Updated Jan 10, 2022
Project NameProject DescriptionAwardeeAmountYearType
Reducing water use with installation of a drip irrigation system at the Green & Gold Community GardenThe Green & Gold Community Garden operates on South Campus supported by the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences. The Garden attracts volunteers from the university and the broader community to grow food using organic practices. This project will support the implementation of a drip irrigation system at the Garden, thereby supporting the following guiding principles:
(1) Conservation of university water resources.
(2) Better management of the water supply will enhance the Garden’s ecosystem through minimizing the growth of weeds and reducing disturbance to the soil.
(3) Providing an additional element of sustainable local food production in a University community garden that has become a showcase for successful small-scale urban agriculture in the broader community.
Green & Gold Community Garden and Faculty of ALES$2,000.002021Micro
Mapping the solar PV potential of the facades of the North Campus buildings at the University of AlbertaThis project will build on previous work that mapped rooftop solar PV potential, to examine wall-mounted vertical PV implementation on the facades of the UAlberta North Campus buildings. They will utilize several methodologies developed by the research group, such as obtaining building information from Google Earth models using computer vision, accurate solar energy generation prediction models, and optimization models to determine the best layout of the solar PV system. The expected outcome of this research project will be a campus-wide map of the solar potential of the existing North Campus buildings and develop accurate solar energy capacity predictions. This will help the university implement renewable energy in a smart and informed manner as well as enhance its sustainability leadership and stewardship.Mustafa Gul,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering
Monitoring Indoor Air Quality in On-Campus Residence with Low-Cost Air Quality SensorsThis project will be a collaboration between PI Ran Zhao and Residence Services, who will work with resident student volunteers to monitor IAQ in select U of A residences using low cost indoor air quality sensors. Monitored IAQ parameters will include temperature, humidity, particulate matter, and CO2. The study’s outcome will assist campus operation and energy efficiency, educating our community for environmental stewardship, and advance the research field of IAQ.Ran Zhao
Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Science
Potager Teaching Garden – Phase IIThis project will complete the final piece of the 1.5 ha Potager Teaching Garden at the University of Alberta Botanic Garden. The perimeter wooden fence surrounding the garden will complete the garden structure, create microclimates for enhanced production, act as a structural support for climbing plants, and provide protection from predation.Ken Willis
University of Alberta Botanic Garden
DishZero: a reusable container and mug share programThis project will pilot the DishZero program in SUB and ETLC by supplying food vendors with reusable boxes and mugs, in which they will be able to serve food and drink. Volunteers will manage the return of food and drink containers at designated drop-off locations (set-up, monitor, collect, and sanitize the dishes), and evaluate the success of this pilot program.Rojine McVea$20,037.622021Major
Green alternatives to heated water baths in undergraduate biology labsThis project will reduce the energy and water usage of four large-enrolment biology courses (over 5000 students) by replacing inefficient heated water baths with energy efficient dry baths and reusable thermal beads, maximize the use of this equipment by using it for both heating and cooling purposes as appropriate and by using the equipment in the teaching and prep labs, and quantify the energy and water savings from these efforts.Carla Starchuk
Department of Biological Sciences,
Faculty of Science
Sustainability Summer StudentThe Organic Chemistry Storeroom will hire a student intern responsible for (1) repurposing chemical glassware and equipment through an assessment and inventory of thousands of glassware and hardware items in surplus storage, (2) reducing water through the expansion of the waterless reflux condenser initiative developed in the undergraduate organic chemistry laboratories, and (3) assisting with the management and safe disposal of toxic and environmentally harmful chemicals in the Chemistry Research Stores inventory.Matthew Kingston
Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Science
Experiential Learning Through Measurement of Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutant on the U of A CampusThis project will support hiring a part-time technician to assemble and calibrate low-cost air quality sensors for use in experiential learning activities in the recurring environmental chemistry course CHEM 305. Students in this course will use the in-house designed sensors to identify emission hot spots of CO2 and air pollutants on campus and then share their findings through a website and a presentation at an undergraduate research conference at U of A.Ran Zhao
Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Science
Eco-friendly management of the invasive European elm scale on campusElm trees are an invaluable living component of UAlberta. The European elm scale is an invasive pest that feeds on elm sap and causes leaf-drop and branch death, as well as interfering with use of shaded areas of campus because of a sticky residue left behind. This project will develop an Integrated Pest Management system to manage this particular pest without insecticides, provide the results to the F&O grounds department, and in the longer term, create a living lab for student engagement in sustainable pest management through integration into coursework.Ronald Batallas and Maya Evenden
Department of Biological Sciences,
Faculty of Science
Indigenous Language Revitalization in Schools (Cree)This project will create and promote Cree language kits for UAlberta libraries, where they will be accessible to Education students and other campus community members, These kits and their promotion will increase awareness, access, and knowledge of the Cree language and culture among Indigenous and non-Indigenous students and staff alike, build Education students’ skills and knowledge around teaching Cree to their own students, and contribute to enriching social and cultural understanding and sustainability at the university.
