Learn how to preserve your research data with @j_w_baker -Structure and document your research data to make sure they last. More here from @j_w_baker -
Learn the basics of Markdown with this lesson from @sarahsimpkin -Markdown is a plain text-based syntax for formatting documents. Learn more with this tutorial from @sarahsimpkin -
.@dennistenen and @gwijthoff teach how Markdown and pandoc can ensure your work is as sustainable as possible -.@dennistenen and @gwijthoff teach how to use pandoc and markdown to transform your documents for any situation -
Learn from @literature_geek about producing static sites with GitHub pages -This tutorial from @literature_geek can help you quickly spin up a static site using jekyll and GitHub -
Quickly work with large amounts of tabular data using R with this lesson from @dtdewar -.@dtdewar illustrates basic R techniques for working with tabular data -
Looking to get started with the command-line interface? @ianmilligan1 and @j_w_baker can help you learn bash -Getting started? This lesson from @ianmilligan1 @j_w_baker is a good way into DH programming -
Ted Dawson helps Windows users get started with PowerShell in this tutorial -Ted Dawson introduces PowerShell for Windows users getting started with humanities programming -
Learn how carefully organized research data can be explored from the unix shell with @j_w_baker and @ianmilligan1 -In this lesson, @j_w_baker and @ianmilligan1 walk through how to use the Unix shell to count and mine your data -
Learn to assess the quality of your data and improve upon it with @sethvanhooland @RubenVerborgh and Max De Wilde -In this lesson, @sethvanhooland @RubenVerborgh and Max De Wilde introduce Open Refine for data cleaning -
Take your find-and-replace commands to the next level with regular expressions as explained by @knoxdw -In this lesson, @knoxdw explains how regular expressions can give more nuanced ways to explore your texts -
In this lesson, @rungiraffe shows how to use regular expressions to clean up your OCR'd text -@rungiraffe walks through how regular expressions can make your OCR'd text more usable -
In this lesson, @Seth_Bernstein uses Python to transliterate non-Latin vocabularies -Looking to automatically transliterate non-Latin texts? @Seth_Bernstein shows how to do so with Python -
Jon Crump shows how to get from OCR'd text to ordered, usable data in this lesson -OCR'd some text but not sure what to do next? Jon Crump shows how to turn your results into ordered data -
Learn to extract your custom sets of keywords from your texts with @adam_crymble -In this lesson, @adam_crymble uses Python to extract custom sets of keywords from texts -
Learn basic techniques for transforming XML using XSL from @mhbeals in this lesson - Looking to transform your XML into other formats? This lesson on XSL from @mhbeals can help -
Have JSON you need to convert to other formats? Check out this lesson from @matthewdlincoln - This tutorial from @matthewdlincoln introduces jq for parsing JSON -
Put together your own podcast with this tutorial from @walshbr - Get started with Audacity using this lesson by @walshbr -
Have a corpus you are looking to analyze? @heatherfro can show you how with this lesson on Antconc - .@heatherfro introduces Antconc for corpus analysis in this lesson -
Vilja Hulden introduces machine learning techniques for classifying historical documents in this lesson - Apply Naive Bayesian classifiers to materials from the Old Bailey Online with this tutorial from Vilja Hulden -
Take MALLET for a spin with this lesson from @electricarchaeo @ianmilligan1 and @scott_bot -Learn to topic model your corpus with MALLET with this lesson from @electricarchaeo @ianmilligan1 @scott_bot -
Explore your data by turning it into sound using this piece by @electricarchaeo - Looking to sonify your data but don't know where to start? @electricarchaeo can help -
Use Python to mine the @hathtrust Research Center's Feature Reader in this lesson from @POrg and Boris Capitanu -Interested in text mining the HTRC Feature reader? Learn how with @POrg and Boris Capitanu -
Get started with basic text processing using R with this lesson from @statsmaths and @nolauren - .@statsmaths and @nolauren introduce R for processing historical texts in this lesson -
.@fredgibbs walks through how to install Python modules using pip in this introductory lesson - Looking to get started with Python but running into trouble working with pip? @fredgibbs can help -
Use google maps and google earth to create digital maps with @jburnford @joshmacfadyen and @Danny__Mac__ -In this lesson, @jburnford @joshmacfadyen and @Danny__Mac__ use google maps and google earth for mapping -
Install QGIS and get up and running with @jburnford @joshmacfadyen and @Danny__Mac__ -.@jburnford @joshmacfadyen and @Danny__Mac__ show how to install QGIS and make your first map -
.@jburnford @joshmacfadyen and @Danny__Mac__ show how to create vector layers based on scanned historical maps -Learn to use QGIS to create vector layers from historical maps with @jburnford @joshmacfadyen and @Danny__Mac__ -
