SEARCH Program Milestones Tracker
SEARCH Scientific Steering Committee Milestones(Select the cell containing the section titles to the left and then click the link that appears to be taken to that section of the spreadsheet)
SEARCH Executive Director Milestones
Sea Ice Action Team Milestones
Land Ice Action Team Milestones
Permafrost Action Team Milestones
Cross-Cutting Activities/Working Group Milestones
Task/GoalStatus (e.g., In progress, delayed, not started, changed/revised, completed, ongoing, on hold or no longer a priority)Explanation/Notes (for line breaks, click "alt -enter")
SEARCH Scientific Steering Committee Milestones
Meet quarterly with Action Team Leads, Executive Director, and Science OfficeOngoingYear-2
- SSC reviewed progress toward SEARCH goals and provided written feedback to action teams and working groups.
- Three SSC members were appointed to formally serve as liaisons to the Action Teams.
- Five new cross-cutting working groups were chartered.

- SSC continued quarterly meetings to steer action teams and working groups. In-person meetings were held in June (Fairbanks, AK) and September (Washington, D.C.) and virtual meetings were held March & December.
- Written feedback to teams and groups was supplemented with dialogue with the SSC liaisons to each Action Team.
- Guidance to action teams included accelerating the pace of creating knowledge pyramids.
- Planning for Arctic Futures 2050 began in earnest with a workshop on scenarios in Fairbanks in June 2017.


- Continue to review progress and provide feedback for ongoing activities and especially for long-term activities such as the Arctic Futures synthesis meeting.
- Review and approve knowledge pyramids.
- In-person meetings planned for March & September (Boulder, CO). Virtual meetings planned for June and December.
Complete terms of reference reviewOngoing (Annually)Year-2
- Terms of Reference drafted, reviewed, and adopted by the SSC.
- Processes for forming and dissolving SEARCH Science Goals and related Action Teams and Working Groups defined.

The SEARCH ED, Chair, and Vice-Chair completed their annual review of the Terms of Reference to ensure no updates or additions were needed.
Science Steering Committee (SSC) RotationsOngoing (Annually)Year 2
Steve Vavrus and Karen Pletnikov rotated off of the SSC, and after a nomination and review process the SSC approved the appointments of Amy Lovecraft (UAF) and Raychelle Daniel (Pew Charitable Trusts) to the SSC.

Year 3

Bob Bindschadler, Uma Bhatt, and Breck Bowden rotated off of the SSC, and after a nomination and review process the SSC approved the appointments of Gifford Miller and Irina Overeem (both Univ. of Colorado), Sandy Starkweather (NOAA) and Kevin Griffin (Columbia Univ.) to the SSC. They commenced their rotations in September 2017

Year 4
- In Year-4 and subsequent years, the SSC will follow the same open nomination and review process for turnover of SSC members and selection of new SSC officers.
Define the role and activities for the Observing Change PanelCompleted – Year 2 Year 2
The SSC decided to stand down the Observing Change Panel and continue its efforts with a cross-cutting Arctic Observing Working Group. (See section on AOWG below).
Initiate cross-cutting activitiesOngoingYear 2
The first cross-cutting Working Group on Communications was convened. It completed its work in Year-2 and was retired.
-A second working group was initiated in Year-2 to lead the planning efforts for the Methane budgets workshop.

Year 3
- A successful Methane budgets workshop was held in March 2017 and the Methane budgets working group was retired in Year-3.
- A Coastal Resilience Working Group led by Betsy Baker and Raychelle Danielle was initiated to recommend research needs to SSC.
- The Scenarios Working Group hosted a scenarios development workshop for the SSC, AT Leads, and other available Action Team members as part of the June planning meeting. The workshop was designed to inform the process and products SEARCH will create for the Arctic Futures capstone conference.
- A small working group comprised of postdocs of the three action team led by PAT (Twila Moon) and by Irina Overeem (SSC) began exploring options for cross-cutting synthesis efforts around coastal impacts topics in September 2017. This work will continue into Year-4.

Year 4
- A new implementation working group has been formed to plan the 2018 scenarios capstone activities and workshop.
External Review of SEARCHNot Yet StartedThe SEARCH executive director discussed the merits of an external review and/or a reverse site visit with Neil Swanberg. The latter suggested that SEARCH is clearly making good progress and that a review would be more distracting than productive at this point.
Develop Annual Program Work PlanOngoing (Annually)Year 3
Detailed planning discussions held at the December 2017 SSC meeting in San Francisco and subsequent video conference sessions in January 2017 produced the approved work plan submitted to NSF in February 2017.

Year 4

A process and timeline for developing the SEARCH Year 4 program plan was approved at the September SSC & AT Leads meeting. Detailed planning discussions were held at the Washington SSC meeting in September 2017 and during subsequent December 2017 video conference sessions. Planned year 4 activities were finalized in January 2018 for submission to NSF in February 2018.
SEARCH Executive Director Milestones
Weekly Science Office video conferencesOngoing (Weekly)These sessions are vital to keeping the Science Office on track and will continue for Year-4. The meetings are used to plan and coordinate support for SEARCH's day-to-day tasks and activities.
Enhance cross disciplinary engagement and stakeholder communication using knowledge-to-action frameworkCompleted Year 2 & 3
- Coordinated production of seven science briefs presented to Congress in June 2016.
- Planned and moderated Arctic Alerts:
- Participated in Sea Ice Knowledge Exchange in September 2016.
-Presented keynote address, “Identifying Arctic-Science Challenges and Their Regional and Global Implications” at the White House Arctic Science Ministerial.


