Stakeholder (e.g., name of company, organization, policymaker group, etc.) that Developed Application/Policy/ToolName of Application/Policy/ToolRegion (i.e., Asia, Europe, Latin America, USA/Canada, MENA, Africa)Country/TerritoryBrief Description (1-2 sentences)What are one to two aspects about this application/policy/tool that stand out to you? (1-2 sentences)In what way does the application/policy/tool mention privacy / data governance / data sharing? (1-2 sentences)Who do you think benefits? Who doesn't? (1 sentence for who benefits; 1 sentence for who doesn't). Helpful factors to consider may include age, ethnicity, race, gender and sexual identity, religion, national origin, location, skill and educational level, and/or socioeconomic statusLink to ResourceAnything else you think worth adding?
AllHere EducationAllHereUSA/CanadaUnited StatesIt's a mobile application that provides an AI powered system that identifies absentism and engagement patterns of students.Its objective is to manage the root causes of student absentism and empower schools to notice concerning patterns early on and be more efficient and effective, knowing what is working and what is not working at the school and district level. It targets an important problem for at youth risk which is aggravated by online schooling, mainly that they may drop out of school. It really only mentions privacy and data governance in its Privacy Policy. But this document does clarify how the data will be used, and it doesn't seem they are interested in selling it or sharing it further.It does sound very beneficial for students who are at risk and may otherwise be "missed" by an overwhelmed system. Also very interesting for school managers who want to understand wider patterns related to school absentism and what works and doesn't.
Private Universties EphorusLatin AmericaBrazil It's an AI that scam the quality of students' work and to check for incorrect citations or potential plagiarism by comparing it with the largest academic database in the world. The submitted works are also saved on the platform and in the student's history.
Getulio Vargas FoundationEclassLatin America Brazil ECLASS is A Virtual Environment, in which content and other technological resources of communication and collaboration are available that support and complement the activities of both classroom courses and online courses. The platform monitors the student's time online, the files accessed and the delivery of activities.
Government of the Federal District ; Tim ; Claro
Escola em Casa DFLatin AmericaBrazil The platform “Escola em Casa DF” is the virtual classroom powered by Google Class Room and the State Department of Education of the Federal District, as a strategy to studies in a digital format.
Private highschools and universitiesMicrosoft TeamsLatin AmericaColombiaTeams is part of Microsoft Office 365. It allows to have videocalls, chats, and one-to-one calls. Private institutions paying Microsoft services require teachers to use Teams together with Forms, Outlook, Stream and other applications of the Suite. 1) In schools, the production of future Microsoft users. 2) The institutional request to have all communications between teachers and student via Teams.As part of Office 365, Microsoft Teams collects a lot of data on underaged students: devices, ips, usage time, location, contacts, frequent interactions, etc. According to their terms and condicions, they do not analyze these data, still, Germany decided not to allow its use in schools due to privacy concerns: I think Office 365 is useful for students who do not have a legal copy of Microsoft office installed on their computers because the services are accesible online. The Desktop Teams application uses lots of CPU resources, so it is inconvenient for all those who have old or not sufficiently powerful computers. A good thing though is that one can join videocalls on smartphones, which make it more accesible for some students. Another downside is that many institutions cannot pay the suscription or go for cheap suites that do not allow teachers and students to use the app to its fullest.
Public and rural schoolsWhatsAppLatin AmericaColombiaDue to the lack of computers in teachers and students' homes, many schools have transitions to a semi-virtualized education with WhatsApp. Students receive educational material via mail or via "el mensajero pedagógico" every few weeks. Then, they do their homework, take pictures and send them directly to teachers, often using one of their parents' phones. 1) Teachers, Students, and Parents have access to their personal phone numbers and profile pictures. 2) Students can contact each other via Whatsapp even if they did not voluntarily exchanged numbers. 3) Teachers and institutions create groups making it easier for all to monitor and surveil each other All the parties involved in the educational process have access to personal information of other parties. Facebook get the metadata of school groups, teachers' interaction with all the other parties, etc.Students benefit from this, because they can continue with some schooling even though they have no access to computers and their schools cannot pay for private educational software. Teachers benefit too because this is the only way they have to keep working and getting paid. The use of this app for teaching increase the danger of the most vulnerable students and of those who already suffer bullying. There is also a downside for teachers: parents can contact them any time.
Public and private educational institutions
Video cameras and microphones in physical classrooms
Latin AmericaColombiaAs part of the infrastructure changes for the return to physical spaces, some institutions have invested lots of money in 365º videocameras and high-quality microphones for classrooms. Teachers are followed by these cameras all the time, so students who decide to stay at home can still participate in the class. 1) Often, parents follow at home what is going on in the classroom. Teachers' scolding to students is now streamed in real-time and easily taken out of context. 2) A teacher who know that can be seen by parents all the time, teaches differently.Audio and video steaming can be recorded without notice.Students who cannot return to physical learning spaces benefit greatly. It does not benefit teachers who not only have to be aware of the possibilty of someone watching and recording everything, but have to plan and give lessons in such a way that no student is left behind, even if some are present in front of them, and others are away.
Secretaria Estadual de Educação de São Paulo-Latin AmericaBrazilThe São Paulo State Department of Education is sending SMS messages to parent's mobile phones.The campaign aims to engage students to participate in the classes transmitted by the Centro de Medias SP, in addition to preventing school dropout when face-to-face activities are resumed.The São Paulo State Department of Education will use the data obtained through the messages to analyze the probability of school dropout through algorithms.The official website of the campaign does not mention student privacy and there is no information about the algorithm used or its privacy policy.Parents can benefit from learning that their children are not attending online education. I believe it can be ineffective in helping students, since the reason for school dropout is not being addressed.
INFOKINGSControle de Frequência Escolar – IKAcesso EscolaLatin AmericaBrazilThe system allows monitoring the attendance of students through fingerprint analysis, as well as only allowing students to leave the school when their guardian arrives.It seems that the amount of data collected is quite large, including knowing the parents' route, whether they are arriving at school, all the movement of students at school etc.The enterprise's official website does not mention student privacy and there is no information about its privacy policy.The school benefits from having more information about students, as well as the company that sells the technology. In relation to parents and students, it seems to me that the amount of data processed is disproportionate to the benefit obtained.
Ponto iDFrequência Digital Escolar FacialLatin AmericaBrazilFacial recognition to check the frequency of students in public schools, as well as the distribution of school meals.It is quite impressive how the company focuses on the advantages of an "education without friction", in which there is less and less contact between people and the teacher assesses the studen'ts presence in less timeThe official website does not mention privacy, but says that they can also collect anonymous data on student behavior in each course.Apparently, this technology only benefits the technology company, since the benefits of the technology do not seem to overcome all the problems related to violations of freedom of expression, privacy, etc.
Ânima-Latin AmericaBrazilThe online tests carried out by Ânima are done on a platform that blocks the user's internet access and the computer or cell phone camera is activated to monitor the student's movements. If the student looks away, for a certain time, the platform cancels the test. In addition, the system's artificial intelligence constantly checks the photo of the student's document with the image reproduced by the camera during the test to prevent another person from doing the test. The platform can also detect third party voices during the scan and consider it as a form of fraudI imagine that the pressure of constantly looking at the computer screen, as well as the need for a quiet environment can profoundly affect the student's tranquility in the exam. In addition, not all students have a reserved and quiet space at home to take the test.Since the information about the technology was provided by a news, measures related to data governance are not mentioned. There is no information about the technology on the institute's official website.There is certainly a benefit for the institution, which manages to know when a student is cheating on the test. However, the pressure exerted on the student and the lack of information on data governance can be harmful to students.
