11/4/2021 0:15:31eaugust2@nd.eduEdson Augustin Undergraduate StudentMay 2025Computer Engineering
I have a great interest in global development. Despite my major being engineering, I am always ready to learn more about the different issues happening around me. This opportunity would also allow me to gain more experience with working on a team.
I am bilingual, able to work well with a team and also provide feedback and receive feedback, I can work well under pressure, I am a student who was born in the case study country.
Haitian Creole.
I would be interested in working with the S.H.A.R.E program. I am interested in this program because the case study is my home country and I would like to be apart of the effort to better understand the education crisis in Haiti.
2-3 hours per weekN/A
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoNo#REF!
11/4/2021 16:33:38amarti78@nd.eduAinee Martin Undergraduate StudentMay 2025Chemical engineering Pre medicine I would like to help in the SHARE project Time management and language proficiency Creole and French 2-3 hours per weekProject AssistantNoYes
2/16/2022 0:51:04ohrivnak@nd.eduOlivia HrivnakUndergraduate StudentMay 2025International Economics Global Affairs
I honestly just want to help people on a global level and make a true impact. I want to further explore this interest and after taking the International Relations course and Intro to Global Affairs I have really found a passion in these interests
I have done research before and in several ways. A large history research paper and lab research (much of the preliminary research was writing and not experiments and such). I love problem solving and have a strong suit in critical thinking.
I have some spanish background
sustainability is a huge interest of mine but I am interested in many areas of global affairs
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
I really am willing to do anything! I want experience and am able to learn on my feet.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoNo#REF!
3/22/2022 9:32:51geppler@nd.eduGracie EpplerUndergraduate StudentMay 2025English and Business Analytics
I am a firm believer that we are all a lot more connected than we think. As one of the top Catholic institutes, I think we are called to act in solidarity with people from every nations. Sometimes I feel isolated here at Notre Dame, so I want to get more involved in the Pulte Institute to share my gifts, learn diverse perspectives, and broaden my horizons beyond South Bend. I would be interested in any type of global development, but am particularly intrigued by work in Latin America, especially with immigration policies.
As a student, I am both creative and analytical. My double majors of Business Analytics and English allow me to focus on hard wired facts and data while still being able to communicate effectively. I also am very dedicated to my morals and will always follow my moral compass wherever it takes me, ensuring that I will treat the matters in global development with respect.
I have an advanced classroom level of Spanish.
As a student, I am both creative and analytical. My double majors of Business Analytics and English allow me to focus on hard wired facts and data while still being able to communicate effectively. I also am very dedicated to my ethics and will always follow my moral compass wherever it takes me, ensuring that I will treat the matters in global development with respect.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
I partcularlly love to be collaborative, even if this means working on a project with me and a menotr.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYesEmailed 8.10.2022 for comms intern, no response#REF!
3/25/2022 16:33:42rkuipers@nd.eduRaleigh KuipersUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Global Affairs & Spanish European Studies
After college, I hope to work with an international organization upholding human rights and promoting global development. Working with the Pulte Institute will provide me with valuable skills and experience that will serve me later on. As a student at a prestigious university in a powerful Western country, I feel that it is my responsibility to help all people gain access to the experiences that I've been able to take for granted. I'm especially interested in supporting women, combatting slavery and other forms of exploitation, and in promoting education.
I am a highly curious person who is always wanting to learn more. Additionally, I enjoy writing and editing. I recently applied for the Kellogg International Scholars Program, so if I am accepted, I will also gain research skills and experience through that. Though I'm not sure how much these will apply, I am proficient in Google G Suite, social media management, Quickbooks, and Canva. Overall, I am a quick learner and willing to learn any skills necessary!
Fluent in Spanish (15 years).
I spoke with Paul Perrin about the Measures of Human Dignity project because it intersects with my own passions and interests in affirming human dignity. However, I'm open to other projects if there is a need elsewhere!
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
I'm not yet sure on the hours I will be able to work--It depends on whether or not I am accepted into the Kellogg International Scholars Program.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYesHired for Comms Intern
6/17/2022 11:35:47tdu@nd.eduTimothy DuUndergraduate StudentMay 2025International EconomicsACMS
I’m interested in learning how post-war states can implement effective policy to rebuild their economy and infrastructure. I’m also interested in working with local actors to bring humanitarian assistance for refugee communities. As an ACMS student, I'm also interested in learning how researchers can draw effective conclusions from data.
I possess technical skills such as Excel, programming in Python and Stata, as well as proficiency in statistics

I possess soft skills such as intercultural communication and team work

I possess the skills of researching policy and drafting policy briefs (student fellow at CARA) and oral/written translation (between Spanish and Mandarin)
Fluency in Spanish and Mandarin
USAID Research Technical Assistance Center is interesting to me because it encompasses such a wide variety of sectors and geographical area. The program also covers project design, research, and translation, which allows me to gain a broad perspective on how humanitarian research is conducted. As someone who likes to see the big picture, seeing how each stage of the program fits together to make concrete decisions would be helpful for me to ascertain which specific stage of research I would like to focus on in the future.
4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
I am comfortable with any work assigned to me, although work involving translation or data analysis would be a plus.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYesEmailed 6.30.2022 for possible USDR project
6/17/2022 15:20:17asauer2@nd.eduAnnabelle SauerUndergraduate StudentMay 2025American Studies, Global AffairsBusiness Economics
I am interested in learning more about the research process in the hopes of one day pursuing research of my own. I want to research the impacts of development-related policies and programs to determine what is effective and beneficial. I am particularly interested in immigration and socioeconomic inequality and well-being.
I am a hard worker and eager to learn and contribute. I am also highly attentive to detail. I am skilled at writing and editing, and I have intermediate experience performing calculations and inputting, manipulating, and visually displaying data in Excel. I enjoy working as part of a team, but I am able to complete work independently whenever needed.
I have an advanced proficiency in Spanish reading and writing and an intermediate proficiency in Spanish speaking and listening.
I am particularly interested in the USAID Expanding the Reach of Impact Evaluation project. I want to learn about what methods and metrics are used to measure whether specific programs have been effective and how data is gathered and evaluated. And I am interested in contributing to the collection and preparation of evidence for the long-term impacts of a program, as this project seeks to do.
4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
I would especially like to work as a research or project assistant, but I would be happy to serve in any of the mentioned roles if there is a need.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYesInterviewed for comms intern
6/23/2022 11:42:19ihall2@nd.eduIsaiah HallUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Africana Studies & Sociology
I am interested in further understanding how educational and technological developments outside of the United States impact countries around the world as well as understand how policies in regard to these developments implement international change or growth. Because of this interest, I would like to engage in research as a means of undertanding global development.
I possess writing, oratory, reading, research, and critical analysis skills which I believe will ultimately enable me to contribute to global development research.
I do not have language proficiency in languages other than English.
I am interested in the global education research project as well as the global internet freedom project as I believe that they are each incredibly essential to the development of the world. I possess a significant fascination with education and technology and their value to individuals as well as nations and I would be proud to be a part of any and all research that may lead to the advancement of education and technology and individuals abilities to beneficially utilize them.
10+ hours per week
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
8/4/2022 14:38:26msmith95@nd.eduMarshall SmithUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Economics
Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, International Development Studies
In six years of fundraising for an education-based organization called Pencils of Promise, I began to understand the magnitude of challenges facing communities worldwide. Back in sixth grade, I joined this NGO alongside two friends with only an open mind and an interest in helping others. Six years later, the experience showed me that I can start to make a meaningful global impact at a young age. With that knowledge, I came to Notre Dame eyeing its global affairs programs and courses. Then, an introduction to economics curriculum in my first year piqued my interest in economic approaches to development. Now I am fascinated by the various components – including education, economic opportunity, and healthcare infrastructure – that can come together like a puzzle to effectively uplift a community.
My greatest skill is my excitement about about problem solving and finding ways to do things most efficiently. I also bear a strong desire to work hard and form relationships with my peers and supervisors. I aim to bring a compassionate, open-minded perspective to new situations. Also, I ask important questions about the world around me, and I care deeply about the well being of others. In a work environment, I am able to focus on tasks extensively without distractions.
I have a conversational proficiency in Spanish
The topic of Private Sector Engagement appeals to me, as I gravitate toward its focus on innovative economic activity and supporting businesses. Likewise, I realize the importance of self-sustaining action and spurring growth in regions from the inside out. Thus, I would enjoy the USAID PSE project, but I would be happy to gain experience from any venture.
4-6 hours per week
I have no classes on Fridays and can be flexible with hours on most weekdays. If hired, I would plan to move on from my work with Notre Dame Studios.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office AssistantNoYes
8/29/2022 22:08:25hwong5@nd.eduHo Yin (Martin) WongUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Political Science
I am truly passionate about International Relations and community building. Although the two do not sound correlated, these two fields of interests helped me to realize I am a part of the fortunate ones in the world today. Therefore, I would like to be involved in projects that speak up for lower-income families, or helping out with the ones who are less fortunate.
I would consider myself as an active member in my community, proactively contributing to projects that generally need a push. Besides communication, I would always carry the attitude to learn and be better.
Yes- I am both fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office AssistantNoYes#REF!
9/1/2022 22:50:22ccesa@nd.eduCecilia CesaUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Biological Sciences
Compassionate Care in Medicine
As a kid living in Guam, I felt a sense of separation from the rest of the world. On an island where the U.S. mainland is a minimum 9-hour flight away, everywhere else just felt so far away and seemingly unreal. All my perceptions of the States and other places stemmed from cable TV, from the enticing As-Seen-On-TV ads to fast food promos. In stark contrast to that were the news clips I would catch on TV from time to time depicting the most recent national or global issue and reporting on subsequently affected communities. Seeing people in such circumstances made me want to help improve their situations. However, I was at a slight disadvantage at the time, given all I could do then was donate change to my school’s monthly monetary collection for charitable donations. Now that I am at an institution providing opportunities to contribute meaningful aid to disadvantaged communities, I feel compelled to do what I can to improve the lives of people in need.

I would like to work on research concerning the evaluation of education, relief, and other programs, analyzing the effectiveness and efficiency of systems and programs, and working continually to improve them. It would be interesting to influence change in policymaking and organizational functions, which would directly and positively affect communities. I would also love to learn more about the processes behind development projects in general and gain insight into all the working parts, particularly those lesser known, that provide invaluable data and research to critical programs such as the US Disaster Relief Program. Learning about the underlying mechanisms behind a successful global development initiative would keep me globally aware and determined to work actively toward promoting systematic improvement for long-lasting and continually built-upon change in such communities.
I am able to work independently and take on project responsibilities. In high school, I developed leadership and management experience, taking over most of the work in ordering our senior class sweaters due to time constraints and miscommunications. I maintained regular correspondence with the T-shirt company regarding the design finalization, order details, and production execution of the sweaters. I also created and managed the Google forms for the order collection process, recording the sizes and customized details desired by each student. All the while, I was working with the school business office to approve withdrawals necessary to push the process forward.

As a class officer, I also worked with other officers to successfully plan and execute fundraisers. I also communicated with all my classmates to ensure orderly payment of dues, including going around to each individual during class breaks to check.

Furthermore, this past summer, through a medical shadowing program, I gained valuable experience interacting with patients, from making small talk to performing their colon screenings, as well as observing work in the medical field that tested my ability to listen and learn quickly. In doing so, I learned to value teamwork, organization, collaboration, communication, and maintaining a friendly relationship with my peers while being steadfast when necessary.
I am particularly drawn to the SHARE activity. I would like to participate in research concerning the improvement of education systems in developing countries. It would be very fulfilling to contribute to changes that would create direct impacts on youth education. I also find it intriguing that the project does this by working with the local capacity, as I agree that maintaining solid relations with such organizations and individuals would provide the best possible outcome. In other words, it would ensure successful reforms due to close correspondence with people who can witness firsthand and on-site perpetuate the changes being made in their areas. Being able to influence decision-making in such a way that makes the education system better for current and future youth is a fantastic feat. Furthermore, a particular study I found quite interesting is the HEIGHTS-Financial Sustainability study because it involved research into establishing and maintaining financial sustainability so that the community continues to successfully upkeep the educational system without a net depletion of resources.

