falls unders the scope of your project for these clients.
No stgeemian is delegating to steempress and we are not planning on releasing a system akin to "delegate to us to get x/y" as we believe it's very close to a bidbot model with more steps.

We provide to all of our free "clients" the capabilty to easily connect their blog to steem and benefit from all from all of the steem features directly from their blog.
13.11Renewal MetricsHow much Steem Power is delegated to your project from the Steem community?20.0
13.12Renewal MetricsFor the KPIs listed above, back report progress for the duration of the delegation on a quarter by quarter basis.32.0
13.13Renewal MetricsHow much Steem / SBD has your project burned?30.0
13.14Renewal MetricsDescribe what value the project continues to bring to the Steem community and why the community should continue to support your project?We believe SteemPress will be making direct contributions to the value of STEEM and the success of Steem-based DApps and communities for many reasons. Some of them include:

On-boarding new users from WordPress at scale
The first goal of SteemPress is to onboard as many WordPress users as possible. WordPress currently powers 30% of the web or 70 million blogs. With ~50k users interacting with Steem every week according to SteemReports, this means that if we capture 0.1% of the WordPress bloggers, we’ll already more than double the activity on the blockchain. That’s only taking into account the content bloggers themselves, and not the thousands of consumers who will learn and participate in the Steem ecosystem.

Lowering the barriers of entry for creators and consumers
For most people, mastering how to make effective use of, let alone understanding the fundamentals of Steem, has a steep learning curve. With SteemPress, creators can make use of the blockchain from the comfort of their own websites, while consumers can now continue to engage with the content the way they are used to and enter Steem with simply one click.

Connecting users with STEEM Communities
SteemPress is already working closely with communities and curation groups on Steem. This includes providing a convenient way for them to browse and discover content related to their niche that is posted with SteemPress, as well as trailing their votes. This is done to help the communities on Steem grow as we attract new creators and consumers of content with an interest in the topics relevant to the community.

Marketing STEEM externally
All marketing of SteemPress will also include marketing Steem, as the benefits to bloggers of using SteemPress are the same as the benefits of Steem generally. Furthermore, the simple integration of Steem features with SteemPress will expose the audiences of our users to Steem and the idea behind it.

Allowing people to make tailor-made front ends for different types of content
The UI of and popular DApps seems to be where most Steemians see room for improvement. However, it is difficult to satisfy everyone at the same time as different types of content may benefit from different forms of display. SteemPress will allow any user interested in trying a new way of displaying their content to make their own website for themselves or their community.

Synergies with SMTs
Since the beginning of SteemPress, we’ve seen multiple use-cases where a group of writers, film reviewers or artists collectively run a website that they want to connect with the Steem blockchain. We see these users as perfect examples of websites and communities who can benefit from Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) and we hope to be able to provide SMT consulting, setup and integration as a Pro-version for communities.

Perceived value of the token
As consumers of content observe how the bloggers they already trust, and the community in the comments they have interests in common with, both look to STEEM to monetize content and engagement, they also see value in the token. We hope this can create a cycle where consumers demand the opportunity to log-in with Steem from the creators, which again exposes more consumers to Steem, etc.
13.15Renewal MetricsDescribe your project roadmap with expected timelines and milestones.Enabling instant sign up to engage with content. (August 2019)
A new website with Steem account creation. (September 2019)
A quality focused referral program. (September 2019)
Improved user dashboard with gamification and postive reinforcement through design. (October 2019)
Content discovery page for SteemPress posts, blogs and communities (October 2019)
A new curation policy and voting guidelines built to support a growth strategy. (October 2019)
Launch a set of opportunities for community projects to contribute to shared goals through "SteemPress community challenges". (October 2019)
SteemPress pro edition with subscriptions (November 2019)
Please provide more long term milestones since there is a lot happening in 2019, but nothing in 2020
SteemPress does not plan for more than half a year at a time.
13Section Subtotal:3215.0