A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | |
1 | State/Province | City | Zip Code | Group Name | Branch-Group-Initiative Type (Orgs) (C) | Full Name (F) | Company Email | Phone 1 Full Number (F) | |||||||||||||||||
2 | AK | Anchorage | 99517 | Alaska Branch Of The Anthroposophical Society - Anchorage | Branch | 907 - 245-0279 | |||||||||||||||||||
3 | AK | Fairbanks | 99712 | Alaska Branch - Fairbanks | Branch | Karl R Hough | subsistencepro@aol.com | 907 - 457-4325 | |||||||||||||||||
4 | AL | Auburn | 36830 | Auburn Alabama Study Group | Recognized Group | Helene Burkart | hburkart@att.net | 334 - 887-9911 | |||||||||||||||||
5 | AR | Little Rock | 72216 | Central Arkansas Rudolf Steiner Study Group | Recognized Group | Sonjia Ilene Michaels | sonjiamichaels@yahoo.com | 501 - 519-0420 | |||||||||||||||||
6 | AZ | Tucson | 85726 | Tucson Anthroposophical Study Group | Other Group | Catherine A. Rex | capple@aol.com | 520 - 322-0315 | |||||||||||||||||
7 | AZ | Prescott | 86305 | Manzanita Branch of Arizona (statewide) | Branch | Joan D Treadaway | joanaway@msn.com | 928 - 445-2363 | |||||||||||||||||
8 | CA | San Francisco | 94129 | RSF Social Finance Subject Group | Subject Group | John Bloom | john.bloom@johnbloomadvisory.com | 415 - 561-3900 | |||||||||||||||||
9 | CA | San Francisco | 94129 | Mid-States Shared Gifting Subject Group | Subject Group | Kelley Buhles | kelley.buhles@rsfsocialfinance.org | 415 - 561-6161 | |||||||||||||||||
10 | CA | Sebastopol | 95472 | The Language Of The Heart Branch | Branch | Edgar Castellini | edgarcastellini@comcast.net | 707 - 874-3528 | |||||||||||||||||
11 | CA | Pasadena | 91105 | Anthroposophical Foundation Of California | Other Group | Linda J. Connell | linconnell13@yahoo.com | 818 - 546-1440 | |||||||||||||||||
12 | CA | Aptos | 95001 | Santa Cruz Monterey Bay Branch | Branch | David Morgan Eyes | davideyes@gmail.com | 831 - 849-5581 | |||||||||||||||||
13 | CA | Pasadena | 91105 | Los Angeles Branch | Branch | Karen Grant | karenlgrant@msn.com | 818 - 632-1938 | |||||||||||||||||
14 | CA | Nevada City | 95959 | Gaia Sophia Group | Recognized Group | Patricia Kaminski | pkaminski@flowersociety.org | 530 - 265-0247 | |||||||||||||||||
15 | CA | Brea | 92821 | Anthroposophy in Orange County | Other Group | Eloise Krivosheia | ekrivosheia@dslextreme.com | 714 - 990-2043 | |||||||||||||||||
16 | CA | Fair Oaks | 95628 | Speech Association Subject Group | Subject Group | Helen Lubin | helenlubin@gmail.com | 916 - 966-5749 | |||||||||||||||||
17 | CA | San Rafael | 94912 | San Francisco Bay Area Branch | Branch | Angelika Randolph | angelikarandolph@yahoo.com | 415 - 807-5153 | |||||||||||||||||
18 | CA | Fair Oaks | 95628 | Assoc For Therapeutic Eurythmy In North America-ATHENA | Other Group | Miyoung Schoen | ceurythmy@gmail.com | 916 - 844-7389 | |||||||||||||||||
19 | CA | San Marcos | 92069 | San Miguel San Diego Area Branch | Branch | Elizabeth R. Sevison Olley | elisevison@yahoo.com | 760 - 761-0414 | |||||||||||||||||