I am also drawn to the impact evaluation project for the US Disaster Relief Program. I would like to contribute to promoting improvements to current strategies that would allow for effective disaster relief and recovery efforts. As with the SHARE activity, I find the desire to tackle issues and concerns at the systematic level as it allows for the most impactful and sustainable change. My end goal is to help people in need in however way I can, including through research. The programs and projects at the Pulte Institute give me this opportunity.
4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
Concerning extracurriculars, I am currently in training to become a Tour Guide for the Eck Visitor Center.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
9/2/2022 16:18:17smaxey2@nd.eduSydney MaxeyUndergraduate StudentMay 2025
Science Pre-Professional and Global Affairs
I am interested in the medical side of global development. Specifically, I am interested in increasing the amount of accessible medical care in developing countries.
Currently, I am secretary of a non-profit organization that supports programs in Haiti and travels on medical mission trips to the Dominican Republic. I have been secretary since high school. As secretary, I have been involved in brain storming ideas on how to help serve the people in Haiti in the most efficient way possible. In addition, I have traveled to Haiti and the Dominican Republic with this non-profit organization. I was able to bring medical care and treatment to those who do not regularly see a doctor. I truly believe my purpose and ultimate goal in life is to travel to impoverished countries to bring health care to others. After I finish my education to become a physician, I desire to regularly travel each year to countries where there is not accessible medical care. My role as a non-profit secretary, previous experience in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and passion for bringing medical care to others for the rest of my life are the skills I possess to contribute to a global development research or project management.
I have taken up until Intermediate Spanish I here at Notre Dame.
As I previously described, I am particularly interested in global health and universal health care. I truly believe that every person should have accessible health care. For this reason, I would be very interested to completing research or a project relating to global health. I would love to partake in projects that help develop the medical care access in communities.
10+ hours per week
I would be interested in doing an international research or project over the summer. I would be able to be fully committed throughout the whole summer. I would love the chance to travel to somewhere in Africa if there is an opportunity for me to research or complete a project there.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes#REF!
9/18/2022 21:30:16tmittle@nd.eduTia MittleUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Global Affairs & Political Science
I personally think that global development correlates to human development & dignity which I believe is the primary basis for Global Affairs & any interaction right from people, to states as a whole. I would like to learn how this development can be achieved, the policies and steps that should be implemented to decrease poverty and ensure equality. Investing my time with the Pulte Institute would therefore help me strengthen my knowledge and efforts for global development.
I have built on my research & organising skills as an IB student, and research intern for IMA Asia & India, a niche political & economic market research firm, where I wrote research papers. Through my individual research project, I learned the collation of research, data, and arguments, as well as the analysis of primary and secondary sources which are reliable. While writing my Extended Essay, I developed my critical thinking skills, planning and built on my use of digital tools which aid research. My people's and communication skills allow me to interact and collaborate with other researchers.
Yes, French and Hindi.
I am interested in everything the topic of global development vastly covers, since there are a lot of projects I believe I will be able to contribute substantially to. Global Development in my opinion is an ever-evolving concept and I would love to research further on the humanitarian aspect of the same, or the correlation between effective states and development, because of my inclination towards human rights, and state relations based on power. However, I have also studied sustainability and other themes under the Pulte Institute, allowing me to flexibly work under any of them. I feel they are each prominent in contributing to global development research.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
I am a very driven and organised person, I enjoy researching because of the variety of perspectives I am exposed to in the process, and how much it allows me to learn about topics such as global development which impact the world we live in today.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes#REF!
10/2/2022 1:02:12zrady@nd.eduZeina Rady Undergraduate StudentMay 2025
Neuroscience & Behavior and Philosophy
I'm interested in learning about research in global development and how to approach comparative studies as well as studies that aim at reforming sectors such as education or health care in developing countries. I'm also passionate about human rights and women's rights so I'd like to learn about and contribute to the role of research and academia in advancing these issues in different countries around the world.
I have previous experiences with qualitative research so I know how to write research proposals, formulate research questions, and write literature reviews. I can also conduct interviews and transcribe them.
I'm a native Arabic speaker
I'm particularly interested in projects related to education and/or women's rights. For education, I'm passionate about projects that investigate the effectiveness of educational systems or educational programs and thus inspire improvements. I'm also passionate about teaching and education as a tool for social transformation. For women's rights, I'm interested in projects that examine feminist movements in different countries and their intersection with other factors such as the global context or the internal political climate. I'm also interested in women's health, education, political rights, and would like to be involved in any projects that touch on these areas.
4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office AssistantNoYes#REF!
10/20/2022 8:56:09abaile22@nd.eduAna Cristina BaileyUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Economics and Global AffairsLatino Studies
Since taking on the Econ and Global Affairs majors, I have enjoyed learning about the intersections between economics and integral human development. I am particularly interested in working on economic development and empowerment projects, specifically looking at these issues from a policy perspective. I would like to learn about/collaborate on development projects regionally focused in Central America and the Caribbean.
My research skills will be an asset to the projects I will be a part of. I am very thorough, and my curiosity and passion for the subject will be apparent in my work. I have experience writing country backgrounders for refugee and asylum case managers in which I had to conduct extensive research on the social, political, and economic conditions of various countries in Central America. I am currently taking Economics classes where I am learning statistical tools necessary to collect and analyze data.
I am proficient in Spanish, primarily in reading and writing.
I am particularly interested in projects regionally focused in Latin America and the Caribbean. I am a co-lead for the Student Policy Network’s Central American Research Alliance (CARA) project, which has given me the opportunity to work with the Pulte Institute on their policy brief for an initiative to combat human and labor trafficking in Guatemala. I have improved my research skills and learned a great deal about crafting effective policy, and I would love to continue honing these skills while working with the Pulte Institute.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes#REF!
10/21/2022 12:35:50nhergul@nd.eduNurullah HergulGraduate StudentMay 2025History
NGOs and the ways in which they support impoverished communities; humanitarian organizations and marginalized communities; marginalized/impoverished communities and the states.
In addition to my native language Kurdish (Kurmanji) and Turkish, I have advanced level of proficiency in Arabic and upper level of proficiency in Persian. I can conduct in-depth research in any regions of the world whose lingua franca is one of the languages I know.
Kurdish (Kurmanji/native), Turkish (native), Arabic, and Persian
7-10 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes#REF!
10/28/2022 18:03:54klee35@nd.eduKyeongmook "K" LeeUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Economics, PsychologyData Science
I am very interested in development economics with the focus in economics of poverty, famine, and education, as my dream is to work at the UN or World Bank solving global economic problems such as poverty and famine in developing countries around the globe. By engaging with Pulte Institute's various research and project opportunities, I would like to learn and develop crucial research and communication skills that will prepare for my future academic journey at Notre Dame, all while taking my academic interest and initiative onto the next level.
1. Research Skills: I have various relevant professional experiences, which allowed me to not only gain a holistic understanding of research design and process, but also gain key research skills such as data collection/processing, data analysis, and data presentation. Especially, working as market research analyst intern at Samsung Electronics, I could develop fundamental research capabilities, and gain an understanding into the mechanism and process of applying economic theories into real-life cases in the context of research.

2. Relevant Courseworks: I am currently taking Statistics for Economics, as I tested out of intro economics courses (Principles of Micro and Macroeconomics), and Calculus 1&2. Accordingly, although I am a freshman, I wanted to get a head start with my research experience by working with Pulte Institute.

3. Coding/IT Skills: Stata, Excel (+VBA), Powerpoint, Word
Korean: native proficiency; Chinese(Mandarin): limited professional proficiency
I am particularly drawn to research projects focusing on problems of education and poverty in developing countries such as the Algeria Higher Education Partnership project. Also, I am very interested in China-Global South Initiative program as I am interested not only in China's political and economic impact on the Global South, but also in Chinese market, economy, and culture as a whole.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
I firmly believe that any research or project opportunities with Pulte Institute will help me to develop and learn essential skills and lessons regarding my academic field of interest and research. If I gain the opportunity to work with Pulte, it would be an amazing chance for me to engage with experts and peers with similar interest, and work with them to bring about positive changes to the globe--and to make this world a better place.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes#REF!
2/3/2023 13:44:40jpangan2@nd.eduJeremi B. PanganibanGraduate StudentMay 2026Peace Studies and Anthropology
Im interested in: food and environmental sustainability; collaborative anthropology
Anthropological research methods; project management, partnership development, M&E, organizational capacity building, internal comms; grant writing; donor relations
Filipino7-10 hours per weekResearch AssistantNo
3/21/2023 22:31:48sshroyer@nd.eduSophia ShroyerUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Global Affairs
I would love to engage in hands on work with policy making and fully understanding the disciplines necessary for this process. I also would be interested to learn about multifaceted problems in the World and asses them from different lenses to further push the global development agenda.
I believe that effective communication and time management are of my best skills. I was a part of a research team last semester through the Sociology department and learned the importance of communication within a research group. Additionally, I never fail to meet deadlines, further pushing my work to the very best.
Intermediate level of Spanish I would be excited to get involved in any project!2-3 hours per week
I have very big interests in the development of global healthcare policy and would love to be able to do work hands on with this topic!
Research Assistant, Office AssistantNoYes
4/3/2023 13:30:27jharri29@nd.eduJake HarrisUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Anthropology and Global Affairs
Health, Humanities, and Society
I'm interested in the humanitarian-development nexus, especially through an anthropological lens. I am also interested in public and global health policy and programs.
I have relatively extensive research experience as an undergrad, including several global health and humanitarian projects. I have skills in literature and systematic reviews, political and legal analysis, manuscript writing and revision, qualitative analysis, and a familiarity with statistical analysis. I am also familiar with platforms including MaxQDA and RStudio
Intermediate proficiency in French (high school and three semesters including this semester)
The humanitarian and global health projects including the South Sudan Humanitarian Assistance evaluation. I am also interested in work related to Professor Paul Perrin's interests, as well as any other faculty doing work in humanitarian aid especially through a medical lens.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
4/5/2023 19:28:01aaranasu@nd.eduAntonella AranaUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Business Analytics
Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Business Technology
Education in less developed countriesAnalytical and critical thinking skills
Spanish, native; Portuguese, intermediate; French, intermediate
SHARE, I talked with Professor Purekal and I love the research he is involved with
7-10 hours per week
I am a high energy individual with a lot of motivation and drive.
Research Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
5/5/2023 22:18:39jpalmer9@nd.eduJane PalmerUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Political Science, Global Affairs
I am very passionate about Global Affairs. So far, at Notre Dame, I have taken classes in International Relations, Peace Studies, and Global Affairs.
I am passionate about integral human development and dignity, specifically human rights and education. I am also a major feminist and I believe in an equal world where women have the same rights as men, with access to quality education. Educating women would help in the gradual transformation of many developing countries to become more developed with flourishing human rights. I do believe that education is at the core of many issues in this world This summer, I am going to Zambia, as a part of the Kellogg Pre-Experiencing the World Program for 4 weeks, to deliver a series of workshops to local grade 8-12 students on gender empowerment and equality. Working for the Pulte Institute would broaden my horizons by gaining valuable experience working alongside those who are working on what I hope to do in the future. I have a burning energy. I want to see for myself the on-the-ground issues, collaborate in research and come up with feasible solutions to problems. It is at the heart of my involvement in a more peaceful, equitable, and sustainable world.
At 15, I won a scholarship and studied in France for 3 months. Being fully immersed in the language I gained competency in France and I firmly believe this skill would be useful if I was working on a project based in perhaps an African francophone country. I pride myself on my communication skills, through speaking but also communication that transcends spoken language. I volunteer weekly at the South Bend Center for Homeless minding children and last week an amazing thing happened where I connected and formed an amazing bond with an autistic non-verbal 4-year-old. I believe I am outgoing and empathic. Through my courses such as Writing and Rhetoric, and USEM I have developed an eye for detail and I am now very meticulous and thorough in my work and research papers. Being an international student from Ireland at Notre Dame, I believe that I have gained intercultural competencies and an appreciation for cultural diversity. I wholeheartedly believe that I am independent and can be a leader in situations as I was the head girl in my high school. I think I am brave and courageous and I love a good challenge, as I am an international, first-generation student.
French and Irish
Projects of humanitarian importance spark my interest, in particular: “Strong Beginnings: Leveraging the Home, school, and church to Develop the whole child in Haiti” funded by USAID - this program focuses on childhood development in the home, school, and church which I strongly believe are three crucial areas in the most important, defining years of a child’s life; childhood. As Haiti is a country with one of the worst literacy rates, I strongly believe that the work that the project is doing on improving and expanding childhood literacy is extremely impactful and it aligns with my passions and goals of integral human development. Other programs that greatly interest me are the (SHARE) Supporting Holistic and Actionable Research in Education project which focuses on the quality of education in Uganda. This summer I applied to study abroad in Uganda as I am very interested in the country, unfortunately, even after winning the NDI scholarship I could not go due to financial considerations, the UNICEF project on “Evidence Mapping” in the Eastern and South African Regions as I have a great interest in Africa, it’s culture, people, and where it is placed in the international community. Another includes “Measures for Human Dignity” funded by CRS.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
5/30/2023 1:23:39mkamil@nd.eduMuhammed Saad KamilGraduate StudentMay 2025Masters of Global Affairs
Sustainable Development Concentration
As a student, I witnessed the glaring disparity in educational opportunities between my private school and the neighboring government-run public school. This stark divide ignited my passion for addressing such inequalities in global development. I questioned the reasons behind this divide and felt a strong desire to contribute to its mitigation. This curiosity led me to embark on a path of public service, where I volunteered to teach in underprivileged schools to gain firsthand experience with the challenges faced in the public sector.

Public Finance:
Working at IAG, I recognized the importance of connecting with communities on the ground and approaching public issues through a global development lens. During my assignment at the Chief Minister's Delivery Unit (CMDU) in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, I focused on creating transparency and accountability mechanisms for public funds. This experience allowed me to understand the systemic issues that hindered effective resource allocation. I became driven to delve deeper into the underlying causes and their implications for global development.

My involvement in developing a national Education Management Information System (EMIS) for the Federal Minister of Education of Pakistan further solidified my interest in global development. By understanding the current state of education databases across the country, I gained a profound understanding of the significance of data-driven decision-making in shaping effective policies and improving learning outcomes. The disparities in education standards across provinces due to varying levels of financial investment and political will highlighted the pressing need for global development efforts to address these gaps.

During my time in the health practice, I actively contributed to the Primary Healthcare reform in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This experience reinforced my belief that sustainable global development requires comprehensive healthcare systems that prioritize equitable access and outcomes. The dire state of primary healthcare facilities, lack of essential resources, and decline in health outcomes propelled me to advocate for change. By implementing fiscal devolution of public funds and employing data-driven performance management, we successfully empowered communities and witnessed significant improvements in health outcomes. This demonstrated the pivotal role of global development in transforming healthcare systems for better livelihoods.

Currently, I am leading major interventions to enhance immunization coverage in high-risk areas of Karachi, Sindh. This involves improving the visibility of vaccination sites through visual tools, providing Paracetamol medicine at vaccination sites to address adverse effects in children, and utilizing on-ground data to hold vaccination teams and supervisors accountable through reporting immunization coverage numbers.

In conclusion, my experiences in public finance, education, and health have strengthened my interest in global development. I aim to enhance my skills and knowledge to tackle systemic issues and create sustainable change. By addressing disparities, promoting transparency and accountability, and utilizing data-driven systems, I aim to make a meaningful impact on communities and promote a more equitable world.
Throughout my time on the projects, I had the opportunity to demonstrate effective leadership skills. I efficiently led a team of eight field coordinators, overseeing the infrastructure revamp component. Establishing meeting routines and building rapport with strict government officials were just a few examples of how I displayed leadership. I also introduced efficient reporting mechanisms within my team and successfully collaborated with senior individuals in the government, ensuring a cohesive approach to our work. My inclusive and encouraging personality allowed my team to look up to me as their leader.

Stakeholder Management:
I excelled in stakeholder management, effectively interacting with and guiding consultants from various public and private firms. By employing problem-solving skills and considering the objectives of all parties involved, I was able to foster consensus among diverse actors. I collaborated with top consulting firms like McKinsey & Company and government representatives, aligning their visions with ours. Notably, my stakeholder management skills were instrumental in increasing the availability of doctors in facilities, requiring coordination with district health officials and government officers at all levels.

Innovation and Drive to Create an Impact:
My commitment and drive to create impact were evident in my work. I embraced ideas that others deemed impossible, displaying unwavering trust in the potential of innovative interventions. Drawing upon my extensive experience and understanding of multiple sectors in Pakistan, I proposed practical solutions tailored to local contexts. For instance, I dedicated myself to addressing the child mortality rate in the KPK province, devising ideas to improve healthcare facilities for pregnant women. Additionally, my innovative capabilities brought structure and efficiency to our work, as I designed a data collection tool that revealed crucial insights and informed our interventions.

Communication Skills:
I possess exceptional communication skills, which greatly aided my interactions with stakeholders and the presentation of ideas. Despite initial skepticism within the team, I effectively communicated the potential for a successful public-private partnership in medicine delivery. By establishing affinity with the private partner's team, I overcame doubts and drove a successful pilot for the medicine supply chain in KPK. Furthermore, I conducted training sessions with District Health Officials, delivering comprehensive and engaging presentations that fostered motivation and confidence in our reform strategy.

Analytical Skills:
I have dealt with complex data sets and devised mechanisms to automate data reporting. I am skilled in MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and PowerBI which I have used extensively in my work across my projects. I have worked with both primary and secondary data collection and quantitatively analyzed data to report outputs and outcomes. I have also designed primary data collection tools which are used on-ground to collect qualitative insights on software like Kobo and Qualtrics and analyzed them to further coincide with quantitative insights derived from other datasets.