Learn to georeference historical maps as raster layers with QGIS with @jburnford @joshmacfadyen @Danny__Mac__ -.@jburnford @joshmacfadyen and @Danny__Mac__ show how to georeference historical maps with QGIS -
Geocode historical data using QGIS and this lesson from @dr_j_r_c -In this lesson, @dr_j_r_c shows how to geocode historical data using QGIS -
Use JavaScript to map historical correspondence in this lesson from @profrichmond and @TommyTavenner -Looking to map historical correspondence? @profrichmond and @TommyTavenner can show you how with JavaScript -
Extract network data and then visualize it using Palladio with this lesson from @martenduering -Interested in network analysis? @martenduering shows how to extract your data and visualize it with Palladio -
Come for the tutorial by @miriamkp on working with - stay for the dog photos -Get "Up and Running with" using this lesson from @miriamkp -
Create an @omeka exhibit using your content with this tutorial from @miriamkp and @magpie -.@miriamkp and @magpie walk us through how to set up an exhibit for your @omeka items -
Learn how to install @omeka from @j0_0n -Installing @omeka for the first time? We can help! Check out this great introduction from @j0_0n -
.@wcaleb shows how to use Python to download and parse MARC records from the @internetarchive -Looking to do research on the @internetarchive? This lesson from @wcaleb can help you automate downloading -
Looking to download a whole website? Follow along with @ianmilligan1 to learn how with Wget -This lesson from @ianmilligan1 shows how to use Wget for automated downloading of whole websites -
Already learned the basics of Wget? @Kellen2K can take you to the next level with this lesson -@Kellen2K illustrates some advanced techniques with Wget for web scraping in this tutorial -
Learn to download multiple records by manipulating query strings with @adam_crymble -.@adam_crymble teaches us to use the Old Bailey Online and Python to quickly download multiple records at once -
Check out the original Programming Historian sequence with @adam_crymble and @williamjturkel -Get started here as a programming historian with the introductory lessons by @adam_crymble and @williamjturkel -
Looking for an introduction to Linked Open Data? Jonathan Blaney has you covered -In this lesson, Jonathan Blaney gives an introduction to Linked Open Data -
Interested in tidy data, R packages, and data analysis? @nabsiddiqui has a lesson! -In this lesson, @nabsiddiqui takes us through "Data Wrangling and Management in R"
Have web data that needs parsing? Use OpenRefine with @EvanPeterWill -Use OpenRefine to fetch data from web APIs with this lesson by @EvanPeterWill -
Analyze your network data with Python using this lesson from @johnrladd @scott_bot @ChrisVVarren and @jotis13 -Draw conclusions from your network data with this lesson from @johnrladd @scott_bot @ChrisVVarren and @jotis13 -
Build a Twitterbot with Tracery with this lesson from @electricarchaeoIn this lesson, @electricarchaeo demonstrates how to build a twitter bot with Tracery
Find connections in your categorical data with a lesson in correspondence analysis by @RyanDeschampsA new lesson by @RyanDeschamps teaches correspondence analysis in R
Learn to conduct "sentiment analysis" on your texts and interpret the results. Lesson by Zoe Saldana -Need to sort texts by emotional intensity? Learn "sentiment analysis". Tutorial by Zoe Saldana
Learn how to use Flask and Python to set up a basic API to make your data more accessible with this lesson from @psmyth01 - .@psmyth01 shows how to set up an API using Flask to share your data in this lesson -
Stylometry can help you identify the authorship of anonymous or disputed texts. Lesson by François Dominic Laramée -Learn to conduct stylometric analysis of texts. #dhist #linguistics Tutorial by François Dominic Laramée -
Got a lot of historical data? Make it easier to use w/@jeffblackadar's lesson on creating & using your own historical database using MySQL & R -
MySQL and R can help you store and retrieve your historical research data. Lesson by @jeffblackadar -
Learn how to create interactive data visualisations with Bokeh and Pandas. Lesson by Charlie Harper -
The Python libraries Bohek and Pandas can help you interactively analyse your research data. Learn more about them with Charlie Harper -
Looking for an introduction to Unity for mobile devices? @jacobwesgreene can help you get started -.@jacobwgreene introduces augmented reality for mobile devices with Unity in this lesson -
Learn how to use R for Geospatial Analysis in Historical reearch from @ericweinberg6 -.@ericweinberg6 introduces the use of geospatial analysis for historical research using R-language -
What's historical network analysis without measuring change over time? @alexbrey teaches how to use R for temporal analysis of networks -
Having difficulty figuring out how to represet the passage of time in your network analyses? @alexbrey has a lesson for you -
Looking to work with audiovisual materials? Check out this lesson by @clavilux_of_fl on FFmpeg to transform and analyze your artifacts - In this lesson, @clavilux_of_fl shows how to use FFmpeg to manipulate and transform audiovisual materials -
