Card noEncounter Type
(Back of the card)
Title - questIntro TextIntro Result - questChoice 1 - TitleChoice 1 - conditionChoice 1 - Default or Success TextChoice 1 - Default or Success ResultChoice 1 - Failure TextChoice 1 - Failure ResultChoice 2 - TitleChoice 2 - ConditionChoice 2 - Default or Success TextChoice 2 - Default or Success ResultChoice 2 - Failure TextChoice 2 - Failure ResultChoice 3 - TitleChoice 3 - ConditionChoice 3 - Default or Success TextChoice 3 - Default or Success ResultChoice 3 - Failure TextChoice 3 - Failure ResultChoice 4 - TitleChoice 4 - Default or Success TextChoice 4 - Default or Success ResultChoice 4 - Failure TextChoice 4 - Failure ResultWriter comment?
Someone has uncovered markings left by some organization. Following them leads you to a large and well-hidden cache.
This clearly belongs to someone else.
Leave it for them and find your own loot.
You find some salvage nearby. And you are sure someone will appreciate their cache not being stolen.
Become Idolized
:loot: x :wasteland:
Take it all for yourself!
Finders keepers. Right?
:wasteland: Caps
:loot: x :wasteland:
Donating this could earn you influence
You take what you can carry and bring it to someone who can really put it to good use.
With swift and practiced collaboration, a patrol of regulators surrounds you. "Say there, partner," the leader drawls, "heard there have been killings in these parts. You wouldn't know anything about that, right?"
FORCED if you are Vilified
The gully erupts with gunfire. A minute later, only you and the leader remain . . .
Suffer :wasteland: damage
Draw and fight :skull:
Give directions * Choose a Vilified survivor
You know who they're hunting and where they should look. They tip their hats to you and head off in that direction.
That survivor draws and fights :skull:
:wasteland: Caps
You don't know nothin', send 'em along
You tell them you haven't heard about anyone like that. You wish them better luck next time.
:loot: x :wasteland:
Add this card
Two other scavengers approach you with a nervous smile. "We've heard about a good samaritan around these parts."
Offer to help them
They thank you for your offer but correct you. They do not need help, they are here to pay you back for the kindness you bring.
:loot: x :wasteland:
:wasteland: Caps
Give directions * Choose an Idolized survivor
They thank you for pointing them in the right direction. They beam at you, clearly impressed by your generosity.
Become Idolized
That survivor gets :loot: x :wasteland: and :wasteland: Caps
Laugh as you attack the naive fools
They drop their belongings in horror as you turn your weapon on them.
Draw and fight :skull:
Become Vilified
:loot: x :wasteland:
You hear nothing but your own footsteps as you walk through the ruins. It's calm and quiet.
FORCED if you are Idolized
Jackpot! This place is filled with stuff. Maybe good deeds really do come around!
:loot: x :wasteland: +1
:wasteland: +1 Caps
FORCED if you are Vilified
You turn the corner and come face to face with a nasty-looking individual. Just your luck.
Draw and fight :skull:
Search for useful equipment * :P: :L: 4
You find some items, but you feel like you're missing something.
:loot: x :wasteland:
You hear voices drifting through the ruins as you search. There's someone here!
Draw and fight :skull:
As you pass through the crowd, you see a familiar face. She's far older, but there's no mistaking her, she has to be Margaret, the girl from the photograph found in the wasteland!
Approach Margaret and tell her about the dead man in the wasteland * :C: 3
As you tell Margaret about the man, you can see she has been expecting this news for some time. "That's my brother. We came out here to search for our father. When my brother didn't return, I feared the worst. I suppose my father likely met the same fate out there somewhere." She thanks you for the information as she idly grasps a bird pendant around her neck.
3 Caps
3 XP
Add #006
Margaret wants nothing to do with you. She disappears into the crowd..Shop once
Leave her alone, and go shopping
She likely has enough problems without hearing about some corpse. Besides, you have stuff to sell!
Shop :settlement:
As you pick through the ruins, you see someone has scratched the symbol of a bird into the surface of a wall.
That symbol looks familiar, follow it * :P: :I: 4
Following the trail from the symbol, you uncover a skeleton in combat gear. It looks like Margaret's father died a long time ago. His arm rests against an old minigun.
Gain the "Minigun" unique asset
You search for a while but find only some scraps.
Ignore the symbol and scavenge * :P: 3
No time for a scavenger hunt. You need useful gear, now.
:loot: x :wasteland:
As you search you hear the metallic clunk of robotic feet.
Draw and fight :robot:
A recent explosion has morphed this thriving market into charred ground and waste. The few merchants too poor to move on have set up their stalls nearby.
FORCED if you are Vilified
The merchants glare at you as you pass. "You have a lot of nerve coming back here." One decides that she's had enough and attacks!
Draw and fight :skull:
Make do with the remaining stand
It is difficult to shop properly when they are so few with so little, but you try.
Shop once
Reinvest in the community * Spend 3 Caps
With no pride left to hindethe survivors gladly accept your gift. With stern expressions, they get to work rebuilding their settlement.
Become Idolized
Shop :settlement:
There is a small gathering around the various traders and mercenaries here, but more guards than usual. Recent events have people on edge.
FORCED if you are Idolized
The traders seem to recognize you and give you a discount for your "good deeds."
Shop :settlement:, buy items for 1 less
Go shopping as normal
The crowd is smaller today, and you manage to get in more shopping than normal.
Shop :settlement:
Try to steal an item from display * :A: :L: 5
Despite the tighter security, you manage to grab something without notice.
Choose 1 item from the shop
The guards leap on you in seconds. They rough you up before kicking you out.
Suffer 4 damage
Move 1 space
A large, scarred man who draws open stares from the guards approaches you in the crowd. He looks you up and down in a way you don't like . . .
FORCED if you are Idolized
"Looks like we've got a do-gooder here. The boss doesn't want you messing with her organization." He grabs you and drags you away.
Suffer 3 damage
Move 1 space
Ask if he's got any contraband * Vilified
Luckily, your reputation precedes you. The man ushers you to a well-hidden booth.
Draw and add 2 cards to the shop
Shop :settlement:, buy weapons and Drugs for 2 less
Brush past him and go back to shopping
You keep your cool as you converse with the merchants and traders.
Shop :settlement:
As you enter the settlement, you see a grisly sight - the strung-up body of a man. A sign reading "synth" hangs from his chest.
Exact vengeance on these animals! * Synth
You overhear a nearby man bragging about his role in killing the synth. Looks like you've found your target.
Draw and fight :skull:
Ignore the body and go about shopping
You avert your eyes from the body as you do your trading.
Shop :settlement:
There is a small gathering around the various traders and mercenaries here, and you shoulder your way through the other wastelanders to get a look at the goods.
FORCED if you are Vilified or a Synth
"Psst, over here!" A young man gestures at you from the shadows. "I've set up a shop back here for people like you who support my kind. Follow me!"
Shop :settlement:, buy items for 2 less
Go shopping as normal
The traders and mercenaries are more than happy to do business with you.
Shop :settlement:
You've just found an old footlocker filled with stuff when a shadow falls across you. "Mine," says a deep rough voice behind you. Is that . . . a super mutant?
Make a deal and share * Super Mutant
Seeing a fellow super mutant, he is happy to make a deal and split the contents of the locker.
:loot: x :wasteland: +1
Fight him for the loot
Draw and fight :mutant:
:loot: x :wasteland:
Grab something and run! * :E: :A: 4
You get away, clutching several items.
:loot: x :wasteland:
Just as you think you've gotten away, a giant hand closes around your shoulder like a vice.
Draw and fight :mutant:
A whimpering dog wanders from person to person in the crowd.
FORCED if you are Idolized
The dog approaches you and seems to trust you instinctively. He follows at your heels.
Gain the "Dogmeat" unique asset
Attempt to befriend the dog * :C: 4
While timid at first, the dog warms to you and begins following closely at your heels.
Gain the "Dogmeat" unique asset
After chasing the dog around the crowd for a while, you lose him, and most of your opportunity to shop.
Shop once
Add this card
Ignore the dog and go shopping
The poor dog continues wandering from person to person.
Shop :settlement:
014QuestWelcome to the CommonwealthMany dangers lurk in this wasteland ahead of you, but the one you have heard the most about is the dreaded "synth." Said to look, sound, and smell just like humans, they are robots who have infiltrated the very society of the Commonwealth.Kill a suspected synth that no one will miss to find out the truth.Kill any :skull::shield: +
:loot: x 2
Stage #015 #134
This all sounds a bit overblown. Head to Diamond City to discreetly dig up some information:quest: Diamond City:star: +
:loot: x 2
Stage #016 #067
Add #017
015QuestResonanceYou tear the person apart, but they look to be flesh and blood. Messy. Among their effects, however, is a transponder marked with the Vitruvian man, the words "The Institute," and coordinates to the old ruins of the Commonwealth Institute of Technology.Follow the coordinates and explore the C.I.T. ruins to find the Institute.:quest: C.I.T. Ruins * :E: :I: 4:shield: +
3 Caps
Stage #018 #067
You have heard only bad things about the Institute. At Diamond City, Caps may quickly get you the information you need.:quest: Diamond City * Spend 4 Caps:star: +
:loot: x 2
Stage #019 #067
016QuestAll Aboard!After asking around in Diamond City, you are approached by a man calling himself "Drummer Boy." He explains that the synths are actually the work of an organization known as "The Institute," and he asks for your help in freeing them.Place :shield: on Downtown BostonWarn The Institute about these Railroad agents and get them to deploy more synth soldiers (contact the Institute at :wasteland: locations).Place the third :shield: on the map3 Caps
Stage #019 #094
Locate synths and convince them to cast off their bonds.:quest: Adjacent to a :shield::star: +
3 Caps
Stage #020 #134
If "All Aboard!" is no longer staged, trash this card and encounter the next card.

