TimestampYour name (first, last) / Tu nombre (nombre, apellido)Please provide your public comment to the Board of Education / Proporcione su comentario público a la Junta de Educación
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7/10/2020 17:56:07Shannon MiuraIs the Gate/Accelerated Program part of the Virtual Learning Academy?
7/10/2020 17:58:41Christina Carrasco My family and I appreciate hearing that it will be recommended to continue distant learning for this fall. For future reference i would like my previous comment submitted so that there is a clear understanding of what parents of special needs could expect when our children do return to in person class. What safety measures will be put in place for them? Our children require alot of 1on1 attention from paras and teachers. Sometimes coming into contact with multiple people a day to assist with toileting, transportation, and other physical needs. Will they be assigned one para for whole school day? Will they have shorter school days?How can we insure the safety of our child and teachers? What will be the plan?
7/10/2020 18:04:17Kristi Garrison I disagree wholeheartedly with the plan to keep high school students home to start the school year, and to grade them based on 100% online learning - it is proven that this is not an optimal way to learn. Both high schools have spacious grounds, why not utilize space creatively? Continuing to isolate children who have been away from their peers since March is unhealthy and will result in depression and even more lost learning.
High schoolers should be the most able to safely social distance, so I would like to know the reasons why this is the proposed plan.
7/10/2020 18:05:44Yvette Laptalo If my children start the school year attending school, can they switch to the online academy if they find it’s not working for them?
7/10/2020 18:06:39Amy hernandezDon’t reopen the schools until the Virus is gone.
7/10/2020 18:06:49Monica SmithWhy are the learning plans and safety measures so different for elementary students compared to middle and high schoolers? Doesn’t sound very safe or reasonable for the teachers, staff, and families of other students.
7/10/2020 18:07:38Rob Rocha All throughout Europe 22 states that have open schools 18 and under there has been very little to no spread. For some reason younger than 18 Do Not spread this virus!!
Also, 81 and younger for whatever reason have fewer hospitalizations than the average flu year.
1. No hospitalization
2. No spread
So why is there no school?
7/10/2020 18:08:06Kristen HendersonWhat will the DI program look like for elementary school? Are there any virtual options for children in DI?
7/10/2020 18:08:11Giselle LopezFor the kindergartens I think you should let the parents go and walk with their kids and show them where their class is because they are still young and it’s their first year going school so that then after they know and can go by themselves.
7/10/2020 18:08:23Tara Di CairanoI have 3 children in GUSD 2 are in High School and straight A students I very much want them back on campus in a normal structured learning preparing them academically for scholarships and college acceptance to rigorous schools . My kids are not getting educated properly . My fear is that we will be forced to give substandard education and will be Possibly be pulled at home for covid cases I don’t want my kids being pushed back and forth it’s extremely difficult and stressful as a 2 working household that cannot stay home . We are considering taking out a loan to pay for private education but that’s an extreme strain financially during a time we are already strapped financially . Leaving parents scrambling at the last minute . I also have an elementary student whom
We thought would be able to attend on campus and now have to figure what we can do for him
Last quarter he had no ability to focus and stay on point . Need kids to go back to school or have alternatives to distant learning , even if it’s hybrid or small groups I just need support and alternatives if kids can’t go back please heavily consider your decision and the impact on families future and finances thanks
7/10/2020 18:14:27Julissa LopezI think that for elementary kids we should drop them off to their classroom and pick them up in their classroom because especially the kindergarteners they are going to be new and they are not going to know where their classroom is going to be on their own.
7/10/2020 18:15:52Sara TreatIn regards to reopening of the schools in August, I would like to have some understanding why it is safe for TK-5 to return 5days a week, but older children it is not. It seems our little ones would be at higher risk than an 17-18 year old that understand the severity of the pandemic. My son is only 5. Dropping him off at the curb to have his temperature checked would be scary for him. Is there data that supports TK-5 is safer in groups than young adults? I understand that TK-5 is more at need when it comes to education in person, but this plan should include data on why it is ok for certain groups to be at risk and others not. All students should have the same safety available to them and then how you educate them adapts based on those safety measures due to each groups needs.
7/10/2020 18:23:35Kristen Henderson Why is elementary the only group that will go 5 days a week. Younger children have a harder time following hand washing, masks, and social distancing protocols. This does not make sense that it’s the only option for children in DI as 100% virtual academy does not offer specialized courses which I assume DI is categorized as. We need more options for our elementary school age children.
7/10/2020 18:24:21Karen SveidahlHigh schoolers need to be IN school for mental, physical and intellectual growth/enrichment. Terrible decision!! Look at the low death rate of Covid. More tests=more cases. Giving in to fear is a shameful thing.
7/10/2020 18:30:55Ololade BabatolaI would like to find out if the GATE program will be continued in this school year? Thank you
7/10/2020 19:06:10JANELL F WOLFEI would like to ask why us parents participate in surveys but are never given the opportunity to actually vote on whether we want our children to go back to school or choose distance learning? We should be given the option to choose what is best for our student, our household, our choice for their education. Distance learning does effect high school students and not in a positive way. Why are high school students being discriminated against? Why are the other schools being offered a hybrid schedule but when it comes to the high schools you (the district) not us parents are making the decision for distance learning?
7/10/2020 19:10:30Emily LopezI strongly disagree with the proposed reopening of schools plan. I fully believe that all grade levels should be 100% distance learning for first semester. If you look at the health risk assessment for students and staff, it is incredibly irresponsible and setting up the district to be sued by students or staff who fall ill because of your in person learning guide for k-8.
7/10/2020 19:14:34Jacob JensenI feel that a hybrid system at least for the highschoolers would work much better as a lot of my piers struggle with online learning as they are not as productive and misses out on the feeling of actually being in school. I understand the concern for the virus but us students being older we'll definitely follow instructions of social distancing and following proper precautions. As a final note a lot of my piers are considering swapping to just regular online school instead of attending CHS they'll find another way of getting proper teaching because a lot of the teachers don't know how to teach online and feel that with being seniors they're senior year is now ruined because they won't be able to have a "normal" school year.
7/10/2020 19:15:48Angelina DiCairano
hello board of education, I am a (upcoming) sophomore at GHS. I had just read your email that you sent out to the parents and students apart of the Gilroy Unified School District and the plan for 9-12 graders. I just wanted to let you know I am very very disappointed in this plan. I am very upset because you guys are not allowing the 9-12th graders to go back to school (on campus) at all until further notice. You also plan to have us do distant learning/ online schooling for the fall. So that is why I want to address this from a student point of view. As a straight A student, I found doing distant learning very difficult. And so I’m sure other students who already had difficulty in a classroom setting have also had a very hard time during distant learning. So what I want to say is that I would like all high schoolers to go back on campus in the fall. Even if you guys have to do hybrid, some days on campus and some days distant learning, that would be better than everyday online. But what I would prefer is to have all high schoolers to go back on campus in the fall. I say this because from experiencing distant learning and in classroom learning, the classroom learning is highly more effective at getting an education. As a highschooler I have to prepare to go to college in a few more years and learning online is not going to give me that readiness to tackle a full college load of work. In conclusion, I would really like you guys to decide on letting all high schoolers to go back to school full-time on campus in the fall. Even if you guys have to take all safety precautions, or even to sign a waiver please let all highschoolers go back on campus and get the full education they deserve.
7/10/2020 19:24:12Mary J SilvaI understand that the younger grades will not be distance learning... how are you going to manage keeping young children from being too close...let alone keep their masks on?
7/10/2020 19:37:42Brenda SanfilippoFor middle school students in the hybrid, will they be working at home on the days off campus? Or are they expected to watch the teacher in the classroom with the other kids? How will you be addressing 504/IEP? What other measures will you be taking to support safety?Your suggested measures are the minimum—no plexiglass, no outdoor classes, no fresh air, etc.
7/10/2020 19:42:06Yvette Laptalo If my children attend virtual school in the fall, could they switch to the school sote in Spring if Covid infections drop or a vaccine is available?
7/10/2020 19:42:41Randi GomezIf a family chooses to use virtual learning for elementary age children will they be allowed to go back to on campus learning If things get better? Or will they be stuck with virtual learning despite things being better for the entire school year?
7/10/2020 19:45:20Connie CarrilloIn our 3rd trimester when Covid-19 school closures began we were told that students would not get a final report card (Rod Kelley Elementary). Will students be graded for Virtual Learning Academy? Will there be recorded grades to report with progress and feedback from teachers?
7/10/2020 19:54:02Noelle MagnerThank you for listening to all parties involved. Please, when moving forward take into consideration that as a parent I have equal concern for my 5 year old as I do for my teenager. I have more confidence that my older children will know how to conduct themselves in this new environment whereas my younger ones just don’t understand these new rules.

