Orange Cards (starter)
Hello I'm trying to get my Adderall prescription filled. I had my other medications set to be mailed to me and I had the Adderall in my cart when I did so. I just wanted to make sure I'll be able to pick it up at the pharmacy because it said rejected on my receipt page after I paid for the other meds.
Blue Cards (body parts)
Yellow Cards (action cards)
Red Cards (defense cards) Purple Cards (distracts until the next round) Green Cards (winner)Pink Cards (losers)
Nymphomaniac Breasts BC1 becomes BC2 ...and also your nipples. Your hands must constantly massage your breasts.
Choose three card sets to give yourself or give away, one from or to each player.
Look and act like you are orgasming anytime you speak an O.
If there's a dick you ache for it, if no dick then you have one that aches.
Genitals BC enlarges CHOICE Fully Reflected You must keep one finger in your mouth/pussy/butt Choose the changes that will only reappear during sex.
Drop this card on your card sets; Whatever it lands on will be your new fetish obsession, you can't orgasm without someone playing with it.
Platonic becomes romantic Pussy BC Duplicated I Choose A New Target You have no mouth/eyes/ears Discard all, take one.You no longer have an internal monologue when it comes to sex.
Love the ones you're with. Legs BC Hornier I take one card and replace with... You are locked in an endless orgasm Discard all changes receive one random voice modifier.
Those around you compelled to treat you like a (winner chooses:animal, child, servant, slave, bimbo, idiot, inanimate object)
Bisexual Mouth
BC more sensitivity CHOICE
Reflected 2x You have turned into a statue of stone/gold/plastic Discard all changes, recieve one clothing modifier.You have random blurt tongue (other players choose when it is silly, sexy or random or animal)
Lust for game players Ass BC becomes black latex Half and Half You conjoin with the player to your right/left
Discard all changes, receive a random orange card to affect you for the rest of your life.
You speak in the third person.
Phalic is your new fantasic. If it resembles a d!ck you love it like one.
Hair BC becomes like a cow's If Me Then You Nudist. Any clothing worn immediately disappears.
People can see your changes but consider them as mundane / unremarkable.
Select a new orange card to replace your original one
BC becomes gold/stone/etc
Reflect on random target Good Vibrations. Your genitals naturally vibrate at a constant teasing hum.
Choose 2 changes to keep, discard the rest. Your history is re-written as though you were always this way.
Loosers return to normal but winner draws one blue and yellow card for each looser to have for the rest of their lives
I cream like genie, whenever engaged in intercourse you act like a submissive genie, once you stop you go back to normal.
Ears BC is removed
RPG You or me. Everyone rolls a 20 sided die? (dice?). lowest roll recieves cards played or a random orange card.
Honesty Honestly. Whenever you are asked a direct question, you are forced to answer with the truth. You release pheromones that make people like youWinner can change loosers clothes to whatever they choose whenever they choose, whereever they are.
Head or Pig tails. You must randomly flip a coin with heads you insatiably crave cock, with tails you act , sound & look, like a little girl or baby for a short duration.
Nose BC is more flexible
Senders voice becomes (random: animal blurt, bimbo, sexual blurt/tourettes, squeeky, other)
Call My Name. You orgasm whenever someone calls you by your name. You age half as quickly as you would naturallyRandom silly name & behaviour generator. Your name is now ( ) & you act/sound like a ( )
Spank the monkey. You have the urge Masturbate a cock or get spanked. If not you act and look like(ish) a monkey till you do.
Whole Body BC1 switches with BC2
Sender gets a random orange card they havent recieved yet along with their original (not a replacement orange).
Ventriloquist. You speak from your crotch instead of your mouth, creating pleasurable tingles when you do.
Like a mermaid, your changes only reappear when you are doused with water.
For the rest of your life you respond to command like a (Dog, Slave,Submissive,Robot,zombie ect.)
Horny Jackass. You've got donkey ears (and more?), you randomly bray and youve the ass of a donkey free to anyone who'll use it.
Pick one body part
BC is tattooed with CHOICE
Hands free. Sender must orgasm 4 times without using hands before being allowed to play cards against others again.