20 | CA | Los Angeles | 90004 | G.E.M.S. | Recognized Group | Margaret A. Shipman | shipman2005@sbcglobal.net | 323 - 462-7703 | |||||||||||||||||
21 | CA | Sacramento | 95822 | Sacramento Faust Branch | Branch | Sandra K Stoner | faustbranch@gmail.com | 913 - 558-0892 | |||||||||||||||||
22 | CA | Santa Barbara | 93105 | Helen Hecker Group | Recognized Group | Mary E Thieme | marybthieme@gmail.com | 805 - 455-9827 | |||||||||||||||||
23 | CA | Berkeley | 94705 | Sequoia Anthroposophical Fellowship Of Berkeley | Recognized Group | Carol Wolfley | cgwolfley@comcast.net | 510 - 549-3319 | |||||||||||||||||
24 | CO | Boulder | 80301 | Anthroposophical Group Of Boulder | Recognized Group | Tom Altgelt | altgelt@indra.com | 303 - 601-8601 | |||||||||||||||||
25 | CO | Denver | 80540 | Anthroposophical Society Of Denver | Branch | Adrienne Chapman | achapman@bvwaldorf.org | ||||||||||||||||||
26 | CO | Fort Collins | 80521 | Fort Collins Study Group | Other Group | Kristen Puckett | kristen.puckett@gmail.com | 970 - 689-3902 | |||||||||||||||||
27 | CT | Woodbury | 6798 | Anthroposophical Study Group CT | Other Group | Kenneth D Schultz | kdschultz49@hotmail.com | 203 - 263-0290 | |||||||||||||||||
28 | DC | Washington | 20001 | Economics Group | Subject Group | Patrick F. Omeara | pfomeara@gmail.com | 202 - 746-5369 | |||||||||||||||||
29 | FL | LARGO | 33770 | Tampa Bay Area Branch | Branch | Barbara Bedingfield | bedingfield2000@yahoo.com | 727 - 581-6195 | |||||||||||||||||
30 | FL | Cutler Bay | 33157 | Michael Group Of South Florida | Recognized Group | Yvonne Yolande Cumming | ivonnecumming@gmail.com | 305 - 255-4797 | |||||||||||||||||
31 | FL | Jacksonville | 32225 | Sophia Circle of Northeast Florida | Recognized Group | Carrie Zarka Dooley | sophiacircleflorida@gmail.com | 904 - 434-3187 | |||||||||||||||||
32 | FL | Gainesville | 32601 | Sophia Group Of Gainesville | Recognized Group | Sylvia Paluzzi | morningmeadow9@gmail.com | 352 - 339-1417 | |||||||||||||||||
33 | FL | Sarasota | 34231 | Sarasota Group of Florida | Other Group | Joe Savage | joseph.savage@verizon.net | 941 - 210-3855 | |||||||||||||||||
34 | FL | Pinecrest | 33156 | Red Rose Anthroposophical Study Group | Other Group | Maria Cecilia Staubli | ceciliastaubli@comcast.net | 786 - 942-7754 | |||||||||||||||||
35 | GA | Decatur | 30033 | Anthroposophy Atlanta | Branch | Angela Foster | afoster@thirdbody.net | 404 - 276-9049 | |||||||||||||||||
36 | HI | Keaau | 96749 | A Progressive Anthroposophical Meeting Group | Recognized Group | Tom Savage | tzsavage1197@hotmail.com | 808 - 982-4611 | |||||||||||||||||
37 | IA | Ames | 50010 | Ames Michael Group | Recognized Group | Kim McDermott | kymmcd@gmail.com | 515 - 201-5115 | |||||||||||||||||
38 | IL | Chicago | 60618 | Rudolf Steiner Branch (Chicago) | Branch | Mary Spalding | mspalding@rschicago.org | 312 - 590-2749 | |||||||||||||||||
39 | KS | Lawrence | 66049 | Lawrence Anthroposophical Study Group | Recognized Group | Rick Mitchell | rickmitchell.lawrence@gmail.com | 785 - 841-9105 | |||||||||||||||||