7/10/2020 19:55:21Justin HumphreysI would like to see a hybrid model for K-5. Modified class sizes, days or hours. Students (A or B schedule) come 8-11 or 12-3. That gives time for custodians to clean the room for the next day. It allows morning students to get lunch as they leave. Afternoon students while they arrive.

Our teachers can’t be asked to be the teacher, custodian, yard duty, and lunch duty all while wearing a mask. They need time to eat and use the restroom. They aren’t first responders, they aren’t compensated like a fire fighter or a nurse.

We need our students back and teachers too. But we need to do our best to keep people safe. Knowing full well they are putting their health at risk.
7/10/2020 19:59:49Delilah AldamaHow will contact tracers be enforced throughout the school district for in person classes?
7/10/2020 20:17:50Samantha Being that the start of the school year will be done with distant learning, Will this stay in effect for the whole year or will kids go back into the classroom once it is safe to do so? Also how will it work for kids who are in the dual immersion program?
7/10/2020 20:22:24Natasha KutinaI am concerned about going back to regular grading. Considering the increase in cases and possibility of another state shutdown, how will those types of interruptions affect their grades? Do we really feel like this will be enough of a normal year to hold our students to those standards?
7/10/2020 20:29:37Robert SamdahlElementary schools should not open until it is safe for all children to go. My children feel unsafe if people around them are not wearing masks. This includes children. My wife and I have been advised to keep our children home by their pediatrician due to COVID-19. The district has not done enough to keep my high risk children safe. My elementary age children need to attend distant learning to be safe.
7/10/2020 20:33:55ShawnaTerry Distance learning for all GUSD should be until January at least. The teachers are NOT babysitters and their lives don’t need to be put in jeopardy. Kids are getting this virus. Let’s consider the long term affects.
7/10/2020 20:47:36Monica LiuWill virtual academy school be at a specific time or can class be accessed at any time that day? How many hours a day will virtual learning be?
7/10/2020 21:05:04Suzanne ColbertI originally made three public comments. One is no longer relevant. First I would like to know how the high schools are going to support graduating Seniors. Due to Covid, there has been no contact with the class of 2021. Second, I would like to know the status of choir and band in the school district. My Senior is the drum major of the CHS Band. She wants to pursue music in college. She also is in Chamber Choir and is section leader. If music is eliminated, her leadership positions are also eliminated. How will you support music goal of students in GUSD.
7/10/2020 21:07:03Trisha MungcalHow is the Dual Immersion program going to move forward with these changes?
7/10/2020 21:19:15Leslie GalvanWill the elementary schools be permitted to have assemblies? If so can you give guidance on that?
7/10/2020 21:20:23Leticia PalaciosI am a HS parent:
My children were greatly disappointed to find out that they will continue with distance learning coming fall.
I appreciate the board's decision in being cautious when it comes to public health.
Safety should always come first. My husband and I reassured them that they will do just fine and that they are not alone. We do hope though that the district is looking into resources so that they can open up the high schools soon-even if it's hybrid like the middle schools.
7/10/2020 21:20:40Leslie GalvanIf we choose in person learning can we have the option of changing into virtual learning later?
7/10/2020 21:32:56LETICIA PALACIOSQuestion:
Has there been talks/meetings between teachers on how they can engage/increase high school students participation within distance learning?
I have two high school students, both with different personalities and learning styles, and neither one was willing to show their faces on zoom for class lectures.
7/10/2020 21:34:14Paola AlvaradoIm a Staff member of El Roble Elementry and Im concerned about my kids returning to school I have a 4th grader and a 9th grader and my 4th grader is in remission from Leukemia and he is my concern if he goes back to school and we have an infant at home. This is very scary for my family and all the staff.
7/10/2020 21:34:37Darya A GoronI think it will be beneficial to have virtual academy available to students. I cannot imagine kids TK to 5th grade wearing masks, not sharing things and not being able to have social activities in cafeteria or playground. On another hand, with strict guidelines I do not believe schools will be providing aftercare due to Covid as well, that makes it even harder on parents. I am an essential worker and I have been able to work from home while making temp. arrangements for my daughter's care and I am having tough time securing care I used to be able to count on school from 8 to 6 and reduce costs that is obviously not going to be the case... I am one of lucky ones as many parents can't even go back to work yet...some dont have internet access I understand that too.