GoogleGoogle ClassroomLatin AmericaBrazilG Suite for Education is a suite of services offered by Google to educational institutions around the world. With the pandemic, it is the technology most used by schools in Brazil.Although it does not consider itself "owner" of the data, Google says it will be able to use student data to improve its services and to share with partners. In this sense, it is easy to see the possibility that the data can be used to improve Google's own services (such as its jobs service) or to train algorithms that can be used to replace university entrance exams. In addition, although the data is not used for advertising only in products considered "primary", such as Google Classroom, this can occur in "secondary" services, with Google Maps or YouTube.
Brazilian Chamber of DeputiesBill No. 4,858 / 2020Latin AmericaBrazilBill No. 4,858 / 2020 establishes a "permanent electronic surveillance system" in public and private schools of basic education. According to the wording of the Bill, the monitoring should be carried out in classrooms, libraries, parks and other common spaces of the schools, prohibiting monitoring in bathrooms for individual or collective use. The project also provides for the possibility of access to the images to check for any illicit or personal injury occurrence by any responsible person who has their child enrolled in the school in question.What stands out from this bill is its intention to install a surveillance system throughout all the school environment, excluding only the bathrooms.The bill is very short and doesn't mention data governance or privacyário&utm_campaign=b76164adc7-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_02_04_10_03_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_723d7d1345-b76164adc7-231490933
Oakland University in Michigan//BiobuttonBioButtonMichiganUSAOakland University in Michigan has recommend the use of an optional device which sticks to student's chests to monitor symptoms of COVID-19.The device seems to monitor more than what is necessary to track COVID-19 symptoms and could be used to draw other implications about students and staff which violate their privacyOakland University
BioButton (company)
Yes - Oakland University has an FAQ page for data access/governance/sharing policies
It benefits the company and the university. There is no proof that this is actually benefitting the students/Oakland community at large.
Colleges and universities in the USAOnline proctoringColleges/universities across the USUSASchools are looking for solutions to proctor exams remotely. Some have asked their students to install online proctoring software which not only monitors their video feed, but also the tabs they may open on their computer during the time they take the exam. Some software tracks movement of any kind and will lock students out of the exam if they spot anything "suspicious" of cheating.It is putting students at a disadvantage not only because it creates new testing anxiety through feeling watched, but also may sense false positives for cheating.Universities/K-12 schools
I suppose this benefits schools who can say they checked the box for successfully proctoring exams in a vigilant manner, but it will ultimately harm students who will not be able to perform as well or who are hurt by the algorithms within the software
University of Wisconsin- MadisonOnline proctoring (more specific example)USAUSAContinued from above, but they are specifically using a software called ProtorioUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
This largely benefits the company who is collecting the data (Proctorio) and does not benefit the students
NYS SenateNew York State Facial Recognition Ban for SchoolsUSAUSAIn an indirect response to a school in upstate New York (Lockport) installing facial recognition in schools, New York has passed a bill (awaiting signature from the govenor) which will place a two-year moratorium on facial recognition and other biometric surveillance being used in schools.There have been moratoriums on facial recognition in public spaces across the United States, but none have been directly targeted at schools. This is also noteworthy because a school had already gone through with their installation plans (despite controversy) and are now being forced to walk back their plansNew York State SenateThey find facial recognition as a threat to student's privacy
This benefits the students in Lockport directly as their district will no longer be able to use the technology. This also may benefit other districts in the state who may have been thinkking of taking similar action
K-12 schoolsWearable devices for gym class
Interactive Health Technologies Program
PennsylvaniaUSADistricts in Pennsylvania (and beyond), have begun to use wearable devices as an aid for physical education classes. Specifically, the devices monitor heart rate and set goals for students to acheive within the class period.Despite being well-intended, they do not akcnolwedge the uses of this data beyond gym class. Who has access to this data?Interactive Health Technologies
They claim this will benefit students so that they gain control over their health
University of MiamiCCTV security systemsUSAUSAThe University of Miami was using surveillance to track prosters. The university called the students to a meeting with faculty later on to discuss the protest.Students did not consent to this surveillance. It also puts people in harms way for being held accountable for attending the protestThis is a complete violation of privacy and data sharing with faculty who do not have the right to access CCTV camera footage.I suppose the school benefits in being able to control protests. However, marginalized students do not benefit from getting in trouble for practicing their right to protest.
QualtricsContact Tracing TechnologyUSAUSAQualtrics has developed digital contact tracing technology that some schools have made use of. When a student tests positive, they may opt-in to the service and provide a list of their contacts and locations whom they have recently come into contact. Students are then immediately notified if they were impacted.I'm curious if Qualtrics is using the data for its own benefit or if the data remains within the school. I also wonder the extent to which the data is de-identified. Qualtrics has partnered with both universities and K-12 schools.It says that the data is confidential, but I would have to look further into their privacy policy for more information. Students can benefit if they know they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. However, this is assuming everything remains de-identified and the person who tested positive is not penalized for reporting so.
K-12 schoolsThermal imaging technologyUSAUSASome schools have adopted thermal imaging technology which automatically takes the temperature of students as they walk through the hallways/There is no evidence that this form of surveillance actually works. It is giving students/parents/staff a false impression that their health is being protected.There is nothing on a Intralogic's (thermal imaging device provider for schools) website about privacy/data governanceI don't think anyone benefits from this aside from schools if they get away with convincing people of their security theater.
TencentWeChatAsiaChinaIt's a mobile messaging app that also bundles a bunch of other apps, such as food delivery and ride-sharing services apps.It is monitored and censored by the Chinese government.The privacy policy on the website seems to suggest that WeChat collects a pretty extensive amount of information.People who use WeChat to communicate, make payments, and use apps benefit tremendously -- this includes all demographics. People who have views that are deemed controversial or dangerous by the government may be harmed by the app.
There is also a lot of misinformation spread on the app that is difficult to address, especially about global affairs unrelated to China, and Tencent doesn't really have an incentive to monitor this misinformation.
TencentVooV MeetingAsiaChinaA video-conferencing software developed by Tencent that is primarily used in China.It is potentially subject to surveillance by the Chinese government and it exists mostly because of restrictions on Zoom in China.The privacy policy on the website suggests that quite a bit of information is collected, and that the data is stored on servers in China.People who use VooV to communicate benefit from its usage -- this is likely wealthier people who require video conferencing for work/education and have access to education. People concerned about privacy and security who use this app may experience harms from using this software.
EEOClassInAsiaChinaThis is an educational software that allows you to have a video conference and call on students to participate, etc.The tool is mostly used in China and when you uninstall it from your device, you get a warning that it cannot be completely removed.The privacy policy indicates that a significant amount of data is collected, such as when you joined a class and the messages sent during the class session. The data is stored on servers in China.Students and teachers who find it to be a good platform for e-learning benefit. Students and teachers with privacy/security concerns may be harmed.