-Coordinated production of 13 additional science briefs (, which formed the basis of briefings to the Senate's Arctic and Ocean caucuses September 2017.
-Raised funds, planned, and co-led International Methane Budget Workshop
-Participated in Sea Ice Knowledge Exchange in September 2017.
-Used Arctic Answers briefs to inform teach (Students on Ice Expedition) and inform policy (Ditchley Foundation Conference on the cooperation in the Arctic, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy, Arctic Economics Workshop, Georgetown Univ. working group on Arctic Geopolitics, Congressional Ocean and Arctic Caucuses

Year 4

- Produce and post at least 5 more Arctic Answers briefs
- Plan and participate in scenarios workshop for Arctic Futures 2050
Prepare read-ahead materials, draft actions, and written meeting notes specifying action items to help SSC ensure that action teams are making progress.Ongoing (Quarterly)Meeting materials are prepared by the executive director and SEARCH project office for each quarterly planning meeting and as needed for other ad hoc activities.
Convene SSC and Action Team Leads sessionsOngoing (Quarterly)Year-2
Convene quarterly meetings of the SSC and action team leads, alternating between in-person and video conferencing (


Convened quarterly meetings of the SSC and Action Team leads, alternating between in-person and video conferencing. (

Continue to convene quarterly meetings (March/June/Sept/Dec)
Clarify SEARCH's mission and structure for the broad research communityOngoingYear-2
- The First Meeting of Arctic Science Ministers: A Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Perspective (
- Arctic Report Card Essay on SEARCH (

- Led Communications Working Group to refine program descriptions, key audiences, and use of communication platforms
- Regular discussions with SEARCH SSC and action teams.
- 30 outreach presentations including: Kelly, B. P. 2017. The Study of Environmental Arctic Change: promoting synthesis and engagement. In State of the Climate 2016. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

- Continue presentations and reports on SEARCH activities.
Integrate SEARCH communicationsOngoingYear-2
-Chaired Communications Working Group - reported to SSC.

- Implemented SEARCH Communications Working Group recommendations

- ED will devote approximately 5% of his time to implementing recommendations of the Communications Working Group
- Worked with science office staff to refresh the SEARCH website.
Broaden funding base for SEARCH activities as a measure of broader agency and private sector supportOngoingYear-2
- UCAR- salary support for the SSC chair.
- UAF- $25k for the development of knowledge pyramids and over $5k for theArctic Alerts 2016event.
- Middlebury Institute- ED's office and office support in Monterey; salary support for 5 graduate students working on knowledge pyramids
- Department of Interior- salary support for two SSC members (Williams and Daniel)

- Arctic Research Commission- $20k for Methane Budget Workshop
- USGS- $25k for Methane Budget Workshop and $200k for a postdoctoral fellowship for the Permafrost Action Team
- NASA- $35k for Methane Budget Workshop
- UCAR- salary support for the SSC chair.
- Middlebury Institute- ED's office and office support in Monterey; salary support for graduate students working on knowledge pyramids
- Department of Interior- salary support for two SSC members (Williams and Daniel)

- Arctic Data Center (NCEAS) - $50k funding for 2 carbon flux syntheses workshops awarded to Ted Schuur/Permafrost Action Team
Facilitate the engagement of more scientists in SEARCH Action Teams and cross-cutting activitiesOngoingYear-2
-Recruited Political Scientist to the SSC.
-Recruited an indigenous scientist to the SSC.
-Engaged NASA sea ice modeler, the State of New Jersey’s meteorologist, and a Columbia University glaciologist to -participate in SEARCH’s Arctic Alerts 2016 events.
-Invited 28 scientists interested in serving in SEARCH to participate in working groups.

- Recruited 4 new members to the SSC.
- Recruited two additional scientists to Arctic Observing Working Group.
- Invited > two dozen scientists interested in serving in SEARCH to author and review Arctic Answers briefs and to participate in SEARCH working groups.

- Recruit 10 or more new Arctic scientists to SEARCH SSC, action teams, working groups, and as authors of knowledge pyramid briefs.
Engage with other Arctic research effortsOngoingYear-2
Formalized participation of SSC and action team members in IARPC Collaboration Teams.

Continue SEARCH participation in IARPC Collaboration Teams.

- Participate in leadership of two or more IARPC Collaboration Teams.
- Provide leadership and linkage to SEARCH on National Academies boards, IASC, CLIVAR, and other organizations working on aspects of environmental change in the Arctic.
Explore models for supporting and mentoring early career scientistsOngoingYear-2
The Permafrost Action Team has demonstrated the efficacy of pairing senior and junior researchers as co-leads on synthesis papers.