This project was inspired by work done during a Certificate in Sustainability final project.
Maxine Desjarlais$900.002021Micro
Level 7 Plastics Manufacturing Workspace

This project will launch a student-run plastics manufacturing workspace on campus by funding the purchase of the initial equipment to begin operations. Ultimately, this workspace will process waste plastic from campus into raw materials, which are then manufactured into recycled products for individuals on campus and in the greater community. As part of this work, the Level 7 group will conduct community outreach at the University of Alberta and beyond to raise awareness about this project and how it connects to broader sustainability issues.Level 7
student group
U of A Campus Community Gardens Solar GreenhouseThe Solar Greenhouse project will bring a complete and operational solar greenhouse laboratory to North Campus at the Campus Community Garden. This greenhouse will serve as a platform for training and research and will give two co-op students the opportunity to complete initial commissioning, experimental set-up, and monitoring of the greenhouse operations. Working with volunteers from student groups like REDesign and the UAlberta Permaculture Group, the project team will establish ongoing operations, conduct initial research, and promote the greenhouse through various outreach activities.Carlos Lange,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering
Greenest campus goal: Developing UofA’s new sustainable travel behaviour toolkitThis project will develop a large multi-year travel survey of the university population, analyze the survey data and generate detailed GHG emission estimates based on how people travel to and from our campuses. Dr. Grisé and her team will also develop a toolkit comprising policy recommendations, incentives, and strategies aimed at increasing the use of sustainable transportation among UAlberta faculty, students, and staff, along with performance indicators to assess progress.Emily Grisé
School of Urban and Regional Planning,
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,
Faculty of Science
X-Cite Mercury to LED upgrade microscope light source swap for sustainabilityThis project will upgrade the light module on a Zeiss LS700 microscope from a Mercury to a LED unit. This is used for our confocal microscope as a communal resource for the centre (used by 4 labs). Upgrading will advance sustainability due to the LED module using 69% less electrical consumption than a mercury equivalent. The LED unit does not require a bulb replacement for 20,000 hours or a light guide which are common consumable in the mercury unit. Overall the LED unit will save energy as well as consumable costs. This project reduced waste and reduces hazards associated with mercury as well.David Westaway,
Centre for Prions and Protein Folding Diseases,
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
Business as a Force for Good: Pedagogical Tools for the New NormalThis project will engage MBA and other student teams to research, write, and ultimately publish several teaching case studies about how businesses and organizations have dealt with key sustainability challenges. UAlberta case studies may also be explored. The funding will support a PhD student to work with Dr. Gehman and the MBA students during the revision and publication process. These teaching case studies will then be integrated into applicable coursework in the MBA program and available for adoption beyond UAlberta through online publishing venues. Through both case study development and coursework this project aims to provide the business leaders of tomorrow with the tools to deal with sustainability challenges. Joel Gehman,
Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Management,
Alberta School of Business
Wind Turbine Design CompetitionTeams of 2-5 will compete in conceptual wind turbine designs. They will be judged by 3 wind energy professionals and the winning team will have their design constructed with RED in Spring/Summer term 2020. Funding is required to purchase turbine materials, advertise, and to host a grand unveiling for the final product. This will advance sustainability by increasing awareness on clean energy technologies and enhancing campus' connection to the clean energy industry.Renewable Energy Design student group$1,625.002020Micro
Water Re-circulation System to Cool Condensers in Senior Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry LabsReplace continuous flow condenser systems with 18 simple, benchtop recirculating systems in two undergraduate chemistry labs (Chem 241 and 243) to reduce potable water use;
Evaluate how robust these recirculating systems are when used by undergraduate students; and
Share the results of this project (e.g., with your faculty peers, through publication, as opportunities arise).