Extract images from HathiTrust and Internet Archive using python with this lesson by @StephenKrewson - Ever wanted to extract images from HathiTrust and Internet Archive? Check out our lesson from @StephenKrewson -
Learn how to use gravity models to determine the probable distribution in historical datasets, with this lesson by @Adam_Crymble
.@adam_crymble introduces to the magic world of gravity models in historical datasets by using migration patterns as case study
Learn the foundations of text analysis and how to use tf-idf with humanities data with this lesson by @HumanitiesData
Have a corpus and wondering what's next? Checkout @HumanitiesData latest lesson on tf-idf, a popular method for text analysis in #DH
Learn everything you need to get started with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) by Go SugimotoAdd data to a website using an API (application programming interface) by Go Sugimoto
Learn how to acquire Twitter data and make them usable for further analysis with this lesson from @BCWrit, Ximin Mi, and Courtney Allen -Want to work with Twitter data? @BCWrit, Ximin Mi, and Courtney Allen show you how in this lesson -
Get started with Jupyter Notebooks for research and teaching with this lesson from @quinnanya @tassietheg and @medievalDHer -
.@quinnanya @tassietheg and @medievalDHer show how to use Jupyter notebooks for research and teaching in this lesson -
If you are working with batches of PDF files, don't panic -- this lesson from @moritzmaehr is for you!This lesson by @moritzmaehr teaches you all the magic when working with batches of PDF files
Explore this lesson by @johnrladd to learn about common similarity measures for text analysis - This lesson by @johnrladd covers principles behind similarity measures for text analysis and how to use them -
Learn how to set up a collaborative reseach site and blog with Jekyll with this lesson from @Literature_Geek, @walshbr, and @scholarslab-
Want to know more about how to use Jekyll for collaborative sites? @Literature_Geek, @walshbr, and @scholarslab have a lesson for you-
Learn how to convert images of text into text files and translate those text files using Machine tranlsation from Andrew Akhlaghi!In this lesson, Andrew Akhlaghi will guide you to automatically translate OCR-ed image files.
This lesson from @burnshalle discusses how to work with crowdsourced data using Pandas, a popular Python package for data handling and analysis -
This lesson from @burnshalle uses Panda to normalize crowdsourced data -
Do you want to know how to preserve your research data making it accessible in the future? Check the lesson translated into PT by Márcia T. Cavalcanti
The lesson translated into PT by Márcia T. Cavalcanti helps us to preserve our research data making it accessible in the future
Learn how to set up a Integrated Development Environment for Python in Windows! Lesson translated into PT by Josir GomesThis lesson translated by Josir Gomes will help you to install Python
Learn how to set up a Integrated Development Environment for Python in Linux! Lesson translated into PT by Josir GomesThis lesson translated by Josir Gomes will help you to install Python
Learn how to set up a Integrated Development Environment for Python in MAC! Lesson translated into PT by Josir GomesThis lesson translated by Josir Gomes will help you to install Python
Do you want know about Python? Lesson translated by Josir GomesThis lesson translated by Josir Gomes will help you to learn more about work with Python
Learn how to use Passim, an open source tool for text reuse detection, in this lesson by Matteo Romanello and Simon Hengchen
In this lesson, Matteo Romanello and Simon Hengchen guide you through learning more about Passim, an open source tool for text reuse detection
Do you know programming in Python? Let´s trying with this lesson translated by Aracele TorresIn this lesson, Aracele Torres will help you to work with Python
Try to work with web pages and HTML archives! Learn how to do it with this lesson translated by Aracele TorresThis lesson will help you to understanding web pages and HTML
Learn how to write in markdown through the lesson Getting Started with Markdown! It is now translated into PT by @0jonjoThis lesson transleted by @0jonjo will introduce you to Markdown
Create new vector layers with QGIS 2.0. The lesson is now translated into PT by Rafael LaguardiaThis lesson translated by Rafael Laguardia will help you create vector layers in QGIS 2.0
Curious how to find patterns in your data? Learn how to use Scikit learn in Python to cluster your data in this new lesson by Thomas Jurczyk
In this lesson, Thomas Jurczyk will help you learn how to use Scikit learn in Python to cluster your data with TF-IDF and K-means
Want to learn how to incorporate game creation into the classroom? Gabi Kirilloff's new lesson will teach you!This lesson by Gabi Kirilloff will help you learn how to incorporate games into your teaching
Do you want to search a text corpus and then map place names using the World Historical Gazeteer? @SusanGrunewald1 and @apjanco 's lesson will teach you!