Freeze! You freeze in position, like a statue, for 10 minutes whenever you orgasm. You get one wishWere you are. Every full moon you turn into a were,(bimbo, clown, nympho, poodle, ect )
Doggy Style. A dog collar appears around your neck & You act like a dog and desperately hunger to be fucked like a bitch.
Pick two body parts Grow a donkey tale
Reciever has choice of accepting senders cards or recieving random new ones.
Strut Your Stuff. You can only balance to stand or walk while wearing heels with at least a 4 inch heel, otherwise you can only crawl.
You must always wear a leather collar or choker or your changes reapear.
Your history is re-written as though you were always this way.
The feeling of your clothes make you horney but each time you remove them to touch yourself they're replaced with a more ridiculous outfit.
Pick three body parts. Two happen to player, Very very small print: one will happens to you.( you don't choose which happens to you.
Permanently wears CHOICE
Head or Tail. recipiant flips a coin. Heads they give another player head(if no player has a penis ,one grows on a member till they cum in recipiants mouth.) Tails recipiant grow a tail of the senders choosing.
Barking Mad. You lose the ability to talk or understand human speech, you can only bark and whine like a dog
You receive your hearts desire but are now restricted to the makeup & wardrobe of a drag queen
Winner can give you an additional purple or orange card permanently. Your history is re-written as though you were always this way.
At the end of each turn you have a thunderous orgasm & your clothes are replaced with a new silly/sexy/ridiculous outfit(option:each new outfit has secret properties)
BC becomes like animal's of CHOICE
Sender randomly acts and sounds like an animal of recievers choice.
Totally 'Armless. Any arms you may have disappear as though they never existed.
You receive your hearts desire but your makeup & clothing is forever restricted to cosplay
You release pheromones that make people dislike you.
Two fur one. You start with one feature like an animal but the next time an animal feature is played at you another is added for free along with a powerful orgasm.
Fingers Bc like a clown's
Sender randomly blurts their sexual fantasies and must orgasm once each round or miss their turn on next round.
Like Clockwork. Every hour, on the hour, you will orgasm.
You receive your hearts desire but your body hair grows at 5 x it’s normal speed.
You are no longer capable of pleasuring yourself to orgasm and require others to help you achieve any kind of release.
Love that ass. You have donkey ears and a tail& Each time your butt or that of another player is touched, modified or mentioned, you bray like a donkey, feel more horny & randomly blurt/bray "I'm a horney fuck donkey!" Or words to that effect.
Toes Bc Changes colour
Reciever changes senders clothing & hair to any costume/style & color of their choosing(If hair like an animal, user can pick a new animal)..
You shrink to 12 inches in height. You may choose to keep or give away each of your changes to another player.Those around you no longer see you as human and are compelled to treat you like an animal or inanimate object.
First up, third person. Player speaks in the third person Feet BC shrinks by CHOICE Reciever can not be targeted by sender during the next round Autophobia. You feel phantom hands pleasuring you mercilessly whenever you are alone You now have mood boobs & Pinocchio ears(that grow larger when you lie)You cannot consume food or drink, and must orgasm 3 times-a-day for sustenance instead.
Courage of feathers. You randomly act like & transform into a giant chicken & lay a golden egg resulting in a powerful orgasm.(small print. When cracked egg releases a random effect on a fellow player. While a chicken player can not be targeted )
Arms Bc like a dog
Reciever can pass on senders cards and effects to another player of their choosing.
Pauper'al Punishment. You cannot use or interact with anything you own or steal anything new. You must beg or borrow clothes, food, shelter etc. from others. Your history is re-written as though you were always this way
Those around you will panic in your presence as though you are a dangerous or unpredicatable animal unless you are tied up. While you are in some kind of bondage people will treat you normally.
Hair today, Gone tomorrow. At the beginning of each turn your hair disappears & is replaced with a new style/length/cut/colour there is a 40% chance your ears will change randomly as well. You also receive a powerful orgasm.
Be like an animal of a player other than user or targets choosing.
Reciever can change senders face Makeup to any look they choose (Drag queen, clown, cat, bimbo,dog, ect).
Hot Seat. You cannot sit down without masturbating.
Your changes are unremarkable to those around you. They can perceive your changes but do not react as though there is anything unusual about you.