The Permafrost Action Team has demonstrated the efficacy of pairing senior and junior researchers as co-leads on synthesis papers - attempts to export that approach to other action teams has had limited success

Continue to advocate for adoption of PAT approach by other action teams.
Survey other research program leaders to determine best practices in the art of organizing scientific talent.Ongoing Year-2
-ED discussed leadership and collaborations with the ED’s of U.S. CLIVAR and SOLAS.
-ED completed Art of Hosting training (

ED completed two additional Art of Hosting trainings (

Reach out to two or more other organizations (e.g., Future Earth, IASC)
Sea Ice Action Team Milestones
Task/GoalStatus (e.g., In progress, delayed, not started, changed/revised, completed, ongoing, on hold or no longer a priority)Explanation/Notes
Action Team Membership ReviewOngoing Year-2
No new members added

No new members added. The SIAT leadership decided to restructure membership across the SIAT and SIAN. Jen, Henry, and Matt will remain as the only three members of the SIAT, providing leadership to the SIAN. All other member of the SIAT are being moved to the SIAN. This simplified structure eliminates the need for SIAT leadership to communicate with two separate levels within the SEARCH sea ice efforts. A memo describing this change with further justification was provided to the SEARCH ED and SSC on Dec 1, 2017.

Regular re-assessment of membership.
Engagement with and participation in IARPC OngoingYear-2
SIAT regularly attended IARPC Sea Ice Collaboration Team meetings

- Matthew Druckenmiller became co-lead of the US IASC Team within IARPC
- SIAT presentation to the Collaboration Team in early 2017 on 2016 Knowledge Exchange Workshop
- Matthew Druckenmiller & Jennifer Francis attend Collaboration Team meeting.
- Matt provided a brief update about the September knowledge exchange workshop in early 2017.
- Matt co-convened an AGU Session titled "Understanding the New Arctic: Meeting Societal Needs through Observing Networks, Indigenous Knowledge, System Science, and Synthesis" along with other IARPC staff and implementation team leaders, Martin Jeffries and Jackie-Richter Menge. The session focused on identifying the critical observing needs required to create value-added products and services for Arctic residents and operators, and to inform decision- and policy-making. Several presentations and posters addressed sea ice.
Engagement with and participation in the CLIVAR Arctic-Midlatitude working group.OngoingYear-2
Jennifer Francis served on CLIVAR Scientific Organizing Committee for the "Arctic Change and its Influence on Mid-Latitude Climate and Weather" Workshop

- Jennifer Francis was scheduled to deliver public and scientific presentations at the workshop. Unfortunately she was unable to attend because of personal events. The slides for her public presentation were delivered by Steve Vavrus in her stead.
- Jennifer Francis is a co-author on a paper proposed to Nature as a special issue from the CLIVAR workshop held in Feb 2017
Engagement with the Sea Ice Prediction NetworkOngoingYear-2
- Contributed Chukchi and Beaufort Sea-focused predictions for 2016 Sea Ice Outlook
- Contributed to 2016 Sea Ice Outlook Post-Season Report
- Participated in the SIPN’s May conference at Columbia University
- Surveyed participants on stakeholder engagement

Regional contributions made to the 2017 Sea Ice Outlook


- Jennifer Francis is working with a sub-group of researchers to prepare a new paper on extreme weather in Europe related to Arctic amplification (J. Overland, E. Hanna, R. Hall, L. Chen, T. Vihma, and others.)
Sea Ice for Walrus OutlookOngoingYear-2
Submitted start-of-season assessment of sea ice conditions in the Bering Sea


- Matt, together with Hajo Eicken, provided the Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook with a start-of-season summary of sea ice conditions at the end of March ( Matt provided a subsequent update in early April.
SEARCH Coastal Resilience Working Group [refer to WG section]Completed - Year 3Year-2
Druckenmiller and Huntington attended workshops for Promoting Coastal Resilience and Adaptation in Arctic Alaska

Druckenmiller represented the SIAT on this working group until it was retired in Year-3
Develop briefing documents and online literature depositories to promote cross-disciplinary science collaborationsOngoingYear-2
- Knowledge pyramids on 3 topics (
- Assisted preparation of 7 science briefs for U.S. Senate

- Matt developed the manual outlining the process for new and existing collaborators to build knowledge pyramids.
- Matt created and maintains the Arctic Answers Collaboration Site where all briefs are listed, alongside the manual, and templates.
- In addition to providing updates to the SIAT’s initial three knowledge pyramids, work began on 4 new briefs including: (1) How predictable are Arctic sea-ice conditions?, (2) How can Arctic shipping be made as safe as possible for both ships and the environment?, (3) How is diminishing Arctic sea ice influencing marine access, and (4) How are changing sea-ice conditions in the Pacific Arctic influencing bowhead whales?

- The 4 new briefs above will undergo peer review and be added to the SEARCH website. Development of the associated knowledge pyramids will occur throughout Year-4.
Develop syntheses papersOngoingYear-2
Outlined overview paper on the state of sea-ice syntheses paper in January 2017

- In September 2017, the SIAT leadership reassessed plans for the team’s synthesis papers and revised their development timeline.
- Druckenmiller co-authored a paper on “Indicators for a Changing Arctic” led by Dr. Diane Stanitski (NOAA) which was submitted in December 2017 for a special issue of Climatic Change, which is being guest-edited by USGCRP.
- A paper titled “Who are Arctic sea-ice stakeholders and why do they matter?” will focus on defining Arctic sea-ice stakeholders, outline major societal implications of Arctic sea-ice loss, and conduct a high-level stakeholder analysis. This paper, led by Druckenmiller, will be submitted to the journal Environmental Science and Policy in late-February 2018.
- Francis published six papers so far in Year-3, partially supported by SEARCH and directly related to the effects of Arctic sea-ice loss on the large-scale atmospheric circulation. See for a complete listing and access to pdfs of the papers.