Jason Cooke,
Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Science
University of Alberta Permaculture Aquaponics System
The University of Alberta Permaculture Group is a multidisciplinary student research group focused on the design, operation, and research of aquaponics systems. Aquaponics integrates the farming of fish and vegetables to utilize fish by-products, eliminate water wastage, and grow produce year-round. This project will entail: construction of an aquaponics system; utilizing this system for research and outreach; and using this knowledge to contribute to academic conversation and advocate for sustainable practices in research and agriculture. This living laboratory will contribute to sustainability at UAlberta by promoting student research and innovation. Using a multidisciplinary team of students and faculty advisors, U of A Permaculture hopes to be an example of sustainable research and agriculture development.University of Alberta Permaculture Group$15,000.002019Major
Replace FAB Gallery Lighting with Sustainable LED LightingThis project will fund the replacement of aging lighting equipment in the Fine Arts Building Gallery with energy-efficient LED lighting. LED lights use less energy and have longer lifespans than their halogen counterparts, so this project will reduce energy consumption and waste. LED lighting also produces less waste heat and is easier and safer to work with. These upgrades also enable students to learn using modern industry-standard equipment so they may take their knowledge of sustainable gallery lighting into their professional endeavours. Finally, the project team will share their experience and advice about LED gallery lighting with others, such as the greater Edmonton gallery community.Joshua Wade,
Department of Art & Design,
Faculty of Arts
100 Debates on the EnvironmentHosting and documentation of a public forum featuring positions on environmental issues from all federal political parties. Part of a larger suite of forums being held across the country (100 Debates on the Environment). Co-supported by the Sustainability Council.Laurie Adkin,
Department of Political Science,
Faculty of Arts
Healthnuts 2019-20 KitchensHealthnuts is a student group committed to achieving sustainability while providing opportunities for fellow students to learn food skills, socialize, and feast as a community. The grant will support eight monthly kitchen events over the 2019-20 year, with the following sustainability highlights: (1) Meals are heavily plant- based; (2) Seasonal and locally-grown foods are given preference (when possible) when grocery shopping; (3) Participants bring their own cutlery and are provided with dishes from the Reusable Dish Program; (4) All leftovers are taken home, either by participants or executives, in an effort to eliminate food waste.Healthnuts$840.002019Micro
Campus Alberta Student Conference on Health (CASCH) 2019CASCH 2019 promotes a unique forum for students and faculty from Alberta’s institutions to discuss current trends and future directions of health in Alberta and beyond. In particular, this year’s program will include events with a focus on the impact of climate change on health. Grant funds will support speakers for the workshop "Developing leadership on climate change and health impacts for emerging health professionals” led by two speakers from the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) and provide volunteer recognition for waste-sorting volunteers.CASCH 2019 Steering Committee (School of Public Health)$250.002019Micro
Engineering Students' Society Engineering Our Future D-I-Y ActivityEngineering Our Future (EoF) will be a series of events designed to highlight sustainability in engineering. It will showcase faculty, alumni and industry across disciplines to highlight ways in which engineering students can become involved both on and off campus, and the roles they can play in sustainable development. Grant funds will support a D-I-Y activity that teaches students to make beeswax wraps as a plastic alternative in conjunction with the other Engineering Our Future events.Engineering Students' Society$250.002019Micro
Faculty of Engineering Graduate Student Research SymposiumThe Faculty of Engineering Graduate Student Research Symposium (FEGRS) is a student-run symposium that aims to provide graduate students a platform to promote their research, foster interdisciplinary collaboration, and provide networking opportunities with industrial and government partners. The theme of this year's symposium is Engineering Resilient Communities, with one sub-theme of Energy & Sustainability, to highlight connections between resilient communities, energy ssytems, and economic diversification. FEGRS 2019 ran June 25-27, 2019 on North Campus.FEGSR Planning Committee