You can only sleep normally if you are in a cage,on a dog bed, or on a normal bed but you sleep like a dog.
Catty . You begin with a large bell collar around your neck, whiskers, a big cat tail, fur,the mannerisms of a cat & ramdom words repllaced with cat sounds. & the inability not to respond if a person speaks to you in adorable cat speak.
Be like a mythical/fictional creature of users choosing
Receiver removes one past change but adds additional yellow card to current cards played against them now.
The Floor is Lava. While any part of you is in direct contact with the ground, you feel phantom hands spanking you mercilessly
You have everything you ever desired but must dress up & randomly act like farm animals or be naked for the rest of your life
You must spend four waking hours of each day dressed like a baby & 2 dressed like a French maid.
Doctor DoMe Little. During each round you blurt sounds(Randomly have the mannerisms of) and have one physical feature of a random animal. At the end of turn member has a huge orgasm and the feature, blurt and mannerisms are replaced by new ones...
Belly Button
Bc like a random mythical/fictional creature.
Receiver can swap one effect they currently have with player targeting them.
When exposed to direct sunlight you uncontrollably look,act & sound like a bimbo. Your changes only reappear above a certain temperatureYou take three additional orange or purple cards at random, all become permanent.
Thumb like it hot. One of your thumbs turns into a penis you & others love to suck & it makes them & you incredibly horney. Who ever tastes the semen your thumb produces experiences an incredible orgasm & recieves a random effect.
Clitoris Bc like a monkey
Next round receiver can swap 3 cards with sender once cards are drawn but before round begins.
When you are cold your body grows a soft layer of downy fur & a tail. When you are hot you pant like a dog & you get extremely thirsty & all fluids arouse you & enlarge your breasts
Your changes only reappear in direct moonlightYou fall helplessly in love with the first person you next make eye contact with, becoming sexually submissive to them.
Nudist. Any clothing worn immediately disappears. Tongue
Random effect (Hat appears, member pulls card out)
Sender draws a new orange card to replace their original. Your clothes & makeup randomly change to a character from the Wizard of Oz
Your changes disappear when you orgasm, reappearing exactly 4 hours later
Your entire history is erased. Though you still exist and remember your past, all evidence of your existence and memories non-players have of you vanish.
Good Vibrations. Your genitals naturally vibrate at a constant teasing hum.
AssholeBc like a french maid
Sender has no inner monologue(all thoughts are spoken) till the end of next turn.
You are 4 feet tall & when ever someone mentions you height you orgasm & blurt “I’m a horny fuck midget!”
Discard all changes. Draw three purple cards and choose one to affect you permanently.
You are incapable of refusing any sexual advance, and can only speak sexually explicit invitations. You are pansexual.
Honesty Honestly. Whenever you are asked a direct question, you are forced to answer with the truth.
FaceBc swapped with sender
Sender licks, loves & worshippers the feet of person to their left till turn ends.
Can’t take a compliment. After being complimented, you will obey the first command/order/suggestion that person gives you.
Seductive Kiss. Anyone you kiss will happily obey anything you say for 24 hours, thinking nothing strange of their obedience afterwards.
Those around you will always assume you are a cheap prostitute, and offer you small change for sex, no matter how much you protest or try to explain otherwise.
Productive Member of Society. Your breasts produce milk (or another liquid) / Your cock produces extra cum, and require 'milking' twice a day.
HeadBc becomes extra furry
Sender licks, loves & worshippers the tits of person to their left till turn ends.
When you use any washroom you must masturbate to orgasm 3 times or be locked in till you do.
Flash the Cash. Choose 2 changes to keep, discard the rest. You can no longer pay for anything with money. Instead you can only complete a transaction by flashing the seller, which they will treat as normal payment.
Cum Again? People cannot recognise you as you, no matter how familiar you may be, until you orgasm in front of them. If you are separated for more than an hour, they forget you again.
Call My Name. You orgasm whenever someone calls you by your name. Ass(or tail if applicable )
Bc cause user to purr & meow when touched or thought about
Sender strips naked & masturbates, un able to orgasm till end of turn
Child wizards & magicians randomly appear, cast goofy spells on you then disappear. F$&* wizard school!!!