In conclusion, I am an individual driven by a strong work ethic and a deep commitment to the public sector. My leadership skills, stakeholder management abilities, innovation, drive to create impact, effective communication, and people-first attitude and analytical skills are assets that I bring to the table. I am eager to further develop and capitalize on these skill sets, and I believe that a place at your organization will provide me with the platform to expand my capabilities and contribute meaningfully to the field of public sector reform.
The following are projects I have found to be extremely interesting and would like to work on:

1. Belize Response Initiative for Cold Chain Development - This is in line with my work in medicine supply chain in KPK.

2. Strong Beginnings: Developing the whole child in Haiti - This is in line with my continuous work with children on the field in the realm of health and education

3. USAID Private Sector Engagement - This is in line with my PPP engagements in KPK and working with private partners in Sindh to increase immunization coverage for children
10+ hours per week
I have provided all information in the responses above, but would be open to connecting in case of any questions.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
7/25/2023 15:59:13mjepko@nd.eduMadeline JepkoUndergraduate StudentMay 2025
International Economics (Spanish) and Global Affairs
My grandmother always said the best classroom is the world. Throughout my life, I have realized the truth of this statement. Because of her, I have been drawn to the cultural and economic contexts of foreign countries, specifically Latin America. Additionally, it is the reason I chose to study International Economics and Global Affairs at Notre Dame. Through these majors' coursework, I have taken development-related classes such as Poverty and Policy and Business, Poverty, and Development. and will be taking The Political Economy of Development and Introduction to Peace Studies this upcoming semester. I choose to take these classes because they continue to intrigue and fascinate me. I believe I am really interested in global development because of the necessary mix of sound economic principles with cultural contexts; effective development cannot succeed without both of these concepts working together. Using economics is great and needed, but without understanding the people and their motivations, one might not be as successful and seeing real change. I am passionate about contributing to this meaningful change, and hope I can ascertain new perspectives on the realities of development. Additionally, I am passionate about possibly continuing in development for my career. This opportunity could open doors to this world, and hopefully spark a serious interest in pursuing this field of study in the future.
I am a very adaptable, diligent, and reliable employee. I have great writing skills and am very familiar with Microsoft Office and STATA. Additionally, I am currently working on Capitol Hill, where I have gathered exquisite research and communication skills. I am good at getting tasks done quickly and efficiently.
Very proficient in Spanish, it is part of my major as an International Economics major
Open to all! I am very interested in Latin America, though.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
8/3/2023 11:35:15vkattan@nd.eduVivian KattanUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Finance and Global Affairs
As a Finance and Global Affairs double major, I am eager to seek the middle ground between the economic and political welfare that compensates for human dignity, as commonly disrespected. As an individual with a genuine curiosity for the complexity of local institutions and governments, I am thrilled to use my knowledge of business and global crises to build a bridge between governance and policy. The course "Introduction to Global Affairs" has opened my eyes to worldwide interconnectivity and inspired me to use research to become a force for good. However, to combat such intertwined problems that nations face, I believe adequate analysis must be done using the “bottom-up” approach. Before concluding, we must first comprehend the roots of a problem and those affected by it. I would love to work with a project oriented in Honduras, or any Central American country, to better understand the root causes of poverty and how to best make an impact.
Being born in the US and raised in Honduras with an Arab ancestry, I understand cultural differences and the impact they have in society's functionality. My management, people-centric nature, and compassion have given me excellent teamwork skills. I am a self-motivated individual, willing to take on any challenge presented along the way to solve real-world difficulties. In the past, I have worked alongside multiple NGOs in Honduras, such as Fundación Amigos de Guarderías Infantiles and La Casa de la Amistad in South Bend, Indiana. Due to this, I have experience coming up with creative solutions to unpredictable obstacles. I have good communication and time-management skills that would allow me to immerse myself in research projects while maintaining academic excellence.
Yes, I am a native Spanish speaker.
I am particularly drawn to projects in CARA regarding corruption and human rights violations in Honduras. Being from Honduras and witnessing a cycle of poor governance and economic injustice, I am interested in understanding the root causes of poverty alleviation and its relationship to corruption. By engaging with a project focused on Honduras, I could share my experience working alongside nonprofit organizations and give insight on authentic Honduran perspectives on foreign interventions. Doing so would make me one step closer to impacting Honduran society and giving back to my community.
4-6 hours per week
Growing up alongside my grandmother Julieta, who created the nonprofit Fundación Amigos de Guarderias Infantiles, awakened my passion for serving others. This genuine desire to positively impact society is my primary driving force in my life's academic and personal aspects. In my opinion, education is of little worth if not used for a greater purpose, so I am devoted to using my knowledge in Finance and Global Affairs to tackle issues such as poverty, human rights, and corruption among third-world countries. I would be delighted to compile information regarding local institutions, build a connection with nonprofits, and combine all of my findings to enhance regional research results.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes#REF!
8/13/2023 12:03:46prajendr@nd.eduPavithra RajendranGraduate StudentMay 2028Law
International Human Rights Law
I am enthusiastic about participating in a project or research centered on the role of women in global development, particularly in the context of both eco-centric and anthropocentric sustainable development. Exploring the contributions of women within these frameworks not only empowers gender equality but also acknowledges their pivotal role in shaping a balanced and thriving world. This endeavor holds the promise of uncovering insights that can drive positive change, promoting environmental harmony while respecting the needs of society. By delving into this dynamic intersection of gender, sustainability, and development, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.
Since 2018, I have been actively engaged in research and projects related to human development. With keen attention to detail and a meticulous approach, I take pride in my work. Proficiency in both written and verbal communication empowers me to convey research discoveries and cooperate harmoniously with peers adeptly. My portfolio boasts over 15 published research papers, encompassing diverse formats such as book chapters and reports.
I am fluent in Tamil and Sinhalese.
My strong interest aligns with the following projects that resonate with my background in teaching and research. I possess both the experience and passion necessary to excel in these areas, making them particularly appealing to me.
1. The Sustainability and Human Rights Initiative
2.The China-Global South Initiative
3.Inequality Watch
4. The Afghan Peace and Development Research Program
10+ hours per week
My preference lies in undertaking both doctrinal and empirical research, with a strong inclination towards qualitative analysis, which aligns with my comfort zone. Additionally, I am adept at crafting fundraising project proposals and conceptual papers. If the project demands, I am also capable of conducting focused group discussions (FGDs), interviews, and surveys.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
8/17/2023 16:54:46araghura@nd.eduAshwin RaghuramanUndergraduate StudentMay 2027Global Affairs
Considering a supplementary major in Peace Studies
I'd love to begin exploring the process of research in global development through the Pulte Institute, and while I'm not sure what work I'd like to do, I know that I want to explore a diverse array of topics to discover what I'm passionate about within international development. Topics that interest me the most are human rights, international law, conflict/violence, and debt among others.
While this would be my first on-campus research opportunity, in the past I've worked for a State Senator's office in California, and am the Executive Vice President of a nonprofit organization that teaches debate internationally. Soft skills learned through these roles such as planning, time management, communication, problem solving, and creativity will all assist me in research. Additionally, through debate and Model UN in high school (being nationally ranked in both) I've developed a comprehensive knowledge-base of international information, which will be significantly expended upon in my time at Keough. In sum, while I haven't done global development research in the past, I'm confident that I have the right mindset to learn, and possess the necessary soft skills to succeed in any projects I can help with.
While I'm open to exploring any topic or project, the topics I tend to gravitate towards are international law, peacebuilding, and human rights.
10+ hours per week
I'm open to exploring any research opportunities that I'm able to complete, and look forward to hearing from you soon!
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office AssistantNoYes
8/19/2023 14:05:28cchaunce@nd.eduClay ChaunceyUndergraduate StudentMay 2026
Strategic Management & Global Affairs
Business and the Common Good
I think that business can be a powerful tool for lifting people out of poverty, and I hope to find a career upon graduation that would allow me to aid in this process.
I have plenty of experience organizing events and other projects as a member of Student Government both in high school and here at ND. I am also great at bridging boundaries and empathizing with a viewpoint that may be far from my own.
Decently proficient in Spanish4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
8/24/2023 15:10:46pghosh@nd.eduPoulomi GhoshGraduate StudentMay 2025Masters in Global Affairs
My general interest lies in contributing to the field of global development through multidisciplinary approaches. My primary areas of interest include effective states and development and humanitarianism. I strongly believe that good governance and the role of the state are vital components in achieving sustainable development and the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Pulte Institute's focus on the role of the state in discharging its responsibilities for the economic, social, and cultural rights of citizens resonates deeply with my passion for promoting equitable and inclusive development. I have previously worked for the state government of West Bengal with a focus on policy research that would bring forth citizen welfare. I recognize the significance of effective systems of program planning, fiscal governance, taxation, and budget management in ensuring that states can meet the expectations of their citizens and minimize corruption.
As foreign aid diminishes, it becomes increasingly crucial to explore innovative approaches to deliver more effective aid and foster self-sufficiency in the poorest nations. I am eager to contribute to the Pulte Institute's efforts by researching existing programs, evaluating donor agency innovations, and designing new policies and approaches that can lead to more impactful development outcomes.
I have worked for state governments in India with a focus on Legislative Assembly elections. My primary work involved helping the state government of West Bengal to implement and create well-researched and citizen centric policies. Once the policy was implemented it was my job to run a post implementation survey to gauge effectiveness. I have conducted field surveys, assisted in designing surveys, collected primary data, helped in creating a database and public sourcing them. I headed a team of 6 individuals and apart from the aforementioned responsibilities, I also conducted desk research work and lead the team in writing reports for the Chief Minister and her team. While working for Ashoka University, I have led my team to collate election data for state elections in Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura and Karnataka. I have published my findings from field surveys in newspapers as well. I am proficient in R software, and excel. I have good writing skills and team management skills.
I am proficient in English, although if time permits I plan on taking up language courses while in Notre Dame.
The SHARE and ERIE project has interested me. The ERIE project because it analyses long term impact evaluation of development projects. In my experience, a careful impact evaluation is required to justify the success or failure of developmental projects, no matter how well researched during implementation. I had started a similar initiative in a much smaller scale in West Bengal and I would be grateful for an opportunity to learn and work for such a project. And my interest in SHARE project is due to the fact that I have worked with an educational institution in India (Indian institute of Management) to research on how to make K-12 education more affordable and accessible by using Big Data and AI.
7-10 hours per week
This kind of work is a passion for me and I would love to be a part of the Pulte Institute and contribute however I can.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYesSHARE LA Refresher (Jaclyn/Nancy)
8/30/2023 20:02:57egyasi@nd.eduEmmanuel GyasiGraduate StudentMay 2025
Master of Global Affairs (Governance and Policy)
I am interested in the Effective States and Development theme and particularly questions surrounding how to make aid-effective or implementing strategies to deliver enhance aid management in recipient or developing countries. I would also be interested in projects that explore the barriers of effective aid management from the perspective of donors and recipient countries as well as potential areas for improvement
Project Management
Research Coordination
Problem-Solving and Analysis
Technical Writing and Verbal Communication
Organizational Skills
Data Management using Microsoft Excel
Twi (Native Speaker)
Czech (Beginner)
I am drawn to projects within the Effective States and Development theme with particular interests in exploring innovative strategies to enhance aid delivery for better development outcomes especially in the Global South. This is informed by my professional experiences with complex aid management practices and their constraining effect on well-intentioned development projects.
4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
8/31/2023 16:13:55mmalunga@nd.eduMuhindo MalungaGraduate StudentMay 2025Master of Global Affairs
1) Developing large, multi-year projects and implementing and monitoring them.
2) Fundraising, grant management and networking with partners and donors.
1. Working with local partners in African Context
2. Humanitarian Context Analysis
3. Learning facilitation
4. Project Management, Evaluation and Learning
5. Presentation and Reporting
6. Partner organization assessment
7. Professional Translator and Interpreter (English, French and Kiswahili languages)
8. Blogger, Writer and Book Reviewer
French, Kiswahili, Lingala7-10 hours per week
I desire to have a position that will allow me to contribute to Pulte's work, to learn and to network. I also have a strong interest in country-wide projects (education, infrastructure, leadership development, institutions governance.)
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
9/1/2023 18:12:34claren@nd.eduClare NickersonUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Electrical Engineering
Engineering Corporate Practice
I am deeply passionate about global development, particularly in the context of sustainability and renewable energy. My summer internship with a renewable energy company's engineering and construction unit strengthened this interest, showcasing how renewable energy projects can transform communities and address global challenges. Leveraging my electrical engineering background, I aspire to work on projects that expand access to clean energy, enhance energy efficiency, and foster economic growth in underserved areas. I am excited about the opportunity to align my skills and values with the Pulte Institute for Global Development's mission, contributing to sustainable solutions for pressing global issues.
I possess a unique combination of skills that make me well-suited to contribute effectively to global development research and project management. My passion for sustainability, nurtured through STEM classes, drives my commitment to finding innovative solutions to complex global challenges. My background in electrical engineering has honed my problem-solving skills, enabling me to approach issues methodically and develop practical solutions. Additionally, my minor in engineering corporate practice equips me with a holistic perspective, bridging the gap between technical aspects and the broader strategic goals of global development initiatives.
I'm particularly interested in the SATagro project in Ecuador funded by the Inter-American Development Bank. This initiative leverages technology to assist small-scale palm farmers in adopting sustainable practices and improving their livelihoods while preserving the Amazonian landscape. The project's focus on reducing deforestation and promoting conservation aligns with my passion for sustainability and global development. It's an innovative approach to address complex challenges at the intersection of agriculture, climate change, and economic development.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office AssistantNoYes
9/3/2024 22:49:48fjalloh@nd.eduFatima JallohGraduate StudentMay 2025Global AffairsGovernance and Policy
I want to work at the centre of global development to alleviate or reduce global poverty and Pulte Institute is the best place to do it in Notre Dame. I have an experience back home working with an INGO (Plan International) in rural communities on community development and poverty alleviation. I open to working as a research or project assistant. I also have advocacy and facilitation skills and can work as an outreach assistant. At Pulte, I intend to be an agent of systematic and sustainable change. I expect to gain more professional development opportunities, research, implementation skills, policy writing and a broader scope to influence better policies.
Working at Pulte Institute will give me the opportunity to interact with Professors, researchers, policy makers and even citizens of South Bend discussing issues surrounding global development.
I am proactive and proficient with excellent interpersonal and organizational skills. I am self-assured individual capable of working as part of a team. I also have excellent communication skills with the ability to listen to others and learn from them and make sound judgement. I have expertise in the usage of office software package (MS word, excel, outlook, access, PowerPoint), Canvas, Google calendar, research, trainings and workshop, community engagement, partnership building with various stakeholders. I have vast knowledge in Project management, data collection and monitoring.
I would like to work on development project which include but not limited to education, livelihood and community outreach. I have experiences in these areas but I am a fast learner and can work on any development projects.
10+ hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantYesYes
8/29/2024 15:07:17sabdulsa@nd.eduSuleiman Abiodun Abdulsalam Graduate StudentMay 2025Global Affairs
Growing up in Nigeria, I saw firsthand the challenges of food insecurity and climate change. I wanted to help communities find sustainable solutions to these problems. As an action on my part, I studied sustainable development and collective intelligence, and worked with organizations like IFPRI and the Africa Plant Nutrition Institute, applying local knowledge to global challenges. As a result, I have developed skills in creating practical interventions that empower vulnerable communities. Now, I aim to continue this work, focusing on sustainable agriculture and climate adaptation to support equitable development worldwide.
I have strong skills in sustainability, data analysis, and project management. My experience includes conducting research in sustainable agriculture and climate change, where I applied tools like R and STATA for data analysis and led field data collection. I have successfully managed interdisciplinary teams, designing culturally sensitive projects tailored to local needs. My background in accounting adds expertise in budgeting and financial management, essential for effective project execution. Additionally, I can communicate complex ideas clearly, ensuring alignment among stakeholders. These skills enable me to contribute effectively to global development research and project management, driving impactful and sustainable outcomes.
Yoruba and Hausa.
I am particularly drawn to projects focused on food security, climate change, and environmental policy because they address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. My passion lies in finding sustainable solutions that ensure communities have reliable access to nutritious food while adapting to the impacts of climate change. I’m interested in how environmental policies can be crafted to support both ecological balance and economic development. By working on these projects, I aim to contribute to creating resilient systems that protect vulnerable populations and promote long-term sustainability in developing regions.
7-10 hours per week
It would be a privilege if I am given an opportunity to work with the institute in any capacity. I am an upcoming professional passionate about development, most especially at the rural level. I hope to contribute my little quota to make the world a better place for all
Research Assistant, Office AssistantNoYes
9/11/2023 10:04:30xhernan2@nd.eduXimena Hernández RevolorioGraduate StudentMay 2025
Global Affairs with a concentration in Sustainable Development
BA and Licentiate in Political Science with a specialization in Public Policy
My interest in global development is more orientated towards education development in rural areas in Latin America, specifically in Guatemala. I would like to gain more experience and knowledge on interventions towards education policies, how the approach of evaluation and analysis is being taken and what lessons can we take back to Guatemala to be able to implement sustainable policies.
As my background is in public policy, I have previously worked on research specifically for public policies evaluation. I have experience in research skills and tools to be able to analyze each policy impact in the micro and macro level. Mapping problems, solutions, and stakeholders are also in my level of expertise. For me teamwork is essential to contributing to global development and that is also a skill I consider important in my professional experience.
Fluency in Spanish (natiive language); Basic conversation in Mandarin
I am interested in the SHARE project because one of the main countries of action is Guatemala, the country where I am from. Education development is one of my main passions and I am interested in gaining experience in that background so I am able to give something back to my country.
10+ hours per week
Since my last year in my undergrad I have been increasing my interest in helping develop my country (Guatemala) and for me one of the best ways to do it is paying attention to our children. I got into the Master of Global Affairs because of my interest in implementing sustainable policies that actually care for human development.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYesHired for LIBROS
9/22/2023 16:23:39aayalew@nd.eduAemro Worku AyalewGraduate StudentMay 2025Sustainable DevelopmentFood Security, Entrepreneurship, Agricultural MarketingResearch- Data Analysis, Manuscript Writing, Publications Amharic - Native7-10 hours per week
This is my Google Scholar account which shows some of my previous works
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office AssistantNoYes
2/2/2024 16:26:55jcastil7@nd.eduJailene Castillo Graduate StudentMay 2025Master of Global Affairs
My interests includes the promotion and sustainability of global health focusing on education, community outreach, and partnership building.
I have previously engaged in project designing and execution, co-directing the field and off-field work. In previous assignments, I managed to successfully complete projects by being receptive, committed, and proactive. I have been able to effectively manage multiple tasks at one for example conducting the field work while also working in the laboratory doing further experiments, data analysis with new technologies (i.e. next generation sequencing), and writing concise reports to be passed on to respective ministries. I have also taken part in bridging the gap between the public and private sector, participated in social projects that required me to not blur the lines between personal opinions and the inherent correctness of an issue, and I have been able to engage in discussion and with individuals who I have disagreed with. I have also been advancing in coding for analytical interpretation of data.
I am open to options and do not have specific project interest.
7-10 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantYesYes
9/26/2023 0:57:38jhur2@nd.eduJustin HurUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Global Affairsn/a
This past summer, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in Jewish and Arab society and culture through Notre Dame's Jerusalem Study Abroad program. I was able to travel to various holy sites and important commercial hubs in Israel and also learn more about the Israel/Palestine conflict by surrounding myself with Palestinian culture -- making hour-long conversations with locals in Bethlehem, taking buses to Ramallah and Nablus, walking through Checkpoint 500, and spending one week on a Palestinian-Christian family-owned farm doing manual labor for the family members. I was deeply inspired by this experience to learn more about similar situations of apartheid and inter-state relationships. Particularly during my time in Palestine, I was extremely interested in how entrepreneurial initiatives differed between Israeli cities, like Tel Aviv, and Palestinian ones, in which the entrepreneurial levels are relatively low due to disruptions of inter-state commerce and other strict regulations that prevent the fusion of Israeli and Palestinian economies. Using this experience as an example of what I hope to gain from this student opportunity, I am interested in applying my skills to projects within the Pulte Institute that are centered around entrepreneurial investigations and social entrepreneurial enterprises. to
Some skills I possess that I think would be of great value to research or project management within the Pulte Institute include the following:
- Data analysis
- Written and verbal communication
- Time management
- Schedule and task organization
- Fast adaptability
I do not-- I only speak English.
N/A -- I am open to any opportunities within the realm of global development. However, I have a slight preference to entrepreneurial projects due to my indication in the answer above.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
When I don't know the answer to something, I will always ask questions. I am not afraid of seeming uninformed about a particular subject or topic, so if I cannot find the answer to something, I am going to ask questions to ensure everything I provide in my work is entirely up to par with what is expected.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office AssistantNoYes
9/27/2023 23:09:38mjerop@nd.eduMercy JeropGraduate StudentMay 2025International Peace Studies
I am passionate about girls' mentorship, promoting access to quality education, gender equality, and women's empowerment. I have experience engaging with grassroots NGOs on education, gender, human rights, inclusive peace, and sustainable development initiatives.