- A paper titled "What More Do We Need to Understand about Arctic Sea Ice, and How Do We Get There?" will (1) review the primary inputs (satellite sensors, observing infrastructure, models, science programs, local and traditional knowledge, etc.) into our current state of understanding a changing sea ice cover and the implications, (2) summarize gaps in our current understanding, and (3) outline approaches for filling those gaps. This paper will include co-authorship from the SIAN and the current plan is to submit to an appropriate journal in Summer 2018.
- Explore submitting a manuscript paper to the special issue of Environmental Research Letters on “Arctic Climate Change Indicators” (due June 30, 2018) outlining Arctic sea ice indicators necessary to track Arctic sea ice ecosystem services.
Workshops to identify topics for collaborative research & synthesis projectsOngoingYear-2
- Knowledge Exchange Workshop on the Impacts of Arctic Sea Ice Loss

- The 2nd Knowledge Exchange Workshop and related side events were held during the week of Sept 25-29, 2017.
- Approx. 35 participants participated in the workshop and various engagement opportunities including a media event at AAAS, a Senate briefing, and an event at the Wilson Center (H. Huntington, B. Kelly, and J. Francis). The final report is available here:

Convene 3rd Knowledge Exchange Workshop in September 2018
Scientific exchange activities associated with the Arctic Observing SummitOngoingYear-2
- Contributed written statement and poster to the 2016 AOS
- Participated in 2016 AOS meeting

- SIAT participated in SEARCH's Working Group on Arctic Observing
- As the second US delegate to IASC, Matt attended both an Arctic Observing Workshop at the EU in Brussels (March 29-30) and the IASC Committee meetings at ASSW. In this role, Matt has assisted in planning activities associated with Polar2018/AOS in Davos in June 2018. Additionally, Matt co-convened an AGU Session titled "Understanding the New Arctic: Meeting Societal Needs through Observing Networks, Indigenous Knowledge, System Science, and Synthesis". The session focused on identifying the critical observing needs required to create value-added products and services for Arctic residents and operators, and to inform decision- and policy-making.
Engage task teams in articulating sea ice observation needs to advance scientific understanding.OngoingYear-2
Developed briefing documents and knowledge pyramids

Developed briefing documents and knowledge pyramids

-Additional topics will be pursued in years 4 & 5.
-Existing and new knowledge pyramids support this activity.
Support SIPN's modeling sensitivity studies.OngoingGoal: Collaborate with SIPN to communicate results to wider scientific, public, and decision-maker audiences

Year 3
-Matthew Druckenmiller collaborated with Marika Holland and SIPN leads to develop a science brief on " "What are the limits of Arctic sea ice prediction on seasonal, annual, and decadal timescales?".
-Matt attended the SIPN meeting at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, and intends to explore whether there are any new opportunities given that SIPN2 is focusing, in part, on the socio-economic benefits of sea ice prediction.
Work with ARCUS on the design of a sustainable website and use web-analytics and user feedback to support ongoing evaluation of site content.OngoingYear-2
-Developed Sea Ice Matters website -

Year 3
- The SIAT continues to provide input for the design of Arctic Answers (, and is maintaining the new website for the Sea Ice Action Network (
- Matt, Twila, Christina, and Erin have had several discussions about how the current Arctic Answers site may be enhanced (e.g., including the use of policy keywords) and monitoring requirements. For example, Ronnie from ARCUS shared an example of current web-analystics capabilities for the site.
Engagement & Communication Activities
(Presentations & action team event summaries)
- ARCUS webinars (2)
- Arctic Alerts Media Roundtable
- SEARCH Senate Briefing
- Arctic Circle NASA ICESAT-2 Workshop
- Foster Hewett Symposium
- Penn State Univ.

- The SIAT participated in ASSW (April 2017),
- Arctic Encounter Symposium (April 2017) - At Arctic Encounter, the SIAT assisted with a survey to idenitfy new stakeholder questions for SEARCH to consider addressing.
- the AMAP International Conference on Knowledge for Action (April 2017), where presentations or posters were delivered on the SIAT's work to develop knowledge pyramids.
- Matt organized a panel of presentations from SEARCH scientists at AAAS Headquarters on Sept 27, just following the Knowledge Exchange Workshop. A similar panel also took place at the Woodrow Wilson Center on Sept 28
- Matt delivered a Sea ice Action Network poster at the AGU Fall Meeting
- Matt is working with the Polar-ICE Project to develop a Data Story for k-12 calssrooms that communicates Arctic sea ice loss. This will be released to teachers during a webinar with Matt on Feb 7 (
- Francis participated in a panel discussion with VP Al Gore at the Climate Reality Project
- Francis public lecture at the New England Aquarium.
- SIAT co-leads Francis and Huntington frequently interacted with the media. See for a list of media engagements.
Create short films on the societal implications of Arctic environmental change and the role of researchers in providing actionable science.In progress - project funding pursued in Year 2 & 3Year 2
A separate proposal to NSF's Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) Program in 2016 was unsuccessful (despite 2 excellent and 2 good reviews), but was encouraged for re-submission.