40 | LA | New Orleans | 70119 | New Orleans Group | Recognized Group | Margaret Runyon | mrunyon@bellsouth.net | 504 - 485-5854 | |||||||||||||||||
41 | MA | Weban | 2468 | Rudolf Steiner Group | Other Group | Joanna Ingham | amazability@rcn.com | 617 - 969-0388 | |||||||||||||||||
42 | MA | Amesbury | 1913 | Anthroposophical Society Of Cape Ann | Recognized Group | David Mansur | dave.mansur@gmail.com | 978 - 424-8622 | |||||||||||||||||
43 | MA | Westford | 1886 | ASA In Greater Boston, Inc | Branch | Andrew Linnell | jandrewlinnell@yahoo.com | 508 - 308-3661 | |||||||||||||||||
44 | MA | Florence | 1062 | The Sojourner Branch of the Anthroposophical Society | Branch | Polly Saltet | polly.saltet@gmail.com | 413 - 584-5256 | |||||||||||||||||
45 | MD | Silver Spring | 20910 | Anthroposophical Society, Greater Washington Branch | Branch | Lark Bergwin-Anderson | larkbergwinander@aol.com | 240 - 606-3774 | |||||||||||||||||
46 | MD | Ellicott City | 21043 | Raphael Branch of Baltimore | Branch | Jeff Bronow | jbronow@gmail.com | 410 - 746-1269 | |||||||||||||||||
47 | ME | Hope | 4847 | Midcoast Maine Group | Recognized Group | Sarah McBrian | sarah.w.mcbrian@gmail.com | 207 - 542-2042 | |||||||||||||||||
48 | ME | Freeport | 4032 | Penmaenmawr Group | Recognized Group | Barbara Richardson | richardson@lemniscatearts.com | 207 - 865-6482 | |||||||||||||||||
49 | MI | Harbor Springs | 49740 | Harbor Springs Study Group | Other Group | Mary Stewart Adams | 231 - 838-8181 | ||||||||||||||||||
50 | MI | Ann Arbor | 48104 | Great Lakes Branch | Branch | Barbara Boeheim | barbara.boeheim@gmail.com | 734 - 709-0107 | |||||||||||||||||
51 | MI | Southfield | 48033 | Association For A Healing Education | Subject Group | Mary Jo Oresti | mjoresti@aol.com | 248 - 356-5003 | |||||||||||||||||
52 | MI | Ann Arbor | 48104 | Anthroposophical Prison Outreach Subject Group | Subject Group | Kathy Serafin | prisonoutreach@anthroposophy.org | 734 - 662-9355 | |||||||||||||||||
53 | MN | Moorhead | 56560 | Circle Of Friends-An Anthroposophical Fellowship | Recognized Group | LuAnn L Hagel | luannhagel@yahoo.com | 218 - 443-5708 | |||||||||||||||||
54 | MN | Minnetonka | 55305 | Twin Cities Branch | Branch | Becky A. Streeter | becky_minnesota@yahoo.com | 952 - 546-3351 | |||||||||||||||||
55 | MO | Saint Louis | 63143 | Anthroposophical Circle of St. Louis | Other Group | David D. Howerton | daviddhowerton@gmail.com | 314 - 225-5878 | |||||||||||||||||
56 | MO | Webster Groves | 63119 | Saint Louis Group | Recognized Group | Christian Wessling | cwes@websterfp.com | 281 - 794-7059 | |||||||||||||||||
57 | NC | Greensboro | 27410 | Greensboro Group Of The Anthroposophical Society | Recognized Group | Sandra C LaGrega | sandraclagrega@gmail.com | 336 - 292-7947 | |||||||||||||||||
58 | NC | Clemmons | 27012 | Winston-Salem / Yadkin Valley Anthroposophical Study Group | Recognized Group | Sarah E. Putnam | sputnam01@att.net | 336 - 940-6004 | |||||||||||||||||
59 | NC | Durham | 27705 | Rudolf Steiner Branch - North Carolina | Branch | Kathleen Wright | kathleenwright51@gmail.com | 919 - 309-9622 | |||||||||||||||||