I am interested in initiatives that promote gender equality, inclusive education, mentorship, and humanitarian aid, especially in areas affected by drought, conflicts, and refugee settings. I would like to learn about and contribute to advocacy for conflict-sensitive and inclusive education policies.
I possess skills in project management which includes design, reporting, and evaluation. I have successfully provided oversight to and implemented projects on cross-cutting themes such as education, governance, human rights advocacy, gender equality, and development.

I am a professional educator, with knowledge in school administration, and skills in developing school and community-based projects in Kenya; this has allowed me to gain practical experience in planning and execution of educational development projects.

My previous roles have enhanced my skills in mobilization, mentorship and coaching, building partnerships, and empowering communities through inclusive development projects.

I am interested in projects focused on education and humanitarian aid. I come from Africa, specifically Kenya where access to education is a basic need but still not accessible for many because of varying socio-economic disparities. I would like to actively engage in research aimed at shaping education policies and priorities across Africa.
7-10 hours per week
I am open to learning new skills and getting exposed to global contexts
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office AssistantNoYes
9/28/2023 18:57:18hndayize@nd.eduH.Fabrice NdayizeyeGraduate StudentMay 2025
Masters of Global Affairs/ International Peace Studies
I am interested in immigration, refugees, policy, development, humanitarian, inclusion and conflict resolution. I have lived for 8 years in a refugee camp, in developing country, Rwanda. Unlike other migrants who might have chosen to leave their country, as a refugee, you find yourself outside of your country, while you did not choose it. Unintended migration for refugees is associated with many issues such as conflict with the host community, identity issues, and crashes of host country laws with the ones of a country of origin. In this instance, I am interested to explore the factors that are put into consideration to integrate refugees and immigrant and policy as well as law that facilitate the integration of both refugees and immigrants. I am also interested in collective responsibility of all states to address recurrent issues such as wars, climate, poverty, insecurity, pandemic or refugee crisis. What could be done to improve the effectiveness.
I have been involved in research during my internship and during my college years, and I am passionate to enhance and learn my research skills. I am culturally tolerant, and open to learning new knowledge and skills.I had an opportunity to be exposed, visit and live in various countries such as Burundi, Rwanda, Japan, Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo and USA. This has equipped me with an understanding and consciousness of looking at the world differently, and having a sense of reflecting before I choose something. Because one thing might be perceived positively while in other countries, it is not. I still believe that the world embeds complexity with itself, but I am aware of the needs of intersectionality in analysis and ways of addressing issues.
French, Kirundi and Kinyarwanda
10+ hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
8/29/2024 15:36:35lperila@nd.eduLeah PerilaUndergraduate StudentMay 2025
Economics, Psychology, Supplementary Global Affairs
Poverty Studies
I am interested to learn more about the ins and outs of global development, especially in the sphere of education and early child development. I am eager to understand the intricacies of the project process, from its conception to funding, implementation, revision, and everything in between. I am learning about some of these concepts in my "Childhoods and Education in the Global South: A Research and Program Practicum" course, so I would love to bridge some of this knowledge and passion in more ways. I am interested in going into the education sphere post-graduation, whether that be in teaching, nonprofit work, a policy approach, or further education in psychology. Therefore, I am really interested in being exposed to more programs and research before then.
Skills I possess that are pertinent to this work include time management skills, effective written and verbal communication skills, and past knowledge through classes and clubs, doing research, performing literature reviews, and running and interpreting data analysis'. Also, I am a very naturally curious and adaptable person, and I work well both individually and on a team.
Growing up, I took French in school and took the Intermediate Level course here at Notre Dame. I know a little Bulgarian from spending the past summer there (doing the Serving in Europe program through the Nanovic Institute) but that knowledge is very minimal!
I am drawn to the one's in the early childhood development and education spheres, so projects like SHARE, Strong Beginnings, and ADAPT stand out to me. Strong Beginnings stands out to me because of its whole childhood approach, focusing on programs for early-grades. Then, SHARE stands out to me because of its extensive stretch and impact in global education policy and practices, with so so many studies and programs going on. Finally, ADAPT caught my eye because the idea of utilizing studies, systems, and data to transform a learning assessment for adolescents is really interesting to me!
4-6 hours per week
Both fortunately and semi-unfortunately, I will be abroad in the Spring (in Stellenbosch, South Africa!) which I understand to be a barrier in getting started on a project / be of much help before then, but I would love any exposure possible now and to be involved Senior Year if possible. I also don't start my semester abroad until mid-February, so if there would be any availabilities to help with a project, I could dedicate a lot of time over Winter Break and in January/early February to that. School not starting till February also makes me have a shorter Summer (starting in Late June), so I am contemplating possible ways to spend the summer and may try to get a research grant and do research during July.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
10/4/2023 21:13:51ibass@nd.eduIsabella BassUndergraduate StudentMay 2027Global affairs & economics
(applied for) global health minor
As a bicultural Peruvian American and young adult, I have lived unique experiences that encourage me to pursue a future in global development. I have completed internships in Peru and the U.S., and am also an ambassador for Misión Caritas Felices, an organization that supports underprivileged Peruvian children with cleft palate. I often fly to the outskirts of Peru and participate in missions. This experience has allowed me to witness systematic differences between a “developed” and “developing” country, as I realized an incredible difference between basic healthcare access for patients and their families in both countries. In Peru, factors I wouldn’t have thought to consider, such as transportation to the hospital, sacrificing the care of siblings while parents took their children for treatment, and accessibility to follow-up care after surgeries, all impacted healthcare access. This is a sad reality for people all over the world. My unique experiences have deepened my social consciousness, helping me to realize my privilege and responsibility. Being aware of the different realities people face inspires me to serve, as well as understand my role in the interconnected world. My firsthand experiences have shaped my passion for aspiring to get involved with global development.
I am a very organized, determined, and dependable individual with very good time-management skills. I am also bilingual, and love working/engaging with others. Furthermore, I am very open to change and constant learning.
I am fluent in Spanish.
I would love the opportunity to get involved with any project!
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
10/7/2023 22:15:55kvivirit@nd.eduKyria ViviritoUndergraduate StudentMay 2027Strategic ManagementFrench Minor
I have one parent who teaches Italian at the University and who has immersed me in different languages and cultures all of my life. I have another parent who is the Chief Resource Officer at the South Bend Center for the Homeless. The intersection between globalization and human rights has always been a point of interest for me.
I am extremely diligent and hard working. I take instructions very well and always follow through with the task at hand. Additionally, I am studying to obtain a strategic management degree, and hope to apply my leadership skills in any projects I participate in.
Although I am not fluent, I am rather proficient in French, and am pursing a minor as well as eventually becoming fluent in the language.
I am not aware of any particular projects at the moment, but I would be happy to help with anything I am needed for!
7-10 hours per week
I love to work and be of assistance to anyone who needs it. I am excited to work for the Pulte Institute. Thank you for having me on your team!
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
10/30/2023 10:59:18ajensen2@nd.eduAlex JensenGraduate StudentMay 2026Dual Degree: MGA/MBA
From past school and work experience, I am very passionate about working with and supporting sustainable economic development within communities and groups that lack support and resources on national and global scales.
I am currently a qualitative research associate for a non-profit research organization that has an emphasis on working with the Latino community and immigrant communities of Minnesota. The experience I have gained from this job has further developed the intercultural lens and communication skills that I possess along with giving me the opportunity to manage my own projects and enhance these project management skills.
SpanishI'm excited to see the opportunities available.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
11/27/2023 14:46:09jkositzk@nd.eduJoey KositzkeUndergraduate StudentMay 2025American Studies
Latino Studies / Social Entrepreneurship / Business Economics
Sustainable Development, in particular the engagement of education within sustainability.
From my professional and educational experiences, the following skills stand out to me as personal strong-suits that additionally serve global development research well: adaptability, patience, cooperation, tenacity, curiosity, and passion.
I have a conversational level of understanding of Spanish.
I have no particular preferences- in my previous conversation with Professor Purekal, he recommended several opportunities in education-oriented research in (I believe) Kenya, Ghana, and Philippines. They all intrigued me, but I am open to all opportunities.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
I am always open to meet and discuss any less traditional opportunities or projects you may need assistance on- my Google Calendar is always up to date! After February 2024, I will have a little more spare time at school and would be open to opportunities that require 10+ hours per week.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
4/26/2024 9:27:51mdubay@nd.eduMallory DubayGraduate StudentMay 2025Masters of Business Administration
Strategy, International Business
Global development is a passion of mine that I would like to be more active in. I am attending the MBA to get the business skills necessary to aid in development but I would like to learn more about general policies, initiatives in global development and how to implement these initiatives in a way that is empowering towards the target community.
I have many skills I have acquired in my professional experience as well as personal experience I think would be applicable to global development research and project management. I have ample research experience in my undergrad with the immigrant communities of New York as well as in my previous role as a media strategist. I used to work with large sets of data regularly to deliver to clients. I have worked on countless projects in this role as a project manager, ensuring all deliverables were completed on a timely matter. I have cultural sensitivity from working with vulnerable communities from my time working in immigration as well as a volunteer during my undergrad. Currently, I am on a Business on the Frontlines project through the MBA program in which we have partnered with a non-profit in the Philippines with the goal of female empowerment in the rural island communities. The skills I learn during BOTFL as well as this position if given the opportunity would give me the experience I would like to have in the future.
Due to my experience working with immigrants, I would like to be involved in projects revolving around refugees or immigration if that is a possibility. However, I am very open as I am excited about the opportunity to exercise this passion of mine and happy to join any project that needs the manpower and dedication.
7-10 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
12/3/2023 21:52:41ghodge@nd.eduGavin HodgeUndergraduate StudentMay 2027Global Affairs
I would like to learn more about the interaction between public and private organizations regarding development, so the research theme of Business in Development is appealing to me.

This interest stems from working for a community foundation over the summer that has a significant portfolio of grants working on economic development initiatives that utilize public-private coalitions. I'm hoping to expand my knowledge of these types of relationships to the international level, hopefully complementing my studies at the Keough School.
Technical-wise, I know how to use Tableau, R, and Excel. Although I would not classify myself as an expert in any of them (I just learned R this semester through a course), I have a strong understanding of their foundations.

On the soft-skills side, I think I have strong time management skills, which can be seen through my extracurricular involvement on campus. Looking before coming here, this can be seen through an internship I completed at a community foundation where I was given ownership over the creation of a donor-facing database while being asked to review grants and other ad-hoc tasks.
The USAID Private Sector Engagement is of interest to me. I find the part about finding synergies with the private sector to be of interest given how distinct the structures of public institutions can be from private ones. I'd be interested to see the overlaps and how these relationships between major actors (such as USAID and major corporate donors) can be applied in smaller-scale situations.