Year 3
The past unsuccessful proposal to NSF's AISL Program was resubmited in November 2017. If funded this will represent a partnership between SEARCH, NSIDC, and a new science film lab at the University of Colorado.
Engage congressional staffers and AAAS Fellows in the evaluation of scientific briefs developed for online literature depositories.OngoingYear-2
Two congressional staffers participated in 2016 Knowledge Exchange Workshop

Goal: Additional engagement and feedback from staffers on briefing materials.
-The Knowledge Exchange Workshop resulted in Congressional visits during the subsequent engagement events following the workshop.
Alaska stakeholder and community engagementOngoingYear-2
Participated in "Promoting Coastal Resilience" Workshop at the Aleutian Life Forum

Goal: Use Sea Ice Action Network and Sea Ice Matters Website for engagement
- Several related articles for the Sea Ice Action Network Blog have been identified, and have either been posted already or are in development.
- Darlene Turner, a resident from Shishmaref, Alaska who has collaborated with scientists on coastal relocation studies, attended the Knowledge Exchange workshop. Matt is working with Darlene to prepare a short article about ice conditions off Shishmaref and the state of their shoreline to be shared through the Sea Ice Action Network.

- Matt will continue participating in the Marine Science Match - a project of to match scientists to local community questions. This is part of the Adapt Alaska project (www.adaptalaska.og).
Conduct structured interviews with researchers, policy-makers and science news community to improve usefulness of products being developed.In progressThese interviews will assist in understanding how information and knowledge is most effectively distributed to decision makers and how the Arctic scientific community can improve the relevance of scientific knowledge to the needs of decision-makers.

- Matt visited with some decision-makers in DC during the weeks of April 17 and April 24, yet these were mostly information gathering as input for the September Knowledge Exchange Workshop. The SIAT will consider how this activity can be done alongside or as follow-up to the September workshop.
- The Knowledge Exchange Workshop provided an opportunity for input on current science briefs. Several policy-oriented participants agreed to serve as informal coaches alongside the Metcalf Instittue staff who led and faciliated the workshop training.
Establish and maintain the Sea Ice Action Network (SIAN)OngoingYear-2
Key outcome of 2016 Knowledge Exchange Workshop


Goal: Further develop SIAN as an extension of the SIAT to a broader and more diverse cross-section of the Arctic community
- Efforts are underway to further develop the SIAN as an extension of the SIAT to a broader and more diverse cross-section of the Arctic community. The SIAN website ( is assisting with that outreach.
- Feedback from the SSC following our June 2017 meeting indicated that more work needed to be done to make the Network a visible, connected, and frequently engaged group. SIAT leadership (Jen, Henry, and Matt) discussed a strategy to acheive this, including working toward more frequent written contributions to the blog from Network members, monthly emails that inform people on what others are doing, having brief personal profiles on the site, and identiying joint papers to work on. A dedicated effort toward this ramped up following the September 2017 Knowledge Exchange Workshop. 16 members of the Network attended the workshop, making this an important activity towards solidifying the Network.
Land Ice Action Team Milestones
Action Team Membership ReviewOngoingYear-2
New members were added to the LIAT to broaden disciplinary coverage.
Robert Bindschadler assumed primary leadership of the LIAT.

- Fall 2017 Jochen Hinkel left the LIAT.
- Fall 2017 Bill Lipscomb joined the team. He provides a connection to the global coupled climate modeling community. He is leading the CESM effort they call Societal Connections.
- Fall 2017: Jill Gambill joined. She interacts directly with SLR stakeholders in Georgia and has co-produced SLR planning documents for various groups.
- Sept 2017: Courtney Carothers assumed the role of the SEARCH SSC liaison to the team.
- Jan 2018: Waleed Abdalati assumed LIAT leadership from Robert Bindschadler.
CliC Steering Committee EngagementOngoingYear-2
G. Hamilton presented on LIAT to CliC Steering Committee

Potential interactions with WCRP and CliC were discussed at July 2017 Symposium on Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts.
Hire Action Team post-docCompleted - Year 2 & 3Year-2
- Allen Pope joined the LIAT in August 2016
- Pope moved to IASC in January 2017

Twila Moon started at NSIDC in May 2017; began inquiries for policy post-doc at Univ. Colo. She, Waleed, Ted and Bob met in Boulder to iniitate her on plans and expectations for Year 3 LIAT objectives. Since joining, Moon has been very actively engaged in LIAT activities including (but not limited to):
- spearheading the completion of the team's Knowledge Pyramid products.
- attending the DC Communications workshop and the associated panel presentations
- arranging and meeting with numerous staffers and Congressional representatives
- leading a cross-cutting activity on Coastal Changes as directed by the SSC
Develop cross-disciplinary exchangeOngoingYear-2
Monthly teleconferences identify research needs


- Monthly LIAT telecoms have taken place on a regular basis. A good mix of expertise exists within the LIAT. Many members are actively engaged in other related research efforst, e.g., ISMIP6, GRIOS and GrIOOS
- Twila Moon took on leadership of a SEARCH cross-disciplinary synthesis paper on changing coastal environments.
Convene joint workshops with the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison (ISMIP6) teamOngoingYear-2
Held in conjunction with 2016 Fall AGU meeting
LIAT stressed improving ocean forcing aspect of ice-sheet models.

