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IntroductionBig Events in the 20 Century Infographics Since we are in a digital era, Infographic would be a useful resource that can help us to build a better world. Through understanding the modern history of Infographic, we are able to know how it develops and what potential it has. brief History of Infographics
1915London Underground PosterAlfred Leete designed and published a poster in the London Underground. The poster displays so many visual and data elements that still used in infographics today.“Speed” by Alfred Leete for London Underground (1915).
1939"Modern Man in the Making"Published on the eve of the Second World War. This book addresses many issues still of great relevance today: globalisation, war, the economy and emigration. Neurath, Modern Man in the Making, 1939.
1970Graphic from "The Sunday Times"Graphic desigher Peter Sullivan (1932-1996) created infographic for "The Sunday Times" in the 1970s-1990s. That inspire a lot of similar graphics in other publications. describes the attempted assasination of Chilean president Augusto Pinochet in 1986.
19721972 Munich OlympicsOtl Aicher (1922-1991) brought simplified pictograms onto the scene in a clean, sleek manner that made them a universal means of communication. Aicher participated in designing the logo for the Munich Olympics.
1983"The Visual Display of Quantitative Information"Edward Tufte emerged as the father of modern data visualization with this book. book contains 250 illustrations of the best (and a few of the worst) statistical charts, graphics, and tables, with a detailed analysis of how to display quantitative data for precise, quick, effective analysis.