I know this project is already over, but the Institute's work with Citigroup is also appealing. I would love to explore how information from US cities can be taken and applied at home and overseas, especially in the context of manufacturing as my hometown, Columbus, OH, will be welcoming a microchip factory in the upcoming years.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
I also have experience with coding (not statistical coding but coding journal articles, policy briefs, grant requests, etc.).
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
1/3/2024 22:09:50nmumba@nd.eduNoella MumbaGraduate StudentMay 2025
Master of Global Affairs-Governance and Policy
I have a strong interest in global development, driven by my passion for understanding and addressing complex challenges that affect communities worldwide. I am particularly drawn to education as an issue facing my home county, Kilifi, Kenya. By looking at development issues from a global scale, I will be able to draw lessons that can be applied to a grassroots level, specifically in my home county. Although my interest is in education, I am open to researching on and learning from other development issues as the solutions can be cross-cutting.
I have strong research skills using both quantitative and qualitative methods. I have strong communication skills given my background in public relations. I am a team player within the team and also in instances where the team is collaborating with other teams on projects. Additionally, I am flexible and adaptable.
4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
Research Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
1/4/2024 13:28:47mgemechu@nd.eduMakeda GemechuUndergraduate StudentMay 2027Global Affairs
I am interested in global development, specifically in sustainable development and foreign aid; peace initiatives; and human rights. After going back to my native country of Ethiopia, after living in the US for 11 years, I was surprised to see that the country hadn't changed as much as I would think it would have. My family was living in the same situation and the living condition for many was in fact worse. This has led me to have an interest in how foreign aid can be "adjusted" to be a more effective response, proactive not responsive. Additionally, in the area of peace, I have seen that many of the issues related to ethnicities that rise in Africa are often covered up and primarily addressed after they have blown up to become "big conflicts". In global development, I believe that peace is an important thing that also needs to be developed and without doing so, other development initiatives will become undermined as wars and conflict arise. All-in-all, in global development, I am interested in learning more about and working in the area of researching the current system of foreign aid to examine/analyze how it could be enhanced to encourage entrepreneurship and the economic independence of the countries it is serving. Lastly, as Integral Human Development proposes, I believe it is important to protect the dignity of every person and ensure that no one is left behind in development, and so I hope to learn more about what this could be like in the world today.
synthesize research material; analyze data; language; literature review
Amharic- native/bilingual proficiency(speaking and listening)
One project that I am interested in is that of Dr. Michael H. Morris. Dr. Morris' work with entrepreneurship and its' relation to poverty peaks my interest. Coming from Ethiopia, I have seen that one successful way that people can find employment is by creating them for themselves. So, in Africa and other continents, I am interested in learning more about how different organizations/groups can help through research and other means to encourage entrepreneurship. I am also interested in learning more about the connection between entresuprenhship and sustainable development, in the sense of "altering" financial aid to a more sustainable/productive method.

I am also interested in the "Gang Resistance Education and Training (Great) Program Evaluation" project. As gang related issues are prevalent across the US and many parts of the world, I am interested to work with Mr. Tom Hare and Ms. Estela Rivero to analyze the effects of the GREAT program. Additionally, in middle school, I had the chance to take part in a drug resistance program that my school brought in, and recently learned that those sorts of programs are ineffective in many parts of the US, so I am interested to learn more about how effective a program like GREAT is and if possible, how it can be replicated in different parts of the world.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
Overall, I am really interested in learning more about the field of development and assisting with different types of research.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
1/8/2024 1:16:21vcampuza@nd.eduVannesa Campuzano VillalobosGraduate StudentMay 2025Master of Global Affairs
Prior to coming to the University of Notre Dame, I worked for U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services, were I dealt with the legacy of flawed immigration policies. Every day I welcomed new citizens but denied many others. While my work brought me fulfillment, I often though about how much more effective the system would be if political polarization did not thwart equity and change. I believe in the transformation of this system and would like to be a part of that process upon graduating from Notre Dame. Working towards these objectives requires me to continue building upon previous skill sets while advancing and cultivating others, and I believe working for the Pulte institute would aid me in this process.

Additionally, I am interested in learning more about development in the refugee/asylum sphere, roles of international organizations and government, policy analysis, and development work in general.
During my first semester of my MGA program, I worked as a research assistant under Donald Kerwin, senior research associate at the Keough School. This role provided me with the opportunity to delve into the complexities of U.S. immigration policy. I conducted in-depth policy analysis and comprehensive desk research, and also learned how to synthesize copious amounts of information on critical immigration issues. My work has contributed to the development of the University’s upcoming migration studies program website and the drafting of compelling blog articles.
Fluent in Spanish, advanced in Portuguese
10+ hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office AssistantNoYes
9/19/2024 15:10:36sominde@nd.eduSchilder OmindeGraduate StudentMay 2025
Masters of Global Affairs, Governance and Policy
I am deeply passionate about global development, with a specific focus on the intricate interplay between global health, education, and migration. My interest in global health revolves around understanding and mitigating health disparities, enhancing healthcare accessibility, and implementing impactful public health initiatives across diverse societal landscapes. In the realm of education, I am committed to exploring educational systems, ensuring equitable access to quality education, and fostering innovative teaching methods, especially for underserved communities. Additionally, I am drawn to the complexities of migration, seeking to comprehend the factors propelling migration patterns, addressing challenges faced by migrants, and advocating for inclusive policies and services to support their integration.

To amplify my impact in these areas, I aim to sharpen my research skills, emphasizing data gathering, analysis, and the evaluation of policies and interventions. I recognize the pivotal role of research in informing evidence-based solutions and shaping effective strategies within global development initiatives. Concurrently, I am eager to deepen my understanding of project management principles, which are fundamental in successfully executing initiatives aimed at advancing global health, education, and migration. This includes refining skills in project planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of programs addressing these critical issues.

Furthermore, I aim to strengthen my communication abilities to effectively convey research findings, advocate for policy changes, and foster collaboration among stakeholders in the global development arena. Clear and persuasive communication is essential in driving awareness, securing support, and implementing sustainable solutions in the realms of global health, education, and migration.
Project management, Communications skills, good team player and research skills
7-10 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office AssistantNoYes
1/19/2024 16:08:35bndifoin@nd.eduBeverly NdifoinGraduate StudentMay 2025Global Affairs
I would like to learn about the intersection of global environmental issues and development, recognizing the critical role they play in shaping the future of our planet.
Project management, Communication, Community mobilization, Stakeholder engagement
French (Intermediary)
I am drawn to FLARE because their work centers around driving positive change on the conservation front for thriving forests, people and the planet.
10+ hours per week
Research Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
1/26/2024 22:51:35jzhang36@nd.eduSonia ZhangUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Economics & Global AffairsData Science
I am especially interested in the topics related to economic and education public policies, for example, the role of economic solutions, such as micro finance and social entrepreneurship, in boosting local economies and their impact on global economic development. Plus, topics such as the role of regional and global NGOs, business sector, etc. in strengthening socio-economic inequality are attractive.
Working as a research assistant through Kellogg and ND Economics Department on various global development-related research projects, I developed both quantitative and qualitative skills including conducting literature reviews, content analysis, interviews, data cleaning & analysis, STATA, etc.

I have strong project management and leadership skills. I develop my skills through my experience working as a project director in different student clubs including the ND Student Policy Network and working with NGOs such as the Shining Star Organization. I am involved with NGO/ NPO work in a global setting, in both the US and China. I gained experience in business development, publicity, fundraising, communication, and research.
Chinese (mandarin): native speaker/ first language
4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project AssistantYes
3/24/2024 18:54:51jgoins3@nd.eduEric GoinsGraduate StudentMay 2026MGA: Governance and PolicyMBA: Finance
I am fascinated by what causes wars to begin and end. I believe the economic conditions of nations which are influenced most by global trade, financial policy, and foreign policy can be leveraged to make it so wars are less likely to begin. If they do begin, these same tools must continue to be used in pursuit of achieving resolution to the conflict and attaining lasting peace.
I am an avid reader and I write well enough to positively contribute when assisting in either global development research or project management work. In my free time, I read extensively on global issues with a specific focus on world conflicts. I read a from a mix of sources such as journals like Foreign Affairs, news publications and newspapers from the United States and various other countries, and books on the topics of most interest to me.
German (CEFR: B1 (Unofficial)) I lived in Germany from August 2020- August 2023 and I developed a working proficiency in German. I played soccer on my local town's team so I am best at listening, followed by reading, and then speaking in German. I took a Goethe language course while there and also completed daily lessons on the language learning app Duolingo. I currently have a 1,277-day streak of continuous learning on Duolingo. I audited German 201 at Notre Dame this past Fall 2023 Semester so I may retain my proficiency as much as possible.
I have a wide range of interests and believe I can be of assistance in several areas, so I am confident that wherever I can work I will be satisfied with the work I will be doing.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week, 10+ hours per week
In October 2023, I secured a Student Summer Internship offer at the United States Department of State in Washington D.C. for the Summer of 2024. This internship position was offered before I became a member of the Notre Dame Football team in January 2024. Since it is better for me -and the team- to stay at Notre Dame to work out and practice with the football team over the summer, I declined my internship at the State Department and hope to be able to apply and work there in the Summer of 2025. Therefore, I am seeking an internship opportunity in South Bend to satisfy the MBA program's graduation requirement to work over the summer of 2024. I could seek employment opportunities with local businesses here but this is not ideal. I wish to dedicate myself to my interests and to further my aim of working towards global peace through economic and foreign policy. I believe that working at The Pulte Institute for Global Development at Notre Dame this summer would align well with my goal.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
2/15/2024 10:50:44hle3@nd.eduHaiden LeGraduate StudentMay 2025Sustainability, Finance
Research on Economics, Sustainability, Sociology, Psychology, Peace studies (my undergrad and current curriculum)
Interdisciplinary training in undergrad and current curriculum at ND, writing and public speaking on topics related to sustainability/sociology/psychology/peace, statistics...
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week, 10+ hours per week
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
2/16/2024 18:56:30rnindore@nd.eduRebecca NindoreraGraduate StudentMay 2025Master of Global Affairs
Project Monitoring and Evaluation, Peace Building, Conflict Analysis and Mediation
I am interested in working as a research assistant and learning from experts to conduct targeted research on USAID's education sector priorities. I am excited to contribute to the Institute's innovative approach to using data and evidence for policy and decision-making to implement education research that supports country priorities. My passion lies in transforming research into practical guidelines that address poverty-related issues. I have experience managing programs for youth, women, internally displaced persons, and marginalized groups living in war zones and post-conflict areas. I am eager to learn how data analysis and evidence-based research can help alleviate the suffering of needy people. As a multi-lingual professional fluent in English, French, and Swahili, I can connect with diverse communities more deeply. My expertise in humanitarian relief programs and my passion for global development make me an excellent candidate to contribute to the Institute's work and learn from its experts.
I have a strong background in managing and implementing programs that address the needs and challenges of vulnerable populations in conflict-affected areas. I have successfully coordinated humanitarian interventions and negotiated access with various stakeholders, including armed groups, local authorities, and international partners. I have also conducted research and analysis on the root causes and dynamics of conflicts, as well as the impact and effectiveness of peacebuilding initiatives. In Burundi, I managed a two-year educational program aiming at helping refugees, returnees and Internally Displaced Persons to integrate in the host communities and the Burundian educational system through community game, and digital programs customized to their needs. I have excellent communication and presentation skills, as well as proficiency in Microsoft Suite, Presentations, Report writing, and data management tool. Furthermore, I am fluent in English, French, and Swahili, which enables me to engage with diverse cultures and contexts.
French, Swahili (Kiswahili)
I am enthusiastic about the SHARE program as it allows me to participate in a research initiative and gain knowledge on evidence-based approaches to effectively resolve poverty-related issues. My expertise in managing programs for marginalized groups, including youth, women, and internally displaced persons in conflict zones and post-conflict regions, has given me a rare perspective on the need for research/documentation to effectively implement programs. I am eager to gain further insight into how evidence-based research can be utilized to alleviate the suffering of those in need.
7-10 hours per weeknot applicable
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
2/21/2024 1:35:21tbradsh2@nd.eduToby BradshawUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Electrical EngineeringI am interested in climate and environmental justice
I am an electrical engineer and know about power grids and can understand highly technical information. I also have work experience in structural engineering so I am familiar with building power and thermal makeup.
I do not
I am particularly interested in Emily Grubert's research.
4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
2/28/2024 14:59:29cbulloc2@nd.eduCelia BullockUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Science Preprofessional
Global affairs and global health
I am interested in global development as a prevention method, specifically in regards to healthcare. I would like to learn about successful implementation of lasting infrastructure to support or restructure existing healthcare interventions. I appreciate the overlap of cultural medicinal practices and modern medicine and would like to be working on projects that highlight this intersection.
I am a good problem solver. I enjoy logic puzzles and creative thinking. This is important in allowing me to recognize how different aspects of a project fit together in more efficient ways. I am a strong team player and have experience as a team leader with the global health student research teams. Additionally, I am organized and have good time management skills.
I am proficient in Spanish (a score of 4 on the AP) but have not spoken consistently since high school.
Belize Response Initiative for Cold Chain Development- While this project is no longer active, it is interesting to me as it looks to incorporate hard sciences and an element of practicality. I have the science background to understand the details of the cold chain. I also understand the impracticalities of the existing practices. Exploring the intersection of science and daily life is at the core of receiving an education in science as without an application that is realistic the science is less useful.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
2/29/2024 11:58:49aramasco@nd.eduAndrés RamascoGraduate StudentMay 2026Economics
Health and Labor Economics and their intersection with Development Economics
Causal inference techniques and data analysis of household surveysSpanish4-6 hours per weekResearch AssistantNoNo
3/5/2024 16:37:05afelipan@nd.eduAngeline Felip AntonichUndergraduate StudentMay 2027Global Affairs and Psychology
Education, schooling and society
In global development, I am interested and fascinated by the interplay between social and economic factors that influence a region's progress, particularly in developing nations. My curiosity would lie in understanding the root causes of poverty and how different factors, like education contribute to its persistence or alleviation. I'm interested in examining how globalization, environmental sustainability, and technological advancements affect the socioeconomic conditions in different regions. By studying these factors, I aim to understand the challenges communities face and identify opportunities for positive change. Through collaborative research or assistance I hope to contribute to the development of practical solutions and policies that promote sustainable development and equitable growth worldwide.
As a freshman with limited experience, I bring a strong willingness to learn and adapt quickly to new challenges. My organizational skills allow me to effectively manage tasks and responsibilities, ensuring that I stay on top of my commitments. I have the ability to multitask effectively and I also can recognize when it is important to prioritize tasks and ensure that each receives the attention it deserves.. Additionally, my communication skills enable me to interact effectively with peers and professors, facilitating collaboration and teamwork. I am open-minded and eager to embrace diverse perspectives, recognizing the importance of inclusivity and empathy in problem-solving and decision-making processes.
Projects related to poverty, education impact, psychology, and Latin America initially drew my interest due to their alignment with my academic background and personal passions. However, I am open to any project because I firmly believe that there is something valuable to learn from every opportunity, regardless of the topic.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
3/16/2024 20:15:19bbaker5@nd.eduBridget BakerUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Economics, Political Science
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
As an Economics and Political Science major, I am very interested in learning about how government policy has the power to drive or corrode different aspects of global development. My studies often take two forms: 1) I learn about the theoretical underpinnings of law and international systems, and 2) the economic methods that partially explain how those theories actualize. This covers many parts of global development, including education, labor, urbanization, pollution, etc. I find the education and business fields most interesting. Given the wide disparities in education across nations, I would like to learn more about how providing new resources can change educational quality, both in youth schools and higher education. Additionally, I often wonder how governments and leaders must adapt as the landscape of work changes. I want to research how we can ensure dignity for workers while maintaining productivity, looking into the relationship between fundamental human rights and economic drive. Even though these represent two of my primary interests, I am also very open to learning about all aspects of global development.
I believe my interdisciplinary experience would allow me to successfully contribute to a project, whether from a qualitative or quantitative angle. I am a detailed yet flexible researcher; from market/industry to policy to historical research, I adapt to find the most important patterns and draw subsequent conclusions. I have been developing this skill for many years. In high school, I analyzed 19th-century primary sources to construct a narrative for a Civil War regiment’s experience. Throughout college, I have pivoted to research current business performances, city-level housing policies, and non-profit stakeholder experiences. I believe this range of subject matter would allow me to adapt to any global development project. Additionally, due to my economics classes, I have experience with STATA which would enable me to draw takeaways from data. Lastly, I have organizational skills in project management. Last semester, I led a Student International Business Council project and a Student Policy Network project. I coordinated team activities, supported a management chain with company contacts, and ensured successful results. This leadership taught me how to maintain multiple communication channels and prioritize tasks, especially because the projects happened concurrently.
Spanish -- basic proficiency
While I have the interests mentioned above, I would love to work on any type of research or project. However, the "Supporting Holistic and Actionable Research in Education" project interests me in particular. I am drawn to it because it covers many important aspects of educational research that align with my interests, all while focusing on providing concrete research tools. Specifically, I find the policy effects on primary education book supply and the relationship between higher education and innovation exciting. These studies combine my studies of Economics, Political Science, and Innovation & Entrepreneurship to create transferable strategies for development, which I would love to dive into.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
While it is halfway through the semester, I am eager to get started and would love to join if there are any openings for the remaining school year. I am also willing to continue the work during the summer. Thank you!
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYesKevin M
3/30/2024 18:37:03sekanem@nd.eduSamuel Felix EkanemGraduate StudentMay 2025Creative Writing
I have a longstanding interest in global development and humanitarian services. Back in my home country, I had done multiple humanitarian developmental projects, including pioneering the World Bank's Financial Inclusion program on behalf of the Central Bank of Nigeria. Following the impact of this project, the federal government of Nigeria awarded me with the Presidential Honors Award last year prior to my coming to the US for my studies. This is the highest award a graduate can receive in Nigeria, for their intellectual contribution to national development.

