B | C | D | E | F | |
3 | Lishan Az | Davis | Gaming to increase social awareness | itslishan.com | |
4 | Larry Bogad | Davis | Clown Army, Center for Tactical Performance, ModLab | Guerilla theatre and activist-art for human civil rights | lmbogad.com |
5 | Katharine P. Burnett | Davis | Global Tea Initiative | Tea-based knowledges, social/cultural understanding, ag, health | globaltea.ucdavis.edu |
6 | Glenda Drew | Davis | Design | Messages with strong social implications, interaction, audience participation | www.vergeart.com |
7 | Kris Fallon | Davis | Persuasion through different forms of data visualization | krisfallon.com | |
8 | Janko Gravner + Robin Hill | Davis | Senate's Collaborative Research Award | Project to simulate snow crystal growth, how scientific visualization aids artists | robin-hill.net |
9 | Keith Hennessy | Davis | Circo Zero CounterPULSE | Performance around global struggle of justice, queer/aids themes | circozero.org |
10 | Timothy Hyde | Davis | Art Studio | Contemporary photagrapher of places/ architecture/ landscape | timhyde.com |
11 | Oh-Hyun Kwon, Jla-Kai Chou, wan Liu Ma | Davis | Computer Science | Data visualization to tell a story about school bullying | kwonoh.net |
12 | N Claire Napawan | Davis | Human Ecology, Group Projects | Urban public spaces and contribution to urban resilience | grouprojects.com |
13 | Patsy Eubanks Owens | Davis | Focus on relationships between people and outdoor environment | humanecology.ucdavis.edu | |
14 | David De La Pena | Davis | Human Ecology, Sustainable Living and Learning Community (SLLC) | Numerous planning initiatives for sustainable living and experiential learning | https://daviddelapena.com |
15 | Marcus Renner | Davis | ArtPlace America, Geography Graduate Group | Research in how creative placemaking can advance sustainability | geography.ucdavis.edu |
16 | Michael Rios | Davis | Human Ecology, Community Development Graduate Group | Leading university-wide efforts to reward and recognize public scholarship | publicengagement.ucdavis.edu |
17 | Simon Sadler | Davis | Design, Design Observer | Research into socially engaged architecture and environments | arts.ucdavis.edu |
18 | Brett Snyder | Davis | Design, Cheng + Snyder | Public art and design that raise awareness towards modern issues | chengsnyder.com |
19 | Young Suh | Davis | Art Studio | Photographer of mostly nature and human involvement | youngsuksuh.com |
20 | Colin Tucker | Davis | Null Point | Place-based music, techniques specific to location | colintucker.wordpress.com |
21 | Katia Vega | Davis | Design, Wearable Technology Lab | Investigation of the daily human use of technology | katiavega.com |
22 | Susan Verba | Davis | Design , Center for Design in the Public Interest, SEGD: Society for Experimental Graphic Design | Redesign everyday objects for inclusivity, ease, democracy | arts.ucdavis.edu |
23 | Stephen Wheeler | Davis | Design of sustainable communities, urban morphology and social change | humanecology.ucdavis.edu | |
24 | Jiayi Young | Davis | Design | Examines contemporary society through tech, invites public dialogue | jiayiyoung.info |
25 | Bryan Argabrite | Berkeley | Artist + sculptor: focus on overlooked aspects of everyday life | bryanargabrite.com | |
26 | Irene Bloemraad | Berkeley | Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Iniative (BIMI) | How the public views immigrants and makes policies around them | sociology.berkeley.edu |
27 | Larry Bogad | Berkeley | Clown Army, Center for Tactical Performance, ModLab | Guerilla theatre and activist-art for human civil rights | lmbogad.com |
28 | Peter C. Bosselmann | Berkeley | Environmental Simulation Laboratory | Visualization and modeling, transformation of urban planning projects | ced.berkeley.edu |
29 | Anna Livia Brand | Berkeley | Environmental Design | Historic black mecca neighborhoods + gentrification and resistance | ced.berkeley.edu |
30 | Teresa Caldeira | Berkeley | Environmental Design | Urban form and political transformation, spatial segregation, democratization | ced.berkeley.edu |
31 | Karen Chapple | Berkeley | Center for Commmunity Innovation | USA + Latin American inequalities in planning, development, governance | karenchapple.com |