Centerfold Life. Choose 2 changes to keep, discard the rest. You appear naked in any photo taken of you. People will see your nakedness as embarrassing and / or erotic (and even comment on it) but not troubling or strange in any way, and will continue to display your pictures regardless of if they would usually cause a problem.
Your darkest phobia becomes your strongest fetish.
Purrfect. You purr like a cat when excited or aroused. Lower half of body
Bc becomes like a dog and causes user to bark like a dog when they touch or think about them or are treated like a dog
Senders boobs shrink 3 sizes but their ears grow bigger in exchange.
You instantly obey anyone who is ten year or more younger than you. (You perfectly understand baby words)
Money Making Machine. Choose 3 changes to keep, discard the rest. Whenever you orgasm you painlessly produce $50 in quarters.
All losers must meet once a month to draw a 1 replacement orange & purple card(accept or pass it to other looser) must use public transit whenever possible.
Always On. You are always physically aroused, pussy always wet/ cock always erect.
Upper half of body.
Bc like a chicken with user blurted randomly acting like a chicken
Any first person words me, I, I’m, my, I’ve ect. are replaced in the senders vocabulary with dog sounds.
Adicted to Caffine:Tea make you horny, coffee makes you submissive, energy drinks are red kryptonite & soft drinks are random silly. Cinderella. Your changes only reappear between midnight and sunrise.
Those around you perceive you as a farm / zoo animal of the Winners choosing, nothing you do can convince them otherwise. (You are seen as a prized specimen of that animal, protecting you from slaughter.)
Ventriloquist. You speak from your crotch, creating pleasurable tingles when you do.
BC cannot be covered by any clothing
Ruff! around the edges: Dog collar appears around senders neck,(physical changes optional) who now has mannerisms of a dog & will obey silly dog commands (speak,roll over,beg, good girl). Small print: Owning a dog is a privilege not a right. If player gives more than 3 commands in a turn, card & effects are transferred to them.
You become extremely submissive to anyone who is with a dog (playing with, walking one, using : service animal,training etc. The dog must be with them)
Stick-or-Twist. You may choose to exchange all of your changes with those of another player or keep your own. Then discard 1 change.
You can only orgasm from the tongue of an animal.
Freeze! You freeze in position, like a statue, for 10 minutes whenever you orgasm
BC naturally glows like a beacon
Receiving player gets double points for changes played on them from sender this turn.
Your hands & feet grow 2-3 times their normal size & arevery hairy.
Living Perfection. Choose 3 changes to keep, discard the rest. Your appearance is permanently flawless; your hair always perfectly styled, make-up perfectly applied, teeth white, skin flawless, weight maintained at perfect fitness and flexibility. You personal hygene is always perfect, it is impossible for you to ever smell or become dirty.
Half-Inanimate. The lower half of your body turns to immovable crystal / gold / stone / glass, but retains full feeling. Non-Players perceive you as a statue, nothing you do can convince them otherwise.
Strut Your Stuff. You can only balance to stand or walk while wearing heels with at least a 4 inch heel, otherwise you can only crawl
thighsBC becomes plant-like
Sender subtracts 4 points from their score, removed 4 changes but redraws cards that created those changes(defence, yellow & blue) with no points given to them for said changes.
No running allowed. If you move at any pace faster than a risk walk your hands tuck under your arms and you loudly cluck like a chicken till you stop. (You are now addicted to jogging )
Inanimate Enemies. Choose 3 changes to keep, discard the rest. 3 People of your choice are turned permanently into gold statues (You do not have to use your choices immediately or at the same time)
Muted. You are inacapable of making any sound at all.
Your ears are three times their normal size & extremely sensitive and erogenous.
BC detaches, but you can still feel it as though it were part of you
Sender subtracts 5 points, receiver gets 5 points. Receiver swaps one change with sender.
Whenever you use a photo filter (bunny, puppy,kitty,wizard) it becomes reality for a half hour. Any attempt to touch up personal images instantly activates clown filter.
Gastronomique-Gasm. Random food & drink give you scream out loud orgasms (trigger food & drink never the same twice) & you pant like a dog.