I hope to continue this service at the Pulte Institute, where I am interested in working/learning about the communication and outreach/research activities.
As a graduate of Communication Arts, with specialty in international development communication, I am confident of my exceptional communication skills. As a creative writer who has written extensively on multiple humanitarian crises, including my ongoing MFA creative writing thesis at Notre Dame, I can guarantee a strong written and spoken communication skills that will be useful at the Institute.

Moreover, I have excellent research skilsl, having worked as a research assistant at the University of Uyo, Nigeria, during when I researched the role communication plays in mitigating migration crises in Northern Nigeria. This research was published in the African Council for Communication education (ACCE).
Other than English, I speak Annang fluently.
Any project within the field I have selected above would be a great fit for me.
10+ hours per week
I am an global development enthusiast. Working with this Institute would be a symbiotic experience; it will broaden my existing understanding and knowledge of global development, while the Institute would also benefit from my experiences.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYesTim W.
4/2/2024 10:18:16mrehman2@nd.eduMehwish RehmanUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Anthropology
International Development Studies
I am interested particularly in global health, particularly. Some specific areas are non-communicable diseases, nutrition, health systems strengthening, and health equity.
I am planning to conduct original research in Santiago, Chile on indigenous health and medicine for the summer of 2025. I have successfully drafted a grant proposal and received funding by the Kellogg Institute to carry out my research. I am pursuing a minor in International Development Studies, and thus have a strong academic background that will contribute to my understanding of global health.
Spanish- Intermediate4-6 hours per week
I am currently abroad, but would love to get involved either remotely this semester, or starting next semester.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
4/4/2024 21:57:43nmandefi@nd.eduNegalegne MandefiroGraduate StudentMay 2025
Masters of Global Affairs/International Peace Studies
International Peace Studies
At Pulte Institute, I anticipate learning, researching, and testing the intersection between sustainable poverty alleviation and stable societies. I also want to learn how academic research, development practice, and entrepreneurship could be coordinated for enhanced outcomes.
In my previous professional work, I collaborated with multiple stakeholders from different countries, which is crucial in development research and project management. This enabled me to obtain the skills to engage in multi-stakeholder initiatives. In addition, my current study focuses on intersectional factors of violence and conflict, including poverty, which will augment my role at Pulte Institute. Furthermore, my experience in communication will be an asset, especially in outreach activities and in popularizing the institute’s works to the university community as well as the larger public.
I am a native Amharic speaker, an Ethiopian working language. I also have beginner-level spoken and reading skills in Tigrinya, which is spoken in northern Ethiopia and Eritrea.
I am particularly interested in engaging under the auspices of the Notre Dame Poverty Initiative of the Pulte Institute. Having come from Ethiopia, the second most populous nation in Africa, where more than 20 % of the population lives below the poverty line, I am eager to learn and contribute to this initiative. On the other hand, the emphasis on the initiative, the diversity of researchers, and student cohorts attracted me to join such a people-driven initiative.
7-10 hours per week
I have a journalism background, and I would assist in community outreach, interviewing students, researchers, and beneficiaries and communications endeavors at the Pulte Institute. In addition.
Research Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
4/8/2024 0:10:19jismailo@nd.eduJanyl IsmailovaGraduate StudentMay 2025Masters of Global Affairs
I am passionate about exploring innovative solutions to address poverty and inequality, leveraging my skills in proposal writing, budgeting, and research to contribute meaningfully to projects aimed at sustainable development. I am eager to continue learning about emerging trends and best practices in global development, particularly in areas related to community empowerment and improving the resilience of underserved communities.
Over the years of working on development projects in Central Asia, I have gained expertise in managing and coordinating complex projects to ensure successful implementation. My professional skillset includes proposal writing, budgeting, and research, which I have utilized in various roles such as Project Manager and Research Fellow. Also, working in diverse cultural settings has honed my ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders from different backgrounds, fostering collaboration and understanding.
My native language is Kyrgyz, and Russian is my second native language. I studied in a Turkish school, but my level of Turkish is now intermediate. I also fully understand other Central Asian languages such as Kazakh and Uzbek.
4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week, 10+ hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
4/18/2024 15:50:11asingh23@nd.eduAlisha SinghGraduate StudentMay 2025FinanceStrategy and Investment
My interest in global development is fueled by a strong passion for leveraging business innovation and sustainability practices to drive positive social and environmental impact worldwide. I am particularly drawn to exploring how businesses can be powerful agents of change in addressing complex development challenges, such as poverty alleviation, inclusive economic growth, and environmental sustainability. Through my academic and professional experiences in business innovation and sustainability, I have developed a keen understanding of the intersection between economic development and environmental stewardship. I am eager to apply my skills in areas such as sustainable business models, impact investing, and corporate social responsibility to contribute to transformative global development initiatives. I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with the Pulte Institute for Global Development to advance sustainable and inclusive solutions for a more equitable world.
I possess a diverse skill set that would enable me to contribute effectively to global development research and project management. My cross-cultural communication skills allow me to collaborate with stakeholders from various backgrounds, facilitating productive relationships and understanding diverse perspectives. I excel in analytical reasoning, enabling me to approach development challenges with a strategic and data-driven mindset. Additionally, my experience in project management equips me with the ability to plan, organize, and execute initiatives efficiently, ensuring timely delivery of project objectives. Combined with strong research capabilities, these skills enable me to navigate complex global development issues and contribute meaningfully to impactful projects and research endeavors.
Nepali, Hindi
I am particularly drawn to projects that integrate business innovation with sustainable practices, especially those with a focus on Asia. I am interested in initiatives that explore how innovative business models can drive positive environmental and social impact in Asian communities. By combining business acumen with sustainable solutions in the Asian context, I believe we can make meaningful strides towards achieving both economic prosperity and environmental stewardship in the region.
4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
4/19/2024 19:53:11cmurdoc3@nd.eduColleen MurdockUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Global Affairs
Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation
As a Global Affairs major, I am incredibly interested in understanding the various challenges facing our world today and exploring how we to best address them in order to promote human flourishing. While I believe there are a wide range of approaches we can take to solve different global issues, I am particularly interested in the ways that policy can be implemented in order to drive change. In my various classes, I have explored examples of how policy has been used an an effective tool towards achieving both environmental and educational outcomes. This has been incredibly interesting, and I would love to dive into this topic further. Additionally, I am also interested in the ways that businesses can drive social change through adopting socially responsible practices or structuring their company around a particular social mission. In my SEI minor, we discuss a variety of businesses at the forefront of social change, such as Better World Books, Newman’s Own, Acumen Fund, etc. I find it very interesting to explore the ways these social enterprises model their businesses, and brainstorm ways that they can adapt in order to more effectively achieve their social missions.
I have conducted research studies in multiple of my classes, so I would say I have a solid foundation in designing and carrying out research. Additionally, I have strong skills in graphic design, data analysis, critical thinking, problem solving, and communication. I also have various types of experience working in teams, so I am a strong team-player and enjoy working collaboratively.
Italian (Intermediate), French (Professional Working Proficiency), Portuguese (Conversational)
I am really interested in exploring ways to maximize educational outcomes for people in disadvantaged circumstances. I have taken multiple education policy classes where we have learned about the intrinsic value of education, but also about how it can be used as a crucial tool to achieving a variety of other social benefits. For example, investing in girls education can lead to a wide range of favorable outcomes such as social and economic development, poverty reduction, and advancements in gender equality. I think it’s interesting to investigate different policy approaches that can be used to best maximize outcomes, and how to implement those policies within varying global contexts. I also find it interesting to explore the various barriers that are both causing and perpetuating global issues, and how policy can be creatively and strategically implemented to take down those barriers. Lastly, I find it interesting to look into prior policy implementations and investigate how they could have been more effective through different approaches or implementation. So often, policies neglect the cultural contexts or specific social structures at play where they are being implemented, and as a result they end up being ineffective at solving the given issue. I would find it interesting to explore what key factors must be considered when implementing policy, and how policies can be adjusted in order to take into account said factors.

Additionally, throughout the semester I have been working as a consultant for entrepreneurs in the South Bend Entrepreneurship and Adversity Program. This has required me to think creatively and use problem-solving techniques in order to best support these small businesses and help them grow. I love the opportunity this has provided me to be an innovative thinker, but also to help members of the community who are struggling. Because of this, I think it would be really interesting to pursue a job where I can use similar problem-solving techniques in order to brainstorm unique solutions to solve social problems.
4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week, 10+ hours per week
Thank you for taking the time to read over my interests and skills! I would be incredibly enthused by the opportunity to work within the Pulte Institute and apply my prior experience and knowledge to the current projects you are working on now!
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYesAMB
4/26/2024 13:36:52atertoch@nd.eduAbi Tertocha Undergraduate StudentMay 2027PsychologySEI
I am currently a freshman here at Notre Dame and I just switched from Neuroscience College of Science to Psychology Arts and Letters with an SEI minor. I switched because I realized that the pre-health track in medicine was not the path that I saw for my future. What I did see instead, was myself partaking in work to bring communities around the world to their full potential. An area of global development that I am interested in, especially coming from the mindset of being pre-health all of my life, is the health and well-being of individuals and communities. I participated in the Global Health Case Competition last semester to create a project proposal addressing the issue of tuberculosis in Nigeria. This was an amazing experience as I saw how passionate I was for global and public health and that I would love to work on addressing issues in that area.
When it comes to my skills, I would like to say that I am very disciplined, reliable, respectful, and ambitious and these qualities are essential to leading a role such as project management. I have always had a strong will in pursuing my passions that no one can get in the way of me striving for what I believe in. As well, I collaborate extremely well with others, as displayed during the Global Health Case Competition, and am a curious person who's always asking questions. My passion, curiosity, and collaborativeness will enable me to contribute to global development research because I will put forth not only my best effort, but my heart too.
I do not have no proficiency in another language apart from English rather than intermediate Spanish.
As I mentioned above, I am quite new to global development but I am anxious, excited, and eager to gain any type of experience that will allow me to understand what exactly it is that I am drawn to!
2-3 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
5/9/2024 15:00:55ocham@nd.eduOmar ChamGraduate StudentMay 2026
Master of Global Affairs - Governance and Policy
I am generally interested in democratic governance, human rights, rule of law, peace building, youth empowerment and foreign policy.
I have in-depth skills and experience on research work and the ability to comprehend and break down complex situations. Given my thorough understanding of complex global issues, I have the skills to provide and partake in both academic and practice oriented research, provide technical input in the design of programmes, and deliver quality comprehensive reports and presentations.

I have very strong interpersonal, communication and networking skills that enabled me work with, interact, network and collaborate with fellow staff, partners and relevant stakeholders to ensure the effective and efficient execution of global development and research and projects.

Fundamentally, I have attained over 10 years of experience in the advancement of democratic governance, human rights, rule of law, peace building, etc. from my childhood, rising through the ranks to being Speaker of the National Youth Parliament. During this period, I have designed, implemented and supervised key programs that enhance democracy, good governance, and accountability, at community, national and international level. These experiences will enable me provide technical, programmatic and administrative support to the Pulte Institute.

As a veteran civil society leader, I have detailed skills on project and budget management, with unmatched excellence in attaining value for money through adequate grant management, monitoring and evaluation. I have immense skills in working under pressure, meeting deadlines and multitasking as I have in a number of occasions occupied different positions at different institutions at the same time yet deliver results beyond expectation. These skills and experiences will be priceless when assigned any role at the Pulte Institute.