There are just so many what if scenarios and I think district needs to consider them all
7/10/2020 21:39:26Paige AguirreWill IEP services for elementary students resume when school starts?
7/10/2020 21:42:15Paige AguirreYou seem to have a plan for increasing in person classes for jr high and high school. Do you have a plan for elementary if you have to close again? If so, what is it? Can it be implemented quickly and with less chaos then last time?
7/10/2020 21:45:46Paige AguirreHow many kids will be in each elementary classroom?
7/10/2020 21:58:47Josie BravoHow will the children with an IEP get the support that they need and how soon will children that need to be assessed for an IEP be addressed?
7/10/2020 22:09:47Ana HafokaWill there be an option for online classes? Is there an option for an "opt out" of a attending on site campus classes where we can just pick up packets or assign ments for the week??
7/10/2020 22:18:25Lorrin SquatrittoUnderstanding that there are no ideal options for the upcoming school year, I must register my deep disappointment with the current k-5 plan. Choosing to have no hybrid option for k-5, while having ones for older students suggests the decision was based on childcare and not the safety of students and staff. There is an online only option for the year, but it is completely impractical for dual immersion students as there has been no communication regarding a plan to expose them to listening to and speaking Spanish regularly.
Returning k-5 kids (all of them at once) to full-time, in-person instruction is not only risky for them, it is dangerous for the adult staff. It is too much to ask of teachers, especially considering they will no longer have parents helping in their classrooms and extra work/sanitizing to do.
I am also very concerned about the school’s ability to follow my son’s 504 plan for food allergies. How will the school ensure my child’s classroom is nut free? Since my child has a variety of food allergies, what will be done to ensure there is no transfer of food allergens when desks are wiped down each day? Will his peers be required to wash their hands after eating (something I’ve requested in the past, but was told the school cannot force children to do)?
It is incredibly frustrating to me that the district, state, and federal government have not worked together to solve the challenges of distance learning, which is unequivocally a safer option for everyone involved.
7/10/2020 22:53:13Kara SolomonThank you for doing the right thing and keeping our kids, teachers, she community safe.
7/10/2020 23:18:12Denise NegreteKeep our kids safe school should be closed till we find a vaccine or opt a different school schedule split the classrooms in half. Half of the class will attend school every other day the other half every other day. But still our kids don’t understand social distancing nor when to keep wearing facemask. As adults It’s hard to keep our social distance yet alone to remind ourselves to keep our face-masks on imagine our children. Pleas let’s keep our community safe we leave our children’s education on your hands thank you.
7/11/2020 1:34:01Jessica RiveraWill my child be able to wear a face shield to school instead of a face mask ?
7/11/2020 2:35:30Lucas BissellAs a student of Gilroy High a school, I find the plan that was presented to me to be completely atrocious. Students, especially students that are of high school age like myself, NEED to have contact outside of distance learning. I found the distance learning that took place towards the end of last semester to be very unhelpful in advancing my understanding of my classes, and I was very lucky to not have finals in those classes, because I would have been completely underprepared for them, as I was incapable of having productive one-on-one meetings with my teachers. This was in no way the fault of my teachers, as my respect for them went up exponentially because of their capability to try to teach us through these times, but the distance learning was unacceptable for me. As much as us students need in-person instruction, we need in-person social contact at school as well. The interactions high schoolers go through at school is some of the most crucial moments of our lives in terms of forming our character, and distance learning can in no way possibly provide that. We need to actually go to school, and it needs to happen at the beginning of the school year, because distance learning will severely under-prepare us for higher education, and our lives post college. I am asking all of us to think this through, and see that we are in no danger, and that even if we were, we cannot halt our lives, as we aren’t getting any younger. Please, reconsider this.
7/11/2020 6:52:53Sofia Montiel Quiero saber cómo asistirán los niños a clases/ I I want to know how the children will attend classes
7/11/2020 7:37:56Alexandra PerdewWhat is the contingency plan to this new back to school plan? First, if students and teachers start to get sick, as we are now requiring so much of teachers through both online and in person learning, how are you going to cover their roles if they have to leave? With so many summer camps reporting large numbers of campers sick and teachers sick and dead across the country, this is a valid concern. I am hearing from friends who hire substitute teachers that the number of substitutes even through online platforms is decreasing dramatically. If teachers fall ill, does Gilroy have enough teachers to make sure the online content we well we the in class content continues? Second, for those of us who work for technology companies and don’t feel okay sending our children back to school right now, how will we go back to work in Jan/Feb if our children are still distance learning? If a vaccine becomes available or the virus leaves our population, what is the plan, are the children going to continue distance learning even if it is proven safe they can go back?
7/11/2020 7:59:28Michael SandovalGUSD Reopening - My family is concerned that we would be unnecessarily risking the health of our children, teachers, and school staff if we send kids back to school for any number of days per week. Considering the recent increase in COVID19 cases, it does not make sense to reopen school with students gathering into cohorts where it is "encouraged" to wash hands and maintain safe distances. In March I personally knew 1 person who tested positive for COVID19. In July alone I personally know of at least 5 people who have tested positive and several others that were exposed that are currently waiting for their test results. The reopening of businesses and false sense of safety has back fired and the consequences are very tangible to me.
I believe GUSD should change plans and move to a 100% distance learning at the beginning of the school year and (as already planned) evaluate on a monthly basis if it is safe for students to start returning to campuses. How many students or teachers will have to contract COVID19 and expose cohorts and at-risk family members before we shutdown schools and move to 100% distance learning in the end?