60 | NH | Wilton | 3086 | Anthroposophical Society in NH | Recognized Group | Alice Bennett-Groh | groh.alice@gmail.com | 603 - 654-6316 | |||||||||||||||||
61 | NH | Nashua | 3063 | Center For Anthroposophy | Subject Group | Milan Daler | milan@centerforanthroposophy.org | 603 - 654-2566 | |||||||||||||||||
62 | NH | South Hampton | 3827 | Northeastern Massachusetts Study Group | Other Group | Cecilia N. Leigh | cecilia.neville.murray@gmail.com | 717 - 304-3043 | |||||||||||||||||
63 | NH | Keene | 3431 | Monadnock Group | Recognized Group | Susan Weber | susanweber@pobox.com | 603 - 352-7370 | |||||||||||||||||
64 | NJ | Kingston | 8528 | Princeton Group | Recognized Group | Herbert O Hagens | hohagens@aol.com | 609 - 921-8759 | |||||||||||||||||
65 | NM | Santa Fe | 87505 | Sangre De Cristo Group | Recognized Group | Micky Leach | micky.leach@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||
66 | NM | Albuquerque | 87108 | Anthroposophia Group Of Albuquerque | Other Group | Sally Rutledge | sallyskiptomylou@gmail.com | 505 - 883-4815 | |||||||||||||||||
67 | NV | Reno | 89509 | The Reno Anthroposophical Study Group | Other Group | Patricia A Fenkell | pfenkell@gmail.com | 775 - 870-7282 | |||||||||||||||||
68 | NY | New York | 10011 | Anthroposophical Society New York Branch | Branch | Walter Alexander | 212 - 242-8945 | ||||||||||||||||||
69 | NY | Rochester | 14617 | Rochester Study Circle | Recognized Group | Kelly E. DiPietro | kgrant73@hotmail.com | 585 - 467-7851 | |||||||||||||||||
70 | NY | Malverne | 11565 | Anthroposophical Society On Long Island | Recognized Group | Diane Haley | dianeh2252@aol.com | 516 - 218-2508 | |||||||||||||||||
71 | NY | Saugerties | 12477 | Kingston Group | Recognized Group | William Inglis | 845 - 246-1108 | ||||||||||||||||||
72 | NY | Aurora | 13026 | Aurora Study Group | Recognized Group | Elisabeth Koelln MacCormick | 315 - 364-8749 | ||||||||||||||||||
73 | NY | East Aurora | 14052 | Aurora Members Group | Recognized Group | Jane E. Ried | mjried@verizon.net | 716 - 983-4702 | |||||||||||||||||
74 | NY | Woodstock | 12498 | Woodstock Study Group | Other Group | Karin Smith-Spanier | 845 - 679-2892 | ||||||||||||||||||
75 | NY | Ithaca | 14850 | Ithaca Study Group | Recognized Group | Lisa S. Turner | lisa@wrtiii.net | 607 - 272-0713 | |||||||||||||||||
76 | NY | Spring Valley | 10977 | Threefold Branch | Branch | Gino Ver Eecke | gino@eana.org | 845 - 356-1380 | |||||||||||||||||
77 | NY | Ghent | 12075 | Berkshire-Taconic Branch | Branch | Jordan Walker | berkshiretaconicbranch@gmail.com | 518 - 726-1377 | |||||||||||||||||
78 | NY | Chatham | 12037 | Camphill Association of North America | Other Group | Mary Wildfeuer | mary@camphill.org | 484 - 522-0163 | |||||||||||||||||
79 | NY | Sag Harbor | 11963 | Eastern Long Island Rudolf Steiner Study Group | Other Group | Carol Williams | 631 - 725-3599 | ||||||||||||||||||
80 | NY | Shokan | 12481 | Ashokan Study Group | Other Group | Paula Williams | paulawill76@yahoo.com | 845 - 251-1395 | |||||||||||||||||