You see a figure moving through the ruins wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses.
FORCED if you are a Synth
"I've got one," he says into a microphone before a synth soldier appears out of thin air in front of you!
Place :shield: on your space and fight it
Add this card
Could that be one of the Institute's rumored Coursers? Approach him with information
He thanks you and calls in more soldiers.
Place :shield: on your space
Add this card
Sounds like bad news. Hide from him and go about searching * :P: :A: 4
No way he'd spot you through sunglasses.
:loot: x :wasteland:
Add this card
"Take this one out," he says into a microphone. A synth soldier appears out of thin air!
Place :shield: on your space and fight it
Add this card
018QuestUncover the RailroadImpressed by your resourcefulness and persistence, the Institute brings you into their trust. They are developting the most advanced technology ever conceived but are threatened by criminals calling themselves the "Railroad."Place :star: equal to survivors. Each on :settlement:, 1 per :settlement:, starting with the highest level.Hunt down and eliminate these criminal Railroad agents.Kill the last :star: on the map:shield: +
3 XP
Stage #024 #130
Locate the Railroad headquarters to give them support.:quest: The Railroad:star: ++
3 XP
Stage #021 #125
Add #022
019QuestAll HellChaos erupts in the commonwealth! Stirred up by newcomers asking too many questions, the Instituteaccelerates their mysterious polans, and the Railroad responds in kind. Fights break out across the wasteland!Place :star: equal to survivors. Each on :settlement:, 1 per :settlement:, starting with the highest level.
Place :shield: at each :star:
Wipe out the Railroad's agents in the wasteland.Kill the last :star: on the map:shield: ++
3 XP
Stage #021 #150
Add #022
Eliminate all the militarized synths, you have no other choice.Kill the last :shield: on the map:star: ++
3 XP
Stage #023 #150
020QuestInstitutionalizedFrom the freed synths, you learn all about the Institute's hidden, underground factory where they develop the synths. The only way you are going to be able to get in there is by posing as a member.Warn the Institute of the infiltrators. You'll need circuitry to build a radio capable of reaching them.Kill any :robot::shield: ++
3 XP
Stage #023 #107
The Railroad headquarters will have everything you'd need to pose as an Institute scientist.:quest: The Railroad * :P: :E: :A: 4:star: +
3 XP
Stage #028 #148
021QuestBunker HillWith the Institute's agents hunting Railroad members in the field, the Railroad has managed to free a large group of synths, and they are looking for a way out of the Commonwealth.Locate the synths' safe house before they escape.Encounter level-3 or higher :wasteland: until you locate the synths:shield: ++
Stage #024 #157
Find the synths and get them to safety.Encounter level-3 or higher :wasteland: until you save the synths:star: ++
Stage #025 #148
Add #026 #027
If at a level-2 or lower :wasteland:, encounter the next card. Then, add this card.

You are caught in the middle of a firefight! Synth soldiers are systematically advancing on a small band of Railroad members defending a group of huddling people.
Help the Institute * Draw and fight :star:
You easily eliminate the rebels and "decommission" the escaped synths.
Complete objective 1 of "Bunker Hill"
You fall back, but the fight rages on.
Add this card
Help the Railroad * Draw and fight :shield:
You repel the Institute soldiers!
Complete objective 2 of "Bunker Hill"
You fall back, but the fight rages on.
Add this card
You can't afford to be caught in a battle right now. Run the other direction.
The sounds of combat fade behind you.
Add this card#REF!
023QuestThe Molecular LevelWith the Institute fully aware of their actions, the Railroad's only hope of getting to the Institute is by using their own techology against them. The Railroad has begun work on a signal interceptor to teleport themselves into the Institute.Place a quest marker 3 spaces away from your current space. This is the SIgnal Interceptor.Destroy the interceptor before it's complete.:quest: Signal Interceptor * :S: :I: :A: 5:shield: +++
Stage #025 #130
Add #026 #027
Acquire the needed circuitry to finish the interceptor.