-Applied for EU funding support
-ISMIP6 not requesting any assistance.
-Sidebar meeting held at WCRP/IOC Sea Level Conference in NYC July 2017
-LIAT continues to consider where a workshop would be most constructive.
Identify key synthesis products that can be supported by a GrIOOS networkCompleted - Year 3This is part of the GrIOOS workshop report submitted Nov 2017.The report was delayed a few months by the former Team Lead's change of institutions.
Revisit/revise objectives stated in proposalOngoingYear-3
- Reconsider Global Climate Modeling downscaling objective
- Consider need for glacier outburst flood study
- LIAT agreed to final list of Year 3 objectives and actions.
Construct LIAT Knowledge PyramidsOngoingYear-3
- Three LIAT KP's have been completed, reviewed, revised and delivered. Additional KPs initiated in Year-3 will be completed in Year-4 (see status below).

- A nested KP on Coastal Flooding and Sea Level Change was adopted and multiple sub-groups tasked to draft pieces of it.
- New KP on Glacier Hazards out for review/comment
- New KP on Coastal Flooding received internal comments, and is undergoing revision.
- New KP on Ocean Contributions to SLR being redrafted with recent addition of oceanographer to the author team.
- A Glacier Outburst Floods KP will be produced.
Publish report that synthesizes the GrIOOS workshop outcomes.Completed - Year-3Year-2
Feedback was solicited on the draft workshop report.


- The SSC recieved the draft workshop report on 14 November 2017.
- The report was shared with the GrIOOS community & discussed at an open meeting held in conjunction with the AGU Fall Meeting December 2017.
Seek GrIOOS funding support from international and national agenciesOngoingYear-3
- Fiamma Straneo stepped down from her leadership role with the LIAT in 2017 but will continue to lead efforts to address the issue of GrIOOS funding. The LIAT will support Straneo in this effort as needed.
- Agreement reached with WHOI on final support for Straneo. Remaining SEARCH funds were returned to UAF
Discuss what observations need to be started now to reduce Sea Level Rise uncertainty 20 years henceIn progressYear-3
Communicated recommendations of the GrIOOS workshop report to SEARCH’s Arctic Observing Working Group
Discuss research with Arctic stakeholdersOngoingYear-2
- Bindschadler participated as a SEARCH panelist a the 2016 Arctic Encounter Symposium
- 2016 Marine Resources Coordinators Summit (Long Beach, WA)
- 2017 Communicating Sea Level Change workshop

- Bindschadler participated as a SEARCH panelist a the 2017 Arctic Encounter Symposium
- Bindschadler and Dennehy hosted a webinar for WA Coastal Hazards Resilience Network to present Coastal Flooding KP and ongoing work of LIAT.
- In September 2017, Twila Moon and Ted Scambos met with a number of congressional office staff in Washington, D.C. to discuss Arctic research related to the work of the Land Ice & Sea Level team
- Exchanged information with LDEO about their app presenting Sea Level Rise information
- Robert Bindschadler served on the Coastal Hazard Resilience Network, State of Washington. He attended CHRN annual meeting in May and announced the LIAT's intention to continue developing relationships with stakeholders.
- Bindschadler and Kopp are members of a co-production group led by David Behar that is discussing how to port scientific knowledge of SLR into products the Decision Maker community regards as "actionable". Invited talk at Fall AGU will highlight progress to date. Work of group will continue post-meeting.
Stakeholder surveysCompleted - Year 2Year-2
Surveyed stakeholders' needs regarding projections of future sea level.

Follow up survey to guide construction of projections shared with stakeholders. Sample output from Kopp et al. (2014) and county assessment report shared with respondents of the 2016 stakeholder survey. Received feedback on how well these outputs meet their needs
Review PaperIn progress - Year 4Twila Moon has been invited to lead a review paper on working on "Contribution of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Arctic ice caps, and glaciers to sea level rise" for Current Climate Change Reports.
Permafrost Action Team Milestones
Action Team Membership ReviewOngoingYear-2
No new members added


Regular re-assessment of membership

Regular re-assessment of membership
Convene biannual to quarterly Permafrost Action Team steering committee calls/meetingsOngoing Year-2
March 3-4, 2016; October 25

First in-person meeting took place June 26, 2017 in Fairbanks
Convene biannual calls/meetings with the Permafrost Carbon Network synthesis leadsOngoing Year-3
- Virtual Meeting with leads and co-leads of the Permafrost Carbon Network (June 13 2017)
- Virtual Meetings with Synthesis leads discussing updates and
plans for the PCN meeting at AGU, October 1 and November 15, 2017

- Bi-annual calls planned with Permafrost Carbon Network synthesis leads
Hire additional synthesis science post-doc with leveraged funding by the USGS Climate Science CenterCompleted - Year 3Year-2
Candidate selected


New postdoc (Erin Trochim) started on June 1, 2017
7th Annual Meeting of the Permafrost Carbon NetworkCompleted - Year 3- PAT organized workshop which took place Sunday, December 10 from 9 am to 5pm
- > 100 participants
- strong attendance by early career scientists and international scientists.
- Agenda was developed and discussed with Synthesis leads/co-leads during two online conference calls in October and November of 2017:
AGU 2017 Session: Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate ChangeCompleted - Year 3AGU session 2017: Conveners: Ted Schuur + Ben Abbott
44 Abstracts submitted, talks and posters scheduled
NACP 2017 Session: Critical regions as global carbon hotspotsCompleted - Year 3Convened session at 2017 North American Carbon Program Meeting, March 27-30, 2017.
ACP 2017 Session: Climate change and the carbon balance in permafrostCompleted - Year 32nd Asian Conference on Permafrost, July 2-7, 2017, Sapporo, Japan.
SEARCH International Methane Budgets WorkshopCompleted - Year 3March 7-9, 2017 in Seattle.
40 international participants
Additional funding from NASA ($35k), USARC ($25k), and USGS ($25k).