32 | Paris Cotz | Berkeley | Gibson Art Projects | Questioning the roots of California artistic identity vs American | artsdesign.berkeley.edu |
33 | Ghigo Ditomasso + Erika Chong Such | Berkeley | Public Space: PlaceMaking & Performance, Department of Theater | Landscape Architecture | Improptu performances and tactical placemaking, shared experience | placemakingandperformance.wordpress.com |
34 | Deborah Fisher | Berkeley | A Blade of Grass | Art and civic life in New York City, socially engaged art practice | abladeofgrass.org |
35 | Geoff di Girolamo | Berkeley | SurfaceDesign Inc, Environmental Design | Push people to engage with the landscape in new ways | sdisf.com |
36 | Walter Hood | Berkeley | Landscape Architecture, Hood Design Studio | Work with art, fabrication, design, landscape, research, urbanism | hooddesignstudio.com |
37 | Noura Howell | Berkeley | Jacob Institute for Design Innovation | How biosignals could be displayed in a social context + tech | nourahowell.com |
38 | Shannon Jackson | Berkeley | Berkeley Art Museum, Associate Vice Chancellor for the Arts and Design | Visual art and role in social institutions and social change | artsdesign.berkeley.edu |
39 | Linda Jewell | Berkeley | Landscape Architecture, Freeman & Jewell Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design | Artistic relationship between landscape and materials | freeman-jewell.com |
40 | Erik Lees + Kathi Lees | Berkeley | Lees + Associates | Connect people with meaningful landscapes | elac.ca |
41 | Jill Miller | Berkeley | Humor to open conversation around sensitive subject matter | jillmiller.net | |
42 | Susan Moffat | Berkeley | Global Urban Humanities | Love the Bulb | Atlas of the Albany Bulb | Narratives of nature/culture in public space, homelessness | globalurbanhumanities.berkeley.edu |
43 | Chris Myers | Berkeley | CITRIS Invention Lab at CITRIS and the Banatao Instittue | Product design/education: concept automobiles, medical equipment, exhibitions, wearable tech | invent.citris-uc.org |
44 | Greg Niemeyer | Berkeley | Center of New Media | Data for engaging artistic compositions, impact of human experiences | gregniemeyer.com |
45 | Eric Paulos | Berkeley | Jacob Institute for Design Innovation | Combination of technology, physical interaction, design, and experience | paulos.net |
46 | Scott Saul | Berkeley | The Berkeley Revolution | Connection between 20th century artistic vs social movements | english.berkeley.edu |
47 | Susannah Sayler + Ed Morris | Berkeley | The Canary Project, Art + Science Residence Program | Visual media to deepen understanding of nature, culture, ecology | sayler-morris.com |
48 | Simon Schleicher | Berkeley | Bio-inspired kinetic mechanisms to create flexible and moving pieces | designinnovation.berkeley.edu | |
49 | Claudia von Vacano | Berkeley | D-Lab | Data Science for Social Good | Online Hate Index | Research to identify online hate speech through machine learning algorithms | dlab.berkeley.edu |
50 | Bryan Wagner | Berkeley | Lousiana Slave Conspiracies | Material archival from two slave conspiracies, mapping, geospatial analysis | english.berkeley.edu |
51 | Peter Aldhous | Santa Cruz | Advanced Media Institute | Investigative journalism for data visualization | peteraldhous.com |
52 | Bryan Argabrite | Santa Cruz | Artist + sculptor: focus on overlooked aspects of everyday life | bryanargabrite.com | |
53 | Jorgge Menna Barreto | Santa Cruz | Site-specificity from a South American perspective | jorggemennabarreto.com | |
54 | Micha Cardenas | Santa Cruz | Critical Realities Studio | Art to address critical global issues: climate change, racism, gendered violence | criticalrealities.sites.ucsc.edu |
55 | Sharon Daniel | Santa Cruz | Interactive documentaries:public health + education, and criminal justice | sharondaniel.net | |
56 | A.M. Darke | Santa Cruz | Subversive art and games: intersectionality, maximizing agency for marginalized bodies | prettydarke.cool | |
57 | Dee Hibbert-Jones | Santa Cruz | Social Practice Research Center SPARC at UCSC | Animation, installation, public art to examine diverse subjects | deehibbertjones.com |
58 | Karolina Karlic | Santa Cruz | Unseen California, Arts + UC NRS | Documentation of American culture: those affected by post-modernization of the auto industry | karolinakarlic.com |