When a :robot: is killed, place 1 Cap on this card.
Place the third Cap on this card:star: ++
Stage #028 #157
024QuestDerailedWith the Railroad weakened by its recent defeat, the Institute has deployed one of its dreaded Coursers to deal with them once and for all.Place a quest marker at C.I.T Ruins.
This is an Institute Courser. :star: move toward the Courser instead of survivors.

At the end of each round, remove :star: from the Courser's space. If there are no :star: in the Courser's space, move it 1 space toward the Railroad instead.
Lead the Courser straight to the Railroad headquarters.The Courser is at the Railroad:shield: ++++
Things are falling apart. Pay to smuggle out as many synths as you can before the end.:quest: Any :settlement: * Spend 8 Caps:star: +
Place :star: in your space
025QuestThe MinutemenThe conflict has thrown the Commonwealth into chaos and attracted the attention of its self-appointed defenders: the Minutemen.Place a quest marker at Diamond City.
This is the Minutemen militia.

Survivors in the same space as the Minutemen can perform the following action:
Test :C: :I: 2 * Move the Minutemen a number of spaces equal to the number of :hit: by which you exceeded the test.
Manipulate the Minutemen forces into attacking the Railroad.The Minutemen are at the Railroad:shield: +++
Convince the Minutemen to attack the Institute.The Minutemen are at the C.I.T. Ruins:star: +++
A group of minutemen struts through the settlement. They smile and tip their hats, but nevertheless, people seem to give them a wide berth.
FORCED if you are Idolized
They smile and approach you. "we've heard about your deeds around the wasteland and would like to offer you a membership."
Keep this card, when testing to move the Minutemen, add 2 :hit:
FORCED if you are Vilified
Ugh, the boy scouts come up behind you and turn you around as you are talking to a trader. "I think it's time for you to leave, criminal."
Suffer 3 damage
Move 1 space
They don't notice you, so go shopping
Shop :settlement:
Add this card
You spot a group of minutemen spread out across the ruined area.
FORCED if you are Idolized
They smile and approach you. "we've heard about your deeds around the wasteland and would like to offer you a membership."
Keep this card, when testing to move the Minutemen, add 2 :hit:
FORCED if you are Vilified
Those bullies spot you immediately and head in your direction. "let's deal with this one now."
Draw and fight :skull:
They don't notice you, so continue searching
:loot: x :wasteland:
Add this card
028QuestThe Nuclear OptionThe Railroad has infiltrated the Institute and has incited a mass revolt! They now plan to finish off the Institute once and for all.Place :star: and a quest marker at the Railroad.
This quest marker is the reactor blueprint.

A survivor in the same space as the blueprint can move the blueprint with his or her figure.
When doing this, treat all spaces as difficult terrain.
Take out as many of the rebels as possible:
synths and Railroad alike.
Kill any :star: or :shield::shield: +
Place a :star: at the blueprint
The Railroad has blueprints of the Institute's reactor. If they can get the blueprints there, they can set it to blow and end this forever.The blueprint is at the C.I.T. Ruins:star: ++++
029QuestWelcome to Far HarborA sickly-green fog has spread across much of this island. Every structure you pass has been abandoned, but you see dangerous-looking shapes moving in the mists.The fog calls to you. Travel into the mists, let it embrace you.Suffer 2 :rad: during the same turn.:shield: +
:loot: x 2
Stage #032 #094
The strange machines are the only sign of civilization left on this island.
Investigate them.
Place a :star::star: +
:loot: x 2
Stage #033 #067
030QuestStranger MachinesBizarre devices dot the terrain around certain locations on the island. Most seem broken from wear or sabotage but look easy enough to fix.Once running, these machines stop Atom's fog! Unacceptable! Smash them.:quest: Any :star: * :S: 32 XP
Discard this :star:
Attempt to communicate with the aliens and make a deal.:quest: Any :wasteland: or :settlement: without :star: * :E: :I: 42 XP
Place :star: in this space
If there is :star: on this space, encounter the next card. Then, add this card.

Without the protection of the fog condensers, the people in this settlement have fled the oncoming fog. You walk through a ghost town.
Fix up a fog condenser * :E: :I: 4The machine whirs to life.Place :star: in this space
Add this card
You manage only to frustrate yourself banging away on the machine.
Add this card
Praise Atom Await the fog
You watch as the fog swirls around the buildings.
If there is no :shield: in this space, place :shield:
Add this card
Steal some stuff. No one is here to stop you
The traders took their wares with them, but you find some odds and ends.
:loot: x :settlement:
Add this card
032QuestEmbrace the GlowAs you camp in the fog, you are approached by a robed figure. She is from the Church of the Children of Atom, and they want help spreading the fog.Time for some missionary work! Spread Atom's love to more of the island.When a :shield: is placed on the map when there is already at least 1 :shield on the map:shield: +
3 XP
Stage #034 #067
Warn the local town of Far Harbor of the fanatical cult's plans.:quest: Far Harbor:star: +
3 XP
Stage #034 #067
033QuestThe Last BastionYou find a break in the fog and people still alive on this island! They say that there are several pockets of civilization left in the fog, but most people are either members of the Church of the Children of the Atom or holed up at the port town of Far Harbor.Still the fog calls. Help it spread its tendrils out into the island.When a :shield: is placed on the map:shield: +
3 XP
Stage #034 #117
Reach Far Harbor to find out what is really happening on the island.:quest: Far Harbor:star: +
3 XP
Stage #034 #101
034QuestChoking FogAs the fog continues to consume the island, Far Harbor has begun to erect mechanical devices called "Fog Condensers" that stop the fog from consuming certain areas.Continue to help the church bring Atom's grace to the island.When a :shield: is placed on the map when there are already at least 3 :shield: on the map:shield: +
3 XP
Add #038
Stage #035 #037 #141
Help erect condensers to help slow the spread of fog.When a :star: is placed on the map when there is already at least 1 :star: on the map:star: +
3 XP
Add #038
Stage #036 #037 #134
035QuestInitiationThe fog that now covers much of the island has mutated and enraged the creatures, and now they threaten Far Harbor! Meanwhile, the Church is safe in its cave base at the Nucleus.Go to the Nucleus to join the Children of Atom.:quest: The Nucleus:shield: +
3 XP
Stage #039 #150
Kill the creature that threatens Far Harbor.Kill any :monster::star: ++
3 XP
Stage #040 #112
036QuestInfiltrationWith some condensers up and running, Far Harbor has earned enough breathing room to figure out what is really going on here.You need the proper knowledge of how these condensers work. Study similiar techology.Kill any :robot::shield: ++
3 XP
Stage #039 #112
Head to the Nucleus to infiltrate the Children of Atom for information.:quest: The Nucleus:star: +
3 XP
Stage #040 #150
037QuestAcadia In NeedCaught in the middle of everything involving the fog is the hideout of Acadia, run by the synth DiMa. Ambivalent to the conflict between Far Harbor or the Church, he has one goal: to help as many escaped synths as possible.Convince the synths to avoid Acadia and stay to help the island.Encounter any :settlement: until you locate the synth:quest:
Stage #157
Guide the synths to the refuge of Acadia.Encounter any :settlement: until you locate the synth5 Caps
Stage #041
As you pass through the people gathered to trade, you spot someone who matches the description of the synth DiMa was looking for.
Leverage your knowledge of the synth to get her to help you * :S: :C: 4
Angered that you know her secret, she nevertheless agrees to help.
Complete objective 1 of "Acadia in Need"
Outraged by your threat, she hits you and flees into the crowd.
Suffer 2 damage
Add this card
Quietly tell the synth about Acadia
She thanks you and heads off in the direction of Acadia, promising that she won't forget this.
Complete objective 2 of "Acadia in Need"
Become Idolized
Ignore the synth and go shopping
The synth continues about her day none the wiser
Shop :wasteland:
Add this card
039QuestConverts to the ChurchEven with its recent gains, the Church still needs more members to fill its ranks.Perhaps the synths of Acadia can be convinced to see the light of Atom's glow.:quest: Acadia * Any companion * :E: :C: 4:shield: ++
Stage #042 #148
Use the church's need of members to infiltrate their organization.:quest: Nucleus * :C: :A: :L: 4:star: ++
Stage #043
040QuestRebuildFar Harbor can now breathe a bit easier, but the wider danger of the fog still looms on the island. They suspect the church will continue to try to sabotage the condensers, and they need a supply of circuitry to ensure they can fix them.Go to the Nucleus to join the Church.:quest: Nucleus * :S: :C: 4:shield: ++
Stage #042
Scavenge circuitry to ensure enough condensers to keep Far Harbor safe.:quest: Robco Factory * :S: :P: :I: 4:star: ++
Stage #043 #148
041QuestPulling the StringsWith everything you have done for Acadia, you have earned the trust of DiMa. He has revealed that he has the ability to replace one of the faction leaders with a synth.Place a quest marker at Acadia. This is the replacement synth.