7/11/2020 8:08:26Linda SoteloI am very concerned about our school reopening i feel that its way to soon that we should wait longer and go thru this till this has been under control with no up and down on this health crisis. Its not safe for our staff nor our kids therr is so much that needs to be done on a day to day plan .I am a concerned parent .
7/11/2020 8:15:55Sabrina AcostaI don't feel comfortable with my children going back into the classroom.
7/11/2020 8:24:28Kp I want to my kids that go to CHS in school. Both parents work full time how are we suppose to help them with learning?? My daughter is already showing signs of depression from being stuck at home and not being around her friends.
7/11/2020 8:32:35Concerned parentDisappointed at the options you have proposed for reopening schools, especially for Dual Immersion students. From the proposal it looks like if an elementary student wants to continue in the Dual Immersion program the only option available to him or her is in person; without face masks in class, or reduced class sizes or the ability to properly social distance. Will you be having the DI teachers switch in and out of the classroom as well? Which potential exposes the students and teachers to even more students. The parents of DI students deserve more options!
7/11/2020 8:57:00Jessica sustaitaWhat will happen to the support staff if distance learning happens, especially for the high school level?
7/11/2020 9:06:12Amanda I just don't feel comfortable sending my two little ones back to school,especially with new cases rising. I understand they need more in person contact but still isn't there a better more safer way ?!?!
7/11/2020 9:10:39Sandra García It’s not safe to open up and use our kids as experimental rats and find out if it’s safe to open. Many kids have health issues and will not survive if they get Infected. 40 educated adults that know how to social distance and wear a face mask properly had to quarantine at one meeting, I don’t see how kids are going to go to school and when there is out break happen at school everyone has to quarantine! And yes there will be COVID at school people send there kids with a cold, flu, stomach ache, headache, throwing up, and diarrhea! Maybe a kid has it and just doesn’t show all the symptoms at school like a fever yet they are there! That virus is airborne! All over the school. A kid wakes up with a fever at 6:30 gets Motrin given no more fever by temp check at school because parents are in need of money can’t miss a day of work. My nephews who are elementary students all came out positive here in Gilroy and so where the parents! The results didn’t come back 2 weeks later yet the kids would have been going to school because they didn’t have fever or felt that sick, but spreading it at school. MY KIDS WILL NOT BE ATTENDING IN CAMPUS SCHOOL!!!!
7/11/2020 9:21:46Briana JonesI have 2nd-grade twins enrolled at Luigi Aprea Elementary. I did notice that nowhere in this roll-out plan are there call-outs to student-to-teacher ratios being reduced (currently 28-to-1 is NOT an effective classroom size with this pandemic)? Additionally, who is going to be paying for all the additional cleaning supplies and performing these daily+ sanitization exercises? Currently, teachers have to pay out of their own pockets for classroom supplies as it is, and parents end up donating SOME items (but not enough). We as parents demand a much better "plan" than just saying there will be hand sanitization stations in classrooms and around campuses! Teachers with such high student ratios can NOT handle the additional cleaning on top of buying what is needed to keep things disinfected, all while you have eliminated any parent help in the classroom. You are asking us parents to decided between sending our children to in-class instruction which will HUGELY increase our family's risk of infection so that we parents can keep working...OR keep our children home and educate them ourselves (which is impossible to do with such young children) and have us risk losing our own jobs so we can become teachers without pay and/or experience. And what about those of us with children who have special needs or education requirements (504/IEP)?
7/11/2020 9:22:03Sylvia MendozaPlease provide a distance learning option for TK
7/11/2020 9:30:40Nichole AveLallemant If we sign our elementary students up for distance-learning, are we required to stay with that for the entire year even if the virus calms down? At this point in time I do not feel that sending my child to school every single day is a wise choice. However, she loves school and desperately wants to return. I do not want to be locked into distance-learning all year because we do not know what the future holds.
Also, what is the plan for DI elementary students?
7/11/2020 9:38:49Ygnacia RivasI do not think we should reopen. Kids can get covid and spread they present different symptoms and can get worse after recovering from covid. Not worth the risk to teachers or the community.
7/11/2020 9:48:12Tom Vander ZwaagFor electives and extra curricular activities that require hands on participation, how are those classes being handled in the fall for CHS? Are they just not to be available or what is the idea?
7/11/2020 10:07:57Edith PerezMy student is supposed to start the DI program in the fall. I am interested in her being a part of this program, however, i would feel uncomfortable sending her to school. The option of a DI program online has not been given to us at this point, but I hope that it will be an option for students, so they don’t miss out on the program.
7/11/2020 10:11:11Ana Rueda de VidalesI dont think its safe for elementary to go back full time, cases are increasing and the younger kids do know how to social distance, to many households will get mixed through our little ones
7/11/2020 10:15:55Luis mirandaDont feel school's should be opened before vaccine is available. If school is reopened before, should be up to individuals parents whether there child would attend, or not.
7/11/2020 10:16:52Shannon delgadoI have a kid in high school and in junior high and distant learning was so bad in our house hold. We would lose service from WiFi sometimes my kids couldn’t even log in and no I will not go sit in a vehicle all day to get WiFi when I have 4 kids total n my kids log in times were different my daughter went from a’s to c-d because she couldn’t understand things as in a classroom she could have raised her hand to ask the question then n there n get the help then not later and they would get handouts for information n do worksheets to go over what they just learned I think higher grades need to go back to class setting as the information they need to learn for college in prominent in their future and I don’t want distant learning to jeopardize my kids education and future they understand the virus more than little kids and could handle more wearing a mask all day
7/11/2020 10:30:55Karen BoltSend the kids back to school. They need on site learning. High schoolers need socialization. All children do. The benefits outweigh the risks. What about our seniors? They deserve all of the activities that go along with it. All sports should be as normal. Read the data on COVID 19. More testing means more cases. Outstandingly low death rate. Put it all into perspective! Send the kids to school!
7/11/2020 10:42:12Colleen ChapmanGood evening esteemed members of the board, Dr Flores and cabinet members,