Workshop products:
(1) meeting report inEOS (submitted June 2017)
(2) refined plans for synthesis by 3 groups, and (finished; part of final report submitted to agencies)
(3) plan for integrated synthesis of methane budgets for the northern permafrost region (finished; submitted as part of final report to agencies)

Completed, workshop report written by David McGuire, Brendan P. Kelly, Lisa Sheffield Guy, Helen Wiggins, and other members of the organizing committee.. Title:SEARCH_Permafrost_Methane_Meeting_Report-for_USGS_Review-05may17.docx

EOS meeting report published in July. Citation: McGuire, A. D., B. P. Kelly, and L. Sheffield Guy (2017), Resolving a methane mystery in the Arctic, Eos, 98, Published on 11 July 2017. Second longer EOS article written by early career scientists now under review.
Community Workshops for Synthesis Studies of the Pan-Arctic/Earth SystemCompleted- Year 3- Workshop on system-level currencies (energy, water, carbon and nutrients) and their role in an evolving Arctic. Washington, DC, April 17-19 2017.
- Christina Schädel participated and presented synthesis talk on 'permafrost carbon dynamics'
International Carbon Dioxide ConferenceCompleted - Year 3August 21-25, 2017 Interlaken, Switzerland. Invited plenary talk on permafrost synthesis. Completed, Schuur presented plenary invited talk on Permafrost Carbon
Maintain the Permafrost Carbon Network websiteOngoing (Updates by Schädel)
Lead cross-cutting research with the other SEARCH Action Teams
on terrestrial and subsea methane fluxes
Ongoing Year 3
- See Working Group on Methane Budget section.
- Updates collated at PCN meeting AGU 2017
Permafrost Carbon Network synthesis research activitiesOngoingNew ideas for syntheses and gaps are generated at the annual Permafrost Carbon Network meeting and made available on the Permafrost Carbon Network's password protected Google drive. Synthesis projects will continue to be developed as new ideas and possible leads are identified.

Synthesis Projects in Progress for Year-4:
· Reconciling Permafrost Region Methane Budgets - Leads: Dave McGuire, Jennifer Frederick, Robie McDonald
· Atmospheric Methane synthesis - Lead: Chip Miller
· Quantifying relationships between vegetation structure and permafrost thermal dynamics - Leads: Mike Loranty, Heather Kropp
· Where and when will the Arctic become wetter or drier? - Leads: Christian Andresen, Cathy Wilson
· Earth System Model benchmarking using NCSCDv2.2 - Lead: Gustaf Hugelius
· Carbon emissions from the Arctic during the non-growing season - Lead: Sue Natali
· Strategizing a comprehensive laboratory protocol to determine the decomposability of soil organic matter in permafrost - Lead: Christina Schädel
· Dissolved organic matter composition in waters draining permafrost landscapes - Lead: Jon O'Donnell
· Thermokarst and Thermo-Erosion Rates synthesis - Lead: Guido Grosse
Develop a permafrost update to the Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic reportCompleted - Year 3Year-2
Began drafting


Publication of report:
Syntheses Manuscripts Published or Accepted - Year 3Completed -Year 3Year-3
- Vitharana UWA, Mishra U, Jastrow JD, Matamala R, Fan Z (2017) Observational needs for estimating Alaskan soil carbon stocks under current and future climate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
- Strauss J, Schirrmeister L, Grosse G, Fortier D, Hugelius G, Knoblauch C, Romanovsky V, Schädel C, von Deimling TS, Schuur EAG, Shmelev D, Ulrich M, Veremeeva A Deep Yedoma permafrost: A synthesis of depositional characteristics and carbon vulnerability. Earth-Science Reviews.
- Xia J, McGuire AD, Lawrence D, Burke E, Chen G, Chen X, Delire C, Koven C, MacDougall A, Peng S, Rinke A, Saito K, Zhang W, Alkama R, Bohn TJ, Ciais P, Decharme B, Gouttevin I, Hajima T, Hayes DJ, Huang K, Ji D, Krinner G, Lettenmaier DP, Miller PA, Moore JC, Smith B, Sueyoshi T, Shi Z, Yan L, Liang J, Jiang L, Zhang Q, Luo Y (2017) Terrestrial ecosystem model performance in simulating productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in the northern permafrost region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122, 430-446. doi:10.1002/2016JG003384
J. RIchter Menges BAMS State of the Arctic report
- McGuire AD, Lawrence DM, Koven C, Clein JS, Burke E, Chen G, Jafarov E, MacDougall AH, Marchenko S, Nicolsky D, Peng S, Rinke A, Ciais P, Gouttevin I, Hayes DJ, Ji D, Krinner G, Moore JC, Romanovsky V, Schädel C, Schaefer K, Schuur EAG, Zhuang Q. (submitted). The dependence of the evolution of carbon dynamics in the northern permafrost region on the trajectory of climate change. Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Participation in the development of the 2nd State of the Carbon CycleIn progress - Year 4Year-2
Schuur, McGuire, Romanovsky, Mack, Schädel, et al. drafted report.