(Faculty of Engineering)
We're Ready! Community Disaster Preparedness Pilot WorkshopThe We're Ready! Community Disaster Preparedness Pilot Workshop aims to provide faculty and staff at the University of Alberta with knowledge, skills, and resources to design their own disaster preparedness plans in order to prepare employees for climate emergencies in the workplace, while also providing them with knowledge to prepare for emergencies in their other communities (e.g. neighbourhoods). This pilot aims to address the gaps in emergency preparation and response at the community level.Eva Bogdan,
Department of Sociology,
Faculty of Arts

Mary Beckie,
Faculty of Extension
Replace Photo Studio Lighting with Sustainable LED LightingThe photography studio in Visual Communication Design, in the Department of Art & Design will replace their old inefficient halogen lighting equipment with energy-efficient LED lighting and associated equipment. By installing more efficient and durable LED technology, this project will reduce energy consumption, reduce waste, and improve safety (halogens are hot and break easily, vs. LEDs, which are cool and durable). Additionally, this project will ensure students are learning using modern industry-standard equipment so they may take their knowledge of sustainable photography lighting into their course projects and professional endeavours. The project team will also share their experience and advice about LED photo studio lighting with our greater Edmonton design community, alumni, and so on.Cindy Couldwell and Louise Asselstine,
Department of Art and Design,
Faculty of Arts
Advancing Sustainability in the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry LaboratoriesChemistry is a foundational part of a university science degree, with approximately 3000 students per academic year required to take organic chemistry. This project aims to investigate and implement changes to the undergraduate laboratory experiments to incorporate green chemistry and sustainability concepts that also then educate students on: 1) waste management, 2) value added products, and 3) water conservation.Hayley Wan,
Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Science
Campus Saint-Jean's Reusable Dishware ProgramAs part of an effort to reduce waste, increase environmental stewardship, and build more sustainable operations on campus, CSJ will initiate an on-site reusable dishware program. The program would provide free reusable dishware, including dinner plates, appetizer plates, bowls, beverage cups, and cutlery for use during events on campus. External groups that host events at CSJ will also have access to use the service for a nominal fee.Nada Baali,
Campus Saint-Jean
Saville Curling Rink - PaintingPainting the ten sheets of curling rink floor located in the Saville Community Sports Centre will decrease the amount of time required to install the ice on an annual basis and eliminate the requirement of painting the ice itself every year. This project saves time, reduces paint supply required (and then disposed of), and reduces utility costs. The estimated lifespan of the painted floor is 20 years.Greg Lembke,
Campus and Community Recreation,
Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation
Mapping the solar roof potential of the North Campus buildings at the University of AlbertaThis project will map the solar potential of existing North Campus buildings. They will utilize several methodologies developed by their research group, such as accurate solar energy generation prediction models and optimization models to determine the best layout of solar PV for a given roof. The specific outcome will be the energy generation capacity of each building, the proposed solar PV panel layout for the specific building and expected monthly generation based on the layout and historical weather data.Mustafa Gul,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering
Sustainable Tableware and Hosting MaterialsCounselling and Clinical Services will purchase a set of reusable dishes and basic stainless steel cutlery, plus individual water bottles, to encourage all staff to move away from disposable dishes and support staff bringing their lunch to work. Additionally, this group hosts a lot of large and small training events and will use the dishes for these events instead of disposables.Jason Murray,
Counselling and Clinical Services,
Office of the Dean of Students