InstructureCanvasGlobalUSAThis is an educational platform that educators can use to share and collect assignments.There's a lot of data that seems to be collected for educators, like how long you've spent watching a video, that isn't immediately clear to students.The website has a pretty extensive page on privacy on their website. They express a strong commitment to privacy.Students and teachers who find it useful for e-learning benefit, and teachers who like to monitor their students pretty closely benefit. Students who are concerned about privacy may be harmed.
BlackboardBlackboardGlobalUSAThis is an educational platform that educators can use to share and collect assignments.There seems to be a lot of data collected by educators that students aren't privvy to.The website has a clear page describing its stance on privacy, and it has a link at the bottom of the homepage where you can request that they "Do Not Sell My PI"This benefits students and teachers who find it usefl for e-learning coordination, or just coordination in general for education. Students who have a poor internet connection may be disproportionately harmed if they have trouble accessing the site.
Peking UniversityStudent PortalAsiaChinaThis is a student portal developed for Peking University that's used to check grades, request transcripts, and conduct other student affairs.During the COVID-19 pandemic, students were required to log their location, temperature, and physical condition everyday.There doesn't seem to be a privacy policy.School administrators benefit, as they get a good picture of student behavior and have an easy tool for communicating to students and soliciting information. Students who have poor internet connection may suffer, or students with strong privacy concerns.
Chinese Ministry of Education; Tsinghua University
CNKIAsiaChinaThis is the Chinese equivalent of something like JSTOR -- it's a database of academic resources, mostly in CHinese.It seems to have a different version outside of China, and the Chinese version at least requires your phone number to work and more extensive information for greater access to articles.It doesn't seem to have a privacy policy on its website.Researchers who want to access scholarship in Chinese benefit from online access. Researchers concerned about privacy/security who might be researching sensitive topics may be harmed.
Peking University
Student Registration Mobile App
AsiaChinaThis app is used by foreign exchange students who are studying in China to submit their information to the school. It is necessary in order to get a residence visa.It requires a lot of PII and also a photo.It is very limited, only available in Chinese, and states that it collects location data and accesses your camera.This benefits the government and administrators trying to track students. It disproportionately harms foreign exchange students in China, especially those with limited Chinese skills who cannot read the privacy policy and may be concerned about privacy/security.
ZoomZoomGlobalChina-specific versionThis is a videoconferencing app that has become very popular during COVID-19 around the world.It has a history of security issues, and it has run into issues operating in China.The company seems to have taken a stronger stance on privacy/security due to public pressure.This benefits people who want an easy tool for video conferencing. People who are concerned about privacy or lack access to internet may be disproportionately harmed.
It seems to have a different system for operating in China as opposed to other countries.
Various VPN developers
Express VPN, Astrill, PandaPow
GlobalGlobalVPNs are used regularly in China by people who want to access blocked websites.It is necessary for accessing blocked material, and some VPNs are better than others in terms of privacy and security for their users.Most VPNs have detailed information on privacy/data governance, as some VPN users are those who wish to avoid surveillance.This benefits more technologically savvy people who are likely to be more educated and have access to internet. People who are older, less familiar with technology, or lack access to the internet may not be able to use VPNs and thus don't benefit as much.
University of St AndrewsPanopto, Microsoft TeamsEuropeScotland, United KingdomCompulsory lecture recordings are required by the university for all lectures, tutorial, and seminars, without the need for consent by staff or students.No student consultation on the process of whether lectures should be recorded. No due consideration of class content.University data management and reference of following the GDPR as part of university policy. The university has always had a lecture capture and data protection policy.Students benefit but also could be negatively impacted along with academics, particularly when discussing sensitive topics.
Ofqual, UK governmentOfqual algorithmEuropeUnited KingdomAn algorithm was used to decide the grades of secondary students, affecting whether their university offers could be met. This was ultimately overturned by policy and universities.How quickly this was decided and the lack of transparency on the algorithm itself. Little was addressed about bias and fairness.NoneThe government benefits in that the system is relatively simple to implement but at the cost of merit of individual students. video about the algorithm:
University of EdinburghReusing lectures for breaking strikesEuropeScotland, United KingdomOld lecture recordings were used and repurposed during staff strikes to be used to teach students.Lack of consideration for repurposing staff content and also the recording itself.No consideration of whether data reuse was valid in context of learning content, strikes, and the recording itself.Benefits the university and possibly students. Does not benefit academic staff. policy to confirm that recordings will not be used to break strikes:
University of WarwickReusing lectures for breaking strikesEuropeUnited KingdomOld lecture recordings were used and repurposed during staff strikes to be used to teach students.Lack of consideration for repurposing staff content and also the recording itselfNo consideration of whether data reuse was valid in context of learning content, strikes, and the recording itself.Benefits the university and possibly students. Does not benefit academic staff.
London School of Economics and Political ScienceCOVID-19 testing for all students and staffEuropeUnited KingdomCOVID-19 testing for students and staff on campus, halls of residences, and arranged for those living in private residences.Testing is free and easily available for all. Not immediately clear how data is to be collected, used, and stored.Not publicly available as to where the test data goes and how it is stored and analysed.Students and staff of the university benefit. The government also benefits where the university has made itself responsible for COVID-19 testing. Could also have negative impact if it is unclear what the data is used for. to note that students at other institutions may not want to get tested:
Manchester Metropolitan UniversityPolice and security prevent students from leaving accommodationEuropeUnited KingdomStudents were not allowed to leave university halls during a COVID-19 breakout, with very limited warning beforehand.Very strict in terms of physical surveillance and the involvement of public authorities.Lack of privacy for students in terms of their whereabouts and unable to leave, with limited notice on the implementation of the policy.Benefits the university and the public in managing the pandemic. Does not benefit students, despite also keeping them safe from the pandemic.
JISC, Alibaba CloudCloud Entreprise Network for UK - China learningEurope, AsiaUnited Kingdom and ChinaAllowing students in China to access UK materials for online learning through a special digital tunnel.Very quick to put together in terms of the application and pilot, compliance with Chinese laws, no information about the impact on course content.Concerns about privacy, censorship and academic freedom. See this open letter by academics: universities and access to students in China as well as benefiting students in China. Could negatively impact academics who have to change course content, and wider institutional questions on academic freedom. great paper on employee surveillance: and dataset:
Chinese University of Hong KongZoomAsiaHong KongIntruders hacked in & played porn on screens. The proctor asked students to turn off screens but leave camera on & display student IDs—meaning hackers also saw students' personal details.The decision of the proctor to ask students to provide their personal details.Hackers saw students' personal details on Zoom.Benefits the hackers... Does not benefit students.Source and translation: and
Hong Kong student activistsAnti-ZoomAsiaHong KongHong Kong student activists protested against Zoom over security and privacy concerns, staging non-cooperation actions.Student activism taking the lead in surveillance push backConcerns of privacy brought forward by students against Zoom and universitiesStudents benefit and Zoom does not benefit.Source and translation: to note that this is in context of the ongoing protests in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Government and health officialsTemperature checksAsiaHong KongSchools in Hong Kong are required to check the temperature of all students when they enter the school.A very overarching policy that places the onus on schools to protect students and the public regarding the pandemic.Depending on how the temperature is recorded and how data is stored, it could have impact on the privacy of students.Benefits the government and the general public but could also negatively impact students.