Topsy Turvy. Your body works upside down, you can only walk in a handstand (or equivalent for your form) which now comes naturally to you. Those around you will treat you as though you are the right-way-up, talking to your lower half. Attempting to right yourself will result in dizzyness.
At the drop of a hat. You orgasm at the drop of a hat. Every space you enter is magically full of hats.
kneesBC tastes like fruit
Physical challenge . a random physical challenge is presented to reciever and sender: looser receives full effect of original cards plus one random effect..
Don’t wind me up. You have an extremely obvious wind up key in your back. Unles you persuade people to wind it you freeze in place.
Reverse Nudist. Those around you will perceive you as wearing items of clothing you are missing, appearing fully dressed to them if you are naked, and naked if you are fully dressed.
Hair Trigger. Your feel extreme pleasure when your hair brushes against anything.
small of backGlitters
Sex Monkey. All physical changes to sender are suspended for one turn. Replaced by looks, sounds & mannerisms of a submissive horny nympho sex monkey. Sender must sexually service all players for missed turn. At end of turn, previous physical transformation and free will returns.
You must eat all meals from a dog bowl without using your hands Technological no no. Electronic devices of any kind that you attempt to use do not work for you.
Mind Reader. You can hear the darkest, most perverted, sexual thoughts those around you have about you.
shouldersGlows in the dark
Whose the baby now? Senders clothes turn into an exagerated baby outfit (complete with diaper, bonette, pacifier & baby toys. Senders speech & behaviour are baby like till the end of the turn.
You are extremely flatulent for the next 24 hrs.
Inanimate Talent. Without physically changing, you gain the function of a random inanimate object. (For example a radio; tuned by twisting your nipples, the antenae in your feet, and sound coming from your mouth)
Slipper the tongue. You now have a craving & fetish for licking footwear no matter how hard you try to stop yourself
backRandomly changes color
Just might Get it. Sender turns into a small submissive man who loves being pegged & servicing others for an entire turn. Player can not be targeted during this time and is first to play cards next round when they turn back to their previous state.
Table service. You can only speak when you are on your hands & knees
Attention Whore. You can only orgasm if at least 10 people are watching. Failing to verbally thank your audience afterwards increases this number by 1 (each time).
Someone’s going to loose an I. You speak in the third person but can Challenge one player each turn(a random Challenge appears) the looser speaks in the third person. Next turn they can Challenge someone else
Grows & shrinks depending on your mood
Reciever can change senders name to whatever you like for next 3 turns. They know it’s changed but can’t stop answering to it. If name has a physical or behavior implication, target will Change accordingly. i.e. big boob bimbo Trixie, Midget cheerleader Tanya or Bunny french maid Yvette.
You can only speak while balancing on one leg, pulling on both ears/mastubating/massaging your tits ( other caviat)
Service with a smile. You are now another players service animal. Almost everyone treats you like a compassionate pet & you randomly sound and act like one, unable to disobey your mistress’s commands.
Like they do on the discovery channel. your ears now replaced by random animal ones & Your speech is now punctuated by random animal sounds
anklesHas a mind of its own
Sender now has a big cowbell collar around their neck. Each time the bell rings they moo , squirt milk they are addicted to and have a small orgasm.
Eggstraordinary. You lay at least one egg every hour from any appropriate orifice.
By sheer wool alone. You quickly grow a thick coat like a sheep that must be constantly trimmed or your body becomes overwhelmed by it.
throatGrows every time you lie
Sender must dance to random music that fills the room tilll their next turn . If there is a break, they will dance through it. Dancing makes them horny.
Jumbled Up. Five of your distinct body parts (such as those listed as blue cards) swap places with 5 other body parts Eyes on Me. You turn into an inanimate statue unless someone is looking at you.
Causes you to bark like a dog when you think, talk about, or look at it
Giggles, wiggles, fiddles or diddles. sending Player randomly receives one. Uncontrollably giggles , wiggles their assets, plays with their hair or whatever is around or masturbates.
Who am I? You forget any information about your identity or personal history, and accept anything anyone tells you about yourself as fact. Moonlighting. Your night job will be the most raunchy/silly/absurd opposite to whatever your daytime occupation is.
labiaSmells & tastes like
rhythm is the dancer. A pole appears and sender dances & acts & sound like a desperate stripper for entire turn (or longer depending on order) player realizes it but cant stop and can not be targeted. Once over, player plays their cards first .