I would like to speak about the proposal for K-5 students, teachers and staff to return to school. Throughout the summer I have been thinking about what a hybrid model looks like, but never did I think we would be returning to school with a full class size and no social distancing required in the classroom, except that teachers are to stay 6 feet away from students. Our little scholars don’t know how to social distance, efficiently wear masks or wash their hands.

I am trying to remain positive in my commentary, but I would be remiss to say that I have never felt more underappreciated as a teacher in my 21+ years in education, than I do at this moment. Our teachers’ and students’ health doesn’t seem to be a factor in this decision whatsoever. There is no conclusive evidence that I have seen thus far that says children are safe from the effects COVID, although there is evidence that has shown that children can and do get very sick as a result of COVID 19 and they can also spread it while asymptomatic. The data being used isn’t accurate because there isn't any data that is measurable . The numbers of school outbreaks are low because in the last 5 months most schools have been teaching remotely. The reason that children haven’t been exposed to such an extent is because they haven’t been at school.

What happened to reducing class size and the hybrid model? Splitting our classes in half and setting up the schedule with 2 days at school and 3 days at home could work. This would allow for spacing the students out and following the CDC guidelines a little more closely and might potentially help with lowering community spread of COVID. Is that out because it isn’t a viable option for parents needing childcare when they return to work?