Heung To Middle SchoolUncertain on what online learning platformAsiaHong KongA Hong Kong high school student was suspended after displaying a protest-related slogan in online classes as their profile picture.The reach of teachers in policing student activities online is worrying, particularly when facilitated by technology. It is necessary to point out that although online learning was enabled by the pandemic, this issue was raised by the Hong Kong protests and the implementation of the National Security Law.No mention of the implications of privacy of the student and unclear what school policies were in terms of allowing protest slogans in online learning.May benefit schools in governing activities but students are negatively affected as the online learning platform could have a chilling effect in how their learning environment is being surveilled. to note that this is in context of the ongoing protests in Hong Kong
This remote proctoring platform uses facial detection algorithms to "ensure the academic integrity" of test-takers. It claims to "deliver accurate, reliable exam proctoring" in ways that remove bias and human error.
Despite numerous research studies and personal accounts that highlight how this type of surveillance technology is rife with bias, Proctorio continues to make grandeur claims about its ability to "remove bias and human error."
Proctorio markets the product by saying that: "maintaining Test-Taker’s privacy is at the core of our product, not an afterthought." It states that The IKeepSafe Coalition has recognized the product for meeting the highest data security and privacy standards.
This tool benefits educators who want to ensure that their students aren't cheating in exams. However, as reports and articles have shown, the tool is ineffective especially when trying to determine whether BIPOC and neurodiverse students are cheating.
Proctorio's about page; NYT article: Tech isn't the answer to test taking; NYT article: How it feels when software watches you take tests
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Grade-assigning algorithms
Regions that offer IB programs
Countries that offer IB programs
In response to the pandemic, the IB canceled its usual in-person final exams. Instead, it used algorithms to predict students' grades based on information such as teacher-estimated grades and past performance by students in each school.
While it helps to decrease the in-person spread of COVID-19, these algorithms likely perpetuate the racial and class biases rampant in educational settings.
No mention.
Grade-assigning algorithms appeal to stakeholders who still want to assign grades to students when in-person exams are not possible. However, the algorithms do most harm to marginalized students who are often unfairly deemed as less competent than their dominant counterparts.
NYT article: When algorithms give real students imaginary grades
This course management system enables educators to post grades, information, and assignments & students to access course materials and share ideas on the platform.
Instructors and TAs can view the length of time that students spend on assignments and monitor their actions on the platform (e.g., when the student posts a new comment).
Canvas seems to be transparent about how it collects personal data and they describe their privacy policy here.
This tool enables both instructors and students to manage their teaching and learning online. However, this tool disadvantages marginalized groups who don't have access to Internet and the devices needed to use Canvas.
Canvas' about page; Canvas: How to view analytics about students
GoGuardianGoGuardian TeacherUSAUSA
This classroom management software claims to help K-12 teachers "eliminate distractions, connect with students, and save time."
Teachers are able to close the browser tabs and lock the screens of students in service of "eliminating distractions."
It states that it complies with FERPA and a proud signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge.
This tool supports teaching and learning. That said, teachers' attempts to minimize distractions by controling their students' screens may come at the expense of students' autonomy over their own devices.
GoGuardian Teacher's about page; GoGuardian Teacher's surveillance features
The organization's mission is to "advance student success and help close equity gaps by reducing chronic absence."
AttendanceWorks' emphasis that chronic absence can predict worse academic performance signals that they are taking an approach of preemptive surveillance rather than one of care.
Provides a toolkit for users to understand FERPA here.
This organization helps "families and community agencies to intervene as soon as poor attendance becomes a problem for children or particular schools." While it's clear what is the mission of the organization, it's unclear how exactly it carries out the mission (e.g., are they taking a deficit approach toward understanding chronic absentees' experiences?)
AttendanceWorks's mission
EdPuzzle IncEdPuzzleUSAUSAThe tool lets Professors view the amount of video content that students have viewed. This is particularly used in flipped classrooms.Instructors and TAs can see if students watch videos as required. They can also see the patterns (i.e parts they watch repeatedly and parts they skip)Unless disclosed, the students cannot know that they are being monitoredIt helps both students and instructors as the instructrs know what students are doing/or not and gives students a motivation to consume content. However, the lack of consideration for individial circumstances might lead to undue pressure on some students. Also, simply playing a video could count as watching it and hence, cannot really be a measure of students' engagement with content. As viewing video content requires high bandwidth, it is diadavantageous to students studying from areas with poor internet accessEdPuzzle
Carnegie Mellon University Cloud RecordingsUSA/AfricaUSA/AfricaClass sessions are recorded and made available to students who take the classesClass recordings are downloadable and there are no policies regarding how they are distributed are not explicitly communicatedRecordings can be distributed without the consent of participantsIt benefits students as they can access recordings ecven after class. The explicit communication of a distribution policy, however, puts students and instructors' privacies at riskZoom ServicesRecording is done via Zoom
National Informatics
Ministry of Electronics and
information Technology,
Government of India
Aarogya Setu
(Bridge to Health)
South Asia India/
Indian adminstered
Covid-19 contact tracing app that was
made mandatory for government as well as
private sector employees including schools
colleges, universities. The app stores location
data and requires constant access to the
phone's Bluetooth. In the latest guidelines
the University Grants commision has
'encouraged' all students and staff
to download it
It is invasive as it requires constant
bluetooth and location/GPS data
rasiing privacy as well as security
concerns by storing and putting
personal information at risk.
the app assigns an anonymised
device ID but experts have still raised
concerns over it after it was breached
by third parties/hackers.
While the government has claimed it helps/ed with
identification and 'prevention of potential risk of
infection' of Indians there have been growing concerns
of it being misused for surveillance and tracking of
Efee Online,
Private Schools Association
of Kashmir (PSAK)
Microsoft's Aspire
School Program
Suite (MASP Pro)
South Asia Indian adminstered
This programme combines the benefits
of Microsoft's technology and e-payment
solutions from Efee Online to empower
teachers and students.
The PSAK partnered with these tech comanies
to help students in Kashmir who suffer academic
losses due to frequent closure of education
institutes of Kashmir
While the inititiative intended to
help the students suffering from
frequent lockdowns it still needed
internet services which are often
disrupted/snapped by the

Since the MASP Pro costs
25000 INR makes it impossible
for all public/private schools to
afford it.
Microsoft privacy statement students and teachers are the beneficiaries
but given its price and the fact that it needs
unhindered internet services means it is ineffective
Kashmir adminstration,
RISE Institute
Independent engineers
WISE app South Asia Indian adminstered
After the COVID lockdown two Kashmir
based engineers developed this
android app to work on 2G with zoom like
features with easy attendence and
teacher control.
The app was approved by the adminstration
and is being introduced in public/private
It is user-friendly and works on
low speed internet smoothly.
My concern is its over emphasis
on 'monitoring and control' of
"we collect several different types
of information for various purposes
to provide and improve our service
to you".

it collects personal data like
email, full name, phone number,
address, country, province, zip code,
cookies and usage data, location data,
and 'other data". On data security it
says ' we cannot guarantee its absolute

It does help students but is not widely used. Again since
it is now approved and run through government there are
concerns about data usage and security.
The Kashmir adminstration/regime Biometric/ face
recognition machines
South Asia Indian adminstered
In most of the schools and Colleges
there are biometric machines, mostly for
teachers and in some cases students, for
attendance purposes.