A survivor in the same space as the replacement can move it with his or her figure.
When doing this, treat all spaces as difficult terrain.
Replace Captain Avery with a synth.Replacement at Far Harbor:shield: ++
Stage #130
Replace High Confessor Tektus with a synth.Replacement at the Nucleus:star: ++
Stage #130
042QuestThe Last DefenseWith its new members, the Church now has the strength to bring Atom's grace to Far Harbor and finally claim all of this island.Smash the remaining condensers near Far Harbor and let the fog consume them.When a :shield: is placed on the map when there are no :star: within 4 spaces of Far Harbor:shield: +++
Evacuate as many people as possible to safety before the fog overtakes the island.:quest: Far Harbor * Discard a companion:star: +#REF!
043QuestEmbrace This!It's time to take the fight back to the Church. Their base at the Nucleus is an old nuclear submarine. You could overload its reactor . . . if you can get inside, that is.Smash as many of the condensers as possible.Discard 1 :star::shield: +They will let only the truly devout that deep into their inner sanctum. Show your devotion, then blow them sky high!:quest: The Nucleus * Have 6 or fewer remaining HP * :C: :I: :L: 5:star: +++
044QuestWelcome to the Capital WastelandThe mountains around you shake suddenly, fire and rubble spewing violently into the sky. Eyes wide, you watch as a fleet of vertibirds scambles from its peak to clear the violent blasts. The straggler of the group begins to emit a trail of smoke as the rest disappear over the eastern horizon, then abruptly drops out of tsight with a dull explosion that echoes up from the captial wasteland.Look for survivors.:quest: The wreck:shield: +
Place :shield: on Project Purity
:loot: x 2
Stage #045 #101
Add #046
Find someone who knows what the hell just happened.:quest: Megaton:star: +
Place :shield: on Project Purity
:loot: x 2
Stage #048 #067
045QuestNational TreasuresMost of the crew has surivved, but all are injured, many severly. Unwilling to trust a stranger, they require proof of you loyalty. They disclose the locations of some nearby caches, in which there are supplies and protocols for this kind of situation.Locate the survival gear for the wounded.Encounter any :wasteland: until you locate the cache:shield: +
3 XP
Stage #049 #067
Demand an explanation in exchange for the contents of the caches.Encounter any :wasteland: until you locate the cache:star: +
3 XP
Stage #049 #067
A few faint scratches on an old wall indicate an Enclave cache. Pushing a rusted cabinet aside, you expose the hole in the floor and drop down. Inside, a hooded figure dozes.
Back out and look elsewhere
You slide the cabinet back into place.
:loot: x :wasteland:
Add this card
Drive her off
After a scuffle, she runs back up through the hole. The cache is empty, and outside, she waits.
Draw and fight :skull:
Add #047
Ask what happened here * :C: 3
She explains that this cache was empty when she found it and points you toward another.
Encounter the next card
Add #047
She flees. After a long chase, you emerge in the daylight, but she is gone.
Move 1 space
Add #047
More scratches on the wall indicate a second cache. Inside, it is clear that almost everything is still in place here. This is what the survivors are looking for.
Gather what they neeed, but hide the rest for yourself to retrieve later * :P: :I: 4
You return for the haul later
Complete either "National Treasures" objective
:loot: x :wasteland:
When you return, everything is gone except for a single armed land mine.
Complete either "National Treasures" objective
Gather it and return to the crash site
You deliver more than they need, and they are quite thankful.
Complete either "National Treasures" objective
Become Idolized
Forget them, and take it all for yourself!
Unfortunately, only a few items prove useful.
:loot: x :wasteland:
Add this card
048QuestA Shaky LeadThe Enclave was long believed to be dead and gone, so their vertibirds soaring over the capital wasteland has set Megaton abuzz. You get a lead, but it's shaky: an intelligent super mutant appeared in the city around the same time. He spoke of a personal quest to ensure the safety and survival of all, then disappeared into the hills.A super mutant? Nope. Go help any Enclave survivors instead.:quest: The wreck:shield: +
Place :shield: at Project Purity
3 XP
Stage #049 #112
Track down and assist this super mutant.:quest: Vault 84:star: +
3 XP
Stage #050 #117
049QuestOne More Silver DollarThe survivors explain that they are mostly scientists critical to the Enclave's current mission: retake the wasteland for humankind. In order to continue their work, they need someone to make contact with the Enclave to request a medevac.Report their location to Enclave soldiers.:quest: Project Purity or space with :shield: * :P: :I: 4:shield: +
Place :shield: at Project Purity
3 XP
Stage #051 #094
Report the Enclave's emergence and this looming threat to the Brotherhood of Steel.:quest: The Tower:star: +
Place :shield: at Project Purity
Place :star: at Megaton and the Tower
3 XP
Stage #052 #141
Add #053
050QuestWhat the Fawkes?The rumored super mutant can talk! His name is Fawkes, and you find him fruitlessly searching outside Vault 84 on some personal mission. He'll give you the information on the Brotherhood and Enclave if you help him locate the next vault on his list.This Fawkes is everything the Enclave has been working against. Plant the right evidence to get some local super mutants to deal with their "brother.":quest: Super Mutant Camp * :S: :E: :C: 5:shield: ++
3 XP
Stage #051 #141
Locate the next vault Fawkes wants to research.:quest: Vault 109 * :P: :I: :L: 5:star: +
3 XP
Stage #052 #094
Add #053
051QuestGive Me LibertyThe Brotherhood of Steel is working on a secret weapon to take on the Enclave. Meanwhile, the Enclave continues to build up its forces at what used to be the Jefferson Memorial.Pay off some local criminals to sabotage the Brotherhood's project.:quest: The Tower * :P: :C: 5 * Spend 4 Caps:shield: +
Stage #054 #157
The Brotherhood is recovering equipment from the old Robco junkyard.
Bring them some more supplies.
:quest: Robco Factory * Discard Robot companion:star: ++
Place 2 :shield: at Project Purity
Stage #055 #148
052QuestThe Sleeping GiantThe Enclave has a big plan for Project Purity, and no one is exactly sure what that is. But first they have to clear out the super mutants that have cropped up. Meanwhile, the Brotherhood hunts for an answer.Deal with the super mutants that continue to threaten Project Purity.:quest: The Mall * Draw and fight :mutant::shield: ++
Stage #054 #148
Help the Brotherhood find the solution they've been searching for.Encounter at Robco Factory until you locate the prototype:star: +
Stage #055 #130
If not at Robco Factory, encounter the next card. Then, add this card.