Please know that this is about being healthy and being alive. I’ll close with this. Why are we all being put at more risk, not less?

Thank you,
Colleen Chapman
concerned teacher and parent

7/11/2020 10:48:04Jennifer Wetzel I am baffled by this proposal for the fall 2020 school year. All grades should adopt a hybrid form. I fully support what is planned for the middle school campus’s.

I do not support elementary school children being on campus 5 days a week. Those ages are the most likely to spread COVID-19 and take it home to more susceptible family members. Have you been in a kindergarten classroom? I volunteered a lot of time in the elementary school my children attended when we lived in San Jose. There are constant snotty noses, coughing, and sneezing children throughout the entire school year. A good portion of those children wipe their noses on their shirts, arms, hands, and do not use tissues and sanitizer. They often cough and sneeze into the air. Makes no sense to expose teachers and these family’s homes to a very rapid spread of COVID-19.

I do not support high school going to full distance learning. They must have a teacher present in front of them with hands on lessons to learn. You absolutely cannot replace a teacher with a screen. Our children will suffer severely educationally, mentally, and emotionally if you adopt a full distance learning plan. They are the best age group to keep their germs to themselves. They certainly won’t be perfect but they will be much better candidates to socially distance, wear a mask, and sanitize while on campus.

I seriously hope this proposed plan is not what we see at the open of the 2020 school year. I think it’s detrimental to our children and families on so many levels. These kids must have teachers and peers around them once or twice a week. They absolutely cannot thrive on full distance learning. You will be trading COVID related deaths for suicides. These teenagers need an outlet outside of their home. Their lives depend on it!
7/11/2020 10:58:04Jill WallWhat requirements hve they put in place for the academy? Things were VERY different from school to school, grade to grade and even teacher to teacher (at the same school, same grade) this past spring. I’d like a really picture of what the academy will look like.

Within classes, are the students going to be grouped in smaller pods to reduce exposure? Almost as if keeping students in their differentiated groups throughout the day rather than allowing the students to be a part of multiple small groups within a classroom of 24+ children.
7/11/2020 10:58:20Carla Vega My concern, without having control of covid-19 and numbers still rising, why are elementary students not required to wear face masks when they are in the classroom around other children when it is state mandated that everyone wears one when out in public and around people who you do not live with? And how is that safe for them and the siblings many of them have at home, who don’t yet attend school? My 3 year old gets sick every time the 9 year old comes back home with the flu or cough she’s picked up from school. Every single time. I’m worried the same will happen with Covid-19. There are many flaws with the proposed plan to reopen elementary schools and I ask that you revise and give the community a more thought out plan or switch everyone to virtual learning to further protect the safety of our children, paying the teachers the same as in-person learning if not even more. They have been amazing during these troubling times, helping students to the best of their ability and deserve to also have a safe plan for teaching this coming school year.
7/11/2020 11:50:53Karen BoltFlores should be fired for her lack of vision and for basing her decision on fear.
7/11/2020 12:21:39Jennifer MariscalI’m very concerned about students and teachers being exposed. The teachers have families and will expose more people or have to not see their own family. That is too high of a price to pay!! My son lives with roommates and they are all being tested. One roommate along with their 5 month old baby have active COVID (confirmed by testing). They are sick. WE ARE SCARED!! Do NOT expose more people!!I don’t wish this to happen to anyone else!! We aren’t ready to open schools!!!!!!!!
7/11/2020 12:41:17Joaquina SouliaI think it’s not ok to have elementary students go back to school. I think everyone should be on distance learning until the cases get under control. Why should our littlest students be put at risk. Also they can carry it and bring it back to an at risk person in there home.
7/11/2020 13:04:22Corinne CoxHow will teachers be kept safe? Will teachers and staff be provided with the proper PPE when at school sites? Who will be in charge of disinfecting school sites? If teachers are expected to disinfect, who will provide the supplies? Will there be hazard pay for teachers and staff?