This is mostly used for managing
the teacher attendance and in
some cases of research scholars
and works on the principal of
'Employer control of Employees'.
It is used by the institutes/schhols/colleges to
control/supervise their teachers/students
The Kashmir adminstration/regime
CCTVs South Asia Indian adminstered
It has been made mandatory for all schools
colleges/universities in Kashmir to install
It is a military stratgey to monitor
students as there have been
protests over the years in
campuses, colleges and schools
in Kashmir.
The military/police are authorised
to use and monitor this footage.
This is used by the State primarily for surveillance
Zoom: Students have the right to abstainEast AsiaJapanAll classes are recorded, but students are free to turn off the camera or avoid making statement (as it is recorded). Grades do not get affected by doing so. Also, for those with limited internet access, all lectures are available on-demand. 1) On-Demand access to zoom recordings doesn't deprive students learning opportunity in worst of situations. 2) Students always have the right to abstain from the recordingsRecordings are available on-demand on zoom's website (link available on schooo's Canvas, with password encryption). Students and teachers benefit from the right to abstrain and not to be part of the recordings, and Intl students with unstable internet can access the lectures any time. However, as all recordings are archived on Zoom's cloud service, how these videos are protected are under the question.Info from the vice president of Keio Univ
Yonsei UniversityZoom: Video ON, Chat OFFEast AsiaSouth KoreaStudents are required to turn on their cameras, otherwise considered absent. Also, students are NOT allowed to use private chat (must go through TA/Profs). Some courses are recorded but not shared onlineStudents have no rights to mute their cameras, and all chats between students can only be done through TA/Profs (in other words, all conversations are monitored) Students do not have the right to not to be monitored. Recordings may be used without consent of other studentsInstructors have a transparent access to students behaviour and participation in class. Students are negatively affected by limited freedom / intl students with low internet access may not be able to participate. was also told that most students in yonsei don't question this regulation
출입안전확인증 (In-Out Safety Certificate)East AsiaSouth KoreaApplication to record which facilities the visitors have visited, along with phone number, temperature, and basic health informationThe records are kept for four weeks.If anyone who's tested positive for Covid-19 visited the facilitty, all visitors of that day will receive an alert.Visitors (including students and faculties) benefit by getting notified. recording is common in Korea -wherever you go, you need to show your personal QR code. Informations are kept for four weeks
Seoul National UnversitySNU eTL East AsiaSouth KoreaCourse and grade management system that tracks when students entered the zoom classroom, how long students have watched the assigned videos, etc. 1) Instructors are given detailed access to students behaviour in the course 2)Cookies are shared to the platform providerMost informations are claimed to be semi-permanentInstructors benefit by having a transparent information on how long the students have watched the lecture. Students with limited internet access may have difficulty. Plus, the site is only available in Korean.
Ministry of EducationRegulations for Online Education (원격수업 수칙)East AsiaSouth Korea Ten reles for online education proposed by the Ministry of EducationRules includes that participants should not film nor screenshot participants during online learning nor share them.the policy protects participan'ts personality rights.All participants benefit by feeling safe from illegal usage of own images or recordings. However, we do not know how this regulation is enforced (it's not that they are monitoring our screenshot functions) also includes that file size of the video should be less than SD (720*480) if possible
Tongji UniversityTongjiNCP-AISEast AsiaShanghai, Mainland ChinaAn intelligent identification system for COVID-19 prevention and control that can quickly identify individual infected persons in the flow of people. The system is aimed at large-scale groups of people and can automatically detect individuals with abnormal body temperatures, take photos and track them, and give reminders.Artificial intelligence technology plays a greater role during the pandemic prevention and control period, reducing the work of relevant school management personnel, and achieving efficient campus safety management.The scientific research team uses artificial intelligence, big data, face recognition, temperature recognition, motion recognition and other technologies to realize face recognition, heart rate monitoring, breathing monitoring, access control linkage, access control data intelligent update, cough detection and voice broadcast.Both the public and government benefit from the system in combating the pandemic. However, the issue of individual data privacy needs to be addressed. will happen after the pandemic? Is it a system for handling the COVID-19 emergency, or it will be continuingly used thereafter?
Tongji UniversityTongjiNCP-GISEast AsiaShanghai, Mainland ChinaA Geographic Information System for monitoring and tracing COVID-19 information which Initially realize the functions of the pandemic dynamic analysis visualization, spatial impact assessment, data spatial analysis, and personnel activity tracking in Shanghai.The team gives full play to the advantages of artificial intelligence theory and technology, uses geographic information technology, big data technology, cloud technology, etc., to develop a new COVID-19 geographic information system.It provides spatial information assistance and support for COVID-19 prevention and control, along with early warning and campus pandemic prevention decision analysis.Both the public and government benefit from the system in combating the pandemic. However, the issue of individual data privacy needs to be addressed. to personal geographic location is very helpful in monitor and manage the spread of the pandemic. However, preventing data abuse and data leak is an urgent task for the government, which might affect the publics' trust in the government.
Fudan University
"Hello Fudan" Daily Check-in (wechat mini-program)
East AsiaShanghai, Mainland China"Hello Fudan" is launched on Fudan eHall system as a wechat mini-program. All the students and teachers need to check-in digitally everyday before 21:00(BJT).It is a brand new mini-program for activity tracing during the pandemic so that the school can supervise the situation of the students.The check-in system can gather the location information of individuals by accessing the GPS service of smartphones. The university and teachers can supervise the healthy situation of their students by accessing the data uploaded in the mini-program on a daily basis.All the concerning parties including students, teachers, universities benefit from the check-in system. However, the tracing of geographic location raises students' concern about the risk of the data leak.; would be more helpful if the university releases a statement to illustrate the data protection guidance by using this system.
Widely Used by event/lecture organizers
“Mini Check-in” wechat mini-program
East AsiaShanghai, Mainland ChinaMini Check-in is a wechat mini-program for both individual and group activity check-in. Everyone can use it to schedule their work and life events by simply setting a reminder for later check-in.It is a small company with only 1.25 million (CNY) registered capital and get an increase of users during the pandemic. The corporate legal representative once worked as a R&D engineer in Microsoft Asia Engineering Institute in 2007.It records the participant's engagement which can be used for educational supervision, and it can access the user's location information.The teacher and host of the event can easily monitor the student's attendance through the mini-program, and the company got a rise in market value for advertising. There is a possibility of personal data leak by using the mini-program and we don't see a clear regulation or demonstration for customer's data protection. example of how does the private sector get involved in the surveillance of education during the COVID. The lack of regulation on those small business's data protection is worth noting.
Widely Used by event/lecture organizersTencent MeetingEast AsiaShanghai, Mainland ChinaTencent Meeting provides cloud-based high-definition video conferencing solutions that enable customers and users to host or join meetings anytime, anywhere. During the coronavirus outbreak, Tencent Meeting is providing free services and connecting users all over mainland China, and lots of university lectures and meetings rely on this platform.Tencent meeting was not that popular in education before the pandemic. The use of tencent is a complementary cloud meeting service along with Zoom in mainland China, and they have some kind of competitive relations. Tencent used "Person-Button-Data" approach to deal with the issue of data accessing and privacy protection. Though Tencent updates their general Tencent group Privacy Policy from time to time, the protection of data privacy is still largely dependent on the customers when launching the program to turn off automatic data sharing.The company benefits from the increasing use of its cloud meeting service, which improves the company's overall market value and reputation. The users also benefit from the convenient online services for education, but the possibility of being recorded has some negative effect on freely expressing opinions.,connecting%20users%20all%20over%20mainland;; competition between different cloud-meeting platform is worth noting.