59 | Sri Kurniawan | Santa Cruz | ASSIST | CAVE Lab | Center for Games and Playable Media | Evaluation of interactive systems for those with disabilities and underprivileged | users.soe.ucsc.edu |
60 | Jimin Lee | Santa Cruz | Contemporary Print Media Research Center | New forms of print media: mobility, displacement and labor | jiminleeart.net |
61 | Cynthia Ling Lee | Santa Cruz | Art-making, activism, and theory | cynthialinglee.com | |
62 | A. Laurie Palmer | Santa Cruz | Material explorations of matter, social+enviromental justice | alauriepalmer.net | |
63 | Jennifer Parker | Santa Cruz | OpenLab Research Center, The Algae Society: Bio Art & Design Collective | Interdisciplinary work that bridges art, design, science, and technology. | openlabresearch.com |
64 | Susana Ruiz | Santa Cruz | Transmedia storytelling, game-based learning, participatory design | danm.ucsc.edu | |
65 | Warren Sack | Santa Cruz | Exploration and design for online public space and public discussion | people.ucsc.edu | |
66 | Elizabeth Stephens | Santa Cruz | E.A.R.T.H. Lab | earthlab.ucsc.edu | |
67 | Elizabeth Swensen | Santa Cruz | Game design: personal narrative, social dynamics, and identity | games.arts.ucsc.edu | |
68 | Carlo Camporesi | Merced | Avametric, CINEC | 3D visualizations in archaeological landscapes | ucmerced.academia.edu |
69 | Fabrizio Galeazzi | Merced | World Cultures | 3D survey, reconstruct, and communicate archaeological sites | graduatestudent.ucmerced.edu |
70 | ShiPu Wang | Merced | Global Art Studies | Focus on pre-WWII American art by artists of Asian descent | faculty.ucmerced.edu |
71 | Jennie Samuelson | Merced | Global Art Studies, Children's Opera | Opera: presents engaging messages for children | gasp.ucmerced.edu |
72 | Holley Moyes | Merced | Las Cuevas Archaeological Reconnaissance Project | Conceptualization of sacred space: creation, use, maintainence | faculty.ucmerced.edu |
73 | Jan Goggans | Merced | Central Valley Threads | Exhibit about marginalized and poor in the central valley | ucmerced.edu |
74 | Elizabeth Ackert | Santa Barbara | Geography | ||
75 | Ninotchka Bennahum | Santa Barbara | Theatre and Dance | ||
76 | Sarah Rosalena Brady | Santa Barbara | Visual Art / Digital Media | ||
77 | Alenda Chang | Santa Barbara | Film Media and Television | writing / mapping urban space | platformspace.net |
78 | Swati Chattopadhyay | Santa Barbara | History of Art and Architecture | ||
79 | Iman Djouini | Santa Barbara | College of Creative Studies / Art | ||
80 | Lisa Jevbratt | Santa Barbara | Visual Art / Digital Media | ||
81 | Alex Lucas | Santa Barbara | Visual Art | gaming | |
82 | Jane Mulfinger | Santa Barbara | Art | ||
83 | Jeffrey Stewart | Santa Barbara | Black Studies | ||
84 | Kim Yasuda | Santa Barbara | Public Practice / Art | ||
85 | Rebecca Allen | Los Angeles | Inside, Neuroscape | VR, wearable computing, large-scale performance + interactive experience design | rebeccaallen.com |
86 | Refik Anadol | Los Angeles | Visions of America, Neuroscape | Site-specific public art: parametric data sculptures + audio/visual performance | refikanadol.com |
87 | Judy Baca | Los Angeles | Digital Mural Lab | Murals/painting: educational + community-based art methodlogies | judybaca.com |
88 | Dana Cuff | Los Angeles | cityLab | Metropolitan possibilities through experimental projects | citylab.ucla.edu |
89 | Keivin Daly | Los Angeles | Kevin Daly Architects | Traditional + digital design processes: available technology to create urbanism | kevindalyarchitects.com |
90 | Yara Feghali | Los Angeles | Folly Feast Lab | Visual immersive experiences: social and urban themes | follyfeastlab.com |
91 | Rebecca Mendez | Los Angeles | Description of journeys to unfamiliar and extreme places | rebecamendez.com | |
92 | Christian Moeller | Los Angeles | Installation: contemporary media to create exciting visual spaces | christianmoeller.com | |
93 | Jennifer Steinkamp | Los Angeles | Digital/traditional media: creation of large scale conversations | jsteinkamp.com | |
94 | Irvine | ||||
95 | Irvine | ||||
96 | Irvine | ||||
97 | Irvine | ||||
98 | Irvine | ||||
99 | Irvine | ||||
100 | Irvine | ||||
101 | Imani Kai Johnson | Riverside | Exclusion, marginalization + affects on aesthetics of Hip Hop | dance.ucr.edu |