Also how will specialized subjects be conducted during this time? (PE, Art, Choir, Band, etc.)
7/11/2020 14:09:41Corbin Johnson Will the children be assigned a teacher in their current assigned school if the opt for the online program?
What will the plan be if the school has an outbreak of Covid?
7/11/2020 14:25:05Alfaro,KarlaYou have to think about the big picture here. If a child is asymptomatic he/she is not going to show any symptoms of COVID 19. He/she however will pass it on to other students who can then bring it home and spread it to family members. You must take into consideration that a lot of people have pre existing medical conditions which can make COVID 19 more aggressive on them than it would a regular person. Pre existing conditions mixed with COVID 19 can kill someone. Think about the children who may be asymptomatic think about the children with pre existing conditions. Would it be a responsible thing to open school back up and put our children at risk? I believe It’s best to prevent all measures and maintain safety for not only the students but for their families as well. Please continue online distance learning. It’s what’s best for us right now until we can figure this all out.
7/11/2020 14:26:31Janice ReynoldsI would like to address my concerns on the opening of the elementary schools. I do not understand why the youngest children of our community are being the least protected from the covid pandemic. You are asking us to send our children into a crowded classroom with no masks! How can this be CDC guidelines when we are not allowed to enter any store or enclosed space without a mask and 6 foot social distancing? Then you are asking us to put our kids in a crowded classroom with no mask? This does not make sense and is even incredibly irresponsible. This age child on good days have multiple cases of the flu, lice, pink eye and other ailments due to the fact that they are young and constantly have their hands in their mouths and face. You are exposing all our teachers unnecessarily as well. The alternative of virtual learning is good alternative, yet if you choose this option and you are faced with any kind of life change during the year i.e. job change, sickness, etc, etc,), you are punished and not allowed to attend your home school, with your child's friends and familiar faces, another blow to our kids who have no choice in this situation, and have already suffered. This is discrimination. I thought the middle school set up with 2/3 days at home/school and smaller class sizes was a good compromise, but instead you are sacrificing the littlest ones. I haven't spoken to one person who is not outraged by this. There WILL be a breakout of covid in this set up, and it will be the responsibility of the school for not doing at least a little bit to help make the classroom a bit safer. We can't sacrifice our kids because people need daycare, they will just end up sick or worse yet, die. This just does not work. Our children will not be safe in a crowded classroom with no mask!
7/11/2020 14:27:42Margaret Longholm We need a safer option for TK-5! One teacher per grade is unacceptable for distance learning and one year commitment is extreme.
7/11/2020 14:38:05Victoria Klopp If daycares (and everywhere else) are required to have children over the age of 2 wear facemasks, why wouldn't they at school? The older students doing online learning and the younger students going to class makes no sense. Why wouldn't it all be the same? If all teachers had to quickly figure out a gameplan for distance learning when this started to keep EVERYONE safe, why is the plan different now as the cases are on the rise? There has to be a better way that keeps both students AND teachers safe across ALL grade levels.
7/11/2020 14:40:58Shannon Deimling I support a full 5 day opening K-5. School is a fundamental part of a child’s emotional and mental health. This is not just about education.
7/11/2020 14:50:54Lindsay BechtTK-5 are going back to full exposure in August. This puts their immune impaired family members at risk as well as any teaching and education staff that has impairments. From recent happenings around the country we can see that children are not immune to this. The virus does not discriminate based on age, race, or social class.

As a parent, I am very apprehensive to have my child return to a full schedule without the understanding of how precautions we be taken and sanitizing measures will be met. How is 1 teacher going to keep 25 children 6 feet apart for a 6 hour period 5 days a week? How is mask wearing going to be enforced? How is social distancing going to be enforced during recess and lunch? So many unanswered questions and uncertainty.

Those of us who take the proper measures to ensure the safety of our families are nervous about sending our children to school with kids who’s family do not.
7/11/2020 14:59:43Ken ReynoldsI DO NOT AGREED with school restart with a room full of kids (25) with no masks...do you think that is wise? Does that even follow CDC guidelines?
7/11/2020 15:19:09Bahzi AIt is NOT SAFE and a PUBLIC SAFETY HAZARD to reopen the schools. There is NO VACCINE AVAILABLE YET. Children getting covid-19 may die and are likely to have permanent damages to their organs, including their brains. It is unbelievable to me that you are even considering this. News just came out that NO SAN JOSE TEACHERS are returning to the schools. That's because the teachers KNOW THE COVID-19 dangers! You are not only putting the children's health and lives in danger, you are also putting the community and teachers' lives in danger at large.
7/11/2020 15:45:05Irene Altamirano Me dirijo a ustedes con el respeto que merecen para compartir mi perspectiva referente al ano escolar que está por comenzar. Tengo 2 hijos de 11 años y 17 años Y no estoy de acuerdo en que mis hijos de middle school y High school estén expuestos todos los días yendo a clases en persona. Sugiero que vallan 2 días en persona y 3 días lo hagan online desde casa para evitar el contagio manteniendo la distancia social al minino./ I address you with the respect you deserve to share my perspective on the school year that is about to begin. I have 2 children aged 11 and 17 and I do not agree that my middle school and high school children are exposed every day going to classes in person. I suggest that they go 2 days in person and 3 days do it online from home to avoid the contagion keeping the social distance to a minimum.
7/11/2020 15:49:35lilyana torresfor the class of 2021 seniors how will our volunteer hours be dealt with. will the hours be waived like the class of 2020 hours, or will something else happen?
7/11/2020 16:08:57Angela GunterDue to the virtual element of this meeting, I ask that you please provide the below questions/comments to the Board rather than me speaking to them in the meeting.

Who will be responsible for monitoring contact tracing and notifying families of sick/potentially sick kids/staff? What will be the process for communicating C-19 positive cases/enforcing quarantine? Will all members of the household of an exposed child/staff be quarantined & kept from going to other schools?

Has the board consulted with businesses that are currently doing this work (tracing) to understand the scope? I imagine this would be a full time job for each school site.

What is the thought process behind not requiring masks for elementary students IN the classrooms?