Fudan University
University ID card identification system
East AsiaShanghai, Mainland ChinaAn electronic information system set up at the school entrance to confirm university identity. The staff personally verify that the photo displayed on the screen is the same as that of the person, so as to ensure that outsiders are not allowed to enter in school.The installing of this new system is aiming for the "lockdown management" of school during the pandemic. It is a special setup only used for combating the COVID-19.It records the activities of entrancing the school and sometimes is being used together with other systems to monitor the body temperature.The universities and all the individuals on-campus benefit from the whole "lockdown" management. However, individuals have to share some of their personal data with the university, but I don't think it's a big problem.It is newly established during the pandemic. Before that, the whole campus was open to the public.
Fudan University
Fudan eHall online service website
East AsiaShanghai, Mainland ChinaThe "Fudan University Online Service Hall" was officially launched in September 2015, providing school teachers and students with "one-stop" online services such as online application, supervision, and evaluation of service items for examination and approval. Based on personal data center and workflow management, eHall simplifies and optimizes business processes by sorting out and disclosing public service affairs.The online system provides a wide range of service for students and teachers, and some of the functions are not that familiar to us before. The system is able to record registration, scholarship applying, dining, entrancing, workout, payment, and other on-campus activities.The eHall system has brought great convenience for on-campus study life, it has simplified the procedures for lots of indirect and direct educational services. My concern is that, the storage of personal data, especially for those daily-life activities like dining and workout, is too personal and has nothing to do with the school education running so that it's better to delete those data regularly. eHall system was widely used for university-related service before the pandemic. During the COVID-19 period, the demands for this online service platform got great increase.
AvigilonAppearance SearchNorth AmericaUnited StatesAppearance Search can find people based on their age, gender, clothing, and facial characteristics, and it scans through videos like facial recognition tech — though the company that makes it, Avigilon, says it doesn’t technically count as a full-fledged facial recognition tool.The company acknowledges the GDPR regulations but stresses that is does aim legally abideby the proposals laids out thereinAviglion uses a simple framework based on five basic principles of the GDPR to help support compliance of a Data Controller's video system.Supposedly school administrators are already using the system to try to intercept bullying, to deter code of conduct violations, meaning those who suffer should benefit. But then again, students who consciously choose to be less social and spend more time alone may suddenly be monitored more closely.
Social SentinelAI-based Language EngineNorth AmericaUnited StatesSocial media monitoring using natural language processing allegedly identifies signs of violence or other concerning behavior by trawling children’s social media posts and other online activity.With ShareIt®, Social Sentinel also gives students a safe, anonymous platform to raise their voice on issues and concerns that they may not feel comfortable reporting publicly.
It really only mentions privacy and data governance in its Privacy Policy. But this document does clarify how the data will be used, and it doesn't seem they are interested in selling it or sharing it further.Social Sentinel supposedly protects students facing online harm. However, monitoring programs are particularly bad at correctly understanding languages other than English and even non-standard English, which may be used by minority students.
QustodioSupervision AppNorth AmericaUnited StatesThe Parents' App allows parents to see how their child uses devices, apps, and the web, allowing them to manage their child’s online experience and block certain content. The company earnestly encourages parents to “monitor your kid’s Internet use NSA-style.”The website provides a useful explainar on how to deal with children who ask for their own privacy; but tellingly it suggests to "test his credibiliy" first and monitory more discreetly. Naturally the platform should protect all students from potentionally harmful online content. However, because schools with larger populations of students of color are also more likely to adopt stricter surveillance policies, the spread of pervasive surveillance threatens to further entrench the disturbing school-to-prison pipeline where students of color are especially vulnerable to discriminatory over-policing.
Government (Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare), Private app. Development companies
COVID-19 Contact Confirming Application, (COCOA).
AsiaJapanApp traces the contact with COVID-19 positive individuals. Understanding an infected person’s behavior and the information about people in close contact with the infected person can prevent the pandemicIt does not record any personally identifiable information, such as the location of the contact or the individual’s phone number, and contact information is automatically deleted after 14 days. One can also withdraw consent at any time and delete the app• People without smart phones cannot use the application
• COVID-19 positive individuals may face discrimination-what are the safeguards?
University of Tokyo
Health Management Report Form
AsiaJapanUTokyo members are requested to take their own body temperature and report the results as well as the presence or absence of cold symptoms such as difficulty breathing (dyspnea), cough, drowsiness (malaise), and loss of sense of smell or taste on the Health Management Report Form The health management report data is be used by doctors and public health nurses to analyze university-wide (not on an individual basis) infection risk and crisis management. The Health Service Center handles personal information based on its privacy policy. URL: • Students, staff and faculty benefit
• Because it is not strictly monitored, some students don’t fill this form regularly
NTT Communications
(Telecom Carrier)
online learning packageAsiaJapanThe package includes online assignments, monitoring and feedback tools, and a function that lets students share their answers.It also had monitoring and feedback tools – which means that it profiles data as well• It was free of charge but there was no demand – because of the adaptation issues
University of TokyoInformation Security SystemAsiaJapanThe Policy for Information Security stipulates the arrangements necessary to ensure information security, and consists of Basic Guidelines and Standards for CountermeasuresEvery information asset under the system is owned by U-Tokyo and is being monitored. Starting from wi-fi to computers being usedUTokyo’s Policy for Information Security has four main objectives for survalliance and monitoring:
• Thorough categorization and corresponding management of information assets owned by UTokyo based on their level of importance.
• Defense to prevent violations of information assets owned by UTokyo
• Prevention of damage to the information assets owned by UTokyo
• Implementation of early detection and prompt handling of security breaches at UTokyo
PiazzaPiazzaUSA/AfricaUSA/RwandaPiazza is a free platform for class discussions. Instructors and TAs moderate discussions on Piazza and use it to determine the extent of students' participation/engagementThe privacy policy does not talk speak about the aggregation of the conversations between students and their instructors. It also claim that no communication is fully secureData aggregation/text mining is possible. As the product is free too, one cannot really say how data is being usedIt benefits students and instructors as they can discuss on the platform. Being used as a metric for participation might be disadvantageous. Text mining offers some benefit to the
Mail ServiceGMail/Yahoo MailAfricaAfricaSchhols that do not have in-house mail systems allow students and instructors to communicate via free mailing services like gmail and yahoomail.
The policy/service allows communication in low income academic environments
Data from emails can be used for targeted advertising. As emails can be compromised too, confidential data could be lost.Students and instructors benefit from the free mailing service.