Topsy Turvy. Your body works upside down, you can only walk in a handstand (or equivalent for your form) which now comes naturally to you. Those around you will treat you as though you are the right-way-up, talking to your lower half. Attempting to right yourself will result in dizzyness.
You draw a new orange or purple card (replacing the previous one) each week for the rest of your life .(Note no card user winner or looser will ever attempt to take their or another players life)
mons venus
Anyone looking/staring at it will talk like a parrot
Sender receives two of receivers effects(now removed from reciever) plus one random effect .
Go with the Flow. You become a living fountain, water (or another appropriate liquid if your body already creates it) squirts endlessly from your body in powerful jets.
Crowd Pleaser. You can only orgasm after making 100 different people cum first (can be indirect masturbation while thinking about you), once the 100th person has cum, the counter resets and you spontaneously orgasm with the combined strength of those 100 orgasms.
pubic hair
Changes colour every time you swear
Receiver now has a giant bucket of catnip & sender has mannerisms & sounds and random features of a cat addicted to cat tip till bucket is used up
Energizer Bunny. You freeze in place unless you are actively playing with yourself. (You can move a hand only enough to begin this process)
Reverse Stimulation. All the time you spend not masturbating, it will feel to you as though you are, even during and immediately after any phantom climax you may experience. All the time you spend actively masturbating, you will feel normal.
body hair/fur
Changes colour any time someone else swears
Just ducky! Your mouth & nose are replaced by a ducks bill. Walk in their shoes. You swap bodies with the player to your left / right
Personal Assistant. The game winner gains a magical pendant which you are sucked in to. While inside the pendant time for you passes very slowly and you experience any pleasure felt by the wearer at increased intensity. The wearer can release you by rubbing the pendant; while released you must obey any order given by the wearer.
skinBC increases in absorbency
Condensed milk. You can now only orgasm if your nipples are pulled in a quick jerking motion(which produces thick milk)
Wooden Yew Know It. You turn into an inanimate tree, in the place of the nearest existing tree. Your body forming the trunk; with branches and leaves sprouting from your head and arms, and roots from your feet. Non-player observers will see you as any other mundane tree.
BC increases in density/weight/solidness
Everyone but Me. Every other player but the receiver is affected by the change
Out of Control. Your body takes on an embarrassing mind of it's own. You lose control of all parts of your body from the neck down while retaining full feeling. Those around you cannot perceive the parts of you that you still control, and do not consider anything your body does as unusual.
BC increases in porousness/spongeyness
Democracy. All players may vote on if the change affects the sender or the receiver, in the case of a tie, the first player to the receiver's left that isn't the sender has the deciding vote.
Worn Out. You turn into a random item of another players clothing.
ball of foot
BC inflates with air to twice the volume
Save Me! The player to the receivers left/right is affected by the change instead
Sealed Shut. All of your orifices, save your eyes and ears, seal closed. You do not need to breathe, eat, drink or use the bathroom. Your feet become incredibly sensitive to pleasure.
arch of foot
BC inflates with water to twice the volume
Switcheroo. The receiver may pick another of the senders changes to receive instead. The sender receives the played change in its place.
Dude looks like a lady.You have the deep baratone voice of a man,an Adam’s apple, large rough hands & a substantial package, but still act extremely feminine.
BC inflates with liquid of choice to twice the volume
Mirror Image. The receiver may pick one of their changes to affect the sender too.
Anyone that you are extremely attracted to becomes your personal narrator. “Suddenly Jen realized to coffee barrista could narrate her to do anything”
uterus/wombBC is less flexible/stiffer
For Life. Receiver chooses one of senders changes, senders history and memories are rewritten as though they were always that way.
Your body changes to reflect any catcalls or compliments you receive.
BC takes on characteristics of fruit of choice
Spin the bottle .player who bottle stops on gets changes( must chug contents of bottle or deep throat-it as well)
Sense of Detachment. Your head is detached from your body, though you can still feel and control both. Your head is teleported to a random location within a quarter mile of your body.
clitoral hood
BC takes on characteristics of vegetable of choice
Receiver gains an additional blue and yellow card set which they can play as a bonus turn this round. (This defense card has no direct effect on the received change).