Third order review started June 2017
Fourth order draft open for public commenting (Nov 2017)

Revise and respond to review comments
Improve permafrost modelsOngoingYear-2
- Began identification of structural and functional benchmark datasets for model evaluation.
- Proposal submitted by Luo and Schuur to NASA Roses June 2016.
- Soil carbon pools benchmarked against global Earth system models. Activity led by G. Hugelius.


- Collaborative Project for Model improvement: Christina Schädel, Charlie Koven (Lawrence Berkeley), Ted Schuur. Comparison of Earth System Models to Field data under warming scenario
Identify strengths and weaknesses of existing methane and carbon flux datasetsOngoing Year-2
Breakout group completed at AGU workshop led by Euskirchen, Natali, Schuur in preparation for IASOA workshop in Finland in February 2017. Scoping document shared on password protected Google drive.

- Explore additional products that could be developed based on this work.
- Natali attended IASOA workshop in Finland as Permafrost Action Team representative. Proposal submitted to ADC/NCEAS with PI’s Schuur, Euskirchen, Mauritz, Natali on ‘Arctic carbon exchange’.
- ADC/NCEAS proposal accepted for workshop funding led by Schuur
Finalize protocols for soil incubations, identifying data and knowledge gapsOngoingYear-2
Update by Schädel at 2016 Permafrost Carbon Network workshop and poster presentation at 2016 AGU Fall Meeting


Newly included data made re-analysis of data necessary. Manuscript submitted in year 3
Convey state of the science to non-scientific audiences through press releases, interviews, articles and other engagement opportunitiesOngoing Year-2
Scientific American Article by Schuur: "Thawing Permafrost Would Accelerate Global Warming", published in December, 2016.
Multiple press releases throughout the year for high-impact publication, e.g. Schädel et al. 2016, Olefeldt et al. 2016.

- Outreach efforts include participation in 'Skype a Scientist' Schädel skyped with a class in Texas and answered questions on Arctic relaated issues (lots of questions on sea ice and permafrost)
- Participated in the SEARCH Senate caucus and AAAS media briefings that took place in September 2017 in Washington D.C.

-Efforts will continue as opportunities arise.
IARPC Engagement & Team Lead for the Permafrost TeamOngoing Year-3
- Presentation during IARPC Arctic Data Sub Team call. Christina Schädel presented on Permafrost Carbon datasets (stocks, rates, and fluxes). Presentation is available online at:
- Schädel became IARPC Collaboration Team lead for the Permafrost Team for the new Arctic Research Plan 2017-2021.
- Schädel participated in the kick-off meeting in Anchorage, AK, March 22-23, 2017. She is also involved in the organization and participation of monthly calls of the Permafrost Collaborations Team
Permafrost Knowledge PyramidsOngoingYear 3
Erin Trochim presented poster on Knowledge Pyramids of the PAT. Poster is online available:
- poster by Trochim at AGU Fall 2017
- KP on permafrost and carbon completed and online,
- KP on permafrost and infrastructure and KP on permafrost and ecosystem services were drafted and are currently undergoing external review and gurther discussion is required about KP next steps
Participate in scenarios planning as part of cross-cutting themeOngoingSee section on SEARCH scenarios working group activities below.
PAT leads participated in telecon planning discussions.
IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 ºCIn progress - Year 4
Year 3
Christina Schädel contributing author to Chapter 2: Mitigation pathways compatible with 1.5°C in the context of sustainable development
Permafrost science research prioritiesIn progress - Year 4Year 3
Assess community definition of permafrost science research priorities
(lead Lantuit, AWI, Schuur part of the core group). More information:
Syntheses on hydrology/infrastructure in progressIn progress - Year 4Year 3
- Initiated development of new synthesis science products related to impacts on Arctic infrastructure. Lead organizer: Erin Trochim.
- Initial survey of JRC Global Water Explorer database for use in this synthesis project undertaken by Trochim.

Synthesis draft paper expected April 1, 2018 for summary Co-ordination of validation for JRC Global Water Explorer database with PCN group
8th Annual Meeting of the Permafrost Carbon NetworkIn progress - Year 4PAT will organize the all-scientist meeting to be held the day before AGU, December 2018
AGU Chapman Conference In progress - Year 4Proposal for Chapman conference on Carbon Cycle Feedbacks to Climate. JPL-lead proposal; Schuur on steering commitee for proposal development
Carbon Flux synthesis workshopsIn progress - Year 4PAT will organize and contribute to
Spring/Fall 2018: two synthesis workshops on high latitude carbon dioxide exchange and the implications for people.
The first workshop is scheduled for March 28-30, 2018 and the second workshop set for October 2018. This was an outcome of Permafrost Carbon Network activities in partnership with NOAA’s IASOA group.
Additional workshop funding ($50K) was awaerded by the Arctic Data Center (NCEAS) to Schuur