FacebookWhatsapp MessengerAfricaNigeriaThe messaging platform is used for communication between students and teachers in remote instructionThe makers claim that the platform uses end-to-end encryptionThere is an increase in hacking of WhatsApp accounts in Nigeria currently. Student data can be compromised by using the platformIt benefits students and teachers. If information is compromised, it could benefit people with malicious
Respondus Inc.Respondus MonitorNorth AmericaCanadaRespondus Monitor, a webcam feature for LockDown Browser that records students during online, non-proctored exams. When this feature is enabled for a quiz, students are required to use a webcam and microphone with LockDown Browser. After the exam is complete, an instructor can review details of the assessment, even the recorded videos.Recording studing while taking an exam is not the equivalent to a exam in person being proctored. This is more invasive and over reacting. If teacher distrus so much their students, to the point of invading their privacy in this way, I think it is importnat to rethink certain teaching values."Privacy is central to the Respondus Monitor architecture. It minimizes the personal data being collected, uses an automated system to analyze it, and then restricts access to the results." []I benefits professors that want to have proctor exams. Students are the ones affected by it, becuase their data are being processed, and their privacy invaded.
University of OttawaProctoring SoftwareNorth AmericaCanadaOffering proctoring software that will work through the Brightspace platformIs a typical response to look for a new technological equivalents for old practices
The policy is offering the the software, however, it is up to each faculty to allow or incetivate its use.
In terms of consent, the student can refuse the use of the software, In that case the professor should have a plan BI benefits professors as they have at their disposition a software to proctor their exams. Students are the ones affected by it, becuase their data are being processed, and their privacy invaded.
Classcraft Studios Inc.ClasscraftNorth AmericaCanada"Classcraft generates a constant flow of high-fidelity data that provides clear insights into student behavior and school culture, and specifically what’s actually working and what’s not.
With Classcraft’s unique data, educators can go beyond simple referral data and better understand what’s happening in the classroom or at home and identify students with potential Tier 2 needs much earlier.

Using pre referral data such as positive exhibited behaviors (or lack thereof) and identifying macro behavioral trends, behavioral and special education teams can identify the students that need the most help before they rack up referrals."
It uses a known and fun format for kids to interact.
The kids are playing a videio game, but it is not clear wheter they are aware that while they are doing it, they are also being evaluated by teacher to find behavioural markers (positive and negative).
In had as Privacy Policy, which for instance points our that Classcraft does not share user data with third parties for marketing purposes. Furthermore, Classcraft does not use student data for marketing of any kind, including both marketing to student and to parents.Students can benefit from this as it can help their social engagment, and particiaption in class. And it can help kids that need help, since it supposed to help identify them earlier.

The same students are the ones affected by it, as their data are being collected, and analized in order to identify problematic behaviours.
Schoology IncSchoologyNorth AmericaUnited Statedk-12 learning management systemAllows personalize learning experience students. Idenitfy the level of students, and provide personalized material for those that need an extra help.
At a Distrcit level, it allows educators to compare data from across schools. Granular data as teacher performances
It has Privacy Policy, and a certificaion that is COOPA compliant. Nonetheless, the Privacy Policy estipulates, for instance, that they will share data with identify third parties, including companies for marketing purposes.It seems to be a good tool for both professors and teachers to assess students, and manage performance.

The granularity of the data that are generated about the students and teachers, and the fact that it allows to compare those data at different levels (class, school, district), seems to create a risk for student and teacher.
STOPit SolutionsStopItNorth AmericaUnited StatedTool for students to report different incidents in a anonymous manner, and for the responsible official at the school or univeristy to follow and manage the investigation of the report.The website argues that the report is 100% anonymous, however they do not explain what they understand by anonymity or how they ensure this anonnymity. Additionally, based on the Privacy Policy, they do collect personal information, that they may de-identify when shared with third parties.It has a Privacy Policy, but it is vage and overreaching on what they can do with the dats they collect, and with whi they can share itIt seems to be a good tools for student to report incendents at school that they might not feel safe reporting otherwise.

However, students are sharing sensitive, and personal information, that without the proper security standards (which based on the website and privacy policy are not clear), can put students at risk. a proper policy that address social issues such as harrassement, abuse, etc. This tool can do even more harm.
Alibaba, schools and teachersDingTalkMainland ChinaChinaIt's a multi-functional mobile application(also available as PC software/Web version , all are free during COVID-19) for schools, enterprises or other organizations to provide online meetings, groups IM and attendance checking-in, etc. Its objective is to help organizations achieve efficient, effective and secure digital management.It provides an attendance checking-in service based on location.It mentions privacy and data governance in the privacy policy and they don't seem interested in selling or sharing it further. In addition, it classifies different types of data. One of them is for organizational management, such as personal ID numbers, companies or schools, address locations, facial recognition photos (optional), etc., which are declared to be available only to the user's own organizational managers and have specific encryption techniques to protect sensitive personal data.It sounds very beneficial for school managers or enterprise managers.
ZoomZoomMainland ChinaChinaIt is widely used in pedagogy and interview-based exam in China, but discontinued personal account registering in mainland China as of May 2020.It is reported to have security vulnerabilities and some users have been hacked.It doesn't guarantee the security of data and warns the risk of doing so in its Privacy Policy. It may also allow selected third parties to use users' data for commercial purposes.Its flaw and out of duty gives hackers opportunities that could be potentially risky for all users .
Tencent, universities, schools, teachers and studentsTencent MeetingMainland ChinaChinaIt is another popular free online meeting application.After Zoom stopped registering individuals in mainland China, it gained a larger user base.(a).It mentions data privacy protection in its privacy policy, but it may share data with third parties, while guaranteeing that encryption and masking process(anonymous process) are used to ensure data security.
(b).Its algorithm settings do not allow copying text boxes and meeting managers are able to select the recording modes with screen-sharing watermarks and who is able to recode.
(a).It sounds beneficial for Tencent company and third parties.
(b).It sounds also beneficial to teachers and students with its technical secure guaranteeing and related algorithms.
https://meeting.tencent.comIt is a win-win application, provided that encryption and masking processing(anonymous process) technology is robust and secure enough. Unlike the GDPR policy advocated by the EU, however, the application does not give users the option to choose what type of use she/he is willing to provide data for.
Schools, government, Tencent and AlibabaHealth QR CODEMainland ChinaChinaA personal HEALTH QR CODE must be presented when returning to school for registration, when entering campus (mainly during the first few months of school, which is no longer required at present).The three QR-CODE colors: green for health, yellow for being in a 7-day quarantine period, and red for being in a 14-day quarantine period. Its objective is to help schools and communities with governance during COVID-19.The privacy policy mentions privacy and data governance, and states that data can only be used for work related to the preventive governance of the COVID outbreak, with the anonymous process(data masking).It does sound very beneficial to public and communities.
In addition, infrared temperature measurement is required every day when entering a school, dormitory area or cafeteria. As a general policy, HEALTH QR CODE is also required in public places, such as airports, train stations, hotel check-in counters, etc.
It is worth noting that there may be a cultural difference, according to the Theory of Basic Values (Schwartz, S. H., 2012), the European and American traditions are more dedicated to self-direction and hedonism, while the Asian tradition is more focused on security.
Therefore, even though many people have not read the privacy policy of QR security code and do not know how the data will be collected, people in mainland China generally agree with such a policy for health and safety (both for themselves and their community).
Hong Kong governmentNational security lawAsiaHong Kong
law that stifles forms of expression and also includes an element of patriotic education, global reach which has already affected education in other parts of hte world
This law is incredibly broad and any online data that can be construed as threatening national security can be used to prosecute people worldwide
The law allows for gathering of data with little restrictions
THe Chinese and Hong Kong governments,
“The law mentioned above relates to punishing treason, secession and sedition. Our research sprint and this session is aimed at addressing COVID-19’s short- and long-term impact on education and learning. We should take more effort on discussing the pedagogy and learning aspects.”