"Threat analysis: green, " three mechanical voices boom in unison. You duck out of the doorway.
Grab a little loot and leave
Despite your haste, you find something.
Add this card
Search the room for more loot * :P: :A: 4
The room is a treasure trove!
2 Caps
:loot: x :wasteland:
Add this card
All hell breaks loose.
Suffer 3 damage
Add this card
Retrieve the energy source for the Brotherhood of Steel * :P: :I: :L: 5
Through a combination of hacking, stealth, and timing, you succeed.
Complete "The Sleeping Giant"
"Hostile detected!" the security bots boom. One of them pursues you out of the factory.
Draw and fight :robot:
Add this card
054Quest...Or Give Me DeathThe Enclave has begun their work on Project Purity. Their intention, however, is quite dissimilar to the original intention of the water purifier. Soon they will introduce a solution into the water that will cleanse every mutation from the capital wasteland, making room for a new age for mankind.Recruit help from the wasteland for the Enclave's work at Project Purity.:quest: Any :settlement: * Spend 10 Caps:shield: +
Place :shield: in your space
The Brotherhood is close to activating their weapon and taking the war directly to the Enclave!:quest: The Tower * Discard Robot companion:star: ++
Stage #055
055Quest...And Justice For All"BETTER RED THAN DEAD," a mechanical voice booms across the wasteland as the Brotherhood gets Liberty Prime back online.Place a quest marker on the Tower, this is Liberty Prime. :shield: move toward Liberty Prime instead of survivors.

A the end of the round, remove shield from Liberty Prime's space. If there are no :shield: in its space, it moves 1 space toward Project Purity instead.
Recruit help from the wasteland for the Enclave's work at Project Purity.:quest: Any :settlement: * Spend 10 or more Caps:shield: + per 10 Caps spent
Place :shield: in your space
End this.Liberty Prime is at Project Purity:star: ++++
056QuestInto the PittYou happen upon a man fleeing this new wasteland. "Please," he says, "if you see my friends, tell them I made it - that there is a way out. And whatever you do, don't let the slaves know I've come this way."Report the escaped slave.:quest: Any :settlement::shield: +
Place :shield: in your space
:loot: x 2
Stage #057 #067
Inform the man's friends.:quest: Any :wasteland::star: +
Place :star: in your space
:loot: x 2
Stage #058 #067
057QuestOn the TrailYou report the escaped slave, but no one seems to care. "He carrying a child? No? THen forget it! Ashur's kid is missing, find a lead on her, that'll be worthy news. Who's Ashur? The boss, of course! What rock you been sleeping under?"Investigate where the child was last seen.:quest: Red Rocket Station * :P: :C: 4:shield: +
3 XP
Stage #059 #101
Fight off those who are in pursuit of the child.:quest: Any :wasteland: * Draw and fight :skull::star: +
3 XP
Stage #060 #112
058QuestOn the Eve of WarIt turns out that the slave who escaped was part of a resistance group. Without his aid in Ashbury, their upcoming assault on Haven will need to be scrapped.Gather intelligence on this resistance.:quest: Any :settlement: * :C: 3:shield: +
3 XP
Stage #060 #141
Provide another individual to take the place of the deserter.:quest: Ashbury Road * Any companion:star: +
3 XP
Stage #061 #117
059QuestUp the ChainA small group of slaves is hiding out in Red Rocket Station, defending Ashur's kidnapped child. If this information makes it back to Haven, a larger force will be sent to break the defenses and recover the child.Report the baby's location to Ashur.:quest: Haven:shield: +
Place 2 :shield: at The Bridge
Place :star: at the Red Rocket Station
3 XP
Stage #062 #094
Add #063
Incite an uprising and capture the bridge, cutting off the slaves from the wasteland.:quest: The Bridge:star: ++
Place 2 :shield: at Haven
Place 2 :star: at The Bridge
3 XP
Stage #065 #157
060QuestFires of RevolutionRecent killings have caused a backlash, and the wasteland is on the verge of war. Regardless of the outcome, many lives will be lost, and those who do not prepare now will surely be among the dead.Assist in the construction of Haven's fortifications.:quest: The Bridge * :I: :L: 4:shield: ++
Place :shield: at The Bridge
Place 2 :star: at The Mill
3 XP
Stage #065 #107
Reinforce the slaves at their stronghold.:quest: The Mill:star: ++
Place :shield: at The Mill
Place 2 :star: at Haven
3 XP
Stage #065 #125
061QuestBreak the ChainsAshur is living on borrowed time. His lieutenants are missing and his compund is compromised. There is little hope remianing for the slaver overlord.Join the watch and try to spot assassins.:quest: Haven * :P: :E: :L: 5:shield: ++
Place :star: at The Mill
3 XP
Stage #065 #150
Ensure the job is completed.:quest: Haven * Draw and fight :skull:, apply +1 to its level:star: +
Place :shield: at The Bridge
3 XP
Stage #064 #157
062QuestChild of the PittMidea, unofficial matriarch of the rebels, discloses that she has the baby. Until the slaves are freed, she will keep the child as leverage, moving to a new, secret location each day. Even so, it is only a matter of time.Intercept Midea and take the child.Encounter any :wasteland: until you locate Midea:shield: +
Choose 1 :asset: from the discard pile
Stage #065 #148
Ensure that Ashur is no longer a threat.:quest: Haven * Draw and fight :skull:, apply +1 to its level:star: ++
Choose 1 item from the shop
Stage #064 #150
You open the door to a musty basement - the dark eyes of a cloaked figure stare back at you. A small bundle is in her arms. You have stumbled upon Midea, the kidnapper!
Ignore them and walk away
You close the door and walk away.
Add this card
:loot: :wasteland:
Fight the guardian to return the child
She sets the child down before hurling herself at you.
Draw and fight :skull:, apply +1 to its level
Within the hour, you return the child.
Complete the "Child of the Pitt" quest
She spits on you as she walks away.
Add this card
Convince her that you can help * :C: 4
You take them both to a safe house.
2 Caps
Move 3 spaces
She flees as soon as your back is turned.
Add this card
064QuestBear With MeThe price of teddy bears is on the rise - yes, you heard that right. Despite Ashur's death, the slaves have not disbanded. At their head, Sandra, a scientist of some repute, is offering competitive prices for bears. For some reason, this has rallied the slavers.Bring a collection of bears to Sandra.:quest: Haven * Discard 2 Junk cards:shield: ++
6 Caps
Stage #066 #130
Whatever she's looking for, you can't let her find it - purchase and hide several teddy bears.:quest: Any :settlement: * Spend any number of Caps and place them on this card