As a Mandela Washington Fellow and former Foreign Policy Fellow at the U.S Senate, I’ve built familiarity on U.S work policies, ethics and culture, which will play a huge role when assigned any position.
No. Though I can understand a bit of French.
I am more interested in projects on good governance, human rights and rule of law, and projects targeting the youth and communities.
10+ hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYesTim W.
5/15/2024 20:16:04khaertze@nd.eduKathryn HaertzenUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Political Science
Supplemental Major: Spanish; Minors: History and Russian Studies
After being a co-lead for the Central American Research Alliance project for SPN, I have become deeply interested and passionate about the work that CARA does. This summer, I am looking forward to being able to continue to work with CARA on USAID led interventions into countries addressing root causes of migration.
I have been a co-lead for CARA, which has allowed me to develop my research skills. Throughout my writing-intensive classes at Notre Dame, I have also improved my writing and research abilities, allowing me to be effective and efficient in my work.
Spanish (fluent), French (conversational), Russian (beginner)
CARA; In the future, I would be very interested in doing projects that have to do with global conflict, especially with Eastern Europe and Russia.
7-10 hours per week, 10+ hours per week
I am working with CARA this summer as a research assistant.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
5/28/2024 19:27:33gsimonci@nd.eduGracie SimoncicUndergraduate StudentMay 2025American Studies, Design VCDDigital Marketing
As an American Studies and Design major, I have an interest in culture and politics, which extends to transnational interactions and exchanges. With my background in Design, I am an asset to the Pulte Institute because I can communicate the work of the institute in both written and visual formats. By combining my understanding of global development with my ability to express valuable and inspiring information, I can share the mission of the Pulte Institute.
I have 4 years of experience in Marketing and Communications, I'm proficient in the Adobe Suite, and 2 years of project management experience as Creative Director of Strike Magazine.
10+ hours per week
Communication and Outreach AssistantNo
5/31/2024 13:51:22jglover4@nd.eduJaden GloverUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Industrial Design
I'm willing to help out on any project that needs a Graphic Designer or visual eye. My goal this summer is to branch out and cater my skills to meet the needs of more people.
I can help portray a story through visual elements when it comes to developmental research and I can also help out with visual organization for project management.
N/AI'm not sure yet! 10+ hours per week
I wasn't sure on what to answer on the previous question. I am a Graphic Design Intern but I am willing to help out in any way that I can.
Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
6/10/2024 16:12:53mschweni@nd.eduMaureen SchweningerGraduate StudentMay 2025Master of DivinityAlready hired, N/A?Already hired, N/A?
I can read/listen in Spanish at a moderate level of proficiency, but I am out of practice regarding speaking/writing.
The Mandela Washington Fellowship - they already hired me of course! But I'm very excited to support the welcome and holistic experience of these talented African professionals on our campus. I am passionate about hospitality and accompaniment, and think this will be a great new space for me to apply my interests and skills in a space which is not explicitly Catholic- or ministry-forward.
10+ hours per week
I am not exactly interested in research like I am interested in project implementation and support, working with people and learning from them on the way.
Project AssistantNoYes
7/3/2024 11:25:24lcortezg@nd.eduLizbeth Cortez-Galindo Undergraduate StudentMay 2025
Marketing, and Education, Schooling & Society
I am interested in expanding my knowledge on immigration and the social causes and effects. I am also passionate about education and its accessibility to underrepresented populations.
I am a team player also capable of taking initiative! I have proficiency in Excel, Google Applications, Canva, and Figma. I have a basic skill level in Python and R as well.
Spanish 4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
9/16/2024 11:03:59afrimpo2@nd.eduAbuu Frimpong Graduate StudentMay 2026Global Affairs
Sustainable Development
I would like to be engaged in research that tackle marginalized group and also contribute to sustainable livelihood. Issues of education, WASH, Poverty and Food security are where my interest lies.
1. Analytical skills, problem solving skills,
2. Proficient in Microsoft office (Excel, word, PowerPoint) and SPSS, and Stata.
3. Stakeholder Engagements, Teamwork and communication skills.
Yes. 1. Twi
1. The FLARE Project: I am drawn or interested in this project because of the project focus on addressing the issue of climate change and preserving the biodiversity which aligns perfectly with my goals and research interests.
2. The SHARE Project: Especially the BEQT and APIL projects that take into consideration equity education
3. SHRI Project: I have served as a WASH scheduled officer in my professional experience where we prepared a strategic WASH Masterplan to take care of citizen rights and their access to safe drinking water.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week, 10+ hours per week
I have led a World Bank funded poverty project, named The Ghana Productive Safety Net Project 2 aimed at reducing poverty in my district where I worked as a Development Planning Officer. Also, I served as a focal person and drafted our 10-year WASH Master plan for the district aimed at providing universal WASH services to all.
I would like to bring on board my experiences and learn how these experiences can contribute to achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals. This by tapping knowledge from the experience faculty members in the Pulte Institute.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
7/16/2024 12:04:40alacaze@nd.eduAlexandre LacazeUndergraduate StudentMay 2025
Global Affairs and Economics (double major)
Sustainaibility Minor
I am extremely interested in working for international organizations in my future career. Moreover, researching global development is very important to me as it might allow populations worldwide to improve their life conditions in a sustainable way for both their community and the environment.
As a global affairs major, I gained a significant understanding of global issues and the ways various scholars have studied them. Moreover, as an economics major, I developed quantitative and analytical skills relevant to this position.
I am fluent in English and French.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
I am also a member of the Notre Dame fencing team.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoNo
7/30/2024 14:35:21echerf@nd.eduElizabeth CherfUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Business Analytics and Economics
International Security Certificate Program (NDISC)
My interest in global development stems from my international experiences in South Africa and Bulgaria. In South Africa I consulted with township entrepreneurs and in Bulgaria engaged with the Roma community along with Syrian and Afghan refugees. I am interested in areas relating to entrepreneurship, refugees, organized crime/political unrest, and impact of humanitarian aid. Outside of this, I am very opened minded about other projects.
Data analytics -- working knowledge of R, STATA, and Python
Data visualization – proficiency in tableau and excel for making graphs/charts
International experience – multiple experiences traveling and working abroad
Communications – amble experience coordinating and managing a team of individuals
Research – experience in long-term research projects which will culminate in a year long senior thesis
Algeria Higher Education Partnership
My interest in working on this project stems from my experience in South Africa, consulting for entrepreneurs in the township. This experience sparked my interest in entrepreneurship and the impact it has on an individual and community. This project aligns with this interest because it promotes educational and networking opportunities that allows individuals to advance their careers.

Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders
This project directly aligns for my interest in how entrepreneurship can uplift individuals and communities. I am passionate about the social entrepreneurship and business planning skills taught to the fellows.

Promoting Community Resilience: Impact Evaluation of the Disaster Response Program
This project aligns with my data analytics background. Additionally, I am interested in analyzing the effectiveness of emergency response programs in an international setting.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
Overall, I am really interested in working on a research project or study with the Pulte Institute. I will be writing a thesis throughout next year and really want to continue enhancing my research/analytical skills while pursuing projects I am passionate about.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
9/17/2024 13:36:39ogaku@nd.eduOusman Gaku Graduate StudentMay 2026MGA
My interest in the Pulte Institute for Global Development stems from a deep-seated passion for fostering sustainable development and addressing global challenges through innovative, research-driven solutions. The Pulte Institute's commitment to advancing human dignity, alleviating poverty, and promoting inclusive growth resonates strongly with my professional and personal values.

Having followed the Institute's work, I am particularly impressed by its multidisciplinary approach, which brings together experts from various fields to tackle complex development issues. The Institute's focus on evidence-based research and its partnerships with governments, NGOs, and private sector entities underscore its role as a catalyst for impactful change. This collaborative model aligns with my belief that sustainable development requires concerted efforts and diverse perspectives.

Moreover, the Pulte Institute's emphasis on education and capacity building is another aspect that attracts me. I am inspired by the Institute’s initiatives to empower individuals and communities through knowledge transfer and skill development. This focus on empowering people to be agents of their own development is something I am deeply passionate about.

I am particularly drawn to the Institute's projects in areas such as global health, education, and economic development. These areas are critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and I am eager to contribute to such efforts. The Pulte Institute's innovative approaches to solving pressing global issues offer an exciting platform for making a meaningful impact.

In summary, my interest in the Pulte Institute for Global Development is driven by its mission, its holistic and collaborative approach to development, and its dedication to creating sustainable and inclusive solutions. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to and learn from an organization that is at the forefront of global development efforts.
I possess a diverse set of skills that would enable me to make significant contributions to global development research and project management.
I am proficient in using statistical tools and software such as Kobo toolkit, and Excel to analyze quantitative data. I can identify trends, draw insights, and make data-driven recommendations. I have extensive experienced in conducting interviews, focus groups, and case studies, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of complex issues. In the area of reporting, I am capable of synthesizing research findings into clear, concise, and impactful reports and policy briefs.

Meanwhile, having served in different UN agencies, I developed great skills in developing project plans, setting objectives, and coordinating activities to ensure timely and efficient project execution. I am experienced in managing project budgets, ensuring resources are allocated effectively, and financial targets are met. As monitoring and evaluation assistant for many years, i am proficient in designing and implementing M&E frameworks to assess project performance, track progress, and measure impact.

Communication and stakeholder engagement are critical skills that help us navigate to achieve the desired results. I have great presentation skills to dept at presenting complex information in an accessible manner to diverse audiences, including stakeholders, policymakers, and community members. Working with different stakeholders, I developed strong interpersonal skills that facilitate effective collaboration with team members, partners, and stakeholders across different cultural and organizational contexts. I am experienced in developing and executing advocacy strategies to raise awareness and build support for development initiatives.

I can think critically and strategically to identify challenges, analyse options, and propose effective solutions. I have proven track record of adapting to changing circumstances and finding innovative approaches to overcome obstacles in dynamic project environments.

Working with people from different social and cultural settings, I am exposure to diverse cultural settings through fieldwork and international collaboration, enhancing my ability to work effectively in global development contexts. I also have a good proficiency in French and Korean, which facilitates communication and engagement with local communities and stakeholders.
These skills, combined with my passion for sustainable development and commitment to making a positive impact, position me well to contribute effectively to global development research and project management.
Korean and French 7-10 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
8/8/2024 12:10:14ndegaull@nd.eduNazret DegaulleUndergraduate StudentMay 2027Economics and Global Affairs
“When the world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.”

These words spoken by Malala Yousafzai have had a profound impact on my life. America is the place I call home, but for my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, home is 6,000 miles away. My parents were refugees from Eritrea, an Eastern African country that was once vibrant and full of life but now suffers from extreme poverty and humanitarian crises. Unlike most, I am aware of the civil liberties violations in Eritrea, which empowers me to advocate for change. Eritrea remains overlooked and underrepresented in global aid discussions, leading me to wonder how many other countries also remain voiceless. Change is difficult; It takes the work of countless individuals, but it is possible. This realization ignited my passion for global development.

Community impact has always been at the cornerstone of my identity from a young age. Beginning in ninth grade, I quickly came to terms with how much advocacy means to me, volunteering with local campaigns in my hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio. I found myself drawn to candidates who espoused rhetoric about the power of diversity and the sanctity of education in our cities. As I have grown, my commitment to advocacy has deepened, and I have developed a strong connection to international development. My involvement in a government-sanctioned Arabic course, my plans to study abroad in Morocco and research human migration during my junior year, and starting a small business dedicated to telling the stories of diverse voices through media work all reflect my dedication to amplifying underrepresented perspectives and driving meaningful change.

Through a double major in Economics and Global Affairs, I aim to contribute to innovative solutions for international development challenges, specifically focused Eastern Africa and the Middle east. By focusing on governmental and economic structures in these regions, I seek to support human flourishing and peace-building in these regions. Moreover, my experience in media, political campaign research, and advocacy has honed my ability to effectively communicate and understand complex issues. I believe that this combination of expertise will equip me to tackle complex global challenges effectively.

I believe that the Pulte Institute will be instrumental in positioning me to advance my commitment to international development in my future endeavors. After completing my undergraduate education at Notre Dame, I plan to attend the London School of Economics to pursue a master's in International Social and Public Policy. Following this, I intend to work with the Peace Corps, gaining hands-on experience by volunteering around the world. Ultimately, I aim to pursue a Ph.D. and work for an international development think tank, where I will provide well-thought-out recommendations to governmental institutions. By combining my passion for empowering diverse voices with a quantitative, detailed approach to data analysis, I look forward to contributing effectively to research and initiatives at the Pulte Institute.
My experience in journalism and finance, along with my innovative approaches to problem-solving and specific dedication to global development, uniquely enable me to positively contribute to research and project management with the Pulte Institute.

Journalism is all about seeking the stories of those who have long been unheard and providing them a platform to share their narratives. Through critical and detailed background research, as well as carefully crafted interview questions and intensive interviews, journalism has empowered me to take a detail-oriented approach to uncovering nuanced insights and addressing complex issues. My work with my high school newspaper, Cincinnati Public Radio, and other platforms has honed my skills in effectively researching and analyzing diverse topics, ensuring thorough and impactful storytelling.

Running a small photography business focused on showcasing diverse narratives through multimedia work has given me practical experience in managing finances, budgeting, and strategic planning. This endeavor has also enhanced my ability to adapt and innovate in dynamic environments. Moreover, combined with my major in economics, which has provided me with a solid foundation on the financial side of international development, I am uniquely positioned to apply a comprehensive and analytical approach to global development projects.
I can understand Spanish and am currently learning Arabic and Tigrinya.
I am particularly drawn to the UNICEF Evidence Mapping project, as it is focused on the Eastern and Southern Africa region, a region I seek to hone my focus on in my future career. Additionally, I am interested in the Algeria Higher Education Partnership because I have always been interested in using education as a means for development.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week, 10+ hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
8/12/2024 21:58:48ffrieri@nd.eduFrancesca FrieriUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Global Affairs
Innovation and Design Thinking
In high school, I developed a deep interest in global development when a priest came from Nigeria to our church for a year and described the conditions in which the children of his parish were living. I felt guilty and disgusted that I could live so comfortably and children on the other side of the world could live with so little and so much stress. My emotion turned into a commitment to understanding the solution-seeking processes to create a meaningful impact.

Being given the opportunity to volunteer at the Robinson Community Learning Center has enriched my understanding of the impact education has at the local level for first-generation immigrant families. I have found great purpose in participating as a force for change in these processes and doing what I can to support them. I would like to continue to find where the global community and local initiatives intersect to promote development.

These experiences revealed the complexity of identifying necessary resources and securing access to the tools of change. One privilege that I have been blessed with is access to consistent education and the positive self-concept that comes with the transformative nature of mentors, curriculum, teachers, and safe learning environments.

I have always been particularly interested in education and opening doors to academia for other students, as it did for my parents, both first-generation college students. The classes I have taken have taught me that sustainable development is holistic and promotes one’s whole being. It is in this understanding that the interconnectedness of all global developmental projects is displayed.