Hungry Hungry Hippo. Any food you see you are compelled to eat. Anything you eat is turned to milk / cum (or another fluid) instead of waste.
BC takes on characteristics of absolutely any object of choice. The cards will appreciate imaginative and unconventional choices, granting a bonus affect to neighbouring body parts. The cards may also punish boring and commonly used choices, turning the affect back on the sender
Feeling Mixed-Up. Receiver chooses a non-erogenous part of Sender's body. The chosen part becomes the Sender's ONLY erogenous zone, becoming hyper-sensitive to pleasure and touch. Any other erogenous zones they may have become numbed, feeling like any other part of Sender's body.
Poser. You become extremely flexible. Uncontrollably and at random, your body uses this flexibility to pose sexually, holding this pose for random lengths of time.
Pending orgasms will migrate and centre in BC until released by further stimulation
Twist it. From the waist up Sender's upper body is turned 180 degrees, as though on back to front.
Toy Employ. You turn into the perfect sextoy for the player to your left/right, but keep your full awareness.
BC is replaced with a cybernetic prosthetic upgrade, complete with usb port
Part Exchange. Receiver can choose a part of Sender's body to exchange with a part of their own, this switch happens AFTER receiver's change has occured. (They do not have to be the same parts).
Squirrelly. You grow a giant squirrel tail & ears, crave to have testicles in your mouth & can only consume food if your cheeks are first stuffed full of it.
BC is flattened into a living 2D anime style image. Complex optical illusions allow for continued interaction in 3D space
Reprieve. Sender's change affects Receiver as normal, but players cannot target the Receiver with any new card sets until Receiver's next turn.
You have a wireless remote control attached to your body that can control & alter your looks & behaviour.Itonly works for those who really like or dislike you. You can’t touch it.
jointsBC is numb to all sensation
Sheer Force of Will. Receiver feels phantom hands pleasuring them for 5 minutes. If they can resist an orgasm, Sender receives the change instead of them. If they fail, they receive the change as normal.
Any time you touch human skin (even your own, through fabric) it grows fur.
taintBC is twice as wobbly/jiggly
Super-Size You. Receiver picks a part of Sender's body to triple in size.
You sound, dress like & are treated like a little girl by everyone till you convince them otherwise(this lasts a max of 45 minutes)
sternumBC is twice as firm
Meandering Milk Line: For every blue card played until the Sender's next turn, including any played this turn, the Sender will have that body part replaced with a breast or breasts. Fine print: Where necessary, the breast will assume the appropriate size and function of the body part being replaced. If the body part is already a breast, additional breasts will either be added to the surface of, or located next to the existing breast or breasts
You can only speak out loud when you are on your knees
collarBC is more elastic
Asymetrical acceptance: Receiver accepts the senders change, but can specify that only one side of the body is affected. Fine Print: Even though the choice is implied between the left and right side, clever players may also specify front and back or top and bottom. Even finer print: Caution, chosing a side without the bodypart in question (ie chosing the back side to avoid a change to the breasts) will result in a duplication of the body part on both sides and the affect being doubled as a penalty
You must obey any order preceded by the words “Simon says”.
BC increases in pleasaruble warmth/heat until almost unbearable
Phallic of Sapphic: Sender must chose between growing a penis or becoming a lesbian. If one of these conditions is already met and chosen, the affect will be doubled
Sensory deprivation: One of your senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, balance) is randomly lost after each orgasm. At the next orgasm, the lost sense is restored and another random sense is taken away. Fine print: once the sense of touch is lost, it may be difficult to achieve an orgasm and regain it
BC increases in stimulating cold until near frozen
Reverse the polarity: Sender's moral compass will point in the opposite direction to its usual state, and sender will remain conscious of their new compulsion to act contrarily to their usual habits
Speed things up: The time required to reset for another orgasm gets progessively shorter
BC increases in hardness to rock-hard and eventually diamonds
Decoupled: The right and left hemisphere of the Senders brain will no longer act in unity, seizing control of one half of the body each to act in accordance with either logic or emotion independently
Slow things down: the duration of each subsequent orgasm will get progressively longer than the last
Chose 2 BCs, one to grow by double and one to shrink by half. If both body parts are joined or connected, the affect is doubled
Player uses animated hand gestures while speaking but 60% of the time the hand gestures are very sexual in nature & not under the players control.