Place the tenth Cap on this card
:star: +
Stage #066 #148
065QuestWar!The system is collapsing. The peace and security that the slavers have enjoyed for years is crumbling. Everywhere, the oppressed are rising up.Each survivor takes 1 :shield: and 1 :star:. Starting with the first player, place the :shield: at a :settlement: and the :star: at a :wilderness:. No two survivors can be placed in the same space.Squash the rebellion.Kill the last :star::shield: +++
Secure freedom for all.Kill the last :shield::star: +++
066QuestPainful SolutionsDespite the efforts of those who oppose her, Sandra has located the bear she was looking for and the disk that was hidden within it. Testing has begun to cure the plague that haunts the Pitt - unfortunately, there are a few slightly deadly side effects . . .Administer the new vaccine.:quest: Any :settlement: without a Cap * :I: 3Place 1 Cap on that :settlement:If all :settlement: have Capsshield: +++
Destroy the harmful research.:quest: Haven * :P: :I: 5:star: ++++
Discard all Caps from the map
067QuestVault RumorsEvery year, new unfortunates appear out of the wasteland, claiming to have been banished from an underground bunker made before the war by a company called "Vault-Tec." Perhaps it is worth investigating.Many of the vault exiles are caught by raiders. You might be able to get something off of one of them.Kill any :skull::agenda:
Stage #068
See if you can find an old exile who will sell you information:quest: Any :settlement: * Spend 4 Caps:agenda:
Stage #069
068QuestSigns of LifeThe raiders had one of the vault dwellers' wrist-mounted computers on them. With this, you should be able to contact the people on the inside of the vault or interact with its computer.There are some supposed exiles from the vault around town. One of them might be able to show you how to use the Pip-Boy.:quest: Any :settlement: * :I: :L: 4:agenda:
Add #071
The Pip-Boy should be able to interface directly with the vault entrance, but you'll need an extra set of hands there.:quest: Vault 84 * Any companion4 XP
Add #071
069QuestCrack it Open!The information around town says that there are people locked away inside the vault, but they are somewhat (very) hostile to outsiders. Perhaps you can break it?Crack open the giant metal door in the mountains.:quest: Vault 84 * :S: :E: 44 XP
Add #070
Overload a nearby substation to force the door open.:quest: Red Rocket Station * :P: :I: 4:agenda:
Add #070
070Vault 84
A line of armed guards stands behind the vault entrance that was forced open. "What is the meaning of this?! If you think you are just going to force your way into this factory, you are sorely mistaken."
Convice them you are friendly * :C: :L: 4
After a lengthy conversation, you earn the trust of the captain, and he introduces you to the overseer. She agrees to give you access to the vault but warns you that you will be watched every step of the way and that "the vote is coming." Whatever that means.
Shuffle cards 072-079 and randomly add a number of them equal to survivors, and then trash the rest
You are violently led away.
Suffer 3 damage
Add this card
Walk away
This seems like a bad idea. You turn around and walk away, leaving them in the broken doorway.
Add this card#REF!
071Vault 84
A figure stands with open arms, and flanking guards, behind the door. "Welcome to Vault 84. I'm overseer Hayes, the leader of this vault. We haven't let in outsiders in over 100 years, so I hope you realize how exceptional this is. But after certain recent events . . . well, let's just say, when your stolen Pip-Boy connected, I saw an opportunity."
Thank her and ask about the rules of this vault.
"Don't start any trouble and you should be fine. However . . . we have an annual vote to exile dangerous people from the vault. Even with my blessing, you're not immune."
Shuffle cards 072-079 and randomly add a number of them equal to survivors, and then trash the rest
AddN P / 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
Walk away
This seems like a bad idea. You turn around and walk away, leaving the overseer with a confused expression.
Add this card#REF!
072Vault 84
A woman in a labcoat inspects you as you enter the vault lab. "I heard outsiders had been let in. And so soon before the vote!" She sees you eyeing her Pip-Boy. "You can have one if you let me run some tests on you. You will be exposed to very little radiation . . . relatively."

If this is the last card in the :84: deck, add #080
Agree to the tests
Dr. Merkins straps you in with obvious glee. After she finishes, she gives you a Pip-Boy.
Gain the "Pip-Boy" unique asset
Ask about the technicalities of the annual "vote" * :I: :I: 4
"Once per year, we poll the entire vault for who they think is a 'traitor.' The person with the most votes is exiled, though getting any votes can leave you ostracized. For what it's worth, I think you're alright."
Keep this card, it is an endorsement
She looks over her glasses at you. "I'm not sure I should trust you with that information."
073Vault 84
You pass a mechanic as you walk through the confied halls of the vault. He grumbles as he works on a section of the wall. "If you ask me, the damn overseer is the traitor for bringing these outsiders in here. We should vote her out! We don't want to meet the same fate as Vault 109."

If this is the last card in the :84: deck, add #080
What was that about Vault 109?
"Don't know exactly, but the maintenance records show we used to swap supplies. They had some serious hardware before we lost contact."
4 XP
Stage #083
Show him he has nothing to fear by helping him with his work * :E: :E: 4
He warms to you as you help and promises he won't be voting for you.
Keep this card, it is an endorsement
You only make things worse. "If I didn't know better, I would think you were trying to sabotage us," he says with a glare.
074Vault 84
A middle-aged woman in a vault jumpsuit greets you. "Again, welcome to Vault 84. Your arrival was timely, otherwise you would have never been allowed inside. We need some fresh perspectives around here."

If this is the last card in the :84 deck, add #080
Wait until she's distracted and sneak a peek at her computer
Log: "The concept of 'the traitor' is a pre-war fabrication perpetuated for psychological study. I thought this tradition harmless until this year when suspicions fell on me. Perhaps some fresh blood would help."
4 XP Keep this card. If 080 would be added (or was added by this card), add #081 instead
Convince her to back you in the coming vote * :C: :C: 4
She happily claps her hand on your back. "Don't worry, you have my endorsement!"
Keep this card, it is an endorsement
"I'll do what I can, but you're on your own."
075Vault 84
A rough-looking man in security gear approaches you. "I'm not sure what your goal is, outsider, but I don't like you being here, especially so soon before the vote. This feels like a plot."