Through being able to take global affairs classes on a wide array of topics throughout my past two years, I have expanded my interest beyond education into various other issues, including poverty and environmental concerns. The Global Affairs major is fascinating and vital because of its interdisciplinary nature. To become a more creative problem solver, exposure to a wide array of these concerns is critical. For this reason, I would be excited and passionate about any project I am given.
I believe that the most valuable skill that I possess, which enables me to contribute to my area of interest, is my passion for people. I would describe myself as a methodical and process-oriented thinker with a deep empathy for understanding other’s stories. Through the global affairs classes I have taken, I have learned how to channel these two aspects of my person and streamline both empathy and strategic thinking into effective analysis and problem-solving. I have learned the value of operating first as an observer and secondly as a problem solver. Additionally, through being a student-athlete, I have learned to work collaboratively and as a team. I strive to make everyone that I work with feel validated. It is crucial to respect and dignify the stories of those who are willing to share. My curriculum thus far has also taught me the importance of learning and working through my own socially constructed perceptions of the world and biases. By being aware of them, I believe that I can work more effectively in both global development and project management to better understand the needs of those who I will support.
I have an emerging language proficiency in French.
I would primarily be interested in issues surrounding educational development or poverty alleviation. My family consists of many educators who have taught me the transformative power of education. Working with schools and administrators to prioritize sustainable planning is a project I would love to work on. However, I would be excited to join any teams working on projects and finding ways to best support them.
2-3 hours per week
Last spring semester, I was given the opportunity to be a research assistant at the St. Bonaventure School for Girls in Professor Melissa Paulsen’s Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation class. Through this project, I worked with Sister Dativa, the leader of the school in Tanzania, and a team of Notre Dame students on designing an entrepreneurship curriculum for the school. Through working on this project, I conducted research on the current entrepreneurial curriculum offerings both in Tanzania and surrounding countries. Combining the feedback from Sister Dativa and the research that I did, I created a comprehensive list of needs for St. Bonaventure’s school and found a program that would work with the resources the school had that would provide a meaningful curriculum to the school. At this time, the school’s financial situation is not currently viable to begin bringing in students. I value learning more about the implications of current research projects and navigating the gaps that emerge as the project progresses.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
8/17/2024 13:23:59ohrivnak@nd.eduOlivia HrivnakUndergraduate StudentMay 2025Economics and Political Science
I am interested in policy development. I enjoy research to create new thought pieces to develop solutions to generate policy and implementation.
STATA, empirical data and research skills, work for CARA in the student policy network space.
Spanish, some Italian
I am interested in policy development. I enjoy research to create new thought pieces to develop solutions to generate policy and implementation.
10+ hours per week
I love digging in and doing research and finding solutions. I love taking ownership of my work
Research AssistantYesYes
8/30/2024 13:17:05kancona2@nd.eduKate AnconaUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Civil EngineeringEnergy Studies
Being a civil engineer I am very interested in global development in terms of creating a sustainable world in order to create a brighter future for the generations after us. With climate change I am very interested in innovating more preventative infrastrucutre that will lead to less devastation as our climate and super storms change.
I am very detailed orientated which will allow me to work with StEER in order to ensure all of the provided data is read and sorted in the more efficient ways. I am also very good at communicating topics that may be difficult for some to understand and I look forward to working with all different types of people.
I am particularly interested in working with the StEER research team. I decided to pursue civil engineering in hopes of entering the disaster risk field post graduation and I hope my work with this network this semester will put me on the right path for that.
4-6 hours per week
Research AssistantNoNo
9/2/2024 14:54:52mbraden2@nd.eduMary BradenUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Global Affairs
Peace Studies, Irish Studies
I am interested in working in research assistant qualitative work, anything relating to gender or global development in relation to conflict and peace policy.
Organization, Attention to Detail, Good communication Conversational in Spanish
I am currently working with Orla Stapleton and Emily Grubert on a project about community attitudes and am very interested in continuing to work for them! As of now, I have no interest in additional research projects.
7-10 hours per week
Research AssistantNoYes
9/4/2024 14:20:26amassman@nd.eduAnna MassmanUndergraduate StudentMay 2028Electrical EngineeringTo be Determined
I am interested in the intersection of engineering and sustainable development. I am most interested in contributing to work related to renewable energy and I would like to learn more about what the most efficient tools are in creating sustainable infrastructure and how to create synergistic environment between land and people.
I have experience living with other cultures and helping to identify/solve problems in a community. I also am a quick learner, and can pick up a new skill and apply it quickly to any project. I also have experience in compiling and analyzing different sources of information and synthesizing them into a cohesive report.
I have a limited working proficiency in Spanish
There are no specific projects I am currently interested in, but any with a sustainability aspect appeal to me.
2-3 hours per week
I am most interested in work regarding the creation and implementation of sustainable solutions for people in different communities. I am also interested in research focused on providing vulnerable communities with tools necessary to survive in changing environments.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
9/9/2024 17:11:15araja2@nd.eduAakaash RajaUndergraduate StudentMay 2028Economics
Supplemental Major in ACMS
Strong individuals begin with strong communities. This fact is even more true when examining nations. I believe that though independent bodies, countries live in a singular global community. Cooperation is not just a courtesy, but a necessity for advancement. Simultaneously, I feel that we are each compelled to nurture our strengths so that we can contribute to the common good. As such, I feel compelled to coalesce my passion for economics with my love of computer science to pursue remedies for international disparities in access to quality education. Fostering education, especially among the youth, is the foundation for sturdy social, political, and economic atmospheres. I hope that my time at the Pulte Institute will allow me to gain a better grasp of world affairs before I begin my own journey in research.
I believe that I have a variety of skills that can contribute to global development research and project management. From a research perspective, I have written my own papers on water scarcity, immigration, and Federalist Era politics in the past. Furthermore, I have experience working with Python and Excel. I used these skills to perform data analysis and modeling for the Fordham Preparatory School’s Engagement and Development Office. My work was used to analyze donation patterns and outreach efficiency. Finally, I honed my public speaking and writing skills while hosting and designing lectures on civic education, which I would present to groups of 200 to 500 students. In terms of project management, I have organized numerous events, including a food drive that raised more than 70,000 lbs of food for shelters and soup kitchens in the Bronx, NY. This work gave me valuable experience leading a team of 25+ people to market, sort, and distribute food to people in need. Overall, I believe that these experiences give me some foundation for work in global development research and project management.
I do not have language proficiency in languages other than English.
As a first-year student, there are no specific projects that I am particularly interested in or drawn to. I believe that I still have a lot to learn about the world and myself. As such, I would appreciate being placed in whatever project I am best suited for as I continue to discern exactly what I want to pursue research in.
7-10 hours per weekI do not have any additional comments to make.
Research Assistant, Project AssistantNoYes
9/10/2024 7:09:46cezeigwe@nd.eduClinton Ezeigwe Graduate StudentMay 2026Master of Global Affairs Governance and Policy
I am passionate about how policy, sustainable development, and human rights intersect, particularly in strengthening governance frameworks to promote human development and environmental sustainability in developing countries like Nigeria. My academic background and experience as a community mobilizer and environmental justice lawyer have deepened my understanding of the challenges in the Global South. At the Pulte Institute for Global Development, I aim to contribute to the research on policy analysis and advocacy strategies that enhance social equity, environmental justice, and sustainable development. I want to develop skills in designing and implementing inclusive and sustainable development programs, particularly those that address poverty, inequality, climate change, and community resilience. Working at the Pulte Institute would allow me to engage with experts, contribute to impactful research, and apply my governance and policy background to real-world challenges.
Research and Analysis
Environmental and Human Rights Expertise
Cross-Cultural Experience
Community Engagement
Project Management
Policy Development and Advocacy
Communication skills
I have basic knowledge of Italian
I am particularly interested in Sustainability 7-10 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
9/13/2024 16:17:26ztegegne@nd.eduZewdu L. TegegneGraduate StudentMay 2026MGA_ Sustainable development
As an educator, researcher, and project manager, my passion lies in driving global development to enhance the socioeconomic well-being of individuals and communities, especially in developing nations. Recognizing prevalent challenges such as youth unemployment, food security issues, limited education access, security threats, and resource disparities, I aim to address these obstacles by utilizing my expertise in education, research, and project management. Through a commitment to fostering job creation, livelihood development, and poverty reduction, I strive to facilitate sustainable solutions. By collaborating with various stakeholders and implementing evidence-based strategies, I seek to promote economic growth, prosperity, and a secure environment for all. My ultimate goal is to contribute to mutual socioeconomic advancement, promoting a better quality of life and equitable resource distribution. Through these efforts, I envision playing a role in building a more inclusive and sustainable future worldwide by leveraging education, research, and project management for positive change and improved global well-being.
Having spent a decade in a higher education institution and seven years as a business development adviser, I have acquired valuable insights into global challenges and contemporary research and project management strategies. Working closely with stakeholders and collaborating with policy designers and researchers has honed my skills in research development, project design, implementation, stakeholder communication, networking, and adaptability. This diverse skill set positions me as a competent professional capable of making a significant impact on pressing issues like poverty, education, health, and peace-building. Through my experiences, I am well-equipped to contribute effectively to global development research and project management, ready to tackle complex challenges and drive positive change in the global arena.
I do not have proficiency in languages other than Amharic, which is my native tongue.
I am happy to work on any project or research available. However, I am highly interested in poverty reduction, health, and education sectors. Working to improve in these areas is my passion and my expertise.
10+ hours per week
I have been involved in labor market inclusiveness, entrepreneurship development, green job engagement, and circular economy initiatives with various international organizations and countries across Europe, Africa, and the US. This exposure has equipped me to collaborate effectively with diverse individuals, manage tasks and schedules efficiently, and develop skills in project design, implementation, and communication with stakeholders.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
9/19/2024 17:40:02ndecastr@nd.eduNicoleGraduate StudentMay 2026Global Affairs
I am interested in community development and sustentability themes. I also have a particular interest in water and sanitation. I would like to learn more about impact evaluation.
My experiences have equipped me with attention to detail skills and the ability to optimize operations efficiently, whether it involves organizing resources or adapting to new technologies.
Portuguese (native), Spanish (intermediate), french (beginner)
10+ hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
9/22/2024 20:32:16esebehat@nd.eduEyosaite Weldegabre SebehatuGraduate StudentMay 2026
Global Affairs: Governance and Policy
I am interested in the development of each person and the development of the whole person spired by the ideas of leaving no one behind which are imperative to the integral human development concept. I consider growth to be a wholesome-holistic approach. I would like to be part of an organization/institute which fosters development by promoting integrity (respect+ dignity), fairness and equal opportunities. I want to be an active participant in making a difference and change in any society to the best of my abilities.
I possess leadership skills (team leader/supervisor), interpersonal skills, communication skills, computer skills, beginner quantitative research skills, critical analysis, problem solving skills, detail oriented skills, time management skills and negotiation skills. Hard skills such as
Amharic - Fluent
Tigrigna - Beginner
French - A2.2
Spanish A1
Policy and program evaluation is what i am drawn to. I am studying global governance with a background in foreign policy implementation and academic background of political science and international relations. Public policy making, evaluating and implementing to see if it brings a difference on the ground is an area of emphasis to see and critically analyze what the fruit of politics is (in my opinion).
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
My faith and morality standards goes in line with Notre Dame's mission as well as Pulte Institute in its creation of the sense of solidarity and working for the common good where by i would also like to uphold ethical values which increase my awareness and knowledge further aiding the promotion of diversity and tolerance with attitude of acceptance, respect of human dignity expressed in my work, academics, culture, and life style.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
9/27/2024 15:32:37choaglan@nd.eduCarolyn HoaglandUndergraduate StudentMay 2027Global Affairs
Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation
I am interested in learning about the entrepreneurial side of global development, especially in terms of marketing and communications. Having previous policy-drafting experience in Washington, D.C., I am particularly interested in the steps taken to turn research into effective policy. Most importantly, I strive for my work to have a real-world impact.
I am a dedicated students who strives to lead and excel academically while understanding the need for respectful collaboration and interpersonal relationships. I use my well-developed problem-solving and time management abilities to adapt to situations with confidence and effectiveness. I am not afraid to ask for help and will seek assistance if I have questions on a deliverable or project.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
9/30/2024 20:27:58aperilla@nd.eduAndrea PerillaGraduate StudentMay 2026
MGA - Government and Policy Concentration
Harmless Action and Peacebuilding - Colombia
Having a background in government and international relations and my previous job I found that every process in the world need a development perspective, even more peace related areas, because it is important to keep the humanitarian aid, but also create possibilities for progress which in the end guarantee peace.
I am able to cowrite reports and formulate proposals for calls of international organizations like UNWomen, ACNUR, IOM, etc, also involves the development of basic budgets for the proposals to be made. I have research and analytical skills from assistance positions, and proposals ex-ante evaluation experience.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week, 10+ hours per week
I would like to know what are the newest projects or topics that the institute is working on.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
10/1/2024 23:26:40ageffert@nd.eduAndreas Geffert Undergraduate StudentMay 2027 Economics Global Affairs
I would like to get as much hands-on experience and exposure to different areas as possible as I try to figure out what policy fields I want to focus on the most.
I have done research for a law firm the past two summers where I also wrote memos and reports on my findings. I have previous project management experience when leading the effort to lower the voting age in my hometown and my work on political campaigns.
I took mandarin for seven years (grade 6 to 12) but am not fully proficient.
I want to do projects that do have a focus on development or humanitarian issues.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes
10/3/2024 18:09:24cdevine5@nd.eduCharlie DevineUndergraduate StudentMay 2026Computer Science
Engineering Corporate Practice
After studying abroad, I realized how much I enjoy traveling and experiencing different cultures. This experience has deepened my desire to use my technological skills to help countries around the world. I would love to contribute to projects that make a positive impact on people in diverse places, using technology to solve global challenges and improve the quality of life for communities everywhere.
I possess strong communication, problem-solving, and technical skills that make me well-suited for global development projects. My Cloud Engineering Internship at Novo Nordisk provided hands-on experience with IT infrastructure, enhancing my ability to implement scalable solutions. Additionally, my experience studying abroad sharpened my cross-cultural communication and collaboration skills, enabling me to work effectively with diverse teams on complex global challenges. In an academic setting, I have both sharpened my technical and problem-solving skills.
4-6 hours per weekResearch AssistantNoYes
10/9/2024 14:51:36aburke8@nd.eduAshley Burke Undergraduate StudentMay 2027Strategic Management & Marketing
Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation
I have a strong interest in global development, particularly in addressing social inequalities and promoting sustainable, human-centered solutions. My experiences with Saint Bahkita's and Social Entrepreneur Corps have shown me the importance of taking a holistic approach to development, integrating research, advocacy, and on-the-ground efforts. Working in Guatemala, where I adapted to different cultural and language contexts, deepened my passion for inclusive development strategies that empower communities and respect their unique perspectives. One of the key lessons from my experience in Guatemala was the importance of co-creating solutions with the people who are directly affected. By engaging with local residents, I gained a deeper understanding of the challenges they faced, as well as their insights on potential solutions. What struck me most was how entrepreneurship in Guatemala wasn’t just a business venture—it was a powerful tool for social change. The focus extended beyond profit to addressing real community needs in a meaningful way. This hands-on, immediate work had a profound impact on me, and it highlighted the value of development strategies that communities feel empowered by and are eager to embrace. I am excited to further explore how research can shape policy and practice, and how global development efforts can be made more sustainable and equitable.
My experience in research, project management, and communication has prepared me to contribute effectively to global development work. I have honed my research skills through both academic studies and hands-on experiences with Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations and Design for America, where I gathered and analyzed data to inform strategic decision-making. In addition, my organizational abilities have been strengthened through my leadership role as Lyons Dance Commissioner, where I plan events, coordinate teams, and manage tight deadlines and budgets. This academic year, the Center for Social Concerns connected me with the Alliance to End Human Trafficking, where I am currently interning. This experience has been particularly impactful, as it has allowed me to further develop my project management skills while navigating the complexities of addressing sensitive topics. I have learned the importance of approaching these issues with empathy and respect, always keeping in mind those directly affected by social injustices. Additionally, my ability to adapt to new environments—demonstrated by my time in Guatemala—gives me confidence in my capacity to work on diverse, dynamic projects in global contexts. I am also experienced in collaborating with cross-functional teams and maintaining clear, effective communication, which is crucial for both research and project management roles.
I am conversational in Spanish.
I am not drawn to any specific project in particular, but rather to the work of the Pulte Institute as a whole. I deeply admire its commitment to poverty reduction, sustainable development, and global engagement. The diversity of projects allows for meaningful contributions across various sectors, and I am eager to support initiatives that align with my own values of social justice and community impact.
2-3 hours per week, 4-6 hours per week, 7-10 hours per week
I am passionate about using my skills and experiences to contribute to global development projects that uplift communities and promote sustainable progress. I believe that my ability to adapt, my enthusiasm for learning, and my commitment to social justice will allow me to thrive in any role I take on at the Pulte Institute. I look forward to the opportunity to grow in this field and to contribute meaningfully to the important work being done at the Institute.
Research Assistant, Project Assistant, Office Assistant, Communication and Outreach AssistantNoYes