The public health report recommends distance learning right now. Yet elementary is being expected to be in person, at this point. If the virus spread worsens within the city/county (which it is) what threshold will the district use to determine a change of course (i.e. how many new cases in the district, or how many deaths are “reasonable” to the board?) While hospitalizations for children are lower than adults, they can absolutely be carriers and major spreaders (to teachers and household members). I personally don’t feel that in-person instruction is safe for the community. I do understand that some families don’t have necessary technology or are essential workers and need their kids to be at school, however with school only going until noon, I don’t see how that solves those problems for those families.

What support will be offered to students on IEPs whose families have decided the virtual academy is the right path for them? When will the SST/psychologists be reaching out for follow up IEP meetings?

How will the in-person teachers be selected? Versus the virtual academy positions?

Has the teacher’s union been consulted and a part of the formulation of this current plan?

When will a detailed plan or sample schedule of the virtual academy be shared with parents? I’d like to understand what a typical day would look and feel like for each grade. I feel like that will be important information for parents to have prior to make a decision especially since it sounds like it is a permanent move for the year (which seems extreme and different from what other districts are doing, MHUSD, allowing moves at the semester).
7/11/2020 16:50:17Melanie, SmithPlease provide more detail for the proposed virtual learning. Will the teacher instruction be like it was this year where children are in their class and can see each other or will it be one on one? Will the work be all computerized or a mix of worksheets and computerized? Will the district provide worksheets or will parents be required to print them out? How will the students be evaluated/graded? Will students be required to turn in paperwork for grades? Is so, where will we turn it it? Will students get a teacher from the school they are registered at, or a random teacher? Will the teacher be the same for the entire year?
7/11/2020 17:19:46Suzanne ColbertCan you please comment on how High School Seniors can have any of the usual Senior Activities. There has been no information sent to parents and usually this is covered in May. Information on SAT/ACT and AP classes and test. Information on Senior Pictures. Senior Crowns, Senior Sunrise, Senior Walks. How to apply to colleges you cannot visit. Scholarships or lack there of... On line learning-hybrid with local JC’s starting now. My daughter only needs one class to graduate. How do you graduate early. Will there be local scholarships. Obviously there are no dances. My daughter is drum major. Music, Sports,Cheer,, Clubs???

7/11/2020 17:50:48Rosalind Taylor Please don’t make Gilroy’s teachers and students guinea pigs or a statistic. Distance learning is the only guaranteed way to prevent the spread of Covid.
You are endangering the lives of everyone.
Thank you
7/11/2020 18:26:50John McKennaRegarding GUSD having Elementary School Children 100% in class. Other districts in the Bay Area are not taking this approach. Why is GUSD doing this? What different data do they have that the other districts don’t have? It’s been shown that children CAN be infected with COVID-19. And the ones that are asymptomatic can pass it on to their parents or grandparents. How is GUSD going to ensure that parents who believe COVID-19 is a complete hoax, don’t send their children to school that in turn infect my child. What happens when the teacher is infected? Who teaches the class now? And does the whole class quarantine? And what about me and my wife? We now have to quarantine. And what those we work with? I’m very concerned that the Board has members that agree with the President and will endanger the health of our children to show they’re not “living in fear”. COVID-19 is serious, deadly serious and the Board needs to start thinking that way.
7/11/2020 18:37:35Shaunna TaylorI would like to ask that given this opportunity to relook at how are children are receiving education, including what fuels their bodies and minds to learn should also be included. With our two sons learning from home They have been losing body fat because of more well-balanced foods being provided at home. I would like to ensure that well-balanced meal option is also re-examined if the school is re-opening. Bean burritos and pizza is not a nutritional meal for children’s brains. Children can not always make the right choices, that is why the school system, teachers and parents are here to guide them. Putting unhealthy options in front of them, and a salad, and offering them to choose, is not the right approach. This pandemic has given us the opportunity to really look at how and what we are doing. The fact that my sons have drastically dropped unhealthy weight because they are not in school is a testament to the fact that something needs to change in the school system food selection.
Another point to this: Child obesity rates are climbing year over year. Many parents unfortunately may not know how to provide healthy meals at home, So another point to providing only healthy choices K-12 sets those children up to have a different perspective and what a healthy meal looks like.
Let’s push the limits and not go back to the way it was before, because it wasn’t working.
7/11/2020 18:57:37Kathy SouzaIn light of the new recommendation to go 100% online I would like to revise my questions to be:

1. Virtual learning lists it “will be a home based, guided learning program with oversight from an adult in the home”. What supports will be in place for the students whose parents work outside the home and there is not an adult in the home during school hours? I’m thinking of a tech support if their chrome book freezes up or they cannot log onto the Webex, unable to open a document/program, or are not understanding an assignment during independent learning time, that type of thing.

2. Will there be state testing this school year?

3. How does a family go about requesting a hot spot for use on virtual learning days?
7/11/2020 21:12:19Cheryl ChagoyaI would like to know if all staff members will be required to take a test for the virus before they are allowed to return to a site. If it is required, when and how will these tests be scheduled? Where would the test be given? Will the district pay for the tests?
7/11/2020 21:16:37Cheryl ChagoyaMiddle schools are required to position student desks 6 feet apart. Please post a picture to show what this actually looks like. How many students would this classroom contain?
7/11/2020 21:19:11Cheryl ChagoyaTeacher and staff desks are supposed to be positioned 6 feet apart from the students. Please post a picture of what this looks like.