If this is the last card in the :84: deck, add #080
Ask him about all the gear he has
"Oh yeah, our vault is actually fairly well supplied. As an honorary resident, you have access to the supply stock. Though we'll be watching."
Choose 1 item from the shop
Offer to help with security * :S: :S: 4
He looks you up and down. "Alright, you look the type, and I wouldn't mind keeping you oustiders close to make sure you don't try to pull anything."
Keep this card, it is an endorsement
He scoffs. "Like I'd trust an outsider!"
076Vault 84
You are stopped in the hallway by a well-dressed woman. She eyes you up and down. "Goodness, you're a frightful sight! I run a charity here that helps the exiles we send out each year. It looks like you could use the help yourself!"

If this is the last card in the :84: deck, add #080
Accept her charity
"Here you go, darling. Hopefully you can at least get started cleaning yourself up!"
6 Caps
Make a donation to her fund * Spend 4 Caps
"Oh, looks can be deceiving! Thank you for your generous gift. I will remember this."
Keep this card, it is an endorsement
077Vault 84
You step into a room filled with computers, microphones, and broadcasting equipment. A weedy man shakes your hand vigorously. "You have no idea how exciting it is to meet you! My only interaction with the outside world is through these machines, and the other vault fell silent long before I was born!"

If this is the last card in the :84: deck, add #080
Ask him about this "other vault."
"That was long before my time, but we used to be in contact with another vault. There's still a signal, but it's just broadcasting garbage these days."
4 XP
Stage #085
You notice something on his instruments * :P: :P: 4
You isolate a frequency it seems he was missing. A new signal breaks through the static. "How did you do that? This is fantastic! You are welcome in here any time!"
Keep this card, it is an endorsement
"What the hell are you doing?! Get out!"
078Vault 84
You enter what is clearly a medical bay and jump at the sight of a multi-limbed robot wielding syringes, scalpels, and other medical implements. The robot tuts at the sight of you. "You have taken such poor care of your body! I can fix that for you!"

If this is the last card in the :84: deck, add #080
Let the robot fix you up
As it works on you, it makes small talk. "Your radiation damage reminds me of the cast data sent over from the other location . . ."
Recover all HP and :rad:
Stage #084
Ask the robot if it is involved in this whole "vote" thing * :L: :L: 4
"Yes, I get a vote. But don't you worry! After this full analysis of your physiology, I have decided you do not have the biology of a traitor."
Keep this card, it is an endorsement
"Oh heavens, no."
079Vault 84
You round a corner, and a small kid slams into you at a full sprint, which knocks a book out of her hands. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" You pick the book up and hand it to her. It looks like it was once some kind of manual with "109" on the front, but now it's covered in drawings.

If this is the last card in the :84: deck, add #080
Ask her if you can see her book.
She gives you a defiant look. "Okay, but don't ruin any of my pictures!"
4 XP
Stage #082
Offer to play with her * :A: :A: 4
You keep up with her even as she weaves through the confines of the vault. "You're fun! I'm gonna tell Mommy all about the fun we had!"
Keep this card, it is an endorsement
"If you can keep up!" . . . you can't.
080Vault 84
The time for the vote has come! Everyone in Vault 84 gathers in the main hall and begins casting votes into a large metal box. Many people glare at the outsiders present. This is not looking good for you . . .
Participate in the vote
The survivor on Vault 84 with the most endorsements draws :agenda: x 2

Each survivor on Vault 84 with the fewest endorsements suffers 3 damage and moves 1 space

If more than one survivor on Vault 84 is tied for the most endorsements, each draws :agenda:
081Vault 84
The time for the vote has come! But as everyone in Vault 84 gathers in the main hall, a projector flickers on, displaying the Overseer's documentation. The traitor, the vote, the exiles, it has all been a lie all this time. They have been sending innocent people out to their doom! The crowd turns angerly to Overseer Hayes.

In the end, she is give the same fate to which she doomed all the others: she is exiled to the wasteland with nothing but the vault suit on her back. All of the vault is grateful to you for exposing the truth.
Accept the vault's thanks
The survivor with card 081 draws :agenda: x 2

All other survivors on Vault 84 draw :agenda:

All survivors discard all endorsements
082QuestBOOM!!!A little girl at Vault 84 had a manual from Vault 109. One page stood out: the one that warned residents about use of the "Fat Man" (accompanied by the girl's drawing of a large explosion with the word "BOOM!")Do some research on this "Fat Man" first.:quest: Robco Factory * :P: :I: :L: 5:agenda:
Add #086 #087
Go right to Vault 109 and start digging around.:quest: Vault 109 * Suffer 2 :rad::loot: x 3
3 XP
Add #086 #087
083QuestSerious HardwareThe mechanic mentioned that Vault 109 had some "serious hardware." If you can risk the radiation of the vault, maybe some of it is still down there?The super mutants have been seen down there. Maybe some of them have already brought it up?Kill a Super Mutant Brute:agenda:
Add #088 #089
A few rads have never scared you.:quest: Vault 109 * Suffer 2 :rad::loot: x 3
3 XP
Add #088 #089
084QuestHippocratic OathThe medical robot at Vault 84 let something slip about radiation cases at the "other location." Was it reffering to Vault 109? And if so, this wasn't new case data, right?If anyone would know about Vault 109 still being used for secret experiments, it would be some of those underground "doctos" at the Tower.:quest: The Tower * :S: :C: :L: 5:agenda:
Add #092 #093
Check it out directly.:quest: Vault 109 * Suffer 2 :rad::loot: x 3
3 XP
Add #092 #093
085QuestChasing StaticYou have a frequency from the Vault 84 radio tech that's supposedly coming from Vault 109. If you had the equipment to triangulate it, you could locate its radio equipment.Extract the necessary equipment from a robot.Kill a Protectron:agenda:
Add #090 #091
Just go directly to Vault 109 and look around:quest: Vault 109 * Suffer 2 :rad::loot: x 3
3 XP
Add #090 #091
086Vault 109
You enter a cavernous room. It is too dark to see, and you fumble around for some ay to get more light. You find a panel and flip on the lights using the vault's reserve power. Only several of the old lights flicker on, but it is enough to see a . . . fashion runway? What was going on in this vault?