81 | OH | Strongsville | 44136 | Girasol Group Of Akron And NE Ohio | Recognized Group | Bev Carrick | beva93@att.net | 440 - 878-1765 | |||||||||||||||||
82 | OH | Cincinnati | 45220 | The Saint Michael Group | Recognized Group | John Michael | dlfrsc@yahoo.com | 513 - 284-1166 | |||||||||||||||||
83 | OH | Greater Columbus Area | 43213 | Central Ohio Friends Of Anthroposophy | Recognized Group | Silvia M Monahan | incasart@hotmail.com | 614 - 864-7688 | |||||||||||||||||
84 | OK | Oklahoma City | 73109 | Oklahoma City Study Group | Recognized Group | Liz MacBeen | anthroposophyok@gmail.com | 405 - 602-0144 | |||||||||||||||||
85 | OR | Portland | 97206 | Portland Branch of the Anthroposophical Society | Branch | Valerie A. Hope | valerieannhpdx@aol.com | 503 - 775-0778 | |||||||||||||||||
86 | PA | Honesdale | 18431 | The Olive Branch | Other Group | Lawrence Michael Clark | lclark@himalayaninstitute.org | 570 - 470-5497 | |||||||||||||||||
87 | PA | Belle Vernon | 15012 | Albert Steffen Group-Pittsburgh Area | Recognized Group | Martha Grib | mattieGB@aol.com | 724 - 379-5368 | |||||||||||||||||
88 | PA | Lancaster | 17601 | Anthroposophia Study Circle Of Lancaster | Recognized Group | Ruth Hessong | ruth.hessong@susquehanna.org | 717 - 940-6596 | |||||||||||||||||
89 | PA | Hershey | 17033 | Susquehanna Corps de Michael-Anthro. Society In Hershey | Branch | David F Lenker | thecorpsdemichael@yahoo.com | 717 - 964-3376 | |||||||||||||||||
90 | PA | Pittsburgh | 15224 | Anthroposophy In Pittsburgh | Recognized Group | Rosemary McMullen | anthroposophy.pittsburgh@gmail.com | 412 - 780-4752 | |||||||||||||||||
91 | PA | Kimberton | 19442 | Southeastern Pennsylvania Branch | Branch | Rick Ruffin | rruffin@voicenet.com | 610 - 935-0302 | |||||||||||||||||
92 | RI | Charlestown | 2813 | Benedictus Group | Recognized Group | Linda Atamian | latamian13@gmail.com | 401 - 364-3028 | |||||||||||||||||
93 | RI | Foster | 2825 | Forming Heart Branch | Branch | Thomas M. O'Brien | tomobrien@mantelpeace.com | 401 - 397-2872 | |||||||||||||||||
94 | SC | Simpsonville | 29680 | Greater Greenville Branch | Branch | Gary Curtis Davis | garycdavis@bellsouth.net | ||||||||||||||||||
95 | TN | Nashville | 37220 | Nashville & Middle TN Branch | Branch | Barbara Bittles | blbittles@comcast.net | 615 - 373-5173 | |||||||||||||||||
96 | TN | Nashville | 37215 | Nashville Rudolf Steiner Group | Recognized Group | Cathy Green | cgreen@grasslandaquatics.com | 615 - 838-8264 | |||||||||||||||||
97 | TN | Knoxville | 37922 | East Tennessee Rudolf Steiner Study Group | Recognized Group | William Eugene Rogers | wmerogers@gmail.com | 865 - 694-9954 | |||||||||||||||||
98 | TN | Chattanooga | 37405 | Southeastern Regional Branch | Branch | Edward St Goar | estgoar@yahoo.com | 423 - 265-3260 | |||||||||||||||||
99 | TX | Friendswood | 77546 | Friends of Michael Group | Recognized Group | David Hazen Coe | dr.david.h.coe@earthlink.net | 281 - 910-9852 | |||||||||||||||||
100 | TX | Friendswood | 77546 | Houston Rudolf Steiner Group | Recognized Group | David Hazen Coe | dr.david.h.coe@earthlink.net | 281 - 648-5781 |