This lesson by @SusanGrunewald1 and @apjanco will teach to use the World Historical Gazeteer to search for and map place names.
Learn how to display a georeferenced map in @knightlab's Storymap JS in this new lesson by @ericayhayes and @mia_partlowIn this lesson, @ericayhayes and @mia_partlow teach you how display a georeferenced map in @knightlab's Storymap JS
Learn how to use linear regression with @HumanitiesDataLooking to learn regression analysis? Start with this lesson on linear regression in python from @HumanitiesData
Learn how to use logistic regression with @HumanitiesData.@HumanitiesData walks us how to use python to do logistic regression
Automatiza el proceso de descarga de registros de una base de datos con esta lección de @adam_crymble traducida por @Victor_Gayol y editada por Nicolás Vaughan
Aprende a utilizar Python para descargar registros de una base de datos con esta lección de @adam_crymble traducida por @Victor_Gayol y editada por Nicolás Vaughan
Curious about using neural networks to explore a text corpus and even generate new text? @chntlbrouz shows you how in this new lessonThis lesson by @chntlbrouz will teach you how to use neural networks to creatively explore a large text corpus
Discover how to apply structured reading to your data analysis with this lesson from @MaxOPedersen et al.Use this lesson by @MaxOPedersen et al to employ exploratory analyses and to find patterns in structured data.
Learn how to make a webmap with R using this lesson from @lievesofgrass on Shiny -Visualize your geospatial data on the web with @lievesofgrass's lesson on R and Shiny -
Be sure to check out how to use computer vision in the humanities with this excellent lesson by @vanstriendaniel et al.
Interested in determining the performance of a machine learning model. Check out this excellent lesson by @vanstriendaniel et. al
Want to learn how to work with georeferenced data and historical maps to make new visualizations? Check out this translation @LGauth19, @ericayhayes and @mia_partlow of a lesson originally authored in Spanish by @mdcs87 and Anthony Picón
In this lesson, translated into English by @LGauth19, @ericayhayes and @mia_partlow from @mdcs87 and Anthony Picón's original Spanish lesson, you can learn how to adapt historical maps and georeference data to make accurate spatial visualizations
Quer saber mais sobre dados abertos vinculados? Não perca a lição traduzida por @FranciscoNabais.
Na lição traduzida por @FranciscoNabais aprenda os principais conceitos de dados abertos conectados (Linked Open Data) - URIs, ontologias, formatos RDF e consulta de gráficos SPARQL.
Des textes aux chiffres: apprenez à utiliser Python pour réaliser des comptages sur des textes avec cette leçon du Programming Historian en français
Apprenez à compter les occurrences de mots dans des textes avec Python grâce à ce tutoriel du Programming Historian en français !
Tired of command line interfaces? Learn graphical user interface design and programming with this lesson by Christopher Goodwin
Want to share your Python scripts more widely with colleagues of all computing skill levels? Check out this lesson by Christopher Goodwin:
Learn how to combine the powers of Google Vision and Tesseract to achieve even more accurate OCR results with @IsaGribomont’s lesson
Want to achieve more accurate OCR results? @IsaGribomont’s lesson shows you how to combine Google Vision with Tesseract
Curious about how neural networks work and how to use them for image classification? @nabsiddiqui shows you how in this lesson.
This lesson by @nabsiddiqui will teach you how to create deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image classification.
Discover sentiment analysis of non-English texts with @Adam_Crymble’s translation of @jenniferisasi’s lesson.
@Adam_Crymble’s translation of @jenniferisasi’s lesson teaches you how to use the R package 'syuzhet' to analyse patterns of sentiment in English or non-English texts.