Dutch governmentOnline proctoringEuropehThe netherlands
There has been some debate about online proctoring, or monitoring software used to see if students are not cheating during exams. They make use of camera’s to monitor the students (or the teacher is monitoring live)
There are concerns over privacy and the effectiveness of these surveillance tools
software which uses a camera to look at you to make sure you are not taking a test among other things
Educators as they can automate the test taking process online

there are many different online
proctoring companies in the Netherlands (complaints from a
student union about this) (dutch gvt) 
education book publishing companies
: thiememeulenhoff and malmberg
Europethe netherlands
: release and promote online learning and versions of their textbooks for schools/students that need to have online class

This allows for much more data gathering
which Malmberg notes they share with the schools that use their program. Which
means that schools will suddenly have much more data on their students as
opposed to when they just used the same book offline. Not only students but
teachers use is monitored as well.

Students and teachers are monitored when
they are doing assignments online but to what degree is unknown, only that
personal data is processed.

The publishing company benefits the most,
the schools and in turn students and teachers might benefit in the long term if
the gathering of data leads to better text books and education methods.
European UnionvariousEurope-
: the European union has compiled a list of different online education applications and tools for teachers in many different languages
: the EU often has these kinds of websites and projects but in general practice few people have heard about it, I wonder what the adoption rate or use is of these websites and projects as well as who develops them and so on.
What does the eu do with the data gathered from these things?
European union as it promotes itself and teachers supposedly
Lanka Education and Research Network (LEARN)
ZoomAsiaSri LankaThe Lanka Education And Research Network is the NREN (National Research and Education Network) of Sri Lanka, which interconnects Educational and Research institutions across the country, and provide network related services to them. They have a paid Zoom subscription which can be used by all its members (which includes all public universities in the country) so now all universities have started using Zoom and have also integrated it with Moodle which is the CMS platform across universities. And local ISPs won't charge for data used through this subscription.Affordability seems to be a driving factor in universities adopting Zoom as their preferred platform but this decision wasn't preceded by a discussion on the platform and its practices or giving universities a choice of different platforms to select from. The government built its own meeting infrastructure using Jitsi ( but there doesn't seem to be horizontal sharing of technology among different institutions.LEARN's resources on Zoom for universities does not refer to privacy or data in any way ( Zoom updated its app earlier this year to prevent the transfer of data to third parties and there are calls for a transparency report from Zoom'd flip this question and say that the same groups can benefit from it while also facing challenges. Students will benefit in terms of affordability given that ISPs don't charge for data used through this subscription. But given that a majority of university students in Sri Lanka are connecting through mobile devices, Zoom as a primary platform is challenging in terms of reading the screen, taking notes, system and RAM requirements for Zoom, etc. Connectivity is another challenge given that there's very little 4G penetration in Sri Lanka and low connectivity in many parts of the country. Students have raised how they are losing marks for "online participation" when their connections fail, revelaing weaknesses in pedagogy and platforms.
EdmodoEdmodoGlobalUnited StatesEdmodo describes themselves as global network for connecting all learners with the people and resources needed to reach their full potential. They provide a classroom management software that includes planning capabilities and communication componentsThe tool tries to integrate many aspects of teaching into one single platform and has clear benefits communicated for each stakeholders (parents, teachers, students)They have a privacy policy that includes a specific section about childrens personal information. Interestingly, the use data collected on the platform to advertise for their own productsA single platform as entry point for learning experience might benefit every person involved in the process as communication is eased. It poses a risk to people with access restrictions to this specific platform, as they then miss out on everything
specific schoolsMobile Phone Usage policyEuropeGermany / BavariaIn Bavaria (federal state Germany) the usage of mobile phones in classrooms and in school in general is forbidden by default. Schools can agree internally on a usage policy that they would like to implement in their specific school.I think it is interesting, that schools are allowed to set up policies individual. Connected to the question of usage are the questions of enforcing the policies which is connected to surveillance that is usually performed by teachers or paedagoges. Although the regulation in the school is supposed to include pupils, in the end it comes down to the teachers to monitor the fulfilment of the policy.Privacy is one of the key drivers of the prohibtion of phones by default. Teachers are worrying that pupils make pictures or videos of others that might be used for harrasment and therefore infringe privacyI think, if the schools agree on a regulation that is transparent, everybody that is part of the negotiation process benefits. However, if the students are only asked pro-forma about their agreement but do not have a real say in the process, there conses is exploitet by the teachers: "But students have agreed to this policy"
EdgenuityEdgenuityUSA/CanadaUnited StatesEdgenuity is a online suite for collaborative learning. They provide support for planning lessons, executing learning goals, measuring success and intervention.The suite contains a feature to evaluate exams automatically. For this examination an AI algorithm is simply looking for certain keywords. Students found out thow this grading mechanism works in order to circumvent or trick itThere is privacy policy on their website that mentions that students data remain in their ownership even though the platform is allowed to use it. The schools are made responsible for getting the childrens or their parents consent for using the platform.I think it is an interesting approach that teachers save time they would spend with grading that they could then put into furhter improvement of their teaching so everyone would benefit. However, the individual student might be not graded properly based on their actual submissions depending on whether their submission is in favour of the algorithms definitions of a "good assignment"
DuolingoDuolingoGlobalUnited StatesDuolingo is an app that supports learning languages for free. It uses gamification to encourage the learners to engage with the foreign language. The learning progress is tracked in the app and at some point a criteria to be able to move forwart to new chapters.The app provides a learning experience that is completed decoupled from a teacher but instead the app becomes the teacher. It is trying to engage learners through gamification. The app is free forever (but has a freemium business model) and uses apps to generare revenue. They offer a broad variety of languages.The pivacy policy of the app provides a good overview of the data that is collected and used within the app.I think the app is supporting those who cannot afford paying for language courses. I assume it only provides a certain angle of learning a language so complementary activities are probably necessary. It might take away jobs from language teachers as people think it is not necessary to do physical courses
BadgrBadgrGlobalUnited Statesbadgr is a tool that allows to issue digital badges and micro-credentials for example in blended learning processesAwarding micro-credentials might motivate people to continue their learning trajectory. Also, the visualisation and pathway components of the app are interesting features to provide learners with feedback about their learning sucessTheir privacy policy is proposing that users have control about their data in the sense that they can invoke certain data usagesI think the companies and institutions applying the app benefit as they receive a status report of where the learners stand through those badges. Learners who do not move in the right pace and do not gather enough badges might face discrimination as there might be consequences
Aam Aadmi PartyIn-school CCTV programIndia India "Arvind Kejriwal recently announced that the Delhi government will be installing over 1.5 lakh cameras in government schools and classrooms around the capital city."The Delhi government launched their plan to install two CCTV cameras in every government-school classroom. The aim is to ensure safety, security and discipline of students. On the topic of privacy of students, Kejriwal said that “Children go to school for education, to learn discipline and become good citizens of the country… they do not go there for anything private.” Given that Delhi is known as the rape-capital, CCTV monitoring is positioned to help with safety and security. However, it sounds like this program has had a lot of pushback and does not account for privacy as it can be accessed by parents, and school adminstration alike.