BC takes on the characteristics of any childrens toy of choice
Tears of a clown. Sender now looks and sounds like a clown.
Framed: the player will spend a day in a special kind of bondage - trapped as a living image inside a picture frame hanging on the wall. Certain passers by will notice her movements and struggles to leave her 2D prison cell inside the painting, others won't notice or will refuse to notice. A small number will even attempt to interact and touch sensitive parts on the surface, causing strange and unfamiliar feelings of arousal. Orgasms will be denied.
BC becomes transparent like a balloon, to any hue of choice
Suit your elf. Player has BIG pointy ears, a high pitched cutsy voice (all swearing is replaced. Fiddle sticks, gosh, heck) and any clothing they wear will have fur lining, bright colors & jingle bells on it.
Upholstered: Player will become painlessly stuffed and coverered in a thick woven material with heavy duty stitching and piping at the seems in the tradition of an old fashioned arm chair. Movement will still be allowed but the player will not be able to speak with her mouth stiched shut
BC becomes invisible, but still exists. Fine print: any exposed flesh will appear as if covered by skin
Your ears and nipples grow 5 times their size and cause you to have sexual Tourette’s syndrome when you or others touch them.
Everytime the targetted player touches their BC, the rest of their body excluding the BC will shrink by 1%. Fine Print: Shrinking is pleasurable and addictive
Express your Elf. You now look, sound (high pictchec queaky voice) & cant stop yourself from acting like an oversexed woodland elf.
Cause player to laugh/giggle/belch/fart glitter/orgasm making random animal sounds (random two occur on every touch) whenever the BC part is touched
Bright eyed & bushy tailed. You now have large bunny ears, a fluffy bunny tail, whiskers, spots of Downey soft fur and the libido of a rabbit in heat and an overwhelming urge to deep throat a carrot and or fill yourself with one or more.
BC takes on characteristics of any confectionary/sweets/lollies/dessert of choice
Careless Lisper. You now speak with an extreme lisp and have no filter on what you say, you randomly speak what you are thinking no matter how hard you try not to.
A vagina will form on or in BC
Tutu for one. You now wear a ballerinas costume, must now dance from place to place (you can no longer walk) and you uncontrollably repeat random words twice.
Player now fetishises BC, including both her own and others
Scooby Snatch. You now sound, have the ears, tail & collar of & have the mannerisms (always hunger, afraid of almost everything) of an extremely famous animated cartoon dog. You will also obey almost any sexual command for a dog treat.
Player now abhores BC, including both her own and others
What’s so Bunny? Every time someone tells a joke (it has to be at least semi funny) one of your features turns into that of a bunny. Player also has a raised compunction for carrots and to breed
Bc covered in feather, scales, or fur.
It’s harder than it looks. When explaining anything your quickly masturbate to the edge of orgasm but can’t climax till your audience understands your explanation .
BC appears in every sentence player speaks.(i.e:“ What was I tits saying. Why tits can’t I stop saying tits. “Accompanied by minor arousal.
Some lick it hot. You have a strong compulsion to lick random objects. It makes you very horny (no matter what you lick you will not get sick or injured) if licking another player they must wait 3 mintutes till they stop you.
vocal chords
BC becomes part of players first name.
Just a matter of thyme. Any time you think or see any reference to time and or time is mentioned you smell more and more like a freshly baked and seasoned turkey .
ear drums
BC causes player to uncontrollably dance for a minute when slapped or pinched or spit on.
BC sprouts fruit or vegetables. Player orgasms when items are plucked.
Bc now has the characteristics and physics of a cartoon version.
inner ear
Bc changes appearance at the end of each turn.
sweat glandsBc now smells like...
nipple ducts
BC now like a demon/monster (horror or monsters inc)
all the "pink bits"
knees down
Wings/Tail/(other appendage ) if player doesn’t have it, they do now