As the last light flickers on, it casts a long, monstrous shadow across the room. Looks like there is something living here!
Fight the creature * Draw and fight :monster:
You snatch a victory from the jaws of defeat . . . and the jaws of the creature.
You may encounter the next card
At the end of your turn, add this card
It gets away before you can defeat it. You leave the vault, angry with your failure.
Add this card
Sneak away before it notices you
You step quickly and quietly toward the nearest door, fervently hoping you don't attract attention.
Add this card#REF!
087Vault 109
You enter a large room. Shelves loom around you in the haze. You realize with excitement that this used to be the vault's armory! The super mutants have made off with most of the weaponry, but there might be some things that were too small for hteir big, meaty fingers. There also looks to be a display case on the wall that they never managed to break open. Inside is what looks like some kind of oversized missile launcher.
Spend your time breaking into the display case
It takes some time, but you get into the case. The missile launcher is massive!
Gain the "Fat Man" unique asset
Ignore the case. There are organizations that could use all this firepower.
You manage to carry out a large amount of useful weapons and armor.
088Vault 109
This hallway is mostly still intact. The various rooms along it have been made up like high-end fashion stores. You see signs for Mary May, Ticknor and Fields, Fallon's, and many others.

As you are looking at some of the merchandise, which has aged nearly to tatters, you hear someone! You see a super mutant working its way through one of the stores. Is it . . . wearing a vest? What the hell?

Either way, it's blocking your way forward.
Fight the oddly stylish super mutant * Draw and fight :mutant:
You defeat the well-dressed super mutant with a triumphant shout!
You may encounter the next card
At the end of your turn, add this card
It gets away before you can defeat it. You leave to salvage your wounded pride.
Add this card
Sneak out of the vault
This is all too weird. You've had enough of this vault for now.
Add this card#REF!
089Vault 109
You come upon a large lift that likely leads back to the surface. It is even independently powered by a fusion core and is still functional! But then you spot a looming shape in the back of this room - a suit of power armor!
Take the fusion core from the lift to power the armor
The armor comes online as you slide the fusion core into the socket.
Gain the "T-60 Power Armor" unique asset
Leave the fusion core in the lift to bypass the threats of the vault
Search the :109: deck and Trash #086 #088 #090 #092 if they are in it
Trash #086 #088 #090 #092
090Vault 109
This area seems to have suffered a decent amount of structural damage from whatever destroyed this vault long ago. Charred fashion posters line the walls.

The floor creaks as you step forward. You're not sure it will hold your weight.
Risk the hallway to push onward * :A: :L: 4
The hallway wrenches apart as you cross. You deftly climb and make it to safety before you can be pulled down with the wreckage.
3 XP
You may encounter the next card
At the end of your turn, add this card
The hallway wrenches apart as you cross, and you are pulled down with the wreckage. You awaken in a cavern beneath the vault. After some wandering, you find your way back out into the wasteland.
Suffer 4 damage
Move 1 space
Add this card
Turn back and leave the vault
You don't feel like dying today
Add this card#REF!
091Vault 109
Jackpot! Up ahead you see a sign leading you to the overseer's office. There's got to be some good loot or information in there. To your surprise, the computer boots up on reserve power. This computer hooks into all sorts of communication and surveillance systems. This could be of massive use. The contents of this computer are invaluable!
Take all the information you can
Loaded with decades of data you can put to good use, you head back into the wasteland.
:agenda: x 2
Smash the computer
Why would you do that?!?
092Vault 109
You open one of the heavy metal doors and are greeted by a blast of scalding green air. Your eyes and lungs burn as you back away from the billowing cloud.
Suffer 2 damage and 1 :rad:
Take more radiation to push onward
Well, that was just awful. You continue deeper into the vault.
Suffer 3 :rad:
3 XP
You may encounter the next card
At the end of your turn, add this card
Turn back and leave the vault
Whatever happened here, it was pretty bad. You're getting out of this place.
Add this card#REF!
093Vault 109
You walk down a hallway lined with multiple small cells, each with a window looking into it. To your surprise, there are people inside! They are . . . very well dressed. They all wear elegant (if tattered) clothing. Many of them are even wearing make-up. They jump with excitement when they see you.
"Help use! Please!"
Releasing them all would likely attract attention
They thank you as they flee, but soon after, you hear loud footsteps.
Draw and fight :mutant:
Become Idolized
Releasing just one would be safer
Going through, you choose the person that would look the most useful and leave the rest.
Reveal :asset: cards until you find a companion, take that card, ignoring its requirements, discard the rest
Add this card
094QuestThe Children of AtomA missionary stands in the street, preaching a new religion called the Children of Atom. Many followers gather at Hofmann Farm, inviting all to "embrace Atom's glow."Bring a new recruit for their favor.:quest: Hofmann Farm * Discard a companion:agenda:
Stage #095
The word of Atom calls to you.
Embrace the glow.
:quest: Irridated space * :E: 3:agenda:
Suffer 2 :rad:
Stage #096
095QuestA Growing FollowingUnder the command of a singular new recruit, the Church of the Children of Atom has gone from a couple meager missionaries to an entire organization in a very short time. Everywhere you go, you can hear teh word of Atom being preached under the leadership of the Confessor.Gather recruits to your side.:quest: Any :settlement: * Suffer 2 :rad:Reveal :asset: cards until you find a companion, take that card, ignoring its requirements, discard the rest.
Stage #097
Local bounty hunters are too afraid to take bounties on the Confessor, but you have more convincing ways to get someone to agree to do the job . . .Kill a Bounty Hunter:agenda:
Stage #098
096QuestJoinnnnn Ussssss!You see the light of Atom's glow. The only salvation for this forsaken wasteland is to spread the light to all the non-believers.Convince everyone to band together under Atom's glow.:quest: Irridated Space * More than half of all survivors must also be on irradiated spacesEach survivor on an irradiated space: :agenda:
Stage #097
Stop the cult before it gets completely out of hand.:quest: Hofmann Farm * Draw and fight :skull:, apply +1 to its level:agenda:
Stage #098
097QuestThe Wasteland GlowsThe Church of the Children of Atom has grown to a huge size. The Confessor at its head leads his flock from one of the most opulent estates still left in the wasteland.At the end of the round, each survivor rolls 1 VATS die for each companion he or she has. For each :armchestleg2hit:, suffer 1 :rad:Bring new devout to the Confessor.:quest: Pendleton Estate * Discard a companion:agenda:End the Confessor's reign.:quest: Pendleton Estate * Draw and fight :skull:, apply +1 to its level:agenda:
Gain the "Shishkebab" unique asset
Stage #099
098QuestThe Last FanaticsThe Children of Atom begin to dwindle, but several enraged members make a final stand with one of their warheads.Place a quest marker at the highest-level :settlement:, this is the bomb.

At the end of each round, place 1 Cap on this card. When there are 3 Caps on this card, automatically resolve objective 2 (no one gets :agenda:).
Approach the bomb and defuse it.:quest: The bomb * :P: :I: :A: :L: 5:agenda:
Stage #099
Embrace Atom's glow: detonate the bomb!:quest: The bomb:agenda:
Each survivor and enemy within 2 spaces of the bomb is killed
099QuestRemnants of the CultThere is an ongoing bounty on remaining members of the Children of the Atom. Many of them have fled to the irradiated corners of the wasteland.Explore areas to which they might have fled.Explore an unexplored tile:agenda:
Suffer 2 :rad: