IncidentNameIncidentPostedIncidentDateIncidentDescriptionPostedByPlatformIncidentCommentaryDroneTypeDroneUserPosterAffiliationPurposeYearAreaCountryDestroyed/HitCargoLatLonGeolocatedEvidenceURL_1EvidenceURL_2EvidenceURL_3EvidenceURL_4EvidenceURL_5EvidenceURL_6DroneType_DJI_CountDroneType_MavicAutelDocumentationTargetingSurveillanceCommentaryDonationBombingOffensiveJournalismTargeting and documentation combinedTargeting AND documentation (same entry)Bombing AND offensive (same entry)Anti and Counter
Ukrainian Hobby Drone PIlots Turn to DIY Drones to Battle Russia in August 2014 Video8/28/2014"Ukraine's military geeks are bringing the fury to the front line. The pro-Ukrainian volunteer fighters were frustrated with the lack of organization and funding of the Ukrainian army, so the self-proclaimed "nerd units" decided to take matters into their own hands. They crowdsourced funds to purchase drones and quadcopters. And now the eye-in-the-sky machines are proving to be a game-changer in the fight against pro-Russian separatists.

Aerial information about enemy fighters is key in any conflict, but for a largely underfunded and inefficient army, like Ukraine's, it's hard to come by. The lack of such information hurts in terms of both intel and financing: Every badly aimed mortar is just more money wasted.

With their newfound aerial support, the pro-Ukrainian forces are now using a drone named “The Fury” to call in coordinates for their mortar attacks against the pro-Russian rebels. The Fury has located enemy tanks near Gorlivka, Ukraine, which the soldiers later destroyed, according to a drone pilot whose identity was withheld.

Volunteers like Aleksey Arestovich, a former Ukrainian military intelligence officer, provide the Ukrainian army with great deal of support. Arestovich says the government is too inefficient to effectively fight the war. His battalion, along with others, began to crowdsource the money needed for the drones back in May, and he notes that they received a good chunk of donations from an unexpected source: “kind housewives.”

It's all part of a grassroots movement to provide ammunition and other tools to help the pro-Ukrainian forces soar, as battalion commander Yuri Bereza says, “like a phoenix rising from its ashes."" - Vocativ on YouTube
Vocativ on YouTubeYouTubeVery interesting 2014-era video showing Ukrainian fighters starting up efforts to use low-budget DIY drones to combat the first Russian invasion.DIY dronesUkrainian Armed Forces, Ukrainian volunteersUkraineJournalism2014NAUkraineNo
Ukraine's DIY Drone War: 2015 Piece on Early Ukrainian Drone Efforts4/22/2015"On the front lines in eastern Ukraine, a group of self-taught soldiers and civilians is utilising the latest hobby-store drone technology to counter a sophisticated and well-equipped enemy.

With a ceasefire barely holding, Ukraine's newly formed Aerial Reconnaissance Unit is in a race against time to gain the technical edge in a new style of war being waged by Russia.

In what may be a template for future wars, Russia is using a variety of strategic measures to achieve its goals." - Nicholas Lazaredes, ABC Australia
ABC AustraliaABC News AustraliaEarly news story describing Ukrainian efforts to use small and DIY drones to counter Russian forces in the Donbas region.NAUkranian Armed ForcesNANews Story2015DonbasUkraineNo
"Cry 'Mavic' and let slip the drones of irregular war5/2/2018"War doesn’t change so much as it iterates. The ongoing conflict in eastern
Ukraine, pitting the government of Ukraine against Russian-backed
separatists, is less a concise picture of modern warfare than it is a
mashup of trends in war from across the last century.Take, for instance, the recent bombardment of trenches along the M14 highway
near the Taganrog Bay in the eastern end of the Sea of Azov. Inside the
trenches were separatists aligned forces, and above them, doing the
bombing, was a commercial drone.“The uploaded video showed three ‘bombing runs’ from the drone, targeting trenches controlled by Russian and separatist forces along the M14 highway, which runs along the Azov coast between government-controlled Mariupol and Russia,” reports the Minsk Monitor."
Kelsey Atherton on C4ISRNetC4ISRnetArticle form 2018 exploring a case where Ukrainian armed forces used a small DJI Mavic drone to bombard separatist-held trenches near Taganrog Bay in the eastern end of the Sea of Azov. Likely DJIUkrainian Armed ForcesNAJournalism, Bombing, Offensive2018Ukraine47.1086289137.85151893Yes
Evidence from 2018 of Russian Military DJI Drone Use in Abkhazia Exercises9/13/2018"Found this Ria Novosti article and picture from September 2018 - Russian military did procure Chinese DJI drones before Feb 2022 Ukraine invasion, but probably in small numbers." - @SamBendett on Twitter.

" The personnel of the unmanned aerial vehicles unit of the Russian military base in Abkhazia, during the stage of bilateral company tactical exercises, discovered more than 1,000 enemy targets, Vadim Astafyev, head of the press service of the Russian Southern Military District, told reporters.

"At training events, during ground reconnaissance using drones, the coordinates of the headquarters, equipment and infantry concentrations of the mock enemy were transmitted online to the command posts of the formation," he said.

Every day, at the Gudauta, Tsabal and Nagvalou training grounds, servicemen improved their skills in preparing for work and deploying drone systems, as well as launching the drones themselves in strong winds and in the mountains.

In addition, the personnel of the drone unit carried out reconnaissance of the surface forces of a mock enemy as part of a joint exercise of the air defense divisions of the 49th Combined Arms Army and ships of the Novorossiysk naval base of the Black Sea Fleet.

In total, more than 1,500 Russian military personnel took part in tactical exercises on the territory of Abkhazia and the border maritime zone, more than 500 units of military equipment and ships were involved, including up to 20 modern drone systems." - RIA Novosti
RIA NovostiRIA NovostiSeptember 2018 RIA Novosti article, sourced by Sam Bendett, providing proof that the Russian military was using small DJI drones to a limited extent (the DJI Phantom is visible in the picture) at the time - in this case, for exercises in Abkhazia. DJI PhantomRussiaRussiaJournalism2023NARussiaNo
2020 Account of Ukrainian Soldier Attacked by Russia, Viewed From Reconaissance Drone8/3/2020"The Order initiates the creation of a petition to award the Sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Zhuravly Yaroslav Serhiyovych, the title "Hero of Ukraine" (posthumously).

Yaroslav Zhuravel and a reconnaissance group went to look for the body of his dead brother. Both the headquarters of the OOS and the 35th brigade claim that the "regime of silence" for the period of the search operation was guaranteed through the OSCE.

The crane went first. And he was the first to take the blow of the enemy. This is what the "guarantees" of the OSCE are worth. The group tried to help the sergeant, who crawled to the side. But the heavy fire of the enemy did not allow it to be done.

Yaroslav was "seen" from a reconnaissance drone, when he was still alive. Then he disappeared from sight - probably fell into a beam. But he did not surrender to the enemy.

He died for 4 days without ever betraying the state that abandoned him.

The impotent green government must somehow rehabilitate itself after this shameful situation. And award Yaroslav the title "Hero of Ukraine". Especially since his act in the last days and hours of his life deserves it.

It only takes two minutes of your time to sign the petition and share the link with your friends. But this is the moral duty of all conscientious citizens.

Yaroslav deserves it."

"Орден ініціює створення петиції про надання сержанту ЗСУ, Журавлю Ярославу Сергійовичу, звання «Герой України» (посмертно).

Ярослав Журавель з групою розвідки пішов шукати тіло загиблого побратима. І штаб ООС, і 35-а бригада стверджують, що «режим тиші» на період пошукової операції був гарантований через ОБСЄ.

Журавель йшов першим. І першим прийняв на себе удар ворога. Ось чого варті «гарантії» ОБСЄ. Група намагалась надати допомогу сержанту, який відповзав убік. Але шквальний вогонь ворога не дав це зробити.

Ярослава «бачили» з дрона розвідки, тоді він був ще живий. Потім зник з поля зору – ймовірно, впав у балку. Але ворогу не здався.

4 дні він помирав, так і не зрадивши державі, яка кинула його на призволяще.

Імпотентна зелена влада має хоч якось реабілітуватись після цієї ганебної ситуації. І присвоїти Ярославу звання «Герой України». Тим паче, що його вчинок в останні дні та години життя заслуговує на це.

Підписати петицію та поділитись посиланням з друзями – лише дві хвилини вашого часу. Але це моральний обов‘язок всіх свідомих громадян.

Ярослав на це заслуговує." - @orden83 on Telegram
@orden83 on TelegramTelegramInteresting 2020 story of a Ukrainian soldier caught up in Russian fire and who was spotted in distress by a presumably Ukrainian reconaissance drone before he died. NA00S, 35th Brigade (Ukraine)UkraineDocumentation, search and rescue2020DonbasUkraine
Ukrainian High-Speed Drone Buzzes Russian Trenches in May 20215/13/2021"I'll stay a little high.
After a spectacular video ( with the work of the FPV drone on enemy positions, there was interest (to put it mildly) in such drones. They began to see almost a "simple solution" to many problems. All this reminded me of 14 years and the excitement around the "barrettes" as around the panacea. Why did it remind me of the barrette situation now? Because trained snipers who can consciously work at a distance of 1500+ can still be counted on our fingers. This is the prose of life. Not only do we have few of them. There are not many of them in the armies of any country. Because it's difficult.
The same is true with the FPV drone. There are many beautiful videos on YouTube, as high-speed helicopters work wonders. But behind each of these videos is a lot of training, experience, knowledge of the area and ... battered drones.
To work on such helicopters you need to study. The pilot who shot this video was not just interested in drones on an amateur level. He has flown thousands of hours on helicopters and birds. But he learned to fly the FPV from scratch. On the FPV drone simulator, many hours, long and tedious, then on landfills. And only then went on a combat sortie. It's just really difficult. At such speeds, without knowing the terrain, the probability of crashing a drone is very high. And if we break it, we won't be able to pick it up and fix it. Most likely, the militants will do it.
I am two-handed for using such drones. I just don't want the best motives to be smashed into pieces by not very experienced pilots. To work with these drones, you need to do a lot and change your mind a little during the flight. And this can be done only after many hours of training.
This video shows how the good reaction of the pilot saved the drone from a collision. And this, too, is earned only in training. You just have to take this into account when you are asked to bring a high-speed drone to the unit.
And thanks to everyone who helps.
UPD. Expert comment - "and for people not in the topic, I should say that the pilot does not see THIS picture, it is written to the memory card. The pilot often sees an analog mash, as with rubbed to the holes VHS-cassette. " - translated from Ukrainian via Google Translate, Roman Donik, YouTube,
Roman Donik (YouTube)YouTubeFast-moving video apparently shot by a small hobby racing-type drone buzzes over Russian military positions (apparently to their surprise). Online researchers then used Meshroom photogrammetry and the BlenderGIS plugin to create a 3D visualization of the flight (linked). Possibly hobby-built FPV drone. Ukrainian Armed ForcesUkraineSurveillance2021Staromykhailivka, Donestk areaUkraine48.00058937.554871Yes
Call for DJI and Autel Donations in October 2021 to Ukrainian Fighters10/14/2021"I just want to remind you that Ukraine is being defended right now. At the front. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. And it is not yet clear how much. To victory. And those who are defending Ukraine now at the front need our help. Both before and after the day of defenders. Because the war for Independence is not tied to holidays and dates. Sorry to talk about everyday life. Without pathos. Needs in short. Cable. Optics. Periscopes / TR uzi 5x20. Drops Autel EVO II Pro, and DJI Mavic Zoom. Winter tires for medical and volunteer cars. Disks on the Bulgarian, electrodes and welding wire for semiautomatic devices. Start chargers.
Fastening on a helmet of Norotos Titanium for PNV PVS-7. Anti-inflammatory and anti-cold soluble powders.
Thank you to everyone who is not tired of the war, and helps the gunsmiths to make two hundred and win.
4731 2196 1942 3175
5168 7573 4764 2680
Donik R"

"Просто хочу нагадати, що захист України відбувається прямо зараз. На фронті. Вчора. Сьогодні. Завтра. І ще не зрозуміло скільки. До перемоги. І ті, хто захищають Україну зараз на фронті, потребують нашої допомоги. І до дня і після дня захисників. Бо війна за Незалежність, вона до свят та дат не прив'язана. Вибачте що я про буденне. Без пафосу.
Потреби якщо коротко. Кабель. Оптика. Періскопи/ТР uzi 5x20. Дрони Autel EVO II Pro, та DJI Mavic Zoom. Зимова гума для медичних та волонтерських авто. Диски на болгарку, електроди та зварювальна проволока для напівавтоматів. Пуско зарядні пристрої. Кріплення на шолом Norotos Titanium для ПНВ PVS- 7. Протизапальні та протипростудні розчинні порошки.
Дякуюємо всім хто не втомився від війни, та допомагає збройникам робити двісті і виборювати перемогу.
4731 2196 1942 3175
5168 7573 4764 2680
Донік Р" - @romandonik on Telegram
Roman Donik (@romandonik) on TelegramTelegramCall for DJI/Autel donations in October 2021. DJI Mavic Zoom, Aute Evo II ProUkrainian Armed ForcesUkraineDonation2021Kharkiv AreaUkraineNo
DJI Drone Donations to Ukrainian Fighters in December 202112/9/2021"The day of the Armed Forces was, but not about the holiday. It's about the people and the hard work of defending Independence. The fact that we need to help them make that work as safe, comfortable and efficient as possible (as far as it depends on us). Because they make 200, and the Independence of Ukraine is worth it. Brought to where the savages are in the red
DJI Phantom and DJI Mavic2 Zoom, 30 periscopes UZI 5x20 CR, 5 starting chargers and 6 charging stations for heavy equipment. Batteries, optics, camouflage nets, thermal and knitted socks, anti-slip chains. 3in1 coffee in stacks of 500 kg.
Thank you to everyone who did not get tired. Everyone who helps. Private
4731 2196 1942 3175
5168 7451 1010 5332
Donik R"

"День ЗСУ був, то ж не про свято. То про людей та про важку небезпечну роботу по захисту Незалежності. То про те, що треба допомагати робити їм ту роботу максимально (наскільки від нас залежить) безпечною, комфортною та ефективною. Бо вони роблять 200, а Незалежність України того варта. Завезли туди де мінусують здичалих
DJI Phantom та DJI Mavic2 Zoom, 30 перископів UZI 5x20 CR, 5 пускзарядних та 6 зарядних станцій для важкої техніки. Акумулятори, оптику, сітки маскувальні, термуху та в'язані шкарпетки, ланцюги проти скользіння. Каву 3в1 в стіках 500 кг.
Дякуємо всім хто не втомився. Всім хто допомагає. Приват
4731 2196 1942 3175
5168 7451 1010 5332
Донік Р"
Roman Donik (@romandonik) on TelegramTelegramAnnouncement of donations of DJI Phantom and DJI Mavic 2 UAS to Ukrainian armed forces in December 2021. DJI Phantom, DJI Mavic 2Ukrainian Armed ForcesUkraineDonation2021Kharkiv AreaUkraineNo
Pre-War Discussion By Possible Wagner-Linked Individuals about Utility of Small Drones in Combat12/24/2021"RSOT | Civil drones"GREY ZONE on YouTubeYouTubeVideo posted to the Grey Zone YouTube channel (Wagner-affiliated) describing the value of drones in conflict settings. NAWagner/MercenariesRussiaDiscussion2022NAUkraineNo
Ukrainian Mavic Identifies Russian Mavic Pilot, Who's Hit With Artillery, in Drone on Drone Combat Example1/24/2022"Stay strong, Everybody!
Somewhere between B. and Cl.
The pilot of an enemy UAV - to a concert!

40 OABr and PM are working
In memory of the pilot GRAFA from the ADAM team.

PM: Eyes and Sting


"Stay strong, Everybody!
Somewhere between B. and Cl.
The pilot of an enemy UAV - to a concert!

40 OABr and PM are working
In memory of the pilot GRAFA from the ADAM team.

PM: Eyes and Sting

24.01.23" - @robert_magyar on Telegram
@robert_magyarTelegramInteresting video where both Ukrainians and Russians are using DJI Mavics - Ukrainian drone pilots use a DJI Mavic (almost certainly) to identify a Russian DJI Mavic pilot. The Russian DJI Mavic pilot's position is then hit with an artillery strike from the Ukrainian side minutes later. An example of the era of drone-on-drone warfare. DJI MavicUkrainian Armed Forces, Russian Armed ForcesUkraineTargeting, documentation, dog fight, drone on drone combat2023NAUkraineRussian PositionsNo
Drone Imagery Shows Aftermath of Russian Missile on Kindergarten2/25/2022"Russian missile hit kindergarten" - @3TrAmvL026aJRar, Олександр МережкоAlexander MerezhkoTwitterPeople’s Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee.Alexander Merezhko, posts what appears to be consumer drone video depicting the aftermath of an alleged Russian cluster munition strike near a kindergaten in the eastern Ukrainian city of Okhtyrka. NANAUkraineDocumentation2022Provulok Lisovyy, Okhtyrka, Sums'ka oblast, Ukraine, 42701Ukraine50.309834.8696
Early War Mention of Drone Use by DPR/Russian Forces2/25/2022"I must say that we have enough reserves and not all of them were put into battle. Now the enemy is being exhausted by the advanced units of the Corps, but neither our special forces nor the Russian units have yet come into action. So to talk about our depletion, to put it mildly, is not correct.

The main reason for the delays in advancing, as I said, minefields. After the first losses at the beginning of the activation, we changed our tactics: when a minefield is detected, the advancing troops take up the defense and wait until the special equipment makes its way through.

There are problems with air reconnaissance - groups of our UAVs do not have time to provide adjustments and data to all units that entered the battle.

Deep now we are not advancing near Mariupol, so as not to put the right flank under attack, we are waiting for the development of the success of the Russian army in the direction of Berdyansk to synchronize actions."
@aleksandr_skifTelegramCommentary by DPR leader describing drone use early in the war. NAAleksandr Skif, DPR / Russian forcesRussiaDocumentation, Targeting2022Mariupol area (probably). General coordinates can be used.UkraineNo
Reported use of DJI Mavic by Russian recon team 2/26/2022"In Kharkiv, the Guards captured a reconnaissance group 🇷🇺 trying to infiltrate the territory of one of the units.
The occupiers had small arms, sniper rifles, drones for aerial photography, hand and smoke grenades, GGG cartridges cal.308 Win, tactical equipment, money and documents."

В Харкові гвардійці взяли в полон розвідгрупу 🇷🇺,що намагалася проникнути на територію однієї із в/ч.
При собі окупанти мали стрілецьку зброю,снайперські гвинтівки,дрони для зйомки з повітря,ручні та димові гранати,патрони GGG кал.308 Win,тактичне спорядження,гроші та документи.
@ArmedForcesUkrTwitterApparent DJI Mavic use by Russian recon team. DJI MavicRussian reconaissanceUkraineReconaissance2022KharkivUkraine49.98835836.232845
Reporters Film Ukrainians Fleeing to Poland2/27/2022"Cars line up on the road to the Shehyni border crossing as people flee to Poland, after Russia launched a massive military operation against Ukraine, outside Mostyska, Ukraine, February 27, 2022. Picture taken with a drone. REUTERS/Natalie Thomas" - @phildstewart@phildstewartTwitterDrone used to document Ukrainains fleeing to the border crossing at Shehyni. N/AReuters; Natalie ThomasNAJournalism2022Shehyni Border CrossingUkraine49.7991106222.95002171
Burning Epicenter K Mall in Chernihiv2/28/2022"Found what appears to be consumer drone video documentation of the burning Epicenter K mall in Chernihiv, Ukraine on Telegram." - @faineg@SkyUkraina TelegramVideo showing burning Epicenter K mall in Chernihiv. Seems first posted on Telegram. Source unknown.DJI MavicUnknown. Doesn't appear to be journalist. Ukraine (likely)Documentation2022ChernihivUkraine51.5253903331.32953267
Polish drone pilot protest at Belarusian Embassy2/28/2022"Meanwhile, Polish drone pilot managed to illuminate the Belarusian Embassy in Poland with Ukrainian flag 😅🇺🇦 #ukraine #poland"@sadek, Michal SadowskiTwitterBlue and yellow lights on Belarussian Embassy in Poland. Five-armed multirotor able to carry a spotlight. Unknown individualUkraineProtest2022WarsawPoland52.1717840421.08182555
Possible Aeroscope Use by Ukrainian Special Ops3/1/2022"#Ukraine: UA SoF with suppressed Sig MCX, ACOG (Note Mini RDS), PEQ." - @CalibreObscura@CalibreObscuraTwitterPossible use of the DJI Aeroscope counter-UAS technology by Ukrainian Special Ops. AeroscopeUkrainian Army Special ForcesNACounter UAS2022Unknown (but somewhere in Ukraine)Ukraine50.4546630.5238
Battle Antonovsky Bridge3/1/2022"Battle for the Antonovsky bridge near Kherson city from a drone view. On the left, two Ukrainian BRDM-2 and 2-3 infantry squads are firing towards Russian positions on the right side of the frame where a vehicle is burning. This battle took place 4-5 days ago."CaucasusWarReport, @Caucasuswar. Video has "DiVan Production" watermark. TwitterVideo includes sound in background, which may have been overdubbed (note a child's voice). DJI products do not have speakers. N/AN/ANADocumentation2022KhersonUkraine46.6780217332.71529063
Mariupol Azov Russian Equipment3/1/2022"Images filmed from a drone near Mariupol show Ukrainian artillery hitting Russian equipment. "@COUPSURETwitterAerial video of Ukrainian artillery successfully striking Russia near Mariupol (likely filmed by Azov, but unclear). NAAzov Battalion (likely) UkraineDocumentation; possible targeting2022MariupolUkraine47.16448137.492182
Latvian Companies Donate 90 Drones to Ukrainian Soldiers3/2/2022"The Latvian Ministry of Defense said March 2 that 90 unmanned aircraft donated by Latvian companies have been
delivered to the Ukrainian Armed Forces." -
ENG.LSM.lvEng.LSM LatviaPrivate companies in Latvia donate drones to Ukrainain armed forces. N/AN/ANADonation2022LatviaLatvia56.94628524.105078
Finnish Drone Donations3/2/2022"140 drones packed tightly, worth € 52,000, shaken by Anders Brotherus. We are in Poland on our way to the Ukrainian border to surrender these to the resistance, who asked for drones to help with intelligence. An independent state is fighting for its existence."

"140 dronea pakattu tiukasti, arvoltaan 52 000 euroa, Anders Brotheruksen järkkäämänä. Olemme Puolassa matkalla Ukrainan rajalle luovuttamaan nämä vastarinnalle, joka pyysi droneja avuksi tiedusteluun. Itsenäinen valtio taistelee olemassaolostaan." - @HenriLindroos
@HenriLindroosTwitterDonation of 140 DJI Mavics to Ukrainian troops. DJI MavicHenri LindroosUkraineDonation2022Warsaw Chopin Airport and FinlandFinland and Poland52.167236920.9678911
Street block in Energodar3/2/2022"Local residents of #Energodar have blocked the road and will not let the occupants pass." - @nexta_tv@nexta_tvTwitterDrone used to document street blockage by Energodar citizens. N/AAppears to be journalistUkraineJournalism2022EnergodarUkraine47.4780200334.64361693
Black Stork Drone Alleged in Kiev3/2/2022"Compiling some info on the drone in this picture: a Belarusian partisan group calling itself “Black Stork” claims that it’s in Kyiv and intends to use this multi rotor drone to attack Russians on behalf of Ukraine." - @faineg@faineg, Black Stork on Telegram (see link) TelegramBelarusian pro-Ukraine separatist group claims to have acquired small multirotor which it intends to use to conduct explosive attacks. The group claims to have carried out attacks on riot police in recent months in Belarus. X1400 Quad Patrol Drone RTF Industry Application UAV Fire Fighting Drone 1400mm Emergency Rescue Profession Drone JMRRCBlack StorkUkraineOffensive2022KyivUkraine and Belarus50.45000130.523333
Reporters Film Destruction in Borodyanka3/3/2022"An aerial view shows a residential building destroyed by shelling, as Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues, in the settlement of Borodyanka in the Kyiv region, Ukraine March 3, 2022. Picture taken with a drone. REUTERS/Maksim Levin"@GuyReutersReuters, TwitterExample of drone use for journalism to document destruction in the town of Borodynka. Drone pilot appears to be Maks (Maksim) Levin. N/AReuters/BBC; Maksim LevinNAJournalism2022BorodyankaUkraine50.64225629.929897
Drone Footage of Fighting in Bucha 3/4/2022"This Telegram post claims to show fighting in Bucha near Kyiv from an aerial view - almost certainly shot with a small multirotor drone. " - @fainegTelegram, @faineg, among many othersTelegramDrone footage featuring multiple perspectives and shots of fighting in Bucha, likely filmed by the Ukrainian side. Not clear what drone is involved.N/ALikely Ukrainian forcesNADocumentation2022BuchaUkraine50.5434530.21201
Drone Video from Russian Force Showing Alleged Aid Line in Melitopol3/4/2022"Drone-footage: People in #Melitopol, #Ukraine stand in a queue for humanitarian aid from #Crimea, #Russia." - @SDyorin@SDyorin (pro-Russia source, handle with caution)TwitterRussian drone video allegedly showing people standing in a line for aid in Melitopol.N/ALikely Russian forces. RussiaDocumentation2022MelitopolUkraine46.8422074535.37448969
Apparent Drone Footage of Ukrainian Forces Shelling Russian Base3/4/2022"Nort of Kyiv, Ukrainian forces shell a Russian forward base" - @OsinttechnicalOSINTtechnical@OsinttechnicalTwitterDrone video produced by unknown source appearing to show Ukrainian forces shelling a Russian base. N/AN/ANAOffensive, Documentation2022KozarovychiUkraine50.7616617830.34802363
Apparent Russian Use of Consumer Drone for Recon Ahead of Troops3/4/2022"Russian forces advance through the destroyed city of Volnovakha, in the Donetsk region of Ukraine.

Note the use of a drone as troops advance behind a tank column." - @YWNReporter
Moshe Schwartz, @YWNReporterTwitterRussian forces (possibly separatist?) appearing to use commercial drone tech - possibly a DJI Mavic - for advance recon through a damaged city.Possibly DJI MavicRussian forcesRussiaOffensive; Reconaissance2022VolnovakhaUkraine47.59511437.483142
Moment Russian Helicopter is Downed Captured by Drone3/5/2022"Geolocation of footage of downed Russian helicopter just outside of Kozarovychi (Козаровичі) in Kyiv Oblast. Location: 50.7605860, 30.3661308. H/T to @L_ThinkTank for location." - @Cen4infoRes@Cen4infoRes, among many othersTwitterImpressive drone footage depicting a Russian helicopter being downed by Ukrainian forces. I wonder if this the same drone used to film the shelling of a Russian base in the same area on 3/4/2022. N/ALikely Ukrainian forcesNADocumentation2022KozarovychiUkraine50.76058630.3661308
UAV Use Mention on March 5th, 2022 by DPR/Russian Forces3/5/2022"There are two main factors that influence our actions now, determining their success. It is the availability of sufficient forces and resources to accomplish our tasks, and the understanding that we are dealing with our cities and our people. The factor of experience, skills, knowledge is important, but not the main one - all this is acquired quite quickly, albeit at the cost of losses.

Here is yesterday's picture of the battle on the outskirts of Mariupol: armor and troops landing in the alleys, looking for passages, and the enemy moves in groups on the territory studied by him and loved in the military sense, bypasses, snaps. Our drone hangs in the air, and on subsequent viewing it is clear how the enemy is using dense urban development for their own purposes.

What would our ancestors do in such conditions? Yes, they would level everything with the ground, then they would hit the buildings with cannons, make passages, smoke out the surviving enemy like rats from burrows. But we are standing in front of residential buildings, we know that there is an enemy there, not shooting, because the enemy has covered itself with civilians. We are trying to maneuver, but the advantage in the city is still on their side.

In terms of numbers, I must say that it is enough to block Mariupol, but there are no reserves yet for storming. We are still probing in different directions, identifying their positions, pressing the connection and waiting for the necessary reserves to be released. But I have to state: if the enemy will actively resist - the city will suffer greatly. The population needs to understand this, and negotiators need to take steps to evacuate."
Alexander Skif on Telegram )@aleksandr_skif)TelegramCommentary by DPR leader describing drone use early in the war. NAAleksandr Skif, DPR / Russian forcesRussiaDocumentation, Targeting2022Mariupol area (probably). General coordinates can be used.UkraineNo
Drone Video Allegedly Showing Russian Attacks on Ukrainian Military From Village3/6/2022"Russians attack Ukrainian military from behind the civilian population. On the footage you can see the shelling by MRLS "Hrad" recorded by our drone. The shelling was carried out directly from a village." - @BackAndAlive@BackAndAliveTwitterVideo posted by Ukrainian source allegedly showing Russians firing a MRLS "Hrad" from a position within a Ukrainian village. N/AUkrainian forces (likely)UkraineDocumentation2022Peremoha, Kyiv OblastUkraine50.49801431.259219
Alleged Russian Use of Commercial Drone Over Attacked Civilian Evacuation3/6/2022"
Was just in a civilian evacuation that got shelled heavy. Russians had a Commercial drone up watching the whole thing." -- @AlexanderLouri4
@AlexanderLouri4TwitterVideo showing Ukrainian forces shooting at small drone as it flies over a civilian evacuation site near the bridge in Irpin. N/A - resembles small consumer drone from distance. Possible DJI Mavic or Autel.Russian forcesNADocumentation (?), Possible Targeting2022IrpinUkraine50.4911154530.25884071
Another View of Alleged Russian Use of Commercial Drone Over Civilian Evacuation3/6/20224/x Sky News's @AlexCrawfordSky
was also in Irpin close to where @lynseyaddario
was. Crawford says, "Those trying to escape came under fire several times. The Ukrainian soldiers tried to shoot down drones pinpointing the positions of the fleeing families." - @clancynewyork
@ONC3X, @AlexCrawfordSkySky NewsVideo shows another angle of the same incident as documented by @AlexanderLouri4 at the Irpin bridge: Ukrainian forces firing to attempt to take down what appears to be a small consumer drone, which they believe to be piloted by Russians, who were firing artillery at civilians attempting to evacuate at the time. N/A - resembles small consumer drone from distance. Possible DJI Mavic or Autel.Russian forcesNADocumentation (?), Possible Targeting2022IrpinUkraine50.4910206930.25901449
Protest in Almaty Against Russian Invasion 3/6/2022"Protest in Almaty against Russia's invasion of Ukraine drone footage video by @Orda"@maqpal, @orda TwitterVideo shot by Kazakh media group Orda showing anti-war protests in Almaty. N/AKazakh Orda media groupNAJournalism; Protest2022AlmatyKazakhstan43.23894976.889709
Thermal Drone Footage Showing Destruction of Russian Military Vehicle 3/7/2022"#Ukraine: Drone footage allegedly showing the destruction of the Russian military vehicle.

Notice the usage of thermal optics - possibly was filmed with a DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced UAV." - @UAWeapons
@UAWeaponsTwitterThermal drone footage appearing to show a destroyed Russian military vehicle. Likely DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise AdvancedLikely Ukrainian forcesNADocumentation2022Makariv, Kyiv Oblast, UkraineUkraine50.48142229.816581
Drone Video Appears to Depict Russian Units Shooting At Civilians With Hands Raised3/7/2022"Suspicion of war crimes in Ukraine: Drone video shows shooting of civilians." - @ZDFheute@ZDFheuteTwitterDrone video, shot by a Ukrainian volunteer combatant with a DJI Mavic 2 who had been tasked with observing Russian positions along the E40 highway, depicts Russians shooting at civilians near a gas station, who emerge from a car with their hands up before they are attacked. German journalists with ZDF heute contacted the drone pilot and verified the footage. Later in March, BBC journalists confirmed the names of the dead and that the footage was collected by the Bugatti Unit of Territorial Defence in Ukraine. DJI Mavic 3Ukrainian Army volunteer tasked with observing roadway UkraineDocumentation2022Sadova Vulytsya, 2, Mriia, Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine, 08112Ukraine50.43904630.14934207Yes
Drone Footage of Mariupol 3/7/2022"This is what Mariupol looks like today from a bird's eye view

We are told that people there have been without communication, light and water for 6 days, and they are experiencing a shortage of food and gas outages. And all this is happening under constant shelling of civilians.

But despite this, the city holds the blow and strikes back." - Инсайдер Украина Новости Война (telegram)
Инсайдер Украина Новости ВойнаTelegramDrone footage appearing to show destruction near Mariupol. N/AN/AUkraineDocumentation2022MariupolUkraine47.1321642437.67469993
58th Independent Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Army Ambushes Russian Supply Column3/7/2022"
#Ukraine: The 58th Independent Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Army ambushed a Russian supply column, with approximately 3 trucks damaged and another totally destroyed as it exploded." - @UAWeapons
@UAWeaponsFacebookDrone footage showing destruction of Russian supply column. Specific location unknown but likely north of Kyiv. Posted on Ukrainian Land Forces Facebook page: Independent Motorized Infantry Brigade of Ukrainian ArmyUkraineDocumentation2022North of Kyiv - precise location unknown Ukraine50.897230530.35749657
US Company Says It Will Send Radiation-Detecting Drone to Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant3/7/2022"In the wake of the Russian shelling of Ukraine’s enormous Zaporizhzhia
nuclear power plant, contamination detection specialist US Nuclear Corp.
says it is sending one of its specialized DroneRAD UAVs to Ukrainian
authorities to help monitor the facility’s reactors for potential
radiation leaks." - DroneDJ
DroneDJCBSThe US Nuclear company says it'll send one of its radiation detecting drones to the shelled Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. However, the plant is currently held by the Russians, who may not want to cooperate. DroneRAD UAVUS NuclearNADonation2022Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plantUkraine47.5071178434.5852479
The Woman Who Downed a Drone With Pickles is Real3/7/2022" Heroes of our time "It was tomatoes!" LIGA.Life found a woman from Kyiv who shot down an enemy drone with a conservation can" - LigaThat woman who supposedly downed a drone with pickles? The story is real, and the pickles were tomatoes, not cucumbers - she'd like everyone to know that. The drone appears to have been flown by looters: it's unclear if the looters were Russian or Ukrainian. Location is approximate and not geolocated.N/ALooters (either Russian or Ukrainian) UkraineLooting2022Dniprovskyi District, KyivUkraine50.4545031930.60111512
Anti-Russian Rebels in Belarus Use Drone Video for Recruitment3/7/2022"Anti-Russian rebels in Belarus using drone video for recruitment purposes:" - @faineg@faineg, busly_laciac on Telegram TelegramBelarus rebel recruitment video using a small drone. N/ABelarus rebels. NARecruitment2022N/A (but in Belarus)Belarus53.89300927.567444
Ukrainian Ground Forces Release Drone Video of Destroyed Military Vehicles near Sumy3/8/2022"Drone footage released by Ukrainian Ground Forces shows destroyed Russian vehicles in the Sumy region." - @ABCABC, Reuters, Press Service of the Ukrainian Ground Forces ABCDrone video of destroyed Russian vehicles released by the Press Service of the Ukrainian Ground Forces, somewhere near Sumy. Reuters is disseminating the photos and video. Specific location unknown.NAUkrainian Ground ForcesUkraineDocumentation2022Sumy RegionUkraine50.39727534.583943
Downed Russian Soldiers and Equipment Near Mariupol3/8/2022"The Azov Regiment published a UAV video showing the bodies of Russian soldiers and Russian vehicles, including two K-63968 Typhoon-K MRAPs, two BMP-3, two Rys, and two Tigr-M vehicles near Mariupol." - @RALee85Azov RegimentTwitterDrone video showing bodies of Russian soldiers and Russian vehicles near Mariupol.NAAzov RegimentUkraineDocumentation2022MariupolUkraine47.0870237.4913
BBC Drone Video of Irpin Bridge Crossing3/8/2022"bbcrussian@bbcrussian·14hТак выглядит эвакуация из Ирпеня в Киев.bbcrussian@bbcrussianЕще кадры эвакуации людей из города Ирпень под Киевом. More footage of the evacuation of people from the city of Irpen near Kiev." - @bbcrussianBBC RussianBBCDrone video of the Irpin Bridge, showing refugees crossing. NABBC RussiaNAJournalism2022Irpin BridgeUkraine50.4910154630.2589912
Russian Drone Footage of Fighting Near Mariupol3/10/2022"Footage of the battles on the outskirts of #Mariupol from a #Russian drone.
#Russia #Ukraine #Russia_Ukraine #RussianUkrainianWar #RussianUkraineWar #RussiaUkraine #UkraineRussianWar #UkraineRussia" - @khalediskef
@khalediskef on TwitterTwitterCompilation of drone video allegedly collected by Russia depicting fighting in the vicinity of Mariupol prior to 3/10/2022.NARussian Armed ForcesRussiaDocumentation2022MariupolUkraine47.10461537.646883Yes
Russian Military Column Attacked by Ukrainian Forces Near Brovary 3/10/2022"From our colleagues with StratCom AFU StratCom "Ukrainian Safari 2.0" Professional work of the Ukrainian military. Battle of Brovarsky." "Від наших колег з СтратКом ЗСУ / AFU StratCom "Українське сафарі 2.0" Професійна робота українських військових. Бій в Броварському." - Facebook page owned by the Land forces of the Armed Forces of UkraineUkrainian Armed Forces/Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who say the video was collected by AFU Stratcom. FacebookExtremely high-quality drone video shows Russian tanks being attacked by Ukrainian forces: the drone is hovering at relatively close range over the road. The drone video (which almost certainly had no sound) has audio placed over it: this audio appears to be an intercepted call betwen a Russian officer and his leader, in which the Russian officer reports that they are experiencing severe losses. Associated Press journalist Felipe Dana took a still image with his own drone of the aftermath, which is linked here. NAUkrainian Armed ForcesUkraineDocumentation2022Skybyn, Brovary areaUkraine50.58711130.837889
Wobbly Drone Video Appears to Show Fighting Near Borodyanka3/10/2022"Video allegedly showing Ukrainian artillery strikes on Russian tanks and a BMP-2 in Borodyanka from Tuesday." - @RALee85, Twitter.

"- Ювелірна робота нашої артилерії по ворожим танкам в районі населеного пункту Бородянка, - Головнокомандувач ЗС України / CinC AF of Ukraine генерал Валерій Залужний.
- Delicate work of our artillery on enemy tanks in the area of the settlement Borodyanka, - Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine General Valerii Zaluzhnyi." - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Facebook.
Posted to the Facebook page run by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. FacebookWobbly drone video appears to show fighting near a gas station in Borodyanka. There is a cheap Z-20 multirotor drone on the market and the on-screen footage says Z-20, but will need to investigate further. Appears to have been shot on 3/8/2022, but posted 3/10/2022. NAUkrainian Armed ForcesUkraineDocumentation2022BorodyankaUkraine50.65791929.883315Yes
Ukrainian Army Claims to Capture Small Russian Tactical Drone3/10/22"Ukrainian forces captured a Russian Eleron-3 short-range reconnaissance drone.
#Ukraine #Russia #Putin" - @IntelRogue
@IntelRogueTwitterVideo appears to show Ukrainian troops unpacking a captured fixed-wing, flying-wing style drone that allegedly belonged to Russian troops. OSINTers identify drone as the Russian Eleron-3 short range recon drone. Location not identified. Fixed-wing tactical droneRussian forcesNADocumentation 2022Ukraine (location not specified)Ukraine48.38302231.1828699
Ukrainian Army Adapts DJI Inspire Drone to Drop Molotov Cocktails3/10/22"Ukraine’s army developed a drone to drop Molotov cocktails on its
enemies, and one of the beer bottle-turned-weapons was unleashed

The small flying drone was developed by the Ukrainian Territorial
Defence Forces and appears to have four blades. Its center console has a
spot to hold the Molotov cocktail horizontally before it is remotely
deployed." - Ben Kesslen, NY Post
NY Post, Reuters, Mykola Tymchenko (photographer)ReutersPhotographs depict a DJI Inspire drone that the Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces have adapted to drop Molotov cocktails. Please take note for scholarly purposes that the beer brand is Chernihivske. Location not identified, general coordinates given. DJI Inspire Ukrainian Territorial Defence ForcesNAOffensive2022Kyiv (Location not specified) Ukraine50.4632046330.52814522
Ukrainian SOF Use DJI Phantom in Viktorivka, Chernihiv Oblast3/11/2022"Ukrainian SOF have managed to recaptured the village of Viktorivka, Chernihiv Oblast. #Russia #Ukraine" - @Blue_Sauron@Blue_SauronTwitterImage depicts Ukrainian Special Operations Forces (SOF), apparently using a DJI Phantom drone as part of their push to recapture Viktorivka.DJI PhantomUkrainian Special ForcesNADocumentation2022Viktorivka, Chernihiv OblastUkraine51.2931681231.40422862Yes
Russian Troops Fire Near Trostyanets, Captured By Drone3/11/2022" Russian forces filmed firing in heavily populated area. Town of Trostyanets (north), #Ukrainian UAV films rocket system firing next to railway station. Russian army clearly poorly trained, as 3 self-propelled artillery & many vehicles incl fuel truck all around." - @GlasnostGone93rd Mechanized Brigade (to Facebook page)FacebookConsumer drone video uploaded to the Facebook page of Ukraine's 93rd Mechanized Brigade (93-тя ОМБр Холодний Яр). Specific Trostyanets location geolocated by Faine Greenwood. NA93rd Mechanized Brigade (Ukraine)UkraineDocumentation2022TrostyanetsUkraine50.48233634.967736Yes
Ukrainian Combatants Use DJI Mavic For Overwatch3/11/2022"#Russia #Ukraine : Recent video shows Ukrainian Combatants using a UAV to watch the area.

The unit seems to be using a DJI UAV with DJI Go 4 application.

Also the Panzerfaust 3-Improved Tandem (PzF 3-IT) with possibly DM72A1 HEAT-RA projectile can be seen as well." - @war_noir
Ukrainian Territorial Defense (possible) TwitterVideo shows soldier using DJI Mavic controller to achieve overwatch. Specific location unknown, general coordinates given. Soldiers appear to be the same Territorial Defense members depicted in a vide from 3/10/2022 (the day before): Territorial DefenseUkraineDocumentation2022Not specified Ukraine49.0384484331.45060465No
Drone Films Alleged Ukrainian Strike on Russian Armor Near Mariupol3/11/2022"Drone of footage of a Russian tank being hit by Azov Battalion ATGM.
#Russia #Ukraine" - @Blue_Sauron

"More drone footage from Mariupol, Ukrainian forces hit a Russian tank with an ATGM

Demonstrates how messy urban combat is for unsupported armor." - @Osinttechnical
@Blue_Sauron, @Osinttechnical, Ukrainian forcesTwitterVideo appears to depict a Russian tank being hit by a Ukrainian ATGM or a RPG. Fits prior patterns of Azov using small consumer drones to document combat. Tank displays large Z emblem, clearly visible in video. NAUkrainian forces (likely)UkraineDocumentation2022Mariupol, exact location not identified.Ukraine47.0951437.54131No
Australian Reporter Uses Drone in Kyiv3/11/2022Australian journalist Simon Hydzik uses a DJI Mavic to observe destruction and the progress of Russian troops towards Kyiv. Simon Hydzik Twitter"In Kyiv #Ukraine the Russians are getting closer, view towards the east from our drone #newsdrone #7NEWS @7NewsAustralia" - @simonhydzik. Location not identified.DJI MavicJournalist Simon HydzikNAJournalism2022Kyiv area, exact location not identified.Ukraine50.4454549530.55934268No
Drone Video of Aftermath of Russian Attack on Coke Plant in Dnipro3/11/2022"Gennady Korban, Chief of the Dnipro Defense Staff, told Strana that one person was killed in today's air strike near the Coke Plant.

"At 5:55 a.m., cruise missiles were attacked in the area of ​​the Coke Plant. One person was killed. Children's institutions are nearby, and a shoe factory was completely destroyed," Gennady Korban said.

In the video - the consequences of the blow." - @stranaua on Telegram
@stranaua on TelegramTelegramVideo likely shot by the Stranaua media outlet shows smoking aftermath of alleged Russian cruise missile attack on a factory in the Dnipro area on March 11, 2022. NAStranaua UkraineJournalism2022DniproUkraine48.4767138134.98011073Yes
RT Drone Video Claims to Show Abandoned Ukrainian Tanks Near Kherson3/11/2022"
#KHERSON—Drone footage of an abandoned #Ukraine|ian tank and convoy of #UA vehicles eliminated in the Kherson region. #Russia #UkraineRussia #RussiaUkraine #UkraineRussianWar #RussiaUkraineCrisis" - @NuestraIraSLG on Twitter
RT YouTube, RTVideo released by Russian propaganda outlet RT purports to show abandoned Ukrainian tanks and military equipment near Kherson. Geolocated by myself outside of Kherson near the Antonovskiy Bridge. NART NewsRussiaJournalism, in a manner of speaking2022KhersonUkraine46.632056132.72462253Yes
Ukrainians Film Ambush of Russian Military Column Near Kyiv3/12/2022"Drone footage of the Ukrainian Army ambushing a Russian military column near Kyiv.

At least one Russian T-72 and a Russian BTR-82A were destroyed.

Those western-delivered anti-tank missile systems are making life very hard for the Russian soldiers." - @visegrad24

"Ukrainian ambush on a Russian armoured column north east of #Kyiv in Brovary (50°36'52"N 30°51'40"E). #ATGM in acton.
#Russia #Ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar" - @PaoloMauri78
Ukrainian Military, reposted by multiple Twitter usersTwitterVideo appears to be shot from a small drone of unknown type, and shows Ukrainian army attacks on a Russian military column. NAUkrainian ArmyUkraineDocumentation2022Brovary, near Kyiv. Ukraine50.61444430.861111Yes
Roman Donik Asks for Autel Evo II Pro V2 for Ukraine3/12/2022"This is a post for foreign countries. Because in Ukraine and the countries closest to us, these helicopters no longer exist. And in America there is.
The ZSU needs Autel EVO II Pro V2 quadcopters.
Thank you to everyone who supports Ukraine and helps.

"Це для дальнього зарубіжжя пост. Бо в Україні та найближчих до нас країнах цих коптерів вже нема. А в Америці є.
В ЗСУ треба квадрокоптери Autel EVO II Pro V2.
Дякуємо всім хто підтримує Україну та допомагає.
+380934879936" - @romandonik on Telegram
Roman Donik (@romandonik) on TelegramTelegramEarly war call for Autel Evo II Pro V2. Autel Evo II Pro V2, DJI Mavic V5Ukrainian Armed ForcesUkraineDonation2022Kharkiv AreaUkraineNo
National Police of Ukraine Rapid Operational Response Unit (KORD) Experiment With Explosives-Dropping Drones3/13/2022"The Rapid Operational Response Unit (KORD) of the National Police of #Ukraine is now apparently using Quadcopter drones to drop munitions on Russian forces. #Proliferation." - @CalibreObscura@CalibreObscuraTwitterCigarette-smoking KORD member demonstrates dropping explosives with a drone for a viewing audience (not in a live combat scenario). Possibly DJI Matrice? Rapid Operational Response Unit (KORD) of the National Police (Ukraine)UkraineBombing2022NAUkraineNo
Ukrainian Attacks on Russians in Mariupol Documented by Drone3/13/2022"Drone video shows the aftermath of an attack on Russian military vehicles in Mariupol, according to by AZOV Mariupol - a unit of Ukraine's national guard which uploaded the clip." - @SkyNewsPossibly Azov MariupolTwitterDrone video appears to show Ukrainian attacks on Russian armor. Geolocated within Mariupol by @YWNReporter and @Keboni4.Sky News claims the video was uploaded by Azov Mariupol, which tracks with Azov's other efforts to use drone footage uploaded to social media to document fighting. NAPossibly Azov Mariupol, part of Ukrainian National Guard. UkraineDocumentation2022MariupolUkraine47.11410737.615965Yes
Video Released by General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Uses Drone Footage, Shows Drone Used for Targeting Artillery3/13/2022"BATTLE FOR KYIV. POWERFUL. GOSTOMEL DIRECTION. EXCLUSIVE
Intense fighting continues in the Gostomel direction of Kyiv. Active hostilities take place here day and night. The shelling of enemy artillery of peaceful infrastructure does not stop for a moment. In the village of Moshchun in the Bucha district of Kyiv region, our defenders are successfully destroying enemy units and have already driven the enemy out of the village.
Video from our colleagues from the Military Television of Ukraine
#stoprussia " - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,
General Staff of the Armed Forces of UkraineFacebookDrone footage is used extensively for staging purposes in a professionally-produced video, with English subtitles, released by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The video also depicts Ukrainian soldiers using a small DJI Mavic drone (apparently controlled by a smartphone, possibly a iPhone) to target artillery strikes. Drone footage also depicts destruction in the village of Moschun. DJI Mavic 2General Staff of the Armed Forces of UkraineUkraineDocumentation, Targeting2022Moschun (general area, not geolocated)Ukraine50.6033156830.31287898No
Drone Footage of Ukrainian 10th Mountain Assault Brigade Attack on Russian Forces3/14/2022"10 Гірсько- Штурмова Бригада зустрічає російських нелюдів. Жаль тільки, що ціна металобрухту в Україні просідає. 10 Mountain Assault Brigade meets Russian non-humans. It is a pity that the price of scrap metal in Ukraine is falling." - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Staff of the Armed Forces of UkraineFacebookDrone footage displays aftermath of attack by Ukraine's 10th Mountain Assault Brigade on Russian tanks. Appears to be shot by a consumer/small drone. Location not known, central Ukraine lat/lon given.NA10th Mountain Assault Brigade (likely)UkraineDocumentation2022Location not knownUkraine49.38302231.1828699No
Destruction in Mariupol Documented by Drone3/14/2022"A guy-wrenching bird’s eye view of the hell that Russian forces have unleashed on Mariupol, where more than 2,000 people have been killed. There’s no power, no heat, no running water. Food is running out. Video shared by the Ukrainian Interior Ministry." - @ChristopherJMUkrainian Interior Ministry TwitterDrone video shows destruction in Mariupol prior to 3/14/2022. Shaky nature of drone video indicates it may have been shot by a small fixed wing home-built drone, possibly using a FPV (first person view) setup. Video geolocated by @YWNReporter. NA, possibly fixed wing Ukrainian Interior MinistryUkraineDocumentation2022MariupolUkraine47.09527837.499444Yes
Mention of DPR Forces Lending/Giving Drones to Kadyrov3/14/2022"Ramzan Kadyrov has many strong and trained fighters, who are apparently aimed at fulfilling priority tasks. But those that are directed to the Mariupol direction do not fall into this category. This is a team of solyanka from all republican police bodies, not prepared and not equipped in accordance with the tasks. And the tasks are difficult - not the first day we are nowhere in them.

I would not talk about it, but such a situation is possible: the guys will be sent on a cavalry attack, they will be crushed, thrown on the air and disgraced Kadyrov and the Chechens - say, we are their one left without straining. I don't think it will benefit our propaganda. Today I personally talked to one of the commanders and even tried to help with air reconnaissance, so I made very specific conclusions about the combat readiness of this particular group."
Alexander Skif on Telegram )@aleksandr_skif)TelegramInteresting post by DPR leader alleging he gave drones to the Kadyrovites.NAAleksandr Skif, DPR / Russian forcesRussiaDocumentation, Targeting2022Mariupol area (probably). General coordinates can be used.UkraineNo
Drone Captures Massive Destruction in Volnovakha3/14/2022"Drone footage from #Volnovakha, destroyed by Russian invaders.

Barely anything left of that Ukrainian city after Russian leveled residential areas.

#RussianWarCrimes #Warcrimes
#RussiaInvadedUkraine" - @walterlekh
CGTN, @walterlekh on Twitter.TwitterDrone video apparently shot by Ukrainian media outlet CGTN showing massive destruction after Russian forces leveled residential areas in the Ukrainian city of Volnovakha. I have geolocated the video to the location of the burned-out hospital (Волноваська Центральна районна лікарня) in the beginning of the drone footage. NACGTNUkraineJournalism2022VolnovakhaUkraine47.6120134237.48835978Yes
Ukraine's 72nd Mechanized Brigade Use Drone to Find Russian Forces Hidden in Forest3/14/2022"🇺🇦❌🇷🇺Russian Invasion Day 19

Aerial view (DJI drone) showing the Ukrainian 72nd Mechanized Brigade strikes mortars and heavy artillery on hidden Russian force in a forest

📍 Location: Gostomel / Kyiv Oblast
#Russia #Ukraine" - @theragex
@theragex, among others, on Twitter. TwitterAerial video shows drone observing forested area: midway through the video, Ukrainian forces appear to strike hidden Russian forces in the forest near Gostumel. Another video also from March 14th appears to show a closer-up view in the forest of the aftermath from the same incident (posted in a separate entry). Geolocated by @Noobieshunta. NAUkrainian 72nd Mechanized BrigadeUkraineTargeting, Documentation2022GostomelUkraine50.61305430.246464Yes
Ukrainian Drone Discovers BUK System, Which Artillery Destroys3/15/2022"
"Many are fascinated by the work of Bayraktar TB-2 drums, but forget about dozens of operators of Ukrainian complexes who help destroy hundreds of targets every day.

The other day my "Stork" was approaching the village captured by the enemy. The launch of the BUK SAM missile, made from the school yard, hit the lens!

A minute later, the coordinates of this beech and many other targets were on the tablet "Army SOS" of our artillery calculation. And they began to turn neo-Bolshevik degenerates into fertilizer!"

The SAM crew tried to escape, but was destroyed by a 152mm projectile near the intersection.

We burned them like garbage! Several burnt fuel trucks, trucks from BC, which exploded with bright fireworks and broken howitzers!

Ruzkie even tried to shoot down a drone. Do you see the lights of the tracers on the video?

This happens every day and drives entire gigabytes of video. After the victory I will edit the film. In the meantime, take a look at a snippet of the events described and rejoice. "

There will be many more such videos from our pilots soon ❤️🇺🇦👌

JEKA KARAS. RESERVE CHANNEL, YouTube,, apparently posted by the pilot himself (though is not confirmed, merely inferred by the language used that implies direct knowledge of the incident), depicts the use of what appears to be a small or consumer drone to identify the location of a Russian BUK SAM system: the coordinates are then conveyed to Ukrainian artillery who destroy the system. (The system appears to have been posted near a school). Multiple angles/shots are available. Per Aerozvidka, the drone was a Ukrainian-made Leleka-100 UAV. Geolocated by @vnprkhzhk: Karas, Ukrainian armed forcesUkraineDocumentation2022Novyi Bykiv Новий Биків, Chernihiv OblastUkraine50.59625531.66955Yes[0]=AZVbyfdITr4eo0WneGPOpGyB9KHvQB5MflGWOi3X0FlVlnRrdDT9hmy2ILpJOVtZgBaUJLAl9ArZmmuQgVTG8krEwSmq9-eEbcURilLmQ_4f67fdzSKxk8slg5N6ySku_WhlNzj3MRBidWcdDtP1Tuz8uiJiFdm2jPzKOtz0SIufo29SZTRcbL-1kTwY62LiWZ4&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
Ukraine Drone Footage Shows Russian Tank Exploding After Hitting Mine 3/15/2022"Українські
десантники - воїни універсальні. Танк російських окупантів дуже
живописно розлетівся українською землею. Нічого, ми народ хазяйновитий,
зберемо, переплавимо і зробимо щось корисне.Ukrainian
paratroopers are universal warriors. The tank of the russian occupiers
flew across the Ukrainian land in a very picturesque way. Nothing, we
are a masterful people, we will gather, melt and do something useful." -
General Staff of the Armed Forces of UkraineFacebookFootage likely shot by a Ukrainian consumer drone depicts Russian tank exploding after running over a mine. Posted by the official Facebook page for the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. NAGeneral Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, possibly Ukrainian 25th Airborne Sicheslav BrigadeUkraineDocumentation2022North of Donestk - geolocated by @john_marqueeUkraine48.1185837.79489
Unverified Drone Footage Appears to Show Russian Tank Firing on Civilian in Mariupol3/15/2022"#Mariupol, #Ukraine.
#Russian tank fires on a civilian who just stands nearby. As reported, it was an elderly person.

#StopRussianAgression" - @EmineDzheppar
Emine Dzheppar (@EmineDzheppar), First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, among others. TwitterDrone footage appears to show Russian tank firing upon civilian in Mariupol - however, the video shows some indicators it may be edited, and has not been verified. Treat with caution. May be an example of drone footage being modified. NAUnknownUkraineDocumentation2022Mariupol, specific location not geolocated, general location given Ukraine47.0951437.54131No
Drone Photo Depicts Possible Ukrainian Attack on Russian-Captured Kherson Airport3/15/2022"Messed up coordinates in first tweet so here again:
Fires at the Kherson Airport: 46.67731904043409, 32.50719844700987
(thanks to @a_vikulin)
Drone footage from Komyshany 46.64004, 32.50942 (thanks to @rollowastaken) - @MarQs__
@MarQs and others on Twitter. TwitterDrone photograph shot from Komyshany appears to show fires from the Kherson Airport on March 15, 2022. NAUnknownUkraineDocumentation2022KomyshanyUkraine46.6400432.50942Yes
Drone Films Aftermath of Alleged Ukrainian Attack on Russian Command Post in Kharkiv3/15/2022"Allegedly a Russian command post vehicle was destroyed by Ukrainian forces in Kharkiv Oblast.
#Russia #Ukraine" - @Blue_Sauron
@Blue_Sauron and othersTwitterDrone video shows aftermath of alleged Ukrainian attack on a Russian command post in Kharkiv. NAUnknownUkraineDocumentation2022Kharkiv OblastUkraine49.98822236.245814Yes
Drone Footage of Destruction in Town of Okhtyrka in the Sumy Region 3/15/2022"CNN has geolocated a few of these sites. A suburb of Okhtyrka is completely devastated and homes have been replaced by craters after swathes of the Ukrainian city were bombed. The drone footage also shows damage to the train station and the city council building. 1/ - @eoin_mc_sweeneyReleased on Telegram by the 93rd Brigade Ukrainian military unit, per @RFERL. TwitterDrone footage documents destruction in the city of Okhtyrka, with many close-in shots. NA93rd Brigade (likely)UkraineDocumentation2022Suburb of OkhtyrkaUkraine50.309486534.8792288Yes
Ukraine's 72nd Mechanized Brigade Use Drone to Find Russian Forces Hidden in Forest3/15/2022"Aerial view showing the Ukrainian 72nd Mechanized Brigade strikes a hidden Russian force in a forest north of Gostomel, Kyiv Oblast.


#Russia #Ukraine" - @Blue_Sauron
@ReddishCat1, @Blue_Sauron, among others. Original source not identifed. TwitterClose-in drone video of what's likely the same incident near Gostumel: in this shot, one can clearly view tank parts rocketing into the air. Ukrainian forces may have used two consumer drones in different locations to capture different vantage points. NAUkrainian 72nd Mechanized BrigadeUkraineTargeting, Documentation2022GostomelUkraine50.61530.2509Yes
Drone Photos of Aftermath of Ukrainian 24th Mechanized Brigade Attack on Russian Forces3/16/2022"24 OMBR named after King Daniel showed the result of coordinated and successful work of infantry and artillery of the Royal Brigade in Luhansk region.
Minus three T-72 tanks, one BMP-3 and all orc personnel.
Glory to the soldiers of the Royal Brigade! 👑🔥
Glory to Ukraine!" - Land forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,
Ukrainian Land Forces, 24th Mechanized BrigadeFacebookDrone photographs (with circles and arrows) show results of 24 OMBR attack on Russian forces, allegedly taking out 3 T-72 tanks, a BMP-3, and Russian soldiers. Location not known, general Luhansk area coordinates given. NA24th Mechanized BrigadeUkraineDocumentation2022Luhansk Area - not yet geolocated, approximate location used. Ukraine48.5670539.31706No
Russian Tank Destroyed by Ukrainian Forces in Mariupol3/16/2022"Drone footage of a Russian tank gets destroyed after multiple hits by Ukrainian forces in #Mariupol" - @MarQs__Azov Battalion, @MarQs__TelegramFootage shows Russian tank being destroyed by Ukrainian forces on the streets of Mariupol. Footage includes imagery of apparent Russian soldiers who are either dead or wounded. Appears to have been initially uploaded to Telegram by the Azov Battalion. Geolocated by @faineg and others.NAAzov Battalion (likely)UkraineDocumentation2022MariupolUkraine47.09924437.523414Yes
Daylight Drone Video of 93rd Mechanized Brigade Destroying Russian Vehicles near Trostaynets3/16/2022"Good news for you.
Soldiers of the 93rd Cold Yar Brigade managed to destroy the howitzer division of the occupier 2C19 "Msta-C" at night. The enemy placed weapons on the square of the railway station in Trostyanets in the Sumy region. It was not an easy task to hit the occupier's equipment and not cause serious damage to civilian infrastructure. However, the Cold War managed to cope with it.
The second video shows the destruction of enemy vehicles in the same area.
We are approaching victory every day!" - 93rd OMBr Cold Yar93rd Mechanized Brigade
93rd Mechanized Brigade TwitterDrone video posted to Facebook showing Ukrainian forces destroying Russian vehicles near Trostaynets, a companion to the thermal video posted by the 93rd Mechanized Brigade in the same post. Geolocated by @rhoint_en on Twitter.NA93rd Mechanized BrigadeUkraineDocumentation2022TrostyanetsUkraine50.4841722234.96736179Yes
Drone Video of Ukrainian Artillery Targeting Russian Supply Point Near Bealrus Border3/16/2022"Ukrainian artillery strikes reportedly targeting a command & support post of Russia 35th Combined Arms Army (Eastern Military District) in the Kyiv Oblast on March 16." - @Archer83Able

Location and date unknown." - @aldin_ww
@Archer83Able and othersTwitterVideo that may have been shot by a consumer drone (with a timestamp for 3/16/2022 at 09:21 AM) shows smoking aftermath of Ukrainian artillery strikes on Russian supply lines. Date is confirmed by Sentinel satellite imagery. Geolocated by @CoupSure. NAUkrainian artilleryUkraineDocumentation2022Near Belarus border. Ukraine51.2266737629.42136399Yes
Ukrainian SOF Ambush Russian Truck, With Both Drone and Ground Perspectives3/16/2022"#Ukrainian forces destroyed the #Ural-4320 of the #Russian army in #Kharkiv." - @clashreport

"Today, during reconnaissance, we lined up the Russian Urals, as a result of which the enemy driver went to fertilize the Ukrainian land.

The occupiers must know that in the Kharkiv region, around every corner, on every street, they will die suddenly. As stupid and worthless as their lives.
" - Чилли и Ко 226 Харьков 👁,
226th Battalion of Territorial Defense, @clashreport, @CalibreObscuraTwitterVideo posted to Telegram by the 226th Battalion of Territorial Defense shows destruction of Russian troop truck, with views from both the Ukrainian soldier's perspective on the ground and from a likely small drone watching above. Unclear who's filming the dash cam footage. The 226th Battallion claims the truck driver was killed. Geolocated by @IntelWalrus: SOFUkraineDocumentation2022KharkivUkraine50.20837136.154396Yes
Ukrainian 128th Mountain Brigade Drone Footage Assists with Targeting Russian Equipment3/16/2022"Rocket artillery of the 128th brigade destroyed the Russian pontoon crossing (+ VIDEO)

An artillery unit of the 128th Separate Mountain Assault Transcarpathian Brigade shelled the pontoon crossing of the Russian Army in the combat zone. We provide a video of the enemy's fire damage.

The first shots were taken by a drone are the positions of Russian equipment for a pontoon crossing, attempting to camouflage itself among the trees on the edge of the forest. Then a fire command sounds after which the artillery covers the enemy form MLRS "Grad". After the volleys, a command is given to leave the firing positions that could have been detected by the Russians.

And the last shots: drone film of the damages caused - burning Russian equipment. The column was destroyed and cannot be restored, most of the crew members were killed.

The work of the 128th brigade is as filigree as usual! We are beating the enemy in such a hard way that from the "second army of the world" even squirrels are flying!"-
128 separate mountain assault Transcarpathian brigade - Transcarpathian LegionTwitterFootage appears to show Russian units hiding in the woods being targeted and destroyed by Ukrainian forces. Attack may be focused on taking out a Russian pontoon bridge. Location not known at this time, central Ukraine lat/lon given. NAUkrainian 128th Mountain Assault BrigadeUkraineDocumentation2022NAUkraine48.38302232.1828699No
Thermal Drone Footage of Ukrainian Night Attack on Russian Brigade3/16/2022"Good news for you.
Soldiers of the 93rd Cold Yar Brigade managed to destroy the howitzer division of the occupier 2C19 "Msta-C" at night. The enemy placed weapons on the square of the railway station in Trostyanets in the Sumy region. It was not an easy task to hit the occupier's equipment and not cause serious damage to civilian infrastructure. However, the Cold War managed to cope with it.
The second video shows the destruction of enemy vehicles in the same area.
We are approaching victory every day!" - 93rd OMBr Cold Yar
93rd Mechanized Brigade FacebookThermal drone footage posted to Facebook appears to show 93rd Mechanized Brigade destroying a Russian howitzer in the Trostyanets area. Imagery geolocated by @rhoint_en on Twitter. Facebook post also includes a separate video showing the destruction of Russian vehicles, captured with a drone during the day. NA93rd Mechanized BrigadeUkraineDocumentation2022TrostyanetsUkraine50.48339434.967748Yes
Drone Footage of Ukrainian Strikes on Russians Near a Church3/16/2022"The winners of the quiz got their tickets and immediately went straight to hell!

This is our little greeting!😂

Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦"

Переможці вікторини отримали свої квитки і відразу попрямували прямісінько в пекло!

Це наше маленьке вітання!😂

Слава Україні!🇺🇦" - @GonzoWar
@GonzoWarTelegramFootage, likely shot with a DJI drone (due to image quality and stability), showing Ukrainian strikes on Russian fighters within the yard of a church. NAUkrainian Armed ForcesUkraineDocumentation; possible targeting2022Ukraine
Australian Journalist Uses Drone to Document Kyiv Bombings3/16/2022"Such heavy bombings in Kyiv over 48 hours, it is almost fortunate so many people have left the city. This drone shot shows why. #Kyiv #Ukraine️" - @ChrisReason7Chris Reason, 7NewsSyndeyTwitterJournalist Chris Reason, standing on top of an apartment building in Kyiv bombed by Russians, is framed in a sweeping shot. NAChris Reason, 7 News SydneyNAJournalism2022Kyiv, general center city location is given (not geolocated).Ukraine50.453930.4758No
UAV Photographs of Artillery Strikes on Russians in Kharkiv3/16/2022"Ukrainian UAV footage allegedly showing artillery strikes on Russian forces in Kharkiv." - @RALee85

"In the Kharkiv region, the APU conducted a brilliant combat operation and defeated another column of occupiers.
After a massive and precise strike of our artillery, dozens of units of military equipment are burning.
Serious damage to the enemy.
The fire was adjusted online using a drone donated by volunteers." -
Юрія Мисягіна, Yuri Misyagin, 40th Separate Artillery BrigadeTelegramDrone photos posted to Telegram appear to show Ukrainian forces succesfully attacking Russian military equipment in the Kharkiv region. A small drone was allegedly used for artillery targeting. Location geolocated by @RedIntelPanda - Separate Artillery Brigade (allegedly)UkraineTargeting2022KharkivUkraine49.106779137.2815292Yes
Russian Media Group Flies Drone Around Ukrainian-Held Izyum3/17/2022"
Channel MASH flew a quadcopter drone around and filmed on the streets of the Ukrainian held city of #Izyum.
Footage shows bridges blown up, TV tower damaged & the destruction of the city. Ukrainian positions can also be seen. Mash said their quadcopter was fired upon after 15min" - @AroonSuryaa
Mash media, @AroonSuryaa on TwitterTwitterDrone imagery showing destruction in the Ukrainian-held city of Izyum, allegedly collected by drone pilot for Mash Media, a Russian media outlet with pro-Kremlin views.Geolocated to the TV tower and monument depicted in the drone video in Izyum. NAMash MediaRussiaJournalism, in a manner of speaking2022IzyumUkraine49.17798937.27998675Yes
Ukrainian 8th Mountain Assault Battalion Film Attack on Russians in Village With Drone3/18/2022"Incredible drone footage of the Ukrainian 8th Mountain Assault Battalion attacking a unit of Russian soldiers holding a village and chasing them out of town.

The Ukrainians seem well-armed and in high spirits.

This is turning into a nightmare for RU.
" - @visegrad24,
@visegrad24, Ukrainian 8th Mountain Assault Battalion TwitterVided combines footage of 8th Mountain Battalion troops on the ground with aerial drone shots. Some onlooks suspect the ground and aerial portions may have been filmed at different times. Ground footage aligns with a Radio Free Europe video from March 10, where a reporter embedded. Village reportedly in Kyiv region. Village is Rudnyts'ke. Geolocated by @faineg.. 8th Mountain Assault Battalion UkraineDocumentation2022Rudnyts'ke, Kyiv Oblast.Ukraine50.4710384131.36421237Yes
Blown Out Russian Pontoon Bridge Near Moschun3/18/2022"
Drone footage of abandoned, damaged Russian equipment and destroyed pontoon bridge in Moshchun, Kyiv Oblast." - @tinso_ww
@tinso_wwTwitterCuriously "wavy" looking footage of destroyed pontoon bridges and craters left by artillery in the vicinity of Moschun. NAUkrainian Armed Forces, possibly AzovUkraineDocumentation2022MoschunUkraineNo
Odessa Regional Head Praises Drone RPG Attacks3/18/2022"Odesa rgn head Bratchuk told "about the skills of our military, who was able to modify light drones to carry RPG charges. The result is on video"" - @loogunda on TwitterUkrainian Armed Forces (likely)TwitterBlack and white potentially thermal drone video (doesn't appear to be DJI) allegedly depicting the use of a modified small drone to drop RPG charges on Russian forces. NAUkrainian Armed ForcesUkraineDocumentation2022Odessa region (likely)UkraineNo
Mention of DPR / Russian Forces Using Drone in Combat3/18/2022"Yes, of course, we have to watch the scenes ... We transferred the assault group on equipment - we came across heavy fire from the private sector. The group was abandoned, the armor rolled out with a punctured wheel, but the square from where it was beaten was set as a target.

They hung the "bird", logically identified the houses where the fire was coming from - the front group - and struck with the full confidence that the private sector had long since left the front line.

The smoke dissipated, the "bird" showed destruction, but had not yet flown away, as a man crawled out of nowhere, and began to patch the hole. Fighting is not the first day, everything around is in holes from mines and shells, full of destruction - and man refuses to leave his nest, which he once built for children, and sits next to enemy positions ... They shoot, and he lives there, as he had lived before, perhaps, more than a decade, and it is obvious that he is going to die in his house to the detriment of everyone and everything.

And what are we? We get used to the fact that this is no longer a residential house, or a residential apartment in which a living spirit lived, but a shelter for a spirit hostile to us, and the task is to set this spirit free."
Alexander Skif on Telegram )@aleksandr_skif)TelegramPost describing apparent DPR /Russian drone use in Mariupol. NAAleksandr Skif, DPR / Russian forcesRussiaDocumentation, Targeting2022Mariupol area (probably). General coordinates can be used.UkraineNo
Video of Ukrainian Forces in Foxhole Collected by DPR/Russian Troops3/18/2022"Here's a piece of real war ... We lost guys, launched a "bird" search and found them in a funnel, where they lay down from heavy fire. They waved to each other "handles" and pulled out at night. Hooray."Alexander Skif on Telegram )@aleksandr_skif)TelegramVideo of Ukrainian troops in a fox hole in the vicinity of Mariupol. NAAleksandr Skif, DPR / Russian forcesRussiaDocumentation, Targeting2022Mariupol area (probably). General coordinates can be used.UkraineNo
Fighting in Trench Area in Donestk Region On Display in 30th Brigade Drone Video3/18/2022"Those of the Russian occupiers who do not understand with their brains that they are not happy in Ukraine, our soldiers make it very easy to understand - they are "liquidated" in a flash. And for those who do not learn from mistakes, the same end of their insignificant life awaits." - 30th Brigade on Facebook30th Brigade on FacebookFacebookDrone video again with a wobbly gimbal appears to show fighting in an area with trenches, somewhere in the Donestk border region.NA30th Prince Konstanty Ostrogski Mechanized BrigadeUkraineDocumentation, Targeting2022Donestk AreaUkraineNo
Drone Journalism of Damaged Buildings in Northern Kyiv3/18/2022"Drone footage shows the damage after parts of a Russian missile fell on a residential building in the northern part of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. | More:" - @rtenews@rtenews, @anadoluagencyTwitterDrone footage apparently shot by Irish news outlet RTE News shows destruction to buildings in nortthern Kyiv. Footage posted by @anadoluagency appears to be taken fromt he same drone flight and the same location but shows slightly different views. NARTE NewsNAJournalism2022Northern KyivUkraineNo
Drone Footage of Destroyed Russian Artillery Hardware3/19/2022"Destroyed russian artillery hardware.
3x2S3 Akatsiya SPH
1xMT-LB (I'm not sure)
1xKamAZ fuel truck
618/" - @TheDeadDistrict
@TheDeadDistrict (Twitter)TwitterFast-moving drone footage with an extremely, uh, vigorous dubstep soundtrack, depicting burned out Russian artillery on a snowy plain. Not geolocated. NANAUkraineDocumentation2022NA, central Ukraine location given until geolocation is available. Ukraine48.3795603431.16578239No
Ukrainians Destroy Kharkiv Railway Line to Cut Off Russians, With Drone Documentation3/19/2022"Ukrainian combat engineers blowing up a railway bridge to prevent its use by invading Russian forces.🔥🇺🇦

Railways have always been the backbone of Russian combat logistics, partly due to the sheer size of the country." - @JimmySecUK
@JimmySecUK on Twitter, among others. TwitterDrone footage mixed with on the ground footage showing Ukrainians blowing up a bridge north of Kharkiv, to prevent Russians from resupplying. Geolocated (most likely accurately) by @TuiteroMartin on Twitter. NAUkrainian Armed ForcesUkraineDocumentation2022Kharkiv AreaUkraine50.14155536.129761Yes
Roman Donik on UAV Use in the Early Ukraine War3/19/2022I really don't want to upset anyone, but I'm a little upset by some of society. The fact that more and more tactical checkpoints and units are ready to defend the rear and peaceful cities, it certainly adds a little peace where they stand, but does not make the weather here and now in positions. As will not make any weather in the war globally. Do you understand? We now have 95% of the same people who started doing the occupiers three weeks ago. That's how they started, and they do it every day. They suffer losses, consume the resource of equipment, get tired. And here in the Facebook books we have already defeated everyone, scolded selfies and photos with weapons, and according to tradition we started to shit and find out who has more, longer, better.

People, we risk jumping into trouble. We do not have infinite resources. We have distortions with mobilization. We do not have time to train and set up new units. We do not have time to swing in the receipt and purchase. Everything from the wheels goes into battle. At least here we have. We are here a little fucking the occupier and cynically thank God that the missiles that fly at our heads do not fly in the military and not in the capital. Because we understand that our task is to bleed the enemy, exhaust him and gain time to supply weapons and train people. And the fact that this is due to the heroism of people with weapons does not reduce the threat to cities that believe that some mythical government has already "stopped and almost destroyed" the enemy. It does not.

We can't stop now. You can't break contact and you can't let the enemy take hold. Like it or not, the advantage in equipment, weapons and personnel is still on the side of the occupier. The advantage is observed from the sky. They avoid direct collisions and work with artillery, trying to inflict damage from afar without assuming their losses. This is their tactic. They try to move forward, meet the rebuff, roll back and begin to iron art with the support of UAVs all they see. Yes, technically we do them losses and fire damage every single day. But we must understand - the Russians still have resources. They are now collecting reserves from all over Russia. They are twig and twig. Yes, they still can't understand our tactics and determine our fighting orders in some areas.

And they will not be able to. Because they do not exist in the understanding of the dogmatic Russian military school. There are dozens, hundreds of raid groups, which with the support of dowry artillery exhaust the enemy without giving him a break. But it takes tremendous effort, and carries a heavy load. Each artillery and mortar battery provided for such a group must be fully mobile.

From BC to food and electricity. We are cutting logistics for the occupier, but we vitally need to keep our logistics in good condition. Ambushes, mobile teams, raid teams, intelligence are all now working with phenomenal efficiency. But it works to the limit. At the limit of possibilities under constant artillery fire of the occupiers. Because so far there is nothing to shoot down their UAVs in raids. And our birds fail and get lost.

Let's just stop with the non-war. Because nothing has been decided yet, and nothing is stable. Every city around which fighting is taking place can become like Mariupol. Every city around which no fighting is taking place today may become a front-line battle tomorrow. Just understand that. No one. None of those who are in Ukraine now can be completely safe. Because it can change at any moment. I tell you this as a person who, when he goes out for an hour, takes with him what he needs for three days. And when we go to work, I collect all my valuable and necessary property with me and hide it for the last time. Because stupidly there may be nowhere to go. This is not a scarecrow. This is being. And yes, we still need good transport to the front. For different tasks. Not to fat anymore. But good technical condition. Passable. Preferably diesel.

Copters are still needed - Autel EVO II Pro V2 quadcopters, preferably with thermal imaging heads. It's not cheap. But it's worth it. Protected tablets and laptops for artillery are still needed. Because now artillery is our everything.
And more.

Я дуже не хочу нікого засмучувати, але трошки мене починає напружувати настрій деякої частини суспільства. Те що все більше та більше стає тактикульних блокпостів та підрозділів, які готові захищати поки що тилові та мирні міста, це безумовно трошки додає спокою там де вони стоять, але не робить погоди тут і зараз на позиціях. Як і не зробить ніякої погоди в війні глобально. Розумієте? В нас зараз переробкою окупантів займаються на 95% ті ж самі люди, які почали це робити три тижні тому. От як почали, так і кожного дня це роблять. Несуть втрати, виїдають ресурс техніки, втомлюються. А ми тут в фісбучиках вже всіх побороли, нахурили селфачів та фоточок зі зброєю, та за традицією почали сратися та з'ясовувати в кого більше, довше, краще. Люди, ми ризикуємо вскочити в біду. В нас нема нескінчених ресурсів. В нас є перекоси з мобілізацією. В нас нема часу на навчання та залагодження нових підрозділів. В нас нема часу на розкачку в отриманні та закупівлі. Все з колес йде в бій. Принаймні тут у нас.
Ми тут трошки їбашим окупанта і цинічно дякуємо богові, що ракети які летять нам на голови летять не в військових та не в столицю. Бо ми розуміємо, що наша задача знекровити ворога, вимотати його та виграти час для постачання зброї та навчання людей. І те що в нас це виходить завдяки героїзму людей зі зброєю, не зменшує загрозу для міст, які вважають, що ворога якась міфічна влада вже "зупинила та мало не знищила". Це не так.
Нам зараз не можна зупинятися. На можна розривати контакт та не можна давати ворогу закріпитися. Подобається це чи ні, але перевага в техніці, в зброї та в кількісті особового складу поки що на стороні окупанта. Перевага в спостережені з неба. Вони уникають прямих зіткнень і працюють артилерією стараючись нанести ураження здалеку не припускаючи своїх втрат. Це їх тактика. Вони намагаються просуватися, зустрічають відсіч, відкатуються і починають утюжити артою за підтримки БПЛА все що бачать.
Так, технічно ми робимо їм втрати та вогневе ураження кожного божого дня. Але треба розуміти - ресурси в росіян ще є. Вони зараз стягують резерви з усіх куточків РФ. Вони пруть і пруть. Так, вони досі не можуть на окремих ділянках зрозуміти нашої тактики та визначити наші бойові порядки. І не зможуть. Бо їх нема в розумінні догматичної військової російської школи. Є десятки, сотні рейдових груп, які за підтримкою приданої артилерії вимотують ворога не даючи йому передиху. Але це потребує колосальних зусиль, та несе велике навантаження.
Кожна артилерійська та мінометна батарея придана для такої групи повинна бути повністю мобільна. Від БК до їжі та електрики. Ми ріжемо окупанту логістику, але нам життєво необхідно свою логістику тримати в гарному стані. Засідки, мобільні групи, рейдові групи, розвідка це все зараз працює з феноменальною ефективністю. Але працює на межі можливостей. На межі можливостей під постійним артилерійським вогнем окупантів. Бо нема поки що чим збивати їх БПЛА в рейдах. І наші птахи виходять з ладу та збиваються.
Давайте просто зупинимось з тим що не стосується війни. Бо ще нічого не вирішено, та нічого нема стабільного. Кожне місто навколо якого ведуться бої, може стати таким як Маріуполь. Кожне місто навколо якого сьогодні не ведуться бої, може завтра стати фронтовим. Просто зрозумійте це. Ніхто. Ні одна людина з тих хто зараз в Україні, зараз не може бути в повній безпеці. Бо кожну мить це може змінитися. Це я вам кажу як людина, яка коли виходить на годину, бере з собою необхідне на три дні. А коли виходимо на роботу, то все своє цінне та потрібне майно збираю з собою та ховаю як останній раз. Бо тупо може не бути куди повернутися. Це не страшилки. Це буття.
І так, нам на фронт все так же потрібен транспорт в хорошому стані. Під різні задачі. Вже не до жиру. Але хороший технічний стан. Проходимі. Бажано дизеля.
Все так же потрібні коптери - квадрокоптери Autel EVO II Pro V2 бажано з тепловізійними головами. Це не дешево. Але воно того варто. Все так же потрібні захищені планшети та ноутбуки для артилерії. Бо зараз артилерія наше все.
І ще.

@romandonik on Telegram
Roman Donik (@romandonik) on TelegramTelegramInteresting look at early Ukrainian tactics and drone use. Autel Evo II Pro V2, DJI Mavic V4Ukrainian Armed ForcesUkraineDonation2022Kharkiv AreaUkraineNo
Roman Donik Calling for FPV/VTOL Tech3/19/2022They say that someone somewhere can buy drones such as links and deliver them to Ukraine.

We will buy. We will find the money. They are vital. Just don't give me interesting links and phone numbers. Because here, between writing posts and organizing the assistance of the Armed Forces, we double a little and sometimes sleep (but the latter is not true).
Thanks to everyone who helps. Who kept sobriety and a clear head. We are also being killed."

"Кажуть що хтось десь може закупити дрони такі як за посилання та доставити в Україну.

Ми купимо. Ми знайдемо гроші. Вони життєво потрібні. Тільки не кадайте мені цікаві посилання та номери телефонів. Бо ми тут між написанням постів, та організацією дпомоги ЗСУ, ще трошки підвойовуємо та інколи спим (але останнє не точно).
Дякуємо всім хто допомагає. Хто зберіг тверезість та ясну голову. Нас теж беруть на змор.
Всі реквізити" - @romandonik on Telegram
Roman Donik (@romandonik) on TelegramTelegramCall for FPV kit donations. NAUkrainian Armed ForcesUkraineDonation2022NAUkraineNo
Australian Journalist Uses Drone to Fly Near Irpin Bridge3/19/2022"Our drone allows us to film from a safe distance but tends to attract curious 🇺🇦 soldiers. This flight towards Irpin, they looked at our vision and asked that we didn’t show it for 24 hrs to not reveal any troop locations. Earlier we filmed a apartment hit by a missile #7NEWS" - @simonhydzik Simon Hydzik, 7 News Australia. TwitterDrone video depicting destruction and smoke at the Irpin bridge. Geolocated to Irpin Bridge. DJI MavicSimon HydzikNAJournalism2022Irpin areaUkraine50.4908791330.25925504Yes
Ukraine's 92nd Mechanized Brigade Uses Drone To Capture Attacks on Russian Tank and Military Truck3/20/2022"Drone footage of the Ukrainian 92nd Mechanized Brigade artillery targeting a Russian tank and military truck.
#Russia #Ukraine" - @Blue_Sauron
@Blue_Sauron on Twitter, among othersTwitterDrone footage appears to show Ukrainian forces blowing up Russian vehicles located nearby a residential home. NAUkrainian 92nd Mechanized Brigade, Azov (possibly)NADocumentation2022Kharkiv area (possibly)Ukraine49.98835836.232845No
Ukraine Strikes Alleged Russian Base near Berezivka, Drone Videos Outcome 3/20/2022"#Ukraine: In #Kyiv Oblast, Ukrainian Artillery fire hit a RF position, resulting in the damage/destruction of a 2S3 Akatsiya 152mm SPG, 11+ BM-21 Grad pattern MRL and supply trucks, and another armoured vehicle (Possibly command vehicle)
" - @UAWeapons
@UAWeapons among others on Twitter. TwitterFootage shows wreckage of Russian vehicles in wooded area. Geolocated by @kargolow on Twitter. NALikely Ukrainian armed forces. NADocumentation2022Berezivka Ukraine50.425402130.0169176Yes
Russian Forward Operating Base Destroyed in Berezivka Area3/20/2022"GeoConfirmed.

"Destroyed Russian Forward Operating Base"

Part 1: 50.425771, 30.015966
Part 2: 50.425014, 30.016564

GeoLocated by @Ars_Faivre

#UkraineInvasion" - @GeoConfirmed on Twitter
@GeoConfirmed on Twitter, Integral on YouTube.YouTube, TwitterDrone video of same Russian Forward Operating Base portrayed in multiple other drone videos as of 4/15/2022 (see video dated to 4/15/2022).NAUkrainian Armed ForcesUkraineDocumentation2022Berezivka, Kyiv Oblast, UkraineUkraine50.42577130.015966Yes